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Israel Is Concerned Over Syrian Army Advance East Of Golan Heights, Threates To Strike Syrian Troops

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Israel Is Concerned Over Syrian Army Advance East Of Golan Heights, Threates To Strike Syrian Troops

Illustrative image: Basel Awidat/Flash90

Israel continues sending signals that it’s deeply concerned over the ongoing advance of the Syrian Army against militants east of the Golan Heights in southern Syria.

On July 4, an Israeli defense official told Channel 10 that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) had deployed units from the Combat Intelligence Corps in the Golan Heights to track Syrian forces operating in the nearby area.

The official continued adding that the IDF considers Syrian government forces that enter the demilitarized buffer zone to be a legitimate target.

Under the Disengagement of Forces agreement between the two countries, the Damascus government may have no more than 75 battle tanks and 6,000 soldiers within 10km of the UN buffer zone.

Recently, some pro-Israeli media have claimed that the Syrian government is violating the buffer zone agreement deploying additional forces near the Golan Heights. While these reports have appeared to be untrue, according to some exerts, they are an intiail stage of the Israeli media campaign to justify its further strikes on government targets in southern Syria.

Israel’s Iron Dome ABM System. Threats, Peculiarities and Development Prospects

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Israelis at whining again. Must be Thursday…

They not only even have no problem whatsoever with tens of thousands of Takfiri terrorists armed to the teeth so close to the occupied Golan, but also help and humanitarianly (!) support them.

Even if they don’t believe Syrian government that ISIS and HTS are terrorists, both the US and UN designate them as terrorists too, plus the rest of the world. Of course it’s not a problem for them, because ISIS and HTS are THEIR terrorists and a knife doesn’t cut it’s own hilt. They’ll gear up the noise in order to try to justify their unjustifiable aggression elsewhere.


yes, correct assesment! Because it has become a proven fact that the ISIS takfirir’s are the useful idiots of israel carrying out their hidden agenda.


Hardly but Israel is ready to defend itself and decency.

Carne João Pasta

decency?? Wtf is wrong with you?!?


Only decent and saner country in the Middle East

S Melanson

Ahhh, but when it comes to these US creations, they may very well cut the hilt… and more.


Islamists are whining and sacrificing their children to their moon God allah.

Brother Ma

Yes ,Garga . I read it re lilibet. I also read that Yahweh the God of the Jews was also one of the Canaanite Gods like Baal? I believe there were Elohim or Gods and he was in the plural. I am sure someone will say but Brother Ma ,yahweh was spoken of in the plural like the “royal we’ of the British Monarchy. I say no.

Latest evidence from archaelogists says that the real Hebrews were in fact Canaanites who had a heresy of just One God and split off from the rest of the polytheistic Canaanites.ie they did not come to the Promised Land. They were just heretic Canaanites. Anyway ,all Hebrews were killed off and /or assimilated by the time Europeans arived in the Holy Land. Ie Alexander the Great.All “Jews”today are either so called returnees from Babylon or Askenazi bullshit -artists.The only real Hebrews left are the Samaritans and they are a dying people of maybe five hundred individuals.


The Real Hebrews live in Israel and other countries. Hebrews are the descendants of Abraham Isaak and Jacob. Even those in the diaspora.

Brother Ma

False, see my answer above. At most converts to Judaism but never Hebrews. Only Samaritans are Hebrews.


Samaritans [S] the name given to the new and mixed inhabitants whom Esarhaddon (B.C. 677), the king of Assyria, brought from Babylon and other places and settled in the cities of Samaria, instead of the original inhabitants whom Sargon (B.C. 721) had removed into captivity ( 2 Kings 17:24 ; Compare Ezra 4:2 Ezra 4:9 Ezra 4:10 ). These strangers (Compare Luke 17:18 ) amalgamated with the Jews still remaining in the land, and gradually abandoned their old idolatry and adopted partly the Jewish religion.

After the return from the Captivity, the Jews in Jerusalem refused to allow them to take part with them in rebuilding the temple, and hence sprang up an open enmity between them. They erected a rival temple on Mount Gerizim, which was, however, destroyed by a Jewish king (B.C. 130). They then built another at Shechem. The bitter enmity between the Jews and Samaritans continued in the time of our Lord: the Jews had “no dealings with the Samaritans” ( John 4:9 ; Compare Luke 9:52 Luke 9:53 ). Our Lord was in contempt called “a Samaritan” ( John 8:48 ). Many of the Samaritans early embraced the gospel ( John 4:5-42 ; Acts 8:25 ; 9:31 ; 15:3 ). Of these Samaritans there still remains a small population of about one hundred and sixty, who all reside in Shechem, where they carefully observe the religious customs of their fathers. They are the “smallest and oldest sect in the world.”

Brother Ma

Even if what you say is true Samaritans are just as Jewish as your Mjzrahi,Sephardi,Askenazi,cochin and Falasha “Jews”.mixed blood. In fact ,given the explosion of askenazim occurred after about 1000AD the Black Falashas of Ethiopia are more Jewish than the Ashkenazi.

How ironic that american askenazim call blacks “shwartzers”when the Falashas are even more Jewish than the Ashkenazim!

Fuck what a mess !


Operation MOSES/SOLOMON…..home! There are definitely many Hebrews who are not home. Fortunately God knows exactly who they are.

Joe Kerr

“The priestly caste is already being identified through genetic markers.”??? Wow, gee-wiz and flockadoodledoo… SF has a new clown. Go on LILIBETH, continue posting… you’ve provided the best laugh yet.


Great….get back to me when you have proof bthe scientists are wrong.


Genetic studies on Jews are part of the population genetics discipline and are used to better understand the chronology of migration provided by research in other fields, such as history, archaeology, linguistics, and paleontology. These studies investigate the origins of various Jewish populations today. In particular, they investigate whether there is a common genetic heritage among various Jewish populations. Studies of autosomal DNA, which look at the entire DNA mixture, show that Jewish populations have tended to form relatively closely related groups in independent communities with most in a community sharing significant ancestry. For populations of the Jewish diaspora, the genetic composition of Ashkenazi, Sephardi, and Mizrahi Jewish populations show significant amounts of shared Middle Eastern ancestry.[1][2][3] According to Behar and colleagues (2010), this is “consistent with an historical formulation of the Jewish people as descending from ancient Hebrew and Israelites of the Levant” and “the dispersion of the people of ancient Israel throughout the Old World”.[4][5] Jews living in the North African, Italian, and Iberian regions show variable frequencies of admixture with the historical non-Jewish host population along the maternal lines. In the case of Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews (in particular Moroccan Jews), who are closely related, the source of non-Jewish admixture is mainly southern European. Behar and colleagues have remarked on an especially close relationship between Ashkenazi Jews and modern Italians.[4][6][7] Some studies show that the Bene Israel and Cochin Jews of India, and the Beta Israel of Ethiopia, while more closely resembling the local populations of their native countries, have some ancient Jewish descent.[5]

Brother Ma

Nothing you have said disproves what i have said. “Jews “would also show similar ancestry if they derived from local Canaanites as modern science now says. Askenazi Jews have always been thought to have moved into europe via southern Europe anyway as well. Khazars interacted with the Byzantines from before the first millenium AD.furthermore you say that they havevsignificant non -“jewish” anceatey from their mothers. According to matrilineal Jewish descent laws that means the bulk are not Jewish anyway. Nor are the Cochin Jews,sephardis or mizrahis or the Falashas of Ethiopia. They obviously converted to Judaism after the time you say Hebrews arrived in the HolyLand. Nowhere do you refute what your own Torah says . The historical Hebrews were killed off or scattered to the winds before the Persian Empire came into existence or even allowed so called Returnees under Nehemiah to enter Palestine again. Nor havevyou disproven that Askenazim mean Turk in Hebrew? Why would “Jews”call a significant portion of themselves “Turks”if not because in the mists of times they were originally Turks.

Your argument holds no water. Present Jews are not really Hebrew and have no more right to Palestine than the Gentiles of the time of Christ. The only remaining Hebrews or Abraham’s son Isaac’s descendants are the Samaritans and they are despised by “jews” . I wonder why?


God HIMSELF knows who is. HEBREW.

nternational Version He will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel; he will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four quarters of the earth.

Joe Kerr

There is no Dog but he who barks. Woof.


Who created all that exists if not an intelligent being outside if it’s creation? Do you believe that everything came from nothing?


The khazar story has long ago been disproved through DNA.


Jews are absolutely related to their Arab cousins.


Israel has returned to it’s rightful land and the whole world knows it. The Arab nation’s are powerless to dislodge them. The whole world has seen this time and again.


The Canaanite’s DNA lives on in Lebanon, where over 90% of Lebanese derive their ancestry from Canaanites, according to a study published in the American Journal of Human Genetics. To learn more about the Canaanites, DNA was retrieved from the ancient skeletons found at the Sidon excavation site in Lebanon. Out of the two dozen bones that were investigated for genetic material, only five contained ancient DNA.

The DNA was then compared with a database containing genetic information from hundreds of human populations. Results were further compared with the genomes of nearly 100 of modern-day Lebanese people, showing about 93-percent of them shared DNA with the samples from the Bronze Age.

“What we see is that since the Bronze Age, this ancestry, or the genetics of the people there, didn’t change much,” Haber said. “It changed a little, but it didn’t change much, and that is what surprised me.”

Haber added that genetics are powerful in helping answering the questions that can’t be necessarily answered by archaeology or historical records.

Brother Ma

Excellent and true . Let us assume that all Jews today are really Hebrews then what you have said here does not disprove that the current Jews ancestors were not just Canaanite heretic montheists.

Brother Ma

Still not a good source.Five skeletons ? Compared to 100 living people? I could run a better invesigation.

Anyway, iagree with you . Lebanese do have a lot of Canaanite blood in them.


DNA doesn’t lie my dear. Hebrews are Hebrews…not gonna change.

Brother Ma

Yet ,you are not able to prove that modern Jews are Hebrews. Haha

That must hurt.


Already done…feeling GREAT!


Gotta LOVE SCIENCE…. If there were a common ancestor, the Cohanim should have common genetic markers at a higher frequency than the general Jewish population.

In the first study, as reported in the prestigious British science journal, Nature (January 2, 1997), 188 Jewish males were asked to contribute some cheek cells from which their DNA was extracted for study. Participants from Israel, England and North America were asked to identify whether they were a Cohen, Levi or Israelite, and to identify their family background.

The results of the analysis of the Y chromosome markers of the Cohanim and non-Cohanim were indeed significant. A particular marker, (YAP-) was detected in 98.5 percent of the Cohanim, and in a significantly lower percentage of non-Cohanim.

FURTHER CONFIRMATION In a second study, Dr. Skorecki and associates gathered more DNA samples and expanded their selection of Y chromosome markers. Solidifying their hypothesis of the Cohens’ common ancestor, they found that a particular array of six chromosomal markers was found in 97 of the 106 Cohens tested. This collection of markers has come to be known as the Cohen Modal Hapoltype (CMH) — the standard genetic signature of the Jewish priestly family. The chances of these findings happening at random is greater than one in 10,000.

The finding of a common set of genetic markers in both Ashkenazi and Sephardi Cohanim worldwide clearly indicates an origin pre-dating the separate development of the two communities around 1000 CE. Date calculation based on the variation of the mutations among Cohanim today yields a time frame of 106 generations from the ancestral founder of the line, some 3,300 years — the approximate time of the Exodus from Egypt, the lifetime of Aaron HaCohen.

Brother Ma

Yes i know about this. This is how the Falashas were able to be accepted as Jews even though they are not really so by the mother’s lineage as required by Halachic Law.

Once again you have proved nothing. This proves only that Cohens had a common ancestor as do all people sharing a common haplotype.

Time frame also fits into the Hebrews splitting off the rest of the Canaanites once they became a heretical monotheistic sect. So the Palestinians of part- canaanite heritage , Gentiles before conversion to Islam and Christianity have as much right ti Israel as modern “Jews”.Furthermore ,Cohens have more right than the average Askenazim to reside to Israel as the Askenazim were Khazar Turks. I may or may not comment on your posts from now on .

I am impressed on how you keep trying though.


Halachic law doesn’t prove anyone is NOT Jewish. Only an idiot would believe that the son of a Jewish man is not a Jew becauses his mother is a gentile. THE COHENIM are being identified and for a very specific reason. Above your head if course…..

Brother Ma

Frankly I believe this is above your head not mine . Stop trying to derail the discussion with red herrings.

I am talking about traditional Judaism ,not Reformed Modern Judaism. As a Jew or “American tax payer” you know very well that judaism acknowledges jews from the mother NOT the father.

So either you are very dim or a spoiler trying to muddy the waters. I have met many like you.


Not interested in traditional Judaism that is YOUR problem. There are Jewis beliefs that vary and there is an ethnic group called Jews. Not all Jews believe in Judaism. Gheesh……elementary!


Mother ‘s lineage doesn’t make one a Jew. Jewish fathers produce Jewish children every day. Jews are an ethnic group. Black American fathers produce black children with many ethnic groups just like Jewish fathers. No one can change that.


Stay tuned advances are being made daily…….GOD IS GOOD!

Mitochondrial DNA, the genetic material present in cellular bodies called mitochondria, is inherited exclusively from a person’s mother, and therefore genetic markers in this DNA can be traced back many generations to determine a person’s maternal ancestors with a high degree of certainty.

According to the rabbi, experts in Jewish genealogy and history have determined that fully 40% of all Ashkenazi Jews are descended from just four Jewish women who left the Middle East over 1,000 years ago and settled in Europe.

According to the scientific report commissioned by Eretz Hemdah for its ruling, there is a certainty of at least 90% and up to 99% that someone bearing specific genetic markers in their mitochondrial DNA is descended from one of these women.

The report was authored by Prof. Karl Skorecki, a prominent geneticist at the Technion-Israel


Jews of yesterday and today are the descendents Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. THIS IS ISRAEL.

Brother Ma

Fact? Whatever , official mouthpiece of ZioconAmerica or Israel. On ya bike! I have had enough of you for the moment.


The truth never changes no matter how tired you are of it.


Jews are now Turks? LOL…The Jewish presence in Europe far predates the arrival of Turkic tribes into Anatolia. Of course, there are always some wild-eyed crazy theories linking Jews to American Indians, Turks, Indians (as in India) and even outer space. These can be safely mocked and ignored.

Brother Ma

Askenazim “Jews” were Turks as i already said. Those “Jews” in europe before the Askenazim by default are thus Sephardic /mizrahi . A look at the history books tells us Khazar Turks were around by five /six hundred AD becoming strong by eight or nine hundred AD and converted to JUDAISM. Stop trying to muddy the waters by saying Jews have outlandish ancestries like the Moon or India. If you have a problem with the Khazar ancestry of askenazi Jews take it up with the specialists in gene science who worked it out. Surely you know most of them were Askenazim themselves? Maybe ask your rabbi why it is that you are known as “Askenazim “in the first place.?? Hebrew for ” Turks”.

It may even explain israel’s love of Turkey who afterall was founded by Donmeh or crypto- jewish Turks; The YoungTurks.

Need i go on?


Lol…..Jews are Hebrews not Turks. You must think you are talking to islamists who will believe anything.


Lol….Jews are now Turks…..bwahahahaha!


The meaning of the name `Yahweh’ in referencing the Hebrew deity has been interpreted as “He Who Makes That Which Has Been Made” or “He Brings Into Existence Whatever Exists”, though other interpretations have been offered by many scholars.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

Fuck Israel. And all who sail in that pestilential Squatter Ghetto. Israel is not a country. It is a criminal organization.

You can call me Al

Bravo, but your comment, is only the tip of the iceberg.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

I know.


Yep Islamists love you.

You can call me Al

??? do what ?

Val Shadowhawk

Yes, bravo! The world as a whole, is sick and goddamn tired of ‘israel’ and anything it represents. The entire charade is an utter disgrace. A shithole posing as a ‘Country’ atop the anguish, blood, tears of the land’s true custodians, the Palestinians. They deserve all of their land back in full with compensation for seventy plus years of untold damages.


It represents freedom and a will to survive.

Carne João Pasta

..off the backs of others, esp the Washington empire. Freedom from what again? Are the Zionists a part of the human race or not (honest question)?


Israel lives off of Israel. Freedom to determine their own destiny and to protect their own people. No more going to their death at the whim of others. This is precisely what makes them human.

Brother Ma

A lie and you know it. America gifts you tax payers money every year! Without it you would starve!


I am an American taxpayer. Israel is our CANARY IN YHE MINES. We are not stupid.

Brother Ma

Here is an idea. Dont cause problems in the world and you wont need canaries.

The rest of the world is sick to death of your American /zionist Exceptionalism .No i am not a Moslem . I am a Christian who keeps his eyes and ears open.


Yes canaries are always needed to alert us of poison….

Val Shadowhawk

You are deluded. It is criminal enclave of the most psychopathic, narcissistic, barbarian, baby killing rapists, thugs and dregs. A shithole of evil.


The Arabs used their own children as shields. The IDF defends women and children. People are free in Israel. Even the Arab population of Israel are happy there. Muslims are never happy in Muslim countries.

Brother Ma

I agree with you with “moslems” being unhappy in their own countries but i think they were happy in Libya, iraq,iran and syria as much as Islam allows one to be happy and free.

Rubbish ,Moslems did not use their children as shields.

You helped destroy those secular moslem countries and you are pals with all the “headchopper” moslems;Turkey,qatar,uae,saudi arabia. You even allowed headchopper bloodthirsty moslems into your hospitals!! Need i expose you more?


Muslim destroy themselves. : I, against my brothers. I and my brothers against my cousins. I and my brothers and my cousins against the world. My Brother and I against My Cousin; My Cousin and I against the Stranger.


Israel is the rightful custodian of the land. In order to be considered a refugee from Israel the Arabs only had to have lived there for three years prior to 1948. Is they had been true custodians of the land no such stipulation would have been necessary.

Val Shadowhawk

More fitful delusions. Lies and fanatic fantasies. The land of Palestine belongs to the Palestinians. It is under ILLEGAL OCCUPATION and this must end. The Balfour Declaration was as bogus as a three dollar bill. You need to get your head examined.


There has never been a country called Palestine only a territory where the Nation of Israel existed. Arabs from neighboring countries came to take advantage of opportunities created bythe Jewish rebuilding of their nation. Mark Twain’s visit to Lebanon, Syria, and the Holy Land in 1867 was published in “The Innocents Abroad”, where he described Palestine as follows:

“….. A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds… a silent mournful expanse…. a desolation…. we never saw a human being on the whole route…. hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.” (The Innocents Abroad, p. 361-362)

Val Shadowhawk

BULLSHIT!! It was called “Palestine” by the many people who traveled and live there in tge pre biblical era and even before that. Herodotus, the Greek historian circa 500 CE. IT WAS RECORDED IN HIS ANNALS AS SUCH!! That was 2500 years ago. Spare us your delusional psychosis, and see a shrink!!!


Under the Ottoman Empire (1517-1917), the term Palestine was used as a general term to describe the land south of Syria; it was not an official designation. In fact, many Ottomans and Arabs who lived in Palestine during this time period referred to the area as Southern Syria and not as Palestine.

Modern usage

A derivitave of the name Palestine first appears in Greek literature in the 5th Century BCE when the historian Herodotus called the area Palaistin?(Greek – Παλαιστ?νη). In the 2nd century CE, the Romans crushed the revolt of Shimon Bar Kokhba (132 CE), during which Jerusalem and Judea were regained and the area of Judea was renamed Palaestina in an attempt to minimize Jewish identification with the land of Israel.


Val Shadowhawk

History records differently. Your lies and disinformation will not cut it. Now get lost. No one one is interested in discourse with rabid zionist zealot freaks. Fuck off and be gone. Get off of Palestinian land. It was never yours to claim.


Not mine, but it belongs to Israel. Palestine is in Israel. Go in and take possession of the land that the LORD swore he would give to your fathers—to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—and to their descendants after them. In Genesis 15:18-91 the exact dimensions of the land are given and the territory is described as running from the river of Egypt, which was the borderline between Egypt and Canaan, and the great river, the river Euphrates, hundreds of miles to the east. It becomes clear from the description which follows which itemizes the heathen tribes occupying this territory that God had in mind more than just the small area occupied by the Canaanite himself, but rather the entire area between these two boundaries. Here again it is obvious Abraham understood that a large geographic area was involved.

Val Shadowhawk

Enough of your disinformation and bullshit. It’s Palestinian land. Nothing you do or say will ever change that. Now go fuck off. Deluded twit.


No other people group have ever survived such a long exile without vanishing completely. You hear of “Russian Jews”, “Moroccan Jews”, and “American Jews”, but you do not hear about “Italian Medes” or “Ukrainian Chaldeans”. The sands of time have long since washed these civilisations away. Yet the Jewish people endure. Why? Nothing short of the saving hand of their God has preserved the Jewish people. Assimilation and intermarriage has not managed to erase Jewish culture and heritage, and neither have the repeated attempts at violent annihilation. Even Israel’s errors will not be able to stop God’s purposes for them, or render his promises invalid.

Brother Ma

So you want the Yinon Plan of Greater Israel to succeed? Fuck off !Go back to your shtetls or stay in zioamerica ,the only country stupid enough to want you.




Your Islamist friends love you.

Brother Ma

You dare to say this when you set up al qaida and isis? Who are you trying to fool? You think we dont know you set up osama bin laden to fight the Russians in afghanistan? You think we dont know you set up isis in syria and iraq? Your senators have admitted it!

I will help you kill “headchopper” Moslems but once we are finished i will come looking for you because you set them up,trained,fed,housed and nursed them!

I can’t stand whiners who “made the stormclouds but now cry as it rains”.


Obama and his regime are your culprits. Thankfully we now have President Trump.


No, that would be Islamic.


Lol….the squatters are in Gaza.

You can call me Al

Just think a moment – HOW EFFING BIZARRE IS THIS HOOKED NOSED COMMENT – “Israel continues sending signals that it’s deeply concerned over the ongoing advance of the Syrian Army against militants east of the Golan Heights in southern Syria”

Just read it again and again until it hits you.

Sorry SF, I am going to swear.


Just remember, what goes around, comes around.

John Mason

You do know how to express yourself, rather well.

You can call me Al

mmm sorry, can I have an uptick please – yes I am that sad.

WC -> Come on England.

PS Too much?.

John Mason

No problem, give you two upticks. Feel better now?

Rüdiger Preiss


Val Shadowhawk

We all feel as you do!!!! Agreed 110 percent!!!


Israel is again ‘ Deeply Deeply Worried ‘.

Their Wahabi chickens are now coming home to roost in Israel :)

Brother Ma

Like i said elsewhere. Kill all terrorists ,if you can not do that push the survivors into Israel and Jordan. Let them look after the mess they caused!


Hi Brother.

Do you remember our conversation regarding Allah and god, where I said Evangelical and Zionist Christians preach that Allah is the moon god of Mecca?

Well, I was blessed with a very thoughtful and not-a-knee-jerk-reaction-whenever-Israel-is-mentioned-at-all reply from one of them (calls itself lilibeth) to my comment on this page.

Take a look for yourself, it’s amusing! https://disqus.com/home/discussion/southfront/israel_is_concerned_over_syrian_army_advance_east_of_golan_heights_threates_to_strike_syrian_troops/#comment-3975765815


Good. time for Israel to take names and kick butt….yet again.

Joe Kerr

Good time for Iran to go ahead full steam and end Israel… 3 medium sized nukes will do the trick.


Ever heard of the SAMSON weapons?

northerntruthseeker .

So let me get this straight… The prime culprit in creating the entire situation in Syria is now crying the blues that their criminal forces are being annihilated by the SAA… And now they are “concerned” that the Syrians are taking back their own territory that the Syrians have every right under ever rule of international law to do so?

Am I missing something here?


Yes, Israeli exceptionalism. The right to do whatever the fuck they want to whoever the fuck they want whenever the fuck they want. And then go crying like little babies to uncle Trump and auntie Haley when things don’t work out as planned. Or when others apply the same thing to them.


The right and will to survive. Bless you ISRAEL

Carne João Pasta

They are doing just fine in the USA and a multitude of 1st world countries, including IRAN. What’s with the overdramatization??


No need for any over dramatization. Just the facts. Israel fights for it’s right to live just like we all do.

Brother Ma

Passionate rhetoric at best. You are world -scale meddlers so you cannot use that excuse . I know why you are fighting to live. When thieves steal my father’s house ,when my great grandchildren come back to reclaim their patrimony the descendants of those thieves in my father’s house will fight like cut snakes to keep it. Still thieves.


You have found yourselves fighting against God. Sorry for you.

Joe Kerr

Your God doesn’t exist. Above your vacuous cranium are clouds and stars, and perhaps other life forms smarter than you and your ilk.


Lol…..yeah. Creation created itself. No faith needed to believe that!


Assad should tell the cowards, it’s Syria at war and has right to evict any one including the Israelis on its side before Syria with Iran etc will drive Istaeli forces from Golan completely. With Iran on his side there is nothing Israel can do


Assad won’t be telling Israel anything.


Expansion and foothold of Israel will be crushed with all cost.


Syrians are child butchers.


Fake news, propaganda, disinformation, bs.


Wish it was fake. People are fleeing this barbaric land.

Joe Kerr

Fleeing where? The wise ones are already fleeing to Mossad’s new tent city in Patagonia, as they know that when Trump loses his trade war and the U.S. collapses, and the sedated sheeple wake up to who did 9-11 and destroyed the U.S. by bankrupting it through wars for zion, your choice will be simple… swinging from the nearest lamppost or moving to Argentina.


Many people are from third world countries…. especially those in civil wars in the Middle East as any non brain dead person knows. We already know Islamic terrorists were behind 9/11. Israel van America are staunch allies. And…..economy is in great shape. Get back to me if and when it fails.



They’re not happy in Gaza. They’re not happy in Egypt. They’re not happy in Libya. They’re not happy in Morocco. They’re not happy in Iran. They’re not happy in Iraq. They’re not happy in Yemen. They’re not happy in Afghanistan. They’re not happy in Pakistan. They’re not happy in Syria. They’re not happy in Lebanon.


They’re happy in Canada. They’re happy in England. They’re happy in France. They’re happy in Italy. They’re happy in Germany. They’re happy in Sweden. They’re happy in the USA. They’re happy in Norway. They’re happy in Holland. They’re happy in Denmark.

Basically, they’re happy in every country that is not Muslim…and unhappy in every country that is!


Not Islam. Not their leadership. Not themselves.

THEY BLAME THE COUNTRIES THEY ARE HAPPY IN! And then—wait for it!—they want to change those countries to be like….THE COUNTRIES THEY CAME FROM WHERE THEY WERE UNHAPPY!

Excuse me, but I can’t help wondering….BY TIM CONDON

Shantell Louise washington

I if they want to practice islam in usa they can.


Never stated they couldn’t. Of course killing an infidel might put a damper on things….


Looking for a good excuse to attack Syria army to protect Israel’s terrorists ?



Dušan Mirić

The Saker repeatedly wrote Russia is not there to mix in the conflicts of Israel with Syrians and Iranians… In some ways and up to certain level I agree, yet I can’t find the word in English to describe how disgusting behavior of Israeli Government is and I can easily agree with some comments that Syria is Russian ally and it should, at least, assist armed response on every single violation of Syrian sovereignty, with seven years long accumulated interest.

Muriel Kuri

I agree – Russia should give or sell them the s400s.


Thankfully Israel is fighting with wisdom, knowledge and experience. They understand the importance of preemptive strikes.

Brother Ma

No problems . The world will then be able to do the same to you with your own blessing. Right?


It has been tried….to no avail of course.

Brother Ma

Keep gloating. As your King Solomon once said. “This too will pass”. When your American backers tire of you ,you will be blind as their satellites will be turned off to you. Then you may be destroyed like the meddlers you are.

Once the Average Joes tire of you Israel-firster Neocons we will see what will happen. The rot set in when kissinger got to Nixon’s ear.


All temporal kingdoms will come to pass.

Dušan Mirić

WOW! Knowledge and experience of those who exterminate Jews from Europe!? I think the old Greek saying says “The hardest thing is to like your neighbor”.


Thankfully I am not from Europe

leon mc pilibin

The never ending crying,satanic scumbags in occupied lands,playing the victim,while at the same time always looking for excuses to commit atrocities against unarmed civilians,and get away with war crimes.They will be hoping that by attacking Syrian forces fighting israhellis isis ,that their puppet americans will take over the fighting and dying for them.The Synagogue of SATAN:

R PLobo

The baby killers cannot even control Gaza let alone take on the SAA. The fantasy end game at this point is after the defeat of the orcs to try and drag in the US to save the zionists. The problem is that the mercs were the last hope to crush resistance – the US simply cannot afford to take on an army that can fight back. Especially since the Russians are the main backers of the SAA. Typical of the idiot zionists they have taken a localized conflict and turned it into a global problem. A problem that can only be resolved now by adults. The consequence of any attack by the iof against the SAA will be a total counter attack by the SAA, Hezbollah and Iran – they will over run occupied Golan and cut occupied Palestine in half. Iran has already made their position clear. Considering the beating the iof got in 2006 I doubt even the most stupid of the colonists would think attacking the SAA a good idea?


Any Syrian who is killed in Syria by the Israeli army is murder, and Syria and its allies have the obligation to retaliate to defend its sovereignty. Murder is illegal and a criminal act, and the perpetrator becomes liable and vulnerable to retaliation. Syria has a legal right to shoot and kill any intruder Israeli) or occupier in the Syrian Golan Height.


If they are your comrades invite them in. If they are terrorists help destroy them. The world that sees is laughing at the ridiculous spectacle of Israel and the US, stuck between their own rhetoric, and the truth. Frankenstein wants back into the castle. The longer this goes on the more obvious the truth becomes.

There is not enough money to pay off all those with their hands out. Terrorism is a western invention to scare and control the masses. The US is criminally responsible for massive death and destruction and have lost all credibility to lead or even have input to the future of humanity.

Joe Kerr

Yep, time now to go home, leave the Golan and return it to Syria… while you still can.

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