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Israel Shoots Down Syrian Warplane Over Golan Heights With Patriot Missiles. One Pilot Dead (Video)

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Israel Shoots Down Syrian Warplane Over Golan Heights With Patriot Missiles. One Pilot Dead (Video)

UPDATE 2: According to photos appeared online, one pilot died. (18+ PHOTO) The fate of the second pilot is unknown.

UPDATE: According to Israel:

  • the Syrian warplane took off from the T4 airbase;
  • the warplane was warned several times by Israeli forces before being shot down;
  • the pilot was not able to eject.


On July 24, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) launched two Patriot missiles at a Sukhoi warplane of the Syrian Air Force, which allegedly entered airspace over the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

According to the existing info, the Syrian warplane was downed.

The Syrian state-media confirmed that the warplane was downed. It added that the warplane was supporting a military operation against ISIS in the area east of the Golan Heights.

“The Israeli enemy confirms its support for the armed terrorist groups and targets one of our warplanes, which was striking their groups in the area of Saida on the edge of the Yarmouk Valley in Syrian airspace,” Syria’s SANA news agency reported a military source.

The Syrian Defense Ministry also confirmed the incident. It said that the downed warplane was a Su-22 and that the pilot was likely captured by militants.

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leon mc pilibin

Where are the Russian Jets?And why was israhell not warned by Russia to back off?

Johnson Malarkey

Unfortunately when you have nukes (in this case Israel), you don’t care, you just do what you want to, knowing no one can do anything about your actions. I keep reading people’s comments on how Golan Heights is next to be liberated, while I condone that Israel has no business on that territory to begin with, they don’t give a sh!t, as they have nukes, plain and simple. That’s why they get away with any military action, Syria included.


If Israel shoot nukes they also will get radiation fallout. It will be stupid on their part if they believe that they are immune to radiation from nukes.

Johnson Malarkey

It doesn’t matter, Israel has a deterrent that can wipe out any of its enemies, posturing with that power is why no foreign power can do anything to stop their military, fallout or not, nothing can be done because of this single lever of power through nukes. They have them, Syria doesn’t and that makes all the difference in the world.


Really now yet they haven’t get what it wanted in Syria despite having them for decades.

Johnson Malarkey

@disqus_OnbyC3Q4cr:disqus ?


‘Assad must go down’. Iranian in Syria ? Hezbollah and Iranian officers gained good experience running AD network system ? Well just as that maybe.


Meanwhile, earlier this week Israel’s shiny new ‘David’s Sling’ mid range missile system completely failed on first operational use – intended to be ‘surprise’ display in front of Russian foreign department delegation on official visit.


John Whitehot

nice link. it’s a pity that the scum of the world pushes down messages with good info by writing countless messages of garbage.

Promitheas Apollonious

they get much more than radiation fall out


You’re right, as the area they would be fighting in is about the size of Florida in the US, it would not go well for anyone.


Nuclear Missiles is like a hostage. Use them go ahead then the other guy would be justified to use their own worse options. Think anything can shield them had they use it ? From chemical to biological to nuclear or dirty bomb itself would be justified to use against them had they used it and none would be able to complained about it.

F16 was shot down and their pilot were killed yet the USA can only offered some lip service to Israel because of what ? Because Syria are justified to shot them down. Now try hit just any country with that nasty nuclear bomb and see if the other Zionist would risks themselves to be a legitimate nuclear suppression fire.

Promitheas Apollonious

you think wrong. If they use nuclear it be their end. You simplify too much things.

Johnson Malarkey

@promitheasapollonious:disqus If I’m wrong, then why didn’t Syria liberate its Golan Heights from occupying Israeli forces, it had plenty of opportunities to do so, way before its Balkanization plight started in 2011!? It has every right to return that territory into its borders, by international law, yet the fact remains they never did after the Six day war. As long as Israel has its nuclear arsenal Golan Heights’ll remain theirs as they stated they don’t care about U.N.’s final say on the matter. Those are the facts whether we like ’em or not.

Promitheas Apollonious

Then was then now is now if you can not understand that why waste my breath or you think I am trying to convince you of anything or actually care to?

A question for you, same as yours. Why US did not attack any of the countries they beat their ass in war with nuclear? Instead of losing big time they could just drop a bomb and put those nations on their knee in no time.

Now use your brain if you are able to, rather than trying to sound intelligent.

Johnson Malarkey

@promitheasapollonious:disqus Then continue to live in your denial of facts, Golan Heights is Israel’s, just like Crimea is Russian. Simple as that and no one can do anything about it, use your brain and ask yourself why.

Ganga Prasad

Israel’s nukes would fizzle out. ISISraelis are playing under US protection.

Johnson Malarkey

The former what you stated, God forbid, remains to be seen, about the latter part of your comment, yep that too. Hopefully the Evil Empire will hit rock bottom, so we could finally witness which of their puppet states does the walk and which does the talk.


What would be interesting now that the US has refused to sell f-35s to Turkey (lucky Turkey) because Turkey is buying S-400s from Russia, is if Turkey created a military alliance with Iran. They would immediately be top dog in the ME and Israel despite its nukes would be neutralized as Turkey has a bunch of them, about 40 I think, yes there would be issues but if sanity prevailed Peace could break out:)

Johnson Malarkey

Indeed, Israel being the top dog in the ME means, every other state in the neighborhood being in chaos and at their mercy. If only there was a counter balance, like India and Pakistan.


Let us hope both parties read this site!

Hisham Saber

Israel has no strategic depth. That’s its Achilles heel. Iran has enough ballistic missiles in its arsenals to bombard every square meter/foot of Israel , in redundancy.

Israel would be obliterated if they dared go unconventional.

And you need to have a little patience, the forces needed are being put into place by the axis of resistance, and soon, the Golan will be back in Syrian hands.

When? Well, that’s up to Mr. Khamenei, Bashar, and Nasrallah.

John Whitehot

“Where are the Russian Jets?”

Why, what do you expect? them to shoot down the patriots? or to bomb the battery inside israeli territory? hypocritical scum.

Promitheas Apollonious

why not? At least the syrians should have done so. Or you think israel should have immunity for some reason, on his crimes?


Syrian should do so. Not Russian but politically Russian should defended Syrian decision for it’s self defense.

Promitheas Apollonious


Daniel Miller

i told you arabs are pussys.

Promitheas Apollonious

brainless, is your first or last name?

Daniel Miller

sooo i am brainless for stating the obvious? The Russians are not stupid their is a reason they do not give you advaced weapons systems.

Promitheas Apollonious

give me? now you just confirm how brainless you are. so it is your family name.

Daniel Miller

correction *arabs not you :D

Promitheas Apollonious

subconscious just given you out retard stop wasting my time and pixel space and go fuck your self as you are accustom to do. Pathetic wimp.

Daniel Miller

butthurt level: Arab xD

Promitheas Apollonious

butthurt is the one who did not jerk you off retard.

Daniel Miller

hahahhahahha xD but really why are you so mad?

Promitheas Apollonious

now you flattering yourself.

Daniel Miller

i am serious why are you so mad? Am i wrong that arabs are the worst soldiers/fighters in modern history?

Promitheas Apollonious

Mad? I am very far from mad, just dont humor people who think too much about themselves, but speak foolish and unrealistic with bias.

been a military person all my life, in special ops, I rate the syrian army as one of the best armies, as they shape themselves to be and observe them, fighting against all odds.

So they are arabs and arabs, as all else. Much better any way than the nato armies now days are and generally all that come from west. If you speaking on the other hand arabs as saoudis and their allies yes I agree with you and that includes the over rated IDF.

Daniel Miller

Firghting against all odds dosent make a army good getting beten by a enemy with inferior equipment and firepower is a humiliaton 1000’s of SAA troops have died cuz of their stupid leaders? the SAA are not a good army they are well motivated but that dosent make them good tho if they struggle vs a bunch of western aided merks.

Ganga Prasad

Russia doesn’t have advanced weapons at all. Otherwise is-rael won’t dare attack syria

Daniel Miller

Oh but they do the thing is they are not idiots and wont use them on a friendly contry like Israel.


Both I suspect’


Given that Syria is using 40-50 year old equipment with some upgrades by Russia you cant expect them to overpower a first class military like Israel

John Whitehot

Israeli miitary is “first class” only according to israelis.

Ask them about what happened in Lebanon 2006.


I think Syria has its eyes on one war, no need to be bullied into a second front. And the equipment they do have is enough to give Israel pause; for Israel no longer flies its jets into Syrian territory but rather fires from Lebanon space. Should tell you something about Israel’s assessment of Syrian capabilities.

Hisham Saber

Right now, the Israeli’s are praying to their many Gods that the Syrians Arab Army, NDF, Hezbollah, IRGC , Iraqi PMU’s, 25,000 Afghan volunteers, Chechens and all the auxiliaries don’t attack/blitz them in the Golan.

The Israeli’s know full well they will be out matched, out maneuvered, out manned and overwhelmed. The forces of the axis of resistance have 7 years of brutal , hardcore combat experience, compared to the IDF, whos make-up is LGBQT’s, exchange students from the U.S., and criminal Russian/Israeli Jews.

The forces of the axis of resistance could quite easily roll up the acres all the way to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.


You don’t have to feed the troll. Discus has block user features. Use it. Troll feed on reactionary message recognize who’s them.

Frank Behrens

Like in the rest of the last 6 decades? When the odds were very much better? Fooling yourself to overcome your inferiority complexes is up to you and your personal decision. Your dreamed of invasion won´t happen till kingdom comes (and I suspect deep inside you very well know that). But go ahead…you will respond in your usual childish way ..one can bet his money on that.

Hisham Saber

First class ? Now that’s a laugh. 4500 Hezbollah regulars routed 75,000 IDF troops and two armored battalions. Israel had total air superiority and still hit a wall. All they could do is do what they are good at, bomb civilians, like they did in south Beirut. Gaza as always.

During that 33 days of blunders by your first class military, their Naval Flagship was hit, directly by a Hezbollah C-108 Chinese variant anti-ship missile. That took Israels use of the coast away from their planning. And up until the very last day, Hezballah was still bombarding Israeli targets with missiles.

First class, what the fuck?

Daniel Miller

dosent matter they can do it even with their curret equipment the problem is arabs are shit fighters.


Lol have you following the news ? Syrian military is now first class. Their equipment too soon would be upgraded. Among other things they operated Pantsir and T90 and have weathered Cruise missiles salvos of 4 1st class military country combined US,UK,France and Israel. Now that’s something.


No it’s the lousy Russian made planes shot down by Russia’s friends

Daniel Miller

A SU-22 is form the 1960’s its the idiotic arab pilots who entered IDF airspace got warned 3 times and did not respond and got blown away.

Hisham Saber

In 2006, 4500 ‘ Arabs ‘ from Hezbollah effectively routed 75,000 IDF troops, including your Golani Brigade, and two armored battalions. Out of 400 Merkavas, 44 were completely destroyed.

Great part was that Hezbollah only had its ‘ regulars ‘ on the border at the time, and it had stationed its elite and commando units north of the Litani Line.

The IDF are made up of LGBQT’s, exchange students from the U.S., and Russian Jewish/Israeli criminals. They are no match for the forces of the Syrian Arab Army, NDF, IRGC , Hezbollah, Iraqi PMU’s and auxiliaries , who have 7 years experience in desert, rural, and urban combat hard core style, basically a war of attrition, and the forces I mentioned havwe by now been distilled down to perhaps the best, most effective fighting forces in the world.

Or the Houthi ‘ Arabs’ who are routing the Saudis whom are heavily supported by the U.S., Israel et al.

Or the vicious insurgency by ‘ Arabs ‘ in Iraq that essentially bogged down 14 of the total 16 U.S. Army battalions, effectively grinding them into the sand, shredding entire columns with artillery shells daisy chained together. Or the snipers, and one named Juba comes to mind, who spread terror and fear in the hearts of G.I.’s all across Baghdad and the Sunni triangle. The U.S. sent a team of snipers to get him, he took all 4 of them instead. That ‘ Arab ‘ was a pussy?

The bell is about to toll for the apartheid Zionist entity in the Middle East, and the U.S., Britain and France are about to be kicked out of the wider Middle East, and this process is underway as we speak, to be replaced by Russia and China.

Who has the second largest LGQBT parade in the world by ratio? Israel does. They are the pussys. Who have come back from Afghanistan and Iraq damaged goods, heroin addicts, PTSD , psychologicaly damaged, comitting suicide at alarming rates, ? the U.S troops, that who. Are you saying they are pussies?

Daniel Miller

You see the differance is the arab inbreeds of hezbolla are lead by good fighters form Iran why do you think Israel is so scared of Iran cuz they are good fighters and strategists the 2006 war was a humiliation for the IDF since they faced a well lead enemy. But the SAA wold be wiped out if they faced the IDF since they are too stupid to lead their troops well the SAA relys on the Syrain republican gaurds and Tiger forces whom need to do all the work since the rest of the SAA are hopeless incompetant idiots who cant take on a bunch of terrorists.


Hezbollah fighters were not lead by Iran. You are a fool.

Daniel Miller

Ummmm yes they are they are lead and advised by the IRGC


They were trained, but they are not lead. Hezbollah has their own generals and commanders. The fact that you do not know this means you know fuck all.

Daniel Miller

eeerrrr no they are lead by IRGC why do you think they are competant? If they are lead by arabs they will be killed off instantly.

Hisham Saber

‘Inbreeds ‘ huh? So sad when you are looking right at the truth yet continue to deny the obvious.

The Tiger Forces, 4th Armored Division et al are all great, hardcore fighters. But they also fight in unison with Hezbollah, who do most of the clearing operations.

Again, the bottom line is the IDF simply doesn’t have the same caliber fighters, nor the moral, nor the will, to stand up to the forces of the axis of resistance.

I know it pains you to see Arabs kicking ass, all the way to the Golan line, which they will soon find an excuse to cease the Golan, as they know Israel on the ground is a pathetic force.

Daniel Miller

Yes kicking ass vs other inbreed arabs when was the last time a arab nation lead by arabs won vs the IDF in a large scale war?

Hisham Saber

Like a said, all it took was a militia, Hezbollah, who stopped the idf right in its track. 75,000 IDF vs. 4500 Hezbollah regulars. Israel had two armored battalions, and total air superiority. They nearly lost their naval flagship in the debacle, divine victory for Hezbollah.

This isn’t 67′ or 73′ when Arab armies were set piece formations like in Soviet military doctrine.

Arab forces aligned against Israel are very, very experienced, after 7 years of grueling desert, rural and urban warfare. They are lightning quick, small units acting as one, and would roll up the IDF in short order. The IDF in the Golan might even find themselves outmaneuvered, outflanked, outmatched and routed or surrounded.

Israeli airstrikes will not be a factor, because the forces of the axis of resistance have adapted to this, and they are highly mobile, and can get up close and personal with the IDF rendering air strikes ineffective. In military jargon, its called ‘ hugging your enemy ‘ .

The IDF is mostly made up of LGBQT ‘s, exchange students from the U.S. and criminal Russian Jews who are on the lam/run from Moscow. They are a pathetic bunch.

On the day when most of the Arab/Muslim world celebrated Al-Quds day, or Jerusalem Day, with military parades of hardnosed determined soldiers and militias, complete with the newest in military equipment, on the very same day, Israel celebrated by hosting the second largest LGBQT Parade in major cities. Tel Aviv having the second biggest parade in the world by capita ratio.

The pathetic IDF and Israeli’s in general are not morally and psychologically prepared for a real shooting war. And Israels nukes mean nothing, and are in effect unusable. As Iran has every square foot/meter of Israel mapped out for ballistic missile bombardment with high explosives in redundancy.





John Whitehot

because if you cross into another country airspace, and bomb its military, you declare war on that country, which is what all the zionist scum in this board is trying to manipulate people into willing.


Hello scumbags, it’s in Syrian territory and it was fighting terrorists. Only Terrorists like you will help Terrorists . Even if the plane did cross into illegally occupied Golan , yoy scumbags have no right to shoot it down.

Worse scumbags

John Whitehot

then pick up a rifle and go liberate the golan heights on your own, or perhaps raise a unit made of all the clowns who “reason” like you.

otherwise you’re just hypocrites.

or perhaps fall back in line and see how it will unfold instead of trying to plant the seed of discord and blind violence.

israel has committed war crimes and crimes against humanity since 1948, no information about their every single deed has been lost.



There is a time place for everything and Israel will be dealt with when the time is right.

leon mc pilibin

What israhelli territory?The cowardly israhellis wouldnt dare shoot down or attack a Russian JET from occupied Syrian Golan Heights.YOU FUCKING DERANGED ZIONIST SCUMBAG:

John Whitehot

go bark inside some boozehouse, that’s the place where people have your same level of knowledge on international law, diplomacy and military in general.



They are scumbags alright…support terrorists, kill civilians, can’t fight on the ground and ONLY dare use planes ….

They are dead scared of Iran ….

Feudalism Victory

They didnt launch an invasion of syria to protect isis. Thats what Russia did but its the 1974 line their holding now. Syria will just have to be careful.

Ganga Prasad

What are the Russian cowards doing?

John Whitehot

be a good dog and go dig your master a grave, alongside those of Napoleon and Hitler.


And, of course, these misiles failed. Maybe Israel should consider to by S-300 Russia system….Oh, but north american tax-payer money (Israel money) will not allow to do this .


If it was over the Golan – that has to be internationally recognised Syrian airspace. The occupation of the Golan is not accepted by the UN or most countries. The United States does not accept the Golan as Israeli, I believe. So Israel has just committed an act of war. Shooting down an aircraft in what is clearly Syrian airspace. So what next?


Iran/ Hezbollah could manage a much better reply than Russia. Several dozen strategically ranged missiles would dissuade Israel from using it’s patriots offensively. If Israhell realizes that breeches of Syrian airspace equal a steel rain storm, they’ll try to hold on to their interceptors.

You can call me Al

“Since this morning, there has been an increase in the internal fighting in Syria and the Syrian Air Force’s activity. The IDF is in high alert and will continue to operate against the violation of the 1974 Separation of Forces Agreement.”

13:30 – 24 Jul 2018″

What does this mean ?.


I have also done this on occasions. But you still get up vote. :DDD

You can call me Al

haha cheers mate.

Joe Doe

Syria really needs obtain S-400 ad VERBA MANPAD Air Deface System in order to Defend Syria, but also SAA military including Syria Air Force. With such System IDF will think twice attack SyAF as Syria having S-400 can shutdown IAF. Without S-400 and VERBA MANPAD SAA military is nothing. Put simply defenseless


I hope you realize that it was a ground to air missile. Not as easy to take out, less time to deal with it.

Joe Doe

I was not referring to shooting down the missile, it’s more about deterrents by having S-400 in its arsenal and shut down IAF if needed when enter Syria air space


IF there are iranian troops and guided missiles in Syria – as per Israeli claims – it would be a proper thing to unleash half-a-dozen on that Patriot battery, citing the right of Syria to defend itself…


Nex time the latest BUK system will be used agains aircraft with David´s Star…these system is very effective, we could make sure it during US/West campaign with cruise missiles Tomahawks…more than two thirds were downed, all in strongly protected areas as airbases…we will see…


Syria has recover 6 air defence bases in that area but need time to set it up using new Sam system.

It’s better not to use combat plane at this area…


Israeli were cowards through and through so they wouldn’t be likely to enter Syrian airspace.

chris chuba

The only ground forces left near the Golan Heights in Syria are ISIS, all of the other rebel forces have surrendered and been relocated.

It is believed the pilot ejected and landed in territory held by ISIS … https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/breaking-syrian-military-says-israel-downed-fighter-jet-near-occupied-golan-heights/


Get that pilot back!


This likely done by Israel to claw back some domestic and international credibility – as day ago Israel unsuccessfully launched, in first operational use, their new ‘David’s Sling’ medium interceptor missiles. In an attempt to shoot down SAA launched Tochka rockets fired at ISIS enclave on Israeli-Jordan borders – but in initial operational use new Israeli system failed to hit their targets, causing questions in Israel itself. But equally, the operational timing was notable in itself, as previous time Russian officials visited Israel, the Israeli’s also launched actions into Syria, presumably as show of strength to visiting Russian officials – this time however it was dismal operational failure in front of the intended foreign audience.


Interesting assessment thank you! And could the downing of the Syrian jet be because they didn’t get what they wanted from Russia? It was a Russian made jet after all…

Manuel Flores Escobar

israel shot down syrian jet and launch airstrike..because they Know that Syria will not respond!..thats all!…maybe because SAA dont want to open another front…maybe because Russia dont let them….but if SAA would have respond with a masive barrage of Smerch rockets ( 300mm, 100km range) for each israeli airstrike..surely that pilot would be alive!




Your post nailed it. Gonna go erase mine.


Ah..your link doesn’t have the bit about an Israeli missile being captured, I leave the post up and add this link.



Thanks for response and link to more info.

Mahmoud Larfi

The Golan isn’t Israeli airspace !

1. Because it’s Syrian airspace 2. Because there’s no such legitimate state named Israel


They don’t have declared border so yes they’re a sham nation pretend made up of tourist and migrants.

Promitheas Apollonious

of course not it is private stolen real estate.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Update: Shot down by Patriot missile of ISIS&NUSRA air defense forces….


over a month ago i wrote about exactly this happening….spot on….them satanic jews never dissapoint me…and the closer SAA gets the more attacks of IDF will occur.Dont forget, they got the backing of all….USA and RUSSIA.Two sides of the same coin.And both in on the Agenda. A one world government with Jerusalem as its capital under satanic jewish leadership



Rüdiger Preiss

“that infiltrated about 1 mile into Israeli airspace” … sure … I’d struggle less believing that the Earth is flat.

You can call me Al

Colonel Omran Marii The pilot of the downed SyAAF Su-22M4 killed

God bless this hero and may revenge be sweet.


Today Mr. Putin sent delegation to Benjanyahu that stop terrorism in the region and violation of Syrian Golan Heights. Biting on each country is not good.

Zionism = EVIL

Russia is totally untrustworthy and is patsy for Zionists. Whole of Occupied Palestine is barely 65 kms wide from Golan to Mediterranean and if the Russians wanted they can totally shut down the Zionist airspace with the decoration piece S-400. That is the reason the Russians do not even want to give the SAA even the old S-300. The Russians played the Egyptians the same way in 1970’s until Sadat kicked them out before the Ramadan War October 6, 1973. Russians are corrupt and will sell anyone out.


Russian women are selling themselves to Sheiks in Dubai for a few dollars and you expect Russia to show some dignity and trust? The Syrians need to decide whether to live like free men or keep on dying like cowards as Zionists have attacked Syria more than 120 officially acknowledged times since 2012 and the Syrians and Iranians have done nothing! What is more baffling is why has Iran not brought its air defence systems to Syria or even given its IRGC cannon fodder basic manpads. This is absolute cowardice and lunacy.


You are from Israel. Russia burning Israel in Syria like dead animals.


Damascus is negotiating with Russia on Iskandar missiles, on S-400 air defence missile systems and SU-30M fighter jets because the Syrian Mig-21 should be retired one decade before. I hope Syria will receive some of these equipments with in few months if agreement signed. Syria also modernizing their ballistic missiles with operational ranges 75km to 750km and with proper guidance systems.


What a lying toe-rag……the Russians don’t want to expand the war by attacking Israel…..the Syrians have enough on their hands fighting all their proxy Islamic terrorists


Imran Mar the Syrian pilot died heroically. He died for protecting his nation and land from US and NATO proxies Israel and ISIS. He is martyred. God lead his soul to heaven and give comfort to his loved ones for ever. Ameen.


Shame on Syria for not fighting back even on its own territory. The Golan is occupied Syrian airspace and its airforce has every right to fly over it. What kind of cowardice is this to send young men to certain death? Provide them with air cover or at least hit back!


One front is enough at a time. When ISIS pocket is removed then next is Golan Heights which will be liberated with in few weeks. Israel are so scary creature that just tell them SAA are coming and then they dirt their trousers.

Pave Way IV

The sustained turn radius of an Su-22M4 is less than half a kilometer. Even with Israel’s head-choppers hugging the border, there shouldn’t have been any reason for a Frogfoot to overshoot Syrian borders by an entire mile during or after an attack run. It was probably never in ‘Israeli airspace’ despite the lie. This sounds like typical Israeli bullshit to justify taking out a SyAAF jet threatening their head-chopper allies (with their embedded Israeli ‘advisors’).

Too bad the Syrians didn’t have their own Su-27s. I would love to see the look on an Israeli Patriot operator’s face when he sees a swarm of Kh-31 Anti-radiation missiles coming in a Mach 3 to say hello to his cowardly ass.

“Hey! They’re not suppose to shoot back at us. That’s… that’s… anti-Semitic!” https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/668374c346a478a2057dc187312292ccec0b61e8be3e0db017638a78599ef7b5.png

Manuel Flores Escobar

SAA are a bunch of cowards..even Iran responded and launched 55 rockets….Syria could launch a barrage of Smerch Rockets and all pine forest around Haifa would be burning…past years ago we could understand that SAA needed to liquidate terrorist before a war vs Israel…but Nowdays terrorist have been defeated..and SAA continue being a pathetic Sparring!….

Zionism = EVIL

That is a valid point, the Zionists know that SAA is basically cowardly and Hezbollah has done all the fighting. If the SAA had any brains they would know that the Zionists have a dope smoking military that can not sustain a prolonged asymmetrical conflict and should respond to almost daily humiliation. A gradual response on Occupied Golan should get the message across. If the Zionists hit Syrian towns then Tel Aviv, Haifa, Ashdod all with artillery range should be hit. This SAA cowardice will only encourage the Zionists to attack Syria even more.

John Whitehot

this is all bullshit and you are a bunch of mossadists.


Cowards and uneducated fools who do not understand strategic mass or military calculus. Assad is only interested in hanging on to power like his moronic father and no interest in liberating Golan or at least fighting back. The Iranians have sent a few untrained IRGC cannon fodder to die in Syria. Iran will be attacked very soon if it remains spineless.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Nobody attacks Iran…Israel know that they retaliate as well as Hezbollah which blow up an Israeli convoy near lebanon after IAF kill 6 HZ fighters!..but SAA have better weapons such as Mig 29, Pantsir, Buk..and Smerch rockets, Toshka, Al Fatheed 100….but SAA continue missing and being a Coward and unprofesional armed forces!


the terrorists have not been fully defeated so to start a war with isreal would be suicide isreal is holding the entire world hostage with its nuclear weapons while many other countries have nukes they will probably never use them isreal will they are a bunch of phsycopaths that will resort to nuking a country for very little reason and everyone knows this that’s why no one fucks with them I also take issue with you calling the SAA a bunch of cowards when they fought tooth and nail with the most well financed and supported terrorist groups the world has ever seen I think a better definition of a coward is someone who spends theyre time online writing idiotic posts while physicaly doing nothing as the world turns to shit

Manuel Flores Escobar

Iran and Shia army fight vs terrorist in Syria and also retaliate israeli attacks…have you seen the diference?….SAA launch Smerch rockets to destroy patriot missile base and nothing will happen!…Israel launched a largest attack with 70 missile and nothing happened…just minimal damage!…only an unprofesional SAA movement to let a pantsir system turn off while crew were smoking cigarrets was uses by Israel as Military goal to destroy a SAA airdefense launcher!


That moment when you realize you just gave the game away and got your people a date with the BBQ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b31ca713e8968561b8249c7e151d3881a6072b2bdbc1ab07171b7e1f1496c436.png


Hate to say this, I mean it would be terrible to Israel look any worse than it already does, but as some of you know, Israel fired 2 David’s sling missiles yesterday VB and failed to hit anything. I haven’t seen it here at SF, but one of the missiles failed to self destruct and was captured. So this whole little scheme was nothing but revenge and cover-up for a huge technical failure on the part of one of Nuttyahoo’s new toys.

Pave Way IV

…ooor, the Israelis sent over a far less capable technical decoy fully-well intending it to be recovered to keep Russian engineers busy and confused, but unimpressed with the plausible but fake substitute electronics.

There should be layers of self-destruct logic that destroy a missile exactly so this kind of recovery and examination by the enemy is impossible (among many other tactical and safety reasons). Loss of command link (used for self-destruct command), auto-destruct after flight exceeds target distance or loss of target lock/fail to reaccquire, motor burn-out, uncontrolled flight or descent (under internal or external command), proximity to ground – all of those are basic safeguards. Manual command self-destruct is only one possible way to get that to happen – it should have self-destructed anyway for several other reasons.

But absolutely none of them worked on one of the first two missiles used in combat? Err… I’m thinking that that one missile was something the Israelis wanted Syria/Russia to find for whatever reason. Same goes for the US JASSMs the Syrians recovered. Easiest trick in the book is to let your opponent believe they were simply lucky and have your latest, greatest technical secrets. Except they really don’t and you still have technical superiority unbeknownst to them.

On top of all that, it’s just beyond belief that 1) Israel didn’t know exactly where the intact missile ended up (they have radar, for God’s sake), and 2) were not prepared (or unwilling) to start lobbing as many Delilahs or SDBs as necessary over the border to destroy it. And even more unbelievable: that this failure/capture would have been reported initially by Israel themselves. They were probably watching the recovery with drones to make sure the Syrians/Russians took the bait.

John Whitehot

Why instead don’t you talk about all the mossad agents embedded with jihadists who’ll never come back from Syria?


What is more mind boggling is that Israel has been killing Syrians and Iranians with impunity and they don’t have the cajones to fight back or even impose any cost. Either the Syrians are totally illiterate idiots who don’t understand the concept of strategic mass or just cowards. How can 6 million imported Zionists stay mobilized in a multi-front asymmetrical war forever? They simply do not have the reserves or money to fight indefinitely. Syrian cities are in ruins and they have nothing to lose by destroying Tel Aviv or at least the Zionist illegal settlements on the Occupied Golan. Why not destroy the so obvious ELINT station on Mt. Hermon, which is the eyes and ears of IDF to keep watch of the Damascus plain below. Syrians are proving to be total cowards and so are the Iranians. Russia is in cahoots with Zionists and they should understand that too.

You can call me Al

I know what you are saying and at this time, I totally agree with you.

John Whitehot


You can call me Al

Is “xD” good ?.

Pave Way IV

WTF? Early reports questioned whether aircraft was a Su-22 or Su-24. Syria does have upgraded Su-24M2s that were based out of T-4/Tyas AB way back when. Russia also uses Su-24s in Syria.

Now I see some random mentions that Twitter and Facebook were furiously deleting earlier reports that it was actually a RUSSIAN RuAF (not SyAAF) Su-24MR recon that Israel shot down – one that would have never strayed a mile into Israel’s self-proclaimed airspace. Everyone is trying to cover it up. Normally I would think this is just the usual internet FUD, but I have to say that – initially in the Daraa campaign – there were only RuAF aircraft involved. I didn’t know that SyAAF aircraft ever joined. This was specifically because they figured Israel would shoot at anything attacking the head-choppers UNLESS it was Russian.

Does anyone have anything from the last week or two that confirms SyAAF aircraft were operating near the border vs just RuAF? Anyone else see reports of Israel fucking up and shooting down a RuAF Su-24 by mistake – or maybe intentionally?

John Whitehot

Sorry but revenge isn’t how wars are won.

leave revenge to jews and criminals while Syrian and Russian warriors win wars.

You can call me Al

Maybe, but I am furious, he ventured into the Golan Heights (Syrian) by a mile and now he is dead.

John Whitehot

all the people caring for peace and justice are furious.

Basically all the actions of Israel and the US in Syria have been provocations to start feuds, which is the territory where thugs and jews are the most familiar with.

One of the most important precepts in war is to conduct it on your own initiative, with your own method.

If you let your enemy to provoke you into changing your method, you are much closer to defeat.

When I rage about Israeli misdeeds in Syria, I think about all the mossad personnel they lost in the country, which they sent there to remove Assad and which they could not protect.

You can call me Al

Very good. It damn well works as well. Thanks.


Not “downed”, “shot down” please, not all of us are illiterate English Lit grads.

John Whitehot

“The fate of the second pilot is unknown”

what second pilot? su-22s should have only 1 crew.


Found this pix of SU-22U combat trainer. But not sure that Syria has any. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/99e6122df78a4f1d03d8e8b6d6be0b44d72eaf2ea9d31960d0433aa509dc6674.jpg

John Whitehot

yes. before posting previous comment i searched to see if Syria has had the type in service. It probably received some units when it received the combat version, since these planes normally are deployed within the operational unit using SU-22 to perform tasks of acquaintance and conversion; also they normally serve(d) as “utility”, for example when a pilot or some light objects need to be transfered at another place.

this said, is rather unlikely that these planes would perform combat missions today:

1- All footage and reports about Syrian Su-22 in action depict the regular combat version.

2- A number of these was destroyed when their airbases were overrun by isis (In fact I recall seeing at least one of these dilapidated at one base)

3- If there were still usable airframes, they have likely been cannibalized to keep the Su-22 component operational and to repair combat damage.

In fact Israel stated that the plane could have been a su-24 But, we already know that for anti-Syrian propaganda, two pilots are better than one, so I’ll stay very skeptical until some real news comes out.

Kell McBanned

Russia has refurbed many Syrian aircraft and Iran gave them 10 SU-22s that were Iraqi that fled there during the American invasion. Heres a warisboring write up on the Syrian Su-22s https://warisboring.com/the-su-22-is-syrias-war-weary-warhorse/

John Whitehot

Sorry mate but warisboring is exactly the type of blog I read when I look for american delusions fueled by pentagon propaganda.

In any case it appears that the shot down plane was of the m4 version, hence 1 crew.

Kell McBanned

They have them. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1625b780dd171f76d533c9f8fdbae1eb1515f8e18f68e2bab9443f3120c39ae2.jpg



This is the 2nd SU that Patriot missiles have shot down now.

You Russian dummies just don’t learn.

Like I said, you guys invent fairy tales about your fake weapons, it look what real weapons do.

Bye bye SU, hello Patriot


FU pu$$y! F@ggot! Go suck off your Zionist masters you stupid neocon b!tch!


Well said…




Israel has hundreds of trolls like you getting paid to post your BS. Or, perhaps you’re living in one of those trailers up on a hill with your fellow zealots in stolen West Bank land?



Oy Vey its a (((Patriotic American))) a fellow white person hahahaha, the world sees your lies, your time is nearly over. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/413e69062941c432cc7625102b6572c07475ef7301976bc1d9ef501862468472.jpg


Wow so a 40 odd year old jet is taken down by a modern air defence – some achievement!! Syria doesnt have any cutting edge weapons yet they took down half of the US cruise missiles in April using S200 & Pantsirs lol


The only thing a Pantsir ever did was got blown up by an Israeli cruise missile

Keep whiffing, maybe you’ll hit something one day ; )


The Israelis are dirty lying bastards. Just like you. Flag Spam: :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/13a2a669997878cbca9df9d1508baafc9382cc62c7bba04c23ef7f1984183643.png


Hey there Neil and Bob you got some vanilla ice cream on your chin… Oh wait it’s not ice cream.


Israel and ISIS, a marriage made in the firey pits of hell officiated by Satan himself.


I also read that the jet was over Syrian territory, perhaps Russia has some satellite photos to clarify this and does anyone know where it landed?


Hebreo brothers, get out of Israel as soon as possible if not, you are going all to die.


It is time for Russia to quit worrying about upsetting the Parasites and deliver the s400 to Syria. Also deliver about 20 tactical nukes to Syria if Israel wants to ramp it up. The Sampson Option… don’t make me laugh. Israel would no more do that than give back stolen property, it is not in their realm.

Panthera Pardus

shortly after evacuating terrorists – AKA white helmets – another 10 mio $ ( two missile ) are used to protect other terrorists still on the ground.

Osip Mikhailov

“The Israeli enemy confirms its support for the armed terrorist groups and targets one of our warplanes, which was striking their groups in the area of Saida on the edge of the Yarmouk Valley in Syrian airspace,” Syria’s SANA news agency reported a military source. —

You entered their airspace and got shot down, end of.

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