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Israel’s Multi-Front War Heats Up

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Israel’s Multi-Front War Heats Up

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Israel’s Multi-Front War Heats Up
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Israel’s Multi-Front War Heats Up

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Israel continues to fight in the Palestinian Gaza Strip, while facing threats from several other directions in its first multi-front war in decades.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) ground offensive in Gaza, which began on October 27, is making some progress. As of November 1, Israeli troops advanced along al-Rasheed Street on the coast of Gaza, near the city of Beit Lahia in the northeastern part of the Strip and in Wadi Gaza, right to the south of Gaza City.

This advance came at a high cost. The Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas Movement which rules Gaza, announced on October 31 that its fighters have so far destroyed 22 Israeli military vehicles. By November 1, the IDF had acknowledged that 11 of its troops were killed in clashes inside the Strip.

Israeli bombardment on Gaza intensified after the start of the ground offensive. Around 400 civilians were killed or wounded when several strikes hit a complex of residential buildings in the Jabaliya refugee camp in the northern part of the Strip on October 31.

Over 8,500 Palestinains, including more than 3,500 children and 2,100 women, have been killed since the outbreak of the war. On the other side, at least 1,418 Israelis have been killed so far, most of them during the October 7 Hamas-led surprise attack. Some 245 hostages remain in the hands of Hamas.

Meanwhile on the Lebanon front, clashes between the IDF and Hezbollah continue. The Lebanese group announced on October 31 that it had targeted 105 Israeli military sites since the war in Gaza broke out. 120 Israeli troops were killed or wounded in the attacks, according to the group, which also said that 13 military vehicles and dozens of surveillance equipment were destroyed.
It’s worth noting that 47 Lebanese fighters, four civilians and seven Palestinains fighters have been killed since the start of the clashes on this front.

In Syria and Iraq, more attacks targeted United States forces in response to Washington unconditional support for Israel’s war on Gaza. The Pentagon announced on October 31 that 16 attacks targeted U.S. bases in Iraq and 11 others targeted bases in Syria over the past two weeks.

Israel’s devastating war on Gaza even led to a reaction from Yemen. The Houthis (Ansar Allah) announced on October 31 that they had targeted Israel with missiles and drones. The Iranian-backed group also claimed responsibility for two other attacks that targeted Israel from the Red Sea on October 19 and 27. A fourth missile attack from this front was reported on November 1. Israel is reportedly considering a response.

The war in Gaza is putting Israel’s ability to fight on multiple fronts simultaneously to the test. As the war escalates, the IDF could find itself facing larger threats from even more fronts. Furthermore, attacks on U.S. forces in the Middle East will likely increase and become larger in scale. Overall, Israel’s stated goal of eradicating Hamas appears to be unrealistic.

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Let’s go Brandon

time to send lindsay graham and all the chicken-hawk neocon half-wits to the front to protect their zionazi masters!

John Kesich

including little donnie trump? or are his bone spurs acting up?


he was the only president that never started a single new war. nice try bot

Professor Burton

trump is a crypto jew and very much part of the masonic-talmudic-satanic deep state. the only difference is that there is a schism in the deep state between globalists who want to weaken nation-states in order to usher in the one world government versus the nationalist deepstate who believe you cannot disintegrate nationalism and maintain the same level of control

Professor Burton

it is just a difference in opinion as to how best to finish the enslavement of humanity and usher in the neofeudalist totalitarian one-world government.


as a postgraduate i organized numerous “world governance” conferences all throughout europe, inviting the best & brightest from western academia — and most “talks” were centered around security and ethical governance which also included talks on the environment, global warming, etc. i agree that the whole fabric of western society is being undermined by ‘neocolonialist’ war crimes

Last edited 1 year ago by Mark

i cant even begin to imagine what university life looks like now. it’s probably why jewish students don’t feel safe. ethics and ethical governance is synonymous with university learning and curriculum. how do you reconcile war crimes and inhuman treatment of non-combatants with the studies? it’s something our leaders better start thinking about or we will have a complete breakdown of higher learning and societal ethics

Last edited 1 year ago by Mark

i must have missed something. is the idf bombing jewish university students now?

G. Saviano

without natonalism, they would certainly have a more difficult time sowing, division hatred, and chaos. in fact, it is said that from the beginning, god has intended to unite men from all places into a people to proclaim his glory.

G. Saviano

however, we united against our creator at babel, and so he confused our languages, making us fill the earth as commanded but hindering our ability to coalesce into one rebellious body (11:1–9).

jens holm

very much a you act a zipfile wjhich never will be open.

Bird of Prey

what are you? some kind of wanna-be imperial shill? and its ok — we got winrar ;)

jens holm

im fine. i and we are doing pretty well to many others.

you should our best parts in your version.

free schools, frre ecation, free hospitals, descent pension all. gdp is 60.000 and we had the lowest corruption in the world.

jens holm

we invented windpoer, which now spreading for the worl. bt that we need fossils fru rusia, arabistan as well as lng from usa and canada.

our wealth is self made. we educate to advanded jobs and has even has too many vancent jobs.

and empire? sure we part the western economics.


it’s the same war again and again, zionism who wants to rule the world vs nationalism who wants to keep national identity, same as bolchevik vs nationalist in ww2, same who wants to destroy identity, gender, decadence and mediocrity for everyone else but their zionism group of psychopath.


watch documentary europa – the last battle


europa the last battle is an antisemitic, world war ii revisionist film released in 2017 that claims j4ws deliberately caused both world wars–and that hitler was only trying to save germany from the jews–as part of a plot to found the nation of israel. the film is popular with white supremacists and antisemites, who often use it to recruit new individuals into their hateful ideology.

Last edited 1 year ago by Hunter
Bird of Prey

the global banking cabal is responsible for all of the major revolutions, including french revolution and russian bolshevik revolution, worlds wars, and middle east forever wars. and yes: masonic jews + anglo saxon elite in world war two orchestrated the holocaust and manipulated nation-states and peoples to fight a global war and usher the creation of israel. it was all by design not a by product of the war

Bird of Prey

not some warped, spin tale told to misguide people’s emotions. take what is happening in gaza right now, the stats are eclipsing the nakba in 1948 which displaced 800k palestinians and saw as many as 15k dead. its already eclipsed the number of displaced by about 400k and it’s probably already at 15k counting the missing persons under the rubble

Bird of Prey

the only difference is that people are seeing everything as it happens. people see how inhuman the bombardments have been and how disproportionate the response is considering all the mitigating factors like the fact that these people were already living in an open air prison, in atrocious conditions, in the most densely populated city in the world, etc

Bird of Prey

and this is also why the elite are opting to use biowarfare and pandemics because people are much more aware of how they manipulate people to go to war over lies, or how they push certain nation-states to war by giving them no choice— then try to manipulate perceptions and play the victim etc


oy vey 0 peaceful civilians died in gaza and that is a fact. we target only hamas. cool it with the anti semitism.

Bird of Prey

the elite orchestrate these world events and create a stage with heros and villains. same way they try to villify putin and call him hitler 2.0. people fall for all this fiction hollywood-like storytelling. the only difference now is that thanks to the internet people are much more informed and aware and know the ‘reality on the ground’


spoken like a joo lol


to destroy nationalism they are flooding countries with immigrants in trying to miscegenate the human race into dark skinned slaves for their world government.

Guy Fawkes

word of advice, we need a unified front, and the neo-nazi racial purity utopian bs is counter-productive. this is why no one can take neo-nazis seriously and you’re all dangerously isolated. i am married to an argentinian and she would probably be categorized as mongrel by your ilk — even though she is an absolute goddess.

Guy Fawkes

while i agree that a nation’s borders need to be protected and illegal immigration hurts a country’s economy — i suggest you drop the racial purity half-wit ideology if you ever plan on coalescing a unified front.


not never but just haven’t had time to do it yet.


excuse me? obviously you forgot or never understood don chump’s “father of the vaccine” (sic) covaid$ attack on ussa’s masses of unwashed tax cattle. give the zionazi chump credit for the mega cull of useless eaters and the fortune he made for the owners of the infamous jewjab.

Edgar Zetar

hahaha good one!

jens holm

im so happy when you mention people like that.

most likely they are doing something very well.

its much for ukrane too. no russian name zelinske as a clown anymore. now he is jew elected på the nazis there.

hard times for hitler.


that is what expected from an evil faggot supporting the evil jews.

John Kesich

israel’s stated goal may be to eradicate hamas, however it is fairly clear that their real goal is to slaughter civilians.

Professor Burton

the west have reached the end of the line. they have lost the last remnant of moral authority and have reached complete and utter cognitive dissonance. the information war is lost. and international law has been replaced by a neo-feudalistic framework that is undermining the very fabric of western society itself.

G. Saviano

far reaching implications in academia and student life and societal ethics. all those text books on international law and human rights published and taught by the western institutes and organizations should be thrown in the recycle bin.

Professor Burton

indeed. no way of reconciling the inhuman cognitive dissonance. north korean education system would have an easier time teaching their insular anti-imperial system than we do now. it’s absolute infernal chaos

Professor Burton

and of course the half-wit warmongers are too morally compromised and too stupid to even think about these kinds of implications on society and the collective conscience


i cant even begin to imagine what university life looks like now. it’s probably why jewish students don’t feel safe. ethics and ethical governance is synonymous with university learning and curriculum. how do you reconcile war crimes and inhuman treatment of non-combatants with the studies? it’s something our leaders better start thinking about or we will have a complete breakdown of higher-learning and societal ethics


as a postgraduate i organized numerous “world governance” conferences all throughout europe, inviting the best & brightest from western academia — and most “talks” were centered around security and ethical governance which also included talks on the environment, global warming, etc. i agree that the whole fabric of western society is being undermined by ‘neocolonialist’ war crimes.

Professor Burton

absolutely. the sustainability/ ethical mission statement is basically the same in all of the major governance studies / conferences. for instance: benefits of ethical leadership for sustainable governance 1. trust building ethical leaders create an atmosphere of trust and credibility. their consistent ethical behaviour fosters a culture of trust among employees, stakeholders and the general public. 2. long-term success

Professor Burton

so how do we reconcile the very foundation of academia with neo-colonialism and its undermining of international law and ethics as a whole. it compromises education and society at a fundamental level. not to mention, mental health, which is already a huge problem in the west. how do you reconcile this schism in our young people’s minds? it’s absolutely unconscionable


i don’t know about that. the us has been at war for 222/240 years of it’s existence. americans and cognitive dissonance go hand in hand. why would it suddenly become an issue now?

yes indeed, if there’s 1 thing the anglo saxon world excels at, it is bound to be their fascinating capability for double think.

Professor Burton

i agree that there’s been a great deal of hypocrisy and doublethink in politics and foreign policy for a while now. the very foundation of the us is built on genocide and slavery, for crying out loud — however, those are classified as evils from a bygone era.

Professor Burton

but now — we’ve left that grey area — we’ve left the framework of neoliberal economics, of international law altogether — and the cognitive dissonance has reached a breaking point in higher learning & western academia.


i’m sorry to break it to you, professor, but santa claus isn’t real either.

Professor Burton

need i remind you the world is tired of the narcissism, the arrogance, the hubris. the un committee condemns israeli killing of gaza children, says child killers cannot win. you can thumb your nose at the un all you want — but the world will remind us from hereon of all the war crimes, from hereon. impeding geostrategic aspirations every step of the way! and rightly so! we squandered our leading position and every shred of moral authority

jens holm

sure. you read them better. you already is there.

im sorry my west dont keep the well too.

candy for hamas or what using 2,3 mio of the own family as human shield.

sorry they this time killed 1200 as has taken 200 hostages as human shields too.

i follow the invanders in ukranie. several 100.000 has been killed there. other wars too too.

jens holm

i has to live too. all that is not filling by bedroom and life with coffins or worse. i made made thise many years ago:

i like there israliens there there less and less. the are more abnd more arabic, and i never almost all of them.

and more: they they killed eachother, they dont come here

jens holm

400,000 dead ukies—40,000 russian troops

Last edited 1 year ago by jens holm
jens holm

not me–i follow cia wikipedia and lgbt mulatto

jens holm

thats a hope.

they multiplies like rabbits and use the childen as human shields

dont use hope

jens holm

i do not multiply–me lgbt

G. Saviano

gaza is a preview of what a talmudic-satanic one world government looks like. when forever wars, world wars, and revolutions arent enough. employ pandemics and bomb civilians en masse yourself. israel and the jew are perhaps the biggest calamity afflicting mankind, in all its history! it’s nothing short of apocalyptic at this pace.


it’s the usa that needs forever wars. they’ll try and trigger ww3 too. making it religious, using the wounds israel causes now.

jens holm

and before that?

as i recall it they didnt started ww2 as well as ww1.

more as they took a lot of the leftovers and did many most things right.

Last edited 1 year ago by jens holm
jens holm

me stupid’ usa provoke war w japan


oy vey cool it with the anti semitism. in judaism the messiah can present himself as a military leader. if netanyahu throws off the yoke and propels us toward our rightful place in the world where all the gentiles toil for us, it is merely a fulfilling of prophecy.

you are not an anti semite are you goyim? why don’t you want to live under our rule goy? if you work hard and know your place we might even spare you, for a while.

Last edited 1 year ago by Moshe
jens holm

thats not about jews.

if you educate people thats power and make better life by work. its very visible for the world in gdp

we were in your level and did not like it. we will never go back in time.

wa has how in you easy cant copy a lot for free. as long as you are by marx and engels of mujammed economs you has decided that.

blame us for that. in eastern europe as well as in islam they did well.

jens holm

most muslim which has arrived to denmark has not reading a single in the choran. they are told by old men rulers with own versions for mens porpose.

most of them islam cincommers could not ever write and read in their home language.

now they can. there lean danish and not the have modern and older version – in danish.

jens holm

dumb dane homo jens read comic book

jens holm

i high educate with advanced trains in toilet scrubber and certified to lick boot

jens holm

there are no others to attack.

feed you internet connection pigion better.

jens holm

not me–i jibber glue sniff attack rubber duck

Edgar Zetar

getting away with mass murder israel? they will do! at least some brainwashed propaganda citizens will wake up to reality after realize what and why these events are happening right now. the empire of the exceptionals shows signals of sickness and distress, expect wars or mass murders all around the world in the areas disputed by the world powers or regional powers against the supreme hegemon. every disputed territory is a possible hotspot for a war or mass issues, plots and else.


hamas just killed 6 million of our peaceful and loving citizens, and you expect us to sit back and do nothing?


fuck the evil jews.




i have toilet in my trailer park—must scrub daily –i full of diarrhea


amerikan expert about gavno


amerikan burger stinky and rotting


what about the russian-backed and maintained syrian asadist-group (aka government). shouldn‘t they make move? or is vvp prohibiting it?

Massa John

as far as it concerns israhell’s satanjahu, his places for toddlers and their mothers are the best in our solar system..

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