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Israel Panics After Hezbollah Show Of Force

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Israel Panics After Hezbollah Show Of Force

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Israel Panics After Hezbollah Show Of Force
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Israel Panics After Hezbollah Show Of Force

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Tension is mounting on Israel’s northern front, mainly with Lebanon where a show of force by Hezbollah led to panic in Tel Aviv.

On May 21, the Iran-alienged group held a military exercise at the southern town of Mleeta, which is located some 20 kilometers away from the front.

Hezbollah fighters conducted tactical maneuvers during the public small-scale exercise and later showcased heavy weapons, including multiple rocket launchers, anti-tank guided missiles, man-portable air defense systems and combat drones.

Hezbollah’s media relations official, Muhammad Afif, said that the exercise was held to celebrate the Resistance and Liberation Day as well as to send a message to Israel.

The exercise led to a state of panic in Tel Aviv. On May 22, Military Intelligence Directorate chief Aharon Haliva assessed that Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah was “close to making what he called a “mistake” that “could spark a regional war, while warning that the conflict between Israel and Iran was becoming increasingly direct.

Speaking at a conference hosted by the Institute for Policy and Strategy of Reichman University in Herzliya, Haliva said “the chances of an escalation that could deteriorate into war is not low,” and that, as far as Nasrallah is concerned, a recent flareup on the Israel-Lebanon border may not be over.

Haliva also warned Syrian President Bashar Assad, another ally of Iran, was growing increasingly confident, noting his inclusion at the Arab League summit in Saudi Arabia last week after a 12-year absence and a recent drone attack launched from Syria.

On May 23, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) dropped leaflets over southern Lebanon, the heartland of Hezbollah, warning people against approaching the front. The move further demonstrated the panic in Israel after Hezbollah’s show of force.

Some tensions were also reported on the front with Syria. On May 24, Syrian gunfire targeted a IDF drone that was operating over the Golan Heights front, in an unusual incident.

The IDF said that the drone was conducting “routine surveillance activity” when it was targeted by light gunfire, adding that the vehicle managed to land safely without sustaining any damage. Israeli main battle tanks returned machine gun fire at the area in southern Syria where the gunfire was detected.

The situation on Israel’s northern front will likely remain unstable for the long term. However, a confrontation remains highly unlikely. The IDF could, however, escalate operations against both countries under the pretext of fighting Iranian influence.

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utrota alla trhumoph ibanaka jude ungar och rabbiar med zyklone b … äckliga jusar till sista juden tvätta de smutsiga judarna


drömstigen 9 98334 malamberget …..

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

glória ao hezbollah! poder e vitória à resistência libanesa. honra eterna aos soldados de hassan nasrallah.


israel doesn’t panic israel knows if hezbollah goes to war then 2’000 lebanese will be killed while maybe 100 israelis like last time.

hezbollah are bunch of clowns. these weapons are only good for killing lebanese and making sure their drug money is safe.


most of those lebanese were civilian, but that’s what you bastards do.


sure hezbollah likes their civilians, just like they did when they stored 2000 tons of amonium nitrate that blew up half of beirut. put tnt in ur kids room and then blame the smoker next door for blowing it up. fagot.


gosh, you’re a pleasant chap, aren’t you.


most israeli hasbarats arent


he is a pleasant crap, isn’t he?

uncle scam

any idea why jews have been despised and persecuted, every where, by everyone, for the last 5,000 years?


the parasites caling themselfs “jews” arrived 3000 years ago in the levant. nobody knows from were they came. when you let those parasites setle and acumulate soon or later they became harmfull. so you have to clean the house from those parasites. the survivers run somewhere else and it starts all over again. today, the planet must be cleaned again.


you’re reptiles dear


isra-hell is a zionist state occupied by khazar jews. they comprised about 75% of the world jews. out of the 25% ,outside of israel ,there is a 10% that reject israel as a state.


evil envy against progress


scumbag terrorist israel did uss liberty isis 911 and epstein rape murder blackmail op and stole us nuclear secrets and material. nuke the slimy bastards. and if you want to talk about faggots dudette. they are the queens of faggotry


an as a fertiliser exploded with a help of israelis. it didn’t blew up half of beirut (not even a quarter of it) but it devastated a harbor. regarding caring of civilians, when did israel ever cared about them, even its own? let’s not forget that israel has been established on massacre of non-jewish civilians through isil like actions.


ammonium nitrate doesn’t explode. it is an oxidiser. it needs to be mixed with fuel oil to explode. even then, the detonation is very tricky — you are not going to set off 2,000 tonnes of anfo (ammonium nitrate & fuel oil) with a single point detonator. the chemical reaction spreads with less velocity than the shock wave and the ammonium nitrate fuel oil mixture scatters before it can explode. the mixture would have to be contained in a vessel to keep it from scattering.


so the whole story about the fertiliser exploding is bullshit.

the most likely explanation is that israel hit the warehouse to knock out the port of beirut ahead of drilling for gas offshore.

try to use your brain when you read the “news”.

these facts about ammonium nitrate are easy to look up and there is no excuse for believing that it will explode in the absence of a fuel.


you mean that’s what happens when you hide your coward ass behind civilians?

Chris Gr

hezbollah fights good for their citizens but against the wrong enemy this time.


hezbollah fights for their citizens? really? so they can rob them and use them as shields?

Stephan Williams

you need to stop proving how utterly dishonest you are, surewhatever.


slimy satanic putrid p0s parasite scumbag zionut israel are terrorist filth that should be nuked from this world asap.


write yourself into a nut house asap pathetic loser.

Stephan Williams

it is pissrael that is the world’s “nut house”, surewhatever. but of course you already know that. bat shite crazy is your modus operandi in that “shittee little cuntry”, poised like a pimple on the ass of the world

juice have a propensity for mental illnesses far beyond that suffered by other genetic groups.

for immediate proof we only need to read your own crazed replies to people much more intelligent and informed than you are.

who is the “pathetic loser” again? heh heh heh

Joseph Day

time for the 99% to rise up and take the wealth of the 1% then rid the world of all jews and anyone decended from jews. rise up for world peace.

Chris Gr

global banksters you mean


so, how do you want to go? hanging by your guts from a window? or maybe a meathook in your asshole? your choice.

Stephan Williams

there you go again – reverting to type.

insane, sexually deviant monsters have a hard time hiding their sickening souls from the sane people on this planet, especially when they don’t give a damn about the consequences that accompany their sociopathic outbursts.

not that i care, but my advice to you?

seek the professional help you so desperately need.


and how do you want to go? ah, forget it, we will not ask you how. we’ll give our imagination at will. no choice for you or your ilk. payday is coming. nuland, kagans, wolfowitzs, cohens, rotschilds, schiffs and similars will come first to fry.


if i was an israeli i would be very worried. they are surrounded by countries that hate them. there is a massive power shift taking place, iran is much stronger and they’re all making friends again.


they hate the state of israel. a war would, of course, lead to some casualties. other than that, the inhabitants would live well after a defeat.

Enemy destroy

everyone is surrounded by enemies, it is the world we live in. cannot crumble to the animals that stalk our perimeters, instead defeat our enemies and live!


they are at peace with jordan and egypt, both of whose govts and businessmen want more, not less, ties. they have a hostile neighbor in syria, but they are so worn down by 12 years of war that israelis can infiltrate and flyover with relative impunity. lebanon is only true threat, via hiz.

Israel is a Terrorist Colony

the israeli colony is becoming more insecure and scared. the jewish colonial project is proving unsustainable.


do you also notised that the ferry tale from 1940/45 is been advanced on the screan again. new movies were fabricated. because more and more people are now loking at the criminals they are. they are again provoking a war whit there lapdog us, now in oukraine who will start ww3.


nazis in paris ft. adolf hitler – kanye west (official leaked audio)


need to kill fleeining iraans 2 patrick bet-david jooo lover like trumph


let’s gooooooo. make it happen


israel is clearly nervous. “panic”… well, leave it to sf to put it over the top.


good! slimy satanic putrid p0s parasite scumbag enemy israel did uss liberty isis 911 and epstein rape murder and blackmail state mossad op. and the bastards stole our nuclear secrets and material. nuke israel not iran.


panic???, for hezbolla? why? because of drills?……….idiot

Lance Ripplinger

considering how idf got its ass handed to it in 2006, they better be worried. hezbollah seems to be even more capable now, even compared to then.


good point. idf was ill prepared for that conflict and hiz put up a huge fight. both sides will lose in any conflict. that is why they are both loathe to start. when idf found tunnels leading into north israel, they just filled them with water and cement. did not tempt hiz to infiltrate and capture. would have led to deaths. it is a chessmatch and hopefully no one starts a war.


fuck israhell.

Erik Nielsen

the drone was routine and landed safely back to israel without a dust corn on its uniform. the chances of an escalation that could deteriorate into war is in the lower middle after my opinion, and hezbollah should stop inviting to a wwiii with weapons of mass destruction.


the welfare warfare apartheid occupied nest of vipers in palestine will no more survive the collapse of the iou fiat filth ex saudimercan toilet paper dollah that will the evil eussr survive the great flush of worthless €urodollahs. the free lunch is over and the future is anything but the anglozionazi empire of shit. z

three dawgs

israel is a failed state, but a rogue anti-humanity state. it should be destroyed. world citizens should support anyone that acts as israel’s enemy.

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