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Dummy Soldiers And Abandoned Battle Tanks: Israel Prepares For War With Hezbollah

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Hikers in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights found at least 5 armed and unguarded Merkava Mk. IV battle tanks.

The doors of the battle tanks were open with equipment and munitions left completely unguarded inside. The incident took place amid the growing tensions between Hezbollah and the Israeli Defense Forces in both the Golan Heights area and along the Israeli-Lebanese contact line.

During the past weeks, the Israeli military was actively deploying troops and equipment to reinforce their positions in these areas. It is highly likely that the abandoned battle tanks were a part of these reinforcements. So, if Israeli sources do not know how to explain this failure, they can easily blame Hezbollah.

Indeed, Israel is already taking steps to do this. On August 29, the Lebanese group’s Central Media released a video of the incident that took place about a week ago. The video showed a dummy soldier moving amid a cloud of thick smoke on the Israeli-Lebanese separation line. Two Merkava IV battle tanks of the IDF were guarding the “robot soldier.” The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) often use such “dummy targets” in an attempt to trick Hezbollah in times of tensions.

On August 26, IDF aircraft carried out several airstrikes on what it called “observation posts” of Hezbollah near the contact line in southern Lebanon. The IDF said the strikes were a response to a security incident, in which shots were fired at an Israeli force operating near the town of al-Manar. The incident, which took place at 22:40 on August 25, resulted in no casualties, according to the IDF’s statement.

“The IDF considers the Lebanese government responsible for what happens from its territory,” Lt. Col. Avichay Adraee, a spokesman for the IDF, said, adding: “We view the incident with extreme seriousness, like every attempt to violate the sovereignty of the State of Israel, and our forces will remain in a state of great readiness to preserve the sovereignty of Israel and the security of the population as needed.”

Thus, the IDF reinforced its threats to carry out strikes on Lebanon in response to any attack or provocation from this direction. Apparently, the IDF sees the possible strikes on “dummy soldiers” intentionally put in danger areas on the contact line with Lebanon as one of such attacks. Lebanese sources claim that the IDF is intentionally seeking a pretext for military actions against Lebanon.

Meanwhile, Secretary-General of Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah vowed that Hezbollah will kill an Israeli soldier every time the Israeli military kills one of his group’s fighters. The Lebanese leader made the new threat in a televised speech commemorating the 10th of Muharram, a holy Islamic day highly admired by Shiites, on August 30. The Hezbollah-Israeli tensions seem to be ready to explode with an open military confrontation at any moment.

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No mercy for the wicked. We anti-zionist christains stand by your side brave mujahideen, against our common enemy, even though our hypocrite governments give the opposite impression


You Christians are following just another form of Judaism. You cannot be anti-zionist because you are the production of zionism itself.


The jews tried to exterminate the christians since the very beginning. Don’t talk foolish. Christian zionists aren’t christians


Jews tried to exterminate you because you “revised” their religion and came up with your own version of Judaism. Christian belief accepts the myths about Judaism, believe in same god and same prophets.



You are my all times champion for the most ignorant statement ever made !

For the moment you are my biggest all times champion !

This is by far the most stupid statement I have ever seen in my life. Very ignorant statement, but extremely stupid in the same time!

Please do not say anything any more not to spoil the magnificence and perfection of your stupidity! Now I know that one can be total idiot and to know how to read and write! Amazing!


I’ll take that as a great compliment coming from you


I was talking to the other guy, can’t you read?


I got used to your trash talk into my direction, honest mistake. Than why the hell do you an fog of war upvote him?


Ro.niccolosi, why are you trolling this thread ! Oh wait, you are somebody else entirely. Please don’t get mad. SO SORRY :D


Hi PZiVJ how’s wife and kids; oh wait, you are married for this forum like me… :)

Lux et Veritas

What a pathetic attention WHORE. Get a a life.


Ha ha ha “get a life” ! What are you some would be Australian from Bangladesh? You pig and your FAGGOT BOYFRIEND Zionism=EVIL should stop pretending that you support Assad since you are pro Turkey and pro Erdogan !!!

Aaron Aarons

It might be interesting if you referred to specific assertions that you are refuting.


Yeah “it might” to you, but I don’t feel like entering in that kind of conversation here and now. Wrong place, wrong time.


He cannot actually.


Wait wait wait…. didn’t you tell me “YOU ARE BLOCKED!!!” 1 week ago? Either you are not an honest person or you are in love with me somehow, both options are disgusting to be honest.

I know you are in shock :) you think you were against Jews throughout your life, but you follow blindly another sect of Judaism (I am 100% sure you are christian since I made you that mad…) . Open the bible if you want to see what I am talking about or didn’t you read it? Bible includes Old Testament so as other Abrahamic figures (“prophets”). Almost. Or maybe you didn’t read the bible… Maybe the sect you follow does not accept Old Testament, but this does not change the fact that Christianity stems from Jewish mythology and it is a Semitic religion. Every single historian would agree on this point. Christianity is a Middle Eastern Semitic religion!

I don’t want to talk trash, but it seems you are hungry for it. Christians and Muslims who have not a Semitic origin is one of the most degenerate kind in this world. I totally understand that if a person is atheist, deist, agnostic or pagan (in a sense worshipping to the forefathers). But you guys willingly obey to a Semitic mythology and defying the beliefs of your ancestors. You are neither Jew nor belong to your nation. You guys are just an abomination who is pretending like a middle eastern who lived 2000 years ago. Oh, try using more insults on me and change the subject instead of answering my arguments. Try harder gentile!

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

it’s good that as a greek I agree 100% with a fellow turk

christianity surely started as a heresy of judaism and islam also easily qualifies as a branch of jewish religion – christianity became the version for the westerns and islam for the middle easterns. Notable christianity was very helpful for fulfilling the ” globalization ” of roman empire since people were already roman citizens, spoke roman, used roman currency, shared roman culture yet they believed to different deities while islam served well the emerging of the arab nation which expanded all the way to spain and subdued the persians

both of them started as ethnic religions and then turned to international ones spreading as a plague worldwide – it’s funny both of those fairytales start with angel gabriel ( gibril ) doing something. Visiting mary and mohammad is the milestone for christianity and islam respectively

I do not hold a grudge against jews ( usually jews found themselves in the receiving end of world problems ) but it seems both major religions that caused a lot of trouble worldwide stem from israel .. I do not believe jews are evil or something or they intentionally plotted against other nations but those two shitty sects of judaism classify people as ” believers ” and ” non believers ” . This is preposterous, religions belong in the museums rather than in modern society, They share so much in common with conspiracy theories. In fact islam and christianity are merely conspiracy theories ..

there are several quotes by gazi mustafa kemal who slams religion and I am myself a keen and humble admirer


Hello neighbour :) It is also nice for me to see that we are on the same about this issue. I also agree what you have said. It is also a great coincidence to meet with self enlightened person from Greece, considering the fact that how many religious fantics we both have in our countries… They are ready to kill each other because of Semitic mytology! It is quite sad. But let me speak for my part, in here, Islam started to be rejected in masses among latest generations. I may even start to feel hope about this.

At first Christianity seemed as a dangerous virus by Roman elite. However,the class system that Roman Empire created only made the spread worse. Christianity easily spread among the poor class. When they couldn’t stop the waves they decided to row with them not against them. As you said, it became a useful tool to subjugate pagans from different origins, especially after the division of the empire. It is also quite funny that Catholic and Orthodox divison casued basicially because of political manuevers. I think you already know much, maybe more than me about the Christianity part. So let me add more on Islam. Imo, Muhammed used the Semitic stories to unite Arabian tribes under one rule. Arabian Peninsula was divided among Arab tribes throught the history and he saw an opportunity to unite them. However, after the unification there was a problem. There was a raid culture among Arabs before the unification under Islam. Tribes used to raid each other to show dominance and gain loot and women. This was a very common practice that they even had special months or locations called harams (Ka’ba was one of them) which forbids the raid. Anyway, when the unification complete, they couldn’t raid each other anyomre because, obviously, raiding a fellow believer was forbidden. Then, they came up with the concept called “Jihad” so that they may keep raiding and looting. Today it is known as holy war, however, it is nothing but a remenant of Arabian raid culture. After they managed to capture Persia and North Africa, it was spread among people. Because you either had to pay taxes or killed if you were not a Muslim. Even some Arab elites, during the Ummayad period, were against the conversions because their taxes decreased.

I also have no personal hatred toward Jews. But unfortunately huge portion of deaths caused because of their mythology or better to say because the people’s interpretation of their mythology.

I am also surprised to see a Greek admires Mustafa Kemal. Some secular Turks who couldn’t cut their ties with Islam fully yet believe that he was a Muslim, but a secular one. However, for me, it is very clear to see that he wasn’t a Muslim at all. He tried to englihten people without causing hatered. It backfired partially, especially for the fanatics and ignorant masses. We did not gain our rights because we demanded them, we didn’t have a national movement like a French Revolution. We have our rights thanks to his personal efforts. He was not only very intellectual person, but he also find chance to put this intellect into action. Probably this is the most famous quote of him on religion: “It is known by the world that, in our state administration, our main program is the Republican People’s Party program. The principles it covers are the main lines that illuminate us in management and politics. But these principles should never be held equal to the dogmas of books that are assumed to have descended from the sky. We have received our inspirations directly from life, not from sky or unseen.”

Have a nice day my friend!

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

it can be established kemal was not only irreligious but also an atheist no doubt, like smart and knowledgeable people are – he knew ” god ” was man made

thanks for the input on arabs


I am not quite certain if he was an atheist, he might been a deist as well.

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

I think kemal in the later part of his life was essentially atheist, it’s quite obvious he did not adhere to superstitious beliefs nor are there any reports suggests he believed in a supernatural entity hence he was no deist. I think he tolerated in an extent religion in order not to stir problems and this was wise. He just couldn’t not come out as a hardcore atheist.

kemal was progressive, liberal with a cosmopolite background from selanik city, he later developed a very ambitious vision for modern Turkey but unfortunately he passed away early and did not complete his project. Of course he was also a liberator, victor in the independence war and a turkish nationalist ( but not an idiot turanist like enver pasha ). Perhaps he started as a muslim, turned to deist and ended up as an atheist.

In my opinion his successors a bit distorted kemal. For example I did not understand why a personal cult of kemal was developed in Turkey, I think he would not agree with that


Yes, ı agree with you. Just trying to say that we can not know if he was atheist or deist or neither because he never openly revealed his religion. Maybe philosophically he thought that “god” has to exist. I am just speculating.

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

a man of this world class calibre with a big merak does not have imaginary friends

there is no evidence that kemal believed in supernatural entities, on the contrary in many occasions esp in his mature life condemns superstitions – along with limiting the islamic influence and abolishing the caliphate the most likely scenario is kemal being a true atheist. However he was ahead of his time and could not establish and reform turkey on the basis of hard core atheism. I mean not even today politicians can come forth and declare that they do not believe in ” god ” although many of them do not. That would be their political suicide

It is very interesting that staring reading that one will assume that kemal will mention that besides his mortal body made of flesh there is his immortal soul but he says the second kemal enbodies the dreams of the nation. Everything is a matter of priorities and religion is nowhere in kemal’s priorities. Kemal says he will die but his legacy will be the people to embrace freedom. Kemal does not believe in supernatural entities, immortal soul and afterlife

İki Mustafa Kemal vardır: Biri ben, et ve kemik, geçici Mustafa Kemal.İkinci Mustafa Kemal, onu “ben” kelimesiyle ifade edemem; o, ben değil, bizdir! O, memleketin her köşesinde yeni fikir, yeni hayat ve büyük ülkü için uğraşan aydın ve savaşçı bir topluluktur. Ben, onların rüyasını temsil ediyorum. Benim teşebbüslerim, onların özlemini çektikleri şeyleri tatmin içindir. O Mustafa Kemal sizsiniz, hepinizsiniz. Geçici olmayan, yaşaması ve başarılı olması gereken Mustafa Kemal odur.

only his enemies accused him of being religious, calling him donme and mason, but in reality kemal was neither a muslim nor a deist. He was a realist and pragmatist that’s why he was successful. It was a great deed that he managed to limit religious influence in turkey, I mean until erdogan turkey was more secular than greece thanks to kemal


You ignore the truth,woe unto you,to live life you must earntit faithfully, They whom are willing to risk their lives for truth shall be saved, They whom persist to deny the truth in order to gain shall not be saved pro(lgbtq)


Lgbtq??? We are not American. In our countries no one gives a f. about them. In your small mind all non believers are liberal leftists. I am not a liberal personally and I am quite sure that he is not either. You know what, you are much more liberal than us by accepting a Semitic religion as a focus of your life! Hail multiculturalism :) right?


I did? You were blocked til 2 days ago when I have unblocked you with everybody else. I am not going to read your comment at all . That is much better than “blocking’….

Lux et Veritas

Does anyone care about a homosexual attention seeking WHORE?


You pig and your FAGGOT PIG BOYFRIEND Zionism=EVIL should stop pretending that you support Assad since you are obviously only pro Turkey and pro Erdogan !!!


What a clown…. Get out of my sight gentile!

Lux et Veritas

He is a homosexual hasbara troll as well.


You havn’t cheated death on a daily basis,you degenerate low iq gutless wonder, maybe if you actually put you balls on the line gimp,and understood the powers of faithfull healing you would actually acheive something remarkable for once in your lost miserable dull life,assflogged!Get off the gender change pills,you sissy!

You are way outta line,save it for the katokic kweer club,homey!fk the eu-epp!

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

shattap and die damaged iraniroach LOL


many will tremble nearby, all because of my strength not that of false deities described in the false books that self hating fags wrongfully believe and with my wisdom it is well known that there is no god but myself, knowing this who dares deny – knowing this who dares worship the fake gods of quran & bible?


I agree with you, but why don’t you tell him why? (I won’t even bother explaining these naieve fools) I only discussed you, since I once was in the opinion you are now, but the rabbit hole goes deeper than you could imagine (than I myself could imagine just a year ago)


Not interested

I do not even want imagine your “rabbit hole” and even much less to talk about…and I don’t care where you were or are…

Back of with your obsessive idiotic imposing of subjects. I do what I am pleased…


Get Thee Behind Me Satan,Jesus is Lord: fk you insolent,low iq degenerate p00fs!

Aaron Aarons

The Jewish priesthood, like most priesthoods, tried to suppress the dissident Judaism known as Christianity. It was Jews vs. Jews. It wasn’t until a century after the presumed death of the rebellious Jewish leader referred to as “Jesus” in many languages that Christianity expanded by recruiting non-Jews to its ranks.


It was over 2000 years ago, you actually take everything the talmud and torah says as fact? Call me crazy, but I’m trying to get as close to the truth as possible, and everything points into the directions of historical jesus being julius ceasar


Thank you sir. You are a self educated Westerner, I salute you!



Zaphod Braden

Judaism is the “SOUR GRAPES” Tribe. The 10 “plagues” of Egypt are actually 10 INSULTS directed at each of the 10 Egyptian gods that opposed ATEN, the Sun god of the Exodus. ALSO: https://grahamhancock.com/moses-akhenaten-same-person-osman/

During the 1980s an earthquake shook Biblical myths. The discoveries made by the “new archaeology” discredited a great exodus in the 13th century BC. Moses could not have led the Hebrews out of Egypt into the Promised Land, for the good reason that the latter was Egyptian territory at the time. And there is no trace of either a slave revolt against the pharaonic empire or of a sudden conquest of Canaan by outsiders. Modern archaeology proves that the Exodus actually happened to the Hyksos, not the Hebrews, (What is the date of the Exodus ? To find Moses in the Egyptian records, the first requirement is to fix the date of the Exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt. If we use the Bible as our primary source, we know that this occurred during the ‘ New Kingdom ’ period of Egypt, when the powerful Egyptian families of the south reasserted themselves and drove out the Hyksos invaders , who had been entrenched in the power centers of northern Egypt for over 100 years.) so claiming descent from Moses really doesn’t mean that much since he seems to have stolen all the stories he wrote down (like the story of the flood copied from the Epic of Gilgamesh). At best he is a great self-promoter; at worst he was a hoaxer like Oded Golan. Some scholars, such as Sigmund Freud, have pointed out the obvious implausibilities on the Moses story and have suggested that “Moses”, an Egyptian word meaning “Prince” may have been another name for the heretic Pharaoh Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV), and the story of the Exodus a highly romanticized telling of his attempted return from exile, with the usual spin so that failure to reclaim his throne is sold to later generations as a symbolic victory. ——————————————————————— Why would downtrodden slaves “escape” to a PROVINCE of their Master? Palestine/Syria was all subject to Egypt at the time of the exodus. Those were the banished from power worshippers of ATEN that left the center of power for the FRINGE of the Empire, hoping to someday return to power. NOTE: Palestine was the territory of Egypt & Hittites at the time Jews claim to have “escaped” there http://www.mapsofwar.com/images/EMPIRE17.swf

——————————————————————— Moses was “raised” as an Egyptian Prince, because Moses WAS an Egyptian Prince. As a matter of FACT, the “Hebrews” are EGYPTIAN Aten worshippers who interbred with the Native People of Palestine. The Hebrews, the participants of the fabled Exodus, were EGYPTIAN refugee worshipers of ATEN, the MONOTHEISTIC Egyptian LIGHT God. After Amenhotep IV aka Akenhaten elevated Aten to THE god of Egypt (THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME) the priests of Amon and the lesser gods worked to undermine Aten. Upon the death of Pharoh Akenhaten, the “ONE” god, Aten, was overthrown. The temples and all trace of Aten were pulled down and erased. The followers of Aten were persecuted and harrassed. After some years of this, the followers of Aten made an “exodus” (a going out) from Egypt, to the COLONIES of Egypt in Palestine. NOTE: Oddly enough, Egypt reached new heights of imperial splendour and prosperity during the New Kingdom (18th – 19th dynasties). Tutmosis III campaigned beyond the EUPHRATES and reached the Fourth Cataract on the Nile; Rameses II halted the advance of the Hittites in SYRIA, which means Egypt marched ALL OVER the so-called Israeli kingdom, because Egypt OWNED PALESTINE. Jerusalem was ruled by New Kingdom Egypt from 1550-1440 BCE. ————————————————————————– NOTE: It is not called a HOMECOMING or RETURN, as it would have been if the participants were SEMITES originally from Palestine. They THEMSELVES termed it an EXODUS. [EX out of, from, and HODOS, way] This is people who WERE Egyptian and LEFT, went OUT OF the center of Egypt to seek refuge at the edges of Egypt, but still under the umbrella of Egypt. They were angry, bitter over their fall from power.. ————————————————————————– The followers of Aten wandered in the desert for years (40?). They assimilated legends, myths, and People, into their Religion and Tribe. The first generation of refugees passed on, and their religion morphed from a “loving, peace, LIGHT and enlightened god” to a vengeful, resentful, scab-picking War god. THIS is why there is NO Egyptian archeological evidence of a Jewish/Semitic presence OR exodus. Any Exodus consisted of a relatively small band (12 FAMILIES) of EGYPTIANS leaving the “heart” of Egypt for the frontier, in the face of religious persecution that included the complete erasure of the God of the Exodus, ATEN.

Zaphod Braden

Christianity is a REPUDIATION and Replacement of the WAR GOD> The MAGI were Zoroastarian scholars investigating the prophesy that 3 great Prophets would be born at 1,000 year intervals ………….. First was Zoroaster , 1000 years prior. Mithra, in ancient Indo-Iranian mythology, the god of light, whose cult spread from India in the east to as far west as Spain, Great Britain, and Germany. (See Mithraism.) The first written mention of the Vedic Mitra dates to 1400 bc. His worship spread to Persia and, after the defeat of the P The three MAGI (wise men of ARYAN – ZOROASTARIANISM) brought gifts of GOLD, FRANKINCENSE, and MYRRH to Baby Jesus. Do you think they came all that way, dropped off their VALUABLE gifts, and left?! NO! they stayed and imparted their beliefs. Then, when Jesus was 12, he used those gifts to pay his expenses to travel to INDIA and complete his studies of YOGA/HINDUISM nand He became an “Enlightened Master” (He achieved CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS) THEN, when He was 32/33 He returned to Palestine to spread what He had learned IN INDIA. Search (Jesus in India) and (Christ Consciousness). HIS KINGDOM is not of THIS Earth …… HIS kingdom is the UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS. THIS is why the Priests HAD to kill Jesus …. he was preaching LOVE, UNIVERSAL brotherhood, FORGIVENESS …… Those concepts are DEADLY to a Tribe that bases It’s existence on HATE and VENGEANCE, that follows a WAR god.

Miri Nature

Thats exactly true. Since many hundreds of years before, Christianity has been change to some very other believe and faith, means old and very first bible has nothing to do with todays Bible. The RABBI -S of Jewish has change the whole Bible in to Judao Talmudic form. But also Islam in practice has been change and translation of Quran it has been damaged also for many many hundred years ago plus Torah to has been damaged unfortunately for all, peace and love to people hoping some day to see the real light.


I agree with you, those “holy” books can’t stay undamaged or unchanged for 2000 years. But the amount of this change and damage would only be speculation, it is so hard to detect those. But my main point was that Christianity is a Semitic religion, well, since you brought up Islam, it is, of course, another Semitic religion.

Zaphod Braden

As UAE & Saudi Arabia “SPOON” with the Jews. judeo-christian is an oxymoron …… judeo-ISLAMIC is accurate Israel and the world center of Islam, Saudi Arabia, are allies. Sharia law is copied from Halacha law. The hijab and its variants – a Jewish tradition rooted in Judaism and propagated by Islamists Jewish men cover their heads in humility/modesty to god as do women. TAQIYA is copied from “LASHON HORA (HARA)” It is the Jewish speech code against speaking ill of “your coreligionists” and it states that they must not lie to or speak ill of “Jews in good standing” but lying to GOYIM and herem-Jews (excommunicated) is okay. When you understand their morality/speech-code you will understand why there is no point in bothering to argue with them. As you will see, BALD-FACED LYING to GOYIM is “moral” in their eyes.

Taqiyya is copied from “LASHON HORA (HARA)” It is the Jewish speech code against speaking ill of others and it states that they must not lie to or speak ill of “Jews in good standing” but lying to GOYIM and herem-Jews (excommunicated) is okay. When you understand their morality/speech-code you will understand why there is no point in bothering to argue with them. As you will see, BALD-FACED LYING to GOYIM is “moral” in their eyes.

Halal is copied from Kosher in slaughtering of animals in kosher and halal, Though the slaughtering is the same, Jews, who follow kosher, do not pronounce the name of God on each animal they slaughter. http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/difference-between-kosher-and-halal/#ixzz4QIwe7Mx2 “As for Christianity, there is a dispute among Halachic authorities, but the vast majority consider it idolatry as well. Islam, on the other hand, is not considered idolatry.” Read that last bit again, very slowly, so the christianzionists can keep up: “Islam, on the other hand, is not considered idolatry.” No low IQ muslim would love the tormentors of their prophet.Those who scourged, crowned, and crucified your Savior should not be worshipped and groveled to.

It is our duty to force all mankind to accept the seven Noahide laws, and if not ~ they will be killed.” ~ Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg (Islam is NOT idolatry. Christianity IS idolatry)

The Jewish Noahide Laws require the beheading(guillotines) of anyone who engages in Avodah zara, i.e. “idol worship.” Orthodox Judaism declares Jesus Christ an idol, and Christians as idol worshippers. The Right-wing Church-goers who follow Pence, Pompeo and Ben Shapiro cooperate in the suicide of Christianity. They worship their would-be executioners. This is insanity. Islam is Judaism LITE. But they are both fundamentally Tribal and both believe the old Us against You ………… Muhammed lived among/with Jews and just rewrote/reworded their beliefs. Muhammmed is a pedophile? read this: https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2017/11/the-silent-partner-in-americas.html?m=1 Under age by the law but not by the Torah. In Biblical days she was an adult at 12 1/2 . Orthodox islamists & Orthodox Jews ……. same beliefs. The founder of Wahhabism, Mohammed ben Abdelwahhab, considered that all those who did not join his sect should be exterminated. Many authors have pointed out the proximity of the Wahhabite way of life and that of certain Orthodox Jewish sects BOTH follow Tribal WAR gods ….. Both were born of conquest, genocide, enslaving others, rape, and plundering. CHRISTianity was embraced by Slaves, the Poor, Downtrodden, Infirm and is the birthplace of Human Rights and Dignity.


That depends on your definition of zionism. Strictly speaking Judaism is not zionism (*created by Theodor Herzl in it’s modern form). But let’s say zionism is deeply rooted in Judaism. Christianity (and islam) derived from judaism, no doubt about that, but they completely transformed ideological base of jewish (ethnic) supremacy. That’s why Jews hate Jesus, because he denied them the ultimate chosen people and (only) God’s people prerogative.

Ataruk? Probably crypto-jewish and a zionist himself.


I am of course aware of the fact that Zionism and Judaism are not the same things. But I am just stressing that, in my opinion, it is a ridiculous thing for one to call himself as “anti-zionist” while following a religion derived from Judaism instead of his ancestral religion.

About Atatürk…. sorry, but I don’t have time for the conspiracy theories. His father’s origin roots back to Anatolian Turks (however some claims that he was Macedonian or Albanian, but this is rather weak). Besides, considering the fact that he had blond hair and blue eyes lowers the possibilities a lot.

Brett Connor

Jewish Freemasons created Christianity and it’s all a lie. Just like Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.. al lies based on complete bullshit.


Yes Jews created Christianity, but were they Freemasons? It is quite new term considering how much time passed after the foundation of Christianity. I don’t not necessarily relate all freemasons with Jews.


Saise who the p00f/cia? You are delusional and irrelevant to say the least are broken: incestry is living proof why fascism is utter failure,either way you debtmongers are fkd! up de ass:


Let’s start it already, they won’t have enough graveyards in Lebanon when the war ends. Lebanese will pay the highest price an Arab country has ever paid in a war against us.


you must be a troll, jews are too smart to talk trash like that


I am hardly a troll buddy, maybe one day when they decide to use me you’ll find out.


Well, if you’re really jewish, your the dumbest of your kin I ever met


Not the dumbest, just the most patriotic one.


spreading anti-jewish sentiment and bringing your fellow jews their lives into danger with your goyish impulsivity? Not patriotic at all in my eyes


That is who I am, you don’t have to like it. We might be a minority of ultra-zionists, but we sure as hell fight with all of our hearts when they need us. Patience, your rats will see it soon.


you’re a troll or dumb as fuck, end of discussion


I’ll let you know when the shit begins, don’t worry.


unless you have access to unit 8200 intel, I won’t count it. But I think they have bigger fish than me to worry about


oh, I thought shit was already happening since the signing of the balfour declaration?


In that case, excellent chutzpah, I know more of your kind than you ever could imagine


You know shit about me or anyone else here, once you face us you’d know it. When the shit starts I get a call from my unit to return to service, and I am not known to show mercy to my enemies.


that’s true, because I still think you’re a troll


Whatever makes you feel better with yourself.


I feel great, besides that you’re ancestors sacked europe two times into a warzone without any remorse, and won’t hesitate doing it a third time. Or should I say fourth time if I include the napoleonic wars?


I told you already, but I deleted all my comments because that time. I wouldn’t like anything more than to put aside this eternal conflict behind us and shake hands, but it’s a shame some people won’t listen to reason. And it’s true, if you aren’t a troll, I should give you some credit for being transparant about your intentions, unlike those who want to manipulate everyone to do their killing for them. Perhaps you would have the balls to fight yourself in a war, instead of putting robot dummies in tanks and wheelchairs


I am, I don’t write stuff I don’t believe in. You get from me the pure truth, for better or worse. I expect a war, and I’m getting ready for it too.


You realise that the mossad’s previous moto was by deception thou shall wage war (from psalms) I guess it’s open for interpretation, but how do you think some people her see this? My ex-girlfriend was ukranian, are you familiar with ihor kolomoyski?


Nope, sorry. But we can discuss it tomorrow, sorry man gotta go now. Take care, goodnight!


ok great we can have a discussion without threatening to kill each other. good night


I’m not into black propaganda that much, otherwise I should congratiulate you


that sounds jewish allright, no mercy for the goyim, but I don’t know if you supposed to spread that fact into the open


I’ll write whatever I want.


than explain me, where are the other israeli patriots with their anti-goyim hatespeech uh? Or are you the only patriot of pissrahell


I am the only crazy Israeli to actually give a fuck about you guys, most Israelis don’t read your bullshit on SF and don’t care about you. So you have only me, sorry.


If you view it that way, I should give you more credit than I did for being this transparant I guess…


who is you guys? I would like to go in a constructive discussion, tell me. My opinions aren’t fixed axioma’s, I’m open to change my mind


Look, I’m a philosopher with quite some historical and psychological background knowledge. That doesn’t make me that diffrent of many scolared jews I guess. Highly likely I have some sephardic blood running through my veins. If you would stop the war rethoric, I would be happy to have a respectful discussion


Take fentanyl … it’ll change your mind


that’s the opiod by which your people make the us citizens as meak as a little lamb, so they won’t go 1930’s German style on you, isn’t it?


If you think I’m out to exterminate any kind of people, are that I want israel destroyed, you are mistaken. Like a said to an ashkenazi girl in my university class. She said to me, you are one of those people who deny the right of israel to exist, aren’t you? My reply was: no, I am not, israel exist, and it will be their to stay for sure. Innocent people are born their, history happened, it’s too late for that. But I can’t stand palestian genocide denial either (I didn’t say that to her not to offend her, but I tell it to you)


Genocide? 3 days ago Pali kids threw rocks at soldiers, check out this video. The soldiers didn’t harm them, although they had every right to do so. https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/comments/iirq5l/palestinian_youth_throws_rocks_at_idf_soldiers/


oh common, with all the respect, the violence has always been and always will be out of proportion on the israeli side. If somebody hits me with a fist, that doesn’t give me the right to blow his head of with a shotgun


Just proved there is no “kids genocide”, that’s all.


their wasn’t a kids genocide either 73 years ago! Wait, there was, manipulated RAF firebombers on dresden, hamburg and countless other cities

The Objective

This guy, to.niccolosi isn’t polite. Stop replying to him. These are not people you can have a great conversation with. They easily resort to insults when you disagree with them. I’m a true Sunni Muslim critical of Israel’s behaviour, but I won’t reply to a friendly conversation with insults even if I were talking to a Zionist. So pick who you have a long chat with. You both started politely at first, then all of a sudden the guy starts spewing insults. I was surprised as I couldn’t see anything you said that deserves such harsh words. I’m just noticing this guy for the first time, and I don’t like his type.


Appears Iron_Zion does not mind being trolled by ro.niccolosi. He must be lonely and needs somebody to talk to. :(


Thanks Objective, always willing to have a nice conversation with people who respect me back. If you want to discuss about anything, then I am always ready to answer I respect you.


Besides rabbey sneerson of a bitch perhaps


F/kn anti-Judaism sh Xt head


finally some jews to discuss with. Still waiting for the first a argument that prove me wrong. So exciting


But I respect you stay this good in character, keep up to good work

Aaron Aarons

Maybe Lebanon’s supporters will retaliate against the rich scum in places like Los Angeles, New York, London, etc., who enable Zionist terror with their money and political power.


No one gives a shit what an old left wing anarchist like you think.

Aaron Aarons

I suppose they really DO care what a hasbaRAT using the handle “<>” causes to appear on their screens?


Who’s side are you on exactly? Getting some mixed signals here


Unlike you I am a true IDF reserve soldier, back to your grave you’re half way there.


You know many IDF soldiers served in ukraine during the maidan revolution right? I read it in the times of israel


Nope didn’t know that.

Lux et Veritas


Aaron Aarons

I wonder how many other Internet personae the hasbaRAT operating <> runs. Do they pay you by the hour or by the word?


Old bs


The diffrence between you and me is you have a people, you have family. I have nobody, because my brothers and sisters are all dead and gone or brainwashed and suicidal. That makes me more dangerous, not in resources, but I have nothing to loose and I’m sure as hell am not afraid of death or martyrship


What happened? I’d like to hear. My condolences.


euhm, thank you I guess…


If that comment was sincere, I would have actually have respect for you, but I won’t discuss personal matters here, obviously


I respect that, anyway I’m sorry for my comments.


Don’t be sorry for what you believe in


Regarding me, yes I have a family living in Northenr Israel under Hezbllah’s rocket threat. I know they might be hit or killed, but I also know they are proud of me everytime I go to the army to do my job, I do it for them.


I don’t know your age, but I assume you were israeli born?


I’m under 31, born and raised yes.


Than nothing of this makes this your fault, obviously. You are observant, orthodox, nihilistic? It’s not an interrogation, it’s non off my business. Just curious who I’m talking to


A secular Israeli, served 4 years in active service, 3 Gaza operation (2008, 2012, 2014), 11 years as a reserve in a navy SF unit (and counting).


Than I suppose you don’t vote for Likud, because they aren’t secular in my eyes


I have nover voted LIkud, I always vote center-left because they keep their promises. The bravest Israeli PM came from the center-left, not the coward right wing + the Orthodox Jews.


They reight winged sect murdered the bravest jewish leader then,now whats with kweers these days?they sign a pact to serve satan bush.hellary for gimp+co?

Orthodox aint cowards (period) You on the other hand then owned by incests. History is there to teach vital lessons,not viral like degenerate nwo/kweers preach Real man othodox defended their homes as losers ran astray into no mans land! Just saying: Trust the kweer then dies in shame,defend you home like orthodox!!

alejandro casalegno

IDF Navy SF.???……..one word………..Ansariyah……….do you remenber???


Let’s start to agree we disagree on many levels, but their can never be peace without mutual understanding and this is a good start. What is your opinion of ethiopian jews who want to make aliyah to israel and the way they are treated? (economic migrants posing as jews not included)


Jews are Jews to me, if they come here to help Israel grow then great. What I don’t like is Orthodox Jews, only taking money and not serving in the army.


That’s quite of a suprise. With orthodox you mean chabad lubavitchers and hasidim I suppose? Again something personal, I don’t expect you to answer this on a public forum obviously unless you want to, but are you of ashkenazim, shephardic or mizrah descent? (or bagdadi (indian)/ethiopian decent, which is rare to join the IDF I presume)


Yes, I am an Iraqi Jew, but I don’t like the Hasidim because they just take the money. Secular Israelis are not like them we are more just like regular Americans, we are different people and we have a different mentality too. We don’t get along with them in mixed cities.


I heard this stance before. You are one of those real israeli’s who isn’t aware. And I don’t blame you for it, I sometimes wish I wasn’t either… Tell you what, if all israeli’s were like you, israel wouldn’t have any enemies left to fight


I partly agree, we don’t need one state with Israelis and Palestinians together. Two state solution is the only way to achieve success for both people, I do support giving them most of the West Bank, Gaza and Eastern Jerusalem. I think it’s the best option for us and the ME.


bs … Youoa Russian/Ukrainian bigot

Take fentanyl … it’s easy and wuick


Seek psychiatric help …

or fentanyl … it’s quicker



That will eventually happen by the american people of european descent if things will keep going to same direction like they do…




Think … ‘Children of Men’

Maybe … arabs will be hunted down … the Somali bitch hung

El Mashi

Empty threats. The Arabs have achieved herd immunity against Zionist brutality. Now, its your turn. Shalom.


First win ISIS, then try to take on Israel.


Since I believe now you are really Israeli and IDF, is it any suprise to you that ISIS is a mossad psyop? Al-Bagdadi? Bagdadi jews? Elliot Shimon? Who benifits of ISIS? Who attacks israel’s sworn enemies? Not talking about the takfiri footsoldiers here. It is cowardly indeed, and you are not, that’s why you will never believe some of your fellow zionist are capable of doing this sort of psychological warfare… You are a soldier, not an academic. You’re only mission is to keep israel safe, and I respect and believe that now… but their are dark forces in your midst, and many israeli’s would agree with me on that


Truth is I don’t care who operates them and for what reasons, as long as they counter the Shia exapansion in the ME, then the enemy of my enemy is my friend.


Arab bs

alejandro casalegno

Gay-zion………..empty words…………empty tanks………


200,000 Lebanese DEAD in the first 48 hrs ….

The Future is About to Land …


Worse than you guys hit Iraq? damn….

Potato Man

What Zion are known for? :))))


Iran Invests in Advanced Drone Technology to Strengthen ‘Deterrence Power’ – State Media

Iran’s Ministry of Defense is investing in its unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology to ensure it remains one of the top countries in combat drone development, according to state media. https://cdn1.img.sputniknews.com/img/107909/79/1079097963_0:0:1000:542_1000x0_80_0_1_facfe43fadd46c801cc6b6e5c64ecbdd.jpg.webp


11 Iranian slugs were killed last night in Syria … Hezbollah among them

The Future is About to Land …




Look for it … I won’t play your denial bs game



FUCK your claim than! Can’t be valid with no proof (and from respected independent source if possible)

Abinash Nayak



Beyond Speed Limit: Ukrainian Su-27 Fighter Smashes Into Road Sign During Landing – Video


Антон С

Born for crawl can’t fly. Hohols already killed many people with Su-27 not entering a fight. Tens of people at Lvov airshow (near 2000), 2 pilots (including american) 2-3 years ago. They shelled Lugansk with Su-25, killed 7 people, two of them were a woman with her little children. After that they lost ~25 planes and helicopters shot down by anti-air defense. Poor attempts to restore remaining planes leads to crashes again and again.


“2 pilots (including american)”

I remember that one. US is losing lots of aircraft (including aircraft carrier) lately. Something is rotten in US army…or at least broken in their system. They give impression that they are falling apart in front of our eyes.


People still killing each other over fairy tales that can’t be proven. Faith that my god is better than your god. I can’t believe how stupid people still are.

Peter Waine

The kikes will get their day, evil always loses.


Try us idiot.


The Jews / Zionists / Israelis are on a winning streak …

Антон С

Jews will live, but zionism is doomed.


Israel will be going from strength to strength …


Антон С

Ha-ha-ha! You’re funny. Microscopic zioinst regime is doomed, if to continue aggressive policy towards neighbors. Medicine fact. Aggressors are doomed.


Hormone disorder,fine line between the jew and the jewhadi fascist kweer scum: Either way evil’s doomed,no matter who,how or why,they can run but shan’t hide, The best bit they will be at one anothers throats,in their quest to escape their rot


Advice ? Consider the source … pmsl

Антон С

Look for it … I won’t play your denial bs game



Too bad the minion khazar/p00fs will see the end of progress (period)


Why? Is the Planet about to explode?

Cuz … the Jews/Zionists/Israelis are locked and loaded


No future in fascism nor kweers (period) in the end it will boil down to POWER! The planet will not explode whilst I live on it,yet the mason reight/fags have lost! Nothing you or any fake mates can ever do about it either locked,loaded or not! Enjoy the show,I sure as hell will:peace is on the table,fk soros,fk gimp,fk incest!!


Jimi James … I missed seeing him in Toronto but I had his large picture over my bed for years … with that hat on his Afro … a genius … musically … a beautiful man


As for your thoughts … I don’t have a clue … maybe I’ll reread it when I’m stoned … lol

Zaphod Braden

The most Genocidal Monsters in history: Jews BRAG about the murder of Egypt’s first born and celebrate every year at PASSOVER. Jews BRAG about the genocide of 75,000 Persians and celebrate it every year at PURIM. Never FORGET, Never FORGIVE, the SHOAH of 1.5MILLION Armenian Christians under the crypto-Jewish “Young Turks” “necessary for the Rothschilds’ Baku Oil. The Armenian Christians’ financial and intellectual prominence was not “good for business.”” Armenians had lived in peace thousands of years, until Jewish money wanted them out. Never FORGET, Never FORGIVE, the SHOAH of 66MILLION Christians under the Jewish Bolsheviks Never FORGET, Never FORGIVE, KATYN FOREST & the Ukrainian HOLODOMOR where the Jewish Bolsheviks slaughtered the Educated Elite CHRISTIAN Leaders. Teach about Bela Kun and his Jewish comrades who committed the Red Terror in 1918 Hungary. http://www.jrbooksonline.com/some_pics_from_cecile_tormay.htm Never FORGET, Never FORGIVE, the ongoing SHOAH of the PALESTINIANS. The sight of the “STAR of DEATH” sends a frightening and offensive message to ALL NON-Jews. “The classes and the races (RACES) too weak to master the new conditions of life must give way…. They must perish in the revolutionary holocaust.” -Karl Marx, Marx People’s Paper, April 16, 1856, Journal of the History of Idea, 1981 ………….. “RACISL HOLOCAUST” advocated by a JEW against NON-Jews years before Hitler was even born ……… Israel does not have a ‘right to exist”, because Israel is born of genocide and war crimes that ISRAEL brags about. To recognize their false claim today is to validate crimes against humanity The “STAR of DEATH” represents the ORIGINAL “Nazis”, the perpetrators and braggarts of the Humanity’s first SHOAH: FUNNY that everything they claim the nazis did is an EXACT COPY of what they brag about doing to the ORIGINAL Palestinians. Deuteronomy 7:16, 20:16 “And thou shalt consume all the peoples which the Lord thy God shall deliver unto thee; thine eye shall not pity them…thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth.”

KILL THE SICK and CRIPPLED Numbers c.5 v.2-4 KILL HOMOSEXUALS & UNDESIRABLES Leviticus c.20 v.13 well, really the whole chapter KILL ALL DISSIDENTS: Exodus c.32 v.27 Numbers c.11 v.1-2 Numbers c.16 all Numbers c.21 v.5-6 Numbers v.26 v.10 KILL anyone who engages in “DIVERSITY” or “INTEGRATION” Numbers v25 v.4-8 Deuteronomy c.14 v.2 DEHUMANIZE and then EXTERMINATE ALL NON-MEMBERS: SEXUALLY ENSLAVE any females “who have not KNOWN a man” a very brief selection, many more in THEIR book. Numbers c.21 v.03 Canaanites Numbers c.21 v.24 Amorites Numbers c.21 v.33-35 Bashan Numbers c.31 all Midianites Numbers c.32 v. more Amorites Deuteronomy c.2 v.34 People of Heshbon Deuteronomy c.3 v.6 really the whole chapter. threescore cities Joshua c.12 A list of victims of Israeli GENOCIDE OCCUPY YOUR VICTIM’S DWELLINGS/LAND Numbers c.21 v.25 Numbers c.32 v.39 Numbers c.33 v.53 (just to name a FEW) GENOCIDE CODIFIED IN THEIR RELIGION Numbers c.33 v.31-34 Deuteronomy c.7 v.2 Deuteronomy c.12 v.28-30 Deuteronomy c.20 v.11-16 TERRORISM CODIFIED IN THEIR RELIGION Deuteronomy c.2 v.2 Deuteronomy c.7 v.1 Jews SELF-anointed “The CHOSEN People of GOD” Nazis SELF-anointed “The CHOSEN People of GENETICS”. TODAY Israel states that it is creating “A PURE Jewish State” YESTERDAY the Nazis were creating “A PURE German State” And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword . . . (Joshua 6:21) For modern day reinforcement of these “rules” research/google “the KINGS TORAH” is a good start.


anti-Judaism Hate Screed … from an Iranian monster

Coming ta git ya …


Zaphod Braden



A waste of breath … a vile Iranian slug

Zaphod Braden

JCHOOO JCHOOOO JCHOOO The sound you will hear on your train ride.


Covid 19 is eating Iran raw …. eh?

The cull isn’t over yet ….


Satans now fkd! Here we go each ones at the others throat on others theorys instead of earning truth? Ain’t we such ungratefull mob?Pray,keep on praying muvafkrz,repent,revise,refine,I did my bit and you?


The gap between US-Israeli and ME armies is narrowing. They don’t get free territories like before. They still manage to kill larger numbers though. And they also have nukes, unlike Iran for example. They need US to step ahead of China and Russia. Otherwise there isn’t much that local skirmishes can achieve.

Jens Holm

Its an asylum for Assad:)

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