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Israel Refused US Request To Transfer Spike Anti-Tank Missile To Ukraine – Report

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Israel Refused US Request To Transfer Spike Anti-Tank Missile To Ukraine – Report

A Spike LR II ATGM made by Israel’s Rafael Advanced Defense Systems. (Courtesy of Rafael)

Israel had refused a US request to allow Germany to supply Ukraine with Israeli-developed Spike anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM), US and Israeli officials told Axios on May 25.

The request was made by US Undersecretary of Defense for policy, Colin Kahl, during a meeting with Amir Eshel, director-general of the Israeli Ministry of Defense, in Washington early on in May. According to Axios, Eshel denied the request. The senior officer explained that due to concerns that there would be Russian casualties from Israeli-made weapons, Israel will only supply Ukraine with non-lethal military equipment.

Recently, Israel became more critical of the ongoing Russian special military operation in Ukraine and began providing non-lethal military equipment to Kiev forces. The shift was likely the result of pressure by the US.

The Spike ATGMs in question were produced in Germany with Israeli technology under an Israeli license. According to the license, Israel must approve any transfer of the missiles to a third party.

The German-made Spike ATGM, codenamed MELLS by the Bundeswehr, is a copy of the Israeli Spike-LR. The first generation of the infrared homing missile has a range of four kilometers and is armed with a tandem high-explosive anti-tank warhead.

Israel Refused US Request To Transfer Spike Anti-Tank Missile To Ukraine – Report

Click to see full-size image.

The Spike ATGM offers nothing new from Western-made anti-tank missiles already supplied to Kiev forces, like the US-made FGM-148 Javelin. The US likely wanted to transfer the German missiles to Ukraine because it can’t provide as much of its own ATGMs as before.

Israel understands that Russia can respond to the supply of Israeli lethal weapons to Ukraine. Russia could arm Syria with advanced weapons, step up military cooperation with Iran or even ship Western-made weapons captured from Kiev forces to Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Hamas Movement in the Gaza Strip.

According to recent reports, during an Israeli attack on Syria on May 13 Russian-controlled S-300 air-defense systems opened fire at Israeli fighter jets. The alleged incident was seen as a warning by Moscow to Tel Aviv.


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Muhammad your Prophet

Israel is fighting its own war againt the pork eating fat slob Hassan Nasrallah in Lebanon. They have their hands full. It’s not about wether Vladimir Putin is a terrorrist cockroach or not. Everybody knows the deranged Russian president is terrorist scum. It’s about them already having their own terrorist scum to deal with.


They have their hand full against a militia that’s being financed by the most sanctioned country in the world (Iran) Is that how weak israel? My brothers in yellow from Lebanon will rain hell on your ports to the point where israel economy will be amongst the lowest in the world.

Every word that comes out of Sayed Nasrallah mouth is the truth, and he said he’ll let off a big explosion if you Jews dare to destroy our mosque.

As for Putin, if you think Putin is a terrorist you’re dumber than I thought. Putin is thinking ethically, that’s why Ukraine doesn’t look like what israel would look like after Hezbollah bombs israel.

Muhammad your Prophet

Your brothers in yellow destroyed half of Beirut all by themselves. They can’t even protect their own ports. That’s why everybody in Lebanon despises your brothers in yellow. Because they’re all talk and nothing else.


There’s no proof Hezbollah did it, israel was paying journalist to push the “Hezbollah blew up the port” narrative, that alone makes it sound like Israel was behind it.

Muhammad your Prophet

There is all the proof in the world Hezbollah did it. Israel’s got nothing to do with your friends in yellow blowing the entire city to pieces. Hezbollah blew up the port. Everybody knows it. It’s a fact.

jens holm

It exploded by stupdity and self ignition.

When we have incoomings of any kind, we sell anything by auktion at once. Thats the law. It gives money to the harbours and some tax to state as well.


The Beirut explosion was due to incompetence via the Lebanese authorities and it was simply an accident waiting to happen, Israel and Hezbollah had nothing to do with it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Christopher

The corrupt Lebanese stored ammonium nitrate illegally and it got unstable and the port blew up. You are right, nothing to do with Hezbollah, Zionists are anyone else.



MONKEY WARS!!!!! 5 bucks on the monkey with the jerry curls and stupid hat

Last edited 2 years ago by BanderiteLivesDon'tMatter
Bo Diddly

Looks like Putin fucked you mom? you seen angry boyo. A Jew posing as a Muslim, nothing new LOL

Muhammad your Prophet

Putin fucked my mom he probably thought he was fucking his dog on vodka.


dude we all fucked your mom, and she was barking and stank of cheap liquor

Yamil Perez Dead

Your mom is a dog on vodka and crack. And you’re just an partially aborted turd from her asshole.


Jew, moslem…same thing, just another sand monkey by a different name(or religion) and no one cares about them. I’m a ice monkey, were much cooler. enjoy your banana Uri

jens holm

Not a single one below relate to the article. they might even read it later if ever.

jens holm

I wonder why people below dont praise Israel for helping Russia.


Israel is only helping itself, they prefer to fight against unarmed armies


Palestinian children and Al-Jazeera reporters can’t fight back, so the Jews kill defenceless women and children.


lol. throw rocks at tanks win stupid prizes. Same thing every friday. has not changed in 50 years of watching. never gets old, just like fakestinians! :)


Zion never helps anyone clown, they only steal and loot for themselves. You aren’t that fuking rtded are you?

jens holm

Russia again try to steal a whole country.


An Israeli whinging about someone else stealing a country???


Israel doesn’t want Hezbollah and SAA gifted the best of the best, and doesn’t want Iran to be given some fighter jets, missiles and air defence if Israel helps Ukraine. Russia has probably given the axis of resistance something under the table for their loyalty, and also to stick it to the Zionist/NATO for siding with Ukraine

jens holm

Trading is there. They need each other in ME.


You’re a comedian. Russia has also probably given SAA the opportunity to use S300 and other fictional stories lol


Good Meddling military industrialists, and BTW boeing, Lockheed etc are Jesuit owned and controlled operations and no way any sensible Israeli is going to promote Germany 🇩🇪naxlzi building operations to satisfy them again.

Lazy Gamer

Didnt know that the Jesuits owned part of the MIC. Source?


Holy hand grenades of Antioch website

jens holm

Do it again. My wife almost died laughing

Bo Diddly

You mean your goat?

jens holm

She is a Baahthist and has two tits.

Anonymous Gay

“Sensible” Israelis are the ones running this war you low IQ ape.

Daniel Robinson

I’m convinced that Russia is trying to capture Israel away from the US to be their own puppet state amidst this whole Ukraine affair. Russia understands how to deal with the Jews, and ultimately its mutually beneficial to use Israel to help them keep the Turks, Arabs & Persians in line, if necessary. However, they must be put in their place, and know they are no longer with Globohomo.

Russia strategically built its network in Israel & that’s why Bibi was ultimately ousted. The Israeli Moldovan politician Avigdor Lieberman is Putin’s man in the Knesset. He’s the true kingmaker in that government.

Anonymous Gay

Yes but it’s the other way round, Israel controls Russia, they own them, like they do the Americans.

jens holm

The world not even look like that.

If it was true we were controlled by israel I would be very happy about it. Things are doing pretty well.

Give a link for something better.


Too bad the US/ NATO weren’t smart enough to do the same. There is no doubt in my mind that their other enemies will be attaining weapons systems and technology that will affect their safety.

jens holm

We see the results well. You dont.


Is Israel finally remembering the meaning of nazis-fascists in its history ? . If you find a justification for supporting Ukraine nazi-fascist regime, write it down an put it in all holocaust museums in the World.

jens holm

Ukraine has a well elected parlament and a well electedPresident.


Who got into office riding on a peace ticket to bring the conflict with the separatist to a peaceful end.

jens holm

So what about the rest of them being 82,2%.

Ukraine was declared as own country and no more a neocolonialistic initiative stolen frm them. A country o f44 millions should be reduced to a Putin territory with golfballs in its flag.

That was what Maidan was about. It was respect both ways and no more grabbing.

It already more then 20 years before that was decided Ukraine should be their own no matter what . This is not about peace but surrender to a collapased agressor. That goes for the rest which now again are countries.

Som infections i Russian should not decide that.

Russia made Ukraine by moving in west into Poland and next added 2 provinces and krimera to the east.

Now they dont accept their own decidings and even invade it killing thousens there. How wrong can You be and insist in being right.

jens holm

USSR even before WW1 took parts of Finland, the Baltics, half of Poland and more too. It even named themself as Father or Mother.

After WW2 i moved Germany west, Poland west, Belarus went to a region more west. And it was all the way to west of Berlin.

I evenhad to build great walls and use barbed wires, landmines and machineguns to keep people in.

Why did millions leave or tryed to leave? You never ask that question.

You also never ask why west is doing very well compared to east in Europe.

jens holm

After writing and reading on sites like this there still is not a single answer for why people emmigrate to us. –

Instead You are experts in we are runned by zionist, rich jews, nazis. hitler, CIA, America,Nato and billions of prolatars are running around naked in the streets hardly having an umbralla against rain and sun.

I see and feel none of that and live here. i also can compare and vote by free speach and look up maps for history and statistics. By that I can replace people in the political systems and do.

They are not separatists. They are Russians displaced on purpose by USSR and mainly Krustjov. hey are a create excuse to invade several of the parts of the crashæamnded dead Empire.

They are excused but they have had every antenna towards moskva in a “Who cares where Kiev is”. People like them are no part of the state. They change or leave.


yes, incredibly democratic



Israel is Nazi Fascist so they just need to look in the mirror my stupid friend.

Are the Ukrainian troops winning from the boilers?

Biden and Zelensky will go down in history as presidents who staged a holodomor on the planet In Lviv, subpoenas are handed out in QUEUES at gas stations. Residents of western Ukraine are being driven to slaughter without weapons and training. Zelensky sold Lviv to the Poles, they can do everything there now. And now Zelensky is clearing western Ukraine of Ukrainians for Poles.

Last edited 2 years ago by Are the Ukrainian troops winning from the boilers?

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are collapsing on the battlefield and the defeats are happening so fast, over such a wide area, that today, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky told the country “Ukraine is not eager to talk to Russia’s Vladimir Putin but that it has to face the reality that this will likely be necessary to end the war.”

Quite a turnaround from just a week ago when Zelensky said Ukraine will never give up any territory, and would “win” against the Russian Army.

Over the past two weeks, the situation for Ukraine has gotten almost dire. Its armed forces are being decimated on almost every battlefield. Russian long range artillery is smashing thousands of Ukraine troops, and causing those still alive to surrender.

In fact, the number of Ukraine troops surrendering has gotten so enormous, the Ukraine legislature voted on a Bill allowing military officers to SHOOT SURRENDERING TROOPS to stop the mass-surrenders!

In the brief video below, Ukraine troops who SURRENDERED, report to the world that their commanding officers DID, in fact, SHOOT THEIR OWN TROOPS IN THE BACK to prevent the surrender!


isreal does not want to be wiped out just because of following stupid order from ussa

Tzipi Noser

CIA Report: For Israelis, the future is impossible to see as demographics and global power shift spells doom

A savage inhuman society living on western charity cannot go far with its head buried in the sand, and will certainly be unable to cope with the real challenges confronting it.

There is not a single Israeli, not one, who knows where his country is headed.

Ask any ordinary Israeli or any politician, any journalist or scientist, from the political centre or the right or the left: where are you going? How will your country look in another 20 years? Or 50? They can’t even describe what 10 years from now might be like. Few Israelis could even say where they would like their country to be going, apart from empty slogans about peace and security and prosperity. Troubling question

There are very few places where people ask whether or not their country will exist a few decades hence. People don’t ask that in Germany or Albania, or in Togo or even in Chad.

Note the incredible efforts Israelis expend to obtain a second passport for themselves and their children – any passport. Most so-called Israelis are alien to the land of Palestine and they know it.

The future of their country is hidden from them, shrouded in mist. They like to talk in religious terms about eternity, “a united Jerusalem for eternity” and “God’s eternal promise to Israel”, while deep down they have no clue what will be happening to their country tomorrow or, at the latest, the day after that. Self-delusion provides no answer

The name of the game is repression, denial, self-delusion, on a scale unknown in any other society that comes to mind. Just as for most Israelis there is no occupation, and definitely no apartheid, despite the mountains of evidence towering higher all the time – so, for most Israelis, tomorrow is not a thing. Tomorrow is not a thing in terms of the environment or climate change in Israel; tomorrow is not a thing in terms of relations with the other nation living alongside us with our knee on its throat.


I’ll be the Israeli government was also worried some Spikes would be captured, and a few would be given to Iran for examination and reverse engineering, prior to being copied.

Tzipi Noser

Check out the Iranian Spike clone called Almas2. Southfront had a good analysis on it. The Iranians captured a few in Syria and then cloned it. Their Almas has been seen with Russian allied forces in Ukraine.

According to Iranian media the Almas’ missile is a non-line of sight munition that locks and tracks a target as far as 8 kilometers away. Among Rafael’s catalog of anti-tank missiles under the brand name Spike the Spike LR2 is the closest analog to the Almas.

Iran Unveils Own Copy Of Israeli Spike Anti-Tank Guided Missile (Video, Photos)

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L du Plessis

Dont believe the israelis !!


Fiber-optic is cable? Why not laser guidance? Now they say about refuse, but before they said about approval. Looks like the story with fighter jets from Poland and Bulgaria. They said that could send planes, then said the planes hasn’t been sent, but ukros lost more planes than had in 2021 according international military revues. It could mean the planes been given to Kiev or territory of Poland/Romania is a base for flights to front line. So these anti-tank missiles can be sent already, but officials said about refuse.


Good choice by the Rothschild Colony. Otherwise Hezbollah would have some brand new shipments of Igla-S, Javelin, NLAW and stingers :)

The Crunge

If these Spike missiles offer nothing new to the Javelin, they won’t help the Ukes much anyway.

Wayne Gabler

Translation: The weapons are already there.

Damascus Steel

Haha, recently the Russian’s turned all their radars in Syria and started return firing missiles, shooting down most of an IAF stand-off, air-to-ground, missile strike against Syria, launched from within Lebanese airspace. This was a clear warning about any Israeli weapons transfers to Ukraine. They also shot down an IAF UAV that was part of the raid just to drive the point home. That, any new Israeli weapons transfers in Ukraine will result in a lot more problems for IAF freedom of action over Lebanon.

Last edited 2 years ago by Damascus Steel
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