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MARCH 2025

Israel Refuses Any Ceasefire Attempts By Hamas

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Israel Refuses Any Ceasefire Attempts By Hamas

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On the evening of May 12th, Israel rejected any mediated talks with Hamas and other Gaza groups to reach a ceasefire in the West Bank.

Egypt, which shares a border with the Gaza Strip, has often served as a broker between Israel and Hamas, who are prepared to agree a ceasefire.

However, Israeli officials said that Israel is this time intent on eradicating the terror networks responsible for the latest conflagration of violence, and is unwilling to settle for another temporary détente.

Israel’s Defense Minister Benny Gantz issued a similar statement.

“Israel is not preparing for a ceasefire. There is currently no end date for the operation. Only when we achieve complete quiet can we talk about calm,” Gantz said. “We will not listen to moral preaching from any organization or institution regarding our right and duty to protect the citizens of Israel.”

Israeli outlet Yedioth Ahronoth quoted high-ranking Israeli political sources as saying that the Israeli response to the Egyptian proposal was:

“Do not talk to us now, we are collecting the price and reinforcing deterrence.”

The political sources added that “the general perception of the Israeli political leadership is that the Egyptians, as well as the international community, will allow Israeli operations until Eid El-Fitr, that is, until Wednesday-Thursday night.”

An Israeli political source said that “Israel depends on the result that the Israeli army will achieve. We want the army to intensify the attacks.”

A minister and member of the Israeli cabinet for political and security affairs told Yedioth Ahronoth that “the initial strike by the Israeli army should have been ten times more powerful than we saw. We will pay the price anyway, so why did not they respond in a way that shows that this is payback for launching rockets at Jerusalem? Unfortunately, the current logic now is to contain the situation.”

Some on social media claim that the Palestinian groups are warning in advance of their strikes on Social Media and that civilians could clear out of the areas.

Regardless, it seems that the escalation is far from over, and more punishment will be dished out by Tel Aviv.


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Isra-hell is a terrorist state

Simon Ndiritu

One of these random missiles may take out this Loser nyahoo clown and send his banana republic into a full civil war.

Iron Zion

We are winning. I scared 2 children that were holding rocks. I pointed my big gun at them and they threw the rocks at me and ran away like cowards. I am in hospital getting my head stitched. The pain of this war is hurting . They better surrender before I get out of hospital or I will get Jens to write them a letter. That will finish them as Jens writes lovely letters.I might want to emigrate soon , any suggestions where I can go.?

Jens Holm

Iron Zoion you are so brave. Two of them at the same time. That is scary. Lucky they freed that ship blocking the canal or the moon would not shine bright. Idlib needs you as paymaster. They are short for brains there


Hahahahah yea, one of those missiles needs to do that, and the more israel tries to make this war go its way, the more it will get out of control for them

None of you

Ha ha extermination of jihadist are coming.. Well done Israel.. When Israel will unleash cluster bomb 💣on jihadist nothing will save them . All jihadist and their fu….k Muhammad will go to hell


colony always follows orders from amerikan master the amerikan robots receive moral education from LGBT nazis—sensitivity training curriculum by dr mengele. 1st lesson use of meth and dildos on 5 year children in US villages amerikan—a different and inferior species

Johnny Wu

Am I the only one seeing this unique chance ? I wonder why Islamic Jihad, Hamas, PFLP, Al Aqsa Martydom Brigades etc. not realize that they need to respond in an irregular and assymetric way to the israeli attacks ? In Israel the zionists are strong, destroying palestinian buildings, killing civilians nearly at will. And the zionist controlled medias around the world, especially in Europa, always report nothing, but lies about it, because all european media outlets are owned by zionist.

Why is the Resistance not encouraging, adressing and asking its followers and ALL MUSLIMS world-wide, especially in Europe ( France, Belgium, Germany, Schweden, Switzerland, Netherland ) to storm, burn or take-down all zionist news and TV stations ? There are a dozen millions of palestinian, iraqi, syrian, afghan, chechen, tunesian, libyian, algerian, egyptian immigrants in Europe. Let alone millions of turks who don t like israel eighter. Why not using this million-strong menpower to give the deathblow to the zionists in europe ?

All the TV-Stations and big Newspaper Outlets are owned by the zionists. Burning them down – that would be a visible and terrifying blow to the zionist terror-regime, and would be in the best interest of mankind in a whole. And due to the more and more oppressive zionist initiated corona-hoax pandemia, even the native christian populations of europe will agree and support these actions, and finally will fully solidarize themselves with it. Hear, muslims of the world. Now is the time. Translate+Spread this message to everyone.


Am I the only one seeing this unique chance ? I wonder why Islamic Jihad, Hamas, PFLP, Al Aqsa Martydom Brigades etc. not realize that they need to respond in an irregular and assymetric way to the israeli attacks ? In Israel the zionists are strong, destroying palestinian buildings, killing civilians nearly at will. And the zionist controlled medias around the world, especially in Europa, always report nothing, but lies about it, because all european media outlets are owned by zionist.

Why is the Resistance not encouraging, adressing and asking its followers and ALL MUSLIMS world-wide, especially in Europe ( France, Belgium, Germany, Schweden, Switzerland, Netherland ) to storm, burn or take-down all zionist news and TV stations ? There are a dozen millions of palestinian, iraqi, syrian, afghan, chechen, tunesian, libyian, algerian, egyptian immigrants in Europe. Let alone millions of turks who don t like israel eighter. Why not using this million-strong menpower to give the deathblow to the zionists in europe ?

All the TV-Stations and big Newspaper Outlets are owned by the zionists. Burning them down – that would be a visible and terrifying blow to the zionist terror-regime, and would be in the best interest of mankind in a whole. And due to the more and more oppressive zionist initiated corona-hoax pandemia, even the native christian populations of europe will agree and support these actions, and finally will fully solidarize themselves with it. Hear, muslims of the world. Now is the time. Translate+Spread this message to everyone.

Faisal al Al-Mahdi

Glory To God in the highest. AnsarAllah of Yemen has offered Saudi and UAE a ceasefire in Marib . If they join forces and march on Jerusalem God Bless ansarAllah. it is the prohecy of end times that the fire from yemen will sweep arabia and another related prohecy is the end time war, an army from yemen meets to serve Imam Mahdi (AS) in Palestine. It is rapidly coming true in front of our eyes. Yemen army will be unstoppable and become a sword for Imam Mahdi to defeat the satanic forces in the world. Oh Jews of Israel you should remember to fear God and turn to God in repentance, for he has created a people in Yemen and Palestine who do not fear death and they are coming for you for justice and revenge.

The new Nazi are Zion – Zion were those who killed Jews with Nazi…what Nazi call them? yup


Here is your French translation Johnny Wu.

Suis-je le seul à voir cette chance unique ? Je me demande pourquoi le Jihad islamique, le Hamas, le FPLP, les Brigades du Martyre d’Al Aqsa, etc. ne réalisent pas qu’ils doivent répondre de manière irrégulière et asymétrique aux attaques israéliennes ? En Israël, les sionistes sont forts, ils détruisent les bâtiments palestiniens, tuent des civils presque à volonté. Et les médias contrôlés par les sionistes dans le monde entier, en particulier en Europe, ne rapportent toujours rien, mais mentent à ce sujet, car tous les médias européens appartiennent aux sionistes.

Pourquoi la Résistance n’encourage-t-elle pas, n’adresse-t-elle pas et ne demande-t-elle pas à ses partisans et à TOUS les musulmans du monde entier, en particulier en Europe (France, Belgique, Allemagne, Suède, Suisse, Pays-Bas) de prendre d’assaut, de brûler ou de démolir toutes les chaînes de télévision et d’information sionistes ? Il y a une douzaine de millions d’immigrants Palestiniens, Irakiens, Syriens, Afghans, Tchétchènes, Tunisiens, Libyens, Algériens, Egyptiens en Europe. Sans parler des millions de Turcs qui n’aiment pas non plus Israël. Pourquoi ne pas utiliser ce million de personnes pour donner le coup de grâce aux sionistes en Europe ?

Toutes les stations de télévision et les grands journaux appartiennent aux sionistes. Les brûler – ce serait un coup visible et terrifiant pour le régime de terreur sioniste, et ce serait dans le meilleur intérêt de l’humanité dans son ensemble. Et en raison de la pandémie de corona-hoax de plus en plus oppressive initiée par les sionistes, même les populations chrétiennes d’Europe seront d’accord et soutiendront ces actions, et finalement se solidariseront pleinement avec elles. Oyez, musulmans du monde. Le moment est venu.

** Traduisez + Diffusez ce message à tout le monde. **


Charles The Great


LOL! I actually like this new commenting system. The spoofed accounts (of Jens Holms and Iron Zion) are SO hilarious! :-)

Jens Holm

Neo Jens thanks you but I am so secret even I do not know who I am.

Iron Zion

Jens come to me and I will show you who you are big boy. :-)

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