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MARCH 2025

Israel Reportedly Excluding Russian Citizens From Lists Of People Allowed To Leave Gaza

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Israel Reportedly Excluding Russian Citizens From Lists Of People Allowed To Leave Gaza

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant

Apparently, Israel is boycotting the evacuation of Russian citizens from Gaza. According to information reported by a Palestinian source, the Zionist regime is deliberately preventing Russians from leaving the Strip, which would be a way of blackmailing Moscow for it to take a stance in favor of Tel Aviv in the conflict.

Basem Naim, head of international relations for Hamas in the Gaza Strip, in an interview with Russian media stated that Israel is preparing Gaza evacuation lists in a unilateral way, which is why citizens from some specific countries are being excluded from the possibility of rescue through the border with Egypt. According to Naim, Hamas and other Palestinian organizations have no participation in the process of preparing these lists, which is why nothing can be done by them to help Russian citizens in the region.

He clarified that on the part of Hamas and other militias there is no objection to people leaving the Gaza Strip. The problem is that Egypt is not agreeing to open its borders, which prevents civilians from leaving the region. Departures only happen in specific cases, with people previously authorized by Israel. The Zionist State gives Egypt lists of citizens who are allowed to leave Gaza and then the border is opened to them. These citizens are foreigners – both dual Palestinian nationals and non-Palestinians who for some reason were in Gaza during the outbreak of hostilities.

Naim also said that the Israelis receive American help in preparing these lists. This explains why some countries like Russia are being harmed in the process. In practice, the US and Israel appear to be weaponizing the rescue of civilians, using migration control on the Gaza-Egypt border as a blackmail tool against other states.

“The lists for leaving the Gaza Strip are prepared for those with other nationalities, namely Israelis and Americans. These lists are then sent to the Egyptians, who in turn send them to the Ministry of Interior to be published on the official website (…) We have no role to play in this process, and we have no authority to determine who is allowed to leave Gaza for Egypt. Nevertheless, we do not prevent those who wish to leave Gaza from doing so”, he told Russian media.

Previously, in the second week of the conflict, the Russian envoy to Israel had reported that around a thousand Russian and CIS citizens were located in Gaza, which generated great concern in Moscow. A few days before the Hamas spokesperson commented on the case, another diplomatic source had already said that Russia had prepared its own evacuation list as well as a rescue plan to conduct the operation successfully, without however having received any positive response from Tel Aviv.

“Everything is ready to start the evacuation of Russian nationals, fellow countrymen and CIS citizens from Gaza. Regretfully, there is no consent from the Israeli side, which is coordinating the lists of those leaving through the Rafah border crossing (…) The Russian Embassy has repeatedly raised this issue and received assurances that it would be resolved. Moscow hopes that Israel will clear up this evacuation problem as soon as possible,” the unnamed source said.

A similar situation is also occurring with other countries. In the case of Brazil, for example, there are dozens of Brazilians waiting to be included on the evacuation lists. Apparently, Israel is deliberately delaying the evacuation of citizens from countries that have adopted a stance contrary to the military measures taken by Israel in Gaza. States whose leaders condemned the massacre of Palestinians are being “punished” by the Zionists, who prevent foreign citizens from returning home.

In fact, what Israel is doing is illegal and intolerable. There is no real difference between preventing people from leaving Gaza and holding them hostage. Since Israel incessantly bombs Gaza, all citizens in the region are at high risk of being victimized by the attacks. Tel Aviv is fully aware of this and uses this dangerous and uncomfortable situation as a way to gain bargaining power with other countries. Israel wants support – or at least the absence of condemnation – otherwise it will continue to hold foreigners hostage.

This case is further evidence of how Israel, as well as other US partners and proxies, received the green light for all types of illegal and anti-humanitarian attitudes. Preventing the evacuation of civilians from a war zone is an international crime. In the case of foreign civilians who have nothing to do with the local conflict, the situation is even more serious. Israel has no right to put the lives of ordinary people at risk just to try to obtain selfish political gains.

You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram.


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Ad Nauseam

it can be only guessed that the zionist regime learned from the best. these procedures have been apparently “refined” in the 1940′ by the nazis.

Last edited 1 year ago by Ad Nauseam
Nose, Nose

no, it is the other way round: the nazis didn’t learn all the lessons from the jews and were too soft on them, too.

Ad Nauseam

guess, the zionist learned first hand from the best. these “techniques” have been greatly “refined” in the 1940′ by the nazis.

Last edited 1 year ago by Ad Nauseam

an eye for an eye – capture enough jew prisoners to trade for the russian hostages izrahell is holding for ransom. simple.


desert orcs waging war against russians. what else is new. if russia had any balls they’d fly a couple fab-5000s into insrael and make that shithole indistinguishable from the gaza strip.


the problem with that statement is doing so will kill innocents. left out is the fact these zionists even kill their own israelis to pursue their agendas.


russia should negotiate directly with egypt to get its citizens out of gaza, also long overdue, shoot these hooked- nose planes out of the sky when they violate syria’s airspace


they should put a joint egyptian/ russian/ chinese base in the sinai and put some air defence and communication jamming equipment there. but newsflash they won’t. isreal is full of people originating from russia and china has put a bit emphasis on isreal in their belt and road initiative. no matter which empire rules the world israel will be cherished and protected by it.


since their greatest son that ever lived lenin it is their goal to empty the land north and northeast of the black sea to return to their true home. the new lenin in kiew is trying hard but has not yet been able to produce similar number of dead slavs. to let a slav go back to a home they want to empty of slavs would be counterproductive.


oh yeah, save a couple of hundreds russian and fuck 2,3 millions palestinian russian and foreigner blood are different, fuck all you with your comments!

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