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MARCH 2025

Israel Says It Lost Track Of Drone That Penetrated Its Airspace, Dodged Its Interceptors & Fighter Jets

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Israel Says It Lost Track Of Drone That Penetrated Its Airspace, Dodged Its Interceptors & Fighter Jets

illustrative image.

Update: IDF says a preliminary investigation shows that the Iron Dome failed to intercept the drone that entered Israeli airspace from Lebanon, and it shortly thereafter returned to Lebanon.


On February 18, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced that they had lost track of an unidentified drone that crossed from Lebanon into Israeli airspace.

Several Iron Dome interceptors were fired at the drone. Warning sirens were heard in many towns in northern Israel. Fighter jets of the Israeli Air Force were also scrambled to track and intercept the drone. Despite all of this, the IDF lost track of the drone.

“A short time ago, a radio-controlled aircraft crossed into Israel from Lebanon. Sirens were sounded & aerial defense systems were activated. After a few minutes, radar contact was lost with the aircraft. The event is under investigation & civilian life has returned to routine,” the IDF said in a statement.

Israeli media sources speculated that the drone was launched by Hezbollah. The Lebanese group is yet to confirm or deny these claims.

Hezbollah operates drones along the separation line between Lebanon and Israel on a regular basis. Just a day earlier, the IDF shot down a small drone that was launched by the group near the line.

In a recent speech, Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah boasted about his group’s ability to manufacture drones in Lebanon. The leader also warned Israel against conducting any special operations inside Lebanon to search for advanced weapons.


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cowardly zionist jokers

still nothing happened yet they freak out as if a worldwar started


They need to show the world “gods people” have everything in control

Chris Gr

It is not like that. Many nations want Israel to be wiped out from the face of the Earth and also the regressive left wants that.

Cuckmander Hebrew

They are hated because they are mongrel sandmutts with a retarded religion, much like their christcuck simps (gayreeks being some of their biggest whores).

Chris Gr

The biuggest cuck here is you.

Cuckmander Hebrew

Wrong. Gayreeks are the pioneers of cuckoldry since antiquity so that championship is all yours.

Reactionary Monarcho-Socialist Metalhead

Yes because we are having sex with your wives and you enjoy watching.

S Balu


Chris Gr

In the end you will discard the Armenian genocide also.

S Balu

Chris Gr We are talking about fake Jews who have been exposed by John Hopkins University that zionist in occupied Palestine do not have Semitic DNA Just like you have Turkish DNA but pretending to be Greek

Reactionary Monarcho-Socialist Metalhead

I am not Mongol.

S Balu

Chris Gr Please note it has been proven conclusively and scientifically by John Hopkins University that zionist in occupied Palestine are Fake Jews and No credible research document exist to prove if ever holocaust happened Now you are doing the same denying your TURKISH DNA WHEN IT HAS BEEN PROVEN SCIENTIFICALLY SHOWS YOU ARE ASHAMED OF YOUR HERITAGE

Reactionary Monarcho-Socialist Metalhead

Mizrahi Jews and other types of Jews like the Sephardi are from there.

S Balu

Cowardly zionist jokers Chris Gr has freaked out in Greece and he in mourning as zionist IRON DOME HAS BEEN PROVEN TO BE A DUMMY

Well great

Shitty little country

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Must have been a pretty advanced drone. Oy vey…

Cuckmander Hebrew

Kek, where is the sandmutt kikeroach pindick veteran “iRon ZiOn” now? Where is the peanut-peckered gayreek wog simp “Chris”?

Yahweh shitskin deity cannot defend his turd brown shithole, same as when the Romans sacked it.

Shima Yisroel, Shitskin Elohinu!

Chris Gr

You will face the wrath of Zeus soon.

Cuckmander Hebrew

“zEuS” is a perverted shitskin corruption of Dyeus Pitr, our Skyfather who reigns above.

Wog zeus will be castrated and sodomized out of existence the same as shitskin elohim/yahweh, the sandmutt cuckold hebrew desert demon.

Chris Gr

I don’t believe in Indo European theory.

Cuckmander Hebrew

I know, you believe in the shitskin sandmutt theory (largely because you are a darkie yourself).

Reactionary Monarcho-Socialist Metalhead


S Balu

Chris Gr You mean to say you will face the wrath of Turks because of your smelly backside and you being in denial of your Turkish DNA


They “shoot down” one of their own drones and show no image of it, a few weeks back. They now say a drone from Lebanon crossed into Palestine borders…

Zion doesn’t like to show any weakness, so it all could be BS (Hezbollah didn’t say anything and Zion hasn’t shown any proof), Zion are known for being satanic little lying rats. Believing them is like believing Satan himself. Remember the S-200 missile that landed inside Palestine near Zion nuclear site? Did Zion say anything about that, not really, and they sure as hell didn’t talk about why their plastic dome didn’t work at all.

Zion runs Hollywood, they are good at lying as well. They are running low on cash and they asking their cow cash (the US) for more money, “aid/support/terrorists funding” whatever they like to call it.

Last edited 3 years ago by JJ345
Chris Gr

Hollywood is ruled by the regressive left. The regressive left supports Palestinians. Israel is against Soros also.


So many times I have proved you wrong to the point that I don’t care if you get skin alive in front of me. Also, update you half-blooded pig, it was a Hezbollah drone that crossed into Palestine and flew 70KM deep into Palestine and returned.

Cuckmander Hebrew

I swear, I would cheer if a gang of subhuman hairy turdkish wogs snipped off his midget dicklet and those juiceless peas for balls he sports.

I hate kikeroaches to genocidal lengths but their simps are worse, especially darkies who pretend to be European.

Chris Gr

You are too impotent for this.

Cuckmander Hebrew

I have fathered children, gayreek. Unlike you whose balls are dry as a desert and your little shitskin prick is tinier than a finger joint.

Reactionary Monarcho-Socialist Metalhead

Who are your children?


You and Jens Holm

Reactionary Monarcho-Socialist Metalhead

Mr kebab, me and Jens Holm are your daddies.

S Balu

Cuckmander Hebrew Chris Gr is not worth the trouble as he has smelly backside uses toilet paper not water which more environmentally friendly leaves no smell

Chris Gr

You don’t even say your nationality. Coward.


At least he doesn’t lie like you, fake Greek from India.


It is not even about that, I have been on the internet before “his” parents made the mistake and didn’t use condoms. Even if I say my nationality, I know what kids like him say right after, you not this or that “lol”. blah blah blah.

It hurts them to get ignored. P.S. you should also ignore “him” as well, like most of us.

Reactionary Monarcho-Socialist Metalhead

Because you are a fake boomer

S Balu

Mehmed You have nailed the troll who is using fake ID like Ahson All Indians

Reactionary Monarcho-Socialist Metalhead

Fake Greek from India. lol One thinks that I am Turk, the other thinks I am British, now I am from India. Basement dwellers are like a tower of Babel.


Jnoub, “I believe Hezbollah has confirmed they got upgraded s-300 from Iran scattered around Lebanon amongst other modern capabilities”

You, “Bring it on”

Yeah, why so salty? Bring it on? Zion aren’t part of NATO, you wannabe Greek clown. Do you want to die for them that bad?

The kid now says, “You don’t even say your nationality. Coward.” I sure as hell do know you are a fuking clown tho.

Reactionary Monarcho-Socialist Metalhead

Bring it on was a joke. You basement dwellers have no sense of humor.

S Balu

JJ345 If Chris Gr is Ashamed of his Turkish DNA and pretending to be Greek what do you expect

Reactionary Monarcho-Socialist Metalhead

You care about DNA so much are you a Nazi? Because all that matters for me is the spirit.


Garbage dome no longer seems to be working, what a joke.


Nasrallah didn’t “boast” he announced that. He also remarked, that Israeli drones have kept out of Lebanese territory for their part.

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