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MARCH 2025

Israel Strikes Damascus As Syrian Army Crushes Terrorists In Idlib, War Report

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Israel Strikes Damascus As Syrian Army Crushes Terrorists In Idlib, War Report

Early on December 23, the Syrian Air Defense intercepted several missiles launched by Israeli warplanes from the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights and the Lebanese area of Mount Hermon.

SANA claimed that the Israeli missiles reportedly fell in the area of Aqraba in the Damascus countryside. Pro-Israeli sources claim that all the missiles hit their targets. The real impact of the strike remains unclear.

The new Israeli attack in Syria took place as the Syrian Army and its allies were developing an important advance against terrorist groups in the Greater Idlib region. At the same time, ISIS increased their attack on military and civilian targets in the government-controlled part of Syria. It seems that some forces are very unhappy that Idlib militants are on retreat.

Meanwhile, the Syrian Army and pro-government militias liberated the villages of Khirbat Marata, Faul, Abu Dafna and Hadithi, and advanced on Taqana, Kafr Basin and Babulin, where clashes erupted.

The next target of the Syrian Army was the town of Jarjanaz, one of the key strong points of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and the Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation in the area. The liberation of the town opened a route to Maarat al-Numan, located on the M5 highway.

By advancing on Maarat al-Numan, the Syrian Army will be able to cut off supply lines of the remaining militants’ positions south of the town and thus get a chance to liberate the entire area.

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This 100% proof FAKE ISRAEL Supported ISIS Motherf@:?ers

Toni Liu

Yes, the only suitable for them is “final solution” to make them disappear


Want me to make a final solution to you mother fucker?


The Zion_Moron sounds like a terrorist.

Monte George

For sure. A pajama-clad, dashing young Bolshevik who hasn’t left his grandmother’s basement for weeks. Just imagine the smell in that room. Ugh.

Smith Ricky



the zion-moron is a moron and it thrives and gets paid by the number of replies to his/her inanities.


I don’t get paid, otherwise I would comment here all day long. Low IQ ape.


nothing like an angry joo to get one to laugh. diaper changing time again knuckle dragger.

John Wallace

Says the man with the big balls. They only look big because they chopped half your dick off when you were born. Don’t think you are the only one that has been to war and killed people on here. My experience tells me those that talk the most actually did the least ..

Hasbara Hunter

You filthy Childraping piece of Shit piss off motherfucker go bother your own Filthy Species


If you are going to dish it out, you have to take it too.

Decatur Guy



Yes, a real final solution this time for the Zionists of all colours and creeds.

There are however many Jews who deplore the Zionist actions. They must be spared.


Shut the fuck up, bitch.


No Palestinian underage children here. No reason for you to get cocky…

Hasbara Hunter

Who the Fuck do you think you are? You motherfucking Childkilling ZioNazi Paedophile…You motherfuckers have it comin’ Filthy Childraping Parasitic Scum of the Earth…


Well, if you’re not going to take your meds, get fitted for a suicide vest and since you are so imcompident, practice a lot…


“incompident” is a non-existent word, supposedly you mean “incompetent”.

Now then, please explain what you mean by his “incompetence”.


Typical Putz Putin the Poisoner Troll playing spelling and grammar Nazi…in addition to so naturally playing neo-Nazi on these sites. How cute.


the angry joo is at it again. lol go change your diaper, your mother is busy elsewhere.


My mother is not a whore like yours.


How do you know? Yiu weren’t around when you were conceived.


funny how your juvenile mind drops down to your crotch so automatically. you are one hopeless joo. lol


That’s right, so don’t fucking piss me off with your bullshit.


just love to piss you off. change your diaper when it happens. go get ’em angry joo. lol


You shouldn’t, blocking people here is something I don’t hesitate to do. Your choice.


blocked enough or your foul mouth


I once asked you to fuck off and terrorise some other planet and you replied with something along the lines of i will fuck off when they are gone and I’ve been wondering who they are and its bothered me because i have some idea of what you jews really are to put it bluntly you fuckers are not from this earth it sounds a bit far fetched but they are definitely receiving help from for want of a better term aliens and spirits and the like i could say more but it would probably be a waste of time


Your mother may not be a whore but she is definately a theif or she has directly benifeted from theiving you Jews have stolen every thing you possess


LOL. You don’t even have a good counter-argument, like all your ziofascist colleagues. Smear, slander and threats is all you people ever utter.


They could denounce their zionist brothers a little more loudly perhaps


I agree, yet we must recognise the tremendous Zionist pressure that is put upon any dissent, especially coreligionists.


True dat. Look at the uphill that people like Paul Eisen and Gilad Atzmon get for their views. I believe that many of the dissenting Jewish voices were silenced by the bolsheviks and in the Holodomor.

Icarus Tanović

Many, many of them. Majority in fact, but yheir voices are silenced.

Icarus Tanović

Zionists supports terrorists that’s well known.

Karen Bartlett

Not at all surprised that Israel would attack right when Syria is liberating Idlib. Israel wants to protect terrorists because Israel is itself a terrorist State. Of course.

42 HSabbagh

Israelis think hummus is their thing. They take the land and the food. And pretend it’s their thing. Well I don’t think so -yahud find your own food and land I hear there’s a giant country sized garbage patch in the Pacific.


Tha’s our land and we are not going anywhere, live with it.

42 HSabbagh

Listen you cancerous tumor. You Zionist are not touching my hummus. How embarrassing would it to be an Israeli. To be known for crimes Assassination, rasicm, bigotry, theives In the night. Child killers, known for massacres. Lemme ask you one question hummus thief… Would you ever live in one state for Palestinians and jews.? Real talk


No I won’t, they can have their own Islamic shithole to live in if they really want in the West Bank and Gaza, Israel is a secular country.

42 HSabbagh

How is it secular .when it just officially became a Jewish state. Doesn’t sound so secular. Detention. Camps for black jews in the Sinai desert. Keep those so called according to your rabbis “monkeys”away from the pure white jews. I have no issue with a jew.i have issue with people with your ideology. Your roots must be from Europe or Russia. Not Palestine. One state for all.equals in humanity


The black people you refer to are illegal Africans that came into Israel a decade ago, for pure economic reasons. Judism is the official religion yes, but 60% of Israelis are seculars meaning we put our country first before religion. I am not a European Jew, but that’s another issue. And no, they can and should have their own state after a peace agreement so they can all live there away from us, best for both sides.

S Melanson

Actually, the Jewish Nation State Law is secular in nature given Zionism is secular ideology in tension with Orthodox Jews that see Zionism conflicting with the Torah regarding establishing a homeland.

The Jewish State also conflicts with democratic values as well and note that the Knesset vote was very divided on the nation state law. The Israeli citizenry are far from having consensus on key questions of their national identity.


Wrong, Zionism is NOT secular, that’s just the hasbara nonsense you have been brainwashed with. Zionism is in cahoots with ultra-Orthodox fascism to keep the population in a totalitarian religious stranglehold.

S Melanson

May I suggest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUppu2OHVTY

For a scholarly essay on this topic see link below, and quoting from the essay (page 6): [Zionism], in which the core of Jewish identity is shifted from religion towards nationalism, is naturally rejected by the Jewish orthodoxy. From the very beginning, the majority in the orthodox camp staunchly opposed Zionism and the idea that any “redemption of the Jews” can be brought about by the efforts of men. A radical religious anti-Zionist movement, the Neturei Karta, which champions the dissolution of the State of Israel, dismisses Theodor Herzl’s idea of the termination of the diaspora as a violation of divine law Page 7 on the Torah teaches: …forbids [the Jews] to leave the diaspora of their own accord and found a state before God brings final salvation to His people and to the entire world […]. 2,000 years ago, God sent the Jewish people into exile (diaspora), and it is also by God that they will be redeemed from it. Until then, they must be patient, faithful and loyal to their host peoples, wherever divine fate has cast them. This also extends to the Palestinians who live in the Holy Land of Palestine according to divine will. This is unambiguously recorded in written form in the Torah and by the prophets https://www.degruyter.com/downloadpdf/books/9783110498806/9783110498806-002/9783110498806-002.pdf

Religious Zionism gained traction after the 6 day war (1967) as an attempt to fuse Zionism and Judaism but ultra-orthodox remain vehemently opposed.


I had seen that interview a while ago, very interesting. The ultra-Orthodox are vehemently opposed to the country, but they are not opposed to the treatment of the Palestinians, which is in line with their teaching. Thus Zionism and ultra-Orthodox Judaism work hand-in-glove in Occupied Palestine.

To wit: pages 86 and 93 in Jewish History, Jewish Religion – The Weight of Three Thousand Years by Israel Shahak.

The whole question to how the Palestinians ought to be treated is, according to the Halakhah, simply a question of Jewish power: if Jews have sufficient power, then it is their religious duty to expel the Palestinians. Furthermore, there are special laws against the ancient Canaanites and other nations who lived in Palestine before its conquest by Joshua, as well as against the Amalekites. All those nations must be utterly exterminated, and the Talmud and talmudic literature reiterate the genocidal biblical exhortations with even greater vehemence.

Thou shalt blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.” (Deuteronomy 93 25:19).

Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.” (I Samuel, 15:3)

Soldiers are told the Palestinians of Gaza are “like the Amalekites.” Biblical verses exhorting to genocide of the Midianites were solemnly quoted by an important Israeli rabbi in justification of the Qibbiya massacre, and this pronouncement has gained wide circulation in the Israeli army.

The book is well worth reading.

S Melanson

I have some familiarity with the writings of the late Dr. Shahak and thank you very much for recommending his works. I have already started reading his infamous 1994 work Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years, up there with Chomsky’s “Fateful Triangle”. Shahak’s collaborator on Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel, history professor Norton Mezvinsky, said of Jewish History, Jewish Religion:

[Is a] Scathing attack upon Classical Judaism and its more modern outgrowth, Orthodox Judaism…. As a lover of prophetic Judaism and as a disciple of Spinoza, Shahak, in a learned and rational manner, condemned the parochialism, racism, and hatred of non-Jews, which too often appeared in the Judaism that developed during and after the Talmudic period, and which, to a goodly extent, still exists.

Shahak “the scourge of nationalists” did not spare Zionism in his criticisms of Jewish culture which, like Nietzsche’s polemics on Christianity and Western culture, had a polarizing effect – you either love him or hate him. In my opinion, up until his death in 2001, Shahak represented the conscience of the Jewish people, by speaking of things Jews would prefer not to hear because he believed it is what they needed to hear – although I think his writings suffer from occasional fits of exaggeration and hyperbole.

Lastly, in the interview, the Rabbi makes explicit that orthodox Jews strongly oppose the treatment of Palestinians. One may ask if this is true in practice – for religious Zionists, it certainly is not the case as they support the hard right policies of Likud.


Thanks for this expansive reply, you make some good points. As for the Rabbi’s point you raise in the last paragraph, I am not convinced he represents a good part of the ultra-Orthodox. Furthermore, I don’t agree with your last sentence at all. To wit: the settlers have the full and wholehearted support of the u-O, which is why they are so “successful” with their Nazi-style practices in the West Bank.

S Melanson

I edited my last sentence as it was poorly worded. I think we are generally on the same page with respect to the shameful record of Israeli treatment of Palestinians which I have voiced numerous times in past posts. Cheers and look forward to reading your future posts.


That is a nice reply. I also look forward to discussing with you in the future. Meanwhile, I wish you successful and healthy year 2020.

P.S. how do you manage to edit a Disqus comment? Recently I found Disqus seems to have disabled it. Is there a workaround?

S Melanson

Thank you and likewise. To edit you need to be signed in to Disqus and for some reason people are being logged out of Disqus, myself included. Try ensuring you are logged in to Disqus and you should see the edit option under your comment. You may have to fiddle with it but you should be able to get the edit option functional.

– note that editing is available up to one week after posting your comment – your option to edit your comments is lost for comments posted more than one week.

Happy new year and 2020 will be the year we can see clearly now as in 20 20 vision ;-)


A bit late but I wanted to let you know that one of my comments above: “The ultra-Orthodox are vehemently opposed to the country, but they are not opposed to the treatment of the Palestinians, which is in line with their teaching.”

is not quite right. In the video on this web page https://nkusa.ORG/activities/demonstrations/eventselection.cfm?EventID=26 they clearly state their opposition to “israel’s” treatment of the Palestinians. That could be just rhetoric, but it seems pretty serious.

They call “israel” and zionism a Nakba for the Palestinians and a disaster for the Jews (3:50 min.)

He says that Jews and Arabs lived in peace (4:30 min.), and they promote a Free Palestine and Palestinian rule over the Holy Land (5:00 min.)

It confuses me because the ultra-Orthodox interpretation of the Bible is extremely anti-Goy, and the Palestinians are seen as the Amelkites who have to be destroyed.

Anyway, I just wanted to admit my error. Enjoy the New Year’s celebrations.

S Melanson

Many are confused as you are and I would need to examine the question in more depth to give a sufficiently informed opinion.

But some things to chew on – the old testament of the Christian Bible has all sorts of crazy things in it that are skirted/ignored in bible debates as embarrassing by today’s standards much like the founding fathers owning slaves – the historical conditions and cultural norms of the times and places has to be considered in contrast to today’s norms.

For example, I find the debate in the US over confederate memorials to be over the top – it is a part of history and should not be ‘updated’ to make history ‘safe’ for young impressionable readers. In fact, history should be unsanitized for our protection…

You also earned a great deal of respect from me. It takes maturity to show humility and courage to admit to one’s own error.

Yes I am enjoying new years eve and hope you are as well! Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous new year.

Cheers, Stewart


Stewart, sorry for the late reply, there is something amiss with Disqus. It has been flagged and is being worked on, probably from tomorrow on. If it affects you, here is the web page https://disqus.COM/home/channel/discussdisqus/discussion/channel-discussdisqus/admin_my_comments_and_replies_arent_showing_in_my_notifications/

I have now got the Orthodox issue clearer in my mind. The group that “threw” me is the Neturei Karta – “Guardians of the City”. They are basically anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews.

1 of the things they say on their website is this:

The Zionist state employs a set of chief rabbis and uses religious parties to ornament their state with a clerical image. They study the Torah with commentaries altered to clothe the words with nationalistic nuances. Our rabbis have countless times proclaimed that it matters little which individuals or parties govern in the Zionist state because the very establishment and existence of the state itself is to be condemned and to be deplored.

The rabbis they refer to are the “other” Orthodox Jews, as call them informally.

There is an amazing video on the NK site: https://nkusa.ORG/activities/demonstrations/eventselection.cfm?EventID=26 It is well worth seeing. If only they could have more influence.

Regarding my admission of an error, when I am in a sensible discussion, exchanging views, listening to and sometimes learning from the other, it does not bother me in the least to admit when I am wrong. If the discussion is just mudslinging, and here too I admit I sometimes let myself go, I refuse to admit anything. The way I tend to deal with mudslingers is I block the person so I don’t lower myself to their level nor waste my time.

I enjoyed talking to you and hope we’ll be able to exchange views again.

S Melanson

Yes I have been having the same problems with Disqus and it is affecting everyone it seems. Thank you for the links and appreciate your take on Orthodox Jewish views on Zionism.

I like your analysis and yes we will keep in contact and see if we can make a positive difference in a suffering world.


Very intresting and high-level discussion you had with FilastinHuratan! An example for many on this forum!

Regards and happy year!

S Melanson

Thank you, truly appreciated. Happy new year to you as well.

S Melanson

You bring up two points that are rarely central to discussion which is Israel as a secular state and the viability of a two state solution.

Israel was established as a Zionist project which is itself a secular ideology, but Ben Gurion, in order to attract as many Jewish immigrants as possible to the new nation, left many matters of Israeli identity in limbo to be decided in future such as the secular nature of the new state and the role of Judaism that creates tension to this day such as mandatory IDF service and Orthodox Jewish exemption – also democratic ideals versus Israeli Nation State Law.

The need for coalitions to rule a fractured electorate leaves room for many interests such as religious parties that seek to advance the role of Judaism in a nation state founded on secular ideology.

Is Israel truly a secular state?

The two state solution is in my opinion dead. Israel will not give up the West Bank that will allow for a viable Palestinian State due to strategic considerations – security and resources such as water. The stipulation that Israel mange security of the West Bank even when a two state solution is implemented should not have surprised anyone given the Ben Gurion Doctrine to reduce defensive perimeter and increase strategic depth – Israel will not allow a hostile state to jut into the heart of Israel, hence, control security.

Basically, no two state solution is viable that could satisfy the demands of both sides and in this case, compromise is capitulation by one side or the other. I say recognize this reality and consider alternate solutions such as the minority position of the UN 1947 committee of a federated state. The majority position was for partition and this has created a never ending series of conflicts with no end in sight.

Have you given thought to other solutions such as a one state federation that is compatible with there being a Jewish Nation State?


Melanson, i beg to differ. No sain Israeli leader, let alone the Israeli public, will accept a one state of both Israelis and Palestinians because we will kill each other and we are too different. The ONLY solution is a two state solution, and we already offered them 85% of the West Bank, removal of settlements, Gaza and Eastern Jerusalem. Right now, you have Bibi on the one side and Abu Mazen on the other side, both don’t want peace for their own political interests. Abu Mazen can’t even control the Gaza Strip, and Hamas won’t give up on it unless they both agree to do elections. Peace will come when both people remove their corrupted leaders from power, I don’t wanna live with any Palestinians in my city and I believe they don’t want aswell.

S Melanson

Yes, I left out the leadership problem which applies to both sides unfortunately – a good point. Bibi has set the tone on settlements and few believe they will be removed at this point in time regardless of what may have been offered/stated in the past.

The settlers in the West Bank are in a state of siege, certainly not co-existence, but this should not be used as evidence against peaceful coexistence. Arabs are 20% of Israeli population and I have seen scant evidence they involve themselves in terrorist activities, support such activities or are a source of disproportionate violence against the Jewish citizenry. In other words, it seems there is co-existence and that it is then possible – certainly better than one might have thought in the beginning.

I have mentioned in earlier comments that peace has been possible in the past and it can be enduring as shown by Egypt and Jordon – consider the implications for Israel’s security situation today if there was no peace treaties and they are hostile.

Peace with Arabs has achieved an improved security situation.

Arabs that are Israeli citizens have not shown themselves to be an enemy within.

You have opportunity to clean house and bring about a more responsible government, but they need to have a vision that removes the blinders Bibi put in place – what that vision is to be is up to the citizens of Israel and may you choose wisely.


I agree with you, also I have no problem with Israeli Arabs we get along great. It’s Christmas and Hanucka time here at the moment, and Jews, Christians and Muslims all enjoy together in festivals across Israel, mostly at the north but also in Jerusalem. Point is, we can live with Israeli Arabs because they have lived with us since our independence, thus we don’t see them as an enemy. But to say we can live in one state with the Palestinians is ignoring the reality, both sides don’t want it. I have always said the two state solution is the true real option, we withdraw from the West Bank under an agreement and they can live their lives however they want, as long as they do not threaten Israeli security. The people are ready for it, the problem is the leaderships.

S Melanson

Well you encapsulated the main problems and while certainly a challenge, the hurdles are not insurmountable.

Leadership is fixable and Hopefully the third go at elections will end the soap opera starring Bibi that has gone a few to many seasons despite all indications cancelling the show is long overdue. Maybe Likud will finally pitch him overboard.

Still, your soap opera pales in comparison to the ongoing histrionics in the USA where reality is stranger than fiction…


WE MUST MAKE A CHNAGE HERE, my biggest fear is another 4 years of Bibi. This can not happen for the sake of my country and the region, many Likud supporters have also opened their eyes and I hope in this final round we give Gantz the power to overnturn everything this sleezy man has done to our society. March 2nd is the date, it’s all or nothing.


yup, east european turks and semitic people can not live together.


You did not offer them any such thing. You have only ever offered to screw them, to wit the Oslo Accords.


More lies? we did offer it to them. They chose not to accept it back then, at Camp David.


They accepted the Oslo Accords, so stop spreading your sick hasbara lies.


Oslo means shit, I’m talking about a full peace agreement that they refused to accept. Idiot.


There was no full peace agreement, ever, you brainless Nazi.

S Melanson

The exchange between you and FilastinHuratan i have seen Many a time nd unfortunately tend to go nowhere. I try not to point fingers at Palestinians or Jews, to me, the problem rests mostly with those in power, the leadership, which you have astutely pointed out is a major problem today. Indeed.

What follows is directed at a broader audience as this topic of debate touches on existential risks that should be front and center in our minds – living in Israel you are already deeply attuned to matters of security and how to ensure the continuity of Israel as a homeland given the ever present existential threats she faces. Security can be achieved by non-military means but it seems to me that there is a great deal of noise to convince us that the only way is by military solution as diplomacy is the favoured instrument of the weak. This implies wrongly that the powerful have no need for diplomacy. Israel has used diplomacy effectively in the past when the IDF had almost a mythical reputation of being unbeatable. Israel made significant progress in improving her security situation by diplomacy but despite this, diplomacy has become almost a dirty word.

I see this as intentional, much like demonizing people with alternative viewpoints as conspiracy theorists. Basically, A campaign of words has been waged to manufacture a negative public perception of using diplomatic means to resolve disputes. Quite effective I might add, but if you think about it, the power of words are being used to convince us that words (the art of diplomacy is words) have no power.

Words can be extraordinarily powerful…

The peace process had success with Egypt and Jordon, but since then, every peace initiative has been derailed for one reason or another. Why? Peace with Egypt was thought impossible and so an Israeli-Palestinian settlement ought to be possible. The peace treaties have held with Egypt and Jordon and do not appear to be unraveling.

Is the problem that the people do not want peace? I doubt it, my concerns lay with the leadership. To make peace, there needs to be a genuine desire for peace by those in positions of power, and if this is not the case… well let us blame anyone but the leadership…

Blame and recrimination for lack of progress distracts us from the fact that there are some who wield enormous power that do not want peace.

Who are they? Are they Jews? Are they Arabs? Such a divisive line of questioning keeps eyes away from where we ought to be looking and fuels the conflict. So far, this has gone according to an agenda that keeps us in a state of continuous war to varying degrees (a few reasons I think for this), however, this game is getting a bit dangerous as a regional war will very likely pull in multiple nuclear states and nuclear war makes for a clusterf__k in game theory. After all, what payoff is worth the gamble of an outcome that is de facto infinite cost?

The only way to win is not to play the game – well, not this one…


Again I agree with your analysis, we have people in power at the moment that just don’t want peace. They don’t want it, becuase they will lose all their power and influence (mostly the right wing side here) and thus, they become irrelevant. Our leadership and Hamas leadership want the same thing – to stay in power at all cost. It’s the people who wanna see a change, Israel is very divided between Gantz and Bibi, so untill one side wins here I don’t see us moving forward. Time will tell.

S Melanson

You really nailed it. This is a problem everywhere and it is the reason we are witnessing a populist wave where the people are attempting to reassert their authority because leaders have failed the people. May you and the citizens of Israel take back the reins of government.

It is what is needed across the globe and should Israel show the way, well, I am sure you can see a tad bit of irony in that… and I hope you succeed,.

Hasbara Hunter

There is No place for Rothschild’s Criminal Freehaven called ISraHell anymore little Epstein Parasite…..


Occupied Palestine is anything but secular; it’s a racist Jew-supremacist theocracy.


Your land? That genocidal apartheid garbage dump was created fraudulently, so you’re squatting on stolen land.


the idiot says ‘live with it’ and there is just one thing to do – kick them into the Med hard and fast and with finality, never to be seen of heard from ever again – child rapists, murderers, thieves and liars. what to like? not a thing and the most pleasing thought is that they will not be missed when they are finally dealt with.

people in europe are upset about srebenica and all the while the squatters are murdering palestinians in concentration camp gaza (comparable to say bergen belsen); operating a lebensraum program (based on hitler’s basic ideas) and stealing as much land as they can lay their grubby hands on and also planning to steal the gas from under the palestinian seabed and sell it. what to like – nothing, nada, zilch.

something must be done and they deserve nothing better than what a certain person offered them a while ago.


I like how everyone in the comments is afraid to put the real problem: What kind of secret deal is between Russia and Israel so they don’t hurt each other.

Hasbara Hunter

Can you send me a link or document confirming your statement?

Daily Beatings

Israel is just being spiteful and having a temper tantrum because she’s not getting her way.

Hide Behind

Israel’s timing of attack may have no direct relationship with Syrian and terrorist actions, it may be more of a long range long term objectives, ie. Greater Israel. What better means can be found for testing ones offence directed military technolgy than use it against a military armed with some of best developed foreign made defensive tech; especially one who cannot and dares not retaliate? What better way to train and improve combat effectiveness of pilots and aircraft than what Israel does? In a nation that looks upon non Jewish as being non human, what better way to train new and youthful minds into accepting that philosophy, andconditioning their minds so that there cannot be any guilt or feelings of compassion and eliminate any feelings of right or wrong in their actions, they are always in the right. The military tactic, after all their military men and women have mom, ndad relatives, school chums, Synagogue members, land lovers spread throughout the civilian population who also see no wrong being done by those in military, they are all nice people after all. Israel will not allow any nation criticize its Greater Israel program, no military or politicly powerfull nations advance to point of viable resistance. Syrian Government knows that Israel could flatten Damasus at any time they wanted, and Israel will constantly remindbthem of that fact. In the past Syrian government was more a danger to own people than neighboring nations and only needed old antiquated military to at least let their nations they could fight back if attacked. This ended up with a military that was not threatened so saw no need for modernization against foreign attackers and domestics only took need of bullets and old armor. and was fat and comfortable within the powers that be butt kissing groups. It is indeed an advantage to Israel that terrorist keep it fighting for political life, but with instruction of Iranian military that does have capability in conventional and missle warfare to counter, but not eliminate, srael threat, Israel is showing Iran how defenceless they realy are. We will most likely never know how many Iranian troop get killed nor Lebanon’s Hezbolah fighters, but the lesson to them is there.


As salty as they are pathetic! -D


And Israel yet again blows up some more Islamist Iranian military officers in Syria as it warned it would. And again, for maybe the hundredth time, it does it with impunity. Guess the Iranians are pretty puny there.


Just doing what we do best bro, our enemies better not forget that.


Wrong. The IOF bog rats are a bunch of cowards who don’t dare to take on a real opponent, preferring to attack defenceless civilians, incl. women and children, who, since they are locked up in the largest concentration camp the world has ever seen, are sitting ducks, perfect for a turkey target shoot.

Your beloved genocidal garbage dump got whipped in 2006 by Hezbollah, and it is now wisely staying away from Syria, where its lowly, cowardly bog rats does not stand a chance against batlle-hardened armies. Better to hit a few rocks in the Syrian desert and pretend you’re a tough a guy and spew the bullshit to the home front. ?


Oh, we are so scared. Hezbollah learnt the hard way not to shoot rockets over here, then we taught Hamas a lesson aswell. If the Iranian proxies wanna use Syria too, be my guest.


You taught Hezbollah a lesson? Oh I see, that’s why the bog rats begged for a ceasefire because they were using up their ammo, without any results, faster that the U.S. could supply them.

Correction: there were results in 2006, viz. the ziofascist slaughter, as usual per the Dahiya doctrine, of defenceless civilians and the senseless destruction of infrastructure. Real heroes, those IOF bog rats.


We didn’t ask for any ceasefire you troll, we were ready to keep fighting and reach Beirut, you need to thank the UN that stopped us because we would destroy that city completly. 2006 was a small operation, let’s see them facing up t o 100K IDF troops the next war.


better prepare 100k diapers child murderering scum


I don’t like your name. I decided to block you, it hurts my eyes. Ciao.


block your asshole and explode


2006 a small operation? LOL. Is that why your bog rats were virtually on their knees begging for mercy? Here is a brief rundown of how the illegal attack on Lebanon went sour for the world’s most disgraceful bog rat organisation.

July 12 and after Hezbollah captured IOF bog rats at a border post, the IAF launched its bombing campaign. The IAF believed the destruction of Hezbollah would take couple days. Some Occupied Palestine ministers believed it could be done in a day. July 13 Occupied Palestine had lost 43 tanks July 14 Occupied Palestine had lost 65 more tanks July 18 and after the IAF could not destroy Hezbollah, Ehud Olmert deployed the “full might of the IOF”. This came to be despite Olmert’s advisors signaled Occupied Palestine’s willingness to cease-fire. July 21 and after the bog rats could not achieve the objective of destroying Hezbollah, Olmert called in the reserve army. The Pentagon knew then that the war was not going well for Occupied Palestine. July 22, Olmert called the US for help. Occupied Palestine needed munition – large amounts of precision-guided missiles. The Pentagon realized Occupied Palestine had used most of its munitions and still could not destroy Hezbollah after ten consecutive days of intensive bombing. July 22, the bog rats entered the town of Maroun al-Ras but they were unable to capture it. The Nasr Brigade pushed them out. July 24, realizing they could not defeat Hezbollah, Occupied Palestine did what it does best: crimes. It cluster bombed the south of Lebanon and went after destroying civilian infrastructures unrelated to the war. Many of the infrastructures were in Christian towns. Needless to say, those Christians no longer support Israel. July 25, destroying Hezbollah was no longer the objective. It was replaced with creating a “security zone”. July 26, the bog rats admitted that their battle in Bint Jbail was the hardest. After they failed to capture the town with the IDF, they sent their elite troops, the Golani Brigade. 9 died, 22 others were wounded. The town was not captured. July 26, Occupied Palestine retried capturing the town of Maroun al-Ras with paratroopers but after 3 days, failed again. July 27, Occupied Palestine called up 3 more reserve divisions (15,000 troops) after they failed to capture any cities. July 28, the IAF realized it was unable to stop Hezbollah’s rockets – 4000+ of them were fired. Some even reached Afula. Mossad leaked information to the public in Occupied Palestine stating that Hezbollah had not suffered significant degradation of its military and that they could go on fighting for months. August 1 Occupied Palestine had no more operating heavy armour in Lebanon.

That is when the Occupied Palestine’s tactics were changed to openly destroying as much of southern Lebanon’s public infrastructure as possible. And this they did, resulting in a huge loss of civilian life particularly women and children – Dahiya doctrine.

Later in August and before the implementation of the cease-fire, Occupied Palestine tried to secure a “security zone” south of the Litani but the paratroopers were surrounded by Hezbollah.

From the onset of the conflict to its last operations, Hezbollah commanders successfully penetrated Occupied Palestine’s strategic and tactical decision-making cycle across a spectrum of intelligence, military and political operations, with the result that Hezbollah scored a decisive and complete victory in its war with the racist ziofascist entity.

Occupied Palestine failed all its objectives: * Rescue kidnapped soldiers – FAILED * Stop missile bombardment (!) – FAILED * Push Hezbollah north – FAILED * Intimidate the Lebanese government to condemn Hezbollah – FAILED * Jam/Cut Hezbollah communications – FAILED

! Hezbollah rockets rained down on northern Occupied Palestine. Cities north of Hadera turned into ghost towns.

You throw your 100k bog rats at Hezbollah next time, and your cancerous racist cesspit will be history for good.


lol, why are you so afraid of the IDF man? do you see me afraid of their rockets? they can shoot here no problem, watch what happens to Lebanon this time.


Why should I be afraid of those stinking bog rats of yours? They are pussies, afraid to take on a real opponent after they got their whipping in 2006, as I outlined.

What happens in Lebanon this time is merely sedition by your ziofascist colleagues, simply because they have become so desperate being unable to destroy Hezbollah. And clearly the bog rat army is scared stiff to take on Hezbollah. ROFLMAO ???


Sure man, whatever you say :)


Well, the proof is in the pudding. Since then how many times has Israel attacked and killed Hezbollah goons and leaders with impunity and how many times has Hezbollah done that to Israel. On last count it’s about 100 for the Israelis and ZERO for Hezbollah. Now who did you say came out better in the fight?


Maybe that was early history, prehistory so to speak, but in 2006 Occupied Palestine certainly did not come out on top. Sorry to shatter you hasbara narrative.


And all those body bags on the way home to Iran are filled with rocks? Nice to know. And Israel just leveled yet another Islamist Iranian base in eastern Syria. More body bags on their way home to Iran. And as usual, Israel attacks your Islamist friends with impunity. Now why don’t you go join them. They obviously need a helping hand.


Last time I checked I was not the topic of the article, so I strongly suggest you 1 of 2 things: either you revert back to the topic of you STFU. Got it?


there are a couple of unpleasant bed-wetters polluting the commentary fields here, such as jake321 and iron zion and occupybacon and so on, those are best left alone, ignored, since they a) are stupid beyond understanding and b) dimwits to the n’th degree and c) defend an illegal settlement that thrives on murder and thievery and lies and threats and what have you on the scale of unpleasantness. no end to their idiocy so ignore them or better yet, ban them so that they can’t make their stupid delusional views public!

and merry chrismas to all and sundry with the exception of jake321, iron zion, occupybacon, they will soon drown in pigs-swill or be fed to the pigs.

Rodney Loder

Actually after I was born 1950 the Evangelical swine came up with a new Theological interpretation, they claimed Jews needed to establish the 3 rd.Temple mimicking Herod the Great bringing back the Levite so the communion with God could be reestablished and Jesus come back, all went according to plan isreal was proscribed by the Freemason British and French conspirators and God prescribed me Jesus to revisit.

So what’s the problem?. Trump maybe isn’t a very good anything the Great, but even so I’m still Jesus so the stinking little child murdering jews (pseudo) can now get the f-_- out.


Assad s regime is a big coward only able to kill syrians ill-armed

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