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MARCH 2025

Israel Strikes Syria’s Damascus, Says Target Is Palestinian Islamic Jihad Positions (Videos)

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Late on February 23, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) carried out a new series of airstrikes on the Syrian capital, Damascus.

The Syrian News Arab Agency (SANA) claimed that the Syrian Arab Air Defense Forces (SyAADF) intercepted most of the “hostile targets.” According to the state-run agency, the aerial attack was launched from the direction of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

In a rare move, the Israeli military claimed responsibility for the airstrikes. The military said that several positions of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in southern Damascus were targeted.

“In the area of Adliya, in the countryside of Damascus, a location belonging to the Islamic Jihad, an important stronghold of the movement in Syria, has been targeted. In the position, the organization is conducting research and development for combat methods, assessing if they are suitable for production in the Gaza Strip and for local production inside Syria,” Avichay Adraee, a spokesman for the Israeli military, said on Twitter.

The Israeli airstrikes on the Syrian capital coincided with similar strikes on PIJ positions in the Gaza Strip. A few hours earlier, Palestinian fighters believed to be from the PIJ launched a barrage of rockets at Israeli settlements around the Gaza Strip. The rocket attack was a response to the killing of a PIJ fighter by the Israeli military.

This was not the first Israeli attack on PIJ assets in Syria, a key backer of the Palestinian group. Last November, Israel targeted PIJ senior leader Akram al-Ajouri in Damascus. However, he survived the attack.

The new wave of Israeli airstrikes on the Syrian capital may have targeted PIJ officials, not only positions. The coming few hours will likely reveal more information about the targets of the airstrikes.

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Just a poor excuse, the Palestinians were there for the last 60 years. This is just to help Turkey. Turkey is sending a message that they can still get Israel involved.


This and Bibi being under fire domestically for helping and securing aid for Hamas according to Libermann.. ;)


The reality is the barbaric Zionist regime that desecrates the bodies of Palestinians with bulldozers and organ harvests their children is no different than the headchopper terrorists. So called Israel is is feeling desperate as the Syrians liberate their country. It is also no secret that Erdogan and so-called Israel are operating hand in glove in Syria as both are illegally occupying Syrian lands and want continued regional destabilization.. It is also an indictment of Putin’s wavering polices that have encouraged both the demagogues, Erdogan and Nethanyahu to launch repeated aggression at the Syrian Arab Republic,a sovereign state, member of the UN, OIC and Arab League and a globally respected state which is trying to fend off a determined and sustained terror campaign sponsored by US, NATO and Persian Gulf vassal Arab Wahhabist regimes. Syria is hard pressed at this stage and not in a position to open up multiple fronts until the terrorists are overcome, however, a response to repeated Zionist aggression and the liberation of Golan will surely come in time.


Syria should hti back saying its targeting just illegal whites settlers..


Not now…in 5-10 years if Israel is still there. There is a chance they will be ousted by someone else :)


Assad’s gang are big cowards that never existed in middle east in more than eight years they never hit back even once


Palestinians have been continuously living in the area for the last 3,200 years.


Well, there is that. I was just talking about the jihad Islam group and affiliates.


Blowing up more sand I see.

Jacob Wohl

nope. 30+ mullah targets destroyed


made up numbers. My turn, your nose has a metric volume of 50000000000 cubic centimeters. more realistically around 10-20 but considering the average human’s is probably less than 0.5 that means your nose is MASSIVE.


Proof? Most missiles repelled and again according to reliable source,by the way,logic!





Your a pathetic broken record Israel.

Jacob Wohl

shutup, antisemite


shutup rocket nose

Arch Bungle

Shut up fake hebrew.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Another case of Damascus simply not retaliating back. (which only encourages more of the same)


Syria can’t afford / can’t cope with fighting both the Turks up north and the Israelis down south. First things first. Clear the terrorists made in turkgay , clear the yanks, make a deal with the Kurds and then its time for the dirty jews.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Well all I can say then is expect more of the same.


Well yeah there will be more of the same. But what is the alternative? What do you suggest ?

Attack Israel while Turkey has lined up 100k army on the northern borders and there’s all kinds of jihadis going about , and the yanks occuping your oil wells … We d love to see Syria be able to do that …but…its not the case…not at the moment.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

High Mach bombing runs from inside Syrian airspace against occupied territory. MiG-25RB Single-seat reconnaissance-bomber derivative of MiG-25R, fitted with improved reconnaissance systems and a Peleng automatic bombing system. The aircraft can carry a bombload of eight 500 kg (1,102 lb) bombs. Entered service in 1970. NATO codename Foxbat-B.[80]


These airstrikes are pinpricks and are not worth the energy for Syria at the moment, especially when most are intercepted by their air-defense. This should not distract from Syria’s goal of finishing Idlib and kicking the Turks and Yankee oil pirates from their soil. Its more pathetic that these cowardly and militarily useless pinpricks are all Israel has.


Shut the fuck up already you filthy son of a bitch cocksucker, come here and we will end your miserable life.


Butthurt much ? hahahahaha

Where are you jewturk boy ? I d like to see you try.


I live in central Israel, but I can meet you on the battlefield when the operation starts, little bitch.


When the operation starts you won’t have time to blink you little dirty child mol3sting jew snake cockroach! I d be happy to send you a ticket to come to Athens… I can’t guarantee that you ll be burried in grave after I m done with you though…


Why should I come there? you come here, afterall you want me dead no? little jihadist :)


I thought it was you who wanted me dead when you said :


I never said I want you dead. Read my post again sh1thead! I said I can’t guarantee … So…Anything else you d like to add you uttelry retarded kike? Seriously you must be the most stupid of your kind ! hahahahaha


Whatever, I will be there when the operation starts in Gaza. Get ready we remove our traitorous Pm on Monday. The IDF is just waiting for an order that never comes, me included. Patience.


As I said don’t forget to wear diapers cause those kids with the slings can really do some damage you know !

hahahaha stupid isramericunt kike!


Call me in names however you want, I don’t give a damn really. I’m waiting to get my full gear on, join my unit and do what I do best against your Jihadi friends. I’ll let you know when they call me, so you can get your chance and face us “diaper army”.


The jihadis are a TurkoIsramericunt creation and everybody knows that.

What your ‘operation’ is, and all your previous operations and most likely the next few in the future (till your dirty scumy country is annihilated), is murdering children with slings that throw little rocks at your occupation armored vehicles. The Israeli army is an army of cowards and chickenshits. You dont even deserve a trial for your crimes against humanity. Straight to the firing squad. I hope a rock from one of them slings hits you in the eye mothfking israely cunt.


They already tried to hit my few times, I’m still here and they are six feet under the ground. If a children or anyone else risks me or my unit when I’m there, then I shoot to kill. I will kill as much as I need, call in as many airstrikes as I want on your friends, and you can watch them us on TV as we send them to meet your fucking Allah. Their time shooting on Israeli kids is over, they will die like roaches – and that’s a promise.


You just confessed to shooting to kill children. Not that we didnt know already. So how many children have you murdered so far ? And what is your name and address ?

Little Chickenshit kike !

And did you get beaten by those children at some point ? Cause your brain cerrtainly does not compute, I told you before you sob I m Greek, my outnumbered ancestors fought against the greatest armies of empires in the last 3000 years…not against children with slings like Israel is doing for the past 70 years. GO get fucked by a donkey now moron!


Are you mad greeky boy? we are not scared of Jihadists and surely not scared of some cuckold greeks like you. Like I’ve said, when I get the call I’ll post it here on SF, you and the rest of the bitches can come and meet me there.


hahaha You are so stupid you could not fit in any other army of any other country on the planet! hahahahha


Watch (re malaka jew) watch …

These are real men that fight against other men, not kids !




I don’t give a shit about your army, come and test us then. Goodluck.




MeMad Max

Really satanYahoo?

What is this gonna do?


Quit wasting everyones time…

john smith

They’ve only admitted to boost their new name for Palaestinians: PALESTINIAN ISLAMIC JIHAD


Yeah, that’s sure to stamp out the Jihad.



Jacob Wohl

Mrs. Antisemtism back at it again When will you ever admit that EUROPEAN JEWS HAVE SEMITIC ANCESTRY? It’s called haplogroup, it’s genetics, Jews are proven semties even if they’re WHITE!


You are saying Alan Dershowit’s Middle Eastern DNA is hiding from view?

Alan Dershowitz DNA Ashkenazi……………….. 98.5% Southern European…… 0.4% Balkan……………………… 0.1% Broadly European ……. 9.2% East Asian………………… 0.1% Total European ………. 99.9% Middle East …………….. 0.0% https://ethnicelebs.com/alan-dershowitz

Arch Bungle

European joos have no more semitic ancestry than the blacks of Africa or the Indians of Pakistan. The Palestinians are TRUE SEMITES. You are a fake hebrew engaged in cultural appropriation! Stop stealing the heritage and ancestry of others!

Arbaches Glaukus

They are a group of people of different races under one religion, considering their self Gods and the rest of population Slaves. No DNA can detect them.




Predictable: Al Qaeda losing in Idlib, Israel strikes Syria, time after time. Logical conclusion: Al Qaeda works for Israel.


This is very well known, none demonstration at all is requiered right now.

Xoli Xoli

Also for Turkey and USA as well.


All these terrorist groups serve Zionist and US agenda of regional destabilization and economic exploitation. Turkey is now also taking a leaf out of this insidious playbook.


Whatever the reason is, it is time for Russia also to stop ISrael attacks to Syria. Israel-Turkey-USA are in coordination actions.


Hebrewberg Moneygrabber hahahhahaaaaa


Jacob Wohl

family guy is not even funny. mcfarlane is a certified antisemite hiding as a liberal, progressive democrat who loves everyone. Not true. This video clip is pure anti-Israeli hatred pretending to be comedy.


hahahahah …no …you are confused, You are the one thats not funny you dirtyjew! Family guy and American dad and everything macfarlane does has been a success. Thats facts.

Jacob Wohl

yea a success for degenerate low lives who have nothing better to watch than racist, antisemitic communist cartoons.

by the way mcfarlane’s oscar speech a couple years back was horrendous. worse host, worse cartoon creator, just a closet antisemite


Look , thats like you , she is like you… Utter retarded imbecile.


Jacob Wohl

irrelevant . point is family guy is antisemitic


No, the point is you are an imbecile dirty turk loving jew.

Arch Bungle

What’s this antisemitism nonsense you keep spouting? The religious group you paint as ‘semitic’ has no relation to the semitic ethnic grouping at all. It is a religious designation.

Arch Bungle

What’s this antisemitism nonsense you keep spouting? The religious group you paint as ‘semitic’ has no relation to the semitic ethnic grouping at all. It is a religious designation. The people on this site are largely pro-semitic, being supporters of Palestinian rights, Syrian rights, Lebanese rights – all true semitic people!

Simplekindof Man

Why are you triggered? It’s comedy and this particular above is based on stereotypes. They do the same for most nationalities,and groups or mentalities.(eg.Americans, Greeks Germans Nazis etc.actually some of it was anti Disney-American and NOT antisemite) Afro-Americans gays etc but you have to have an open mind to get it. Its satire,and truth hurts… BUT it does not apply to every single person of the group it targets.

Arch Bungle

What’s this antisemitism nonsense you keep spouting? The religious group you paint as ‘semitic’ has no relation to the semitic ethnic grouping at all. It is a religious designation. The people on this site are largely pro-semitic, being supporters of Palestinian rights, Syrian rights, Lebanese rights – all true semitic people!


I found it extremely funny, come on, you know you couldn’t help but laugh ;}


HAHAHAHAHA i love how you already triggered 1 jew by showing this vid

jhon malakiat

i understand if christian evangelis hate palestinian moslem. Christian and moslem has a bad relationship before. But its the past. Both of them is suffer from the war.

but what i cant understand is christian evangelis love jews so much.

Jews murdered Jesus very badly!! Jews spit off christian face everyday in occupation land! Jews treats christian very badly in everywhere! christian and moslem is second class in palestine!! Jews really hate christian for what they done hundred years in europe!!

Jews also involved indirectly killing many christian in iraq and syrian with supporting terrorist barbarians. Jews also take evangelis money for jews purpose.

with this jews did to christian, I really dont understand why evangelis love jews.


Very logical question,consider there are only 2 kinds of jews,real christians and the rest whom are fake christians aka khazars,nazi,multirace 21 gender spawns of incest aka hitler,nwo,brussels,bush,clinton,odummer,cia facist peace hating,anything for lgbtq,same sex marriage,pkaedophillia for example in usa neo-liberal also (hijacked republican aka bush)whoms nazi spawn pretended to be american but rather in unision with 21 gender skulls n bones united! If that meakes any sense,consider which makes more logic than not,yes they try christian vs muslim too,why because their master satan is a very sick homosexual,yes satan is sly P00FTA! hates peace,hates familys all of infact the more noble,the more it wants to bribe so to kill familys!

Jacob Wohl

BREAKING NEWS: IDF have destroyed 30+ IRGC/PIJ targets in Damascus including weapons research labs, also multiple pantsir/s-200 and air defense radars completely smashed by IDF Eagles. A major loss for the butcher regime and its Mullah allies. So far 3+ syrian pantsirs completely destroyed by Israel in just the last month alone! At this rate, syrian air defense wont exist by the end of Summer.


hahahaha keep dreaming.


Jacob Wohl

Get lost, twerp!!!!!!!!!


How many women and children you v raped today in Gaza Kike?

Arch Bungle

Please fuck off and die, you’re polluting the forum with your anti-semitic views


BREAKING NEWS: everyone on this site would love to smash your big fat NOSE, now begone kike lord

Arch Bungle

Breaking Propaganda! Nothing of the sort happened.


Turks are no different than jews.


Jacob Wohl

BREAKING NEWS: IDF have destroyed 50+ regime/PIJ targets in Damascus including research labs and Pantsir systems.



Arch Bungle

Breaking bullshit, comibg from Shlomo Joe aka Jacob Wohl!




The opposition are much worser,nwo/21 gender nazi incest spawn wannabes aka deep states. Nowadays gotta vy for the lesser of evils!

Bruno Gama

It Looks like a S-300 pattern in the 3rd video, or maybe a S-200? The fact is that was a hit… 7 Days for another useless “Israeli election”… Meanwhile, bulldozers of the IDF dessacrate corpses in Gaza. Almost 40 Years of Likud Government has destroyed any hope of peace in the region… Likud and Hamas are BFF. No Wonder that is both holding power in the region only… Another Main Fact is that Arabs have abandoned the Palestinians… Mossad chief in Doha means what? Secret Pacts With the Sauds? Israel has soft power over US, Europe, Russia and India. And Now, over the Sunni Arabs… The Palestinians should accept their fate, and quit the armed conflict… Israel uses it as Political Tool, to justify it´s occupation, and the inhumane treatment of the Palestinians. It´s a shame. That a country of immigrants, having escaped death by Nazi hands became this. Massacres in both sides, everything changes in 1967. A Good Look Inside how the Years of Occupation has changed the mind of Israelis is “The Gatekeepers”. A Documentary with 5 ex-Shin Bet chiefs, that was try to be censored by “Bibi”. A Must See.

Jacob Wohl

You wish. If the butcher regime DARED using the S-300, it would be blown to shreds by the IDF F-35s instantly!

Bruno Gama

The F-35 that shows Dimona positions?

Jacob Wohl

The same F-35’s that have carried out 20 missions in Syria against the butcher regime/IRGC and destroyed 100+ targets? Bypassing the S-300 dozens of times?

Bruno Gama

Show me the missions…Better, show me the position of the Unique Battery Russia gave to Syria! Just 1 Battery! What a I See in the video is a Interception by a SAM. Of Large Caliber. If was a S-200, it was even worse!


the same looping propaganda bullshit and a couple blurry black & white sat-pic from Israeli firms as your only proof ? I see.

Bruno Gama

What´s the position of the Syrian S-300? I was wonder it all the time…

Jacob Wohl

in damascus probably, but others say in the north of the country

Bruno Gama

Probably? That´s no good answer. How an F-16 fighter would go inside Syria without knowing it? A Nuclear country so menaced like Israel should have more reliable informations!

Arch Bungle

Probably. Others say. You’re just a propaganda bot aren’t you?

Arch Bungle

The same F-35s that have made no dent on the progress of the Syrian State in destroying your terrorist footsoldiers?

Bruno Gama

IDF is one of the most powerful and trained armies in the world, and are fighting a War Torn country. Aren´t you ashamed? I remember 2006, when the “All powerful IDF” was unnable to defeat Hezbollah… After the US capitulation over the Iranian attack, you shouldn´t be so confident…Oh, wait… Israel has Nukes! I Have Forgotten! Poor Israel, so Fragile!



Army navy airforce they suck everywhere ! All they are good for is shooting children.


hahahaha the F35 ?


Jacob Wohl

meanwhile a s-400 can only detect an f-35 from 30km and an s-300 only 15km!


hahahahahah wtf you on about loser !



oxygen and blood flow meant for his brain is currently in his NOSE


hahahahahaha I really hope that avatar he is got is his real ugly jewface!


it’s 100% real. quite mind boggling how a human can have a nose that large. might as well be a tochka missile





Bruno Gama

Jacob, how many S-300 the Israeli fighters have destroyed? I am interested in war tactics here… No moral judgments


according to who? these are made up numbers and estimates ?

Bruno Gama

If the S-300 is so vulnerable, and we are talking about a second tier Russian SAM, why Israel didn´t wanted and asked Russia to not give the S-300 to Syria? And Russia only did this after the criminal attack near Latakia that took the life of Russian Soldiers in the IL-20 incident? It will be a excelent strike to Bibi to find and defeat the 100% Syrian controlled (no Russians in it, so no conflict with Russia) S-300, but the IAF didn´t do it. Israel also made the same plea to Russia regarding to Iran. Don´t play the Game of “Russia the Enemy”. It´s just business. Russia wants to sell weapons. Israel won´t Buy. They sell to others.

Arch Bungle

Until it can. Then you’re going to act all shocked and surprised.

Bruno Gama

I have forgotten, that Good Old Soviets S-200 have taken down 2 F-16 some time ago… Imagine the S-300, S-400, S-500… Israel was saved by US in the Yom Kippur War, even with an treat of a nuclear war! US would die for Israel! Isn´t that “lovely”?


try it then, Kike Wad

Bruno Gama

I just said, it was large caliber SAM, not a short range, and you came with your superiority syndrome… No one who really knows war wants war for anyone. But if Israel continues with this irresponsible behavior, i don´t know. Syria wouldn´t attack. It is rebuilding the country. But the message Iran gave was clear. Did you hear it? I hear and see. US also shows the same superiority complex…until the Iranians shred their bases with only 11 missiles. The Satellite imagery is pretty impressive, their accuracy also. I also don´t think Iran wants war. Is more Western propaganda. But someday, the patience is over.


I can see from underwater too amazing stealth technology,undetectable from analouge cccp radar too,for sure!

Arch Bungle

Anti Semite Jacob Wohl polluting the forums with propaganda again.




It`s an old technology…In Czechoslovakia, we used system Tamara and that was like 40 years ago…This passive sensor worked by tracking electromagnetic emissions without giving itself away to enemy. Newer systems have been developed since then by Czechs but also Russians and possibly by others.




What exactly are you trying to prove? The F-35 has been doing very well, thousands of units are slated to be sold. A few hyperbolic articles by media that have no understanding about military jets does not affect the F-35 in the slightest. The su-57 has <12 models and the first production unit crashed and another was destroyed by a fire. I know accepting the truth is hard for you but the F-35 is rising and all the trolls can keep crying :)


THE F35 IS SHITE. Worse plane ever made by the USA since the Wright brothers !!! The USA pentagon confirms that, and many many sites usa based sites amongst others.





Interesting are they submarines?


The F35 , it might as well be right ? The Japs are still looking for it …I bet by now the draft will have carried it to California …hahaha


What exactly are you trying to prove? The F-35 has been doing very well, thousands of units are slated to be sold. A few hyperbolic articles by media that have no understanding about military jets does not affect the F-35 in the slightest. The su-57 has <12 models and the first production unit crashed and another was destroyed by a fire. I know accepting the truth is hard for you but the F-35 is rising and all the trolls can keep crying :)


THE F35 IS SHITE. Worse plane ever made by the USA since the Wright brothers ! The USA pentagon confirms that, and many many sites usa based sites amongst others.


and BOOM, here comes Rocket NOSE Wohlstein https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/912fa995bc842cfe7c915c05b948ac2c59c43599253edf35f0d879031a41e19b.png




With the upcoming collapse of the US economy and the USA as world leader, Israel will have to change it’s behaviour towards it’s neighbours or it will fail and it will fall.


You will need a really really good time machine to ever see that. Maybe a time and space warp to some alternative universe.


It’s happening Jake(the jewsnake) open your eyes and smell the fkin coffee or whatever you kikes drink!


Only in your delusional or Vodka numbed head, Igor..


You are blind literally and not just metaphorically as everybody knows that you are it seems… You d think my avatar might give you the clue that I m Greek… But hey, you were born a dirty kike so… Life is a bitch aint it …jake the jewsnake ?


LOL…an accurate Avatar on these sites? Sure, that tells it all. But then you seem to have moved to Ireland with the add on to your Tag, Igor.


Ireland ? Nah wrong again jewsnake. I m in Telaviv sitting here with your m0m. But its getting late and she is h0rny so…gtg…


I wish you were with my mom. Now figure that one out with your incapacitated Vodka pickled brain.


Well jewsnake Jake, that , if what you are implying is true, (if its not then you are lamer than I thought you are) that would explain a lot about your mental instability that is so obvious to anyone reading your comments.


Please do join my mom.


You go first jewsnake Jake and I ll follow right behind ya.


To Funny,,,,the world is not going to fight Israel with conventional weapons,,,we will use bio weapons against the Zionist scourge,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Trump did it against China,,,,,lets get Holocaust 2.0 started!!


After signing a long term peace trade deal,I don’t think so eu/uk/brussels created the stink!


I call BS on this. The Chinese government stated that the trade deal would be effective just for one year and no one knows what will happen beyond that. Bio terror attack on China is CIA job through and through just like 9/11. US is the only country in the world that has a DNA for that.


Too Funny. Another drunk Putz Putin the Poisoner Troll plays big man before he passes out hoping his idiotic posts keep him from getting drafted to die in Syria or Ukraine. Good luck, Igor.


How come you got 46k + comments and not a sinlge upvote ! That’s got to be a record of some sort aint it ! Surely ! Nobody likes kikes I know but still…



Guess you missed the Auto Down Voting Bot on Disqus over the past several months. One poor guy got something like a trillion down votes. Try to keep up.


Not everyone is a disqus junky jewsnake Jake! Some of us have jobs. Now I know you gona say you got a job too, but being a jew-snitch and child mol3ster is not really a job is it Jake ? Not when you dont live in Israel anyway. Just remeber Jake snitches get stitches…


Other than that I don’t live in Israel, all the rest is your demented or Vodka induced delusion or meaningless.


I drink ouzo if you are so keen to know about my drinking habits jewsnake Jake. And last time I looked you had about 10 k more comments than me. Also, the subject of delusion is one you should try to avoid bringing up in blogs given the content of your own silly comments.


Give it up, Igor. You’re not very good at this Outz Putin the Troll stuff.


I dono jewsnake Jake , I mean in the end of the day everything is down to comprarison and perception or if you like perception in regards to comparison. For example compared to you as another person who expresses opinions on blogs I am way above you.

I am like the Champions League and you are not even in the professional leagues bellow. You are like in the reserve league, the amateur league. So, your idea of giving up is a good one, you Should in deed give it up jewsnakejake !


Another 1 star vote from a smart anti-zionist commenter

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