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MARCH 2025

Israel Struck 500 Targets On ‘Six Fronts’ This Year: IDF Chief Of Staff

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Israel Struck 500 Targets On 'Six Fronts' This Year: IDF Chief Of Staff

IMAGE: An Israeli F-35I takes off from Uvda airbase during Blue Flag 2019

Iran’s entrenchment in Syria is slowing down as a result of ongoing Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) operations, IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi said on December 11.

These operations are a part of Israel’s “War-Between-Wars” campaign, which started in the mid-2000s and ramped up following the outbreak of the Syrian war in 2011. The campaign is meant to prevent Iran and its allies from developing capabilities that will enable them to violate Israel’s balance of deterrence.

“The Iranian entrenchment in Syria is in a clear slowdown as a result of IDF activity, but we still have a long way to go to complete our goals in this arena,” Kochavi said, according to the Jerusalem Post.

The Israeli general went on to reveal that the IDF struck more than 500 targets in different areas over the last year. Tel Aviv claimed responsibility for several strikes on Syria.

“We operate in six areas intensively. There are arenas with activities on a daily basis and there are those with weekly or monthly activities,” said Kochavi.

An increase in the intensity of Israeli strikes on Syria was noticed in 2020. While Kochavi claims that Iranian forces are being pushed back, the situation in the war-torn country has not changed much from the previous years.

The IDF chief also revealed that Israel “carried out many offensive operations” in the cyber sphere, without providing further details on the matter.

“The Middle East is the most divided and violent region in the world,” Kochavi said, “Most of the countries surrounding Israel have areas without governance, and that challenges us to operate with ‘classic’ measures.”

Kochavi’s remarks indicate that Israel is still convinced that its military campaign will eventually force Iran out of Syria. Nevertheless, Tel Aviv’s military pressure appears to be brining Damascus and Tehran closer and closer.


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Dick Von Dast'Ard

Israel locked it’s population up like it does with the Palestinians in 2020.

It also treated the Covid policy dissenters like Palestinians too in 2020.

Netanyahu still acted like it was 2010 however.

Zionism = EVIL

ZionistCUNTS killing unarmed Palestinians in Gaza and destroying empty warehouses in Syria is somehow 500 “targets”.


Russian carte blanche to Israel has apparently ended as FSB is being targeted by terrorists trained by Mossad in Azerbaijan training camps.


Well its clear who the criminals are in the middle east

Free man

Israel is an efficient and advanced war machine. Its weapon is one of the most advanced, but the most impressive one is the “Blue Remote Control Nissan”: https://twitter.com/HAbdolhossein/status/1335930663711756288?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1335930663711756288%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fdisqus.com%2Fembed%2Fcomments%2F%3Fbase%3Ddefaultf%3Dsouthfrontt_i%3D13059020https3A2F2Fsouthfront.org2F3Fp3D130590t_u%3Dhttps3A2F2Fsouthfront.org2Fdark-secret-behind-us-israeli-friendship2Ft_e%3DDark20Secret20Behind20US-Israeli20Friendship20Is20Revealedt_d%3DDark20Secret20Behind20US-Israeli20Friendship20Is20Revealedt_t%3DDark20Secret20Behind20US-Israeli20Friendship20Is20Revealeds_o%3Ddefaultl%3Dversion%3D71959148e30df0c2d536c080e2d8ca8d


Iran is in Syria to stay, regardless of IDF claims.


Iran is in Syria in order to shut down the jews in palestine – and please note that the aggressions stem from the jews and not from the iranians.

Emad Irani

and the result? every 2nd day a cargo plane from Tehran to Damascus, for Idlib operation of course

Potato Man

I guess they also include ISIS/Daesh attacks as well…


If you are killing other humans because alien civilizations asked you to, then you are probably a traitor to the human species.

Arch Bungle

500 strikes in a year to achieve absolutely nothing. Talk about pissing in the wind!

Ashok Varma

Zionists thrive on gloating and bombast, they are scared so this is just a PR stunt to fool the Arabs, but no one believes it.


and that is precisely why the jews in palestine need to be eliminated down to zero – you can’t and shouldn’t allow these war criminals and criminals against humanity a continued existence – it’s long past the point of no return. all we have from the jews in palestine is theft and murders and genocide and the operation of concentration camp Gaza – what to like, nothing, rid the world of the menace.


6 fronts, 6 pointed star, 6 million… they really love that number…

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