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MARCH 2025

Israel Struck Syrian Army Positions In Quneitra Province, Near Golan Heights: Reports

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Israel Struck Syrian Army Positions In Quneitra Province, Near Golan Heights: Reports

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Israeli forces have conducted strikes at Syrian Army positions in the province of Quneitra, near the Golan Heights, according to local sources.

Reports say that the strikes targeted at least 8 buildings and fortified positions in the area. The attack caused material damage only. No casualties were reported.

The city hospital of Al-Quneitra and an observation post near Al-Shaab Mount were among the targets.

Israel Struck Syrian Army Positions In Quneitra Province, Near Golan Heights: Reports

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In January-February 2019, the Syrian-Israeli conclict once again escalated and Israeli forces increased their military activity in the region. On January 20, Israeli forces conducted a massive strike on targets across Syria. This strike was biggest since the delivery of the S-300 air defense system to Syria.

It seems that the Israeli military is once again set to expand its operations across the war-torn country until it will face a real response to its actions.


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Icarus Tanović

Yeah, let’s see that real response from SAA, let’s take the fuckers down!

John Wallace

Time to bring back the ovens.

Henry Swarey

And throw you in it.

John Wallace

Least I will be warm , unlike you left out in the cold.

John Wallace

Oh look you got an upvote from someone who forgot their name and used their bot number or password by mistake .. D00mM4r1n3

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, they have multiple accounts at hasbara and UPVOTE themselves. Lately, they have found Southfront and are devoting quite a few paid hasbara rats to post here :)

Zionism = EVIL

There will be no peace on earth or dignity for humanity until the Zionist cancer is destroyed. These pretend Jews living on western welfare in Occupied Palestine are a curse for all humanity.


Go away and read some real history.

Chris Saunders

You mean the Yid fat soap making machines, or the Yid skin lampshade factories . . ?


Weren’t these all invented stories for the Nuremberg trials, which were proven false later on (soap, tattooed skin lamps, ovens… ) just for the sake of having a moral backing for the harsh punishment and maximum of reparation payments?


Yes, but the lies continue to infect the minds of many.

“This rumor was a variation on a black propaganda story concocted by the British about the Germans during World War I. During that war a story appeared in the German press that the Germans were taking dead horses and rendering the fat from them to be used in soap. Germany is a country of shortage during wartime and nothing is let go to waste. The British altered the story and fed it back into Germany that dead German soldiers were being rendered for their fat for soap production instead. After the war was over, Great Britain apologized for this and other atrocity stories it spread during the war.”



“It would seem that Zionists have such influence within the media that they can promote these communist lies almost without restriction. The only limit seems to be how gullible the general public really is.”

Tis time to wash the mouths if Zionists with Carbolic Soap :)

Zionism = EVIL

Sadly, the whole HOLOHOAX was a fabrication like their Hollywood created Pisrael. If there had been a real holocaust there would not have been 7 million Jew parasites left. They are breeding like rats too.

John Wallace

Thanks Red. I have seen a couple of videos pertaining to that but would be interested in being pointed in the right direction. I think there was something on the alternative version of Hitler that I saw a long time ago. Can’t think what it was at the moment. It was always being taken down but I did get to watch all of it.. I have many 2ndWW videos of the camps which has pretty compelling evidence too the veracity of what the official story is but I am always prepared too look at what is contrary to my views as I am always prepared to accept I may be wrong..

John Wallace

Red .. your post is inactive and can’t be replied too


Read the 1947 report of the international red cross from Switzerland. It gives an overview about help send to concentration camps, but does not give any evidence of mass-killings. Number of death increases drastically with the bombing of transport infrastructure, leading to famine and Cholera and Diphtheria outbreaks. RC requests Allies to consider, and asked for support. Here a link to the document: https://archive.org/details/ReportICRC1939-1947RedCrossOnConcentrationCampsJews

John Wallace

Thanks Red , I had a quick look and will read in full later.. Just after I replied your comment vanished so lucky I got it in time..


Russians faggots have been smacked 30 times since IL20 and bow down like good bitches


You’re a huge liar. The airstrikes have been reduced 90%. List the 30 airstrikes. You can’t so you won’t even try.


Remember how Russian media was bragging about Israel being terrified of conducting new air strikes

“IAF grounded by Russia”

Now look, Israel laughs at them.

John Whitehot

yawn yawn.

when israeli planes enter syrian airspace feel free to comment.

until then, just stay down bozo.


That’s a dodge. Your lies have been outed.


We on here laugh at you LOL


Some of us just puke.


That lipstick suits you honey, but wipe it off, I don’t want it getting on my new pants.


Your cosmetic fantasies hold no power over me, you’re James Corbyn in high heels


I ain’t trusting him with my nads.




Most sources are reporting these as artillery, not airstrikes. So who’s backing down? Looks like the baby rapers to me.

Chris Saunders

Look at how Hezbollah media laughed at videos of your soldiers returning from Lebanon in 2006, crying for their mamas and urinating in their panties . . LMAO


Shortly after the assault began, Somali militia and armed civilian fighters shot down two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters. The subsequent operation to secure and recover the crews of both helicopters extended the initial operation into an overnight standoff and daylight rescue operation on 4 October. The battle resulted in 18 deaths, 73 wounded and one helicopter pilot captured among the U.S. raid party and rescue forces. What a pity…

Zionism = EVIL

The Americunt liar coward arseholes have lost every war.

Zionism = EVIL

Special ed child, how many Zionist airstrikes have been on Damascus lately? There are now at least 3 Iranian heavy lift flights a day and they operate in the open. Zarif met with Sayyed Nasrallah in Beirut openly today, what did the Zionist cowards do? NOTHING, SEFIR, NADA, ZILCH :)


Israelis bathe in IRGC blood while Iranian faggots issue threats in bunkers bwahaaha

We’ve been over this son, Israel slaughters Iranians like sheep in Syria

No Iranian retaliation

You’re betting on the wrong horse in the race using your 5 remaining brain cells as chips, one failed prediction at a time


Zionism = EVIL

Desperate child, resorting to fantasy now :) Sonny, at least post realistic stuff and people will then at least have pity on you. Now you are resorting to kiddie make believe nonsense:) How come Iranian FM Zarif spent 2 days traveling all over Lebanon and where were the Zionist scum?


Lol even your chimp brain is vaguely aware that Russian and Syrian media( which issue the same reports) are lying to you. They reported 2 weeks ago IAF struck Damascus killing SAA and destroyed Pantsirs

Oh well, another down the memory hole you call home

March on, valiant doofus


Zionism = EVIL

Now child, you are being petulant and girly silly :) For a loudmouth faggot you are a sensitive little queer boy :) and quite the liar too.


They struck Damascus 2 weeks ago and killed 10 SAA and 12 Iranians


Zionism = EVIL

No kiddo, nothing like that happened. Let’s not get trailer trash FOX news on me now :)

Chris Saunders

Shlomo . . Bibi is crying for you…he needs your vote. Quick get to a voting booth before you end up with a new leader who is partially sane . .

Zionism = EVIL

If this incident at Occupied Golan is true, it is most likely ground to ground missiles and not airstrikes as the Zionist cowards now loiter over south Lebanon and that needs to be stopped by providing Hezbollah with better AD systems.


The articles say artillery.

“Hezbollah has acquired the Rus­sian-made SA-17 “Buk,” a medium-range air defense missile originally sold to Syria that has a range of 31 miles and can target aircraft flying at altitudes of 78,000 feet.”

– Israel and Hezbollah’s Golan calculations –


“Hezbollah has acquired over 100,000 rockets and long-range missiles, including Russian-made SA-17 “Buk” medium range air defense missiles capable of intercepting Israeli warplanes. Hezbollah has also built deep missile silos inside Syria to store missiles – including the Iranian-built Shahab-1, Shahab-2, and the Fateh-110 missiles, which can easily evade Israeli medium-range missile interceptors.”



Zionism = EVIL

Iran should be handing over the upgraded Sayyed 2 (Hunter) to Hezbollah which has worked well in Syria and downed the Zionist F-16I shutting down Ben Gurion airport for 6 hours. Iran should perhaps bring its own S-300 or Bavar 373 to Syria and Lebanon. The Zionists are in desperate mode now.

Icarus Tanović

Don’t be pussy, look at my eye!

John Whitehot

wonder what’s so patriotic in licking jews, unless you’re one of them.

John Wallace

Not sure if it is being patriotic when you are just a vassal although I understand it is easy to confuse the two.

John Whitehot

one should enter a discourse about the perception of things by the person in question, which is something better left to psychiatrists and helpers of the mentally challenged.

John Wallace

If any American think they are in control need to watch this.


CHILLING!!! Covert War The Zionists DON’T Want You to See!

Chris Saunders

He’s definitely a Yid, masquerading as a white American . .

Tudor Miron

That’s just an example of obidient slave mentality – prising his masters hoping that they throw him a bone.


Slight misspelling there Tudor….bone(r).

Daniel Martin

You sound much more like a zionist hasbara troll then a “Patriotic white American”

Chris Saunders

He is buddy . . .

Zionism = EVIL

That is the usual tactic for hasbara rats, create fake ID with gentile names.

Wolfgang Wolf

our USNazi asshole again) arent you tired of your bullshit postings? :))) or do you really believe that crap that you are posting here?


Shortly after the assault began, Somali militia and armed civilian fighters shot down two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters. The subsequent operation to secure and recover the crews of both helicopters extended the initial operation into an overnight standoff and daylight rescue operation on 4 October. The battle resulted in 18 deaths, 73 wounded and one helicopter pilot captured among the U.S. raid party and rescue forces.

You can call me Al

hahahahaha, got battered as well, in the planet of the apes. Priceless.

You can call me Al

1 F16 and an F-35, doorah, doorah, 1 F16 an F-35 and 36 UAVs; , doorah, doorah ay, doorah, doorah ay, 1 F16 an F-35 and 36 UAVs.

Now go back to your ma, run and rub on her leg and see if she lets you have her again. You inbred, hooked nosed, Yanker twat.


Like ISIS when tomorrow bad days come on Israeli terrorists then the world community will think that this is real response of Israeli brutality on Mideast dwellers.

You can call me Al

“Oorah!” (in Arabic).


a few of those russian long distance missiles from the caspian sea straight on tel aviv and haifa to tell the squatters to behave or you will be evicted without your diamonds or you gold, swimming for safety to an illusive safe shore and no Moses to save the day.


How about Syria replies with it’s own artillery, the ski resort looks like a tempting target. Interfering with their ability to make money is the way to hurt them.


Yes, a missile or two on BenGurion would also wreck the Israeli tourist trade :)

Zionism = EVIL

Sadly, Russia will not do a damn thing as Putin is a pal of Nutter Yahoo and Zionist parasites have infested Russia. Nutter Yahoo is licking Putin’s arse for the 15th time in 18 months as he is going to Moscow again. It is for the regional axis of resistance to hit the Zionists who are weaker than a spiders web and simply can not afford a long war of attrition on multiple fronts.


he is not – putin tolerates israel but only as long as they behave reasonably well – when netanyahu goes to moscow it’s to beg and cry and make himself maltreated by the world, which makes putin laugh inwardly, but he is not moved one inch by the begging netanyahu. the minute israel is transgressing the boundary putin is working along, netanyahu knows that there are long distance missiles trained at tel aviv and haifa from the Caspian Sea (not reachable by anything the squatters has) and which the iron dome can’t do anything about.

and that’s about it – in russia’s view, israel is far down the ladder of popularity compared to syria, iran and so on and so forth.


Better still target Brooklyn.


“According to a military source in Damascus city, the first Israeli airstrike targeted the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) positions at the large hilltop of Tal Darbiyah.

The second Israeli airstrike would target the Al-Quneitra Hospital, resulting in the destruction of the entire facility.

The final Israeli airstrike targeted a Syrian Arab Army garrison that was located near Jabata Al-Shaab; this resulted in the destruction of the site.”

– Israeli Air Force bombs southwestern Syria –



“Quneitra (also Al Qunaytirah, Qunaitira, or Kuneitra; Arabic: القنيطرة‎ al-Qunayṭrah)[pronunciation?] is the largely destroyed and abandoned capital of the Quneitra Governorate in south-western Syria. It is situated in a high valley in the Golan Heights at an elevation of 1,010 metres (3,313 feet)[1] above sea level. Since 1974, pursuant to United Nations Security Council Resolution 350 and the Agreement on Disengagement between Israel and Syria, the city is inside the UN-patrolled buffer zone.

Quneitra was founded in the Ottoman era as a way station on the caravan route to Damascus and subsequently became a garrison town of some 20,000 people. In 1946, it became part of the independent Syrian Republic within the Riff Dimashq Governorate and in 1964 became the capital of the split Quneitra Governorate.[3] On 10 June 1967, the last day of the Six-Day War, Quneitra came under Israeli control.[4] It was briefly recaptured by Syria during the 1973 Yom Kippur War, but Israel regained control in its subsequent counter-offensive. The city was almost completely destroyed before the Israeli withdrawal in June 1974. Syria had refused to rebuild the city and actively discouraged resettlement in the area. Israel was heavily criticized by the United Nations for the city’s destruction,[5] while Israel has also criticized Syria for not rebuilding Quneitra.[6] During the Syrian Civil War, Quneitra became a clash point between rebel forces and Syrian Arab Army. As of 2014, it became controlled by the Syrian opposition.[7]

In 2004, its population was estimated at 153 persons, with some 4,000 more living in the surrounding areas of the former city.

Between 2014 and July 2018 Quneitra was de facto controlled by the Southern Front. By the end of July, 2018, Syrian Government forces regained control over the city.”

– Quneitra –



This is the official report from Syria’s state run news agency:

“SANA reporter said on Monday that the Israeli occupation launched aggression with shells on Quneitra, and the damages were limited to material ones.

The reporter added that the Israeli aggression has targeted the destroyed Hospital of Quneitra with a number of tank shells and one of the observation centers in Jabata al-Khashab.

He pointed out to reports about targeting Tal al-Dire’a in Quneitra with a number of shells, and the damages were also restricted to materials.”

– Israeli aggression with shells on Quneitra, material damages only –



Israel F35 to S400

You can’t touch me

Na Na Na Na

John Whitehot


You can call me Al

Dear John. I would like to say that, I do believe that your comment sums up the little fucker quite adequately for me, may I also add, rather precisely as well.


Nicely put, John :)


It doesn’t look like these were even airstrikes:

– Israeli aggression with shells on Quneitra, material damages only –


Taz T

You disappeared when your invincible seal forces got blown away in Manjib unless you are a Jew and only come out when Israel carrys out more aggressions. I guess your friend Netanyahu in not in a good position and trying to get his rating up with stupid Israelis.


They were unarmed inspectors, no SEALs

Taz T

They are all unarmed inspectors if you say (https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2019/01/16/syria-explosion-us-soldiers-killed-explosion-manjib/2591639002/). They have no right to be there, would US allow another country to send theior soldier ther without their request.


These airstrikes are targeting Russia as much as they are Syria. To show that the SADF upgrades are an ineffective deterrent against NATO equipment. And that the Russians are selling their allies out to the Jews. Or that the upgrades don’t work, and that even if they do, that the Russians don’t want them used to avoid technology scavenging.

Even though the airstrikes have been reduced by 90% since the IL-20 shoot down. Every air strike that isn’t interdicted, is being used to push back the US withdrawal and prolong the war in accordance with the evil Jew’s Yinon plan.

“On 19 December 2018, President Donald Trump announced he would pullout all of the 2,000 U.S. troops operating in Syria in 2019, though no timetable was given.”

– American-led intervention in the Syrian Civil War –


It’s been almost 2 months since the withdrawal was announced and nothing has happened. The Jews are doing everything that they can to prevent it. Including continuing airstrikes on Syria.


I’ve done some fact checking. And it looks like SF and AMN got it wrong. And that these strikes, or at least some of them were artillery not air strikes:

– Israeli aggression with shells on Quneitra, material damages only –



Once again, South Front predicts that this is the start of a much larger plan that requires large scale reactions in order to counter. If you say this with literally everything, you cannot boast your predictive powers on the occasion it is slightly true.


Were these airstrikes? This report says that they weren’t:

“Israeli tank artillery hit a demolished hospital and an observation post in Syria’s southern Quneitra province near the border with Israel, Syrian state media said on Monday, adding there had been only material damage.

The two sites were hit by several tank artillery rounds, state media reported.”

– Syrian state media says Israel artillery strikes Quneitra province –



Even SANA is reporting that these were artillery, not airstrikes:

“SANA reporter said on Monday that the Israeli occupation launched aggression with shells on Quneitra, and the damages were limited to material ones.

The reporter added that the Israeli aggression has targeted the destroyed Hospital of Quneitra with a number of tank shells and one of the observation centers in Jabata al-Khashab.

He pointed out to reports about targeting Tal al-Dire’a in Quneitra with a number of shells, and the damages were also restricted to materials.”

– Israeli aggression with shells on Quneitra, material damages only –



If the reports that these were artillery and not airstrikes are true. Then the SADF upgrades are holding and the baby rapers are trying to find a different way to sidetrack the US withdrawal.


You’re losing your mind ahahaha


Coming from an outed habitual liar. Your opinion is meaningless.


back to your trailer trailer trash


oh look, the fat ukrainian posing as a fat american!

H Eccles

re.. “You’re losing your mind ahahaha”

Ironic.. given that you laugh like an imbecile evey five minutes..

Zionism = EVIL

Actually the Zionists are crapping about growing Iranian influence in the region.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif pointedly visited Beirut on Monday, Feb.11, the day of the Islamic revolution’s 40th anniversary, to highlight the length and breadth of its reach – even under US sanctions, threats and failed Zionist attacks on Syria.

Like Moscow, Tehran has shifted its focus to the quest for a foothold in Lebanon to consolidate their success in preserving the legitimate government of Dr. Assad in Damascus. Both have designated the well respected Shia political organization as their main channel of influence in Beirut. Except that Russian Deputy Foreign Minister. who visited Jerusalem last week for talks with Prime Minister Nutter Yahoo, insisted on Sunday, Feb. 10, that Hezbollah is not a terrorist group, but a positive force for stability in the Middle East. The line Russian spokesmen are now pushing in unison with Tehran is a thorough and realistic assessment of Hezbollah’s growing international image and prestige. Russia is also indebted to Hezbollah for saving the lives of downed Russian pilots and soldiers in Syria.

Hezbollah leader, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, last week proposed that Iran re-arm the Lebanese army with new weapons including anti-air missiles. Zarif responded that Tehran is ready to assist Lebanon “in every field” – including the military sphere. He spoke in general terms, but regional military sources report that, behind closed doors, the Iranian foreign minister offered the Lebanese army a set of Iranian Bavar 373 air defense missile systems, which are a hybrid upgraded versions of the Russian S-300s deployed around military and nuclear sites across Iran. Tehran has no objection to advanced weapons reaching Hezbollah from Russia or any other source also. The Iranians rightly state that it is par for the course. Kurdish terrorist forces in Syria are armed by the Americunts and Zionists, so why should Russia not arm Hezbollah, a legitimate and well respected regional actor that has guaranteed the security of Lebanon.


The violation of Lebanese airspace by the baby rapers has been a problem for Israel’s entire history. The solution is the dejudification and unification of Palestine as part of dejudifying the planet. A Jew free planet would be much better for humanity.


SF doesn’t describe the attacks as air strikes, only as strikes without specifying what type of strikes that they are. AMN is clearly describing them as airstrikes, per “a military source in Damascus city”.

Is AMN a hasbara/NATO disinfo site?


May have been bad early info, latest AMN report now describing them only as strikes. Israeli trash probably waiting for a reply in order to escalate, this is their game plan no doubt.


I don’t know what the crazy Jews are thinking. If they were sane and rational the problem wouldn’t exist in the first place place. One look at their insane Talmud rabbinical ideology tells you that they’re nutters from the git go.

They need to be treated like the rabid animals that they are. And I mean that in the figurative not the literal sense. I know all about that there are degrees of evil and some are worse or better than others. But the collective and it’s actions are what needs to be addressed. The fact that some are fairly benign and make positive contributions to society in some instances doesn’t exonerate the problems that the Jew cult and many of it’s practitioners cause and have for millennium.

There’s a reason that the drop out rate is so high and many refuse to raise their children in it. Unlike Christianity where the drop out rate is high. But parents want their children to have a Christain foundation to live their lives from. The best thing for humanity is to get rid of it completely. And to let former evil Jews go about their lives without it.

AMN never corrected or retracted that article. And it was misleading reporting a hospital being destroyed without mentioning that the hospital and entire city were abandoned decades ago. Maybe it was an uncorrected mistake. Or maybe all is not right at that site and it was deliberate disinfo. I’m not sure. But it isn’t the first time that I’ve seen something questionable there.


It looks like AMN was right after all. SANA added additional information today that missiles fired from drones were used in addition to artillery.


Which isn’t something that you would normally use S-300s against. The baby rapers are probably seeing what they can get away with.


Targeting hospitals just like the US, it’s easy to see why Americans and Jews get on so well, they both have the same lack of morals.


Yeah, because Muslims are so fucking perfect aren’t they?


I don’t think there is a viable solution to stop Bibi, we’ll get used with Israel striking Syria weekly.

Chris Saunders

Bibi is losing votes . .he’ll do anything to boost them . .


If bombing Syria on weekly basis boost the votes then doesn’t matter if there is Bibi or another one


And of course Syria’s empty talk about “an airport for an airport” is now exposed as just an embarrassing empty threat.

Parisa Zoorgoo

i think syrians and humans in general count on 911 justice, to get the general ok as to when are we gonna guillotine the mass murrderers that pushed and enabled and created propaganda for all these thieving oil wars that only benefit dancing child burners


Israel cries for any Syrian response to keep the US Army inside Syria.

Promitheas Apollonious

the US army is been in ME since 1990 by force and they remain there unless they are kicked out by force.


He said Syria not ME.

Zionism = EVIL

A senior commander in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said Tehran would not withdraw its forces from the region, dismissing U.S. calls that Iranian regional influence should be curbed.

“The enemy cannot ask us to leave the region. They must leave the region,” said Brig.-Gen. Hossein Salami, deputy head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards. “We will help any Muslim anywhere in the world.

aleksandar jakovljevic

That.is thrue

Zionism = EVIL

It is more complicated than that. The Zionist scum parasites are limited in their actions now since the SAA has operational S-300 near Damascus and also the Iranian footprint in Syria supporting the government is much larger. The Zionist scum only hope is to draw the dumb Americunts in for a full scale war which even the idiot Trump can not afford considering the unraveling economy and domestic situation as Congress is now controlled by democrats who will have to authorize a war powers act, the chances of which are ZERO. It is time to draw the Zionist cancer in to a war of attrition and inflict sustained casualties. These so-called welfare “Jews” have no connection to Palestine and will run back to their original ghettos if they sustain heavy casualties.


The Israelis struck a hospital?…say it isn’t so. That would be a war crime. Now they’ve tarnished their reputation. HAHAHAHA.


No casualties suggests they knew it was coming, probably tipped off by Russians … if this remains the case I suspect this is a provocation that will be treated the same as the numerous previous provocations, ie. tough words, no direct military retaliation.


Syria is going to eventually retaliate and when it does it would be in conjunction with Iran, Hezbollah, Iraqi paramilitary and Palestinians where they will have Iranian subs targeting US bases in the Gulf and other infrastructures in Iraq, Jordan and the jew state. Houthis may even participate. Game on when that happens. Can’t see Russia participating or China.

Zionism = EVIL

There is growing anger at Americunts and Zionists in the region and the CIA terror war in Syria is backfiring big-time. This has a long way to play out yet and the Zionist cancer will be hit, it now a question of when not if?


Well, Well, well, Israel is just trying to keep USA in Syria. Jews lobby at White House is working hard to get this, Let us see later if USA has the pants to do something right in its life.


donny has no appetite for more entanglement in the middle east – in fact he would like to close down the entire thing but is prevented from doing so by the man who has given obesity an american face, fatso pompeo and the bedlam/luna bin ready bolton. donny can provide weapons on generous terms to the criminal squatters in the stolen land but basically they will have to do the heavy lifting themselves. and that is a new aspect that the squatters find difficult to swallow,and that is despite donny’s son in law. not even saudi mbs is keen on helping the squatters in taking on Iran so kushner is having a problem.

Jacob Wohl

Strongest state of Israel once again displaying freedom of operation and effective retaliation to any threat. Merkava tanks are the strongest, most heavily armored, most advanced tanks fielded by any army in the world. And Israel has over a 1,000 of them :) Israel doesn’t need any country to fight wars for them or help them, Israel takes care of its enemies on its own.


think you’re wrong and the murdering thieves and operators of a concentration camp a la hitler’s bergen belsen where the most prominent feature is the ethnic cleansing program know that the end is in sight and that they will have to swim towards an imagined shore and no Moses to save the day. so the squatters are looking at diaspora 2.0 replete with pogroms – what a larf!

H Eccles

hey kike-roach..

the last time you squatters tried to take care of someone on your own you had you sorry thieving asses handed to you by hezbollah.. so much so that since 2006 you haven’t had the balls to venture back in there. Instead you’ve taken your whingeing out on the women & kids of Gaza, who couldn’t possibly defend themelves having been forced to live in a concentration camp.

Now unless you outrank Donald Trump (and I know you like to think you do), your sorry excuse for a country does need others to fight its wars. Cos according to Trump, US troops will hang around the ME for the benefit of that pathetic excuse for a nation that call itself Israel.

Lena Jones

LOL what a brainwashed jewish supremicist you are – haven’t a clue, have you?

Your precious merkavas were busted up nicely in Lebanon back in 2006. Hezbollah destroyed 124 of them in 26 days lol! Nobody wanted to buy merkavas after that – nobody is buying them now. Google ‘hezbollah kills merkavas’, click on ‘image’ and there you’ll see THOUSANDS of pictorial evidence of your pathetic merkavas (and cowardly idf!).

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/408a799300f1a7e6590ea20ec993e72c954b857246f8aa3df495a8314b10dc20.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5a5e9e1adce4be950e87642ef11b05d52302b58a33f46921712c6330fdaad2f5.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e5df29c11a9a3a6a23abda88d921578e69a6d7dea202bbd02146cdf8585ed3ed.jpg

But, go ahead and keep dreaming – serves the Resistance better to have y’all fast asleep.

The Resistance picks the time and place of retaliation against israeli war crimes in Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon, not israel – and that time will come when you idiots least expect it.

When israel starts actually targeting hezbollah IN LEBANON and Iranians IN TEHARAN, we can talk, otherwise all your cowardly jewish war crimes in Syria are doing fuck all: the status quo still remains: terrorist friends of israel are being wiped out in Syria. “Thousands” of jewish strikes on Syria and the jews STILL LOST IN SYRIA LOL!

Xoli Xoli

Apply right of self defence or keep on dying under USA Russian feared oppression.


Just goes to show Israel ?? is behind ISIS all the way

Parisa Zoorgoo

can we all agree that dancing child buners have no rights whatsoever and no nation. all countries should derecognise tel aviv and BDS until Palestine is whole again


Even having the S-300 in operation already ? Really, some parts of Syria army preparation for war is a really disaster.

Jim Prendergast

This is provocation. Israel needs war. It is time to demilitarize Golan and bring-in Syrian police.


nah, time to close israel for good and send the murdering and thieving squatters packing (swimming) into their diaspora 2.0. what a friggin larf that will be!


a three point schedule to finish off the criminal squatters on palestinian land now.

a) any country that at one stage recognized israel is free to de-recognize israel since the first step, ‘the recognition’ was given on the understanding that israel should become a law abiding country respecting human values and abide by the balfour declaration, viz ” it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine,”and since the squatters are in breach of every aspect of the united nation’s charter on human rights/values, it is an obligation of any country that once recognized israel to now de-recognize it and thus remove the legal justification for its existence.’

b) ban any financial transactions from outside israel to israel in the same vein as financial transactions to say ISIS or HAMAS or Hezbollah are prohibited since israel is country which can’t survive without substantial financial support from sources outside of israel, such as uk, france, destitute states of morons (aka usa) and so on and so forth.

c) prohibit sales of weapons to israel and vice versa -prohibit sale of israeli weapons and superfund the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement to stop all sales of israeli products. and in particular – do not ever buy a sodastream!!

and miscellaneous measures that should be undertaken – exclude israel from the european football assoc and exclude israel from the eurovision song contest!

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