An Israeli Air Force F-35 fighter jet flies during an aerial demonstration at a graduation ceremony for Israeli airforce pilots at the Hatzerim air base in southern Israel December 29, 2016.. (photo credit: REUTERS/AMIR COHEN)
The Israeli military struck an S-200 long-range air-defense system of the Syrian Arab Air Defense Forces (SyAADF) whose fire reached the Israeli capital Tel Aviv early on September 3, according to Israel’s Army Radio.
A missile launched by the system chased one of several Israeli warplanes which launched airstrikes on targets in the outskirts of the Syrian capital Damascus all the way to Tel Aviv before exploding off the city’s coast. Debris from the explosion fell near the city. The Israeli military didn’t attempt to intercept the missile or issue any warning. No losses were reported as a result of the incident.
According to the Army Radio, the Syrian S-200 system was “severely damaged” as a result of the Israeli military’s retaliatory strikes.
The state-run radio station also revealed that the earlier airstrikes hit “Iranian targets” in Damascus International Airport. One of the targets was allegedly a warehouse where “strategic weapons” were stored.
Israeli warplanes launched the airstrikes from the airspace of Lebanon, according to a Syrian military source. No casualties were reported.
This was not the first time the Israeli military has responded to Syrian air-defense fire. Last April, a Syrian S-200 missile landed some 250 km deep in Israel, 40 km away from the Dimona nuclear reactor, after chasing an Israeli warplane. The Israeli military responded by wiping out a large base of the SyAADF.
More Mossadisis CGI… Or they doesn’t even make the effort anymore?
Ince we downed f-35 with S-200. So better luck, next time punk.
So they couldn’t knock out an old missile flying right through the stolen territories, but were able to get the launcher in another country!
Who writes these articles, Joseph Goebbelstein?
Iron Doom LMFAO
see above.
Chinese fireworks are more effective than iron doom.
LoL You’re the best
Clearly the US$ five billion dollar IRON DONUT does not work all the time maybe they forgot to plug it into the wall or did not pay their electric bill
Israel destroyed everything except the BUK that took out 100% of 12 missiles in Jul LoL ZioPIGS are in a Panic as hezbollah and PMUs close in on jerusalem killing rabid settlers on the way like pigs in a slaugterhouse
The quicker the SAA depletes and de-facto phases out their supply of what could be qualified as the worst Russian air-defense system in history, in contrast to an otherwise almost perfect track-record in producing excellent models ahead of their time in all ranges and types, the better.
There is no way in hell those system can even remotely stand a chance against maneuvering and agile targets such as fighter jets let alone with the most modern ECM suites that US-taxpayer money is buying Tel-Aviv, and their large and vulnerable mechanically steered radar is extremely prone to even the most basic jamming available to its enemies today.
If those also had one of the shortest service-time within the Russian air-defense apparatus to begin with, it was for a reason. It was described sort of a botched stop-gap between existing medium-range system and experimental long-range ones, and never supposed to be a fully-fledged weapon system. Initially its missile was supposed to be an ABM interceptor, not a regular air-defense.
The only reason why it’s still used today by the SAA is the lack of a better alternative available in numbers, courtesy of Putin when it comes to Israel, Syrian crew won’t get their hands on anything better or more threatening to Israeli pilots any time soon so brace for more humiliation until the country can very ,very slowly build itself back and regain the ability to respond aka stop being an embarrassing god damn punch-bag for IDF rookie pilots in real-time training in technically undefended and wholly uncontested airspace.
It was also conceived for use at long ranges and high altitudes against strategic bombers, back when strategic bombers were a real thing, and not just for impressing crowds at airshows with their bombast. They are also very big and slow, so the design parameters for hitting such a target were a bit different at the time!
It took out a Flop-35 and the Flop-16… And a bunch of gkide bombs. Probably better tgan tge Patriot and its 60years old…
It’s 54 years old and still potent enough that the IAF had to launch an air strike to try to take it out. Even then the IAF admitted they weren’t successful … they only damaged it. F-4’s were flying wild weasles against this SAM in Vietnam for fuck sake. Israel has the latest and greatest 21st century technology and operates $$$$$ invisible planes made out of unobtainium and they still couldn’t knock it out
Seriously? A Ukrainian talking about S-200’s??!? The hapless Ukrainian military managed to lock on and shoot down a Siberian Airlines passenger airliner during a training exercise ‘accident’ with S-200’s in 2001. A flight from Tel Aviv to Novosibirsk. All passenger aircraft pass over Ukraine at their own peril, whether in peace time, or in war zone.
I have read again that Over 100 times the IAF have struck S-200 AD along these years….
Isisairfarce took out more S-200s than there are in active service in total…. Quite the feet if you ask me…
You have to give credit to the Syrian Air Defense Force. Using a missile system designed back in the 1960’s, and the missile landing over Israel is quite a feat. Of course the IAF attacks from Lebanese airspace. They learned the hard way they can’t fly directly over Syria anymore, since they have had their planes shot down doing that. By using Lebanon airspace, it is very difficult for the Syrian troops to get an accurate fix on the attacking planes. The fact that the S-200 has been “upgraded” by the Syrians as much as it has, and have a missile land over Israel is impressive. I think Israel might not be so bold, if the Syrians had much more advanced, capable radars and command and control. I don’t think Russia will allow that though. They play a fine dance being allies with Syria, and having good relations with Israel.
Pretty soon they will have used up all the 60s inventory and S-400 plus Buk will need to be switched on.
Do you know how many weapons systems and numbers were produced during Soviet times? I bet the Russians, not to mention Belarus and other CSTO countries, have enough S-200s left in their reserves to supply Syria for another 10 years.
Not just S-200’s the Syrians want to fire off towards Israel, but Scuds too.
It already happened yesterday. Just no mention is being made in over 95% of media outlets. The defense website Avia.pro published an article confirming the use of Scuds by Syria on Israel this morning.
here’s the link: https://avia-pro.net/news/siriya-nanesla-otvetnyy-udar-po-izrailyu-sovetskoy-ballisticheskoy-raketoy-skad
It should open in English and not Russian.
Taliban terrorists? Taliban in my view is the legal government of Afghanistan returning back to their seats after a foreign military occupation.
Maybe Russia dont like them, but Taliban was and is perhaps the only political force to preserve peace and some civilisation in the whole of Afghanistan. They already declared the opium fields to be erased when foreign forces have left. Not that bad ne?
At least the S-200 is earning its keep. Question is what was the worthless S-300 doing during these attacks.
That is there as a strategic reserve. BuK, Pantsir and updated S-200s are more than enough to deal with the Israhellis.
Funny how the writer of this article deliberately omits that the Syrian armed forces also launched a Scud into Israhell as a reprisal and it went undetected hitting a location in the middle of the country. Reported by Avia.pro.
Syrian Scud or Iranian Zel Zel, whatever it may have been, the important thing is to set a precedent.
Replace it with two 373
When will Zionist israel’s wings be clipped ??
“According to the Army Radio, the Syrian S-200 system was “severely damaged” as a result of the Israeli military’s retaliatory strikes.”
I attack you, you defend yourself, how dare you? Apparently nowadays you can “retaliate” against a defence which happened only because you attacked in the first place.
Newspeak is the normal language for some people.
Without knowing the specifics, my guess is that the S200 was launched to chase the israeli plane when it was already homeward bound and some distance away, but target locked, which can’t be that difficult with the integrated radar systems with the Russians. So the israelis launched an attack immediately against one of the radars to shake off the lock, and perhaps were successful, or maybe they just switched off the radar to save it, so the missile exploded in the air. Exciting nevertheless. Israeliu claims about anything being destroyed with a bucketful of salt.
Not so true. According to Russian Militants, in this attack, 4 Israeli f-15 fighter jets launched 24 guided missiles from Lebanon airspace, and 21 where intercepted plby Syrian buk-mE e Pantsyr-S
Thats a mot of salty tears Shlomo. Why are you shooting duds.. 😂? Oy vey… It seems that omd junk is better than your state of the art cutting edge koshernazi dudiforce… Oy… Oy…