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Israel Successfully Tests Upgraded Iron Done Defense System

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Israel Successfully Tests Upgraded Iron Done Defense System

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On February 1st, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) successfully tested a new “advanced” Iron Dome missile defense system.


During the test, a number of scenarios were examined that simulate future threats that the system may face during a conflict on land and at sea.

“The more-advanced model of the Iron Dome is due to be installed on the Israeli Navy’s new Sa’ar-6 corvettes, which are tasked with guarding the natural gas platforms off Israel’s coast as well as its shipping lanes,” the Israeli Ministry of Defense said.

The ministry said the new, upgraded model of the system was due to be integrated into the Israeli Air Force shortly. Though Iron Dome batteries will be located on Israeli Navy ships, they will be operated by air force troops.

The development of the Iron Dome is led by the IMDO in the Ministry of Defense. The prime contractor for the development and production of the Iron Dome is Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd.

The MMR radar is developed by ELTA, a subsidiary of Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), and the command-and-control system (BMC), is developed by mPrest. The Iron Dome is an integral part of Israel’s multi-layered defense array developed by the IMDO.

The Defense Ministry said the tests, which the Iron Dome passed, represented “an important milestone in developing the system.”

Defense Minister Benny Gantz hailed the successful tests, saying, “The defense establishment will continue to stand guard, around the clock and in every place.”

Back in December 2020, the Israeli Defense Ministry conducted an “unprecedentedly complex air defense exercise,” in which the Iron Dome was proven effective against not only the rockets, mortar shells and drones that it had already been used to intercept, but also cruise missiles.

In that exercise in December, the Defense Ministry also tested a new version of the medium-range David’s Sling air defense system, which is currently under development.

David’s Sling was pitted against ballistic missiles, which follow a fixed and predetermined trajectory, as well as the more-difficult-to-hit cruise missiles, which effectively function as small, fast, unmanned airplanes, capable of changing direction and thus better able to evade air defenses.

The lowest layer of Israel’s multi-tiered missile defense system is the Iron Dome.

The middle tier of the missile defense array is the David’s Sling system, which is designed to shoot down medium-range projectiles.

The farthest range are the Arrow, designed to intercept large ballistic missiles, and the American-made Patriot system, which is used to shoot down aircraft.


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Just Me

LOL, rockets keep coming from Gaza and Hezbollah just shot down a drone, so IRON DUD is just shitless scared diaper propaganda.



A drone … proving nothing

Hezbollah lost one a week ago … BFD

a f/kn shia punk

johnny rotten

There are still two countries in the world that think they can win (or avoid?) wars using just PR, you guessed it are Isisrahell and Yankeestan.

Just Me



This ugly repulsive scum needs to tried at the ICC and hung.


Wishing and Hoping … goy? lol


Israel actually fights wars … and wins eh johnny?

Coming ta git ya …

Jim Allen

NO, you’re not. And your US military protector isn’t either. Besides you arrogant sociopaths, and lunatics have been “coming to git ya” for so long now, you would’ve been here centuries ago, if you were actually coming to get us. The Globalist Cabal has no plan to include the population of “chosen one’s.” Only the “elite” chosen one’s matter. The agenda will leave 500 million goyim, (including lesser “chosen ones”) to serve, and amuse them. The rest are just another goyim. This includes your sorry ass.


Huh? Too confusing Jim …

Jim Allen

Poor thing.

El Mashi

In Israel’s last aggression in Lebanon, it has its ass handed back by Hezbollah. That was before Hezbollah had gained battle experience in Syria. They now have 150,000 rockets and missiles. The only solution to this problem is a pyric war or negotiations. Israel will have to return the occupied Syrian and Lebanese Golan Heights. Or, Hezbollah and allies will liberate it.


The way the new Asia centered world strategic balance is shaping up the Zionists are irrelevant and a burden on US and western taxpayers while our economies and societies go down the tubes. So-called Israel is just staging these meaningless stunts to get some attention.


‘our economies / societies go down the tubes’? Huh?

Which economies / societies DO YOU BELONG TO?

The West? You’re a f/kn goy? lol

Get an education … there’s still a chance slug

El Mashi

Goy? Slug? Nice. What are you? Tapeworm.


Just responding to Condor …

El Mashi

Zionist are in sheer panic mode as they see the United States in a state of collapse. Its economy and society have run out of steam. The United States lost the war in the Middle East, and its leaving in total defeat. The Zionists need the US to attack Iran and destroy it for Israel’s sake. The State Department is fully staffed by Jewish Americans and committed Zionists. Iran knows that Israel will force the US to war with Iran, and Iran and its allies are prepared. This is Israel’s last chance. The dye has been cast. Could mean nuclear war. Russia and China are prepared. The weakest government resides in Washington. AIPAC is in the driver’s seat.


Keep talking about 2006 … why not 1980’s … Israel moved through Lebanon at will … pushing out the PLO … occupying up to the Litani River … eh?

2006 … Hezbollah started a war and then CRIED for a ceasefire when the Israelis were about to strangle Hezbollah … hello? It was the UN / the World that wanted the war to end NOT Israel …


El Mashi

Pathetic response. Shalom.


How about this week‘s raids in Quneitra?


Terrorist Ziojew scum putting up some good theatre like a Rambo movie. Iran’s got ICBM capability and the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine’s tight beachfront squatterland can be wiped out with a few rockets.

This senseless situation wouldn’t have been like this if Russia/China would’ve called Bush’s WW3 bluff and given Iran warplanes, missiles and bombs instead of UN sanctions to save “business and partnership” with the Ziocorporate terrorists.

Whatever the Zioscum’s ISIS/al-Qaeda schemes were meant to be, they surely weren’t for Iran to increase its influence over Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. With luck the terrorist Jews won’t go full “Allahuakbar” retard to try to make up for it.


Promises … promises

Is that why Zarif is BEGGING Borrell to get Biden/Blinken to end the SANCTIONS? pmsl

Braggarts are all you are … f/kn useless braggarts

The Future is About to Land …

cechas vodobenikov

now they can disable kites

Jeffrey Wilens

No they have developed a laser to do that. LOL

Jimmy Jim



That is an unfortunately sad fact. The Zionist regime has killed 551 children last year alone with banned weapons supplied by US taxpayers like cluster bombs..



Aww … you sound upset … TFB



Half of Gaza is under 15 years of age …. lol

So you’re bound to kill a few … so what?


For killing Palestinian kids with kites.



Don’t play with fire and you won’t get burned … eh?

Jimmy Jim


Arch Bungle

Or, the Kites can disable them …

Potato Man

LMFAO, it can hit Gaza homemade $30-$40 rockets and they claim it has success rate of 80%-90%…yes, based of Gaza 40$ rockets LOL. BTW $40,000 per missiles….poor fuking pigs in US that have to pay them to be “safe”.



Potato Man

Some people never can change their face and when you look at them you understand, those are just Satan’s children. I’m not religious but I still think there is another world, and I hope there would be “heave” and “hell”…these cu0ts have it for themselves and fat pigs in US and EU gonna end up in same place as Zion. Some of those fuking apes really do think, they are god’s chosen one…if their god is Satan, then I can understand them.


Another world?

Worms is all there is … this is it bro … lol

Your useless life is all there is …





Is it your ?? Why do you care? lol

Cuz … after D comes the OFFENSIVE … eh?

Unrelenting fire on your homes … your bases … your cities … eh?

The Future is About to Land …

Jim Allen

Yes, I believe it is. It will land all over your pitiful, lying, willfully ignorant, dishonorable, brainwashed, automaton, troll soul. That’s just what happens to useful idiots after selling out to Zionist Khazar Atheists, pretending to be God’s chosen ones, when they have no further use.


‘Chosen Ones’ ?

‘Zionist Khazar Atheists’?

These are your terms … goy

Jim Allen

Hey, you’re the lowlife sell out supporting the Globalist agenda’s. The term’s are not “mine,” they’re universally recognized, and accecpted descriptions of the criminal Banking Cabal you worship. From Canada. You need not pretend you’re stupid, you’ve demonstrated that ad nauseam. That, and the determination to NOT learn.


Learn ? I teach …. lol

I was part of the ‘banking cabal’ … I accept the World I was born into … worts and all … the ‘rule of law’ works for me … Jews and Jewish property is defended … so far … eh?

And … there’s always Israel … hello?

Jeffrey Wilens

Some real sicko people posting below. Life has not been good to them and they were without God.

Ashok Varma

Which God? Rama, we have over 50,000 LOL. So-called Israel is a parasitic criminal entity and is hurtling towards its end and staging these firecracker stunts to stay relevant. No one is impressed by western taxpayer leeches.

Jeffrey Wilens

Doubt you are Hindu since India has good relations with Israel and a common foe (which you most likely a member of).

Potato Man

“since India has good relations with Israel” India, also have good relations with Iran…having “good relations” with other countries don’t mean shit…trading and backing each other at UN or UNSC = “good relations”. Zion have “good” relations with KSA-UAE now as well…it is “good relations” because all of them are terrorists and support terrorists.

BTW…I live in country that suck Zion assh0le 24/7, but that don’t mean I’m follow old ugly moronic evangelical that gonna burn in hell for good.

“and a common foe (which you most likely a member of).” Go one and say buddy don’t hide your ugly face…”a common foe” -> ignoring history I see, if it wasn’t for British ape, Muslims and Hindu would have lived together. I have a lot of Indian and Muslims friend fuk face and (Abdul Kalam, Zakir Husain and Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed) were all Muslims. Fuking moron. You ugly bitch, I can tell your cheap shit with shit replies.


You’re a f/kn muslim in America … a 5th columnist

BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING … the next knock on the door won’t be UberEats … eh?


“a 5th columnist…?”

Ummm… I’m pretty sure the fanatical pro-Israel lobby is the real 5th column in the USA, but don’t let that spoil your fantasy.


Israel is a major ally of the USA … almost a 51st State


“Israel is a major ally of the USA … almost a 51st State”

The hell you say! If Israel were a US state, it’s activity in occupied territory would be cause for civil war. The Constitution is against almost every facet of Israel’s behavior in OT. President Nixon had some interesting things to say about the pro-Israel lobby and questionable loyalty of US Jews in certain areas related to Israel’s national interests. Look it up.




Aww …

You’re upset at the ‘activity in occupied territory’? TFB

Israel’s behaviour in OT? pmsl

President Nixon’s views on Jews? lol

I’m keeping score …. eh?

Whose winning so far?


Jeffrey Wilens

You seem to be mentally disturbed Potato Man. It’s my practice to flag and block mentally ill. God be with you.


A pity. He’s probably just drunk…

Potato Man

Glad to see you gone fuk face, thanks for blocking.


195,000,000 Muslims live in India.


Mahatma Gandhi, 26 November 1938

Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French. It is wrong and inhuman to impose the Jews on the Arabs. What is going on in Palestine today cannot be justified by any moral code of conduct. The mandates have no sanction but that of the last war. Surely it would be a crime against humanity to reduce the proud Arabs so that Palestine can be restored to the Jews partly or wholly as their national home. The nobler course would be to insist on a just treatment of the Jews wherever they are born and bred. The Jews born in France are French in precisely the same sense that Christians born in France are French.

Gandhi made perfect sense when he said it over 8 decades ago and it’s makes perfect sense today. That was the first time in the history of the world that a European people who had never set foot on that land said they were returning to that land. The fact that they looked alien in the region and that they looked completely European did not bother them. For them, it was a matter of how much free Arab land they could conquer. And without the US helping them, the Arabs would have shown them the way home a long time ago. Without a doubt, it is not going to end well for them for the simple reason that the Christian West used to be their enemy and today they have acquired the hatred of 1.7 billion Muslims. Sooner or later, they are going to have to get out of that Arab land.


Shia apologist … passing as a Hindu

Potato Man

Just look at this profile – an evangelical shit face is my guess.

Jimmy Jim


Jeffrey Wilens

Mental illness is always tragic.


Google it.

2013 — Researchers find new risk factor for two psychiatric disorders in Ashkenazi genes.

2013 — Scientists Discover Gene That Predisposes Ashkenazi Jews to Schizophrenia.


There is no God … only death in your future … eh?

Jeffrey Wilens

Not sure how I stumbled into “southfront” but it seems to be a joke of a website. Once I block lunatics, few posts are left.


Almost like WIN and UWI, eh?

Jim Allen

Then stumble away, your presence here is neither required, or desired.


Exactly … they’ve blocked YOU too

The thing is … they live in an ‘echo chamber’ … lol

Stay Safe

Jeffrey Wilens

You also seem to be mentally ill Jimmy Jim. It is my practice to flag and block mentally ill persons. God be with you.

Potato Man

“Some real sicko” / “Life has not been good to them and they were without God” That…this fuker is the problem…you see who support goys to loot US and EU. That is some evangelical shit.


BB is Watching …

Potato Man

To that poor fuker I have block and trying to reply…put your 2 cents up your fukihg ass bitch.


Seems the shrieking Shia Muslims / Arab Muslims / Russian supporters are immediately out in force … LMAO

What are you so afraid of? lol

Apparently … one gets the feeling that y’all are getting more not less concerned ‘the big one’ is coming … eh?

The Future is About to Land …

Servet Köseoğlu

Well-done İsrael…keep up the good work.

Arch Bungle

Don’t you ever get tired of sucking jooballs all day?

Servet Köseoğlu

alll day?..Can you please show me the previous ”sucking” jooballs phrases one by one as you emphasized all day long?if you cant(you cant %100)leave me alone…

Arch Bungle

You seem triggered, snowflake. By all means, continue sucking jooballs.

Servet Köseoğlu

When nothing to answer nice way to save face..xD.

Arch Bungle

What do you mean nothing to answer? We are debating whether you suck Joo Balls ALL day or just SOME of the day. Even if I’m wrong about ALL day, I am right that you suck Joo Balls! And you should know from your experience, once you suck Joo Balls, You’re SUCKING THEM ALL DAY!!

Servet Köseoğlu

ahahaha….No, you’re flat out fucking wrong,ı dont have problems with jews,İsrael,iranians and İran boy-o..ı post whatever suits me..so keep your sucking ”literatute” to someone else.

Saso Mange

Old one was proven inefective even against Hamas’s enhanced fireworks (as Norman Finkelstein described Hamas rockets).

Arch Bungle

‘israel’ is going to bankrupt Uncle Sam running these glorified paperweights.


iron dome will soon be the iron dooooom and spell the end of the jews in palestine, a group of parasites that soon will be red listed but no one will turn up trying to save the crimnals and thus they’ll be gone extinct before you can say ‘they’re stinking up the neighbourhood,- bury them deeep’. what else is there to know they’ll soon be made redundant to the world’s needs and thus allowed to become seriously extinct – what a larf!!! iron dome = iron doooooom happy dreams pigs’ swill.

Hasbara Hunter

The Iron Dome Sucks anyway….it won’t stop what is comin’ for them ZioNazis….


The idea that European Jewry was not stealing land but “returning” to their ancestral land is as ridiculous as Nigerians returning to Ireland. Hitler said they were an alien people but where did the aliens come from? The chances of having origin in the Arab region is 0, so where did these lily white folks come from?

http: //drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=16hiqQ_TgUuw9lLS5QGs_TqlJ3tukjrGP


http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1HhG8XjYu4EJ27ye2eR1J1y4ChvezLqEg The Jew is not so smart because looking as alien as he does in the Arab region, he used a silly excuse that he the white Jew was returning home to where his ancestors lived 2,000 years ago. But to their humiliation, DNA has confirmed that the Ashkenazi = 100% European. So the excuse of “return” is no longer valid, so what other excuse will they try again? They should have insisted that they get their share of land right there in Europe, they have a right to it. But today, these people are hated by 98% of the people of the Middle East. Is it worth it? There will never come a time when the Arabs will accept a completely foreign people to steal their land. Therefore, I say they are not that smart to insert themselves in a region that is completely unknown to them and completely foreign to them.


http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1e7WzFmkmFrDZoJGLF3BiGJ52QsizO-gp Theodor Herzl wrote in his diary that the area that he would be demanding was all the way from the Nile to the Euphrates and Palestine is only 1% of the land they wanted to occupy. In the old days, people used to refer to them as Hebrews or Israelite, meaning that people really thought the European Jews were Israelite. But that is no more the case today and as more and more people pay attention to the fact that European Jews are European, they would lose legitimacy for their occupation of Arab land.

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