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MARCH 2025

Israel Threatens Iran With Military Action If It Closes Red Sea Strait

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Israel Threatens Iran With Military Action If It Closes Red Sea Strait

AP Photo/Ariel Schalit

On August 1, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Iran that it will face an international collation, which will include the state of Israel and its army, if it attempts to block Bab al-Mandeb Strait in the Red Sea.

“If Iran tries to block the Bab-el-Mandeb, I am convinced that it will find itself facing a determined international coalition to prevent this. This coalition would also include the State of Israel and all its arms,” the Israeli outlet I24 News quoted Netanyahu as saying while attending a Navy basic training graduation ceremony in Haifa.

Furthermore, Netanyahu mentioned the attack of the Iranian-backed Houthis on two crude-oil carrying vessels in Bab al-Mandeb Strait, which occurred on July 25, as an example of Iranian threat. Back then, the attack forced Saudi Arabia to temporarily withholding all oil shipments through the Strait.

During the same ceremony, Israel’s Minister of Defense also warned and the enemies of Israel and said that the Israeli military is ready to fight on more than one front simultaneously.

“We were recently informed of threats to attack Israeli ships on the Red Sea. I look at the people around me, who are here, and it’s a shame that even our enemies cannot see you and understand that we are well prepared to respond to any threat. Even in the Red Sea, the north and in the south. I want to emphasize: The IDF [Israeli Defense Forces] is prepared and ready to respond on two fronts simultaneously, and also at the Red Sea,” Liberman said.

Last month, several senior Iranian officials threatened that the Iranian military will block all key naval straits in the region, if the U.S. attempt to prevent the country from exporting oil. While, Israel is taking these threats seriously, Iran is likely pressuring the U.S. to reconsider its new stand on the nuclear deal with it.

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Rudinei Da Silva

It’s a Trap.


They may just make it more heroic by saying Israel will attack Iran if it close Suez canals.

Luke Hemmming



So Israel will order the world to form a coalition under their command including US and the puppet states in the west to bomb Iran. Mr Netanyahu are you serious? Lets have collective laugh at him he deserves it.


Nutsandyahoo and Lieberman have Huff Puff on Assad for years even threatened to assassinate him. Now they say Assad better than IS at the border yet Assad say Iranian will stay anyway. In the end they relied on US like for everything.


Israel is a fake state of European migrants like ISIS.

Lena Jones

Never mind that Iran has NOTHING to do with Bab el-Mandib, Yemen controls that waterway. Never mind that the distance between Bab el-Mandib and Iran is 2,443 Km. This story is purely for israeli domestic consumption. In other words, jew-on-jew propaganda.


Not very true, Iranian navy is able to do block Strait of Hormuz which is enough to cause big troubles, but it is clear trap to find a good justification to start new bloody war. They prepared for it more than decade. We will see how Russia will react to this, when the war errupts. Iran is last local superpower to oppose Israel in the whole region.


Unfortunately i dont think Iran even remotely stands a chance. They will be crushed like Saddam Hussein. I dont know what options they have, but going to war agaisnt the kikes, on their terms, would be a terminal mistake


Yes thats what i mean, they don’t stand any chance against open military attack, unless they play the dead bug strategy like Russia succesfully does for many years and it works. Optimists are only those, with little or no information.

Brother Ma

What is a dead bug strategy?

Manuel Flores Escobar

Sadam Hussein only had 150 scud missile, short range artillery, old exocet ( with 75km range) and 80% of its Shia population againts him!…Iran have thousands of long range missile…the same number in Antiship missile ( many of them with 200km range)…long range artillery and rockets…hundred of attack Drones…hundred of small fast boats, unmaned attack boats, minisubmarines, Rockets-torpedoes copy of SS-N-15 starfish..etc…all have been made to close Ormuz!


Saddam had very good Integrated air defence system to the date and the enemies went to great lengths to outsmart them, in the same way they can analyze key military objects and tunnels (thats what they do for more than 20 years) and the key targets. After dominating their airspace there is nothing stopping them from instantly indentifying remaining targets on ground and striking them. They can disable most of the Iranian infrastructure in matter of days in well planned offensive like it happened in Iraq. You obiviously need to study the attack on Iraq how much they outsmarted them. Most of the Iranian missiles are not launch ready and it takes hours to rearm one launcher. With modern tech it is very easy to detect launch location tens of second after the launch.

Manuel Flores Escobar

look, read and write…Iraq had good air defense an was able to shot down dozens of modern US jets…but they lacked of air defense system vs Cruise missile and air to ground…only he had a few SA-13/SA8/9….Iran have a good air defense system vs Tomahawk ( specially Tor M1/2)….and hundred of self made short range missile ( copy of Rapier and Crotale)…take note…US and Israel have launched around 300 cruise missile vs Syria…with no significant damage…USA launched 360 Tomahawk vs Iraq , 180 vs Serbia and 100 vs Libya and made in all cases big damage!…none of them had a ring of modern ADSYtem vs cruise missile like Iran have!


Outsmarted? They used the international inspections to gps every defense location and took them out with cruise missiles. Never let the US of Arrogance into your country.

Brother Ma

True. While US was bumbling around to find fake WMD ,to make Jews rich and happy,Iran was carefully preparing for war. I see they have had since 2003 to prepare. Time enough,methinks.


They have had since 1988, end of the Iraqi attack. The real question is does Iran have the ability of taking out the US com/sat. if so the US would loose big time.


Won’t be as easy. There will be no grounds invasion or navy to surround them while air force that kite it’s maximum strikes range can still downed by long range missiles. The best example is the Syrian cruise missile salvos which ultimately did little to damage their army capability or determination.

You can call me Al

I’ll give you a tenner bet, Iran wins.

PS 10 pounds sterling.


If you are right, I’ll raise that to 20. Just because I want you to be right.

You can call me Al

What, what, mmm damn OK.


Israel simply does not have the capacity to attack Iran – if they could they would have already struck. This is why Netanyahu, and the US Neo-Con clique, constantly and desperately try to get the US state to do it for them. However, if seriously attacked by the US military, Iran’s response would likely mass waves of missiles into all the Saudi oil facilities on the other side of Persian Gulf, torching the production and export hubs. This would seriously impact the global oil commodities market – and all the oil based economies – the US well knows this.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Vn0qSmoGTHQ Israel’s State of the art F-35 vs Syrian S-200 Missile


President Assad: Russia have completed supply of S-300 air defense missile systems to Syrian government.

Trump and European Israeli migrants repeatedly threatening Putin to not supply S-300, S-400 and other weapons to Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Egypt etc. and don’t help them to liberate their areas from US and Israel. We are making them weaker and Russia are making them stronger.


May just as well claim it will protect Suez canals from Iranians.


Iran and Syria should keep their 300 long range missile ready to use them for their defense and for retaliation purpose against Israel, US etc. because UK have made the mother of all terrorists Israel in Middle East.


Which hypersonic missiles?


He meant on the Iranian Ballistic Missiles.


For Nutandyahoo any old excuse will do,as long as he gets his War with Iran kicked off.BTW,to be fought by the stupid brainwashed Goyim, as usual.


Take it this way … it is the opposite. Israel is dead scared .. not threaten Iran .

It is a real laugh actually Israel threaten Iran when Iran should be the one threatening Israel .

Carol Davidek-Waller

Perhaps this time Israel can fight and lose its own war instead of holding the US’s coat.


US is now only few steps to total domination, rest will fall like the house of cards. People nowdays are overloaded with crap and desinformation (garbage in, garbage out) and fail to see the bigger picture. The war on Iran was planned even before attacks on Iraq and Saudi the takeover. Now only Allah can save us, we already lost, pray to him and ask him to punish our enemies. They now have way stronger weapons we can ever imagine, ask any computer scientist about it. https://youtu.be/9_hzSoN3CTw

Brother Ma

Please tell us. How ? Why would a computer scientist know?


Artificial Intelligence, if you think that they made everything they know public, you are terribly naive. There is huge use of it in the millitary.

Joseph Scott

It doesn’t work as well you think.


No im not thinking that it can solve anything by its own, but there are very specific algorithms for example in ABM defense speeding up decision making by large factors, thats from experts in the field not me. It works way better than we think on very specific problems im not talking about general intelligence but only part of it. There are are 700x improvements in some areas compared to human operators.

Joseph Scott

Sure, the Phalanx CIWS on US ships is an example of that of thing, and I’m sure they’ve done a lot of work on those kind of identification and engagement algorithms since that come into service in 1980.

On the other hand, what I’ve seen with US tech is that as sophisticated as it seems, it is usually behind the latest adversary countermeasures precisely because of the complexity and the inefficiency of the defence procurement system; also US training standards usually aren’t high enough to get the full potential out of the system. Generally, you can bet on Japan and South Korea being a generation ahead of the US in systems like that, in terms of what is actually in service vs. what is in the lab.

Consider the USS Stark episode in 1987. The Oliver Hazard Perry was a fairly capable frigate. Yet, despite having 5 years to analyse the British experience of Exocets in the Falklands, the radar couldn’t detect two Iraqi Exocets, the crew didn’t take appropriate measures like actually putting their Phalanx on ready mode. That wasn’t because nobody had written software to deal with Exocets; but it hadn’t gotten into service.

US ABM systems like AEGIS are in the same category. The Japanese have the latest version of the system on several of their ships, and are upgrading to a newer one as it becomes available. US ships are not yet receiving either. The US defence industry is pretty inefficient as far as getting the technology out to the people in the field in a reasonable time.

Brother Ma

True but in the end AI is like electronic warfare etc. It will depend on the balance of who is better, the attacker with AI or the one with defence. I suppose a Monte Carlo Simulator at the very least will introduce an element of uncertainty so can not be predicted. A bit like the old “fuzzy logic”.

Brother Ma

Thankfully i know about false flags,planned”leaks”,dissimulation and secrets.?


Don’t be stupid again. Military always brags with what they don’t even have yet. F15 is a succes fighter jet yet it was made public while hardly operational if at all, to cite one example even a dumb person like you can understand. Second, you have no idea what the so called artificial intelligence really is. No idea.

Joseph Scott

The fact that the war with Iran was planned along time ago doesn’t change the fact that you are greatly overestimating US military capability. The politicians may seem eager, but the military isn’t., and have consistently shot down proposals to go after Iran. In fact, interestingly, the current Secretary of Defense lost his job as head of Centcom when he told them an attack on Iran was impossible.

DARPA’s catalogue contains many interesting things, but the ideas in the lab rarely pan out into anything half as useful in the hands of the corrupt US defence industry, either.


There are many independant or rebel countries which can US destroy or defeat but they simply dont care, because its all about the cost and benefits ratio. Iran is a great target to solve many problems at once. Actually Russia is not very interestring as long as they keep silent and play on their own playground thats why they step always back after warning from the US and Putin is smart enough to realize that. You are talking only about public space not the decision making one, those who plan the wars are not the politicians they are only interface to the public and are the one to justify it. Im not talking about any iluminati or Pjakin global predictor bullshit but the reality of their deep state.

Joseph Scott

Yes, I understand the difference between the public talking heads and the Deep State. You aren’t getting what I’m saying. The generals and admirals who have to conduct these operations are vastly less enthusiastic and optimistic about the outcomes than the Brzezinkis who dream them up.


May be possible at least these people are sane, but optimism is way to hell like past shows us.

Joseph Scott

Fair enough. Always plan for the worst. I’m just saying, there is a big disconnect between the military on the one hand, and the foreign policy and intelligence people on the other, largely because the latter tend to look down upon the former in much the same way Victorian aristocrats looked down upon technical experts as mere ‘mechanicks’. The foreign policy people generate their RAND and Brookings Institute studies, and think they’ve got it all figured out, and then wonder why the generals look at them like they’ve lost their minds.


Oil embargo imposed on Iran is an act of war. Iran has the right to defend itself against all aggression including the closing of closing of the Straits of Hormuz.

Promitheas Apollonious

bla bla bla. Stop farting


Liberman the coward and liar–they can kill unarmed children and women but that is about all they are good for, The bastard is sweating bullets along with Nitandyahoo–the child killer. I would just Love to see them take on Iran but they do not have the guts–well, actually, they do have lots of guts but that is from over-eating– but no courage. Isn’t it so nice to see the Syrian army and Hezbollah kicking on the door of the Golan? Heheheheh


Want some more of this? … Ha ha ha … just like 2006.


How Hezbollah Defeated Israel – Counterpunch https://www.counterpunch.org/2006/10/13/how-hezbollah-defeated-israel-2/ October 13, 2006 … Israel’s decision to launch a ground war to accomplish what its air force had failed to do was made hesitantly and haphazardly. … The surprise call-up (the IDF was to defeat Hezbollah first from the air, and then–if that …

https://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/07/world/middleeast/07hezbollah.htmlAug 7, 2006 – By STEVEN ERLANGER and RICHARD A. OPPEL Jr. AUG. 7, 2006 … As the Israeli Army struggles for a fourth week to defeat Hezbollah … Israel can’t defeat Hezbollah: Israeli expert | Reuters https://www.reuters.com/…israel…/israel-cant-defeat-hezbollah-israeli-expert-idUSTRE… Dec 16, 2010 – Israel cannot defeat Hezbollah in a direct engagement and the … forces in a 2006 war and fired more than 4,000 rockets into Israeli territory. How Hezbollah Defeated Israel: III. The Political War : Conflicts … http://www.conflictsforum.org/2006/how-hezbollah-defeated-israel-3/ How Hezbollah Defeated Israel: III. The Political War. Mark Perry & Alastair Crooke. Asia Times, October 14, 2006. In the wake of the Israel-Hezbollah conflict, … How Hezbollah Defeated Israel: I. Winning the Intelligence War … http://www.conflictsforum.org/2006/how-hezbollah-defeated-israel/ How Hezbollah Defeated Israel: I. Winning the Intelligence War. Mark Perry & Alastair Crooke. Asia Times, October 12, 2006. Introduction Writing five years after … Why Hezbollah Defeated Israel – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם https://www.richardsilverstein.com › Mideast Peace Oct 15, 2006 – October 15, 2006 by Richard Silverstein 6 Comments … Nor is it the case that Hezbollah fighters killed the eight Israelis during their abduction … How Hezbollah defeated Israel – Asia Times Videos 1:39 Hezbollah defeated Israel Education & Information File YouTube – Nov 3, 2015 14:40 How Hezbollah was able to win the 2006 war vs Israel (Documentary …

YouTube – Oct 19, 2017 2:47 ‘1 Hezbollah Fighter vs 10 Israeli Soldiers’ – July War 2006 Middle East Observer YouTube – Jan 24, 2013 0:22 2006 Lebanon-Israel war: Hezbollah destroys Israeli Merkava mk4 … Computer Insurgent YouTube – Jul 11, 2017 5:52 Lebanon celebrates victory of 2006 war with Israel’

Hezbollah Only Used First Line of Defense in 2006 War with Israel … Middle East Observer YouTube – Aug 14, 2013

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_Lebanon_War The 2006 Lebanon War, also called the 2006 Israel–Hezbollah War and known in Lebanon as ….. Outsider efforts to interfere with a ceasefire only ended when it became apparent Hezbollah would not be easily defeated. On 11 August 2006 the … ‎Israeli–Lebanese conflict · ‎Timeline of the 2006 Lebanon … · ‎2006 Lebanon War A Disciplined Hezbollah Surprises Israel With Its Training, Tactics and …


Israel is complete joke, without the US advanced weapons and huge backing from them and some other European countries they would be already destroyed for more than 40 years.

Icarus Tanović

More like 60-70.

Icarus Tanović

Don’t cry, you little Israeli bitch, be a man.



Icarus Tanović

That’s for Natanyahu.


Gotta love those videos.

Icarus Tanović

You ain’t got BALLS for that, look for some unarmwd civilian target, pussies.

Richard M

I thought the Wahhabistani Coalition and FUKUS are already in Bab al Mandeb in force to carry out the ongoing genocide of Yemen’s people?

John Whitehot

Israel threatening Iran.

Such news.

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