Israel’s first two F-35 stealth fighter jets on their maiden flight as part of the Israeli Air Force on December 13, 2016. (Israel Defense Forces)
On July 2, the Israeli Ministry of Defense announced that a third squadron of F-35 stealth fighter jets will be ordered from the United States.
In a joint statement with the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), the ministry said that Defense Minister Yoav Gallant had approved the recommendation proposed by IDF chief Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi; the director general of the ministry, Eyal Zamir; and chief of the Israeli Air Force (IAF), Major General Tomer Bar, to procure the third F-35 squadron.
The Israeli MoD added that it will issue an official letter of request to the U.S. military’s F-35 Lightning II Joint Program Office.
“This step will facilitate the approval and signing of the transaction in the coming months,” the statement said.
The additional 25 F-35s would bring Israel’s fleet of the stealth fighter jet to 75 in the upcoming years. The new F-35 deal, which was estimated at $3 billion, will reportedly be financed by U.S. military aid to Israel.
The IAF operates a special version of the F-35A modified with Israeli-made systems. This version is known as the F-35I “Adir”.
Israel was the second country after the U.S. to receive the F-35 from the manufacturer, Lockheed Martin. The country declared the F-35I operationally capable in 2017. In the same year, the IAF said that one of the fighter jets was damaged as a result of a bird strike while on a reconnaissance mission over Lebanon. However, it was later reported that the F-35 was hit by a missile launched from a Syrian Soviet-made S-200 long-range air defense system.
In 2021, IAF F-35 fighter jets shot down two Iranian drones, carrying weapons to the Gaza Strip. This was the first operational shoot down and interception carried out by the F-35.
Earlier this year, a second Israeli F-35 was lightly damaged by a bird strike while taking part in the country’s Independence Day fly-by.
more flying ducks for the jews, keep on keeping on?
the cost is 3 billion financed by us military aid to israel.. angry americans can go back to their dumpsters and homeless shelters knowing that biden and graham have spent their money well killing for zionism
well that’s easy for israeli fascist zionists to get because they will just get a squadron from u.s. us pays for everything for israel zionists terrorists.
graft and corruption. israel “buys” these jets from the us, who give them the money to buy them with, the money goes into the pockets of israelis, raytheon executives, biden and senators
three f 35 squadron is too much. the firepower would be enough to obliterate an entire country. who they are warring against anyway?
the only thing mercia makes anymore, war toys use to be profitable but now are givin away for free. france has fallen and germany will be next once they pull the plug on failed banks there….
zionist parasites are in war with humanity. but now they are playng whit fire and gon a burn because russians are waking up in syria and ukraine.
tak vtáci im ich dávajú dolu? ha, ha, ha … potom stačí proti židom nasadiť čatu ornitologov a vec z f35 bude vyriešená.
but will the parasite kosher-nostra mafia homebase pay for’em? no, you will
good! kick some arab asses!!!
*lick some arab asses!!!
cuksukkrz are nazis,all cuksukkrz are degenerate miseducated sodomite punks n fake economys!
begone faggit!
as usual, us tax payers pick up the bill for this. the zionist have got a firm grip on uncle sam’s balls.
syria needs just to send a couple birds.
and this is how simple it is.
there is no need to kill the jews. in fact, every pogrom in history has played into their hands, and has in many instances been cleverly instigated by them.
get the jews out of banking and they cannot control the economic life of the community.
get the jews out of education and they can not pervert the minds of the young to their subversive doctrines.
get the jews out of government and they cannot betray the nation.
the rabbis are clear in edom european christianity will be destroyed italy will fall islam is a broom for them to destroy edom then their messiach will come and al the gentiles will be slaves to the jews 2800 gentile slave for every jew according to the talmud. understand this according to their talmud we gentiles only exist to serve them and we are beasts. hitler was the last chance europe had to be liberated from the jews. we are being destroyed once cbdc is fully implemented