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Israel, Turkey Continue To Escalate Operations In Syria

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Israel, Turkey Continue To Escalate Operations In Syria

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Israel, Turkey Continue To Escalate Operations In Syria
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Israel, Turkey Continue To Escalate Operations In Syria

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Israel and Turkey escalated their military operations in Syria recently, in what appears to be an attempt to further their interests and expand their influence in the war-torn country while Russia is thought to be busy with its military operation in Ukraine.

Israeli attacks on Syria are becoming more frequent. Late on June 6, warplanes of the Israeli Air Force launched several guided missiles from the direction of the occupied Golan Heights at the southern outskirts of the Syrian capital, Damascus.

A source in the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) said that many of the missiles were intercepted. However, some damage was reported near the town of the town of al-Kiswah, where several bases and research facilities of the SAA are located.

Early on June 8, the Israeli Defence Forces attacked again. Several Israeli battle tanks advanced in the UN-monitored buffer zone in the southern governorate of al-Quneitra and targeted an observation post of the SAA near the town of al-Malgah. The attack was a blatant violation of the 1974 separation of forces agreement.

Following the attack, the Israeli military dropped leaflets over al-Qunitra warning the officers and soldiers of the SAA against operating within the buffer zone.

Israel’s recent attacks were likely meant to further pressure Damascus over its alliance with Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah as well as to weaken its authority over the al-Quneitra buffer zone.

Meanwhile, Turkey continues to prepare to launch a new military operation against the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northern and northeastern Syria.

As of June 8, the Turkish military and its proxies continue to shell SDF-held areas in the northern and northeastern Aleppo countryside, the northern Raqqa countryside and the northern countryside of al-Hasakah. The presence of Russian forces and SAA units in these areas didn’t deter Ankara.

The Turkish military and its proxies also continue to amass their forces near the SDF-held towns of Tell Rifaat and Manbij in the northern Aleppo countryside. The two towns are expected to be the main targets of Turkey’s upcoming operation.

Russia has been working to restrain the actions of both Israel and Turkey in Syria by developing its cooperation with the SAA and expanding its military presence in hot regions.

On June 7, the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) and the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) concluded a joint live-fire exercise, which simulated facing “hostile” fighter jets and drones that violated Syrian airspace. During the exercise, Syrian and Russian fighter jets monitored and shot down hostile aerial threats at day and night.

Su-35s, Su-34 and Su-24M fighter jets from the VKS as well as MiG-23ML and MiG-29SM fighter jets from the SyAAF took part in the exercise.

Syrian and Russian warplanes also conducted a joint patrol along the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights as well as over the country’s eastern and northern regions, where Turkish forces are present.

The exercise, which demonstrated Russia’s commitment to the safety and security of Syria, was likely a message to Israel and Turkey. Both countries have been attempting to marginalize the Russian role in the country.

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John Doe

Please do more of these videos. They really help make sense of things in Syria and in Ukraine.


Why on earth turkey would support gulen,soros and co,after they tried to kill him and his family? Its A DUD (PERIOD)


I produce eighty 5 dollars each hour for in operation an online job at .st25 I ne’er thought i’ll have it off but my relief makes 10 thousand greenbacks monthly operating this job and she or he Hav or he instructed coniferous tree State to be told further concerning it. The potential with this will be endless. For a lot of detail…… 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞.𝐭𝐤/

Last edited 2 years ago by Catherine

his hatred of the kurds is much greater

Elohim Kosher Bar

It would REALLY be a shame if some of those western supplied weapons to Ukraine were used on the illegal Israeli offshore gas drilling platform. It would REALLY be a shame ;)


When will Syria learn that handing over Syria’s security to Russia (or any other entity) does not serve it in the long run?


You ignorant troll,know not about the effectiveness of Russian Stability,try cnn forum,cia imbeciles!

Edgar Zetar

Both Israel (north) and Turkey (south) want to stretch their territories on Syria. The High Level strategy is to remove Syria and Russia from Mediterranean Sea so Turkey would be safer from this approach, Israel would help USA to move out Russia from Syria… the Big Question here is: What will happen to Israel and Turkey if they lose? “The Slayer could easily become the Slayered” says “the Maze”… what happen if suddenly Iran and Russia and all other Arab countries entry in the Levant Region and Iraq to help Syria?… you have to think what could happen if you fail in your attack?… hope Israel come to his senses because they are surrounded by Arab countries and what will happen to Israel if their supporters USA / EU falls (to the BRICS Multipolar World and Asia’s as the new center of the World).


But Arab did try before remember six Days war?


removing Russia from Syria suits Israel, any US involvement is purely golem work for Israel


“You cannot go to a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts without having a slight Indian accent.” – Joe Tzu


Both, Israel and Turkey are ruled by dictatorial Neo-fascist regime, masquerading and promoted by Western media as “democratic”. Their cowardice Nazi-like agenda will fail.


I think this guy is got a blocked up nose the way is talking stupid

Rodney Loder.

Turkey at least is opposing Kurd jew alliance, so that’s something at least, anyhow many of these Turkish leaders are being mind controlled but you can see their putting up a stromg resistance, otherwise Gulen would be where Brother in Religion is today.

Vidarr Kerr

That is a good, and not mentioned enough, good point.


Southfront is censoring comments exposing Iran, they are deleting my comments

Iran has legal transgenderism, child prostitution, polygamy, abortion, and is a disgusting satanic nation.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mluAsZFy5Ls – transgenderism in iran since 1980

imgur.com/a/MDNMWsv – khomeini molesting kids is allowed


You should be blocked, you are a fucking retard.

Vidarr Kerr

It is better that they don’t block you, your stupidity is entertaining. You serve as a great example of how not to be.


War is the harvest of the juice, they thrive on death and carnage and always have. The welfare warfare khaZar entity in apartheid, occupied Palestine will of course go down in flames soon after the IOU fiat filth Saudi Mercan toilet paper dollah gets flushed and implodes the global ZionaZi ponZi shitter euphemistically known as the “Western financial system”. It’s happening before our eyes hence the desperate lashing out by the Ziodogs before the free lunch from USSAN tax cattle is but a distant memory. . As for Erdog, the insane Ottoman canine, Russia should have let the angloZionaZi putsch his a$$ at the time.

andre zulubal

10 years ago when i started watching reports of the war in syria nobody believed there is gonna be a war between nato and russia… today, nobody wants to believe that orban’s country will disappear form the face of the earth soon…

Marcelo Rodriguez

Para que las bases de investigacion y fuerzas Sirias no sean atacadas permanentemente por las fuerzas aéreas israelíes, deberían tener bases con misiles y drones como las que cuenta Irán en bases y bunqueres subterráneos, esto evitaría que fueran alcanzadas por las bombas y misiles israelíes, en cuanto a la posible ofensiva de las Fuerzas turcas, Siria debería seguir desplegando refuerzos y aumentar las patrullas aéreas con las fuerzas Rusas, además de cooperar más abiertamente con las fuerzas Kurdas para resistir cualquier nueva aventura militar Turca.


The Art of World War – 25 Sayings of Joe Tzu:



The Irish Savant has some interesting thoughts on the recent subway attack of a White woman by some wacked-out negro in NYC:


Icarus Tanović

Anatolian biological waste should prepare good supply of bodybags for this. We have enough of this turkish hypocrisy and monstrosities. I’m here to stay I didn’t start all this Yesterday.


I’m here to stay to anus what you gonna do about it anus.go back to your cave and enjoy your poison

Nigel Maund

Excellent video and Russia is right to stand firmly with Syria over these aggressive actions! Clear transgressions will need to be punished and the only thing Turkey and Israel understand is force and if they stand to lose significant assets and political prestige.


Always remember: The war in the Ukraine is not a war against Neo Nazis or Capitalism vs Communism. This war is exclusively about a very few extremely powerful and psychopathic GLOBALIST. Every few months we get the media telling us there is a new “Super Evil Villain” that we must defeat followed by bombings. This time the “Super Evil Villain” has a first-rate military, with the ability to end life as we know it. To end this precious gift called earth. We created these psychopaths by allowing them to in-debt us and get most of our large corporations. We vote for the people that they select for us. These globalists, these psychopaths have a huge empty hole in their hearts that can only be fulfilled in what they believe is total dominance, i.e control all of the world’s resources. They control the think tanks that dictate the actions of NATO, the CIA, and other western spy agencies. They do not intend on losing even if it means nuclear war. They are tactical and used opposing views to divide the people. They use religion, and ideology, calling one group a terrorist even though those terrorist is defending their homeland. In this case, they using the Neo-Nazis.

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