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MARCH 2025

Israel Wants Mutual Defense Treaty With United States To Secure Its Agressive Actions Against Iran

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Israel Wants Mutual Defense Treaty With United States To Secure Its Agressive Actions Against Iran

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Over the last several months of 2019, the idea of a US-Israel mutual defense deal has been circulating in mainstream media.

Some, such as US Senator Lindsey Graham and CEO of Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) Michael Makovsky, in addition to US President Donald Trump appear to be in favor of it.

Opposition leader and former Israel Defense Forces chief Benny Gantz announced that he opposed any such treaty and that it would “limit Israel’s actions and the IDF’s ability to protect the country from the threats it faces.” He added that a treaty was inherently “opposed to the position expressed by [Israel’s] security establishment for decades.”

Israeli Media appear to be predominantly keen on the idea, such as Haaretz’ Chuck Freilich, who said that his “belief is that a defense treaty with the U.S. is of vital strategic importance for Israel, and it should be concluded as soon as possible.”

Fifty nations, including 28 NATO members, have defense treaties with the United States; the last such treaty, with Japan, was signed in 1961.

Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, sought a defense treaty with the U.S. as early as the 1950s. Bill Clinton was the only president to date apparently willing to conclude a defense treaty, albeit with considerable reluctance, as the price of peace.

The Jerusalem Post, on December 17th published an opinion piece written by above-mentioned supporter Michael Makovsky.

“The United States and Israel should agree a mutual defense pact. While Israel has always been exceptionally capable and insistent in defending itself, Iran’s growing regional aggression and revived nuclear program create the potential for higher-level conflict threatening Israel’s strategic viability and even its existence.”

The opinion piece argues that Israel is doing a sufficient job in protecting itself, and that it’s own military might deter any potential aggression.

“By treating a major attack on one as an attack on both, an alliance would provide greater deterrence than either ally alone. This could prevent Iran or others from initiating or escalating to large-scale action against Israel or US vital interests in the Middle East – and others from joining in – or curb the scope of enemy action.”

In addition, according to Makovsky, Israel was doing the majority of the heavy lifting, countering alleged Iranian expansion in Syria, Iraq and other locations.

However, Israel requires assistance, since it is in an arms race with Tehran, the other regional Arab states and Turkey, as well.

The Obama administration signed a memorandum of understanding with Israel, which locks the US weapons procurement to the country at a certain capacity per year, until 2027.

This MoU could be circumvented, with the Congress voting to deliver weapons to Israel in advance or through other means.

“There are several financing options. Israel could borrow commercially against the MoU and pay interest however it chooses. As it has done before, Washington could enable Israel to borrow at a lower rate by guaranteeing this loan.”

Israel also needs precision munitions immediately, but US production capacity faces constraints.

Finally, according to Makovsky, the US should replenish its prepositioned stockpiles in Israel with these munitions, and consider loaning Israel these and other weapons to compensate for US production shortfalls.

The opinion piece, and all of the supporters of the US-Israeli mutual defense deal willingly omit several factors.

Israel isn’t really under threat from any actual “foreign aggressors.” Any escalation in Gaza is a result of the long Arab-Israeli conflict in the region, and Tel Aviv’s unwillingness to undertake any action whatsoever to de-escalate the situation and regularly uses force against Gaza’s civilians and carries out frequent attacks and assassination against leaders of the Palestinian organizations, under the guise of dubious justifications.

The situation in Syria, too, was destabilized to a very large extent due to the efforts of Israel’s allies and its own activities, such as supporting terrorism in southern Syria. Thus, the main complaint of Tel Aviv is the occasional shelling in the occupied parts of the Golan Heights were during the fighting against terrorists. The terrorists were defeated, and now a new threat was predominantly fabricated – the “big bad Iranians.” It uses Iran as a justification to carry out regular attacks on Syria.

Any US-Israel mutual defense deal would more than likely lead to further escalation in the region and little more. Since, any such agreement would provide Tel Aviv with the confidence that the US would be legally bound to support its aggressive policy in the region.


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Decatur Guy

I’ll be expecting a major false-flag event staged by the Mossad with days of signing a US MDT.

Nozeriel Nosekowitz

oy vey! that’s antisemitic!


That is another lie as Arabs are the only “Semites”. I wonder how the Khazar criminals from eastern Europe became “Semites”? largely thanks to Hollywood after the illegal occupation of Palestine.


Is Adam Schiff (A Jew) Trying to impeach Trump?? Why is his SON wearing a Mossad T-shirt? Schiff is the House Intelligence Chairman FOR THE USA! CHECK SYMBOL ON T-SHIRT https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7fb4bddce962433f757aefdea165e607c5a607d72eb849bdc8d182d6e896fd01.jpg

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/60384236d1d554bef61305877489a5f8095c562d04f790ddf89053e1cf3ed8bd.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2828cf7a8134e65af95993391323b1794d5dff372536f26216615a64e4301f9a.jpg

Why didnt Trump inform the US house Intelligence Chairman of the Bagdaddi Special Ops Mission?! Where was Schiff 5 days before the Attack? Jordan? Why did Israel close All of its embassies around the world within a week of the Bagdaddi mission?

Mehmet Aslanak

Yeah, a false-flag Mossad operation like 9/11, so they could bomb & invade Iran.

Lazy Gamer

What is the definition of defense? When Israel strikes Iran at Syria or elsewhere under the pretext of denying Iran forward positions but the jet is downed. What happens? What are considered or recognized to be the territories of Israel? This effectively removes the US from any impartial position to the issue of Palestine


When exactly was the U.S. truly impartial when it came to Israel? Any logical deduction regarding the matter of American and Israeli relationship would clearly show a strong American bias for Israel, granted there were aberrations in this support from time to time but the status quo has been unyieldingly pro-Israel for decades now.

Not trying to be rude, just pointing what obviously seems to be the case.

Lazy Gamer

Im not saying the US is impartial. However i am referring to the established role of the US being a sort of mediator in the issue between Palestine and Israel.


Ah, my apologies then I misinterpreted your original post.


No we don’t, Bibi wants it not Israel. This kind of treaty will stop the IDF from operating alone whenever we have to, and we don’t want ot need the U.S to fight our wars. I expect a very tense months ahead of us, Iran is one step closer to a bomb and we won’t allow it. In case of a treaty the IDF won’t be able to attack, so thank you but no.

Lazy Gamer

The loophole could be if it were not defensive, then there might be more options. But who would risk testing that? lol


Well, in the end as much as I love and respect the U.S, it’s between Israel and Iran in the region. People always blame Israel we drag the U.S into wars, so here I say no – we don’t want a treaty. If the Persians decide to continue with their nuclear program, then a war is just a matter of time.


Then it’s a war you’ll have.

Curious to see exactly how Israel is going to “stop” Iran from getting a nuclear bomb when it has been abundantly clear for decades that Iran hasn’t made any real effort into acquiring one and has legitimate energy needs that can’t be satiated by oil and natural gas alone, much of this has been stymied by Western sanctions which deprived Iran of the ability to construct more refineries in order to process the oil and gas into energy. Anyways, Israel alone cannot and doesn’t have the kinetic ability to fully get rid of Iran’s substantial nuclear infrastructure. On top of that Iran knows only Israel would be dumb enough to actually go after the sites themselves which will lead to an open retaliation meaning a conflict which you seem more than fine with. At least you show your honesty.

If you sincerely think this is a good route to take then you are even more delusional than I previously thought. Overestimating Israeli capabilities whilst marginalizing Iranian ones will not pan out the way you think they will.

This isn’t sour grapes, but the one thing that you’ve shown me or more over, proven to me is that there is a SIGNIFICANT dogmatically fascistic portion of the Israeli population that thinks like you do. Advocating for mass killings, pushing ethnocide and overtly calling for genocide.

I love when Israelis say they’re are “Friends” to Iranians, lol. No you’re not, and you’ve never been. Israel only cares for Israel and always will. It’s just how you lot work isn’t it?

It’s going to be 2020 now and Iran is only getting stronger, stockpiling more and more long range missiles, producing world class radar and SAM systems, expanding its footprint in the levant in spite of largely ineffective Israeli strikes, building even more nuclear infrastructure that is well protected against any would be Israeli attack. I say hey, Iron Zion why not just put your lot in and just go straight to your CO’s and demand an attack on Iran right now? You will surely win!!


I am a honest person, I say what I truely believe in even if some others don’t like it or think I’m crazy. Let me correct you, our war is really not with the regular Persian that works in the market and try to make a living, same as it is not with the average Pali that goes fishing to feed his family. Our war is with the hatred mullahs, that all they have done since 1979 is search for ways to destroy Israel, even though we have no territorial dispute with them. Simply becuase they are a fanatic muslims, like Hamas and Hezbollah. And here my friend, is where I have a big problem with them. When a crazy religious regime is saying all day long they wanna destroy Israel AND actually build a nuclear reactor to achieve that goal, then I take them very seriously. Sanctions won’t help because they don’t care to starve their own people to buy weapons or to build a bomb, so what do you expect us to do? sit still and watch them get one? suggest a solution. As things are going right now, we will surely act even if it’s the worst outcome for the region and the world.


It is this woeful thought that proactive kinetic action is even needed in the first place regarding Iran’s civilian nuclear energy (which they have legitimate reasons for having no matter what anyways says), In Syria the story is different since Israel and Iran are at war so it makes sense from an Israeli perspective to hit “Iranian” targets however ineffectual the actual attacks maybe in the long run since Iran is increasingly the building of military infrastructure and is building expansive underground networks and tunnels, these aren’t Hamas or Hezbollah underground facilities, these are substantial projects and aren’t easily destroyed.

You must understand that however much Iranians might detest their current government, the majority of Iranians view Nuclear energy as a must for the country for medical, national energy and security reasons. This is not an issue where everyday Iranians and Israelis are going to see eye-to-eye. Israel haphazardly and inhumanely decided to train Iranians (or use Israeli agents in Iran) to kill four-five Iranian Nuclear scientist but the outcome of Iran dropping or slowing down its nuclear energy infrastructure wasn’t achieved. The exact opposite happened. Iran expanded and sped up the nuclear program in spite of Israel’s actions. Today Iran has many Iranian nuclear physicists working and learning with new ones being trained. Again, Israel will not ever be able to deprive Iran of this no matter how hard they try.

There needs to be some reality injected into the vitriolic rhetoric spewed here on Southfront and the world stage. Israel does not have the ability to destroy Iran’s nuclear infrastructure outright, not even delay it. This is a fallacy and a very dangerous precept to operate from. The whole world knows and acknowledges the wars Israel fought with the Arab nations of the middle east and the ingenious methods and tactics Israel employed to win them but this conflict with Iran isn’t the same thing. Iran is playing the long-game. It supports groups and governments that will help maintain a balance in the region that isn’t Israeli and US lead. Iran also serves as a protector for historically persecuted Shias in the region as it is the main/sole Shia powerhouse in the region. To add on top of that, Iran did not sit idly by, fiddling with its thumbs, Iran knows it is at a severe conventional disadvantage so it has acted accordingly and has secured its most sensitive assets adequately.

What Israel will be doing instead is inciting Iran to drastically speed up and rapidly expand Nuclear work in order to compensate for any future brazen attacks. More over, it might actually convince the Iranian leadership to just say fuck it and build nuclear weapons just to get Israel to bugger off.

You asked is there a solution to this issue, and I think there but there needs to be humility shown from both sides. Iran has said, multiple times now, that it doesn’t want to actually wipe out Israel. This was a misinterpretation of Ahmadinejads original statement. The actual meaning which was a direct reference to Israel’s government not the physical state itself. Although since then Iranians have taken a hard-liner stance to Israel itself so now I can see why Israelis are worried. What Iran seemingly wants is a drastic change in how Israel views itself in the region. Iran thinks that Israel is a colonial supremacist power hell-bent on exerting its rule over the indigenous populations of the Middle-East all the while concurrently acting as an extension of American foreign policy. Israel on the other hand views the Iranian leadership as crazy Islamo-facist who want to destroy Israel. So Iran has supported, created and given training, weapons and know-how to groups that can act as a buffer to Isreali territorial expansion. Hezbollah is the most successful of these groups as it has beaten Israel (meaning Israel didn’t win since it didn’t achieve its objectives) and is protecting any future land grab Israel might be planning for Southern Lebanon. In Syria and Iraq, Iran is doing what any nation would do and that is build and support allies. There really isn’t anything “evil” about this. It is a logical approach to take.

Look, you and I both know that missiles alone will only greatly hamper daily life in Israel but it won’t actually physical “destroy” Israel as a state, even if the missiles destroy a great amount of civilian infrastructure (roads, power plants, Dimona, air ports, sea-ports) it can always be rebuilt in time. An actual complete destruction can only come with a large nuclear strike that hits damn near everything or from a truly huge invasion that forces Israel out and neither or those prospects are feasible. Which Iran doesn’t want from everything I see.


Great analysis to be honest, I enjoyed reading it. Look, a war is something I believe both leaderships try to avoid, because we would both lose more than we gain. I’m not a politician my friend, I don’t really know what’s going on behind the scenes, and maybe we can reach a new deal to keep that disastrous war away. A war is not a picnic and I’m well aware of that, but do we really have a choice? I hope we do.


The sanctions are inhumane and are meant to deprive everyday Iranians of the things they need to live a comfortable life in order to get Iranians to overthrow the government for a foreign nations gain creating another failed state in the process potentially. There is not a viable alternative to the current Iranian leadership, if there was things would be different.

Your point about Iran acquiring weapons and not being able to feed their starving people is mute and quite frankly ignorant. The sole reason why Iran hasn’t been attacked is due directly because Iran funds, builds and fields massive quantities of missiles that are getting bigger, faster and more accurate as the months and years pass on. The defense of Iran is paramount, you as an Israeli should be able to more than easily understand this basic concept.


To sum it up more briefly, going after Iran in Syria is one thing but going after Iran in Iran is a completely different thing.


I agree, same for them going after Israel in Israel.

Lazy Gamer

Iran recently announced unveiling 50 nuclear achievements. lol “achievements” could be euphemism for weapons grade stock.


Which is exactly why we need to stop them before they make any hostile move.

Hasbara Hunter

Time is on Our side…

Wayne Nicholson

“If the Persians decide to continue with their nuclear program, then a war is just a matter of time.”

Before you decide to make war with Iran you should first look at a map and make it a topographical map. Iran makes Afghanistan look like a playground in a white neighbourhood.

Then read a little military history …. particularly on the effectiveness of a strategic air campaign without a land invasion.

Third look into how mountainous terrain reduces the effects of aerial bombs …. if you need help on this just look at how the Houti are kicking the asses of the Saudi’s without an air force or heavy weapons. If that doesn’t impress you then look at the Taliban and ask yourself how despite 2 decades of a strategic air campaign that included B-52 strikes the Taliban controle more territory that they did when the war started.

Fourth look at the cost of aerial bombs and the cost per hour of operating jet aircraft.

Fifth, do a little research on just who the Persians are. Look back at their experience, education levels …. especially in STEM. Do you think they’ve just sat there through the decades of watching Israel and the USA operate with their thumbs up their asses trembling in fear?

Then if you still think it’s a good idea to throw that kind of money away on an air campaign that will do little more than piss of the Persians go for it.


Very well said Wayne, very well said!!

You’ve perfectly summed up the main issue many have when approaching the ever fervently talked about war with Iran.

The nuances of an actually conflict and realities therein always seem to be just brushed aside, taking a back seat to bigoted rhetoric, bellicosity and jingoism.


I don’t underestimate them, I would be a fool to do so. All I wrote was that for us Israelis, seeing a nuclear Iran is a nightmare. What would we do about it? I guess only the top officials here know.


A moment of humbleness looks good on you. Did you know that Tehran has the largest number of Jews after NYC.


truly hope that kim il un has given a shortcut to Iran by providing some truly terrific nukes fitted onto the missiles the Iranians can deluge israel with, the iron dome would then be the Iron Dooooom Kabooom, the squatters swimming for their lives westward in the Med. a sight to behold!

Hasbara Hunter

You are being played with…careful preparations bein’ taken…watch & wait…You will love it….

Concrete Mike

Stop it with the iran is developping nukes, thats enough lies!

They have been inspected in and out so many times, and they only enrich to 3%

You need to enrich to like 98% to make a bomb. You are being lied to.


It’s not a lie Mike, they do try to get one. They kicked out the inspectors a few times and refused to cooperate, I’m sure they have another secret facility they enrich there. I don’t know how this will end.

Wayne Nicholson

“They kicked out the inspectors a few times and refused to cooperate,”

That’s only half the story. They refuse to co-operate because that co-operation was a condition of the nuclear deal the USA broke and was in retaliation to sanction the USA put on them which is strangling them economically. They also issued a statement that they were doing this because it was the only leverage they have against the USA.

“I’m sure they have another secret facility they enrich there.”

pure conjecture …. you just pulled this one out of your ass.

“I don’t know how this will end.”

At this point terribly. Anyone with children will tell you zero sum games always turn out badly. The only way to get a win-win is through diplomacy. Things have to be set right. The USA has to abide by the deal they signed. Only then can you begin to negotiate further steps …. and it has to be done in steps …. each agreement is the foundation for the next.

Frankly I’d ditch the USA and get Russia to host a series of meetings. They have decent relationships with both Israel and Iran but aren’t really close to either. They also have vast experience getting ethnically diverse elements to cooperate and the best diplomatic corp in the world.

Look objectively at what they’ve done in Syria. How much bloodshed have they saved by convincing various militias to rejoin the SAA? Turkey, a NATO member was shooting at them 4 years ago and today Russia is selling them arms, running a pipeline through their country and nearly has them convinced to quit NATO.

Concrete Mike

You can come here and say iran kicked out inspectors, when israel was never inspected in the first place. Did not sign to NPT or CWC to name a few.

Stop being hypocritical, no one is listening to the israeli boy who called wolf, because we know its a lie!

Instead ofndigging your heels in, perhaps slack on the intransigence and try to make deal thats benificial to all.

No zero sum, thats a flawed model in place to keep the existinf status quo.

Israeli leaders arent even trying, the only reply is.anti semite!!!

Its so stupid, we can do better.

You and your family and your neighbors( palestinians included as they are your neighbors wether you like it or not) deserve better than the hyper militarized society your in.



Ofcourse the guys in power benefit from the situation, but does it mean there is no real danger from Iran? I don’t think so. Bibi is using the Iranian issue we know it we are not stupid, the mullahs do the same in Iran. What will happen eventually? I really don’t know.


What delusional wet dreams you have. Oh, if you missed it, Jews are not much into actual civil war. It’s kind of a taboo. Well, with words and not guns it’s not only OK, it’s kind of mandatory.

Concrete Mike

Agreed zion is alright, somewhat misguided but he is starting to think. Its all we van ask

thomas malthaus

It would guarantee that Israel will be protected wherever they decide to incite wars and false flags.

The treaty would rubber stamp what is already happening.

Wayne Nicholson

Plan A “Moderate Wahabist mercenaries”

Plan B Kurdistan

Plan C “We’re keeping the oil.

Plan D Israeli false flag

Plan E Nuclear war with Russia

Plan F If their already dead it ain’t cannabalism

Azriel Herskowitz

IDF and US stand united against Shia terrorists. Iran, Syria, Russia are scared.

Ricky Miller

Only in your own mind. Of course Syria is scared, but fighting back. Syria is a small country left for decades without the superpower patronage that Israel enjoys and abuses. But Iran and Russia are grown up countries and the U.S. doesn’t take on grownups, they try to hybrid war around them. As someone who wants the current world order slapped down I’m all for this new alliance. Israel will get the beltway nuts involved in a conflict far away that they can’t win and wouldn’t have chosen otherwise, and will get smacked down at the long end of a terrible logistics chain. And hasten the end of this violent and corrupt era.

Wayne Nicholson

Russia scared?

Russia just entered into a strategic agreement with China, Russia has Germany and France turning their backs on the USA and buying Russian gas and trying desperately to drop sanctions and start trading with Russia again. While Turkey is threatening to pull the plug on NATO. Russia has comparatively few assets in Syria and could walk away with their economy intact whereas the USA has a huge investment in the Middle East in infrastructure and bases and if they walk away their dollar tanks.

30 years ago a US coalition consisted of every NATO country as well as support from countries like South Korea and Japan. Israel was safeguarded by staying out of the fight.

Today a US coalition consists of Saudi Arabia and Great Britain …. who are only doing it because they shot themselves in the foot with the EU and have to suck Trumps dick hoping to get a trade agreement. Now instead of keeping Israel out of grand coalition wars Israel is going to be a part of them.

Let us know when your tired of “winning”

J Ramirez

IDF and the US are the terrorist.

Nozeriel Nosekowitz

oy vey! antisemitic!

J Ramirez

Anti-Semitism or a justifiable demand that Israelis stop persecuting Palestinians?

The reality is that by simply asking such a valid question innocent people can become targets for unjustified accusations of anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial which together have become the most powerful weapon — by conflating Zionism with Judaism — for silencing criticism of, or preventing activism against Israeli violations of international law including a barbarous disregard for human rights. Maintaining this effective Zionist policy has required the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and other Jewish groups to covertly contribute vast sums, to politically coerce, and to calculatingly con the mainstream media into perpetuating the totally false premise that only Jews are semites. This appropriation of the word “semite” and the subsequent evolvement of the term “anti-Semitism” has with irresponsible impunity facilitated the silencing of Israel’s critics even to the extent of wrecking their careers, their social standing, and their lives. Consequently people in politics, the media, and other public service professions cringe at at the thought of being labeled, “anti-semitic” and unfortunately — even against the better judgment of their conscience — succumb to Zionist blackmail, bribery, or bullying and publicly present themselves as being diehard supporters of Israel.


Maybe. But how does that help Islamist Iran did you say?

Nozeriel Nosekowitz


J Ramirez

Little bitches need help in a fight, no balls ;} They should be scared or Iran!


they are scared and can’t do anything about it, except using the nukes they’ve have stockpiled, but that would make the the true pariah of the world for eternity and all hymies embedded/entrenched in various centers of the world would suffer devastatingly!


Like what has happened to all Americans because the US nuked Japan? Get real.

Hasbara Hunter



“If the israelis makes a mistake, that sparks a new war, they can rest assured that this war will bring about their elimination. They should not rely on the Americans, They will be annihilated before the Americans get here” Hossein Salami commander-in-chief of the IRGC

Saso Mange

Iran, mighty and culture rich ancient civilization which is now a modern nation of more than 80 mil people. To compare it with Israel, nation with 8 mil people (out of which one third is non Jewish ) and territory which is tiny… That’s beyond instanity if you ask me.

Israel is presented as rival to Iran by Zionist controlled MSM but it’s all lie because Iran would wipe Israel out of the map if it wanted to. There is no way that tiny Israel could be rival to Iran. And leave nukes out of the calculation because Israel does have nukes but they can not use them. Simple as that.


Do you feel lucky?

Jimmy Jim

hush kiker….


Do you feel lucky??

Saso Mange

I am not lucky man in general but i am knowledgeable enough to know the difference between objective views and propaganda. If my realistic reply here strike a nerve in your mind it’s not really my fault mister. Cherish your common sense and natural instincts and you won’t be offended by the truth. Iran is one great nation with great and friendly, generally happy people. Zionist owned MSM wants to portrait Iranians as blood thirsty maniacs but that doesn’t hold weight, never will. Let’s see this video below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=za2I-fRi5D8

Beautiful scenery, beautiful people, beautiful manners and all in all great experience even just to watch it. Visit Iran, even Americans do that without problems while Iranian scientists are held in jail in ”democratic” nations. I hope that you like this reality injection, enjoy.


Zionist agenda has already bankrupted America, which is now saddled with a $23 TRILLION debt and endless lost wars which will last till the end of US as a viable state. The Zionists want a swan song war against Iran, but they are too weak and lack the strategic mass to take on Iran on their own, so they are trying their evil best to get the US idiots start another war that will ultimately lead to regional destruction as the Yinon plan envisaged. They will fail as there is a new geo-strategic power balance shaping up with Russia, Turkey and Iran as key players. The Iranian and Turkish presidents are meeting in Malaysia at a global forum hosted by the elder statesman Dr. Mahatir Mohammed who has highlighted the Zionist agenda and need for regional unity to confront it.


LOL…he and his will make such pretty glow in the dark dust and vapor if he and his ever try anything so stupid and self destructive as to attempt to eliminate Israel.

Azriel Herskowitz

Every week Salami’s IRGC troops are blown up by IDF F-35s without a response. Why? Because he knows his fantasy of destroying Israel is just that and in reality his IRGC are just a bunch of weak islamist militants.

Nozeriel Nosekowitz

Exactly! And if anyone says otherwise, they are antisemitic nazi mullah regime sympathizers!


.There is so much more to this than meets the eye! PEOPLE LISTEN UP! The USA is no longer “Friends” with Israel! Capturing Epstein and Ehud Barak should prove this! Why did israel close their embassies world wide after bagdaddi was killed and documents captured! THINK! Also look at this comment “Opposition leader and former Israel Defense Forces chief Benny Gantz announced that he opposed any such treaty and that it would “limit Israel’s actions and the IDF’s ability to protect the country from the threats it faces.” He added that a treaty was inherently “opposed to the position expressed by [Israel’s] security establishment for decades.”

The US is going to OCCUPY israel and turn it into what it should have always been, just another US base!

Israel has been up to no good (Mossad)! Israel is fucked! on one hand Israel needs defending from Iran, on the other hand, Israel needs to be leashed and contained as the rat Jews have nukes and need to be occupied and treated like the bitches they are!

And so, its occurring! This information will come to light very soon! The reason most here dont know this is because u are not focussed on the intelligence wars!

Ivan Freely

Interesting POV. Washington might as well annex Israel.

Saso Mange

I actually believe that Israel annexed USA when LBJ got in the office :D

Concrete Mike

Israel does need to be leashed in, and their nukes decomissioned.


And who will do that? You?


Is Adam Schiff (A Jew) Trying to impeach Trump?? Why is his SON wearing a Mossad T-shirt? Schiff is the House Intelligence Chairman FOR THE USA! CHECK SYMBOL ON T-SHIRT https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7fb4bddce962433f757aefdea165e607c5a607d72eb849bdc8d182d6e896fd01.jpg

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/60384236d1d554bef61305877489a5f8095c562d04f790ddf89053e1cf3ed8bd.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2828cf7a8134e65af95993391323b1794d5dff372536f26216615a64e4301f9a.jpg

Why didnt Trump inform the US house Intelligence Chairman of the Bagdaddi Special Ops Mission?! Where was Schiff 5 days before the Attack? Jordan? Why did Israel close All of its embassies around the world within a week of the Bagdaddi mission? DO YOU HAVE YOUR THINKING CAP ON JEW??? DO YOU??


Some call it a cap. But a cap to you is obviously a tinfoil hat in need of tuning.


What bull crap. Mostly you need to pop your pills before they throw you back in to your padded cell.


Even YOU will help me PROVE it to be true! (by answering my questions!) (prediction: YOU will use excuses to not read or reply to this rebuttal)! Here is SOME proof! do the Math JEW! Why are they REALLY attacking Trump! GOD WINS!

Is this Ehud Barak entering Epstein NT Mansion? (Yes or No) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/da9012ed1bf6a78c4115b8fc4553f0e8978f568719d33ffe493d6e6c1592ef1f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e605b960942b80805308fd4f3b40aa4fde752a18d8862f744ce96d73b35de2d5.jpg Is this MOSSAD Propagandist getting his reward at the island? (Yes or No?) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2a0955ab7a1202ceb50ca38c37a5c47f4f88a46fd6e5223dfee79e95cf5fe9e9.jpg Is Adam Schiff (A Jew) Trying to impeach Trump?? Why is his SON wearing a Mossad T-shirt? Schiff is the House Intelligence Chairman FOR THE USA! CHECK SYMBOL ON T-SHIRT https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7fb4bddce962433f757aefdea165e607c5a607d72eb849bdc8d182d6e896fd01.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2828cf7a8134e65af95993391323b1794d5dff372536f26216615a64e4301f9a.jpg

QUOTE: “Benny Gantz announced that he opposed any such treaty and that it would “limit Israel’s actions” He added that a treaty was inherently “opposed to the position expressed by [Israel’s] security establishment for decades.” WHY ARE THEY TRYING TO IMPEACH HIM IF HE IS DOING “GOOD” FOR ISRAEL? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8df15699a5f4edefb393821147a4417297eef7cfbc9b3d630e1f45ba4966500c.png

NXIUM HUMAN TRAFFICKING (CHILD TRAFFICKING) RING IS FUNDED AND RUN BY JEWS! FACT! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3cc85e41464b078b8bf648889e8a6c88a99738091bd1249fbeaabe8a4017e017.jpg

EPSTEIN AND MAXWELL (DAUGHTER OF ROBERT MAXWELL) JEWS! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4dfea0872132c0249f1d05d401fa0e93031f0db11a6ccf6538ddb34a2a580e00.jpg



Their father (Ghislaine’s and Christine’s), Robert Maxwell (Mossad agent) sold PROMIS software, which pools all data for prosecutorial agencies in coutries WORLDWIDE, with built in backdoor to spy on other countries.

Rachael Chandler and Jacob Rothschild! Chancler is a child handler for Epstein and has FLIPPED on Epstein and Maxwell claiming its a mossad pedo ring!


Even YOU will help me PROVE it to be true! (by answering my questions!) (prediction: YOU will use excuses to not read or reply to this rebuttal)! Here is SOME proof! do the Math JEW! Why are they REALLY attacking Trump! GOD WINS!

Is this Ehud Barak entering Epstein NY Mansion? (Yes or No) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/da9012ed1bf6a78c4115b8fc4553f0e8978f568719d33ffe493d6e6c1592ef1f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e605b960942b80805308fd4f3b40aa4fde752a18d8862f744ce96d73b35de2d5.jpg Is this MOSSAD Propagandist getting his reward at the island? (Yes or No?) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2a0955ab7a1202ceb50ca38c37a5c47f4f88a46fd6e5223dfee79e95cf5fe9e9.jpg Is Adam Schiff (A Jew) Trying to impeach Trump?? Why is his SON wearing a Mossad T-shirt? Schiff is the House Intelligence Chairman FOR THE USA! CHECK SYMBOL ON T-SHIRT https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7fb4bddce962433f757aefdea165e607c5a607d72eb849bdc8d182d6e896fd01.jpg

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/60384236d1d554bef61305877489a5f8095c562d04f790ddf89053e1cf3ed8bd.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2828cf7a8134e65af95993391323b1794d5dff372536f26216615a64e4301f9a.jpg

QUOTE: “Benny Gantz announced that he opposed any such treaty and that it would “limit Israel’s actions” He added that a treaty was inherently “opposed to the position expressed by [Israel’s] security establishment for decades.” (translation…. israel is being occupied for crimes against humanity!!) WHY ARE THEY TRYING TO IMPEACH HIM IF HE IS DOING “GOOD” FOR ISRAEL? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8df15699a5f4edefb393821147a4417297eef7cfbc9b3d630e1f45ba4966500c.png

NXIUM HUMAN TRAFFICKING (CHILD TRAFFICKING) RING IS FUNDED AND RUN BY JEWS! FACT! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3cc85e41464b078b8bf648889e8a6c88a99738091bd1249fbeaabe8a4017e017.jpg

EPSTEIN AND MAXWELL (DAUGHTER OF ROBERT MAXWELL) JEWS! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4dfea0872132c0249f1d05d401fa0e93031f0db11a6ccf6538ddb34a2a580e00.jpg



Their father (Ghislaine’s and Christine’s), Robert Maxwell (Mossad agent) sold PROMIS software, which pools all data for prosecutorial agencies in coutries WORLDWIDE, with built in backdoor to spy on other countries.

Rachael Chandler and Jacob Rothschild! Chancler is a child handler for Epstein and has FLIPPED on Epstein and Maxwell claiming its a mossad pedo ring! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d84dff432f43628ed92d3db2f2bbf2639a8b1e46e22ac4f9199e97297d8360bc.png

Would u like to see ALL the photos of Chandler (Child Handler) and all the Epstein victims and blackmailed hedge fund investors? Wanna see the ones with her at 14yo? With P-Diddy, Clinton, Eminem etc etc! Did u know she is bringing down israel?? She took ALL THE PHOTOS! The black mail photos!

The Art of War mother fucker! Never fuck with white people! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7eb7d7471e3d1bb9ef7adbddcffb01c07ab8fa30b6b337bf1ce5ec2eb59f5bb9.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e4cd22cbc6141ce8e9eb4586d1bf8a5c876a7ca1c48e40afd2efbe7e7323cb5.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5b6f20100a9a7fad9d7224a772788f3b7e6479cb28c852aa413a3edbd406a983.png

Do the math! WE KNOW!

How? Qanon!!! proven beyond a single atom of doubt!

Israel is Finished! Owned and occupied and will pay $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ or die! By the way, Palestine will be taking a lot of land back! and i mean A lot! Youre done! u are now officially lower class human beings that will be spat upon in the streets! now fuck off back to israel! you are not welcome in any country anymore!


Yep, time for your meds or time to tune your tinfoil hat or time to cut back on your Vodka binging if you are one of the many Igors around here.






Jimmy Jim

you one ugly kike mofo lol

Saso Mange

First strike that Israel makes on Iranian people or army personnel will mark the beginning of the end of Zionist regime. Israel does cowardly attacks which are mostly directed at empty buildings which do not have any use and sometimes they strike some of the proxy forces of the axis of resistance. Mainstream and alternative medias go wild with advertising of those Israeli attacks as if they were the example of IDF’s superiority while in reality IDF is not match even for Hezbollah, which is not even state army. Since Nasrallah made certain promises to Israel – IDF did not attack Lebanon because they know it would hurt them badly. Wake up you silly man, Iran has enough conventional weapons to erase Israel from the ground, if it wanted to. Israel has no more than 8000 square kilometers of actually usable territory ff’s it takes few howitzers to bombard it to oblivion.


Maybe, but Israel has way more than enough thermonuclear missiles to turn Iran and friends into glow in the dark parking lots.

Saso Mange

Don’t be silly. Israel can’t even reach Iran with rockets while Iran has more than few models which can reach Israel. IDF is modern and well equipped army but equipment and weapons alone can not win wars – war is an art and it takes a master to lead one. Manpower is also very important and IDF can’t even compare to Iran in that regard. Considering that Iran has many pieces of anti air systems such conflict would be very risky for Israel because to retaliate or attack Iran they would have to risk losing fighter jets. Meanwhile Hezbollah would stand with Iran so this war would be waged on Israeli borders all while Israeli army bases are targeted by missiles from Iranian territory. In such scenario there can be only one loser who would have to make concessions after the war.


There would not be much left of a glow in the dark Iran if it ever got to what you imagine in your delusional wet dreams. As an aside, not only does Israel have nuclear missiles that can reach Iran, it has nuclear cruise missiles on subs off the coast of Iran. Each one with enough missiles to end Iran as a functioning nation. And it also has all those stealth bombers that the Iranian air defence can’t counter. Oh, and Israel has been blowing up your brave Islamist Irans and their lap puppies, Hezbollah, in Syria and now even in Iraq with impunity. How about that, big guy?

Saso Mange

I addressed nukes in my reply and you talk about them regardless. Israel can’t use nukes, wake up.


Iran already has nuke bomb tech…they acquired the tech from and tested them in North Korea in the early 2000’s… Israel can be flattened in 1 week by a saturated conventional missile strike from hezbollah alone, let alone Iran getting involved. It was iranian advisers in South Lebanon in 2006 that restrained Hezballah from using more advanced missiles. In 2000, hezbollah already had upward of 100 000 missiles – the largest stockpile on earth, and it is not even a nation state actor. Go back to sleep and keep dreaming


They panicking because they know something is going to happend. Here is a news you probably didn’t here about it Hasbara,In the latest israeli airstrikes on syria, One of Hezbollah members was martyred, and hezbollah always retaliate but this time they didn’t announce it in the Media neither Nassralah Talked about it in his last speech neither.But in one of Hassan Nassrallah interviews a while ago he was asked why Iran is not responding to the airstrikes, he responded saying: If we believe that retaliation could jeopardize our ultimate goal of liberating Palestine, we will abstain and await the last battle with Israel.

Hasbara Hunter

It is all about the common thread…Iran & Russia are using their brains & intelligence instead of Loudmouthed Sabre Rattling, Triggerhappy Coyboys & False Flags…They don’t seem to be very impressed by any of it…which is a very good thing…Let Them Bring it on…I like the way Russia & Iran play this game…the AngloZioNazis are done anyway…Western Sheeples are slowly waking up…They are in a Deep pile of Shit…and it will only get worse…

Saso Mange

Zionists had 100+ years to make civilized country or two states for Israelis and for Palestinians, on the basis of mutual understanding and agreements. They never wanted such solution, they are thieves who want to dominate the region but even mountain of gold and diamonds wont help them achieve such vile schemes. There is only one end for such regime – to be left on black pages of history, in 100 years no one will remember Zionists but the world will still feel the effects of the harm which they have done in the last 100 years. Because of this i really agree with your notion and also Nasrallah is known for his wisdom, he is the only Arab leader which Israel respects. Dice was thrown long time ago but it seems that now it can only have one outcome and it ain’t pretty for the Zionist regime.


FYI… Is Adam Schiff (A Jew) Trying to impeach Trump?? Why is his SON wearing a Mossad T-shirt? Schiff is the House Intelligence Chairman FOR THE USA! CHECK SYMBOL ON T-SHIRT https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7fb4bddce962433f757aefdea165e607c5a607d72eb849bdc8d182d6e896fd01.jpg

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/60384236d1d554bef61305877489a5f8095c562d04f790ddf89053e1cf3ed8bd.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2828cf7a8134e65af95993391323b1794d5dff372536f26216615a64e4301f9a.jpg

Why didnt Trump inform the US house Intelligence Chairman of the Bagdaddi Special Ops Mission?! Where was Schiff 5 days before the Attack? Jordan? Why did Israel close All of its embassies around the world within a week of the Bagdaddi mission?


FYI…. TRUMP IS KILLING THEM SOFTLY! Is Adam Schiff (A Jew) Trying to impeach Trump?? Why is his SON wearing a Mossad T-shirt? Schiff is the House Intelligence Chairman FOR THE USA! CHECK SYMBOL ON T-SHIRT https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7fb4bddce962433f757aefdea165e607c5a607d72eb849bdc8d182d6e896fd01.jpg

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/60384236d1d554bef61305877489a5f8095c562d04f790ddf89053e1cf3ed8bd.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2828cf7a8134e65af95993391323b1794d5dff372536f26216615a64e4301f9a.jpg

Why didnt Trump inform the US house Intelligence Chairman of the Bagdaddi Special Ops Mission?! Where was Schiff 5 days before the Attack? Jordan? Why did Israel close All of its embassies around the world within a week of the Bagdaddi mission?

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Prophesies concerning USS Lincoln attack are all out. I dont know if you “believe” in these prophesis, but here is a video you might want to listen to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZGl552JqWA

Hasbara Hunter

I certainly Believe that ISraHell is capable of ANYTHING to achieve their Goals…nothing and I mean absolutely NOTHING is too Bizarre for Khazarian ZioNazis to get the American Cannonfodder involved in ISraHell’s Wars…

DIVIDE ET IMPERA…by way of DECEPTION thou shalt do War


FYI,, Is Adam Schiff (A Jew) Trying to impeach Trump?? Why is his SON wearing a Mossad T-shirt? Schiff is the House Intelligence Chairman FOR THE USA! CHECK SYMBOL ON T-SHIRT https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7fb4bddce962433f757aefdea165e607c5a607d72eb849bdc8d182d6e896fd01.jpg

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/60384236d1d554bef61305877489a5f8095c562d04f790ddf89053e1cf3ed8bd.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2828cf7a8134e65af95993391323b1794d5dff372536f26216615a64e4301f9a.jpg

Why didnt Trump inform the US house Intelligence Chairman of the Bagdaddi Special Ops Mission?! Where was Schiff 5 days before the Attack? Jordan? Why did Israel close All of its embassies around the world within a week of the Bagdaddi mission?

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Thanks, very much of interest!

Long Nose Larry, Ph.D

my name is larry wohlowitz and i find this antisemitic! you are now added to Josh GladKIKE’s twitter list

Hasbara Hunter

No…No…No…you are wrong mister Long Nose…I consider myself to be Pro-Semitic…I’m Pro-Palestinian…Palestinians happen to be Semites….

Nozeriel Nosekowitz

oy vey! The fake semite ashkeNAZI jews cannot handle the truth that the Palestinians are the TRUE semites with 100% semitic DNA


.Is Adam Schiff (A Jew) Trying to impeach Trump?? Why is his SON wearing a Mossad T-shirt? Schiff is the House Intelligence Chairman FOR THE USA! CHECK SYMBOL ON T-SHIRT https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7fb4bddce962433f757aefdea165e607c5a607d72eb849bdc8d182d6e896fd01.jpg

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/60384236d1d554bef61305877489a5f8095c562d04f790ddf89053e1cf3ed8bd.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2828cf7a8134e65af95993391323b1794d5dff372536f26216615a64e4301f9a.jpg

Why didnt Trump inform the US house Intelligence Chairman of the Bagdaddi Special Ops Mission?! Where was Schiff 5 days before the Attack? Jordan? Why did Israel close All of its embassies around the world within a week of the Bagdaddi mission? DO YOU HAVE YOUR THINKING CAP ON JEW??? DO YOU??


..Is Adam Schiff (A Jew) Trying to impeach Trump?? Why is his SON wearing a Mossad T-shirt? Schiff is the House Intelligence Chairman FOR THE USA! CHECK SYMBOL ON T-SHIRT https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7fb4bddce962433f757aefdea165e607c5a607d72eb849bdc8d182d6e896fd01.jpg

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/60384236d1d554bef61305877489a5f8095c562d04f790ddf89053e1cf3ed8bd.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2828cf7a8134e65af95993391323b1794d5dff372536f26216615a64e4301f9a.jpg

Why didnt Trump inform the US house Intelligence Chairman of the Bagdaddi Special Ops Mission?! Where was Schiff 5 days before the Attack? Jordan? Why did Israel close All of its embassies around the world within a week of the Bagdaddi mission? DO YOU HAVE YOUR THINKING CAP ON JEW??? DO YOU??

Long Nose Larry, Ph.D

relax, I’m a parody account of another Zionist named Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D.

Long Nose Larry, Ph.D

liberal, democrat, or conservative they are all the same – zionist scum


So you’re back tinfoil hat cool aid.

Jimmy Jim

chicken kikes want goyim blood for their evil.

Hasbara Hunter

Chickenshit Kikes need Triggerhappy Goyboys to do the Dirty Job….


…Is Adam Schiff (A Jew) Trying to impeach Trump?? Why is his SON wearing a Mossad T-shirt? Schiff is the House Intelligence Chairman FOR THE USA! CHECK SYMBOL ON T-SHIRT https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7fb4bddce962433f757aefdea165e607c5a607d72eb849bdc8d182d6e896fd01.jpg

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/60384236d1d554bef61305877489a5f8095c562d04f790ddf89053e1cf3ed8bd.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2828cf7a8134e65af95993391323b1794d5dff372536f26216615a64e4301f9a.jpg

Why didnt Trump inform the US house Intelligence Chairman of the Bagdaddi Special Ops Mission?! Where was Schiff 5 days before the Attack? Jordan? Why did Israel close All of its embassies around the world within a week of the Bagdaddi mission?


Hasbara Hunter

The whole impeachment is a farce anyway…perhaps the Democrats voted for impeachment in the House of Representatives…in the Senate the Republicans won’t corroborate the Impeachment…The Americans are Fooled & being played with as always in my personal opinion…The Division in America never have been Greater 50/50…That is one thing the Deep State accomplished for sure…I still think the rest of the World should be very wary & isolate the United States until things are clear…Trump should pull his troops out of Syria & Afghanistan (because it has been a Failure anyway, which is a good excuse to pull out…NO more Illegal Heroin-Production & Oilsucking…This will show his true intentions…


The so-called “Jews” have a very insidious history toxic with lies, manipulation and greed. These outcast tribes of inbred criminals have historically caused mayhem in the world by poisoning societies and setting other nations and people against each other. However, sooner than later non-“Jews” cotton on to the evil Jews and there is backlash as hundreds of pograms in Russia and Ukraine attest to and then the German backlash in the 20th century as the Jew banksters destroyed the Weimar Republic, very much like what Wall Street, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Bernie Madoff, Bilderberg corporate parasites are doing to the brainwashed American public. However, even in the controlled US media anti Jew sentiment is rising as the fabricated squatter state of “Israel” stealing Palestinian lands and ripping off the American taxpayers is setting the US on a very destructive course at a time when US is in irreversible decline as power shifts to Eurasia. The Zionists are so far the worst inbred criminals of the so-called Jews who are hell bent on fanning a global war using the idiotic Americans as cannon fodder. However, there is growing angst in the trailer park despite Fox fake news.

Hasbara Hunter

American Sheeples & European Sheeples are already waking up…the Number of Poor & Homeless Peoples is rapidly growing in the Western Empire, as soon as the majority of’m Sheeples can no longer afford their Beer & Burgers the shit will hit the Fan…


FYI…. Is Adam Schiff (A Jew) Trying to impeach Trump?? Why is his SON wearing a Mossad T-shirt? Schiff is the House Intelligence Chairman FOR THE USA! CHECK SYMBOL ON T-SHIRT https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7fb4bddce962433f757aefdea165e607c5a607d72eb849bdc8d182d6e896fd01.jpg

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/60384236d1d554bef61305877489a5f8095c562d04f790ddf89053e1cf3ed8bd.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2828cf7a8134e65af95993391323b1794d5dff372536f26216615a64e4301f9a.jpg

Why didnt Trump inform the US house Intelligence Chairman of the Bagdaddi Special Ops Mission?! Where was Schiff 5 days before the Attack? Jordan? Why did Israel close All of its embassies around the world within a week of the Bagdaddi mission?

Albert Pike

They already did: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-antisemitism/amid-criticism-trump-signs-order-targeting-anti-semitism-at-universities-idUSKBN1YG07N https://www.state.gov/defining-anti-semitism/


This could mean there will be another war or false flag by USrael, probably in the near future. They need guarantor from Trump that, if he agree to follow what deep state’s want, it could saved him the next election.


one sure way to lose the election for trump is to engage in another war – the israelis are disliked as much in the unhinged states of A as in europe for example but, since they pay well, much liked in washington dc by the criminally corrupt political establishment

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

inshallah zionist plots always fail and the blessed nation of Iran is always victorious

Nozeriel Nosekowitz

that’s antisemitic! I will now tell Josh Gladwin and report for you antisemitism! Now Jacob Wohl will inhale u with his giant j00 nose XD

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)



Well, not quite.

There is a Jewish National Homeland. No Palestinian one.

After losing to Israel a couple of times, Egypt recognizes Israel and has a peace treaty with them and buys natural gas from them. Syria also lost a few times but weren’t as smart as the Egyptians. Now the Golan Heights are part of Israel and Israel Bombs Syria constantly and at will with impunity.

Israel has a couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles and Islamist Iran has a very expensive pipe dream and a failing economy. If they ever get close to realizing their pipe dream, they will never wake up after.


you’re stupider than a one-celled amoeba!

Noel Ignatiev H8s white people

LOL. Without the US, or some other goy nation backing israel, with money, technology, and political backing, israel would be wiped away from the middle east like the stinky dingleberry they are.


Interesting yet alarming.

Kenneth Hugh de Courcy (editor of the Britain-based Intelligence Digest and who was closely tied to King Edward VIII) had “prophesied” (in reality, it was part of a long-time plan linked to British Israelism) that a war in the Middle East would erupt by the late 1990s between Russia-Syria-Iran and an alliance (wanted by Britain) between Israel and the USA. The war would eventually lead to WW3.

Nozeriel Nosekowitz

Zionists European Colonists wanting the Goyim to fight all their wars. Nothing new. They’re scared to take on Iran by themselves because they know they can’t.


Well, they would prefer not to turn Iran into a glow in the dark glass parking lot. In an all out war between the Islamist Iranians and Israel, that is what would happen. It would be better that there be an alliance with the IS so the Iranian parking lot didn’t need to glow in the dark so much.

Nozeriel Nosekowitz

And what about Lebanon? Will you nuke it to? Because there are hundreds of thousands of precision missiles there waiting to flatten Kike Land if regional war breaks out. Your IDF retreated from its border posts after 1 ATGM strike last September lol, diaper forces professional at terrorizing kids, not fighting actual opponents who can fight back.


I won’t Nuke or Bomb anyone from my California. But yes, Lebanon will be flattened if there is any such attack from there. Won’t need nukes but if needed they too will glow in the dark. Just the way it is and will be. Now go get fitted for your suicide vest and practice a lot.


if the hymies even think about using their nukes they’ll be pig’s swill around the world before you even have time to say duck! rest assured. and moreover if the hymies would be foolish enough to attack Iran with nukes, pakistan and nk would give away enough nukes to Iran to make the whole of tel aviv a hole in the ground and the hymies, the few straggling survivors that is, swimming in the Med. and erdogan would be happy that he didn’t reopen the tel aviv embassy he closed down a few years ago . the hymies are toast.

Concrete Mike

Only fools advocate the use of nuclear weapons.

When your head is in the sand, your ass is in the air.

Since your american, how about solve your own problems at home instead of harassing millions in the middle east?

Ever thougt of that?

Noel Ignatiev H8s white people

jake the jew,

You jews are big talkers when powerful goy nations like the US are backing you up. Without goy backing, you jews will be dust.


There is so much more to this than meets the eye! PEOPLE LISTEN UP! The USA is no longer “Friends” with Israel! Capturing Epstein and Ehud Barak should prove this! Why did israel close their embassies world wide after bagdaddi was killed and documents captured! THINK! Also look at this comment “Opposition leader and former Israel Defense Forces chief Benny Gantz announced that he opposed any such treaty and that it would “limit Israel’s actions and the IDF’s ability to protect the country from the threats it faces.” He added that a treaty was inherently “opposed to the position expressed by [Israel’s] security establishment for decades.”

The US is going to OCCUPY israel and turn it into what it should have always been, just another US base!

Israel has been up to no good (Mossad)! Israel is fucked! on one hand Israel needs defending from Iran, on the other hand, Israel needs to be leashed and contained as the rat Jews have nukes and need to be occupied and treated like the bitches they are!

And so, its occurring! This information will come to light very soon! The reason most here dont know this is because u are not focussed on the intelligence wars!


the unhinged states of A has little appetite for a war with Iran but israel is another matter and they’re just trying to secure that the unhinged states etc will come to their help once the squatters have set off on an attack on Iran, bound to fail but with a back up, it might be worth it.

time to take the squatters off the map, the hard way.they have earned the world’s scorn and enmity and should not be saved when kicked into the Med.


Israel is, and has always been, under the grip of the warmongering British ruling class who created the Zionist state in the first place. The state was designed to serve as a rogue entity perpetuating unrest, conflict, wars that would eventually escalate to a global war. Arthur Balfour’s statements about their to-be Israel as an “experiment” or an “even more interesting end of the world” weren’t random. Needless to say, peace was always out of the question. Let’s remember how, among several instances, the industrialization endeavor of Pinchas Sapir and Michael Tzur were destroyed by the British oligarchy to ensure Israel’s alignment with British imperial foreign policies.

That said, talks (or perhaps it is already at the implementation stage behind the scene) of a mutual defense treaty between Israel and the USA too coincidentally echoes such British degeneracy. Kenneth Hugh de Courcy (confident to King George VIII and editor of the Britain-based Intelligence Digest) had “prophesied” (read: told the plan) about a major conflict in the Middle East opposing an alliance between Russia, Iran and Syria to one between Israel and the USA. Hopefully, parities (on all sides) opposing such madness come to reason and thwart what will likely be a mutual destruction.


Israel is, and has always been, under the grip of the warmongering British ruling class who created the Zionist state in the first place. The state was designed to serve as a rogue entity perpetuating unrest, conflict, wars that would eventually escalate to a global war. Arthur Balfour’s statements about their to-be Israel as an “experiment” or an “even more interesting end of the world” weren’t random. Needless to say, peace was always out of the question. Let’s remember how, among several instances, the industrialization endeavor of Pinchas Sapir and Michael Tzur were destroyed by the British oligarchy to ensure Israel’s alignment with British imperial foreign policies.

That said, talks (or perhaps it is already at the implementation stage behind the scene) of a mutual defense treaty between Israel and the USA too coincidentally echoes such British degeneracy. Kenneth Hugh de Courcy (confident to King George VIII and editor of the Britain-based Intelligence Digest) had “prophesied” (read: told the plan) about a major conflict in the Middle East opposing an alliance between Russia, Iran and Syria to one between Israel and the USA. Hopefully, parities (on all sides) opposing such madness come to reason and thwart what will likely be mutual destruction.


Bonjour Omega,

J’imagine que vous avez deja lu l’article suivant explicite, mais vous le met quand meme par esprit de solidarité.

Liban : les dessous de la crise bancaire du siècle par Thierry Meyssan https://www.voltairenet.org/article205199.html


Bonsoir Alex; merci pour le lien (j’ai lu) et vos pensées.


,,Is Adam Schiff (A Jew) Trying to impeach Trump?? Why is his SON wearing a Mossad T-shirt? Schiff is the House Intelligence Chairman FOR THE USA! CHECK SYMBOL ON T-SHIRT https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7fb4bddce962433f757aefdea165e607c5a607d72eb849bdc8d182d6e896fd01.jpg

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/60384236d1d554bef61305877489a5f8095c562d04f790ddf89053e1cf3ed8bd.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2828cf7a8134e65af95993391323b1794d5dff372536f26216615a64e4301f9a.jpg

Why didnt Trump inform the US house Intelligence Chairman of the Bagdaddi Special Ops Mission?! Where was Schiff 5 days before the Attack? Jordan? Why did Israel close All of its embassies around the world within a week of the Bagdaddi mission?


This is not remotely true. Whatever some British leaders may have hoped or wanted from Israel, Israel has from day one not acceded to any such desires.

The truth is that most of the world believed that the combined Arab armies would wipe out all the Jews in another Genocide once the State of Israel was established. England and the USA for example refused to assist the Jewish community at that time and sat back to watch the carnage.

It was only Czechoslovakia that helped save the Jews from genocide, by selling them weapons to defend the new state. most of the elite of the time was very surprised that Israel survived.


Based on the mainstream/imposed narrative, you would be right: it is not remotely true. When one reads and cross-examines the complex matter of British Israelism, a different picture emerges. A prominent Jewish Romanian, Adolf Stern, had made such observation in his letters (currently held at the national archives in Israel):

“This [British Israelism] is a Christian organization from Great Britain and the United States, in other words, from the Anglo-Saxon world, which, by means of Biblical-historical, ethnographical, archeological and linguistic proofs, establishes the presumption that the British (English) are direct descendants of the ten lost tribes of Israel.”

Stern also discusses the Federation’s attitude to the Land of Israel and to the role of the British in Palestine. While the Balfour Declaration aspired to establish a national homeland and the writer of the Mandate even aimed for Jewish self-rule, the Federation saw itself as the exclusive heir to this territory. Neither the descendants of Ishmael – the Arabs, nor the Jews have any right to the land.



Most of the world did not believe what you impose as truth. The narrative of combined Arab armies wanting to wipe Jews in another Genocide and/or once Israel in 1948 was cunningly imposed by Israel and regurgitated by (mostly) the US media. In reality, following the 1937 Peel Commission (that envisioned 20% of Palestine to the Jewish minority population), Jewish Zionists realized they won’t get what they wanted: all of the land. It was then that David Grün (a.k.a. David Ben Gurion) unofficially set in a motion the forcible transfer of non-Jews (both Muslim and Christian) out of Palestine. He had even met with British industrialists in the early 1940s to follow up on the progress. A whole decade of terror (1937-1947) was waged in Palestine in the hands of Jewish Zionists – blowing up civilian infrastructures, markets full of people (using often children), attacking British soldiers, etc. It was so bad the British army couldn’t contain them. This lasted until the last months of the British mandate where the same Zionist Jews attacked several hundred Palestinian towns and villages (80+ of which were Christian) before (read again: before) self-declaring independence.

Israel repeated the same feat in 1967 where it attacked others and then claimed their survival was at stake. We know today (thanks to the testimonies of Israeli officials and various archives) that it was another series of lies.

p.s.: You would be right in regards to one point: Britain did set back and enjoy the carnage. More specifically about the 1920s “riots” where both the British Deep State pitted Jews and non-Jews against one another. The vile Al-Husseini was backed by the same Brits who supported Jews under the putrid Jabotinski. A typical British case of pitting people again each other to further British interests and hegemony. A British intelligence officer (Richard Meinertzhagen) had written a report depicting how the British military helped the Arabs riots against Jews in 1920 and take a stand against Jewish rule in Palestine. At the same time, the same Brits helped create the reactionary Jewish militias.


I don’t understand the relevance of Czechoslovakia “helping” Israel here but you should know that Czechoslovakia did not chose to help Israel. Weapons were purchased and smuggled in what became known as Operation Balak. As far as Israel “surviving” goes, you should also know that all Jewish militias in Palestine were trained by their British colonial master under (the degenerate) Orde Wingate. Palestine was surveyed for between 1937 and 1947 and the final blow was delivered in the last months of the British Mandate. All planned.


the idea that the arab armies was an Israeli invention is tin foil hat stuff.

The combined Arab armies DID attack; the combined Arab armies DID announce their goal of wiping out the Jews.

It’s a fact not a narrative.

And they attacked again in the 1950s with the same goal.

And they were massed to attack again in 1967 with the same announced goal.

And they did attack again in 1973 with the same announced goal.

All of this happened Omega.

The change was that while in 1948 and in the 50’s much of the world expected the Arab armies to achieve their goals, after 1967 the world understands Israel can win these wars (though they came damn close to loosing in 1973).


Again, based on the mainstream and imposed narrative (which you repeat without applying the slightest critical thinking), you would be right: others were after Israel. When one takes the time to read, investigate and cross-examine the untold facts, a different picture emerges.

1948 was the culmination of Jewish Zionist terrorism in Palestine. For ten years, Jewish Zionist rampaged the land and delivered their final blow in the last months of the British Mandate when they attacked and captured hundreds of Palestinian towns and villages. This happened before the Jews self-declared independence and before any of the surrounding countries intervened.

In 1956 was linked to the Suez Canal saga. Israel, with Britain and France, illegally invaded and occupied the Egyptian Sinai. Long story short, Britain and France left at the request of the US but Israel did not. It was only after a lengthy and laborious process that Israel agreed to leave – destroying everything on their way out.

In 1967, Israel attacked others to steal lands it couldn’t in 1948 and 1956. We have enough information today to know this. Historians – both in and outside Israel – have researched the matter and confirmed it.

I invite you to research this. If you need verifiable sources, do ask.


no matter how you try to spin the Jewish struggle to establish the State before 1948 — the fact remains that the combined Arab armies did attack in 1948 with the intention of Genocide.

it is also true that most of the world expected the Arabs to be successful at the time.

it is also a fact that another genocidal war was waged by the combined Arab armies in the 1950s; was hoped for but pre-empted in 1967; and launched again in 1973


I suspect you suffer from reading comprehension. I never said there was no Jewish struggle prior to 1948 nor am I am spinning anything. You are either unable to exert critical thinking and chose not to. Instead, you parrot what you’re fed. Contrary to you, I read, investigated and cross-examined what we’re not told.

The creation of present-day Israel is a colonial enterprise with its roots in the distortion of Biblical scriptures that led to both Modern Zionism and the likes of the Evangelicals in the USA (Christian Zionism). It was created to serve non-Jewish Anglo-Saxon(-American) interest. If the Evangelical “Christian” degenerates in the USA climaxing at the idea of Israel’s annihilation for Jesus to return isn’t indicative enough, I don’t know what is. The ruling class has, for thousands of years, used religion to control the mass. You are part of that masse.

You need to be less emotional. There was no intent of Genocide in 1948, in 1956, 1967 or 1973. Such stories were concocted by Israel and regurgitated by the Western media. Read the following Israeli officials testifies on 1967 for instance:

• Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin acknowledged that “In June 1967, we again had a choice. The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches do not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.”

• Yitzhak Rabin, who would also later become Prime Minister of Israel, admitted in 1968 that “I do not think Nasser wanted war. The two divisions he sent to the Sinai would not have been sufficient to launch an offensive war. He knew it and we knew it.”

• General Chaim Herzog, commanding general and first military governor of the occupied West Bank following the war, admitted that “There was no danger of annihilation. Israeli headquarters never believed in this danger.”

• General Ezer Weizman similarly said, “There was never a danger of extermination. This hypothesis had never been considered in any serious meeting.”

• Chief of Staff Haim Bar-Lev acknowledged, “We were not threatened with genocide on the eve of the Six-Day War, and we had never thought of such possibility.”

• Israeli Minister of Housing Mordechai Bentov has also acknowledged that “The entire story of the danger of extermination was invented in every detail, and exaggerated a posteriori to justify the annexation of new Arab territory.”

The case of the Golan Heights wasn’t any different. Israel provoked and attacked Syria between 1948 and 1967 in the DMZ until it seized it. Former Israeli defense minister admitted to it:

Moshe Dayan: “Never mind that (when asked that Syrians initiated the war from the Golan Heights). After all, I know how at least 80 percent of the clashes there started. In my opinion, more than 80 percent, but let’s talk about 80 percent.

It went this way: We would send a tractor to plough someplace where it wasn’t possible to do anything, in the demilitarized area, and knew in advance that the Syrians would start to shoot. If they didn’t shoot, we would tell the tractor to advance farther, until in the end Syrians would get annoyed and shoot.

And then we would use artillery and later the air force also, and that’s how it was. I did that, and Laskov and Chara (Zvi Tsur, Rabin’s predecessor as chief of staff) did that, Yitzhak did that, but it seems to me that the person who most enjoyed these games was Dado (David Elzar, OC Northern Command, 1964-69).” — p. 236-237, Iron Wall, Avi Shlaim’s _

General Dayan died in 1981. But in conversations with a young reporter five years earlier, he said he regretted not having stuck to his initial opposition to storming the Golan Heights. There really was no pressing reason to do so, he said, because many of the firefights with the Syrians were deliberately provoked by Israel, and the kibbutz residents who pressed the Government to take the Golan Heights did so less for security than for the farmland.

General’s Words Shed a New Light on the Golan https://www.nytimes.com/1997/05/11/world/general-s-words-shed-a-new-light-on-the-golan.html

Israel attacked others and each and every single one of those years and then played the victim. Israel was designed to be an attack dog. Hence why anyone in Israel who sought peace with the Palestinians and/or a non-military development of its economy was discarded. Read Tom Segev’s The First Israelis, Tom Suarez’ State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel, Avi Shlaim’s The Iron Wall et al. for starters to being to see how much you’ve been duped.


Tres bien ! C’est toujours avec emotions quand je pense aux trois generations de Palestiniens qui ont été sacrifiées dans un désespoir ineluctable !


Tout à fait.

Mario Ceva

Israel does not wish peace , want only annex and aneex . Great Israel from Nile to Eufrates.


Nahhhhhhhh…at most just from the River to the Sea will be Israel.

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