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MARCH 2025

Israel Warns Of Coming War With Iran If Biden Wins As Trump Calls

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Israel Warns Of Coming War With Iran If Biden Wins As Trump Calls

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Israel has warned of the coming war with Iran if Joe Biden wins the US presidential election, which Donald Trump has already called extremely rigged.

“Biden has said openly for a long time that he will go back to the nuclear agreement,” Settlements Minister Tzachi Hanegbi warned said, according to Jerusalem Post. “I see that as something that will lead to a confrontation between Israel and Iran.”

The minister recalled that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and most Israelis saw the Iran Deal signed by the Obama administration in 2015 as “mistaken – and that’s an understatement.”

“If Biden stays with that policy, there will, in the end, be a violent confrontation between Israel and Iran,” he stated. According to Hanegbi, the aim of US President Donald Trump to negotiate a new deal with Iran is not the same because it would be “a different agreement that he would force through maximum pressure sanctions.”

The policy of the Trump administration allowed Israel to achieve significant gains in promoting its agenda in the Middle East. For example:

  • In December 2017, US President Trump announced that the US recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and transfers its embassy there. In May 2018, the US embassy was opened in Jerusalem.
  • In May 2018, Trump declared the withdrawal of the United States from the nuclear deal with Iran and the launch of a “maximum pressure” campaign on Iran. In the coming years, he followed this approach increasing and increasing the sanction and even military pressure on Teheran.
  • In March 2019, the US ruled by the Trump administration recognized the Syrian Golan Heights as the Israeli sovereign territory.

The potential shift of this policy under the new administration will at least partially undermine the Israeli positions in the region thus forcing Tel Aviv to take more measures to protect the recent gains. In own turn, Iran will try to exploit this to re-establish its influence in new areas. This, according to Israel, will lead to the inevitable confrontation.

Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump appears to be sure that the Democratic establishment (globalists and neo-liberals) is trying to steal his victory in the presidential election through an apparent vote fraud (a lot of evidence of which is available online). And it seems that the current US President is not planning to surrender.

At the same time, mainstream media outlets and social media giants have been increasingly censoring repots on the fraud and even comments saying that the situation seems at least questionable.

For example, Facebook publicly confirmed that it is censoring pro-Trump groups that are concerned over potential vote count irregularities.

“In line with the exceptional measures that we are taking during this period of heightened tension, we have removed the Group ‘Stop the Steal,’ which was creating real-world events,” a Facebook spokesman said.

The corporates seem to be scared by pro-Trump protests.

ZeroHedge’s report on even more strange things in the election is below:

Why Does Biden Have So Many More Votes Than Democrat Senators In Swing States?

In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candidates. In fact, according to Pew Research, “overwhelming shares of voters who are supporting Trump and Biden say they are also supporting the same-party candidate for Senate.”

Typically, this means that that the number of votes for a presidential candidate and that party’s Senate candidates are relatively close.

Twitter user “US Rebel” (@USRebellion1776), however, found that the number of votes cast for Joe Biden far exceeds those cast for that state’s Senate candidates in swing states, while those cast for Trump and GOP Senators remains far closer.

Israel Warns Of Coming War With Iran If Biden Wins As Trump Calls

In Michigan, for example, there was a difference of just 7,131 votes between Trump and GOP candidate John James, yet the difference between Joe Biden and Democratic candidate Gary Peters was a staggering 69,093.

In Georgia, there was an 818 vote difference between Trump and the GOP Senator, vs. a 95,000 difference between Biden and the Democratic candidate for Senator.

Yet, in two non-swing states, there was “no massive flood of mysterious empty Biden votes,” leading US Rebel to suggest “It’s fraud.”

In Wyoming, the difference on the Democratic side is is just 725 votes, while in Montana the difference is 27,457.

What’s going on here? If it were “never-Trumpers” pairing Biden with their GOP Congressional picks? If so, we would expect fewer votes for Trump than GOP Senators. We’re open to suggestions.


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Hahahaha… More like crying than warning.

Icarus Tanović


Great Khan

hahhahha Iran brother…VERY STRONK! Jew make trouble, get scared scared and then kaputenheimer, Orange fat Amerikan kishmish…….

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously, I was going to dignify the scared shitless ZionistCUNTS nonsense with a detailed comment, but just the mother of all YAWNS! Even hasbara arseholes have to ground :)

Ashok Varma

Israel is a spoilt brat doing a dummy spit.

Indian Army & Israel

Abdul….go back to d shit hole u came from…bloody islamist…

Ashok Varma

Abay madar chod dalit kangar, you are not even Indian.

Indian Army & Israel

Abe chutiye…naam sahi istemal karle…Netanyahu teri gaand mar dega bhosdi ke…kagaz dhund k rakh..Nrc me teri gaand me lath mar k vaga denge communist k bacche kutte ki aulad

Simon Ndiritu

So? should Americans repeat the elections and elect Trump to please entitled Spoilt Brats 7000 kilometers from Washington?

Freemon Sandlewould

No they should undo the 4am ballots though. Obviously marked up cheat ballots. All for Biden? GTFO.

Simon Ndiritu

Well, I wont comment on vote rigging in your country, I am not sufficiently informed to make a stand on that. I hope the system there can sort that and deliver justice to voters.

johnny rotten

Isisrahell is the master’s voice, here he is warning the Americans of who he wants as president, bidet should be very careful if he wants to die quietly in his bed.

Freemon Sandlewould

Really? Cause I would assume if the Jish Control Grid was on Trump’s side there would be no way he could lose.

Fog of War

You need to look at bigger agendas then.


Israel obviously has some strategic decisions to make. Trump was very good for Israel but also for the Sunni Arab states. Trumps peace initiative would have won him a Nobel peace prize if a dem had done it. Now Israel faces almost certain reversals on all fronts from Biden/Harris and the Squad. The next 60 days are going to be potentially explosive. UAE and KSA and Israel can only expect the Obama veto on military action from Biden, and a veto on a reprieve from certain future annihilation is an existential defeat. Trump must find a path to victory for the ME to avoid total war. Then a negotiated result is possible. Otherwise when Biden takes power Israel suffers an immeasurable strategic loss as do the moderate Arab states.

Icarus Tanović

Wahhabi states, if I may add.


Trump was very good for Bibi but not for Israel. Bibi needed permanent war drums to cover corruption scandals.

Also not good for KSA or MBS. He took their money and forgot about their problems :)

Lazy Gamer

We’ve always heard in this site that the jew did this or the jew did that. But in the all important us election, it seems they cant even ensure that israel’s friend wins. Maybe it is time to conclude jewish lobby isnt everything.


The jews from USA are a lot stronger than the jewish from Israel.


With majority dual citizens..

Ryan Glantz

Military Tribunals Incoming.


Only their elites rich, not majority.

Ryan Glantz


Magic Puro

The jews from the USA

Did you mean the American Evangelicals? They’re more Jewish than Jews, lol. A lot crazier too, they climax at the idea of seeing Israel burn to the ground for Jesus to return and have Jews bow to Jesus and accept Christianity.


No, by the jews, I mean the jews. I know what you say but that is a total different subject.

Steve Standley

no. they control both sides. this is not about israel losing its support in the US. this is theater. this is about the US losing its democracy. watch and see. we’ve been walking this way for 20 years.

Icarus Tanović

Listen, if Zionist lobby colides with American interests, it is Zionistic lobby that loses.

Steve Standley

Not on your life. It has been well known for decades that that US leadership does not care one iota about the interests of the american people.

Icarus Tanović

Spread those lies to someone else.

Steve Standley

lol well, you’re just wrong. there is lots of evidence of this.

Icarus Tanović

Listen carefully to what Dr.Finkelstein had said on that.

Steve Standley

Almost nobody knows who he is in America. He lost his University position in the US. He’s NEVER seen on MSM. You get my point? the media is entirely controlled by Zionist Jews. We are immersed in lies in this country. Almost no one in America knows Southfront because they get banned and censored and shadow banned and smeared. Get my point? America doesn’t even KNOW what’s in it’s best interests.


The Fink is controlled opposition. Believes the Holohoax. Fake Fink

Steve Standley

Chomsky certainly is. Finkelstein has suffered for his public opinions and been completely marginalized. I know he more or less agrees with chomsky on Syria and BDS, but i’m skeptical that he’s controlled opposition….


As long as he keeps the extortion alive for the holohoax he can say whatever the goyim want to hear…so they will see him as some kind of ally (trap). But let a white revisionist say the truth and they’re silenced, jailed or murdered. Chomsky is one of the worse uses of bloated mumbo jumbo. Never trust a jew. There has never been a white Christian since JFK to bellow out the truth about these usurpers. And there aren’t many remaining survivors of the USS Liberty that has any good words about these betrayers or their sell out government.

Magic Puro

Chomsky is a gate keeper. Former RAND Corp.

Magic Puro

Chomsky (former RAND Corp.) is a gate keeper. Norman Finkelstein is honest and great man.

Icarus Tanović

Norman is the one of the greatest intellectuals on the planet.

Icarus Tanović

Piss off Zionistic dumpbag.


Clean your glasses…NO, I speak truth to lies. And the holohoax is a massive multi trillion dollar mafia extortion racket that keeps on giving. It has been revealed and proven…where have you been?

Icarus Tanović

Troll detected.

cechas vodobenikov


Icarus Tanović

Of course it isn’t. Listen to Dr.Finkelstien.


Both parties are pro Israel.

cechas vodobenikov

USA is a puritan nation–they fund Israel for opportunities fistic reasons Adorno found that Americans were more antisemitic than were ordinary germans of the WWII era


Bibi =/= Israel

cechas vodobenikov

in the fake US dimocracy—a procedural republic/ the ruling class installs biden irrelevant in a military dictatorship


That’s a quote from a label of vodka bottle.

cechas vodobenikov

apparently your brain is pickled w vodka–I suspect u would know


If that would be the case, I would understand Russian.


Biden will win, but discovered mentally unfit. Hence his vice president will be sworn in. Having KH as president will open pandoras box. Based on her history, it will get worse compared to Trumps reign.

Steve Standley

No. they always play both sides. the end point here is not just a leader favorable to israel, it’s total control of all the leadership. ^this whining is just setting up a pretext to strike. Also, for months MSM has been predicting post-election violence and crisis. That’s what they want. This is theater. We are watching the fig leaf of our democracy being stripped, and it’s definitely being perpetrated by the zionist bloc, which owns both parties. The end game here is martial law, war, and the complete loss of democracy.


It doesn’t matter whether Trump wins or Biden, I$rael’s been wanting to wage a war against Iran since the fall of the Shah in 79. And as far as I$rael’s concerned, all American presidents will fall in line.

Steve Standley

exactly. ^this story is typical zionist deceit.

Icarus Tanović

They have been waging wars and Wars against Iran, but with no avail. From 79 to this very day.

Ashok Varma

Iran is at its strongest while the cancer of Israel is at its weakest and sugar daddy US is dying.

cechas vodobenikov

Israel has nukes; they receive 3.5 billion $ from USA each year in military aid

Ashok Varma

USSR has 7000 nukes and so did South Africa.

Magic Puro

A limited nuclear warfare in the Mid East has been in the works for decades. A war between Israel and Iran is just a matter of time if the neocons have it their way.. fo far and up until Trump came to power, they did. As bad as Trump may seem, no war started under his belt.


…and no war stopped either.

Magic Puro

I can’t disagree.

Ashok Varma

Israel is an insidious cancer for US and the world in general as the current Caucasian conflict has shown. It is trying to stir the pot to stay relevant as the world changes as its influence wanes. The worst losers are the US people who have been bankrupted into a banana republic due to Zionist fanned wars.

Vox Populi

Israel has basically ruined America.

Vox Populi

Iran is a bridge too far and the US is now imploding and Israel is irrelevant.

Magic Puro

Who removed the Shah? Hint.. UK/US.

Who installed the Mullahs in Iran? Another hint.. UK/US.

It’s all part of the game.

Magic Puro

It doesn’t matter what Israel wants. If the US does not support a war against Iran, it will not happen — hence why no war started under Trump. I think that Israel knows that the US neocons will gear up the drums of wars under Biden and they are worried. In the end, Israel’s immunity for the crimes it has committed since its self-declared inception was made possible by the powerful entity who created the state in the first place.

Ryan Glantz

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/28edd89246d1589f448879ae3339059fa11c45cc3324e3f7ff8f9bd9c09ceb29.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9f73ebec63d498eb0a5caf3fd3b12f2afe2976a5570f63fd543a68b059ac85bb.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2f9a4c4889d3ce881ce6cd62e47893824f8f13fb576cf6b78fcd01adca8066c9.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1aaee452274531988523b62005f2d43e2dad972c7f2a725e182f6d75de80301a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0bc15a014c1ebc72d0696caf063ae2b6e0999a5a773baf571697fed7b21e4812.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/aee1f039476650e8ab55abedf63fa5db2badcfe2fd65f6d46f59a9a1d90eed9f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/32f81b1a0d2e33e848d0565c914eabfeb69eabf1b0a0d2e51ebd3eb3863e7d04.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/665ca6baffa9b03e458c0a791606aa3bf374699d25700f92e05a8ce669572edb.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e10f218b57343169473cc9426c792d592350d49db8e887dc651aaf24f2624a62.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/22b20f1cdb6f9d2616475e1d738e58e1fd7f801221ae4a3f5be250b9a22ec367.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ae5c01366fa7b83bb8197c81f928511b1e0e70a7cdef1c91a27785456066d396.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3541ec9af82a99e87f8f27d4e7749064063a5e74ae3a659dcedb9f43238a800b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0b84c5573a808316df6295725cf1217d4fd60036279f5c9eac8a1cfcf86760be.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1c4fb293b1fe63cb98dbebbfda479a7e4fd235bacb0dc6da7d22e87dcdf3e5bc.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/16bd9f3e6b43423e10a86d7f53457fcb5185aa4e44f1eadc23937c209030e63b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/904fb3e604967a329a2677c9ebd2450bdb62f9dec87d2ea7fb384c3a5f7b0305.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ddaf2cd112211520ad9d67a9a2def76707c833186b5ccb99865550e7b3eb2530.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5e55a3e25cc8cb630b14a7c394d11b5b6902cd4ee6ba86212e0dbaa3a6d69447.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5e3cb288c93a62d7ce40b1d84b18af4c4796ca71d50b01b1b8c703b461f508dd.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4f6ee9a0877edc73a210e67bed36eb791c0a9502b609435c3652095dbeb28870.jpg


I get all kind of these too, even from close friends :)) so naive

Ryan Glantz

Stick around and find out :p

Fog of War

Get this Q anon BS off this site.

Ryan Glantz

sounds like you’re scared of the truth :)

Fog of War

Not at all, but I’m averse to proven BS. I like you other posts much better as they’re much closer to the truth then this.

Ryan Glantz


cechas vodobenikov

amerika has always been corrupt and infected w coups

Ryan Glantz

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2ce76f3b7ee098e69b1ebb091f830356110b1df82e4beab352dc0917dc105c18.jpg “Heat” map of sealed indictments for each state

Ryan Glantz

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b296d369c4e519f6add07a3483b646ead4c734ee221f2576e5e426d6a19ba3d5.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/154da3d2440e3acfaeee9e3861d31f0bc7cca222f2b5ebcb9c32fe54cdb81ce4.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9288d4d816a6852510fbba03e562875daba41b807235a357143e48fd7aa8c892.jpg

chris chuba

We have heard this one before. Regarding the enclosed picture, I’ll give you a hint. His bark was worse than his bite. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3280f190d7f9ffca17d620760ea0ac43fa5791e0156ad7aa99407a18749b1e57.jpg


They don’t have the balls because if they attack Iran they will be in a real war.

Steve Standley

It’s always about getting other people to do it. If this deceitful cry has any purpose, it’s to spur trump to war before he loses office. However, they have control of the left, so what it really is is Kabuki theater for the masses.

Ashok Varma

Jews historically make others fight for them. US has been their bully boy for 70 years but now the world’s worst bully and mass murderers is dying itself. US is like Rome in its last days.


Death to the kosher porkrinds occupying Palestine. You have NO SAY in our elections. Your filthy lucre controls both sides. It is no doubt fkd up because of your massive corrupt asses. DEATH TO THE WHORE ISRAEL AND HER LOVERS. GET OUT!!! VIVA IRAN!!!


BS on the BolShevik Sanders.


Can’t help it if you are so desperate…are you American? If not….p/o Only a jew would come against that…only a bolshevik jew.


Have you ever witnessed BS in a town hall meeting Mr. Canadian? Why don’t you reveal the commy actions in Canada while your at it? BS is only ‘fair’ in deception…his actions speak louder. Don’t lecture me Canadian…look at your own problems with your nation.


Not that I owe a Canadian any kind of response on this issue…here are a few BS items for your information. Here is how we American taxpayers are treated when not happy with the likes of israel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vf2cCdgwgoM

BS has in the last two elections garnered voters then dump them into the Democrat race as he bows out. He did it for Hillary Clinton and he did it for Joe Biden: https://www.news18.com/news/world/bernie-sanders-drops-out-of-presidential-race-clearing-joe-bidens-name-for-democratic-nomination-2570229.html

Did I mention his backing for BLM?

Here is an article on the bs global warming scam BS is behind: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/09/04/bernie-yes-im-courageous-enough-to-talk-about-population-control/ YES YOU READ THAT RIGHT…POPULATION CONTROL THE SAME THING BILL GATES IS FOR WITH HIS VACCINES.

Bernie Sanders is an ISRAELI puppet and a pusher for the abominations of his fucking tribe.


Well you won’t see me. As a matter of fact it could be the other way around eh? We both are citizens of the same corruption. No other country is a savior…only we as citizens can make a change.


The ‘state’ of Israel/Zionist project was the creation of British imperialism (Balfour Declaration, 1918) and from its very inception has been based on theft- seizing land and violence- displacing/murdering the indigenous population. This was done by the British ruling elite to establish a reliable (read non-Muslim) proxy force that would assist the UK in controlling the region and its abundant hydrocarbon reserves. The US emerged from WWII as the world’s leading military and economic power and assumed the role of Israel’s benefactor, providing $ billions from US taxpayers to arm Israel, which ranks 18th in global military power. This has continued with Trump giving Bibi Netanyahu the green light to declare Al-Quds/Jerusalem the Israeli capital and annex the Golan Heights. Israel has received ‘support’ from various “Arab” countries, primarily Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other corrupt Gulf Monarchies and other US vassals’ who no doubt received significant pressure and threats from the Trump administration. Israel is little more than US vassal, supported by US taxpayers and takes their marching orders from Washington. Israel has not won a war since 1973. Should Israel be stupid enough to attack the Islamic Republic of Iran, the entire ME will erupt. Iran and Hezbollah have sufficient numbers of rockets/missiles to target any region in Israel, including the Dimona nuclear reactor and research facility; Israel will be destroyed. See- Missiles of Iran; Link: https://missilethreat.csis.org/country/iran/

Jens Holm

I only has to read “american taxpayers” and not the rest. You are one of those which will give money to people, which do absolitly nothig apart from children.

And the Brittish base was to create new kinds of jobs never seen before in the Palestine outfit with its feudal peasant owned by people from Damaskus and Beirut, which most of the Year hardly was in Ottomans themself.

So the incommers should devellop the cuntry and make the economic production sector into a semiwestern – brittish – version. It was not taking land.

If You should blame any most Jews were persecuted came from Poland, Lituania, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. They were hard persecuted and killed and the mainparts (some say 5 millions mainly went to USA and anywhere else in fear given some hope). The “Israel hope was not Hertsl as well. But he propmoted it well.

So blame those to blame. Putin is relative nice to Jews because of that. Blame the Nazis too or even for so many Jews escaped and after WW2 didnt want to live in Europe anymore.

The Europeans undertstood that. But Britts never planned there should be a Jewish state. They created Jordan and has succes for that even today. The rest was expected to be one of several helpers for their decling Empire. Here it was to protect acces to oil in Kirkuk by a long pipline and a stepstone for preotecting their Suez.

Britts took other things. As well as just after WW2 and later in 1923 the CYPRUS was never a part of the new KEMAL Turkey as well.

I will remind You that only the Saudis resisted Ottomans and the rest ofYour kind noit even liberated Yourself, You were GIVEN.

And ever since its very visible very fewq parts has any idea about what countries are with or without Balfóur 2 and Lausanne.

Where are the successes. Lbanon seemes bad too, Even Hesbollah use dollars. 25% of the Syrians are not even in the Country because the Baathists are terrible owners of the worst kind.

And a change in Iraq made change but is the same by the same dirty traditions. We as Nato even are blamed for commig back even we are asked and payd for. Now the Shiits are the most corrupt ones, thats the change. Not even normal small shiits get anything and Maliki is still free in the streets.

So we do compare and prefare Wahabists. They are not worse then You. You say they are. But they sell os what we need and we pays well.

The rest is a local oppinion driven mainly by mad muslims and about old battles all the way back to Hussein and Aysia. The more You kill each other the less will come here. So go on. If You have no rocks to throw at each other, we will send You drawings for bows and arrows.

Some old book should have a number one named “1001 holy excuses since Allah by mostake didnt settle You in Alabama”.


cechas vodobenikov

more jibbering


Ur history is a bit off. U should read a bit about the ha’awara agreement, and how it was helping the formation of an Israeli state by providing know how, education, machinery and funds.

Jens Holm

Thank You for Your advice. I might. read more then I do and also regain what I almost have forgotten.

I have been reading a lot aout it. My was at the “6 days in june” propaganda book, which motivated me to read much more. And there has been several wars and disputes incl Arafat since, where i have been reading those years after – and all back to the stone and iron age too.

I know who helped the Jewish settlers as well as arabic devellopments in Palestine inc. the resistance fx by the Jerusalme Mufti.

I have been reading and writing here and several more places but my fokus has been north and east of Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt.

Its hard to follow so much politics, warfare and back in time. I might retire next year and have more time.

As a minimum I will read this and its links:


Fog of War

” The ‘state’ of Israel/Zionist project was the creation of British imperialism ”

Your way off base on this one.

Magic Puro

He’s actually spot on but misses some of the historical context.

Fog of War

I guess it depends how you look at the situation. ” British Imperialism ” was just following Khazar orders.

Magic Puro

Yes exactly. Hence why I wrote PaulB missed some of the context. England stopped being English every since the Jewish merchant class took control of it under Cromwell. British Imperialism has been the continuation of the (Jewish) Venetian Imperialism.. perpetual wars and usury.

cechas vodobenikov

a little exaggerated–but fundamentally correct

Magic Puro

The ‘state’ of Israel/Zionist project was the creation of British imperialism (Balfour Declaration, 1918)

In essence, yes but.. the Israel project is much older than the Balfour Declaration. It goes back to at least the 15th century with wealthy Sephardic families (Mendez & Benveniste) wanting to establish a Jewish homeland in the Levant under Jospeh Nasi. The Ottoman Sultan refused. Once the Jews of Venice and Amsterdam took over England under Oliver Cromwell and created the British Empire, it was a matter of time before British imperial policies were aligned for that old project.


Dimona is not a prime target. Haifa silicon valley is, and it will be obliterated first, together with Israels fresh water infrastructure. No iron done can prevent this, and IDF knows this. The demonstration if Iranian precision strike capability after general Soleimanis murder was not only ment towards US, but mainly towards Israel.

Nenad Vojinovic

Israel is not US vassal. It’s vice versa actually.

Jens Holm

Sanders is a very good politician and a normal western citicen. Unlike You he is not in a zoo ordeserve it.

If Your definians are right, there are 1 billion Jews in the world and many more affiliated.

You make a flase contrast. Sanders also dont have that influence, You write. You just wtote it as an evil person.

Israel also dont fear, cry, are afraid as so many writed here. Thos mainly is an internal closed with behinds to the world and not representing many, which is showed here. They are not like Your kind at all. When many Jews reach high positions and Your kind hardly ever does, its about being raised a depended illiterate sheep putting in thongs from 1400 years ago or not.

We can see in main part of most muslims and muslim countries. You keep Ypurself like that band even exist. How can any in Syria and the rest of us ever support Assads, which from day one has stolen all oil in Syria forthemselves even it should be owned and shared by others.

You also expect from Sanders as well as Biden, You have no idea about. NONE.

You even think Your selfmade trechholes are the center of the world and expect we will live in low levels like that. FAR OUT.

Many more here in West upgrade us because we knows it pays of. You kind of expect we should give Our money by theat to people which do almost absolutly nothing livig in the past.

I know its small amounts, but why have I as rich forced to pay for so many, which could have food, medicain and aother theing, we see as need, if they made needed change and reformed, whats HARAM.

Haram and Islam is certainly not made by us. WE mainly are not Christians as You insinuate as well. As in France WE are sekular and dont tolerate ANY religion above, what WE HAVE DECID BY VOTING. I will never accept Islam as well as other religions above anything.

It might be for muslims or many of them. But not here. NO WAY.

The worst is I expect respect for those killed drawing makers inside the laws of france. Same thing for the teacher inside the law.

Onstead as moderate tolerance fx in France, You get 2 things. Laws as we see it agaisnt the MIJAV grey in brain Turkish vufvufs and the right wings here get reasons to treat Muslims as Jews, because there hardly are any Jews.

There is no reason to name Biden or anyone else for Jews unless they are hardheaded Zionists.


Frankly, you are a freak, so STFU!


Frankly, the Zionist regime fears its end as it is now become a joke. This blatant interference to sway the US fake election just shows how the little Zionist tail wags the sick US dog.

Ryan Glantz

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/800fa9aef8e06d00127d269f9b4063ac30818dd9287e35fe236eeb4e3d4f39f5.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/20362fbbe72e807e44f6623dce45a0d70aab4f8f299f123387f00dda1d0806c3.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d0490edfedf4dc2f00645f1071bbf7e17bf952c817a6d70b73b6bcceda5fe6d4.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/64eda918883fbca3b8151547b23ab94b314f80c7ad01141ae230686dc65177d8.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/467b7f1763afa8bd03160f6ec346224c80b635fb117355055303cd7cd9da7305.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/591eded8c963509ec1311f1281fec642f1cf5e27c96716dae83bee40ae0c123f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1e04ab1fa028fbdad77bb48d1c554175d9dea3f194af30cb40d8df2e0b3248ed.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/034d802a1c3edc5cf7e20196ddeb9367b3c07ead62cb7ae5bd23ad801defe8e0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8cd9be92ea787d286b06eab6d60bad1dfb43491c09ddc759c012b5814b9de8cd.jpg

Lazy Gamer

11 million fake votes! America has been guarding against foreign interference, but it did not even watch out for the enemies within them. lol

Ryan Glantz

watermark sting operation by DHS. Just watch.


Sorry, buddy, but the U.S. will still collapse either way. The only real difference between Trump and Biden is that Trump isn’t part of the establishment and is more pro-Israel and anti-China than Biden.

Other than that, the two are the same. Trump was a lifelong Democrat who attended Chelsea Clinton’s wedding and donated to Kamala Harris’s campaign.

Even IF the Democratic cheating scandal emerges, it wouldn’t matter because the country is too divided for there to be any real celebration or unity.

Ryan Glantz

lol, you don’t know about the US Naval Starfleets, do you?


Irrelevant since the U.S. military is a puppet organization of Israel. It’s nothing more than an Israeli mafia racket…demanding “protection money” from the taxpayer.

Ryan Glantz


Ryan Glantz



And Jordan Rachel is a mudshark, much like those other fake tanned blonde and brunette floozies on Fox News. They’re not “conservative,” they’re just leftist on the other side of the same coin.

Dems and Republicans are simply one single globalist uniparty

Magic Puro

I agree that Trump came from outside the establishment but what is that establishment. And if he is, as you say and I agree, from outside of the establishment, how is he the same?


He’s a leftist…just a non-corrupt one.

Magic Puro

I see your point but I still don’t understand how he’s the same.


He’s done more socialism and gun control than Obama. Just for starters, refer back to the 6.2 trillion dollar bill he signed back in March.

Magic Puro

Trump did more socialism and gun control than Obama? Man, I am lost now. ‘6.2 trillion $ bill back in March’.. are you referring to the covid stimulus bill? If so, it’s $2T.. at least officially.


Yes, I am referring to the “stimulus bill”. And you do realize that encouraging lockdowns and redistributing tax dollars is socialism?

Trump has also done more gun control than Obama. So while you might say that he has done a lot, it’s primarily increased the scope of the federal government and eroded basic civil liberties.

Magic Puro

The way I see it is that Trump went along the lockdown to give the image of accountability. He knows the covid19 is nothing but a lie. Virtually all the news media in and outside the US have been against him since day one (why?). I can only imagine if he said ‘no lockdown, no masks, no this, no that’. Just my 2 cents. I don’t know how ‘$ redistribution’ is socialism.. I see it instead as outright theft.

I don’t know much on the before and after of fed control and civil liberties under Trump’s last four years but I take your word for it. I was referring to the A2.. which seems advocated by Trump.

Ryan Glantz


Ashok Varma

All this voter fraud is nonsense from a sore loser Trump. Biden has won.

Ryan Glantz


Ryan Glantz


Ryan Glantz


Ryan Glantz


Ryan Glantz

The biggest sting operation in the history of our great nation.


Ryan Glantz

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f5784bfbd0cf486df354046c56b33809455c247c6ff5e8a95fc892f869d93879.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/862062b531ac391606403305a04c154871e7a71cd4b1b8e33f188841d5bf3f48.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f0dcac25fe13ad08d7ec46974c977c76bc667103449f452c61bbbe50e652408a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e44e8e753d4567d09006057e157c4b30f8884cbb5c16b824a8a392c47ed2541f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b090d05949ea30ff0751d11f31e767f7667463945d97d0ab8e6ef5b6beb83235.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/16a2eaeaa8641d0cfda6a12ac7c8e7884da09dd08ffee35cca5c4e728294c106.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2b6b8931fb37f5f6fdd55f2d69edb9d3f191c41dcd8878d9eccf53336709d55e.jpg

Ryan Glantz

https://youtu.be/Hf0vdsyceHw :)


Alex Jones is a Liar and a jew. Quit spamming this comment section with your propaganda.

Fog of War

To be fair, ” Glantz ” has a very Khazarian ring to it also.

Ryan Glantz

shows how much you know about etymology

Ryan Glantz


Fog of War

Watch this and tell us what you think.



This is the curse upon a nation that has been hijacked by jews that want to control the world. The reason illegal wars have been unending. The reason they brag about “milking the USA dry”. The reason millions have been murdered, maimed and tortured. What a cursed brood of parasites. Their judgement doesn’t lay idle. Take a stand people…the cattle that they call us. Death to them and their heretics, pedophiles, satanic worship, murders, thieves, headchoppers, deceivers, greedy disgusting pigs and poisonous tongues and lust for power. #I didn’t choose them.

Potato Man

Israel can’t even fight, 2006 – (Syria-Lebanon-Iran) all would be happy if Zion state start the war, they end it. It is funny because Zion failed to make Trump win this time LMFAO. They talk as if they control them…hmmmm their slave don’t obey I see…. :)))) BTW Iran said they not just gonna welcome US back to deal “freely” – the Zion cult shouldn’t have said this and order US to follow their plan.


Iran would just toast a lot of Israelis in their homes and Satanyahoo wouldn’t dare risk.that. It’s all mouth farts from the great corrupt Benyi.


DT are loosing … and Israel can not help him …

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