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Israel Warns Syrian Army After Shelling Town On Golan Front

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Israel Warns Syrian Army After Shelling Town On Golan Front

Click to see full-size image. Via Facebook.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) dropped leaflets over the southern Syria governorate of al-Qunitra on June 25, claiming responsibility for recent artillery strikes and warning the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) against violating “existing agreements”.

A series of artillery strikes targeted the outskirts of the town of al-Hmidaiah, which is located right on the front with the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, on June 24, causing material losses only. The IDF didn’t make any announcement at the time.

However, in the leaflets dropped over al-Qunitra the next day, the IDF acknowledged the strikes, warning the SAA against illegitimate military presence on the front.

The leaflets also included vague aerial photos showing an unidentified individual wearing civilian clothes and carrying what appears to be a camera in a residential building.

“To the commanders and troops of the Syrian army … We attacked the al-Hmidaiah area. We do not accept a military presence that violates the existing agreements! We do not accept violations in any form! This is the price!” one of the leaflets read.

The agreement cited by the IDF is likely the 1974 Agreement on Disengagement between Israel and Syria, which prevents the SAA from operating in a United Nations-observed buffer zone on the Syrian side of the front. This 235 square kilometer zone includes al-Hmidaiah.

Tensions rose between Israel and Syria after the outbreak of the war in the Palestinian enclave of the Gaza Strip last October, which led to clashes between the IDF and the Syria-backed Hezbollah in nihboring Lebanon.

The IDF intensified strikes on the war-torn country. Last week, an Israeli drone strike on a military site near the town of Saidah in al-Qunitral claimed the life of an SAA officer. Before that, an IDF drone crashed in the governorate for unknown reasons.

Recently, observers warned that Israel could escalate further against Syria as an alternative for a costly military operation against Hezbollah.

Russian forces in Syria have already established a series of observation posts along the front with Israel in order to prevent such a catastrophic scenario.


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Fuk the IDF

“existing agreements” with israel are over. there will be no peace for israelis until there is peace for palestinians. gods chosen monkey better be prepared to comprehend that little fact.

Last edited 7 months ago by Fuk the IDF

there is not a single agreement or international law that iskhael ever respected unless it suited their interests, and they dare give lessons. f you israel, f your people, f your leaders, and most of all: f every single one of your soldiers may they burn on earth before burning in hell


nuke the goddamn jews!

israel is a pus filled sore on the ass of the entire world.


yes and no, if tere were no more palestinians than imediatly kabooom and zionist parasites are exterminated. but now the palestinians need there country back. so give them the most needed air defences, anti tank and ballistic armaments.


indeed, we need to pluck the fleas one by one, so that palestine can one day return to being a place of life, love & peace


put that leaflet inside the ass of mr yahoo and think about not breaking agreements before bombing syria every week. the world is sick with your hutzpa.


they are they are the serpent seed. they mur chi ldren drink their bl ood for si ck rituals : h ttps ://ww w.bitchute.co m/video/zgnm18zy64wp/

ht tps://ww w.bitchute.c om/video/sxphledfvvgx/

we are all pales tinians h ttps://ww w.bitchute. c om/video/7dmcdo7ejzr7/


agreements…… lol. israël is bombing syria weekly. how many un resolution israël has f***ked ? israel is illegally occupying the syrian golan heighs’ has an illégal nuclear program since the 60’s in dimona. they can do that because jews control the western banking system and thus the politics and msm of the western countries. enslaving the goyims by all means read jewish bible deut. 15 (enslave goyims by debt) and compare it with christian bible mt 21 (expel.the money changers)

Massa John

israel ran out of hellfires. now they start with warnings?

Massa John

the united assholes don’t even blinked, before throughing them under the bus.


zionist isreali genocidal maniacs being neighborly.

jens holm

i poop in potato field and hunt seashell to bleed out my diarrhea

V2 for Victory

”’following the strikes, the israeli military dropped leaflets over the governorate warning syrian troops against illegitimate military presence on the golan front.”’

i always read that israel is occopying golan heights. did i mistook something?

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