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Israel Will ‘Eliminate’ Assad if He Continues to Let Iran Operate From Syria: Minister

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Israel Will 'Eliminate' Assad if He Continues to Let Iran Operate From Syria: Minister

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Israel will “eliminate” Syrian President Bashar Assad if he continues to let Iran operate from Syria, Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz threatened on May 7, according to the news website ynet.co.il.

Steinitz said that President Assad needs to understand if he allows Iran to turn Syria into a military base to attack Israel, this will be his end.

“It’s unacceptable that Assad sits quietly in his palace and rebuild his regime while allowing Syria to be turned into a base for attacks on Israel,” Steinitz said.

The remarks triggered significant jitters in the media and Steinitz was forced to clarify that his comments reflect his personal opinion.

At the same time, the Israeli media is fueling rumors that Iran may have been preparing attacks on Israel in response to the April 9 Israeli strike on Syria’s T4 airbase where some Iranian personnel were killed. One of the most popular versions is a missile strike on Israeli targets from southern Syria that may be conducted by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Hezbollah or some other Iranian-affiliated forces.

Israeli officials have repeatedly claimed that Tel Aviv will respond with a full force to any Iranian attacks on its objects from Syria.

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LOL this goes beyond any threats in the world even from the Israeli zionists, they would “Eliminate” Assad if he brings more Iranians in Syria, I mean who speaks like this anyway, you can see by this speaking how low brained man is this guy. To make threats to assassinate President on Official International Level. I could have expect any thing from the Zionists but this, this is out of every boundary.The most Ironical thing is that everytime the zionist mention Iran they are like we will not allow Iran to attack Israel etc etc. Iran or Syria not even once shot even 1 single missile at you Israelis and yet you are here talking how Iran will attack you, who is the real aggressor here tell me Israel who is it, it is YOU of course only you make threats, only you kill Iranians in Syria, only you are the one that wants to kill and to attack. Bastards.


They’ve lost their minds completely, which is good news for humanity.

Nigel Maund

They know they (Israel) is accountable to no one – they are a Law unto themselves! Even Hitler never had a Carte Blanche like Israel has to break every known International Law without any comebacks – It’s the biggest get out of jail free card in human history! Very frightening indeed!!!!!


Very delusional indeed!

Nigel Maund

Oh yeah? explain why? The evidence from history since 1948 supports my commentary above.


Chill out. I support your comment. In confirmation of what you said I added my comment. It is not only frightening. It is also delusional to expect this lawlessness to continue.

Nigel Maund

Apologies! I misunderstood you. The problem for the rest of the world is that both the USA, EU and UK Governments are totally controlled by the ultra powerful Israel – Zionist lobby’s strongly backed by the Rothschild’s and Rockefellers, not to mention the related Morgan’s and Warburg’s. Also the totally Zionist Corporate controlled Mainstream Media sings only Zionist Propaganda Songs and never the truth which they hate! Sadly, the lawlessness has continued since 1816 and continues to do so ever more vehementlly as it will always go unchecked and uncontrolled until one day the entire rotten Anglo – American Zionist Cabal is brought down by a global revolution or Israel is nuked into oblivion.


Absolutely! Sometimes I wonder: if the masters of the ziomafia were eliminated and their wealth nationalized would we have to read this kind of news? If israhell is bombed and erased I will celebrate! As much as I reject violence as a solution I also see that there is no other way to make them realize that we know the truth and we can not tolerate them any more.


That is why they can bring on their War… Great Times to just Grab everything back they Stole… it’s All BloodMoney… A lot of People died to make them Fuckers FILTHY RICH….


Not only you.. the whole world will celebrate for the peace of humanity..


It’s not Israel that control those governments, it’s the oligarchs of the British Empire who do, via Israel and British Zionist organizations (APAIC, ADL, etc). See for yourself:


The Rothschild/Rockerfeller are only a facade to keep far older and wealthier oligarchies in the shadow. The Warburg (formerly known as “Del Banco” in Venice) are one of them.


Yeah Seize their Assets….


I don’t mean to sound pessimistic but good luck. The only way to collapse them is for the people to realize who owns the banks and elect officials who have taken an affidavit to return to the power of printing money back to treasuries.


Or the Printing Machine starts printing Monopoly Money.. if People chose a different Currency to Trade… the Fun Will be over for the FED… who invented that Dollar anyway? It’s just paper & ink Backed by Nothin’…. with some mister Franklin on it, who Betrayed every American in England by signing an agreement with the Queen…they stayed a Colony….


Technically, the “printing machines” are already doing that: printing worthless paper backed by absolutely nothing but thin air. Anyone who tried to give it up was taken out – Iraq and Libya come to mind.


And Now Russia, China, Iran & a couple of others are trying to Ditch the Dollar… Guess with whom the U.S. wants War… the only reason why they don’t Bankrupt the System is their personal interests in the States Obligations Bonds & other… it’s that Balance that can always tip…


Tony B.

Cash is now a very tiny part of the money system. The big exchanges are in other kinds of paper. The ordinary citizen today, in the west anyway, more often than not is using just computer blips.


Jews banks and diamonds.

Tony B.

You’ve got it backwards.


What the Anglo-American Empire (the continuation of the British Empire) came to be was not the work of the Rothschild but of a man name Cecil Rhodes. The Rothschild were entrusted with the capital.

It’s somehow strange that the Rothschild have been associated with every single malorvant event of the past centuries and are still well and alive.

If I recall right, they were not involved with the creation of the mother of all central banks either – the BIS (Bank of International Settlement).

Please understand that I am not siding with the Rothschild, I believe they are the theme controlled of the controlled opposition. Blame it all on them while the real culprits always get away.


The BIGGEST enemy that the people of the UNITED STATES(AND THE WORLD) have, it’s NO Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, IT’S ISRAEL, DEEP STATE AND SAUDI ARABIA, they are the INVADERS PROMOTERS, FINANCIERS, ARMS SUPPLIERS TRAINERS OF INTERNATIONAL MERCENARY TERRORISTS, they are the INSTIGATORS of terrorism to obtain the…In Marc 1948, a Joint Chiefs of Staff paper on “Force Requirements for Palestine”, predicted that the “Zionist strategy will seek to involve the [United States] in a continuously widening and deepening series of operations intended to secure maximum Jewish objectives. The JCS listed the objectives as (a) initial Jewish sovereignty over a portion of Palestine, (b) acceptance by the great powers of the right to unlimited immigration, (c) the extension of Jewish sovereignty over all of Palestine,(d) the expansion of “Eretz Israel” into Transjordan and into portions of Lebanon and Syria, and (e) the establishment of Jewish military and economy hegemony over the entire Middle East.


fuck merika, they signed up with the devil, they can burn with him too…… the real world does not give two fucks about your merika.


EU has no problem with being controlled by Israeli lobbyists but the feeling of guilt which is deep in most of the Europans big countries population. Especially in Germany and Austria most people still think they have to support Israel because of what some of their ancestors did to the Jews not realising that Israel is doing to the Arab population there exactly the same thing that happend to the Jews in Europe under Nazi rule. That thinking is also seen in France and Great Britain, so basically the EU as a whole.

This is changing slowly more and more people say out loud that they are tired of getting blamed for things that happened long before they were born but it still will take quite some time before it is out of the heads of the majority.

My only fear is that Israel being used to be able to do whatever they want is going to blow up the whole region because they can’t accept that they don’t have ultimate power and can’t dictate everybody what to do. So a war between Syria/Iran and Israel is not so unlikely and then there are still both US and Russian troops in the country, it’s the last thing the world needs. The best would be if every nation on this planet puts sanctions on Israel immediately but this unfortunately is not going to happen.

Tony B.

The ultimate control is not Israhell, it’s the Rothschild cabal in its City of London. Through their criminal control of the exchange medium in almost every nation they control practically the whole world. But people everywhere are now on to the bastards so their satanic reign may be coming to an end. This is the reason for their current acts of panic, one after another.

Nigel Maund

Agreed totally!


the holohoax is slowly being exposed… this green card wont last for long.


They’ve lost their minds completely, which is good news for humanity.”

Well… I don’t know if the fact that a bunch of criminal blood-thirsty pYgs and that, as a “bonus” now_ how you say lost their minds is good news… ==>> THEY SIT WITH THEIR A##es on over 300 nukes and have the whole US-Army as useful idY0ts as “boy for dirty things”..


You send me a post Yesterday it said: Hope you can Read this… when I clicked it…it vanished…wtf..


They haven’t lost their minds. This is their usual arrogance.


Arrogance is a good description. It guarantees the Israeli states annihilation.

You can call me Al

I agree with you, the rhetoric in the last week or so beggar’s belief. If a normal “Joe Bloggs” said this about anther citizen, he would be charged with threatening behaviour or something similar and banged up for 6 months…. but for a Minister in government to say it, threatening a democratic elected President of state, it is truly baffling. Now, if they do try and keep their word or even succeed – then what ?.

I understand their panic, but they brought it on themselves. Despicable, sad, frightening but interesting times.


The Zionist’s godfather is UK. The UK Zionists migrated to Palestine and became Israel then Israel spread in whole Middle East and became ISIS and then ISIS occupied Syrian and Iraqi lands and became SDF and Peshmerga….


They think and most likely so, they are immune to punishment

They like the Americans can kill anyone on fake news and when found to be wrong, just smile away ready for the next fake news to attack again.

They need Russia and/or China to teach them s lesson .


Who have advised fake Israel to illegally migrate to Palestine and then hold Palestinians hostage and oppressed, your godfathers, na. Now all Israel should ready for deportation or face Iranian and Pakistani nuclear missiles.


http://www.palestineportal.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Maps_1897-Present.jpg After full liberation of Syria all Muslim nations Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Russia, China and Pakistan will come together to liberate Palestine from illegal European migrants Israel by using their own weapons and army units. They will not stay calm until to erect the Palestinian flag on Tel Aviv.

Hide Behind

Dream on!


This is not dream rather it is fact.


Jordan and Egypt are behind doors Israeli allies and dont care for Palestine like every other Muslim country. Pakis??!! Lol smh. Be realistic


He is correct – The governments are pro-western US-Vassal states. Jordan and Egypt are the biggest guarantors of Israeli border security – they stop their respective populations from marching to Israel and kicking Israeli butt.


Jordan is in essence another British created Gulf monarchy.

Egypt has been infected with the British Muslim Brotherhood since the early 1900s. Nasser was the only one who got rid of them. Let’s remember how Israel and the Muslim Brotherhood colluded to get rid of him. Good info here:

Muslim Brotherhood: London’s shocktroops for the New Dark Ages



They are the most ARROGANT AND DESPICABLE RACE ON THE PLANET. Now the entire world can see that the Iranians where right all the time when they said… THEY(ZIONIST) ARE AN EVIL RACE.

passan ghassan

Alawites and Kurds alike the millions of secular Syrians have no desire to be forced into Hijab or beards by either of the sectarian fundamentalists. For Israel to stand by Assad all these years shows that even friends need coaxing out of the grip of extremism. Sometime the secular brothers need a firm reminder of the shared beliefs even if on opposites sides of the conflagration. Assad’s inner circle know this well and who fears who more now an embedded Iran or its past partners in Israel. Assad needs help out of the Iran fist.

Jews live by the Talmud, which is the collection of the most extremest violent and racist book’s ever written! God rebukes the Talmud. The Talmud teaching that… https://img.4plebs.org/boards/pol/image/1467/78/1467787755415.jpg


There are similar outbursts in the Qu’ran and the Bible. These are the rantings of drunkards. You may also attribute this kind of thing to cluster-B behavior disorders. To my thinking, a tribe starts ranting like this shortly before it collapses. It all comes out of desperate fear.


The Talmud claims to be the “oral interpretation” of the old testament. None of the objectionable material in the Talmud that claims to be from the old testament is in the old testament. It’s a sick and twisted perversion of the old testament by a Satanic cult that should be outlawed. You can’t provide a similar criticism of Christianity for this material because it’s not in the bible and Christianity condemns this material.

passan ghassan

Actually there is much genocidal Levite commands in the OT that King David forbid for the sake of the common good of Canaan. Many xtians cling to the Levites and ignore the King of Israel acting like their Talmudic predecessors. Thou shall not suffer a witch to live, is a common theme of the fundies.


King David, the one who stole Jerusalem from the Palestinian’s ancestors, that had been non Jewish for 1,000 years before the theft? Jeremiah and Ezekiel condemned the Jews for their demon worshiping practices. So the evil Jews have been practicing Satanism, sorcery and witchcraft long before Christ. Which is why Christ identified them as being evil and Satanic.

The fact is that Christianity doesn’t teach murdering witches, but Judaism teaches a whole range of racist and other vile crimes, including pedophile mass rape by cannibal prostitutes. Which is why it should be outlawed. Christ’s mission was to correct the problems caused by the evil Jews and provide humanity with proper teachings in natural and creational law that the Satanic Jews perverted.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes comparing the original Written laws to the new Oral laws is an eye opener. Jesus despised the Pharisees and the Oral laws they followed, he was a follower of the Written laws that Moses brought back.


And he rightly identified the Jews as being Satanic for their perversions of the old testament and their evil practices. As did Jeremiah and Ezekiel before him. It was obvious that these people were a problem from early on.

passan ghassan

These are the fundies same as the secularists are fighting across all spectrums . All Jews do not live by the Talmud just as all Christians do not live by the Old Testament. The same way racism exists in all cultures and all cultures resist the same racism by any other name it’s the same. One cannot be an antiracist by spouting racist stereotypes, those stereotypes exist across the religious spectrum. Obviously we are calling for secular unity against all racist religious bigotry.


The Talmud claims to be the “oral interpretation” of the old testament. None of the objectionable material in the Talmud that claims to be from the old testament is in the old testament. It’s a sick and twisted perversion of the old testament by a Satanic cult that should be outlawed. You can’t provide a similar criticism of Christianity for this material because it’s not in the bible and Christianity condemns this material. –

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re referring to the Oral laws in the Talmud which are nothing but a perversion of the Original Written laws, the ones that Moses was supposed to have brought back. The Pharisees were the equivalent to modern day lawyers, and they amended those original Written laws into what the Jews now call the Oral laws. If you compare the original Written laws to the newer Oral laws you wouldn’t even recognize them as being the same law sometimes. True perversion.


Yeah.., the book hand written by some psychopath Khazars rabai of devil cult decades ago..! The authentic Semitic Jews will always embraced Torah which makes them and Arabs could live and tolerates each other for decades b4 Khazars came and create a huge colony of squatters


What are you, some kind of nut case? Israel hasn’t stood by Assad, it’s attacked Syria 100 times as part of it’s Yinon plan to keep the middle east divided and in turmoil.


“Syrians have no desire to be forced into Hijab or beards”, that is the reason Shia, Sunni and Christians are together in the Syrian Arrmy fighting those Wahhabi Sunni from Saudi. Alawites are a Shia sect, and like Persians are Caucasian and secular. There are 23 different ethnic groups within Syria, all protected by the Syrian government. Assad asked for the help of the Iran, and Syrians are grateful for that help.

Cedric Hunter

Killing Assad is pointless. SYRIA will move past him one way or another.




it is possible but the world just don;t function like that you know what I mean, they can send 1 or 2 or 5 Cruise missiles on his palace and they have chance to kill him you know, although Syrians can intercept Cruise Missiles but they will just pour 50 at his palace and Syrian air defense will cannot handle that much and many of those will hit the Assad palace and they can kill him.


Exactly. It’s like using nuclear option. All hell will break loose and escalation will not on their terms or control.

You can call me Al

But is will also set Syria to be on the same course as Libya if Assad goes now… which of course is what they want.


Maybe but not what’s their biggest Ally USA would want. So far the USA is unwilling to escalates further directly against Russian Forces. If anything it only created problem if Israel become the aggressors.

You can call me Al

Let us hope you are right; they are acting rather insane at the moment and the bequest of Israel.

Elisabeth Jenders

Iranian forces are in Syria to support Syria fighting terrorists (even though these may be Zionist proxies). Iran has not, and will not, attack Israel from Syria. This is a world of a difference. The fact that Bibi’s latest powerpoint presentation on Iranian nukes backfired may have made him become unpredictably aggressive now.

Vincent Van Zyl

How about Iran and Russia take out Israel leadership for allowing terrorists to operate their TERRORtory


The USSR wasn´t able to stop IL. Russia has no chance.


If they could eliminate Assad, they would have done it a long time ago.


Just look what the Israel is doing to the Palestinians, same as the Americans https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/02748f648ed486535b9ccabbcf6ddeae00783842ebc3a298699a7e11b6053b80.jpg did to the Indians 200 years ago, that’s what is happening now in Israel, this is what Israel is doing to the Palestinians, cuz the Americans exterminate 98% of the Indians from their land and now are living on their lank typical scenario isn’it.


In the first map at left there is no Israel.

passan ghassan

Arabic culture is not exactly indigenous. The Arabs who invaded Syria were not first time invaders these are waves of invasion throughout history cutting the tongues and hands of the native people more each time. Turkey occupied the region and do we dare mention Siberia. At any rate Zionist racism was appalling even to other Jews from Arab countries. it’s the same human disgrace that can only be resisted by not demoting ourselves to the same racism we are fighting.


Not sure if you’re confused or just an ignorance.. (my apologies) but if looked back in history after the demised of Muhammad from every sunni & Shia books.. you’ll understand that the roots of all these Arab problems came through the lusts of power, hatred & revenge of it.. If ur a sunni.. just look back(read) at the incident (tragedy) of Saqifah Bani Sa’idah between Muhajirin & Ansar and read what had happened there and the so called musyawarrah you people have been duped to and indoctrinated with for decades..! where only a grave digger and a friend (who ran away from jihad) took the hands of another friends (whom also ran from jihad) in making him a khalifah while the prophet’s body still lying there in the house of Bani Hashim.. So, that is where it’s wars all over that period..! Read also Bani Umayyah and Abbasi, whom arw much, much worst intrems of their atrocities than Isis or the same scales..! The Quran can’t be changed by human as a guarantee and even challenged by God in the Quran itself.., but alhadith (men written book) can always be fabricated, cut out and/or add in to their likings..! Just look at Bukhari &/@ Muslim hadith book of 1965-67 and compare it with latest one you have in hand.., especially those funded by the wahbabi saud..! If you are a Muslim try to learn the history of the prophet 3yrs@3mths@1mths@7days@3days… b4 his demised to get the right picture of our Islamic history.. and if you can give time on it.. I suggest you should stop being a Muslim.. why I’m saying this.. coz, as an Arabic a Sayyed, it’s a shame and very much disgraced for me to called myself as and Arabic when I can’t even do or delivers simple thing as the prophet did..! Read also the Hajj Wada’ or (Wida’ in other Arabic slang) HasbiAllah ‘Alaik..!

Nigel Maund

Great picture – thanks for sharing! This is destruction of the Palestinians and their homeland by 1,000 cuts. Only the Zionists could get away with apartheid and genocide on this scale, thanks to Israel’s founders – the Anglo American Zionist Bankster – Corporatist Cabal headed up by the Rothschild’s clan.


You’re absolutely right… the same thing happened to the reservations…. every time there was an excuse to take a little more…. Time to take it Back… All in One Big Swoop… To Long has the World Been in the Hands Of Psychopathic Cockroaches…

Hide Behind

Yup Indians lost it by surrendering after they ran out of Bullsh. When shi. hit the ground they folded and tried to make it a Historic stand, a victory THEY went to homes on reservation hands. out for welfare goods. THEY had not even one trading good left after trading in even their dignity. Today they dance in white mans clothes with jewelry needs and feather made in Asia and Bangladesh. All the supposed Arab and Eurocentrics aid to support Palestinians was and still is nothing but piles of bullsh..!


The Natives of a land Called America were Completely and utterly Exterminated… not many Full-Bloods around these days… most are mixed or part Blood… The Hang-Around-The-Forts were the ones that survived…the Ones that left the Reservations were hunted Down like Animals.. all the Brave Warriors Died in the many Battles the U.S. kept on waging… Shiploads of Mercenaries from All over the World were brought in to Finish them off for good… the Indian Boarding Schools Led By Jesuit and Christian Priests did the rest…Forcefully Destroying the Savage & their Traditions inside.. by Raping and Killing the little Native Girls & Boys…. yeah it looks a lot like Palestine…Too Much like Palestine… History repeats itself Over & Over again…

Hide Behind

Very apt description of early US. What was left out was that culture in US continued on through multiple foreign wars unto today’s US. While as back then the rudest brutish mentality, a mentality that they still hide behind the flag. As back in early times the more civilized of the South and Eastern seaboard population played the “genteel crocodile tears over plight of savages” and today as then those pious white folk took advantage of prosperity from slaughter by the few, hands clean no cost oor disturbance to their lives. US still great country to come too as easy money, even while US is F’n over and killing while stealing resources of their birthplaces. And then US sets in place no more than a reservation for conquered peoples.


This tells us somethin’ about the nature of Human Bein’s…the Ignorance of Almost All Westerners, it protects their way of Livin’ and Lifestyle… I think they pretend to not Know… but they know… and as a cure for their Souls they donate a couple of Euros, Dollars or Pounds to some NGO to get rid of their guild…as soon as you open your eyes.. you come to realise that the Bullshit is right in front of us and all around day in day out very easy to see…


The history of the Jews is one of GENOCIDE, read their own books and you will see that they occupy other territory by committing GENOCIDE ON THE NATIVE PEOPLE OF THOSE LANDS.


This is terrorist warning from Israeli migrants. Israeli migrants do terrorism in Palestine so Israel don’t want that somebody come and stop them from terrorism or to protect and rescue Palestinian civilians from them.

Steve Bell

They tried to eliminate Hezbollah in 2006, but crawled back across the border bawling like babes. Google “crying IDF troops 2006” for some photos of the results of their mission.

Brother Thomas

Eliminate Assad? Isn’t that what they have been trying to do for the past 5+ years?

The Farney Fontenoy

They’ve been trying via proxies, now they are saying they will do it themselves. It’s bluster, of course, if they did, they can kiss goodbye any goodwill Arab countries still have toward Israel, so really, they want the US to do it.


Not much in regards of who already on board but for other who stands on the sideline will rethink any alignment towards Israel which means towards USA coalition. The world population doesn’t work with threat or terrors as already proved by the defeat of every imperialists throughout history.

chris chuba

They are now saying that they will bomb the Presidential Palace in Baghdad.

The U.S. calls Iran the leading terrorist country for a bogus plot to kill a Saudi Ambassador in sacred Washington DC. A plot that was never carried out and was setup by the Saudis and MEK to frame the Iranians, linked to Iran based on a single phone call.


Presidential palace in Damascus.

The Farney Fontenoy

This kind of talk would be laughably embarrassing if these paranoid and hysterical lunatics weren’t so damned dangerous, however they are inadvertently telling the whole world how utterly weak & desperate they are; they cannot win a war on their own and desperately need the USA to fight it for them, and with the increasing weakness of US influence in the mid-East the US might soon not be in a position to fight & the Israelis are utterly terrified that if they wait too long, there will be no war at all.


I imagine such a targeted killing would be on the IDF to do list, but high profile assassinations are not as easy to pull off as they sound. In any case the IDF wants to give Assad a reason to restrain Iran.


Don’t thing Assad will give a damn


Lol since when it hasn’t ? It has cried to Russia when the USA failed to do it. Even now Assad position still unshakable. No amount of money seems to work to kill him by subversion.


First we all agree. Forget about the feel good threats by Israel as they had been trying very very hard to portray they are still a power to be reckoned with.

Second we can conclude that israeli intelligence have confirmed Iran will strike .

Thirdly, Israel is in panic mood and they know they would be clobbered ig they try to take on Iran

chris chuba

For the sake of regional stability, Russia has to let Syria have S300’s.

Israel is threatening to assassinate the head of another state who is trying to piece his country back together while they support rebels trying to destroy his country.


“For the sake of regional stability, Russia has to let Syria have S300’s”

Good that PUTIN gives the S-400 to TURKEY and (!!!!!!!))) Saudi-Arabia ( that means that automatically the USA and ISRAEL get 2-3 pieces each, to analyze and copy) ????!! If you see smoke, usually something burns there.. I already have the feeling that Putin uses ASSAD to have something to SELL for Russia’s return to DAVOS in the Globalist Raptors Club and the recognition of Crimea, no sanctions and so on..

WTF is this? ALEPPO: stops when the Al-Qaeda/CIA-scvmbags get beaten… and retake the fights when tehyb are resupplied BUT John Kerry doesn’t make an offer Putin cannot refuse (SIC!)

ISRAEL sends a drone till Damascus to kill a high-ranking Hezbollah-leader and PUTIN’s S-400 or Pantsir don’t react, let the Israelis kill the ALLY (??!)

SAUDIS & TURKEY get S-400 and THE ( called) ALLIES IRAN and Syria don’t get even the S-300 and the SU-30 MK that IRAN paid already 10 years ago for both countries ( over 40 Billion USD Iran +40 Bill USD present for Syria! and RUSSIA cashed-in the money already!)

NETANYAHU tells ( in fact ORDERS) PUTIN not to interfere in ISRAEL’s military actions in SYRIA (??????!!!!!)

Easily but sure, it looks like Russia has no friends, has no enemies, has just INTERESTS ( VERY BRITISH, The Perfidious Albion will be now “The Perfidious Mishka-Bear”?

Just READ THIS ( 2-3 minutes all of it, BUT WHAT 3 MINUTES !!!) https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2018/05/03/russia-know-whats/ Dr. Paul-Craig Roberts, an analyst respected by The Saker..

Promitheas Apollonious

put not by all, who read the bullshits he writes, which are not much different than alex jones. A has been that show his bitterness into his writing.


Don’t play stvpid cause you risk to remain like that. This is what PUTIN did in Socialist Eastern-Germany/DRESDEN, too : a few of his German ex-spies told the German-TV that he just went to St-Petersburg and left them back to fall in the hands of the BND ( the German-asset of the CIA). The guy is PRAGMATIC and reckless. He is ( NO QUESTION OF THAT!) a RUSSIAN patriot 100%, but you shouldn’t turn your back to him if Russia has something to win if you’re dead. Not even if you are a Russian FSB-officer and happens that you maybe know TOO MUCH about things you shouldn’t.. IVAN!

And if PCR tells BS, THE SAKER must tell BS, too. Deal with it!

We’ll see what RUSSIA DOES when ISRAEL starts to bomb ASSAD’s compounds to kill him or send some MOSSAD-killers to get him when he goes out like a decent normal Syrian citizen and buys something on the market or goes to movie with his wife ( I’m sure you saw the clips in Internet). That what I don’t like by you “partizans & fan-clubs” of one or the other “party involved” == if it isn’t like you wish in your wishful thinking it’s automatically not true, or you simply get out the PROPAGANDA big stick and start to hit around you. That’s (you’re right!) an ALT-RIGHT KEKS & PEPES- REDNECKS’ behavior. Well knows from the Waffen-SS = the Führer has always right… even if he does a lot of stvpid things. (SEE Prison-Planet & Donald TRUMP or even WORSE, that Pro-Jewish-Zionist sh*t-hole called BREITBART) Even in a football-game, not only by analyzing Politics, you have to show some FAIR-PLAY and respect your challenger and not behave like a British Soccer-HOOLIGAN. take a few seconds and think on all this.

I may bet that IRAN will be attacked by the USA and STILL the S-300 won’t be there.. And Assad remains with a half of his country after some f*king “Peace-Conference”. where Assad will be TRADED not participant. Sorry but I’m afraid it will be so. I only hope that I’M WRONG, I would really be glad to be wrong in this!

Promitheas Apollonious

A good advice maybe you should follow it your self and before you conclude as you did here using as an answer Putin, to search whom you voting for or whom you believe because someone else is using him to fill empty pixel space and you trust him because someone else does or he dosent and just using him for all of you to read what you want to hear. It is good business after all among the sheep.

It is easy for any one with an I.Q. of 30 and above to put the dots together if is able to search available info. For example this is who Dr? Paul-Craig Roberts is. Jusat check the club he belongs to.

Early life and career

From 1975 to 1978, Roberts served on the congressional staff. As economic counsel to Congressman Jack Kemp,[6] he drafted the Kemp-Roth bill (which became the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981). He served as economic counsel to Senator Orrin Hatch,[7] The Wall Street Journal editor Robert L. Bartley offered him an editorial slot. He wrote for the WSJ until 1980.[8] He was a senior fellow in political economy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, then part of Georgetown University.[6]

From early 1981 to January 1982, Roberts served as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy.

After his time in government he turned to journalism, holding positions of editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal, columnist for Business Week, the Scripps Howard News Service as well as contributing editor to Harper’s Magazine.

Roberts was professor of business administration and professor of economics at George Mason University and was the inaugural William E. Simon Chair in Political Economy at Georgetown University, serving for 12 years.

From 1993 to 1996, he was a distinguished fellow at the Cato Institute. He also was a senior research fellow at the Hoover Institution.[9][10]

Search the organizations who belonged to and his past deeds. Then we discuss it again if you wish. When they attack my country friend, I make it my business to know all about my enemies and the enemies of humanity. Because all failed or sleepers of the system suddenly using reverse psychology on you and you always fall fro it, prove of what I am saying is what all of you voting for leaders, or whom you follow blindly, does not mean nothing. So believe what you like I am not pro anything, beside my own motherland and my people. So dont mistake me because I have an opinion for any ones follower.

I have no friends beside the ones who have proven themselves to me by protecting my back in war and are friends of 40 years. The rest to me watching them how they go about and their single digits I.Q., are nothing but targets when the situation rise.


Since his Last Post, I didn’t Like Mister Paul Graig Roberts words that much any more… the Next Day the Saker came with a Story that was Saker’s. Not everything can be True… especially these days.. All Peoples can do is trying to get as close as possible…Sometimes Truth Years Later turns out to be a nothing but a Lie… and The Lie all of a sudden becomes the Truth..these things happen all the Time…


Sure, AL have to vote you up, he told me the same yesterday. And I only hope that I’m wrong you two are right. But my feeling says that something stinks in that “higher spheres” of the Global Politics.

Promitheas Apollonious

always is a stingy place in the higher spheres it does not take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Have you ever seen any politician that is not foul smelly and dishonest? It is their job to be worst than whores on heat, so why are you surprised?


Not only that, Syrian war is actually Russian war because of the pipeline and hundreds of thousands of Syrians died for Russia.

Yet Syria cannot even have a lousy outdated S300 let alone S400 Saudis can get without hesitation.

Bad deal. Assad should have allowed that pipeline


Assad should have allowed that pipeline

this was my idea already 2 years ago.


1 . Your right, Putin’s/Russia is very pragmatic and self serving in foreign policy and interests. Hes definitely a die hard Nationalist. BUT noone supported Russia when needed including Syria .2 Putin is good at politically playing the goodguy and voice of reason. While asserting Russia position at sametime. 3. Israel .And Russia are not allies nor does Russia answer to Israel . They have deep political, historical,cultural even economic ties that Putin has to consider. Russia doesn’t oppose Israel . Just opposes American hegemony and her encroachment on Russian spheres of influence and borders. And threatening security with atbm and NATO .4 .Russia only reasons/interests in Syria is the pipeline war, its only Mideast bases, power struggle for influence over America, challenge U.S dominance, assert itself militarily and maybe more. But Russia owes no allegiance to noone .

You can call me Al

1 S-300 system will be overwhelmed and destroyed in a blink of an eye lid. Now if The Lebanon had them + anti-air missiles, as well as Syria, Palestine and so on, maybe a chance. Personally, with Iran’s assistance maybe the point of making the first attack might be being discussed.


S-300 can cover Lebanon as well and enough Mediterranean sea in front of Lebanese coast all the way to Cyprus – but not one system, 3-4 battalions at least – 24 launchers. The key is having a multi layered system with BUK and KVADRAT batteries supporting S300s and those in turn covered with enough TORs, Pansirs and even Shilkas – all linked up in a single AD network sharing recon and targeting data in real time. S-350s Vityaz would be perfect for covering any mid range blind spots but these are not operational yet. Now as long as IAF doesn’t knock out all the radar stations that would be detecting and targeting drones, missiles and planes – and as long as there’re Russian ground based radars, drones and AWACS operating out of Khmeimin they won’t – Syria can defend it’s air space with ease. Although few dozen air superiority fighters – S-30s for example – would come in handy. And couple of thousands ballistic and cruise missiles to retaliate – after all offense is the best defense…

Promitheas Apollonious

yes but have you think that with all the airforce israel has if they start what they are inching to do, must have some place to land them after the retaliation against them starts? As the nato found out starting all the wars they started, you must be able also finish them something they never learn to do beside losing every war they started.

Unless all of you expect none will retaliate against them. What I am wondering is what role russia is playing in all this game. My understanding is they are going to take clear side when the time is right but then what they doing right now it does make very little sense, as far the global picture goes. Also they seem to have very strange partners, let alone they call every one a partner.


Russia doesn’t need to pick sides formally – on the contrary being on “friendly” terms with Israel while supplying and supporting Syria is much better situation and a one for which Israel doesn’t have a good answer too. Israel can’t attack Russians in Syria directly – not if they don’t want to experience a cruise missile rain that would wipe out half it’s airforce basis in an afternoon. As long as Russian assets and especially radars and early warning systems are off limits for IAF Syrian AD can’t be defeated. Syrians don’t even have to turn their active radars on, just link up with the Russians and shoot. And i don’t know why are people so upset with Putin calling the West his partners – ever heard of sarcasm…


plus awacs systems, plus electronic jamming systems, plus network of differents radars. this is unreal tournament for syria. this country had no money for such aa/ad system before cevil war, today not in the least.


Russia giving Syria the systems for free as had been stated


never gave. sy pays in advance.


Believe you ? You said Syria had no money … yet paid in advance? You contradict your silly self. LOL

Good try ..


Russians told this clearly. Cca 1 year ago tthey sent one batch of tanks, and stressed, for these as exception, Sy will pay after delivery. But nit in the next decade. Iran pays for russian weapons. iran is the real friend of syria.


How can you use 1 year ago statement as though policies are static. Don’t you think you are just trying very hard to evade the main issue , Russia had stayed publicly these are to be free?

Refuse to lose your argument ….lol typical


First, this is basic principle of soviet/russian military business. i dont need to read about this, i know it. Second, the deal was year ago, inbetween were other shipments and paymants in advance.

focus yourself on more important questions. e.g., how many dollars wlill you send for syria?


Israel doesn’t have that kind of money either. That’s why they get bns of $ in US aid. Syria already has most of the eqp I listed. They’ll get S300 in exchange for oil/gas rights for Gasprom and Russian radars and awacs are working already – gratis…


You are absolutely right. But russia will not give gratis weapons. russi has not enough money for its army. this year again decreased the budget. ifficially by 3-4%, inofficially by 10%. this is the reason, why ussr and now russia never had chancce to build up allied countries. egypt can buy 200 russian tanks, this is nothing in comparison of 4000 all egyptians tanks. but while yanks give yearly 2-2.5 billion dollars to egypt, egypt will not leave usa. russians are economically weak. poor, 3rd world country. china buys governments in africa. and has lot of friendly countries. without money gifts no country has chance. this is the wrong info for syria. they will have only those weapons, for which pay. in advance.


Nobody gives sh*t for free -especially not in international relations. US is BUYING Egyptians off making sure they don’t pose problems for Israel. The mere fact that Egypt is buying T-90s – with US cash I might add – proves that buying allies is not the best way to form alliances. Russia is reducing it’s military budget not because they are “weak, poor, 3rd world country” – you must be an idiot to write that about a country that has a GDP (PPP) of 4 trillion USD and is few bucks behind Germany on that list. Russians (unlike yourself) have read (and written) all the rules on how to fight a WW3. Main ammo in this conflict is – cash, not bullets or cruise missiles. The proxy hot part of WW3 Russians can fight with slightly modernized Soviet equipment – Syrian experience proved that. They don’t need 2.000 T-14 Armatas – 600 T-90s and 1.500 T-72B3s can do the job good enough. US spends trillions of USD they don’t have on military equipment that doesn’t work, because it’s the only industry that actually produces something in the US. But with all the bns spent Us Army is actually weaker compared to their adversaries. While US spends money on F-35 that cant fly, cant detect targets, can’t carry enough weapons, can’t shoot and isn’t really stealthy – Russians and Chinese build hyper-sonic missiles for the fraction of the cost. And who would attack Russia anyways – Germany??? with it’s 9 operating Leopards per tank brigade and a grand total of 3 flyable Typhoons? As long as Russian agricultural, industrial and energy output grows – and it grows despite your wishes and US sanctions – Russia can fight the war and help it’s allies.

You can call me Al

“But isn’t that what I said in 1 S-300 system will be overwhelmed and destroyed in a blink of an eye lid” ?. 4 or 5 linked up f course would be of great benefit.


Ah got it now, 1 battalion consist of 6 launchers….apologies, I didn’t know that.


Wow that is the worst treat i have ever heard,a repeat of world war one. The Isreal State will be in serious ad with the Russian state and the reat if the world,Isreal might have been created by a purchase made bu the Rockefeller but they wealth wouldn’t been enought to protect them.

Promitheas Apollonious

so the khazar clones, are shitting in their pants and farting loudly again, like a poodle making as much noise they can, hoping to scare what scared them shitless.


– America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars –




Evil Jew Warmongers:


Tudor Miron

Bibi’s panic is becoming disproportional.


Think it like he’s trying to escape the frying pan by putting gunpowder on the stoves. Kinds of amazing for a jew that so adept at corruption, fraud, and lies that he could actually do terrific job on said specialties to jews themselves of all things.


Jews are in red. Click on the image to see an expanded view of the Jew parasites who control the US war machine propaganda lies:



CNN, NBC, NYT. All Jews:



How did that old Polish saying go? A Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you…After bragging about +100 air strikes on Syria, after killing dozens of Iranian soldiers fighting ISIL, after targeting weapons and ammo used exclusively against Wahhabi scum, after Iranians fired zero missiles from Syria towards Israel, after Syrians didn’t entered once in Israeli air space and Iranians maybe once with an unarmed drone, these pirates threaten openly with state terrorism and assassination. Unfortunately to be expected from a country whose Speaker of parliament calls for kneecapping underaged girl protestors, with PM pardoning army medic shooting wounded prisoners in the head. Hell these guys killed their own prime minister for faking to want peace with Arabs too convincingly. These people need to be quarantined and BDSed back to the Bronze Age…


Judaism should be outlawed and the planet dejudified to create a Jew free world. Israel should have never been admitted to the UN in the fiest place. It’s one of the smallest members and has more resolutions against it by far than any other member. It should be delisted and replaced with Palestine.

This is the problem, evil Jews and their collaborators in massive crimes against humanity :


US-Navy Revert Shia

I RIDE THE NYC SUBWAY EVERY DAY AND READ THE TALMUD TO THE FOLKS ON THE SUBWAY-TRAIN ABOUT WHAT YOU jews NEVER CAPITALIZE THE WORD ” https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/15bf42c4f8e141fd81b1a6c3da1fd067ea2778dc311ba005e0a73a2aca267fbc.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e3c56a9df81bb5680bbce36c53338d700edd9ec2c65aea8919a6dcdc21fb2f32.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ed81253cc96d4948baf58e3352fb0631b0b27de782bccd6939c969fd44b2ef68.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0f25d094ac404d018ae9d251e07252a001fdb3f57e7897e437c197c70754ecbd.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d0f6556e9901351798f0a175293a2046351978e91728907c39f0a27b57df6980.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e861fd3ef1bfd5b9d6aa58b751610a98810035022cb614be0b49826be1377f94.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6e55eb9386184c235ea76f7b78d450c35c20212e2250b9d6a050762dfeda9112.jpg jew” TEACH YOUR CHILD ABOUT JESUS MOST WANT ME TO SPEAK IN THERE CHURCH ITS OVER SCUMBAGS Sad same BS From the most TWISTED Apartheid Terror State Created By Satan ISISraHELL, Sad the Knesset is Shook To the Bone Shook Shitless Now We Have ISISraHELL Telling The World What We Already Know Only Cowards act out with there mouth…….Look you Fags the [IDF] Common folks like Myself know in 2006 in 33-days Lebanon whipped your Ass, Now 13-yrs Later with Satellite Guided Missiles Hezbollah or Lebanon as a Whole as you say Can Hit Netanyahu-di right up his Unshaved As- No Sunna Al Fitra with with these Neanderthal Khazarian Warmogers Once the Evil Spell is Broken In America you Talmudic Satanist have over the Christian Church you will all die……

Smith Ricky

lol good luck with that Isrehelll.


Which amounts to an Israeli Cabinet minister’s open threat to assassinate the executive leadership of their Syrian neighbor. Israel creates its own problems.


Israel. How about you end your support of the islamists and withdraw from the golan heights. That way. you won’t need to worry as much about the so called “iran threat”.

Promitheas Apollonious

dont spoil the game. one all thinking humans been waiting to start for a very long time now.

Joe Dirt

Iran. Stop play proxy wars funding terrorist like Hezbollah and Hamas. OR you will get bombed while kissing your carpet!

Your profile pic is shit, the American flag does not stand with Syrian scum!


Any suggestions?

Joe Dirt

Nuke Iran and Saudi Arabia


I agree with Nuking and exterminating any country that spreads radical islamic ideologies. For once, I agree with you.


I have seen you on South Front a lot lately. and your a anti zionist as well. But oppose Iran, Syria and the West As Well. I need some clarification from where you stand.

Promitheas Apollonious

khazars is time to learn that what goes around comes around.

And all will happen in good time.

Feudalism Victory


Lena Jones

Death of Israel? Sure, why not? https://platosguns.com/2018/05/01/death-of-israel/

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