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MARCH 2025

Israel Will Not Accept Limitations On Actions In Syria From Russia – Defense Minister

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Israel Will Not Accept Limitations On Actions In Syria From Russia - Defense Minister

Avigdor Lieberman

Israel will not accept limitations on its “actions” in Syria from any countries including Russia, Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said April 16.

The statement came followed the April 9 strike by Israeli forces on Syria’s T4 airbase and the April 14 strike by the US and its allies on various targets across Syria.

“We will maintain total freedom of action. We will not accept any limitation when it comes to the defense of our security interests,” Lieberman said in an interview with the Walla media outlet,according to AFP.

“But we do not want to provoke the Russians. We have an open line of communication at the level of senior officers,” the minister said. “The Russians understand us and the fact is that for years we have managed to avoid friction with them.”

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Pave Way IV

You need an education on limits, acceptance and defense of your interests. Class is in session, you little pricks.



On the road to Victory !! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vP7NbCi8s6w

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Just all in one week F,UK,US and Weasreal all violated international law in Bombing Syria on Bogus claims of CW attacks and unlike previous attack all missiles were intercepted! Guess France never got over the evacuation.

Well in other unrelated news Happy Independence Day Syria !!! Hip hip Huzzah !!!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Weasreal is flying multiple waves at Syrian airbases while hiding behind the Lebanese Mountains to fire there missiles can’t tell if they are now hitting T-4 or Shayrat Airbases again many reports from residents and military. This might be Weasreal trying to use Psychotic madman warfare by trying to hit all the bases in the south near Lebanon Border.


Pantsirs to Beirut.

fuck you

who cares whether its true or not the fact remains that the west attacked and russia iran and syria cant do nothing about they’re scared russia wont risk a costly war for a beaten country with little benefits your ignorant to think that russia is helping syria because they’re good friends lol wishful thinking bro wishful thinking

Concrete Mike

That blind fold must be tight dude, bet you got a whisked unibrow under there.

fuck you

i sure do your mom has seen it ask her about it lol

Concrete Mike

That’s the best you got a mom comeback? She shoulda swallow you boy, as of this morning she still doesn’t. Even after I greaser her up with pure crisco


Gosh Mike that is kinda harsh, she swallowed mine and a few of the other fellows really like the way she can do 3 at a time, although the hi pitched panting is a bit much.

fuck you

lol nice bro that’s a good one you put alot of thought into that one keep up the good work and just maybe you’ll be lucky enough to get roasted by me lol


You are allowed to come here with ridiculous, offensive moniker and say what ever you want. Typical can dish it out, but can’t take it. Empty threats of violence. Bring it Fatso. She said you would get really mad if I used that other name so I won’t.

fuck you

lol ok … boo who cry me a river …i don’t know who “she” is or what your talking about but good for you pal i honestly could give a rats ass what you say or call me.. whatever floats your boat lol


Hey man stay with the tour or go back to Libtard village, maybe Hillary will poop in your mouth again, that sure got you going the last time. Your logic is loose and so is your b hole, why not GFYS Fatso!

this name is better

lol ok buddy i’ll be sure to do that thanks for your hospitality in means alot lol


Nah should have changed it to fatso, fatso

this name is better

lol god your just so nice that’s why my attitude changed i’m meeting incredible people like you its a blessing if so lol

this name is better

want some advice?? BLOCK ME !!! its as simple as that pal quit stressing yourself out because of how i act and what i say geesh your making such a fuss over me get the stick out your ass … if you don’t wanna block me for whatever reason then simply ignore me you act like that shit is hard … dude your gonna come across alot of people you wont like if your getting so worked up over me somebody you have never even met i feel sorry for you dude lol


You ain’t bothering me son. You picked on someone you should not have, I saw you do it and I won’t have it. Losing that ridiculous handle was a sensible sign. You’re right there are a lot of smart folks around, I ain’t one of them. But I will protect those I respect with all the nasty crap I learned in four years in the military. So I suggest you read more and keep your mouth shut so you don’t look like a shit for brains, kapeesh?

this name is better

lol ok bro good for you god will reward you for it lol

this name is better

and i disagree your smart and i sincerely mean that whether you like it or not brotha but calling me names and insulting me wont prove a point to me there’s a saying that goes “dont argue with an idiot because if people are around they wont be able to tell the difference”

this name is better

“but i will protect those i respect with all the nasty crap i learned in four years in the military ” what exactly does that mean ? lol are you going to find me and kill me or what ? lol like i said you need to chill out and stop stressing over somebody like me ..not being able to ignore people who annoy you is your flaw i would say

fuck you

i’m 160 and out of shape in case your wondering lol


Hey man don’t come on to me! 160 Kg is still too skinny for my taste.

this name is better

that’s lame dude be more creative if your going to insult me

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well you and your buddy Fuck You and Boris Kazlov should treat his mother better and stop spraying just saying.

fuck you

lol you make fun of me for making a mama joke but you just made a mama joke lol your fucking stupid lol


another child hear from. grow up.

fuck you

re write what you said because i dont get it another child hear grow up … did you mean to say here or hear ?? be grateful bro i usually dont respond to shit i dont comprehend



fuck you

oh ok that makes sense cool appreciate it


of course you don’t comprehend, your head is in your ass

fuck you

lol ouch bro way to cut me deep lol excuse me i’m going to get my head out my ass apparently its in there lol real nice wiseguy i’m speechless and beat your the king lol


of course Russia is doing something.. Syria is the last buffer zone of defense..!

fuck you

is that so ?? please explain from what i understand is that russia threatened the west if military action was taken but there was no response in a military fashion they came up with a resolution to condemed the west for the strike which was rejected … and how is syria the last buffer zone ?? i’m not insulting i’m asking

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Explain why the British subs ran from the region, can you explain,probably not is my assumption. Why do the US sponsored trolls come out now can you please explain especially on a site from Europe.

fuck you

lol your fucking sad bro that’s all your going to throw at me ?? i asked for an explanation that i was willing to hear but you just attacked me lol your funny

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well simple all of the fleet stayed out of range and the sad and weak attempt mounted to more bluff from the west and not so much from Russia. You did now there were multiple attacks planned which were put on hold after they had made many unpopular enemies abroad and at home, besides when Russia turned on it’s missile defense system the pinging was ringing in the pilots ears. Then Russia launched it’s planes and US told them they were standing down words from AFRICOM and CENTCOM were hilarious wish you wee there as the old song goes.

fuck you

if they were so scared of russia then why weren’t they deterred this time ??? it makes no sense bro and they aren’t going to set up ships right next to the coast its strategic to be able to punch from a distance while avoiding a punch its not rocket science … show me the link that shows africom and centcom saying that… and why would africom say that there’s very little tension or russian troops in africa and the united states isn’t focus on russia in africa it makes no sense dude but i’m willing to listen

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Asked a simple question this is just common fact can you explain why you won’t talk about it?

fuck you

lol talk about what ??lol i don’t even know where your going with this lol





fuck you

lol ok

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Seems like a pathetic attempt both times 73 missiles did nothing but get destroyed, the other turns out to be US and Weasreal Jamming radar systems to create ghost attacks more pathetic nonsense from the Anglo-Zios , why you mad and so sad cry baby wanker!!

fuck you

lol you don’t like me do you ?? i’m sorry my opinion doesn’t suit you but hey blame free will for that lol cheer up pal if you flag me enough i might just leave and you can return to your fairytale lol

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Just find you offer no real opinion just blather and you want to push your own narrative , you should check on how diplomacy works in the real world and how to avoid open world conflict before making base assumptions.

fuck you

lol alright wise guy why don’t you explain it to me so i can understand … and don’t throw just an insult because it doesn’t explain shit … i’m serious i’m willing to listen to you

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Fact remains 70% of missiles were destroyed and last night again 9 destroyed from Israel. Seems they are all weak and using junk by Raytheon and you almost sound like a salesman trying to hawk their junkwares is pathetic.

fuck you

lol when have i promoted u.s equipment run that by when ?? i wouldn’t even know the names lol bro stop with your stupid insults your ignorance is showing again lol i can tell i get under your skin it amuses me

fuck you

i’m trying to have a reasonable conversation with you but you just keep throwing insults and critic me for having an opinion lol again that’s your ignorance showing and that’s pathetic

fuck you

and i think you ment to say syria is far from beaten … when i say syria is beaten i mean they have drained themselves for fighting for seven years sure they’re holding up but that long of a conflict will drag you down

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Syrian People are more united today than they ever were should see what it looks like when not being viewed askewed by Western media “Hiding away at their home countries” they have no sources other than these proxies backed by The GCC and supported by NATO. Have friends who have trained these exact same people in the Middle East and they say we have to get our governments to change their current policies and besides the trained them to be useless.

Many things in the west is not known about what is going on in Syria could suggest reading some good alternate sources like Elijah Magnier very insightful look, avoid western Analysts from Western Think Tanks whom Tucker and many others agree are over funded and under qualified.

Can only tell you what to look at can’t change your opinion only you can do that yourself by looking and learning at all sides of the coin which everyone forgets there is the round side no one explores.

fuck you

ok thanks i’ll check it out and get back to you about it … see we can have a conversation about our opinions without insult can’t we i’m open minded and willing to listen to people and try and understand different points in view god bless mate i will get back at you once i check out this sources for myself

fuck you

i was checking out this elijah fellow and yeah it is pretty insightful … let me ask you this do you think russia may have tampered with any evidence ?? and why does it take opcw a week to show up to the site besides bodies there’s really not much you can go off of don’t you think ?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Russia has no reason to but US does have in intimidating OPCW Bolton threatened him to resign in 24 hours Jose Busitano the former Commissioner 1997-2002 , he refused and the OPCW voted him out US plays dirty in this game. They had them omit the fact BZ was found in the Skripal’s blood and clothes by the Swiss Lab which is controlled by the government and the most prestigious laboratory in the world.

They found no bodies there and had gotten testimony and what they could from the site. They would also be smearing the IRC as they were there with the Russians. Amnesty would lie but not IRC in this matter. Have learned never to trust those who promote a narrative based on unconfirmed sources.

fuck you

well son of a biscuit that’s interesting … well its pointless to have it then … i wondered to myself nothing added up i questioned why assad would use chemical weapons when he was in a position of winning douma was bound to fall eventually so why bother? syria wouldn’t have a reason to do such an act especially since the united states was about to pull out … trump probably did wanna pull out it was part of his campaign speeches but he’s too influenced by other which i assume are mostly people from the republican party … i love the united states its my home but our government man its out of there sometimes … if we as humans have the potential to destroy the world with the click of a button why can’t we save it with the click of a button

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well Assad is winning in Dumayr, East Qalamoun and that is by design as we see there always easy paths to winning in these regions when they realize the West is more impotent than Russia is in this. We now see Iraq bombing ISIS in Eastern Syria , but we should ask why the US refuses to bomb ISIS are they actually as Heather Nauert claims as US assets to be defended under the constitution Article 2 as she claims or only at select times when it benefits the US.

this name is better

yeah its stupid they claim the turkish attack on afrin slowed the process down on attacking isis but its been weeks now since the operation and there’s still a lack of progress done so clearly there’s another goal or agenda that hasn’t been openly said … and that says alot to me that says there’s a strong lack of support from back home on the operations in syria … top ranking military officials are using the fight against terrorism to keep ground which everybody on this forum are aware of … like i stated before we have no business there were investing too much money when we could be using that money back home its stupid i personally don’t support it and most people i know agree with me …. you know i hate nikki haley she uses “the american people” want this or that as leverage on their decisions they make but the american people have no clue what happens in the middle east or anywhere else at that … our government is fucked up dont get me wrong i love my country but fear my government

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The US sad to say is spending money on the Military machine , should go to YouTube and look up In The Now they are Female Journalists who talk about this issue , they could have used the missile money to fund 75 million to replace the lead pipes in Flint and another was to use the money to build septic tanks where they are having high rates of ecoli etc.because of untreated raw sewage.

this name is better

i’m subscribed to that channel actually and have watched that video its repulsive to see a lack of government help to its people especially coming from a wealthy nation such as the states … the military spending is ridiculous and almost hard to believe that we need that much invested in our military sectors you would think with as much they have given the military in past decades they would be well financed and supplied for years to come but apparently that’s not the case … our government became a business and career instead of staying a public service to its people and i believe that to be a main concern and issue among governments alike across the globe

this name is better

nestle recently announced they would stop supplying flint with water because the water levels have been above the standards that the federal government has in place but even that water isn’t good enough and i don’t blame the people for refusing to drink it still i mean how could you believe the government when they’re the same government who poisoned the people to begin with … its stupid and i hate it … but what do i know i’m just a blue collar worker lol

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Governments have always been the greatest fear we face today mostly we find they reflect values not of the people of the Nation they represent, seems as if Operation Gladio has effectively hijacked some of the governments in the west.

this name is better

Its history repeating itself ..could you explain what operation gladio is ?i’ve never heard of the term

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Operation Gladio was developed as a cold war infiltration of all levels of political groups that started back in 1946 as it was a NATO initiative that started after 1945 as a buffer to communism and the Soviet Union. They were largely responsible for radicalizing all these groups we see today on both sides of the political spectrum. What happened to expose this group came to light in the 90’s an Italian Judge was leading an investigation into corruption and had happened upon this group who had killed and Kidnapped Italian minister blaming it on the Rossi Brigata. What happened to the investigation is believed to be Western and NATO pressure to cease the investigation as no further details of the investigation were known to be provided to the public after it’s infrastructure and operations had come to light back then. Your guess is as good as mine or anyone else’ as to why it was shut down.

Check by googling Operation Gladio should be wikipedia page on it.

Douglas Houck

“Damascus, SANA – A military source stated on Tuesday that Syria was not targeted by any foreign aggression last night.

In a statement to SANA, the source said that a false alarm of violating the Syrian airspace caused the air defense sirens to go off and a number of missiles to be fired, but no foreign attack on Syria took place”


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That has mixed signals on what actually happened so seen other reports but they might downplay what happened until they can figure out what actually went on. They also think that Israel might become more aggressive at T-4 airbase maybe this time the Israelis kill Russians whom are there.

Douglas Houck

Yes, mixed signals. Very much up in the air about all these missiles being fired. Time will tell.


oooh, thats classy. 3 Nuke superpowers attacked a nation already screwd by 7 years of attacks, but survived to tell the story – thats a victory in anyone’s terms – except baby killing Ziopuss!es and Yankee dipsh!ts

fuck you

lol let me just point out that those 3 super powers didn’t use a nuke on a strike so it makes sense why its not completely destroyed lol they were also limited strikes not a full blown war and as i pointed out earlier sure is still strong fighting but regardless the war has taken a toll on them as well all those missiles and troops and shit cost money i do agree with you about russia playing nice in the region and i think iran should have more leverage over syria than russia just like you said they started this coalition and i don’t rely on trump you clearly dont understand my point of view but that’s fine and my mama won’t do nothing because she’s just mom not a fucking politician lol good response thou i also agree that the strikes did little to no damage on the war and it was meaningless


It is meaningless ‘cos Trump called his buddy Putin to explain exactly WHAT they were going to do and so did Macron.That way, Trump gets to build a new Russian Trump tower in Moscow after leaving the White house.everybody except the ZioMonkeys and the US deep state are happy. And Assad keeps his balls to fight another day.

fuck you

lol yeah that is possible too i suppose

fuck you

do you have credible phone recordings of these claims ??? without proof your remark is meaningless buddy so i don’t know what to tell you


Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win”. ― Sun Tzu,


Macron’s evidence https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/64921daa46bbed57dad580b9ede8219e94179fb88c36c9558754f781f36e1c5e.jpg



Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Every inch of Syria Walla !

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Avigdor Weaselman decided to launch missile attacks from Israel and attacked Shayrat,T-4 airbase and Dumayr , all the missiles were intercepted before they reached Shayrat and T-4 Airbase only one missile managed to hit at Dumayr. Just not sure if this was the Weasreal or the US were flying under Weasreal colors!

I say Nuke the damn Weasreals and be done with the lot!!

fuck you

see bro this talk right here is senseless your no better than me or anybody for wanting to nuke people away you can’t actually think that every israeli has a desire for war ?? blame the governments not the people

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Nuke the Knesset and be done with it , am a hard ass when strength can make them understand when dealing with genocidal maniacs.

Boris Kazlov

You don’t say, Russia is stabbing Syria in the back by not providing them with S300, an already obsolete missile, just pandering to the wishes of Israel and its Western “partners”. They want to establish “air dominance and superiority”.

Alberto Campos

New nickname, same trolling.

fuck you

i agree bro i question the support russia gives syria … russia time after time have hurt assad by allowing israeli planes to constantly target facilities within syria and the lack of weapons or defence systems they have provided for them not to mention russia vowed to retaliate against western aggression but from the recent attack all they did is come up with a resolution that was turned down by the un it doesn’t make sense … most of the support comes in air power that’s it


Actually, they just need a class in “Big Talk 101”. I think they failed that one.


Israel needs to prepare itself because the counterpunch is going to hurt a lot:



The only solution !!

fuck you

lol that’s hilarious because they’ve been waiting for the counter punch for years good picture i watched this fight


Israel has accelerated its suicide.


Have you noticed that when Israhell popularity drops Hollywood releases a tons of film about Holocaust? Steven Spielberg et al…

Hisham Saber

It couldn’t have happened fast enough. The whole world will rejoice when the apartheid state comes to an end.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Having a hard time keeping up with the names of these various groups Jund al Aqsa has changed it’s name to Ansar al Tawhid way too many name changes for terrorists easier to call them that.

What amazing out pouring of support from West to East Raqqa in protest and support for the Syrian Army and Government.


I think the ISRAHELLIS will either provoke a false flag escalation in the south of the euphrates area or push the NEOCONS to escalate with the Russians in Syria.

fuck you

russians wont do shit they haven’t done shit all the times israel has attacked the past few years


Israel’s secret weapon is the US Military.

Hisham Saber

Not any longer. The U.S. military is a spent force. Hollow inside and out. They broke the U.S. militaries back in Afghanistan and Iraq. And the western armies ground forces suck. They are softies, nothing like Hezbollah, SAA, Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces, IRGC, Houthi’s et al.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well it seems Weasrael just launched missiles at Syria and tried to attack Shayrat airbase and Dumayr airbase thankfully this time all were intercepted at Shayrat and one hit Dumayr.

Hisham Saber

Insignificant, and smacks of desperation. In the coming regional war, the west and Israel will get some very big, nasty surprises.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Funny isn’t today the Syria’s Independence day now I understand about the French but the others are just as pathetic as France in this mess.

Co Ragoo

The Houthis are the best. They are the braves freedom fighter on the planet. Big up to all Houthis

fuck you

houthis are alright i give them props for having a hard stand i dont like their chant personally i think chanting death to anybody doesn’t make you any better

fuck you

houthis are tough fuckers i’ll agree with that and saa have fought a long war so they’re pretty battle hardened i cant the same about iraq til this day they still struggle with keeping their region clear of terrorists to me it just shows how their government security struggles sometimes but i guess they are pretty battle hardened as well

fuck you

israel’s super weapon is making idiots like you come up with stupid conspiracies lol it keeps you from thinking smart

Concrete Mike

It ain’t you or your office mates that’s for sure

fuck you

lame joke next !!!

fuck you

dont be stupid bro i’m in a cubicle not an office fucking moron

Nigel Maund

The US and UK are Zionist Puppet States totally controlled by Israel and the Rothschild’s clan. Israel will never be held to account and is a criminal State with a permanent “get out of jail free” card.

Daniel Martin

Israel should get ready to recive a considerable amount of kalibers on their military infrastructure if they don’t stand down with their aggressive behavior against Syria.


Don’t even understand why Russia is talking with israel. Let israel declare you war. Without israel, you will be free.

Don’t understand why nations should accept limitations when it comes to their national security.


People are very strange. They think israelis are their masters. It’s unbelievable. That’s the power of endoctrination and propagenda. In the same way, sunnis think that saudis are their masters. Now, look at where are sunnis. Look where are Americans goyim. All are slaves.

Don’t follow the rotten tree.

fuck you

you seem depressed or insecure i study your comments and you sound like somebody fucked you in the ass and they didn’t call you back lol get some help my friend i know this really good jewish doctor that could prescribe you with what you need to overdose …. fyi God is real to me you ungrateful fuck Lol


Do you think I care about you the goy ??? XD. I don’t care what you say. You are a slave. Go pray your terrorists god and shut up.

this name is better

hey man i will pray … i’ll pray for you mate


Apparently Lieberman believes the MSM’s version of events regarding April 14 strike, Russia can provide Syria with S300 missiles and Buk M3 to to be used within the existing air defense network. And of course, the Russians can employ more sophisticated EW assets to monitor and paint Israeli airplanes from the time they take off.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

No wonder the Israelis are so terrified the shit is hitting the fan.So prepare to duck when it starts coming back from Hu Flung Pu!! Even with Bellingcrap they are unable to deflect it this time.


Israel like US fought against third world defenses, and their “awesome capability” is a delusion deeply ingrained in their psych. Israel is always dependent on US for the latest technological weapons (white elephants), weapons that performed rather poorly during the April 14 NATO attack on Syria.

At one time Israeli Air Force was able to fly with impunity over Syria, those days stopped almost two years ago, russian and Iranian technicians upgraded the Syrian soviet defenses and integrated them into the common air defense network involving Russian and Syrian assets.

Currently Israel flies over Lebanon and uses surface to air missiles to attack various targets around Damascus, something the Syrian and Iranian defenses have been able to deal with relative ease. An effective defense network using the best radar and EW capabilities and priming up Soviet era equipment to be an effective air defense asset, without having to fire any S300, S350 and S400 missiles represents a significant adavantage over Israel and their ability to manage a sustained air campaign.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Like I said the Weasreali’s were going to go flinging shit everywhere, ongoing missile strikes for a couple of hours now trying to hit the airbases near Lebanon border. Mixed news right now on the second wave of missiles all because they are getting called out for their illegal actions and war crimes no US/Coalition fighters spotted yet.


Syria should fling some Scuds and Iskanders across the Golan Heights in the direction of Haifa, see if their Arrow and David’s sling can intercept them.

fuck you

syria cant because they don’t have money and the money they do have is not theirs they’re racking up quite a bill for themselves it almost seems cheaper to just haveassad run and give up power but what does he know he’s just an eye doctor lol

fuck you

bro the fact that israel just attacked again shows that they’re not scared i’m not protecting israel but i am saying all those systems and shit aren’t worth a fuck if they aren’t keeping israel at bay they still come into syrian land and strike i just dont agree with your statement but i’m open minded so i’ll listen


Israel flies planes over Lebanon and uses standoff weapons fired from above Lebanon to attack various Syrian targets. Russia and Syria warned Israel about 1.5 years ago that if Israeli planes were to overfly Syria, the port of Haifa would be attacked with Scud missiles. Of course fighter jets are more maneuverable and faster than stand off weapons, however, Syrian air defenses are integrated with Russian air and EW defenses and their remodernized weaponry can inflict casualties that Israel has not experienced before. If Russia starts shooting, then Israel would be at a distinct disadvantage, since Russians missiles can be fired as the Israeli planes are taking off from their own airfields.

fuck you

nice man well explained makes more sense to me thanks for your response pal


He clearly told: we are rogue country.

Ceterum censeo, Israel delenda est.

fuck you

your alright velociraptor not my friend but i have nothing bad to say about you

Hisham Saber

This thug was a former nightclub bouncer. Goes to show what type of people run the apartheid state.

Believe me, Russia is not on any real friendly terms with Israel, no matter how much the Israeli’s and international Jews delude themselves.

Russia/Putin and his cabinet know full well that by far that it is mostly Jews who are pushing the U.S. et al into conflict with Russia. U.S. Jews, and international Judiasm have declared war on Russia, just like they declared war on Germany in 1936.

Russia, as do the Arabs and the wider Muslim world, know that there will never be peace and harmony in the Middle East as long as Israel is allowed to exist.

Russians never have forgotten the genocide perpetrated by Bolshevik Jews against them, their Church and country. Jews, in the 20th century perpetrated the biggest genocide in human history against the proud, and humble former Soviet people, both Orthodox and Muslims.

There will be hell to pay when the Russians finally decide enough is enough with these warmongers and decide to settle the score with the apartheid state.

fuck you

i’m unfamiliar with the genocide of russians by jews but to be somewhat fair a shit load of jews were slaughtered during ww2 i’m not saying that they’re justified in their actions but i’m honestly not surprised if jews were out to get some pay back … personally i dont care too much about jews they dont bother me … yet


A shitload of Jews were slaughtered by Rothchild engineering so they could build a “Jewish” state. Of course the numbers were always inflated but the genocides were always by Jews themselves. You blow your mouth off too quickly and read too little.

fuck you

lol please show me a link so i can read up on this lol and you need to chill out sir your blowing your mouth off to quickly at me for nothing your no better than me lashing out like that lol … and i think i read a little too much actually

fuck you

alright you fucking animals listen here i’ll be your new troll on the block and i’ll let you know right now that the russian government are a bunch of pussies just like assad who let syria fall to its knees and lets face it assads head would have been on the end of a stick had it not been for faggot russia and whats the name of that wannabe power country ??? oh that’s right iran ha sorry hard to remember bullshit countries sometimes ha …but any who ha remember my name i’ll be the one to ruin your orgasm of fake news and false propaganda … i’ve studied the popular guys on here very well lets see who’s nerves i can poke at the most so bring it bitches i’ll be a computer general all the fighting i have to do is on here i don’t live in a shitty country so i can spend my time on here without worrying about airstrikes or jews hahaha i’m gonna have fun

Raptar Driver

Can’t hear you with that cock in your mouth.

fuck you

no can you ??? lol

fuck you

i apologise i misread that let respond with “why the fuck do you need to listen when your reading lol your doing it wrong bro lol

Concrete Mike

Your an intellectual cockroach. Your are advocating for monsters. You are the bad guy here, we have nothing to justify to you.

But hey your so tough trolling the net, but hey it’s ok at least you have a job right.

That’s ok we will destroy your puny intellect like we did to the others.

Dutch where art thou? At least you were classy

fuck you

i’m the monster when you guys upvote people who wish death on people ?? and judging by your statement your clarifying to me that southfront is run like russia silencing the other voices lol your funny bro i’ll delete this account once i get bored with you must right now your welcoming my stay lol … yawn next !!!!

Tudor Miron

Than you should prepare to buy more jets to replaces your losses. S-300 is on its way, Bibi.


What’s jets? F-35 junk? Syria has more S200 missiles than US F35 inventory.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Weasreal has ongoing missile attacks for a couple of hours now hiding in the eastern Lebanon’s Mountains and firing. Syria is having a fine Independence Day!!

fuck you

the guy you have as your picture on your profile looks like he suffers from a bad case of autism … it fits you well lol … i think russia sucks too but that’s no surprise right to you right ??

Tudor Miron

Don’t be so desperate creature :) Remember that you were actually a human before you decided (mostly unconsciously) to turn against your kind (humans) trying to cure your insecurity. Thinking that, insulting me via web will alleviate your fear that makes you feel so uncomfortable is an illusion. Same as hoping that if it makes me feel offended or threatened than you somehow feel better :) Your envy is showing and it is counterproductive. I feel nice creating a stunning race car at this very moment (taking a brake to bust another cockroach) What have you ever created, creature? Other than hatred, fear and grief? Anything? It is not too late, creature. You can get back to being human again.

fuck you

i wasn’t going to read it all because it seemed boring but i did anyway because it looked like you put alot of effort into that little speech and i didn’t wanna pretend to acknowledge it but if you must know i’m no creature i’m an alien … creatures are low class i’m fancy i clearly make an impact on you because you responded and that’s the kick i get lol go hide back into the cold siberian mountains where you can pray to putin lol

Marcos Edder

The Koshers are pushing for suicide

fuck you

Lol this sorry ass website took out my opinion lol this bias ass piece of shit website i hope the owner gets fucked in ass by a baseball bat by jews lol i’ll keep speaking against all your bullshit southfront i’ll continue to point out your false information and your bullshit Assad would have had his head on a stick had it not been for faggot russia and faggot iran … southfront i know you don’t like me i’ll do everything in my power to bring down this fake ass website lol LONG LIVE THE TRUTH AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE and fuck u twats that think otherwise

fuck you

i apologise southfront i see my original post down at the moment sorry we can still continue with this love hate friendship


“It is also possible to fire the Pechora-2M system against cruise missiles.”

– S-125 Neva/Pechora –


Upgraded S-125:



“Modern upgrades

Since Russia replaced all of its S-125 sites with SA-10 and SA-12 systems, they decided to upgrade the S-125 systems being removed from service to make them more attractive to export customers.

Released in 2000, the Pechora-2 version features better range, multiple target engagement ability and a higher probability of kill (PK). The launcher is moved onto a truck allowing much shorter relocation times.

It is also possible to fire the Pechora-2M system against cruise missiles. Deployment time 25 minutes, protected from the active interference, and anti-radiation missiles (total in practical shooting)[19][20]

Early warning radar is replaced by anti-stealth[21][22] radar Caste 2e2, defeat the purpose of by range 2.5–32 km, defeat the purpose of in height – 0.02–20 km, distance rocket launchers from the control center 10 kilometers.[23] Speed up to 1000 m/s (target), Used rocket 5V27DE,[24] by weight the warhead + 50% range of flight splinters + 350%.[25] Probability of hitting the target 1st rocket: at a distance up to 25 km – 0,72-0,99, detection range with EPR = 2 m. sq about 100 km, with the objectives of the EPR = 0.15 m. sq about 50 km, with no interference. When using active jamming – 40 km.[26] ADMS “Pechora-2M” has the ability to interfacing with higher level command post and radar remote using telecode channels. Is equally effective at any time during the day and at night (optical location, daytime and nighttime, and also thermal imager [up to 30 km of night and 60 km of day[6]]),[27][28] for such a system, the detection range of an aircraft such as F-16 is 30 km away.[29] Is possible to use two radar pointing missiles, it allows the client to simultaneously work on two goals.[26] For the purpose with a height of 350 meters detection range of 40 km.”

– S-125 Neva/Pechora –


Lumiere deforet


Just got more info: Russians are present at the Dumayr Airport that was targeted by Israel. The Russian soldiers there are part of a reconciliation team that was negotiating with the rebels in the town of Dumayr I don’t really know how sensational this claim is from the source. He asserts that Russians are there. It would make sense given that their military police are supposed to enter Dumayr in the next 24 hours, per the reconciliation deal https://twitter.com/leithfadel/statu…19788307816449

#BREAKING: Reports there were Russian soldiers at the Dumayr Airport targeted by Israel. No information regarding injuries/fatalities but obviously this is a bad situation. #BREAKING #update.. Now the Israeli army is declaring a state of emergency on the Syrian-Israeli border in the Golan Heights. https://twitter.com/David_shapira/st…22349282643968

BREAKING: Reports there were Russian soldiers at the Dumayr Airport targeted by Israel. No information regarding injuries/fatalities but obviously this is a bad situation. https://twitter.com/IsraelNewsLive/s…20519580459009

#Israel has deployed numbers of troops to #GolanHeights according to multiple sources https://twitter.com/usafshortwave/st…30443861426176

NEW: The foreign affairs and security committee & the legislative affairs committee of the Knesset held a joint meeting today to discuss an amendment to the basic law which will transfer the authorities to declare war from the full cabinet to the security cabinet https://twitter.com/BarakRavid/statu…52556777164801


The Russians don’t understand the Israelis. Unlike military superpowers Israel’s concerns aren’t global but instead focused completely on their immediate surroundings and especially what is directly beyond their borders. As such Israeli influence can’t be casually brushed aside in southern Syria, these are the guys that ignored the UN and France and bombed Saddam’s reactor at Osirak for Pete’s sake.


“Total freedom of Action”, well duh, that run away train you been riding ain’t had no brakes for years, probably the only international law that applies to Israel is, Payback is a Bitch.

Nigel Maund

Israel is the world’s premier “Rogue State” backed by powerful “cheque book” Zionist Jews in the US and UK who control these two puppet “Rogue States”. Time to bring down IAF fighter bombers over Lebanon and Syria. Israel is in breech of every UN resolution and law since 1948 when this troublesome State was created. Eventually, Israel will be brought to book as no one even the so called “chosen people” (LOL) are beyond the law and retribution.


Iran has decided to take military actions against “Israel”.

Russians were attacked by “Israel” some hours ago (antimissile system took down the missiles though). Russians are pissed….


The Israelis know very well ones the SAA and Iran axis gets freed up they will face the music. Better take serious action now then later


Who cares what retards psychopath thinks..! israhell’ll be doomed soon..! Does he really thinks that Russia have a say in other countries’ securities interests..? And show the world that Russia is an aggressor country just to save israhell’s asses.. hehehe

Promitheas Apollonious

Is time the Iranians free their weapons and defend themselves as they are the main target in Syria, from the khazars and if russia wants to play PR and politics can do so for their forces there who are killed.


this guy has a very acute death-wish desire. unfortunately this head-banger will take a lot of innocent people down with him. i guess he figures with john bolt-loose in his pocket and the (in)famous usaf general (name escapes me) that said american soldiers will “die for israel” that all is cool.

this is the next stage. syria is coming “off the table” so to say. and now the main culprit has surfaced. everyone has known this for a long time but it always has been obfuscated by allegations of antisemitism whenever someone mentioned the facts. (the, not so funny, part is that the perpetrators of these allegations are not semites. in fact the semitic-jews are in the lowest societal caste in ghetto-land.)

so now the chosen ones are going to take on iran, russia, syria and maybe china. time for indiana jones to recover the ark from deep storage, i would think.

Promitheas Apollonious

let us hope that Syrians sooner rather than later have S300 to answer back so they dont only shot down missiles but also the delivery vehicles.

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