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MARCH 2025

Israeli Air Defense Shots Down Syrian Drone Near Golan Heights

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Israeli Air Defense Shots Down Syrian Drone Near Golan Heights

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On July 11, the Israeli military announced that its Patriot air defense system identified, tracked and shot down an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) over the occupied Golan Heights.

On twitter the Israel military said that it “will not allow any violation of Israeli airspace and will act against any attempt to hurt its civilians.”

The Israeli media revealed that the UAV flew 9.6km inside Israeli airspace before it was shot down by the Israeli military. According to initial reports, the UAV was not armed and its remains were found by the Israeli authorities in the lake of Tiberias.

In a similar way, an Israeli AH-64 Apache helicopter shot down an Iranian UAV near the northern town of Beit Shean on February 10. Back then, Israel claimed that the UAV was armed and responded with a series of airstrike on positions of the SAA and Iranian forces.

Israel may use this incident as a pretext to attack the SAA, which is currently conducting a military operation against the militants in southern Syria. Such a development will likely escalate the situation to a very dangerous level.

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Lena Jones

It’s great to see the terrorist israelis spooked like horses.


Well done SAA and their allies. It’s very good news. Use aerial drones and make images of child butchers Israeli pirates’ positions to see that where and how they holding Syrian civilians hostage in Golan Heights.

If the child butcher Israeli pirates do any mistake and try to hinder the rapid advance of Syria and of their allies then Israel will observe no fly zone over all Palestine from Jordan border to Mediterranean sea and from Lebanon border to Egyptian border.



leon mc pilibin

Isis chiefs in occupied Syrian Golan Heights.


This brings up issue also of Lebanon Air Defense, this needs to be established along functioning lines in tandem with Syria in military cooperation.

Lena Jones

Lebanon’s military doesn’t have any air defenses: they’ve not been allowed by their US ally to purchase advanced defensive weapons. But never mind that, the Lebanese resistance Hezbollah now possesses anti-aircraft missiles :D

Real Anti-Racist Action

They do, but as I understand it Hez poses short range missiles, and has outdated radars for their further/bigger short range missiles. Hez needs more modern radars and at least some true to modern mid range missiles. It would be nice of some tech developers somewhere in the world could take matters into their own hands and freely E-mail or ship some good schematics to the Lebanon military researchers so Lebanon can at least develop their own mid range mid-quality anti-air defense capabilities. Anything anyone can contribute to strengthen the Lebanese military is the humanitarian thing to do. The military defends the people of all walks of life, they deserve to have the ability to defend themselves from enemy attacking aircraft.

Lena Jones

Don’t worry: according to Nasrallah, the hezb “has everything it needs… has many surprises for the zionist enemy”. Probably by now, hezb even has long-range anti-aircraft missiles (if the Houthies have them, then no doubt the hezb has them too). Mindful here that the Levant where Syria, Lebanon and israel/occupied Palestine meet is a mighty tiny landmass and long-range is probably not needed. Nasrallah also promised to strike at the Ammonia plants in Haifa and the Dimona nuclear plant too if it became necessary. Looks like the hezb has already covered all its bases while israel’s running around like a feathered and fear-struck chicken.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Israelis used this to launch missile strikes on Kharoum and Quinetra haven’t heard any casualties yet but Syrian AD countered.


probably a Mossad drone…false flag so the Khazars can rattle swords at syria…and take cheap shots at Iranians…

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

It’s definitely a false flag who shoots a Patriot missile at a drone please it sounds pathetic besides last time they showed an old sentinel Israel had.


Israel will more than likely not use this as a pretext, they’re concerned with actual attacks. In this case the drone got into or very near the demilitarized zone whether by accident in during a recon mission.


The occupying regime uses all kinds of imaginary things as a pretext for aggression, as long as they’re confident there won’t be any resistance and hit-backs.


Then why is the article about Israel issuing threats and not rockets? And Israel has had many many oportunities to declare war, given Israel’s half million man strong army and the devastation of Syria they’ve had many opportunities to seize Damascus directly. Also the belief commonly held around here that Israel’s sole purpose in life is to seize ground doesn’t hold water when they’ve traded off several times the amount of territory during diplomacy, instead it is accurate to say that Israel doesn’t scruple to seize land if they see some advantage can be gained.


The keyword is here, half of the original short comment which I repreat:

“as long as they’re confident there won’t be any resistance and hit-backs”

Joe Kerr

“… many opportunities to seize Damascus directly”??? If they could’ve, they would’ve. Israel’s U.S. cheer squad was bitterly disappointed in the IDF’s failure to advance into Syria in 2006, when Hezbollah sent them back crying like babes.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Sorry but Golan Heights is not a demilitarized zone as Israel illegally occupies it and have a military presence , time for them to leave the region as they are known world wide now as child killers and baby rapers. The time is coming near for them to either remove themselves from all occupied territory and please stop with the Palestinians don’t want a country as that is just an old Jewish lie started long ago. Clarification is that they said Jews don’t need a country on stolen land and that I back 100% as far as I know Rothschilds never paid a dime to any Palestinian people.


19hours later since you made that comment…

You were saying?

The IDF said that its actions were response to a violation of its airspace by a Syrian unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The UAV was shot down by the IDF’s Patriot missile over the Golan Heights earlier on the same day.

from the following news: https://southfront.org/israel-carries-out-strikes-on-three-syrian-positions-in-quneitra-province/

I saw you write all kinds of false things, but must you make statements that within less than 24 hours become false? I think you haven’t got the faintest idea about the side and entity you support.

Now among the few positive aspect of your virtual self (the one I can evaluate based on the content you post) is that you’re not rude and I saw several times that you answered politely when someone harshly replies to you. That’s something worth appreciating which I do. However it doesn’t mean you’re right.

Come on, open up a little bit. Israel does support the terror groups, how can you NOT see that? The US, NATO, Saudis, Emiratis and Israelis only contribute to more destabilization, wars and suffering. Are you honestly against this statement? Food for thought.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

Golan is Syria. Palestine is Palestinian. And Israel is a massive home invasion criminal organization.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

They’ve also attacked Hezbollah units inside Syria so this news is a bit old. If Assad doesn’t remove Hezbollah from the fighting here in Daraa, all the hard work Putin’s done over the last 12 months, might just go up in smoke. Hezbollah wants to start a war with Israel but that’s not in Syria’s best interest right now, regaining all this lost territory should be, and Hezbollah is actually an obstacle to that happening. Hezbollah I admire you and applaud you for all your help, but of all the places in Syria you could be helping out, this is the one place you shouldn’t right now. What should have been the only major obstacle to a peaceful resolution here, were the 2 anti reconciliation Druze militias, that do have Israeli support and backing, not Hezbollah as well. The Druze are going to be a hard enough problem to deal with as it is, without compounding it with another one.

Brother Ma

Tell me more about these “anti-reconciliation Druze militia” Are they pro -Israel?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I think in total their are 12 separate Druze militias, and all of them are totally pro Israel. Of the 12 Druze militias, only 2 of them are anti Assad/ anti reconciliation, all the rest are pro Assad/ pro reconciliation. Most of the pro Assad militias are in the south and south east, but there’s also a few in the west and north west of the country. The 2 that are anti Assad/ anti reconciliation are near the Israeli border. These 2 militias should have been the only major problem for the SAA here in Daraa, [due to the Israeli factor], but because Assad’s letting Hezbollah units fight here in Daraa, against Israeli demands, Hezbollah’s also become a factor in the Israeli equation now. Hopefully Israel won’t get involved, but hope means nothing where Israel is concerned. Cheers.

Brother Ma

Thank you friend.

Joe Kerr

A $ million dollar patriot used to down a $ thousand camera drone after it flew “9.6 km inside Israeli airspace”? Next joke, please.

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