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Israeli Air Force Allegedly Used GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs In Last Night Strike On Syria – Reports

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Israeli Air Force Allegedly Used GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs In Last Night Strike On Syria - Reports

GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb

The Syrian pro-government blog “Encyclopedia of Syrian military” has noted an interesting fact in the photos appearing from the site of the last night Israeli strike on Syria.

According to the report, the photos may show the wreckage of the GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb (SDB). The GBU-39 SBD is a (110 kg) precision-guided glide bomb designed by the US to provide aircraft with the ability to carry a higher number of more accurate bombs.

The GBU-39 SBD can be used against stationary targets such as ammo depots, bunkers, etc. The GBU-53 SDB II is upgrated for gaining an ability of striking mobile targets.

However, the problem is that the GBU-39 SBD’s max operational range is 110 km and even a bit more. This can be done by an aircraft flying on a high speed and altitude. Such an aircraft will be an easy target for the Syrian Air Defense Forces’ long range air-defense systems, such as S-200 air defense systems.

So, the Israeli Air Force would have to involve F-35I stealth multirole fighters to use GBU-39 SBDs against targets in Syria. This is the second speculation currently circulating online.

Israeli Air Force Allegedly Used GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs In Last Night Strike On Syria - Reports

Source: https://facebook.com/Encyclopedia.of.Syrian.military/

UPDATE: more evidence

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Israel is using the latest generation offensive US military hardware – yet is hysterical about Syria receiving Russian S-300 air-defense systems…


If S-300 or S-400 were effective against F-35I and GBU-53, One thing is for sure Russians would have used them. Don’t think that Russians do not take into consideration to keep their allies safe. It is very likely that these means are not detected with VHS radars supplied with the aforementioned systems.

888mladen .

It has active radar homing feature. RU not being able to detect that?


Not in VHS. We have also recently attended an electronic jamming attack over the Syrian Air Defense system conducted by Israel that caused a fake air attack.

888mladen .

Do their radars operate only in that frequency? Is that S band? What about K band? The smaller the object the higher the frequency needed to detect it. Am I correct?

888mladen .

Frequency range is within the range of modern WiFi devices.


S-300’s more about deterring IAF from operating F-15/16’s over Lebanon, and using stand off missiles against Syria.

Jimmy Jim

Russia has been a disgrace in Syria and is in cahoots with Zionists. Russia is like a puffer fish full of hot air. The S-400 are now a global joke. This attack was carried out by F-35 from inside Syrian airspace as Russian radar coverage is inadequate or they simply work with Zionists.


THAT is false and UTTER BULLSHIT . How can yu even fix yu mouth to say this???!!!! When Assad was with his back against the ropes in September 2015. Until Russia intervened and saved his ass?!!!!! Assadbis winning right??!!!! Okay well???!!??!


This Jimmy Jim always makes outrageous statements trying to bait you into reacting. Best ignore him.


jimmy just follow cnn so is ok / logical behavior for the wrong information.




The biggest banana contest is plainly won by you. Congratulations. The second award, a brand new branch to play and sleep on, goes to Derapage. Let’s greet the champions.


it makes no sense/ as otherwise the April 14 would have cause a lot of more damage/ what this means is that something someone near by does has deadly weapons.


If the Israelis came in over Idlib there would be nobody shooting at them. If they’re hitting the Iranis or Assad, the Turks wouldn’t squawk about an incursion.


“If S-300 or S-400 were effective against F-35I and GBU-53, One thing is for sure Russians would have used them.”

Are you serious?

888mladen .

RU S-300 and S-400 radars are not operating in millimeter band according to the available info. GBU-39 has active homing radar which operates in millimeter band. That means they couldn’t detected its radiation. They are also small in size.

Jens Holm

Thanks. I know almost nothing about it.


you do know nothing if you believe that a guided glide munition emit MM EM signature making it visible on radar and thus easily intercepted.

so you and this 888 the hasbara tag team supporting each other’s nonsense here in SF comment section ?

888mladen .

My friend AMRRAM AA missile does emit EM signature because it uses active radar homing in its terminal phase which is captured by receiver of the targeted fighter airplane showing its direction and proximity relative to target’s position. There is nothing to believe here.


we are talking about ground guided ordnance and you switch the topic to air to air missile with active homing ? and do you even know that AMRAAM can be command guided as to minimize it’s active homing until the terminal phase ?

you hasbaras are very adept in changing topic that you dont even know about.

888mladen .

AMRRAM can home on a source of radar jamming.


Wrong that’s different type of homing missile guidance altogether. Long range AAM have two terminal target acquisition system which is infrared or semi active radar.

Anti radiation missile is different altogether since it don’t operate with any kind of radar guidance though it may uses infrared for it’s terminal phase. They don’t differentiate between any other radar emission so they’re vulnerable to counter measure.

888mladen .

The AIM-120 also has a “home-on-jam” guidance mode to counter electronic jamming. https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/munitions/aim-120.htm


If it’s home on jam then it’s radar seeker would be switched off because it confuse the missile. The missile can be dazzled way before it entered the ‘terminal phase’ which it can then use it home on jam features. I doubt the AMRAAM can perform as it advertised as they combined two type of guidance that defeat each other adding the complexity of it’s tasks fourfold. And again i say the missile that used the anti radiation homing are easily countered using missile with radar seekers.

888mladen .

Home-on-jam is a form of passive radar homing used by missiles. It is usually added as an auxiliary guidance mode for missiles equipped with active or semi-active radar guidance. https://everything2.com/title/Home-on-jam


It’s a different type than anti radiation missile that can home on jamming emitters.


No they can’t , please dont read the brochure and expect it to perform as the manufacturer said .. AMRAAM never been tested against Russian Airborne EW jammers that’s carried on it’s fighter jets. Then again based on your lack of basic knowledge on EM radiation , it is no surprise you believed everything the weapons manufacturer advertise on their brochures..


so, ruskies are shit. because the israelian iron dome detects much less hezbollah rockets.


Shut up, turkey.


please dont bother replying to the hasbarat troll called velociraptor.. he is acting his part in the hasbara tag team here , he acted like imbecile while other hasbara acted in civilized manner to gain people’s belief.

it’s their Modus Operandi

888mladen .

You seem to be the main busybody in this discussion, don’t you?


ah mr hasbara with multiple discus ID playing sock puppet and liking your own comments.. how typical of tel aviv residence


It is no trouble at all. let’s just see who is more stubborn.


For starters, the “Israeli” Iron Dome is repackaged American technology (Raytheon).

Second, see how “effective” it is:

The evidence that shows Iron Dome is not working https://thebulletin.org/evidence-shows-iron-dome-not-working7318

Jimmy Jim

Russians are corrupt, weak and cowardly and too scared to stand up against the west and Zionists. The idiot Putin keeps on calling Americans “partners” as they keep on killing Russians from Ukraine to Syria. Russia looks so pathetic.


100% right


?????? Wth. How so??!!! Putin did exactly opposite of what yu just said . He stood up to the west and challenging American hegemony. He destroyed zionist-American planned agenda for the destruction, regime change, puppet installment, resource theft(?!) And partition of Syria and embarrassed U.S.


This is nonsense and you know it..

Are we seriously suppose to believe that a great military power like Russia cannot a missile because its radio signal is not what it is use to?

“They are also small in size”

Did that missile have a radar cross sections of less than 0.4 square meters?

You talk an awful lot about stuff you dont really understand..


Do you think it is a wise use of very expensive SAMs to engage such small targets? I am sure the Russians can detect small targets but it seems wiser to have a different defensive system for smaller targets.


Like shooting the planes down that they’re dropped from.





888mladen .

You have to weigh that against the damage “such small target” might cause. Basically if the damage caused by the GBU is several times greater then the cost of using a missile then it is justifiable. In this case the whole missile brigade has been destroyed with couple of dozen casualties.


dont worry about his post , obvious he dont know anything about EM radiation or even basic info on how radar works.

i detect uptick of hasbara trolls flooding the internet on support to israeli narrative and lies.. just as their leader mr netanyahu lied on the world stage , the little elves or trolls got busy spreading their lies

888mladen .

My friend your language is near to unintelligible and the members of your support group have put themselves to shame only, by giving you a tick, showing how little they know about the topic. I hope you have owned ones upon time a radio receiver and I hope you have realized that you couldn’t listen to the broadcast on a certain frequency if the receiver’s demodulator circuit hasn’t been designed for that specific frequency. And just to bring to your attention that there is nothing in my comment to be believed into since I was not talking religion.


anything radiating in EM spectrum wheter its long or short or milimetre wave will be like turning on spotlight on radar detection.

small ? they detect even smaller no metal birds on radar.. weather radar detect precipitation in clouds too ..

888mladen .

Yes but all RF bands are not equally effective in detecting every type of object under all weather conditions, are they?


silly , now you talking about the weather .. hows tel aviv weather today ?

do you know your stupid statement that an incoming guided ordnance using onboard EM emitter for guidance ? in bad weather too ?


Hey, a radar emits a signal and detects the reflection. Whatever the targets emits out this band is irrelevant to the radar. Wasting S-300 or S-400 on a GBU is idiocy.

888mladen .

Really. Why there are then radars with different RF bands(L , S, C, X, K) if it “irrelevant to the radar”? Please explain.


Because what the target itself emits will only supply direction at best and no range. A radar can only derive range from the measured transit time of the signal between emission and receiving the signal reflected back. So out of band signals emitted by the target itself are irrelevant to the radar.

888mladen .

It will definitely provide info about direction because of the Doppler effect. Have you ever heard about Kolchuga radar? What I was talking about is detection of RF radiation emanating from the flying object. If GBU-39 uses active radar homig in its terminal phase then it should be detected by a receiver designed for that frequency range. Radar receiver can receive only frequency band for which it has been designed.


No, not with the doppler effect for which you need to know the frequency emitted by that GBU and compare that with the frequency received. Guess the US is not willing to disclose that frequency and will vary that frequency because jamming/spoofing a known frequency is making it too easy. Also the doppler effect will only supply the radial component of the signal received and not the tangential one. However with a rotating receiving antenna the directional gain of the rotating antenna will create a sine wave amplitude modulation of the signal received. The phase angle will supply the direction from which the signal is received. That’s the principle direction finders rely on.

888mladen .

Well the information on the frequency range is available if you can trust the source. If you can detect the radiation than you can determine its frequency and use Doppler effect to determine its direction. Detection is the mater of the design of demodulator.


Look I know that there is much I don’t know about current radar technology. The line of reasoning you are using might partially be applied to technology used in the 80′. But now consider an emitter using coherent detection of a random frequency hopping pulse train and you will realize that determining direction through the amplitude create by the directional sensitivity of an antenna is the best you may hope for. That’s the method of direction finders and RWRs. For more info you will have to rely on detecting signals your own radar has emitted.

888mladen .

You compare the frequencies received during the time interval and determine the shift however frequency can be modulated not by Doppler effect but by device itself while in flight. How would continuous frequency modulation feature affect active homing and design of GBU is an interesting question.

Jens Holm

I have written the main reasons for it. Those 300 and 400 are almost perfect for F35. I do not know that kind of dronemissile yet, but they are slow.


Why not. Even the Iranians are dead silent this time. No match for Israel as far as air is concerned


“Even the Iranians are dead silent this time.”

What do you want them to say exactly?


Just check out what they said in the previous Attacks Enough said

Jens Holm

for the 7899777s sake.

Russia and Israel has an agreement about i and have had it for many years.

Israel is allowed to attack any Hesbollah and Irainian initiative in Syria as long as they are not in the territory. That goes for Assads helping Iran and Hesbollah – more like accepted then part of that deal.


Russia also have a never one. They dont allow any (rockets) and troops come near to Israel – I dont remember if its 20 or 30 kilometers. Get it.

By that Your comment make no sense.

888mladen .

That’s 100% true. It seems like nobody here got it from RU media. They are not hiding it. They brag about it openly.

klove and light

danke…..yes somebody with senses here. Russia will never attack or help attack jewish interests.all this bs talk about S-300 or S-400, can it see the F-35 etc….. ALL BS TALK BSSSSSSSS Russia is under jewish control, just as usa is, or uk is, or germany is….

Cyric London

Exactly right. Syria is really no better off then if the head choppers had won. Then the Americans would have been sent to clear them out. Very messy with lots of casualties. This way Assad can stay ruling a romp in Syria with all of Syria’s oil fields under American control. Meanwhile Syria can die each day by a thousand cuts. Added bonus. A lot of Iranians will be killed.

Also you have to consider that if ISIS had captured Syria what excuse would they have come up with at that point for not attacking Israel or Jordan.

No the present situation is perfect for Israel. You have a terminally weak Syria that you can hit anytime you wish. Of course Russia has played its part in all of this. No surprise the color revolution started in Armenia at around the same time. Even Armenia can see which way the wind is blowing. An alliance with Russia is worthless.

Nobby Stiles

Strange thing to say. But thank you for your opinion.

Roger Snellman

All true, but with the deck stacked against Iran they are still determined to continue down the path of total destruction followed by a fiery death. Iran should be at peace with untold wealth. It is as if some dark force controls Iran and is driving it off a cliff.

Roger Snellman

All true, though under Israel control is over stated. More accurately Putin has reached an understanding with Israel. At the end of the Syrian war Assad will control Putin’s piece of Syria which includes the Russian naval base. Iran will never see Syria under Shia control and will be the next player exterminated from Syria right after ISIS. Native Syrian Shia fighters have much to fear from Syria’s future. Iran’s most advanced ballistic missiles can already hit Moscow. Why would Putin allow the Mullahs to put a nuke on those missiles?



Roger Snellman

Putin will continue to save his boy Assad. The issue is why would Putin save Iranian’s in Syria.

888mladen .

Well SY is still partitioned and big chunk of it is under US ocupation. That’s fact

Thomas Wolsey

That explain why Russia is aggressive towards US, UK, France and is very passive towards Israel. If it prove true Iran will receive a big punch after trump withdrawn from the Nuclear Deal.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Well Israel has also attacking purely ethnic Syrians serving in the SAA. So what about that? Israel is enemy #1 to Russia, and if the Russians have any sense at all they are going to wake up and realize this today.


Roger Snellman

How is Israel any threat to Russia. Israel would love to see Syria under 100% Russian control… so would Putin. As I have stated many times on this very forum Israel and Russia are better allies than Iran and Russia.


You’re obviously not familiar with Russian history, or you’re being disingenuous. Dejudification of Europe, the near east and north Africa 1945 to 2010: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8f/Europe_Jewish_%25_change_1945_2010.png

888mladen .

Wested interest of RU oligarchs is the problem.

Jens Holm

Read and understand, what I wrote. In the last attack it was confirmed, that those Syrian soldiers – 6 I think – was in an Iranian facility in Syria. They could have stayed out.

What did they do there – buing candy ?


If russia can’t admit it . Don’t give excuses


folks , remember this name ‘jens holm’ another hasbara troll spreading disinfo to complement his mates here ‘velociraptor’ and ‘joe dirt’ who acted as imbecile while this ‘jen holms’ spread lies and propaganda in different manners..

read the above post and you will see it dripping with lies in every sentence , and read who upvoted him and you will know the names of hasbara team assigned to SF

888mladen .

This kind of comment is nothing but gossip period and I hope this discussion will not turn into a gossip club. If you wont to reason about what he has posted that’s fine but labeling others is nothing but defamation and just betrays the level of your culture.


you are a hasbara tasked with your hasbara team to distract SF comment section. that’s what you are , a peddler of lies and propaganda , living by lying for shekels is normal for you , as shooting unarmed civilians in gaza

888mladen .

You are endless gossip mate.


everyone , please note this classic hasbara tactic 101 , when he was shown the error of his ways , he immediately change topic because his original post are in error.

888mladen .

It seems like you have been a self appointed judge and cheerleader of this discussion.


again , everyone look at the hasbara trying to continue the post after he lost the discussion. he is paid per post so anything posted is another shekel for him.. as you know , life in tel aviv is expensive for youngsters like him ..


Finally someone logical lol. I keep telling people that Israel political elite and old guard .As well as older generation in general who immigrated from Russia and eastern Europe during and after ww2 n make up a massive number of those who settled built and controlled Israel have deep political,historical, cultural,ethnic/national and even economic tiesfirst of all . second!! Hezbollah to Russia is just a well organized and well trained disposable tool to use as cannon fodder to help Russia keep Assad in power . And Iran and Russia have/had relatively good relations and are defacto allies .But none the less. Iran and Russia each have their own agenda and diverging interests and are virtually rivals competing an struggling for influence over Assad and Syrias military, its strategic and tactical initiatives, control over Assad and his regime and over the military prowess ,recognition, and battlefield . But MOST IMPORTANTLY THE TWO ARE GEOPOLITICALLY ARM WRESTLING FOR INFLUENCE OVER SYRIA’S FUTURE, ITS BENEFITS OF RESOURCE GARANTEES AND ECONOMY, ANY FUTURE PUPPET REGIMES AND REGIONAL BASES . IT IS 100% NOT IN RUSSIAS INTERESTS FOR HEZBOLLAH TO DIG IN SYRIA N GOLAN HEIGHTS PERMANENTLY AND FOR IRAN TO BUILD BASES HIDEOUTS FACTORIES TUNNELS AND MOST IMPORTANTLY TRANSFER OF ADVANCED WEAPONRY TO HEZBOLLAH . RUSSIA WONT RISK HER GAINS SHE HELPED ASSAD MAKE ON BATTLEFIELD RISKING MAJOR WAR WITH US.

888mladen .

“RU doesn’t want to risk the war with US” It will get it anyway ant it might not be to their advantage then.


Agreed. ISRAEL and Russia have deep political,historical,cultural,national and even economic ties since eastern and Russian Jews who immigrated during/after ww2 made up significant part of Israels political establishment , army and society. Hezbollah in Russia’s eyes are just a well armed disposable tool to use to help them keep Assad in power, and Iran & Russia have/had relatively good relations and are allies BUT in Syria both are pursuing their own agendas and have some diverging interests .And are defacto allies but also rivals struggling for influence/control over Assad and Syrias war, politically,militarily and for syrias future. BUT IT IS NOT IN RUSSIA’S INTERESTS FOR HEZBOLLAH DIGIN IN NEAR GOLAINHEIGHTS OR IRANS FACTORIES, BASES, TUNNELS, MILITIAS AND MOST IMPORTANTLY TRANSFER OF ADVANCED WEAPONRY TO HEZBOLLAH. OR TO ENGAGE IN MAJOR WAR WITH ISRAEL/AMERICA .

888mladen .

In a war there is no friends or foes but only interest. Protocols of the Elders of Zion cost RU ~30 mil people. However lesson has not been taken in due to dirty lucres.


U have no idea what u are talking about! u are merely speculating! Every time the US has had a stealth fighter, the Soviet Union, russia or Serbia has been able to shoot them down! Didnt we already have an Israeli F-35I damaged by an S-200? What was the Israeli excuse? Bird Strikes? Yet the f-35passed the bird strike tests with an A+. There is already more than enough proof that Russia can track and target an F-35. The Israeli’s are deciding to shoot from far off so as not to get shut down! Every time Israelmakes a failed or successful strike, new measures are taken to counter it! EVERY SINGLE TIME! it gets harder and harder and harder for Israel. It will get to the point where they will have to send in troops!

The main thing u need to worry about is who is winning the war! Who keeps taking land! Which country is about to be contained! Which country is about to be sandwiched between Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon! Who is going to eventually have S-300 systems in their neighbours yard? Pantsirs and BYK-m2 and TOR’s! Who is gonna have Iranian mobile ballistic missiles in syria!

U think Russia doesn’t want Israel contained and begging for its life? Russia is being contained. How do u expect Russia to ask nato to take away its missiles defence shields in Eastern Europe and Japan? Ask nicely? No! They contained Israel via Iran! Russia loves these kinds of attacks because it gives them an excuse to grant Syria the S-300!

Some people say that Russia flew close or into turkey’s air space back in 2016 just so that turkey would shoot a plane and russia could then have an excuse to bring in the S-400

Russia didnt have an excuse before then because Al-Nusra and ISIS didnt have an airforce!

Every move Israel makes will be equalised defensively!

Of course Russiais going to bring in the good stuff! They dont even need to argue why! They have perfect excuses! False Flag CW attacks and then Cruise missile strikes. Drones, Israeli air attacks! Now they can just ship in the good stuff and say “deal with it”!

Who do u think is panicking in this war and who do u think is smiling?

This proxy war BACK FIRED!

Iran,syria and Russia will not give Israel an excuse to go all in until all of their chess pieces are in pace! Then Israel is fucked because it doesn’t take a nuke to fuck Israel! It takes 2 hits! Tel Aviv and their power station or water recycling plant! then they are screwed! This is why they surrendered to Hezbollah in 2007!

U see disaster yet I see opportunity! they are desperate! Do not interrupt ur enemy when they are making a mistake! Let them make their bed! Iran and Russia will make them sleep in it very soon!


Sorry mate, but I’m not speculating at all. GBU-39 and GBU-53 are main small diameter bombs that equip the F-35 fighter jet. Two images above show the GPS/anti-jam device remains of the bomb were used to hit Iranian base in Aleppo.


Are you on the ground?

888mladen .

I’ll do you an undeserved favor. Please read this article: http://ausairpower.net/APA-SDB.html


I know about the weapons! I know they have a max range of 110km I read the article too! But these are systems that are of the latest and greatest anti-jamming glided bombs! These are systems which Syria nor Iran has the tech to defend against!

There are a few things we need to ask ourselves!

1. What was at the locations in which they hit? 2. What WAS REALLY at the location in which they hit! 3. Are the Russians defending only their airbase or all of syria? 4. Does this attack stop the SAA liberating Rastan pocket?

To syria this is a civil war! To Iran this is a regional, religious and ideological war To russia this is a geopolitical and National interest /defence war

Russia only wants Israel contained! Think about the cuban missile crisis! Why did russiamove Medium range ballistic missiles to Cuba? It was because the US placed Ballistic missiles in Turkey! What was the deal that was made after almost going to war?

Russia removed the missiles and USA removed the missiles in turkey under the disguise of them being “obsolete”!

this is the same deal!

Russia cannot place air defensive or attack in Mexico or Canada! So the best place to put them would be in syria because as u know,Israel is very important!America sacrifices its own soldiers for Israeli interests!

So Russia is in Syria to complete its business! It already has the propaganda machine against them saying “russia did it”!

Russia is just pushing the war ever so closer to finishing! Russia cant just openly contain Israel so they are using Iran to do it! Iran may in fact (and there is actual evidence to suggest it) be buidling long range missiles and nuke in syria!

So maybe Russia is ok with that plant blowing up! Maybe the US has a deal with russia because its weird that Trump age Russia 7 days notice that they were gonna strike and also sent joint chiefs of staff to Moscow to tell them where they will be targeting!

in fact the joint chiefs were in Moscow when the attack begun! look it up!

This war is so much more complicated than u think because there are things going on outside of this war that u obviously have no idea about! What u are doing is looking at this war through a microscope only seeing Israel, USA, Russia, Iran, Turkey! u have no idea where Both Korea comes into this! the muslim brother hood! the deep state! u dont even calculate this stuff! u just see and u react!

Iran were building nukes in syria to avoid the nuclear treaty! Thats what the US is saying! Have u even heard about the Uranium 1 deal? Have u? Do u know that the Clintons sold 20% ofUS uranium to Rosatom (russia) who then sold it to Iran! Russia would not sell uranium to Iran because all countries uranium can be ID’d y their isotope signature! So guess who wanted Iran to have Nukes? Obama and Hillary! Hard to believe?

Ask urself this question, why were people so surprised when America (under Obama) gave the Iranians 150 billons dollars! 1.3 billon flown over in cash (on youtube video) and then signed a “historic deal) on Iran’s nuclear evolution to produce medical grade Uranium? Remember? it was like a shock to the world!

Well guess what! Google “Hillary Clinton pay for play”. google “Uranium one deal”.

Now u know why Trump is ending this deal! Iran has US Uranium sold to them by russia who got it off the USA! russia holds the 2nd largest reserves of Uranium so russia wouldnt need to sell US uranium to Iran! But they did! There are sanctions against any nations who sells uranium to Iran! So Russia sold US uranium!

Do u understand how important it is when a chemical weapon attack can be traced chemicals manufactured in Germany?

Well its the same with Uranium!

Its the same with Weapons! U cant give ISIS m-16’s and M-4’s u have to give them soviet made ak-47’s from Bulgaria!

Ure not looking at the tiger picture!

Zoom out for God’s sakes!

Dont just look at the Syrian war! look at whats happening in Washington!

Dont u know there is a war going on between the deep state and the Military intel agencies of which Trump is a part of?

Is this too much of a conspiracy for u or are u not well enough informed? LEARN! Dont be a fool with his head in the sand! Why do u think Trump is undoing what the Obama admin did! why do u think North Korea is re-unting with South Korea? Do u have any idea whats going on or are u focussed on one small aspect of an attack and blaming Russia for being pussies?

Wake up and learn! its geopolitics not fucking war!


Every time the US has had a stealth fighter, the Soviet Union, russia or Serbia has been able to shoot them down!

far not. in serbia also only 1 piece, the oldest f-117


That’s against a third world class country. Try China or Russia , then one can be more certain.

As it is Stealth planes ate still to be tested


and it was being tested for the first time in Iraq war 1 and Serbia! Serbia had Soviet Union stye tech!

Why did the USA stop producing he F-22? Was supposed to be 800 to1200 made! they stopped at 183. Official reason was money! Alleged reason was fault in the frame cracking! Real reason is that it was easily detectable!

F-35I was damaged due to bird strikes?Really? u believe that? s-200! How many times have we caught them lying? Many! Stealth is not a proven technology and is a big risk!

Google the designer of the F-15and F-16! he tells u its all rubbish! they are lemons!!


F-35I was damaged due to bird strikes?Really? u believe that?

yes, it happens often. check the google. also big planes crashed beacuse of such accident.

Why did the USA stop producing he F-22? Was supposed to be 800 to1200 made! they stopped at 183.

it is enough, beacause they decided that the whole plane fleet will be stealth.

btw., i wrote several times about serbian incident. you should read the book of that PVO officer, who made it. he ckerly wrote, it was lucky accident for his unit.

Stealth is not a proven technology and is a big risk!

??? will coock the pilot? :))) if would be risk, china and russia would not try so hard to have such planes :P



The Latin Mass

Russia is being contained voluntarily. Just as jewamerica has their zionist puppets that will do whatever is against the interest of those living in the States. Zionist have had their zionist puppets in Russia doing the bidding of Hell Aviv.

Cyric London

How do they do it though? The protocols only tell half the story. Such a small minority and just look at the level of control. Monetary, political, judicial, media, entertainment. You name it.

Everyone that lives in a country with a private central bank should ask their leadership why they borrow at interest when they could print their own currency debt free.


If u actually knew what u were talking about ud be dangerous! Do u know what u are doing? u are following JewTube 101 anti-israel, anti-zionist, jews run the world rhetoric!

I dont blame u for thinking that but it only shows how naive u are!

For example, u would agree with me that the Rothschilds(a banking jewish family who are zionists) zionists meaning they want to return the land of Israel back to the jews (taking it away from Palestine!

OK so u could say the Rothschild family is the epitome of all zionist jews right?

Who do they control? what powers do they have! one could say they have ultimate power! Yet there is MASSIVE PROOF that Trump along with Putin have been waging a secret war against the Rothschilds!

Oh u dont know about this? but u seem to be someone who “knows things”! would u like to learn? Ill make it easy for u, ill send u pictures so u can learn like a small child!

U have no idea what is going on do u! None, u just sit in ur chair and say “its the jews”!

Well, I can agree with that to an extent! But what u dont understand is that not all Jews are scum! And not all Jews are on the side Israel! (no I am not a jew either). What I am saying is that TRUMP and PUTIN are at war with Zionism!

Yep u heard right!

like I said, u want proof? ask me nicely! I KNOW MORE THAN U! MUCH MORE!

Would u like to hold my hand while I take u down the rabbit hole?

ill give u some teasing photos for ur pleasure! Let me know if u want to learn more.


McCain institute, rothschilds donors (things that make u go “hmmmm”) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4a982a259986b6cec36e79c5ab709506fc1782c1701b82ab1bde87921f6e408b.png

Oh look, here are some pics with John McCain, hilary and her daughter Chealse all wearing foot braces at the same time!!!!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/42c5372acc18dbc63d3a2d8379883c92bf83bc52624110971ee5dcb3c1868cae.png

Oh look now Jhn McCain has a brain tumor. apparently he is starting to lose his memory! how inconvenient! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e2d073284800c75eab58c5fbf3cfe4643757c2a477d015ecaa4a8b340216897e.jpg


Oh look, trump has declared a national emergency granting himself emergency powers due to human trafficking


Oh look, Navy SEALs went to North Korea! Hmmm i wonder if North kore had their nukes and scientists blown up a couple o months a go hmmmmm


Oh look Kim Jong un is De-nuking https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6844aa626b7ccd78874aaffe4fcedf951d28bc9ef1da0488fb74ff06bcb32857.jpg


oh look paul ryan doesnt want to be president anymore, he is resigning!


hmmm i wonder why???



hmmm i wonder why Eric Schmidt resigned as CEO of alphabet (the parent company of google) hmmmmm




oh my, did Somebody try to kill the Rothschilds? But arnt they in control? arnt they the family responsible for the Balfour declaration? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/beee65eb080d83ea768fd6b518ea71984d3318a12eaca2b9f13dba7efe44f8de.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b1c3897829d238a4446f83e7e97ad4196bceb04f6efa81435446f692678c4b0e.jpg


But who on earth would want to kill the Rothschilds if they were the Founders of Israel and the Kings of Zionistic Jews? hmmmmmmm??

Captain Mike Green! Former Navy Helicopter pilot and now a Helicopter flying instructor! hmmmmm ok. so why would he be flying only 100feet above the ground towards the Rothschild Mansion? would that be allowed over the Queens palace? and how on earth could a air collision occur at that low altitude? What are the chances of a helicopter and a plane colliding at 100 feet above the rothschild estate? wouldnt that be a no fly zone? hmmmmm




Ok maybe is just all a coincidence and we are reading too much into it!

Oh but wait, look what US military intel leaked the day before before it happened!

Remember the name “mike GREEN”! Who is LDR? Where was Lord Rothschild at the time of the crash? What radar systems were shut down to allow such a collision window to occur? THINK!!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0045462a4b870b97ee349207cf479cef9a71c67b1f1c2eed6c19381c63847db0.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9c2f0eebd3017f9a24b01755ddd21b7a0d23e56d45f059b4ddd2a8c68cf092c2.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ac60fca9c8a3b07893fb6b5b0a8baa94f71f0315ae820cb3ac77146c6fa5f0ff.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/810bfa3219dcdee24ce7066449422e67dff61cb09e4f547b7e82e6f255f91111.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0665daa2a08c3042f36e0d41e26bd7d70105a74447e772cd3f8a6e7ac0487b31.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a09eb3687526bb415f7935baa19a24dbb720df6cbfe05d49b1cf21e00f0514d8.png


But if Trump loves Israel why would he tell the Russia 7 days ahead of time where they were targeting?

If Israel zionist love trump, why would they be ushing”russia collusion” and blaming Russia for everything from Chem weapons to MH17 to Skripal?


If Trump loves Israel why would he be trying to indict Hillary Clinton and John McCain! (deep state)?

If Trump loves Israel why would he be trying to kill the Rothschilds?

Do u even know what is going on in the world today?

“keep your friends close but ur enemies even closer”!

Do u undertand???


How did JFK get into power? (the mafia) then he turned on them!

How did Putin get into power? (military intel and KGB) then he turned on Berezovski (the man who made putin king)

How did Trump get into power (military intel de-rigged the election) Who is trup going after?the deep state!

U see the similarities?

Would u like to learn more or do u already THINK u know whats going on?

Oh u got part of it right! Zionist jews! But u didnt get it all right! This is chess Planned for 10 years!

Here is a small video to help u understand!




Cyric London

I wish I could share your optimism, but the facts say otherwise.

Did you know that Russia has been offered bases in Iraq, Egypt and Cyprus and has turned them all down. If they were seriously trying to position themselves in a place to curtail US/ISRAELI dominance, why would they do that?

And why they need any excuse to deploy air defense systems? Just do it.


. I keep telling people that Israel political elite and old guard .As well as older generation in general who immigrated from Russia and eastern Europe during and after ww2 n make up a massive number of those who settled built and controlled Israel have deep political,historical, cultural,ethnic/national and even economic tiesfirst of all . second!! Hezbollah to Russia is just a well organized and well trained disposable tool to use as cannon fodder to help Russia keep Assad in power . And Iran and Russia have/had relatively good relations and are defacto allies .But none the less. Iran and Russia each have their own agenda and diverging interests and are virtually rivals competing an struggling for influence over Assad and Syrias military, its strategic and tactical initiatives, control over Assad and his regime and over the military prowess ,recognition, and battlefield . But MOST IMPORTANTLY THE TWO ARE GEOPOLITICALLY ARM WRESTLING FOR INFLUENCE OVER SYRIA’S FUTURE, ITS BENEFITS OF RESOURCE GARANTEES AND ECONOMY, ANY FUTURE PUPPET REGIMES AND REGIONAL BASES . IT IS 100% NOT IN RUSSIAS INTERESTS FOR HEZBOLLAH TO DIG IN SYRIA N GOLAN HEIGHTS PERMANENTLY AND FOR IRAN TO BUILD BASES HIDEOUTS FACTORIES TUNNELS AND MOST IMPORTANTLY TRANSFER OF ADVANCED WEAPONRY TO HEZBOLLAH . RUSSIA WONT RISK HER GAINS SHE HELPED ASSAD MAKE ON BATTLEFIELD RISKING MAJOR WAR WITH US.

Roger Snellman

So Russia is Winning? US and Israel just stole an S-400 in the English Channel a month ago. A couple times every week some country, take your pick, US, France, UK, Turkey or Israel flies into Syria and destroys some of Assad’s stuff. Billions of Russia’s vast wealth flushed down the loo. How does Russia profit from this war in Syria after ISIS is exterminated?




There are a few things we need to ask ourselves!

1. What was at the locations in which they hit?

2. What WAS REALLY at the location in which they hit!

3. Are the Russians defending only their airbase or all of syria?

4. Does this attack stop the SAA liberating Rastan pocket?

To syria this is a civil war!

To Iran this is a regional, religious and ideological war

To russia this is a geopolitical and National interest /defence war

Russia only wants Israel contained!

Think about the cuban missile crisis! Why did russiamove Medium range ballistic missiles to Cuba? It was because the US placed Ballistic missiles in Turkey! What was the deal that was made after almost going to war?

Russia removed the missiles and USA removed the missiles in turkey under the disguise of them being “obsolete”!

this is the same deal!

Russia cannot place air defensive or attack in Mexico or Canada! So the best place to put them would be in syria because as u know,Israel is very important!America sacrifices its own soldiers for Israeli interests!

So Russia is in Syria to complete its business! It already has the propaganda machine against them saying “russia did it”!

Russia is just pushing the war ever so closer to finishing! Russia cant just openly contain Israel so they are using Iran to do it! Iran may in fact (and there is actual evidence to suggest it) be buidling long range missiles and nukes in syria!

So maybe Russia is ok with that plant blowing up! Maybe the US has a deal with russia because its weird that Trump gave Russia 7 days notice that they were gonna strike and also sent the joint chiefs of staff to Moscow to tell them where they will be targeting!

in fact the joint chiefs were in Moscow when the attack begun! look it up!

This war is so much more complicated than u think because there are things going on outside of this war that u obviously have no idea about! What u are doing is looking at this war through a microscope only seeing Israel, USA, Russia, Iran, Turkey! u have no idea where Both north Korea and the muslim brother hood comes into this! plus the deep state! u dont even calculate this stuff! u just see and u react!

U dont understand why The CIA director suddenly became the Secretary of state and on almost the same day he was Ade Sec of state, was in Jordan where the these bombs were launched from!

Why is Trump being blamed for colluding with russia? Why is Russia always being blamed for stuff they didnt do? (MH-17,skripal, chemical Weapons attacks, US election infiltration)

This is bigger than u think!

Trump is NOT the Deep state!

why do u think North Korea is de-nuking? Do u know anything about Uranium 1 how the Hillary Clinton sold 20% of US uranium to Rosatom and then Rosatomsold the same Uranium to Iran! (keep in kind uranium isotopes can be traced to the nation who it came from)!

Why did Obama are the Iran nuclear treaty? Why did Obama fly over 1.3 billion in cash (admitted) Why did Obama give back 150 billion to Iran?

Why did both Macron and Merkel go to the US recently to try to convince trump to stay in the Iranian nuclear deal?

Ask ourselves these questions and try to answer them!

Do u really understand whats going on in Syria? How is this all related to North Korea? How is this related to Prince Alaweed and the new crown prince of Saudi Arabia?

Do u know? or do u think its not related? find out why! if u dont know why then u dont know whats gong on! So is it up to me to teach u? or is it up to u to find out?

There is so much to learn! What I can tell u is this! The SAA will win this war in syria! Kurds will keep their land! Iran will be kicked out of Syria! Israelwillleave Syria alone after Iran is out! But if Iran doesn’t leave there will be a war! It could involve nuclear weapons that both Israel and Iran poses! more than likely just like North Korea! Iran will submitted shake hands with Israel! There will be another revolution in Iran!

Just so u understand a small piece of the map! Prince Alaweed was tortured by Black water for information regarding North Korea! North Korea sold Miisle and Nuclear secrets to Iran that were producing these systems in syria! Clintons sold US uranium to Russia who then sold the US uranium to Iran! The US knew this’d were in on it! Iran was given money, tech and a treaty to allow them to continue “Medical grade enrichment of Uranium”! But was enriching much higher in syria!

U are going to ask me how I know this?

U should know this! How do u not know this?

As for Russia! Russia just wants those missile batteries out of Eastern Europe! Russia is putting pressure on Israel in order to make a deal! We will makeIran go away if u make the missile Shield in Eastern Europe go away!

Its no different to the Cuban missiles crisis with missiles in Cuba and missiles in turkey! do u understand?

Russia doesn’t want a war! Nor does the NEW US administration!

Why does European leaders hate trump? Why the deep state and the Democrats hate him so much? Why “russia did it”? What is this all about?

U need to learn more! im sure u dont want someone like me telling u that u dont know enough because most people think they know everything! when they are told they dont they get very defensive! But truly, u dont know whats going on!

Deals are being made right now between the USA and Russia on behalf of Iran and Israel! no different to 2 lawyers making deal on the steps that lead inside the court!

Allowances are being made! Russians are being told which targets will be destroyed and Russians agreed to stay down under certain terms in order to avoid a world war! If Clinton was in power, u can be sure of it being a world war!

Roger, do u want to learn more? let me know if u do, I can help u find information! proof!


True. Very likely the S400 is over hyped. It had yet to shoot down one plane


You have to actually fire an S400. Targets just do not drop out of the air when there is an S400 in the vicinity.

Jens Holm

Its normal procedure. If the enemy improve, You outbalance or try Your best.


Jens, how’s the weather in Tel Aviv?


Because it can shoot down the normal 4th gen planes .

But seems Russia S400 is proven to be useless against F35


The Israeli are the most DESPICABLE people on the face of the planet, they attack Syria and blame Syria for the attack with they MANUFACTURED “EVIDENCE”(their terrorist launch mortar to Golan to advise their zionist masters) , they attack Syria if they obtain air defense, and attack Syria without air defense, they are a DEMONIC RACE. Their whole history had been one of OBTAIN TERRITORY through extermination and GENOCIDE of the people of those territory.

Roger Snellman

Stop being so diplomatic, how do you really feel about the Israelis? Obviously you cannot really believe that because if you did then you would stay out of their way to avoid certain death. Best tell your shrink that your are tormented by demons and the demons are all Jews. Never mind, forgot you shrink is Jewish so you might be on to something after all. Suggest you read just enough history to learn about the 100,000,000 killed by Moa Zedong, Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Pol Pot and their ilk just in the past 90 years.


“Suggest you read just enough history to learn about the 100,000,000 killed by Moa Zedong, Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Pol Pot and their ilk just in the past 90 years”…I suggest that YOU, read who installed Mao Zedong and financed the October revolution that installed the Bolshevik(communist) and who where the bolshevik(70%jews) in Russia(Lenin, Stalin) and Hitler was financed by the Rothschild. Read their own jews religious books and you will find out that it is one of genocide, look what is happening right now in Gaza and Syria.





Manuel Flores Escobar

Because S-300 have a secret..it can be use like a ground to ground missile..and Israel fear it!….a missile that can hit ground target at 8500 km/H( Track-via-guide)…Scud missile in final approach fly at 1000km/H and is an easy target for Antimissile system!


Warhead is much to small to be any use as a ground attack missile. Syria has P-800 missiles, why use a knife to insert a nail if you have a hammer. Israel fears not being able to bomb Syria at will, the idea that the person they are trying to kill might shoot back terrifies them.

888mladen .

He has a point. P-800 has max speed of 2.6 Mach. It would make it an easy target for David’s Slings.


Maybe, that depends more on guidance than raw speed.

Nigel Maund

Good comment Rob! So, now we know how the Israeli’s may have done it. I’ll bet the Russian’s were tracking this and know precisely how it was done but are currently saying nothing.

Jimmy Jim

It is time Iran hit back on the occupied Golan or somewhere in northern occupied Golan or the Zionist aggression will only increase. Syria and Iran have nothing to lose if they make the Zionists pay for their crimes. The Zionists are bullies and can not afford to see their cities destroyed in a long asymmetrical war spanning multiple fronts.


As much as i agree with yu and would love that . Not logical and highly unlikely .Not hezbollah but IRAN attacking Israel will draw in American intervention and thats not a winning battle


You are a Zionist right? You want Iran to attack so you can get your pet ape USA, to fight for you. Why don’t you gutless toads invade Syria?

888mladen .

Sooner or later they will for sure. Writing is on the wall.


Very interesting, they may be tougher to take down than other munitions. And it only takes one getting through to set off an ammo dump. It’s less than 110 km from Lebanon to Hama. So they could have been dropped from outside Syrian airspace:



I thought so also Richard, but what about Aleppo area strikes? Such events are pretty ominous, as they hint towards the use of F35s, and furthermore, successful use of their stealth characteristics. I don’t know what is worse, flying by the SAA/Ru air defenses undetected, or Russian unwillingness to counter such aggression…


The SAA systems may not be effective against stealth targets, even if they know that they’re there. Or the munitions could have been dropped from altitude outside Syrian airspace. The Aleppo missiles may have all been shot down from the looks of it. The story is developing.


There’s very few possibility F35 used without any other indicator that was the case such as sighting/spotting spy or AWACS plane or other jet fighter gathering target data beforehand.


The Syrians may be able to see F-35s through the Russian system. But at best they have limited quantities of what you need to take them down.


F35 have low speed and very hot single engine. At the very least they’re considerably less stealthy when it turn around and back to where it came.


They’re also loaded with electronic counter measures.


Jammers ? They radiate denser wave than radars. No way they’d use it on stealth aircraft.


I just checked the f35.com of the information and the bombs allegedly involved isn’t one to be available for the aircraft. Perhaps the information were old and theres a changes recently but you probably should check it anyway. Apparently the F35 have beast mode.


“GBU-39 began separation tests on the F-22 in early September 2007 after more than a year of sometimes difficult work to integrate the weapon in the weapons bay and carry out airborne captive carry tests.

The SDB is currently integrated on the F-15E Strike Eagle, Panavia Tornado, JAS-39 Gripen, F-16 Fighting Falcon, and AC-130W. Future integration is planned for the F-22 Raptor, F-35 Lightning II, A-10 Thunderbolt II, B-1 Lancer, B-2 Spirit, B-52 Stratofortress, and AC-130J. Other aircraft, including UCAVs, may also receive the necessary upgrades.”

– GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb –


888mladen .

Wrong. Read this: http://ausairpower.net/APA-SDB.html

888mladen .

If it carries GBU-39 on an external pylon then it is not stealthy at all.

888mladen .

There was definitely a spy plane in the air doing target acquisition for GBU. Many times US spy plane Poseidon was caught flying in close proximity to Hmeim without being intercepted by RU jets.


There are no report from Syrian or Russian side yet. No conclusive details about it yet.

888mladen .

If GBU-39 was used it must have been. GBU uses three types of seekers and one of them is uncooled IR. However that can be used only in terminal faze. 100 km is to great distance for detecting target by IR seeker. I presume IR seeker has been used also because it was a night time.

Promitheas Apollonious

Is not a matter detecting them is russian unwillingness, to engage them. may be when they stop jerking off things will get different.


Ah, all those people mistaking Putin’s way of patience to be one of cowardliness. I beg to differ. If you watch closely how things develop in general, you would understand how Russia is playing the long game, as it sees the global swift towards the east. The world will need Russian oil/gas for at least 30+ years. That makes Russia pretty indispensable, especially if you consider Europe’s and China’s need for energy. Sanctions might hurt, but there is no bending the knee happening, Yeltsin style. OBOR is slowly happening, and the world doesn’t pay attention to the built up throughout Eurasia. It is focused in the Middle East. Russia needs to take the pressure from the West right now because it has to shield its partner(s), as times works for them. As the West declines, economically, culturally, politically the more it will invest in and pursue what it is really good at: WAR. The establishment wants to go for it, as right now the odds of winning against US at the moment are minimal (offensive wise, the issue of putting boots on American ground, isn’t happening). So chances are that ICBMS/nukes will be very probably used, due to the fear that the asymmetry of this war would bring to the globe. So stop asking why Russians don’t hit them. Patience is different from appeasement. Despite strikes, operations didn’t stop and progress is being made. On the other hand, all proxies of the west have nothing new to show. Just cheap propaganda. Syria can survive attacks for PR reasons, but certainly not a new war. Then, there are players like Turkey that haven’t shown their true face yet. I think that soon the war will enter a new phase as most pocket will close and Syria as well as all parties involved will decide their new priorities.

Promitheas Apollonious

you assuming what others understand. As for mistaking Putins actions ….. I am sure many do.


I responded based on the “jerking off” part. Well, in a sense you are not wrong.

Promitheas Apollonious

My family been doing business with Russia since Russia’s capital was in Kiev and also myself have been doing business with Russia and Caucasus since my teen years, so I know russians more than I know my own country men. And when I say they jerking off is exactly what they are doing trying to be politically correct.

And I tell you something my grandfather teach me, in free translation as it loses in english langue. If you going to cut a dogs tail, you dont cut an inch at the time so it hurt less, it will not, do it once and the job is done.

Cyric London

That sort of thinking is what enabled the German army to get within 30km of Moscow. Napolean burned the city to ashes. Yes both enemies were ultimately defeated but at what cost to Russia?

I thought I read somewhere where Putin’s parents died in the Leningrad siege. You would think he of all people would understand the costs of appeasement.

Geography isn’t going to save Russia this time around. There will be no invading armies crashing across its borders from Europe. No this is a different kind of invasion, but one that is even more dangerous.

888mladen .

Love of many makes people spiritually blind. Putin lives gorgeous life in Kremlin while gen Suleimani rubs shoulders with IR fighters risking his own life.


Well said.

888mladen .

SY will be constantly harassed by US via Israel. If things continue like they are now very soon we will see no fly zone established over SY. RU theory about peace in ME is mere utopia. There will be no permanent peace between Israel and its neighbors. History does not support it.


As I said above, harassment can be tolerated, as it doesn’t influence the situation on the ground greatly. I don’t think an official no fly zone can be established, but unofficially, it is already in place. As for peace, there ain’t such thing at the moment in ME, nor has there been for at least a century. Israel is an illegal entity and sooner or later it will be demolished in the name of historical justice.

Roger Snellman

Defending Iran is not Russia’s responsibility. Why in the world would Russia risk their neck to save ten thousand Iranians much less the couple hundred that were exterminated last night.


Is the F35 really battle capable, I thought they were just a fund raiser?

888mladen .

It was either F-22 or F-35. The GBU-39 and GBU-53 have been specifically designed for those two platforms. Israel has no F-22s.

You can call me Al



Israel always attacks from Lebanon, they know if they fly into Syrian airspace they will lose the plane. Firing from Lebanon, although illegal allows the Israelis to play the victim, something they are very good at.

888mladen .

Plenty of features prone to jamming. What happened to RU EW?

888mladen .

It looks like SY has been chosen as a military polygon for testing new weapons.

chris chuba

Yes indeed and isn’t it disgraceful that countries like Israel and the U.S. are attacking Syria without any cause whatsoever.

Jens Holm

There are many good causes. israel has done it for many years trying to be preventive and let people in Syria kill each other in stead of them.

Normal procedure for many 1000 years.

Old Ceasar said divede end rule. Syria and the others certainly are diveded and ruled :(

The Latin Mass

50 year old technology, with 40 year old anti-measures that will neutralized the jammers available to any who want to develop the anti-measures. Muslims better get onto finding non-harmful frequencies to put out there that will silence the jammers.


More like the US is trying to find out which of its weapons will work against Russian defenses, but those damn Russians won’t play.

888mladen .

I didn’t get an impression they have been that acidic.


But they haven’t shown their hand. The US has, and that’s how Russia successfully developed counter measures.

888mladen .

Is there any depleted Ur used in the construction considering its ability to penetrate steel reinforced concrete targets?

Manuel Flores Escobar

Nothing special!..Israel launch long range weapons away from Syrian air space flying over lebanon…like Syria air force could launch long range air to ground missile vs israel flying over Syria and lebanon….the question is that a war vs israel means to delay SAA offensive in Homs,Hama and Damascus…and this is what terrorist allies are looking for…..

The Latin Mass

Hopefully Muslims will learn from this. This is so old technology. Like making stealth missiles is 40 year old technology. These are the secret weapons of the cold war.

Iran should get onto making hypersonic missiles and figuring out how to beat old cold war technology and problem solve all the new technologies out there – like vehicle disabling weapons, personnel disabling weapons. Frequencies can defeat frequencies. Jam the jammers.

Hint: Love conquers all.

This is why jews are after Iran’s missile program.

Iran should make 1,000,000 short range missiles in response and give them to Lebanon.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Iran can launch small stealth drones with turbine engines…the problem is that they need to finish a war vs Terrorist before open another front!


It could have been a combined attack involving both terrorists and the IDF. The IDF could have launched a swarm at the Hama site and one or more may have gotten through to set off the HE there. And the Aleppo attacks could have been surface to surface rockets that missed or were taken down.

888mladen .

It has been coordinated by the look of it.

888mladen .

Millimeter Waves are the highest band of radio waves and operate at a frequency range of 20-300 GHz. The radio waves in this band have wavelengths that are in order of millimeters (mm), which is why the waves in this band are called millimeter waves. There are near endless possibilities for future applications of MM Wave technology, as basically a ‘millimeter wave’ is a special electromagnetic wave whose frequency lies in between 20 GHz to 300 GHz, falling far beyond the frequency range (<5 GHz) of commonly used wireless technologies. Military, Defense & Aerospace (MDA) is one of the leading sectors Millimeter Wave Technology market. It is estimated to be $3.05 million in 2013 and expected to reach at $31.80 million by 2018, growing at a CAGR of 59.81%. Radar and satellite communication are the main applications in this segment. The acceptance of millimeter wave technology is at large in MDA sector. It also has one of the highest growth rates amongst all sectors in Millimeter wave technology.


888mladen .

Does anybody know if any RU radar operates in this frequency band 20GHz – 3000 GHz?

Brad Isherwood

Russia can see which airbase the IAF jets left from. They may or may not have passed that data line onto Syrian Airdefence.. (if the Attack was IAF against Iran /IRGC. ..as Putin/Netanyahu appear to have some agreement)

The GBU glide bombs used may have been Composite based…meaning Russia’s radars would be challenged to track them. Iran/Syrian Radar probably have little chance to get point defence on that.

US/Israel give up critical information/data with these attacks. Iran’s pretty good at reverse engineering technology . Depending on the condition of components remains. …Iran /Syria might just have hit paydirt With recent attacks.

888mladen .

True. They definitely volunteered some sensitive info about GBU-39 design by launching it at SY targets.

Tiresia Branding

or was not an Israeli plane who bombed, but.. US? UK?


F35I can’t use the bomb as far as i know.


you are right, it drops kinderchocolate eggs.

klove and light

hey folks are you all totally fucked up stupid here????? There is only one 1 REASON why Israel was able to bomb syria again and again and again and again..

RUSSIA allowed it to happen again and again and again and again….. You still dont get the bigger picture folks. The jews control the most important system, the monetary system of our planet.and stop bs with zionists.THEY ARE THE SAME YOU MORONS.JEW is a JEW!!! THEY control usa,europe etc…. but they also control PUTIN-RUSSIA. PUTIN is never ever ever going to help syria or iran with israel.ever. Putin is helping ASSAD against various , call them jihadi,nato,saudi sponsord,uae sponsored,tirkish sponsored scum.PUTIN will not help against the JEWS. WHO controls the central bank in russia u smart people??????? ITS A JEW!!!!! So stop with this childish absurd bs.. russia should do that, or russia should do that…NO NO NO when it comes to the jews and their illegal state israel.Russia is not going to do diddley against the jewish stae of israel.You are all making a mockery of yourselves..with that bs talk of russia doing anything against israel. And stop with that smart ass F-35 stealth bomber bs….how fucking stupid are you…OFCOURSE RUSSIA SEES THOSE PLANES ON RADAR, but they will never ever help the SAA or IRANIAN forces shoot them down.They will also not send notice in advance of an israeli attack to the SAA or Iranian forces. The JEWS control Russia, just as they control the USA, or the UK or Germany etc….

ps. WHO was it that made ASSAD give up his weapons of mass destruction(in syrias case it was chemical weapons) it was PUTIN!!! now they are defensless.sound familiar….ask gaddafi ,opps well hes dead after he gave those weapons up, ask saddam hussein, opps well hes dead too AFTER he gave those weapons up!!!!!!!!!! Imagine..what could they have done if ASSAD gave Israel an ultimatum…stop with that jihadi bs of yours and your friends. or we will put Israel into a chemical cloud of be it VX,Sarin etc….

You do not trust JEWS.All non jews are GOJIM for them.All non jewish women are whores to them!!!!

Cyric London

From your keystrokes to God’s ears. The absolute truth, but people do not want to believe it.

You see the Western media has done such a snow job with Putin. All you ever hear day in and day out 24/7 is how he opposes the NWO and American hegemony. Putin wants a multi-polar world etc. What a load of bullock. Never will you ever hear any of them point out that Israel does not have any greater friend in the world then Russia. Nor that went Putin supposedly clamped down on the Jewish Oligarghs he conveniently let them keep all their money.

I guess not enough Russians have died to this synagogue of Satan . Time to be gulaged once again.





Naija Lolade

Why are you sooo foolish.. Trolls get it right for once.. it does not work. If for anything Russia seems to be the only adult in the room in this conflict. Playing defensive is just what is needed now the most.. Playing defensive until all the crooks on the ground are cleared. This is milestone Syria has to reach and this is why Russia is there in the first place.

The second phase would be Isreal and the rest terrorists U.S, britain, France saudi….. You trolls need to get some brains already and stop mentioning that name Putin again. Foolish troll… If anything bad happens they call putin. I bet if Satan yahho start dropping wattery shit, they will still call putin, Killary Clinton or even Trump.

Shut the hel and shut up already. Mind you when that milestone is reached… War will be over. This is a carbon copy of what the same zionist forces did to Russian visa vis the Chechenya war.. They are replaying the same thing in Syria..


Putin betrayed Assad? Really? The only reason why Assad is still in Damascus – is because Russia helped him. If Putin was a zionist, there was no reason to intervene in Syria at all. So your theory is bs, sorry.

btw how many accounts do you have?

@Starlight @klove and light @The Latin Mass





leon mc pilibin

These zionist scumbags are only in the business of stealing money and creating the means of murder and genocide to protect the former..Hopefully the day is coming soon when they will get their just rewards for this demonic agenda.


Putin blocking the delivery of S-300 in Syria against the demands of the Russian Military

This was discussed by Putin with General Staff chief Valery Gerasimov and Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu on April 20. The Russian military, they told the President, want the go-ahead to deploy S-300 missile batteries to cover Syrian and Iranian forces against US and Israeli attack from the air. They believe Israeli threats to attack the S-300 batteries as soon as they are operational are a bluff which Russia must call if Russia’s positions in Syria, and Iran itself, are not to come under subsequent attack from the American-Israeli combination. Testing the threat in Syria, they argue, is the less threatening, less costly option than encouraging the Americans and Israelis to prepare their offensive against Iran. Putin won’t agree.

To respond to Putin’s reluctance, the General Staff and the Defence Ministry have devised a step short of the S-300, but with potentially enough defensive power to intercept or deter American and Israeli air attacks. This is the deployment of more Russian electronic warfare systems with the capacity to jam the surveillance, targeting, fire control and command signals on which the attackers rely. It is the Samson Haircut option – deprive the giant of control of his firepower, blind him.

Silently, Putin has decided to protect Deripaska; not to call the US attack on Rusal an act of war; and to test the Americans with an offer of an armistice. International bankers close to Russian business believe it is a Russian illusion that an armistice with the US can be anything but temporary; pursuing it is a miscalculation of US intentions, the sources add. They warn that new attacks will come.


Putin Reportedly “Ready For Deep Concessions”, Seeks Deal With Trump

He understands Russia can’t compete with the West economically and he doesn’t plan to go to war with the West.

Kremlin has ordered officials to curb their anti-U.S. rhetoric.

Putin’s decision explains why lawmakers Monday suddenly pulled a draft law that would’ve imposed sweeping counter-sanctions on U.S. companies, two of the people said.


Russian Senators to soften sanctions against US

RBC: Russian senators to water down Moscow’s response to US sanctions. Two Federation Council members told the newspaper that the final version of the amendments to the ‘anti-sanctions’ bill initiated by State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin and leaders of all parliamentary factions, will be “quite mild.”

More: http://tass.com/pressreview/1001647

Russia not to take action against US diplomatic property – diplomat

More: http://tass.com/politics/1002504

Naija Lolade

Israel is trying so hard to demostrate what it can use to destroy S-300 if supplied to the Syrian goverment. This is the time Syrians need More Pantsirs and S-300 plus land to land missiles. Sending 6 Isklander missiles to destory all the foreign targets in Syria anytime the foreigner attacks Syria is a good start.

When all the foreign pockets are cleared. Then time to bring the war right in Isreal stolen state. Israel, Mere terrorist enclave parading itself as a state.

You can call me Al

They have just received a lot more Pantsirs, that is why I still sceptical that this attack is by Israel as opposed to local vermin ….. I don’t whether to hope I am wrong or right yet.


John Mason

Rather strange that Syrian air defense successfully countered the recent attack from the US, UK, France but is unable to prevent this from Israel. US targeted Hama and Aleppo airport and the missiles were successfully intercepted. Ammunition depots are always protected, so something very unusual is going on plus no word from Russia, Iran or Syrian governments. If it is the jews doing this then one wouldn’t want to be in their shoes when eventually they will be facing justice, holocaust could be child’s play.

chris chuba

The difference is between trying to stop a flying telephone pole and a gnat.

The Tomahawk is a barrel that travels at subsonic 600 mph that even leaves a heat exhaust, does the Pentagon really consider it a top tier weapon? The small glide bomb wouldn’t even show up on infrared.


So this missile is invisible to one of the most advance military powers of earth(Russia)..Give me a f*cking break..Please


It’s not a missile it’s a bomb, try reading the story Levi.


so is much worse for russia


So now you claim that Israel is bombing Russia?

Israel has reversed engineered the GBU-53 SDB series of USA bombs, and they now have longer range then the officially stated range. They are also slightly harder to detect then regular USA version. Israel keeps many deceptions and tricks to themselves to deceive thy neighbors.

Dušan Mirić

It is not important what ordnance was used, but who used it and in what circumstance. I wrote here before I am disgusted of Israeli policy assaulting war torn country fighting terrorists from more than hundred states and that the time has come to return some “gifts”, and as a former Israeli official said, with interest


now its obvious the last trump missile attack was conducted just for a show for domestic US politic. The US can conduct serious missiles attack with this small missiles in swarm.

Igor Dano

Stealth is not really stealth. Stealth will be seen by every look-around radar. The isue is, that sealth makes a blurred picture. And homing radar on the ground or on the counter missile, will have troubles to home in. Once more: stealth is not invisible, but you have an isue to home in precisely, to eliminate the projectile.


Stealth will be seen by every radar

are you nut???


you certainly are…. if you are quoting someone’s text, do it properly, you lying braindead moron. And learn to read, stop polluting this site with your retarded trolling.


Interesting, while costly in lifes, looks like Bear will get more toys to reverse engineer.

Joe Dirt

I’m sure the blueprints have been made public by now seeing this is old tech being used. :D

888mladen .

Not old at all 2016, 2017. It has MMWI radar which is the latest radar technology. Plenty of info on Internet.

Joe Dirt

It was developed in 2002-2003ish and went into service in 2006……plenty of info on the Internet.

The Latin Mass

There are frequencies to put out that will neutralize the jammers. Russia has this technology. Russia isn’t sharing that with the free Muslims, if Russians won’t even share S-300s because of a Netanyahu veto.

Cyric London

Take Chabad Putin out of the equation. World Jewry doesn’t have its roots in just Tel Aviv, Washington, London, Paris and Berlin but also Moscow. Whatever Russia is doing in Syria it is not to help the Syrians of that much we can be certain.

This blow up in Syria had been the perfect storm. Sucked the life right of Islam too. How many dead Muslims? 500,000+.

The irony is that Syria under Assad was never really enemy of Israel. Not in the sense that they would ever take military action against her. Ie: To reclaim the Golan heights. Yes they took help from Iran and Hezbollah. They had too.

Roy Goldmann

The Zionists need to expand and eventually rule all of the middle east, from there will be the New World Order controlled when finally every thing is said and done. A similar scenario what Hitler tried to achieve in Europe.


I think all the evidence leads to a US attack from Turkey:

– The area north of the targets is besieged by syrian army and occupied by Turkish proxies – Turkey is highly disappointed with Iranian presence in the Idlib area – F35 would have been easily detected by the Russians and downed by the Syrian S200 as it already happened in the past (and explained on this same Blog) – Evidence from the ground suggests that the attack came from the north, which initially led to the assumption that it was launched by rebels in the Idlib area – In spite of the difficult relationships between Turkish and USA, Erdogan would be pleased to keep Iran away from their proxies, and this might have facilitated the Turkish green light – Russian silence is quite telling as well.


F35 would have been easily detected by the Russians and downed by the Syrian S200 as it already happened in the past (and explained on this same Blog)



I read some tears back that the IAF was working on these, even then a single bomb could destroy a car without endangerring the traffic next to it. An F-35 could have theoretically pull this attack off, but why would Israel target this specific ammo dump at this time?

Igor Dano

A 100kg bomb can never trigger 2.2 mafnitude earquake.


You are so much idiot, otr only try to show such thing?

Those bombs hit syrian ammunition. Hundreds of tons of warheads and rocket fuels.

Icarus Tanović

No, you’re one encyclopedic example of imbecilism. We’re gonna DESTROY Zionists and theirs shiit holes, where they’re hiding. And everybody celebrate!


good luck!

Icarus Tanović

Thank you!


Normally a weapons depot is well spread out and does not explode like this. Looks like someone is not so smart about how to store S to S missiles. :(


Normally. in SAA nothing is normally


A glide bomb small diameter to hit cost 30-100K . Barely worth consuming a 100k ABM missile. Russia failed to have a UAV loitering at 35,000 feet over each major Syrian city. A single prop diesel UAV weighing 3000 kilos can carrying twelve 100 kilo glide bombs can loiter for 48 hours and deliver on target in 3 minutes. Faster than bomber or helicopter support can arrive with less fuel . With hundreds of glide bombs on target at one moment for 5 percent the cost of cruise missile then defenses are overwhelmed. This is plan B because the cruise missiles did not work.


Russia has no good uavs´s. They are 30 years behind west.


The SAA desperately needed rapid instant close air support. Russia lacked predator close air support . A huge mistake fighting an insurgency. I expected that Russia would develop close air support UAV predators for export.


Predators will finish this year. and russia is still not on this level :(

look at the best uavs in the world. you can see, how weak is russia.



Yes . Even Iran claimed to reverse engineer the US Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel unmanned aerial vehicle . But not Russia. Poor planning .

Icarus Tanović

I like big Zionistic buts to fucck and I can not lie.

Joe Dirt

DARPA and the Pentagon are planning in the next 5-10 years to have a full drone army.

US Military wants to control 250 drones at once.


I am really afraid, what everything exists already in DARPA.

Joe Dirt

Have you seen Intell’s drone swarm tech?


This simple reprogrammed movements but DARPA’s is looking beyond that.


no. thanks.


Predators are so Americans can kill women and children without any risk to the cowardly Americans. Russia is not a nation of cowards like the Jewish States of America.


you know, little australian boy, i herad decades ago such bullshit. brezhnev told, the electronic industry and chips are only imperialistic shamanism. west tries to lead socialist countries in blind tunnel. but we, wise socialist countries will not go in this way. the result of brezhnev´s wise way you know inbetween.


I do not understand why there is not a diesel single or two propeller plane for long term loitering over targets with payload of a few thousand pounds. Everything a turbofan but maybe the service life is too short on the diesels . But aero diesels can have a 2000 hour between total overhaul . Commercial aviations needs an aero diesel for export in the 250- 350 Hp range.


good idea

Icarus Tanović

We’re gonna fucck you, we’re gonna humulate you and we’re gonna defeat you.

Joe Dirt

You shouldn’t comment while drinking vodka, you’re embarrassing yourself.

Icarus Tanović

It’s not “Vodka” it’s ‘Votka’, to be precise. ?

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