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MARCH 2025

Israeli Air Force Bombs Targets In Syria’s Homs Province. Syrian Air Defense Responds

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Israeli Air Force Bombs Targets In Syria's Homs Province. Syrian Air Defense Responds

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Last night, the Israeli Air Force carried out airstrikes on targets in the Syrian province of Homs.

The attack took place at about 23:00 local time on April 20. According to Syrian state media, the country’s air defense forces intercepted a number of hostile missiles over the countryside of the city of Palmyra and in the eastern part of Homs province.

The Syrian side claimed that most of Israeli missiles were destroyed before they reached their targets. Syrian opposition sources claim that at least one soldier was killed in the strike.


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Xoli Xoli

Clear evidence Israel is supporting terrorists in Homs.Just to sabotage and destroy Syria exactly as Turkey does in Idlip and USA NATO in oil region to bankrupt Syria and bring 8t down.This is the 3 third phase of Israel NATO conspiracy war.

Ashok Varma

Jews are coing under global pressure for spreading wars and malicious virus. Even Indian media is now quite scathing.

Coronavirus Sparks Rise in Anti-Semitic Sentiment, Researchers Say

Report says far-right groups, ultraconservative Christian circles, Chinese and even the far left have sought to link Jews to Covid-19 and Zionist control of western economies and spreading global conflicts.

Zionism = EVIL

and you wonder why :)


the jews more than likely are behind the coronavirus and letting it lose on the world.

Traiano Welcome

This reminds me of the lead up to the Shoah. Then, as now, there was a great outcry against the Jews which some used to drive the holocaust. I fear that the coming shoah will be far more tragic than the first, however this time Israel will play an amplifying role in the tragedy.

Xoli Xoli

Absolutely true I wont be shock.

Zionism = EVIL

America isn’t just a failing state, it is a failed experiment

And the mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic is just another proof.


the so called israel is a failed geopolitical experiment that needs to be finalized urgently. lloyd-george had no authority or right to gift palestine to the jews so their existence, as always, rests on a lie and an legal situation that is based on nothing – empty from start to this day (as is well known a right based on a false presumption is no right even if 100 or more years have passed).

Xoli Xoli

I fully agree it is a failed state led by hypocrite


The U.S, Turkey and Israel should attack Syria from 3 sides if they don’t stop stop hurting our trio mutual interests.

Ashok Varma

and you silly inbred child thinks that the Russians and Iranians will allow that :)


What will Russia do? send their army to fight us three and die for Syrians? don’t think so. Iran might do it, but they will have so many deads that they will regret it too.

Traiano Welcome

“A hyena, a crocodile and a cheetah should attack a leopard cub from all three sides, in ‘cooperation’ for hurting their mutual interests” … That’s essentially what you’re proposing.

The result, as in nature, is that all 3 attackers find that there is no such thing as ‘mutual interests’, that they are in fact mutual enemies and that the leopard is the least of their worries. Worse still, the leopard cub is protected by a Bear. The hyena is having it’s tail bitten off by the leopard. The cheetah bites but has no effect, the crocodile can only sit there and show it’s teeth. Sometimes the cheetah bites the Bear and loses a tooth. The Crocodile bites the hyena and they hyena runs away for a while. It’s a circus …


I liked the metaphor so I upvoted.

Wayne Nicholson

And why do you suppose they don’t?

Perhaps the millions of refuges such an operation would generate in Turkey?

Perhaps the extremely vulnerable rear area / logistics train such an operation would create for the USA?

Maybe the USA hasn’t ever figured out how to turn an invasion into a victory despite 75 years of trying?

Maybe there just aren’t enough resources in Syria to justify attempting an invasion?

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

lol, you attacked syria from everywhere already. USA armed, funded, trained, created ISIS/al qaeda

Zionism = EVIL

Zionist desperate dumbass cunts are even more stupid than Saudi shitheads, they fired 8 dud missiles at Syrian farmland worth millions to support their terrorists and managed to kill a single Syrian soldiers. Seriously, the Jews are stupid cunts and deserve what’s coming to the parasites.


yep, complete and final termination of their existence in palestine. no one needs them and no one wants them.

Zionism = EVIL

Iran increases range of naval missiles to 700km amid tensions with US

BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:00 P.M.) – Iran announced on Monday that it has managed to increase the range of its naval missiles to 700 km, amid growing tensions in the Persian Gulf waters between the Islamic Republic and the United States.

“We now have sea-to-sea missiles and torpedoes with a range of 700 km,” Admiral Ali Reza Tanskiri, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, said.

Traiano Welcome

Bravo Iran!


Just one step closer to the regional war we are all waiting for, unless Syria kicks out Iran, then the IDF and the SAA will face each other once again, goodluck.

Traiano Welcome

10 years of bombing. Zero Effect. Seems like a futile exercise, no ?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Soon you won’t have to worry about Iran for a while, and that’s because Iran’s going to be kept way too busy just trying to survive leave alone them having any time left to worry about Israel. In fact because I know Iran will be at its absolute weakest soon, I actually fear the side you back is about to give them a good hammering while they’re down on their knees, well that’s only if Israel isn’t hit really hard with the corona virus too. Apart from the toll the coronavirus is having on Iran things are about to get 100 times worse, 99% of Iran’s total revenue comes from oil sales and they aren’t making any money anymore, prices have dropped so low they can’t make a red cent selling it, and with the coronavirus keeping demand at an absolute minimum for the next 12 to 24 months, things won’t start to improve until then, and only if prices lift high enough to make it profitable again. So even with a huge cash reserve of 130 bill [some they can’t access due to US sanctions] and a whopping 85 bill a year expenditure cost, it means they’ll be broke in less than 12 months or just a little over, which means no money left to even buy food leave alone make new weapons or pay Hezbollah wages. The Saudis started destroying Iran and Russia’s economies with low oil prices and now the Coronavirus is putting the nail in the Iranians coffins, luckily for Russia they can at least hold out for a bit longer and will be able to recover a lot more quickly when the prices go back up, but Iran’s about to become a pale shadow of its former self. Hezbollah and the other Iranian backed militia’s operating in Syria won’t be able to stick around if they’re not getting paychecks anymore, so I think Iran’s presence in Syria is about to start diminishing regardless of anything Israel does or doesn’t do. No one in the region can afford to go to war anymore, so maybe the coronavirus isn’t so bad afterall.


I liked your analysis and I agree with most of it, but we are talking about Iran here. They have been trying to hurt us since 1979 and I doubt they will just head back home from Syria willingly. I for one, prefer the 2011 status que we had with Syria, no peace but also no hostilities. I get that the SAA is Iran’s ally and they need to support their agenda against us, but Hezbollah near the Golan is a red line and the IDF has shown that we are ready to kill Hezbollah members in Syria even at the cost of an escalation. Assad can stay in power for the next 50 years for all I care, but I expect him to take responsibility for the border crossings near the Golan, and don’t let Iran/Hezbollah operate there because one small incident can drag his country into a war, and I don’t think even Russia could stop Iran or Israel if it comes to that. Also, I don’t see Russian MP’s act against Iran in the Daraa area, even though they promised to push them back 80 KM.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“I get that the SAA is Iran’s ally and they need to support their agenda against us”,

I don’t think they do to be honest, I think Syria should stick to its own agenda and shouldn’t conflate it’s own interests with Iran’s, that’s something I agree with the Russians on, and they should do it politically instead of allowing Iran to do it militarily on Syrian territory. Yes I agree with you, Syria shouldn’t let Hezbollah operate near the Golan Heights but I’ll even go one step further, I’d even say, or anywhere else in Syria they’re not needed in the fight against Syrian opposition forces. I can totally understand Israel’s objections, I don’t think antagonizing and scaring the Israelis witless is going to have any positive results for either Iran or Syria, just the opposite. Even though most SF readers aren’t aware of it, I can see Russia’s doing everything it can to help diminish Iranian power and influence in Syria, and now with covid 19’s help I think the Russians job’s just become a little easier, so let’s see who’s will prevails in 6 months time, Russia’s or Iran’s. No the Russians don’t have any militias in Daraa so they don’t have much say in what the Iranians do there, and as you said Russian MP’s don’t confront the Iranian’s or their proxies, they instead let there own proxies do that for them, like they do in Aleppo, Homs, and Deir ez Zor, so Daraa and Quneitra are Assad’s responsibility, he has to say no to Iran. A political solution is becoming more and more possible with the sudden arrival of covid 19, this is the time all parties have much more to gain than they have to lose, I’m hopeful Russia can mediate a compromise that will keep all the parties happy, the Russians themselves, the Syrians, the Iranians, the Israelis, the Arab League and the Turks, but when I say Turks, I mean minus Erdogan and the Muslim Brotherhood, and hopefully that’s in a few years time when Erdogan loses an election, unless of course he catches the coronavirus and dies first.


at it again with your yada yada yada drivel.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“I actually fear the side you back is about to give them a good hammering while they’re down on their knees,”

I would think any intelligent person could understand my comment without any ambiguity, perhaps bias stops your reasoning ability from functioning correctly.

You’re as bad as me, you blame the Jews for every single ill in the world and I blame the LGBTQI movement, I wonder which one of us is really right.


the syrians need to down one or two of the criminals in order to be seen as competent and just not some bungling non-entity. once they’ve downed one or two of the criminals, the pilot(s) should without delay be strung up at the end of a rope for the world to see – this is what happens to criminal jews. what a boost for the anti-jew league and heralds the termination of the friggin jews in palestine.


Anyone doubts Israel informing Russian army prior to each attack in Syria?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’d love to know what the targets really were, its right out in the middle of nowhere in the desert wastes with not even a small village or a even a building anywhere nearby, so what the hell did they attack. The missile strike was in exactly the same area the SAA are hunting down Isis now, so unless the missile accidentally hit an unlucky SAA patrol that was out hunting down Isis fighters, I don’t see how the hell anyone could’ve been injured here in the middle of nowhere. Of course the Iranians may have some hidden infrastructure located here we don’t know about but the Israelis do, so I’m very curious as to exactly what it was that the Israelis were trying to target here, does anyone out there know something the rest of us don’t.

Lazy Gamer

Maybe some foreign “advisers” or trained units are embedded on those ISIS soldiers and they needed saving. lol Syria should further develop the operation

Rhodium 10

Israel attacked T 4 base( accord jerusalem post) and failed!..all missile have been shot down!…usually pro Israeli sources SOHR and French AFP use to say that many IRGC have been killed each time Israeli attacks…no official sources and pro Hezbollah press deployed there have been told about casualties! we will see a fake satelites photos and an small warehose( there thousands in Syria many of them damage as cosecuence of civil war or abandoned) and they will say that have been destroyed as consecuence of IAF air strikes!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes you’re right it was the Israelis hitting the airbase according to your source, but the location I assumed they hit is actually now being claimed as a coalition airstrike, and that location was about 15 km south of As Sukhnah and about 5 km east of the highway. The SF article said this,

“the country’s air defense forces intercepted a number of hostile missiles over the countryside of the city of Palmyra and in the eastern part of Homs province.”

But the T4 airbase is in west central Homs, so the SF article described a separate airstrike and attributed it to the T4 attack, so they made a mistake by attributing the attack in eastern Homs with an attack against the T4 airbase, silly of them wasn’t it. And as far as I can see it was actually Palmyra that was hit in the second attack, not the T4 airbase, so the Jerusalem post may have their facts wrong. Iranian militia fighters casualties, 3 dead, 7 wounded, and some unaccounted for according to syrialiveuamaps.

Rhodium 10

Syrialive maps is a pro israeli web and also lies each time that israel attacks Syria..even when ISIS attacked SAA with cuadracopters drone in Homs they told that was an israeli attack and “many IRGC dead”!…in Sukhnah are active war SAA&NDF vs ISIS and T4 base( far from there) have IRGC troops!…accord Sana sources all missile have been shot down during attack vs T4…Syarian official sources didnt tell anything about casualties and when they have been hitted with dead and injured Sana told about martyrs and material damage!…therefore Syrialivemap, SOHR and French AFP are not reliable sources!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’ve been using syrialiveuamaps since the start of the Syrian war and they’ve been by far the most accurate of all the maps I’ve used, and they’re usually the fastest to display real time battlefield territorial changes. The one problem with the map is it too often quotes SOHR propaganda, and his casualty figures are’t reliable by a long shot, but then again SF continually quotes him too by republishing his vile propaganda, so if the Russians quote him on their media I can’t blame the other side for doing it too. And I did the research on this site 9 years ago, they say they’re independent but are actually owned by a US company, and they started operating when the Ukrainian war started, they were originally focused on the Russian Ukrainian conflict.

The only article in SANA related to Israeli hostilities in Homs over the last few days actually said this,

“Homs, SANA-Air defenses of the Syrian Arab Army confronted on Monday an Israeli aggression over Palmyra and shot down a number of the hostile missiles. SANA reporter said that at nearly 11 p.m., the army air defenses confronted an Israeli missile aggression over Palmyra, East of Homs, and shot down a number of the hostile missiles before reaching their targets. On March 31st, The army air defenses intercepted an Israeli missile aggression over Homs and destroyed most of them before reaching their targets.


Did you say something about reliable information, this article seems to be very confusing, are they possibly talking about 2 separate incidents. Monday was the 20th april and that’s when they say the attack took place, but SANA also has a date of the 31st march [which was a tuesday] at the bottom of the article, so did they make a mistake with the march 31st date, or were they referring to a separate incident from a month ago that happened on march 31st, I was curious so I checked it out. SANA has nothing in it’s archives between march 31st and april 3rd concerning any attacks by the Israelis against targets in Palmyra or anywhere else in Homs for that matter, but curiously syrialivemaps does show an Israeli attack against Shayrat airbase in eastern Homs on the 1st of april the very next day, curiously SANA didn’t mention that attack at all on it’s news. So the article from SANA can’t be referring to that incident, perhaps someone just got the dates mixed up and they’re not talking about a separate incident. But syrialivemap also shows a separate airstrike by coalition aircraft on the 21st april and it happened about 50 km northeast of Palmyra, and they quote NDF sources [Iranian backed] so they won’t be lying about it, SANA also failed to mention it. So Palmyra was targeted by Israeli missiles but so was another location just south of As Sukhnah but this location was bombed by aircraft, assumedly US aircraft. Syrialiveuamaps might be from an enemy source but it’s the most reliable map of them all, on top of that it’s very easy to use, has a timeline feature [brilliant] and is also super responsive [sounds like an advert], but even if you don’t want to rely on it, I suggest you use it as well as you’re normal trusted sources, you can always check the info they provide by using the sources you trust and compare them, that’s what I do, and I think they’re more accurate than anyone else and they usually give me the info first.

Rhodium 10

Syria live map play in the same team of Israel&USA&Turkey&Gulf States…they use to post israeli satellite photo after IAF airstrikes..but is nothing that photoshop of google earth satellite!…thats why you see always the picture far away, blurred and in black and white!…

cechas vodobenikov

more typical Israeli/amerikan failures and transparent imperialism—these cowards occasionally destroy a few insects in the desert and claim victory over sand—but they will never risk a war w Hizbollah…they recall their humiliation in 2006

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