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Israeli Air Force Strikes Targets In Central And Southern Syria. Casualties Reported

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Israeli Air Force Strikes Targets In Central And Southern Syria. Casualties Reported

Israeli Air Force F-35 flies during an aerial demonstration at a graduation ceremony for Israeli air force pilots at the Hatzerim air base in southern Israel Dec 26, 2018. REUTERS/Amir Cohen

Late on June 23, the Israeli Air Force conducted airstrikes on alleged Iranian-linked targets near al-Sukhna and Kabajab in central Syria and near Tel Al-Sahn in the countryside of as-Suwayda in southern Syria.

According to state-run news agency SANA, 2 Syrian soldiers were killed and 4 others were injured.


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Syria has never had the chance to thank Russia for helping deter Ziocorporate terrorist aggression from the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine because the Kremlin doesn’t wanna upset the NWO as it manifested in the post-WW2 Middle East too much or else the Russian jewligarchs may lose business with their western partners. Those free nukes sponsored by FUKUS taxcattle give the Zioterrorist scum way too much freedom of action with impunity.


Cry bitch.


With nukes and everything, Hezbollah has defeated the Zioterrorist scum on many an occasion. Now the Ziojew filth have to threaten a “Samson option” operation everytime they try to scare Hezbollah and Iran in Syria.

And remember that Ziojew terrorist cunts can’t even fly their planes in Syrian airspace because they get shot down by S200 museum pieces.


Defeated us how? by having more dead than us even though we spared most of their shia villages and didn’t wipe them out? sorry our mistake, we will fix it next time.


Killing is obviously not winning. Demonstrated (as if it was necessary anyways) by the US in Vietnam

Hist 83

You cry Iron Zion scum kike lover maggot.


Don’t waste my time, blocked.


Russia has always been playin’ side by side with NWO jews… The “””Holocaust””” happend on territories “liberated” by Russia

M.A. Lamett

What is Russia doing in Syria? How come Israel can fly freely over Syria? Why is Russia looking the other way when Israili planes bomb Syria at will?

Raptar Driver

Because they own Putin.

Rhodium 10

Israel just lauch cruise missile from Israel airspace or lebanon!..they dont fly over Syria!..look at Al Kiswa base!….you can see in google earth that the base have many bunkers and have been attacked 30 times!..there no damage!…by the way explosion have heard in North Israel…

Fog of War

So if Iran launched missiles at ZioAmerica it would be paralyzed, in its response, because they flew in over the Mexican border ? I hope you dont believe that.

Rhodium 10

No! I say that Iranian bases in Al Kiswa are armored bunkers and are not damage as you can see in google earth…to destroy that bunkers you need to fly over there and drop heavy antibunker bombs and Israel just launch delilah cruise missile with only 50kg warhead!..thats why IDF only use to attacks Syrian warehouses or SAA troops!

Fog of War

Weird excuse. Thats like saying I can keep slapping your face because I never knock out your teeth.

Rhodium 10

thats to say that israel attacks only warehouse and Syria have thousands of them…but meanwhile the heavy bunkers are intact because israel fear to fly over there to drop antibunker bombs!

Ray " Uncle Sam"

they dont fly over syria the fly over lebanon and start the attack with their long range weapons from there or they use jordans airspace! they never fly over syria! Russia is somehow try to tell other to stick to international law! Syria could shot down israels warplanes over isreal but russia doesnt allow that! In my eyes you dont need enemies with russia as your friend!


Russia is in Syria to defend its only warm waters naval base in Latakia. The rest of Syria is a burden.

Fog of War

” Russia is in Syria to defend its only warm waters naval base in Latakia. The rest of Syria is a burden. ”

If thats the case, why is Russia trying into a peace deal with the Turds ? Why did Russia allow Turkey on Syrian land ? Why does it prevent Syria from moving into Idlib etc, etc, etc ?

I though they were there only to defend the naval base ?


Cannot you see what is really happening? Russia is putting ( no pun intended ) these mongrels against each other. Soon there will be a massive war in the ME, with millions of dead arabs, jihadis, takfiris, saudis and jews too. Then Russia will seat at the negotiation table, to let them make peace. They have understand the american strategy very well and now they are using it against the muricans.


Exactly :)

Wayne Nicholson

“What is Russia doing in Syria?”

Helping to make sure Syria doesn’t fall into terrorist hands and making sure the terrorists fighting in Syria die in place so they don’t spread their contagion to Central Asia and Russia.

“How come Israel can fly freely over Syria?”

Ask the Syrians ….. it’s their country and their airspace.

“Why is Russia looking the other way when Israili planes bomb Syria at will?”

What do you propose Russia does? If they start shooting down Israeli planes will it advance their mission in Syria or harm it? Russia’s mission in Syria is to end the war and bring peace and stability to Syria not escalate it into a world war. Those Israeli strikes are a nuisance but in the overall scheme of things in Syria they are little more than a nusience.

Fog of War

” Those Israeli strikes are a nuisance but in the overall scheme of things in Syria they are little more than a nusience. ”

So this is Russia’s version of ” International law ” ?

Wayne Nicholson

Where is it written that Russia is responsible for enforcing international law? You’re projecting the concept of R2P onto Russia which is very much a western ethos fabricated by Madison ave spin doctors to justify regime change where convenient.

Russia’s mandate in Syria is limited to their operational objectives which doesn’t include being world cop or an “exceptional” nation with the self assigned moral authority to punish offenders as she sees fit.

Astar Roth

Oh thanks God inteligent coment…

Jacob Wohl's Nose

They’re always informed of IDF strikes 10-30 minutes in advance. Russia knows the flight paths and locations of every IDF fighter jets from its radars. The only time these airstrikes are prevented is when the RuAF intercept the IAF when the IDF do not give the Russians a warning or heads up. Last time this happened was in December 2019. Since then IDF have informed Russians each time, thus no interceptions.


That’s right, more IRGC returned back home to Iran the proper way – dead. That is our response to Hezbollah’s threats, we wait for you anytime.

Raptar Driver

Live by the sword, you know what’s coming for you?


Yes I do, a good operation to clean that terror nests in Gaza first. After that, we will focus Hezbollah.

Raptar Driver

Yes of course, you are a super man. You will never receive death at the hand of the enemy. That is for normal gentiles, yes?


Death is a natural thing, I don’t see it like you or the rest of the guys here. I see dying for our country as the most noble thing to do, and I am not alone.

Raptar Driver

But what about dying for your god Satan? Nature be with you


Our God is the only true God, the Satan you can worship yourself.

Raptar Driver

Did your god tell you to become a murderer? The answer is yes your god is Satan.


God has told us that Israel belongs to the Jews, so yes, this is a war we must fight and we will win too.

Raptar Driver

And now we’re talking, who are the jews? And where does it say that the jews are all of Israel?


Jews like me, that have been living in Iraq till my grandparents came to Israel in the 60’s. Over 500K jews came from Iraq alone, many other from Arab countries too.

Raptar Driver

You are an ancient Hebrew? Prove it. Of course you can’t you are an impostor. Your people took on the religion of Judaism but you are not ancient Hebrews. The land does not belong to you. Answer my question Where does it say that the jews are all of Israel?


In our bible, but it doesn’t matter what I say or think you’d still think I’m lying. Going to sleep now, goodnight.

Raptar Driver

You mean the Tora or the old testament? Show me. In that book it says the jews are 1 of 12 1⁄2 tribes That is Israel so how are you all of is Israel now?


Yeah go to bed now jew, you can count the little Palestinian children you and your gang of israely thugs murdered over the years…

ziad welder


Fog of War

Fine, you and the rest of the Sephardi can stay then, all the Ashkenazim have got to go. The Ethiopian impostors also.


They don’t ask you if they need to stay here or not.

Fog of War


Lev Jacoby

But you said before that your family is from Iraq. How then can Israel belong to you?


Read some history how we got to Iraq in the first place, that was in 70 AD after we were exiled.


You are insane,God said LOL!!!

rightiswrong rightiswrong

He told you that 4000 years ago, but then he found out you abuse children and worshipped a Golden Calf, so he cursed you to have a 3skin and a crook nose for your back stabbing.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

A Golden Calf statue is God?

No wonder Moses didn’t go with your lot on your first genocide.


And your god demands to cut the dicks of your children just to be special…and then we speak about human rights..you jews are the BIGGEST FASCISTS and you deserve to be vanished with a tsar bomb..YOU organised the holocaust just to make a country to leave you are DISCUSSING people…jews were killing jews…there is no holocaust everything was a huge lie,you worship money this your FUCKIN god the satan…


okay, I don’t need to give a proper comment to any loonatic here.


You dont have to give everybody knows who you are…


You sound like one of those Jap freaks in WW2,well they were obliged with their death wish.


Whatever needs to happen will happen Cromwell, we are all players in the big game.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

There were no Jews dying for Is-a-Hell for 2000 years you cowardly pedo.

Rhodium 10

Israel attack Syria because SAA is not reliable force and are under Russian control!…But Israel dont attack Hezbollah&IRGC and kill it members because they retaliate and SAA Not!..thats why Israel only attack SAA and not Iran despite claims!..you can se in Google earth Al Kiswa Iranian base without damage in spite of 30 Israeli attacks!

rightiswrong rightiswrong

2000 years of cowardice.

Concrete Mike

Suknah is in the middle of the Homs desert.

Currently the syrians and friends are fighting isis cells in that area.

Was this airsupport for one of your intelligence assets working with the terrorists?

Why must you insist in helping these takfiri scums!

All because of Iran? How many times do i have to tell you, the real world is not a zero sum game!!!

You can do so much better, but right now your kind are representing evil on this planet. Please be wise friend. Stay safe.


Mike, for us Iran is the greatest security threat not ISIS. Even when ISIS was near the Golan border they didn’t shoot us because they knew we would wipe them all out, but Iran is sending their proxies to fight us so they need to die, till the last one of them.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

They didn’t shoot at you as you probably armed and recruited them.


We have video proof that Turks send the drones. If the ”Planet of the Apes” movie series reaches Turkgay’s cinemas, the human race is doomed! ???


M.A. Lamett

Greek Monkeys dancing. LOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy5Vv0Gsyek


How is TurkISIS doing tonight ?


Δεν απαντάει ο σαπιος του έλεγα για την μανουλα τι κανει οτι θα τους σφαξουμε κλπ,γιατι ειναι περηφανος που ειναι τουρκος;και μου ποσταρε κατι χαζο βιντεακια γαμα τον…


The Christ-killers are bombing the sand in the desert again, some scorpions, lizards and desert ants were in deed harmed by that bombing! Weird, they aim so much better when they bomb the poor unarmed people of Gaza !


These are Israel’s ‘legitimate targets’, these are ‘Iran’s proxies’, these are what Israel calls ‘terror nests’ !!!



When we arrest kids it’s because they usually throw stone / rocks at Israeli cars on roads and risk the drivers. Those are not innocent kids, those are little monsters.


And of course its the kids , sorry the little monsters that have commited genocide against Israel with their stones and not the Israelis with their bullets and their bombs…yeah….


What does it matter with what they use? if they risk a driver at 100kmh and throw a strone at his window then yes, they will get arrested.




And then you wonder why the world hates you!


The world hates us because we are Israel, it’s enough.


Yeah right. But Turkish cockroaches love you ! How do you explain that ?


We have common interests in Syria, we also have interests with Greece in the med sea. We don’t choose sides between you, we ave our own enemies to deal with.


What you mean by ‘we dont choose sides’ is we divide and (try) to conquer. The oldest trick in the book (matter a fact a Greek trick but nvm). MOSAD is been working triple over times for many years now. I guess you do need that secret info to know when those Palestinian children leave home to go to school …that’s when they are most exposed …


No stones – no arrests. Simple. And btw, say thanks to the many Israelis that come visit you every summer, hundreds of thousands.






“The number of Israeli visitors to Greece surpassed 600,000 for the first time in history last year.”



So you have Greece for num1 destination but tourists from Israel compared to other countries is a drop in the ocean. Its all the same you visit or not for us.




But was I supposed to change my mind about your murdering children just cause you like to visit Greece in the summer ?


rightiswrong rightiswrong

So about a tenth of the population of Is-a-hell visited Greece last year!

Lazy b’stards, no wonder you need so much money from Uncle Sam.


Just curious, why do Israelians visit Greece, Israel has beach and same climate if not even warmer?


We have the same med sea mentality, it’s like going abroad but staying home. Also, Greece has low cost flights and hotels, not as much as Turkey but it’s also good.




The Palestinians shouldn’t throw stones,they should throw grenades,they should train up some snipers to blow the heads off those ID thugs.


They can try, we would just blow them up instead.

Icarus Tanović

Roman trick.



rightiswrong rightiswrong

You both fuck kids.

M.A. Lamett

There is no common interest between Turkey and Israel in Syria. On contrary, Turkey is trying to avoid a Kurdistan (aka Greater Israel) east of Euphrates river. Israel supporting Kurdish separatist over many decades is Turkey’s real enemy. I can’t see one single common interest with Israel. Anybody saying the opposite is a disinformation agent. Around 90% of Turkish people hate US and Israel. That’s a fact.


If that was the case than Israelis would not fly to Turkey at all, but we do and in big numbers. So I guess not so much hate as you may think: https://en.globes.co.il/en/article-israelis-flock-to-turkey-in-record-numbers-1001303765


I have been arguing this issue (Palestine – Israel) with my collegues and friends for a long time. They are mostly ultra nationalist like me but there are also arabs, kurds, jews an albanian and even an armenian among them. As a descendant of people who guarded all arabs for hundreds of years, people who maintained peace for 3 different religions and many different sects, people who opened their arms against sephardi while nobody else did, i have some words. I have no sympathy against most of the arabs for obvious reasons. But my point of view wont be sentimental, will be purely pragmatic. Here we go; First of all, when Ottoman empire left Palestine and middle east regions, it wasnt the jews who was betraying us, it was arabs with their unlogical nationalism movement whilst they were the ones who were benefiting that union, not Turks. Turkish jews were trying hard and risking their lives in that time, thanks to Talat, we maintained the armenian revolts. And he gave his life in Germany in the hand of an armenian assasin for that reason. When we left Jerusalem, there were 100.000 jews and 800.000 arabs living there. I also want to say something here which i despise a lot when i hear. There is no such thing as “my old lands, our ancestral lands etc” casus belli, especially in modern world. Land only and only can be gained by blood. If you are strong, you will take it. Only weak stock and lower cultures constantly cries about it. Like it is gonna change anything. There is no ownership on lands, if you are on top of it, you own it. If you are not, your words dont mean anything. My point is, we Turks also constantly hear stuff from Greeks, Kerds and Armenians exact same thing that Arabs mumbling about. Most funny one is Kerds, considering that we didnt even fought against them and they even came after us / thanks to us. But whatsoever, both doesnt matter, it is trash talking and it just means “I am weak and i want to hurt you but i cant”. We also lost many ancestral lands too, like Crimea (We holded that land even before Anatolia hundreds of years before), or caucasus. But we dont make a fuss about it. Sometimes you lose, sometimes you win. Crying wont change a dime. So going back to Jerusalem, i say Israel deserved those lands after the war fair and square, any new settlement would have been justified after that point. They collaborated with Brits and backstabbed our ancestors when they can. What goes around, comes around. Almost all of the arab countries are ruled by dictatorship, rich ones supporting the arabs in palestine, sending money and weapons to encourage them to give their lives while they are living in the wellfare. Just like the kerdish diaspora in various EU countries encouraging the poor kerds to die for a meaningless cause. Same old same old. I remember exactly the same palestine condemned our operations against PKK last year, i remember exactly the same palestine always supports every decision against us in useless Arab league conventions, i remember exactly palestine trained the leftist terrorist back in time. They are the same arabs who outright backstabbed my ancestors 100 years ago, only Syrian and Iraqi arabs did not backstabbed. So, as a pragmatist (Which is the way for every country must be ruled), i wondered for a long time that why our more than 1 Billion $ tax going to palestine as humane help every freakin year. Then i realized, it is a tit for a tat game against Israel. Israel supports PKK, we support Hamas, both politically so far, but if Israel ever gives weapons that could change things, i believe our guys will do too.

Lastly, when i look at stone throwing kids, i exactly think about kerds. Again same old game. Be a man and fight if you are so full of it, or leave the damn place if you cant take it, indoctrinating kids for your cowardice is just SO FUCKİNG LOW. Using kids to get support from international community is stupid. Haters gonna hate, even without these events anyway. But they will never support those kids on the ground anyway. So why the fuss. I pity those palestinian and kerdish kids, but i hate their parents.


Couldn’t agree with you more Exerian, Palestinans always cry about us but if they could they would kill us all, same what Kurds would do to you. Be strong and protect your country, Israel does the same. You have my respect for your loyalty to your country, goodluck man.


Indeed man. You gotta protect what is yours. There is no greater cause than the security of your people. Arabs already tried to do that, they will try again if they believe they can do it. Likewise, Grekos openly state that they want to genocide my people, same for armenians and half of the kurds. Israel and Turkey have that in common, we both surrounded by hostile countries and nowhere else to go. We must be strong or lose it all. History has hundreds of examples of this and no jokes about it. Good luck to you too.


Um well it just happens to be that erdogan is a freemason and Freemasonry and Zionism are intertwined and both turkey and isreal help jihadists in Syria

M.A. Lamett

Turks don’t love Israel you retard. But we know that Greece loves Israel because they signed agreements with Israel. Look below dumb head. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/909063ab08aeeb6e1e0140a45552f65482723433355697813d94978ecd5c9583.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/696e3ce047e9459bd0de6791458b2483359cce96614fd7cc85d38e40486bbf86.jpg

Lev Jacoby

Think about that statement. Does it make sense, really? WHY? WHY does the world hate Israel?


No, a great part of the world hates you because you’re currently one of the worst rights offenders on this planet, regularly taking over or destroying other people’s homes by either forced expropriation of outright bulldozing, and preventing them from having even a basic decent life on their own soil you occupy, and all of that in the name of a 70-year old genocide that none of these people you’re killing, humiliating and hating so much had anything to do about, that’s what’s enough.


What you see as forced expropriation of lands and human rights abuse, I see as a way to keep the militant groups in check and don’t let them raise their Islamic head. Do I want peace? yes I do, I’ve said here before we need to annex the 30% of the Jordan Valley and give the rest 70% to them, Gaza and East Jerusalem included. What more do you want us to give? they said no, and we won’t give up on our border with Jordan. So it’s either a peace deal or war, the current situation can not last longer.


No that’s just your justification. Zionism has always been about stealing all of the land. You blind fool.


That sounds good. It looks Israel is doing compromise. Sharia will be not accepted.


Well that’s where lies your problem : the Israeli government and a big part of their population are the only ones in the world to perceive it that way, and don’t stand the test of facts. And we had this discussion before and you don’t seem to have done research on that ever since, considering your repetition of your previous “security concern” slogans to justify land grab. You said that to keep hold of water-rich Lebanese lands and the Litani river, result was : less security for Israel at the border day after day, and Israeli soldiers and officers dying every week or month for 17 years. Seventeen years of IDF guys dying, man. You finally had the wisdom to leave where you don’t belong in 2000, and guess what happened : except a single flare-up in 2006, no Hezbollah rocket whatsoever fell on anything Israeli, no gun was fired upon any patrol or convoy, and despite occasional “tensions” where no gun is triggered and both parties cool down after a certain time, nobody dies here anymore since 2000. If we discount the 2006 conflict, I’d call it solid. Almost 19 years of frozen conflict Vs 1 month of war is indeed not that bad, considering you are home and they are home. The Shebaa Farms will be dealt with diplomatically on the longer run, Hezbollah too is smart enough to no try armed struggled on a few kilometer-squares.

Indeed, for reminders yet again : the Palestinians and Arafat himself ended up accepting to give up 78% of their historical land in return for a lasting and true, just peace, right after the first Intifada that shook both Palestine and Israel mere weeks and months before. The Oslo Accords were signed exactly for that goal and purpose, and they even disarmed the PLO, turning it from a paramilitary militant group to a political party, just as you demanded along with your American friends. They went as far as sealing intelligence gathering and full institutional cooperation with Israeli security service to fight whomever faction was not willing to play by the agreed rules, and their actions were deemed so efficient by Bibi himself at the time that he personally congratulated the Arafat cabinet via diplomatic mail, a truth that he likes to make people forget today, quite unsurprisingly. The question is : what more should THEY give (or be taken from, more fitting description of actual facts and events on the ground) :

You Israelis are the ones who broke the letter and the spirit of the agreement : not only did Israel not abide by any of the essential terms of the agreement, but they aggressively resumed land grabbing, and by that I mean ordinary families living in a given area for decades suddenly required to pack, leave and see their homes either destroyed by Caterpillar trucks or granted access by Israeli expatriates often not even born in Israel but in the US coming to get the homes they were self-entitled to by an occupation government granting them arbitrary permit as if these were uninhabited homes on Israeli lands, that one goes beyond belief but that’s Israeli Chutzpah right there. An estimated 50,000 homes have been either destroyed or confiscated, right on the very lands granted to Palestinian in theory by Oslo in exchange for all of the action they respected from their end of the bargain. And now you push the insult even further by asking outright annexation of 30% of whatever thin fringes remain of the original Palestinian Territories ? you stole all you could and you want to legalize it now , are you seriously going to believe anyone will be on your side on this one ? today or in history ? gear up for endless hate and resentment and a bit more chanced for a third Intifada each day from the moment you take that step forward.

Besides, children throwing rocks on civilian cars are technically a bad thing, yes, but what about all the similar car ramming , arson, lynching , and quasi daily humiliation at checkpoint that often result in death or injury that ample video and photographic evidence is there to support ? such action are a natural, inevitable by-products of every protracted occupation anywhere, by anyone. Kill, maim, steal from, humiliate, impose your rule and terms to a people long enough and enough times, and thoughtless rage is all you are going to get man, that’s the way human being of all horizon are wired and it’s not going to change so long as Homo Sapiens Sapiens continue to exist.

And when it comes to Israeli military presence anywhere they should not be according to International Law, I’ll go further : Palestinians are fully granted the rights to self-defense and explicit use of deadly force via any means necessary and that they can acquire, since Israel is an occupying military entity in those contested areas, or rather should I say, Palestinian areas, since no one in the world contests their status but Israel itself,ok and the temporary and outgoing Trump administration but it was a short-lived exception on the dying end of the political spectrum.


I liked what you wrote gryzor, you always back up your comments with facts so I respect you for that. I know we’ve also made many mistakes with the PLO in the past, and I know that Bibi is working with Hamas in order to split the Palestinians. I don’t support that method, I want a peace deal that both sides can agree upon, but at the end of the day even if I wanted to make a change it is not up to me to decide. If we do annex the Jordan Valley next week, I think we should give those 20K Palis rights like Israelis have, since they would be in our country’s borders. I hope we can talk the PLO not to dissolve itself, it would be bad for all sides. But again, Bibi call the shots here so let’s wait and see next Wednesday what’s going to happen.

Astar Roth

Hamas are Wahhabis, and that is why Israel gave them free hands to do whatever they want, just to justify theirs actions, bombing, destroying, etc. They have no remote clue what Sharia is. Members of Plo are normal Muslims, no matter what they claim. And that is not the only place where land, history, ancient monuments are destroyed, humiliation of people, that is happening even in Europe, ME, North Africa, etc…

Fog of War



You are not Israel, you just use the name Israel to commit your crimes.

Swift Laggard II

because you behave like hittla


You can hardly compare us to the Nazis, for a start we don’t use gas chambers.

Bill Rood

You are incapable of self-reflection. The bulk of Jews worldwide need to wake up and realize that 1) you don’t speak for them, 2) you are not “good for the Jews,” 3) you are making it very difficult for Gentiles to maintain their “enlightenment values” and treat individual Jews as individual human beings rather than the organs of a huge parasite that plagues mankind and 4) they don’t matter to you as long as you are allowed to maintain your sadistic, evil, tribal power not just in Israel but in every Western capital.

Your leadership both in Israel and in those Western capitals has the gall to warn of “white supremacy” and “nationalism” when they and you are in fact both white and the Supremes that nobody is allowed to criticize.

Lazy Gamer

Cycle of violence. Of course they will try to hit back. Their homes and families have been destroyed. One state solution seems impossible as there is too much hate.

John Wallace

You say they are throwing stones at cars going at 100kph yet you Post video of kids throwing stones at military personnel armed with machine guns. Are you fucking crazy or just stupid. No wonder you call yourself Iron Dick at it matches your IQ of zero.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You are supposed to train soldiers to be attacked by other soldiers throwing grenades you slimy pedo. A nation of child abusers, Israel.


Best is to leave Palestine and let them have their country back.

Icarus Tanović

And then Lebanese kids throwing stones, Syrian kids throwing stones, Yemenise kids, Iranians…who’s next.


May be jewish kids will be the next, because the general (or marshall?) econonic crisis is here

Icarus Tanović

And that Jewish girl Rachel too.


Yo sound like a fucking Nazi.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

He is, it was his banker buddies who gave Hitler the money to build the largest invasion force in history. Then they forgave Germany that debt, as well as the WW1 debt that they owed. Now Germany has given loans to every crook among the EU, called it in before it could be paid back, and fucked small European nations forever.

So the bankers make more money by using Germany again to get their evil way.


And then Germany gets the interests on forced extortion loans, like the ones they gave Greece, and give that money to Turkgay so they can fund terrorists, build Erdogan’s palaces and return some back to Germany through offshore companies!



Black Waters

He is.

John Wallace

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dde449f4d61b939e2c7ca59dc3ec931e9ff5845529e192104fe34692db3902c9.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c3fdd45fa828a30358fafe142f6bc1a57856b6f65bd351adfde1dea9e3120737.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3804f7e88afab5c1f7dcb0eeee36c57cda576b26dc5253add18081d69f721aee.jpg

Icarus Tanović

I mean this is beyond words.


…………….These are the true Jews, who heed the message from the one true God, not like those plastic ashekenasty shit that now infest Palestine and New York like a disease.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You cowardly b’stard, you hid for 2000 years until the Christian armies secured it for you.

Raptar Driver

They didn’t hide. They are imposters, they took on their religion, they are not ancient Hebrews. They have no right to that land. They should be escorted off immediately.

Peter Jennings

If Palestinian kids are little monsters, it’s the isreali regime that has made them that way. It ain’t easy living under apartheid and having one’s football game interrupted with mortar fire. I would advise you talk to an African but you hate them too.


Oh is that so, let’s wipe them out with heavy weapons too, then. Such a brave statement coming from a noble man, you amaze more and more with the wisdom of your remarks, IZ, truly a shining example of an IDF reservist right there. I’m pretty sure regular German soldiers in 39-45 said similar nonsense about evil Jewish children trying to defend themselves too before discarding them. What do you call grown-up soldiers armed and armored to the hilt illegally occupying their lands and routinely flattening their apartment blocks to extend their settlement, in total defiance of the whole world order ?


gryzor I just stated a fact, we arrest them because they jeopardize Israeli driver mostly on route 60. SHOULD we arrest them? on an ideal world no we shouldn’t, but if the parents send them to do it then why do you blame us for it?

Free man

It’s a shame that Iran and Israel are fighting each other on Syrian soil : https://twitter.com/Dannymakkisyria/status/1275564289378549761


Yes Free Man, but I guess it is the only way and the mullahs need to have casualties in order for them to be removed from power.


What “iron zion”? You are mere human trash, as Hitler was. Good luck, deer trash, correction, dear trash.

Bill Rood

Israeli settlers should not be driving though Palestine in the first place. That’s the real aggression, the theft of Palestinian land.


Israeli’s in action :


Fog of War

Dedicated to Iron Zion.

– Jewish Dominance Of The African Slave Trade –


Alejandro Bonifacio

as Elija J Magnier says: this actions means nothing in real world, Israel has lost this bet

Fog of War

Dedicated to Iron Zion.

All these racially, ethnically, historically, morally, religiously, and culturally different empires and countries were all wrong for kicking the Jews out. The Jew is always innocent, its the Goyim thats the problem. Oy Vey !!

– Jewish Persecution | Timeline of Judaism | History of AntiSemitism –



Yup, so why are you crying? now we are far away from you in our own country. Be happy.

Alberto Garza

lol…where are the useless s300 and pantsir ??

Jacob Wohl's Nose

Good question. But the big issue is having actual ADVANCED EARLY WARNING radars, without those, SHORAD close range systems like BUK-M2E or Pantsir-S1 have no idea or significant heads up of incoming targets, and very limited time to engage. 1. Unfortunately Syria uses early warning radars from the 1950’s still, that can be spoofed by idf electronic warfare and bypassed. 2. As for the S-300 launchers and radars, they are controlled by Russian Officers, not the SAA.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

Not a single iranian proxy target. All SAA. Most of the targets were ammo storages (1 in Hama, 2 in Sukhna, and 2 in As-Suwayda) – where infantry and armor munitions are kept. Seems like the IDF want to weaken SAA re-supply and replenishment abilities in any upcoming offensive against isis/nusra- in areas near isis/nusra control. Which means Idf are supporting terrorists by doing so. No surprise. Also Syria has ZERO early warning radars, they’re all from the 50’s or 60’s. They had just 1 (JY27) but it was destroyed 1-2 years ago.


Turkgay loves Israel and Israel loves Turkgay, thats a fact.

Since aeons.

When Kemal’s Turkish army genocide Greeks in the Greek city (now occupied by the scum) Smyrna at the east coast of the Aegean sea, they spared the jews and they didn’t harm them or their shops and businesses.


M.A. Lamett

Greece is Israels patsy. Look below.



Is that why Greece pays 6.5 mil euros a year for the Israel Drones we rented from them? You d think if we were their patsies they d give them for free!

Yeah… how is Qatar doing and Pakistan ?

M.A. Lamett

Greeks are losers and filthy noise makers. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/51b99c2f2610adaf808863773e436e3bfdca4a23a2ab216ff949d870b0fc250c.jpg




You can do a dna test to check if you are Greek its not shame it is pride..

M.A. Lamett

Greece to receive reconnaissance drones from “Israel”






Just because the ashkenazis are turkic. It is an open secret. Real jews don’t leave in Israel and don’t rule it. Khazarians do. And they are of turkic descent.

fayez chergui

Jews are a catastrophe to the world


Yes they are cancer…





M.A. Lamett

Gay Pride in Greece. This is your parliament right? Proud Greeks.





You are proud of being turk and this word in the ottoman empire was meaning DONKEY it was very offensive,I said it to you again a few hours ago and you didn’t answer you turkish (donkish) cockroach…


That is an insult to donkies! Donkies are wonderful animals. Are you sure it didnt mean cockroach ? ??


Well to be honest you are right probably it was meaning cockroach and the donkey was just a misinterpretation…!

M.A. Lamett

A typical “proud” Greek after a Turk beat his ass.



Oh please dont post photos of the retard members of your family,you will make me feel sorry eventually…




[Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/ug2Ecit.png) [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/484sKbj.jpg)


Soros and Taliban …those are Erdogan’s bosses !

[Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/6Wmf63p.png) [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/foSvGvQ.jpg)


Oh yes its a common secret that he is a hiden islamofascist and he is licking soros balls for a few dollars…


So I think it is beyond any doubt ALEPOU that Turkgay and Israel are as bad as each other.

The two greatest evils this world has ever seen.

But as always we the Hellenes will be here to stop them, like before, from advancing with their evil plans for world domination.



I agree of course they are both evil countries no doubt about it and its up to us the Hellenes to stop their evil plans..many likes for the photo!!

M.A. Lamett

Proud Hellenic Army.



We are proud about many thinks about our glorious country so many that I will have have to say until the dawn,why are you proud of yours tell me just one….everything you have is stolen from other countries…


Kebap, rugs and diarroea – restaurants.


Yes thats serious reasons to be proud for his country now I see..


Oh and that, they are pretty good in stealing !




M.A. Lamett

Greece Israel Friendship.



He is just a stupid puppet and Netanyahu is his boss,the jews are controlling Greece or else you wouldn’t exist…

M.A. Lamett






He is just a baby,a teenager…

Astar Roth

More like Wahhabi rust…


And the turks didnt participate in ww2 …tired of the Greek dick they v been receiving since 1821…

But they helped their masters the Germans with raw materials – mining products!


M.A. Lamett

Greece after 1974 Liberation of Cyprus by Turkey.



Thats you after you tried to fight some kid on the street most likely hahahaaa


Maybe someone from turkISIS can translate what it says here :


M.A. Lamett

very proud greeks. LOL https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/040ead614d4f070c063e4839fabcfe1cd4085c7f4cde1cd5c4a7d11258ac3692.jpg


Could you translate please the gay banners from turkgay ?

M.A. Lamett




You keep failing to be funny …unlike your turkisis compatriot here :


M.A. Lamett

Athens the capital of Gay Pride. Greeks are very proud.



Turkisis army at its best , no photo-shop either like the little turkISIS retard posted below.


[Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/fRipuPK.png) [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/44Brpg6.png)

M.A. Lamett

Greek Army parading



hahahahaha really ? That is the best you can do ?

How long did you have to search the internet to come up with this BS ?

AHHAHAHAAHAH PATHETIC turkisis cockroach!


Turkisis admiral admits :


M.A. Lamett

Turker Erturk is a nonsense loud mouth retired general. He was almost fired from the army because of misconduct. He opted for retirement. He is a disinformation agent and very few like or respect him. He probably works for Israel.


ok, what about them :

Over 100,000 public officials and civil servants have been dismissed or suspended. These include around 28,000 teachers alleged to be Gullen supporters and labelled by the government to be part of a terrorist organization. Many detainees including teachers, police, public officials are placed in pretrial detention despite a lack of evidence of criminal wrong-doing or compelling grounds for custody. At least 2,200 judges and prosecutors were jailed pending investigation, reportedly because their names appeared on a list of alleged Gullen supporters. With 3,400 permanently dismissed for the same reason, their assets frozen, over one-fifth of Turkey judiciary has been removed. Around 11,000 teachers in the southeast who were mainly members of the left-leaning Sen trade union were also suspended.


Yes but they will find the 70 virgins after their death…anyway I cant carry on I woke up on 7.00 and I am still awake I am tired I need to sleep, keep playing with the young monkey but not to rough I dont want to cause him mental problems we need healthy apes to kill when the war begins…GN MAN.


Yeah me two. We kicked his ass enough for tonight. GN



M.A. Lamett

https://uploads. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1a8acba819444cdfa6208bd151818e21836ae56eb030eb3fd4f3d045a72f2d60.jpg disquscdn.com/images/20fe4fa25e5b6fbbc24e2b57d35b8f4ddef5bcdb6fde8c554cfdc02ecd992c88.jpg


hahahahaha you stupid turk, you posted that 3 times maybe more already!

Mustafa Mehmet

?? best one



M.A. Lamett

Greek prisoners guarded by victorious Turkish soldiers in 1974 following Turkish Peace Maneuvers.



You immprisoned civilians your dumb fuck!

GZ !

You also raped women and children, tell the whole story!

M.A. Lamett

Civilians my ass. Young military age men. Do you see any women. Turks don’t touch women and kids.


No of cource not, only when they genocide them.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You only fuck goats and their kids, sure.

M.A. Lamett

Turkish soldiers in Cyprus in 1974 after defeating Greek Enosis terorists.


M.A. Lamett

Greek EOKA terorists captured by Turkish Army in 1974




M.A. Lamett

Turkish Army captured some more Greek EOKA terrorists in Cyprus in 1974. Greeks were defeated in one week and the Greek Army had to flee.


M.A. Lamett

Atilla in Cyprus 1974


Mustafa Mehmet

with out British help Greece was finished. you ungrateful idiot… Greece save EU? Joke of the day


If Auschwitz was for real this wouldn’t happen!


TurkISIS pilots learn how to swim before they try to learn how to fly !


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