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Israeli Air Force Targets “Arms Shipment” On Syrian-Iraqi Broder. Casualties Reported

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In the early hours of January 10, warplanes of the Israeli Air Force (IAF) targeted an arms shipment on the Syrian-Iraqi border, according to al-Mayadeen.

A security source told the Lebanese news channel that the airstrike targeted a truck that was shipping weapons. The source didn’t clarify the destination of the targeted shipment, or to what side it belongs.

“The airstrikes near the Iraqi border were carried out by warplanes [flying] away from the border, they targeted a truck loaded with weapons,” al-Mayadeen quoted the source as saying.

A few minutes later, the Lebanese channel confirmed that several individuals, likely Iranian-backed fighters, were killed or injured as a result of the airstrikes.

Iraqi sources claimed that the targeted arms shipment belonged to Kata’ib al-Imam Ali, a main member of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU).

Israeli Air Force Targets "Arms Shipment" On Syrian-Iraqi Broder. Casualties Reported

Click to see full-size map. Via Google Earth.

The Israeli airstrikes came two days after a missile strike by the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on U.S. bases in Iraq. The strike was a response to a U.S. attack which claimed the lives of Quds Force Commander Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani and PMU Deputy-Commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.

The PMU also vowed to respond to the U.S. attack, which took place in Baghdad, by expelling U.S. forces from Iraq by all possible means.

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Syria-Irak border….means that these planes were clearly seen by Russia intelligence…..hummm,….nothing more to say.

Rhodium 10

The question is why no air defense system are deployed there?

Furkan Sahin



Would matter not since Israel would just eliminate it.

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

Simple. The IDF are unstoppable by all means. As soon as an air defense radar is deployed in Eastern Syria by Hezbollah, USAF or Israeli SIGINT/AWAC aircraft would locate it from over 400 km away, and from over 150km away, US F-15’s or Israeli F-35’s would destroy them using HAARM or Rampage Cruise Missiles. Israel will NEVER allow Iran to deploy sophisticated air defenses in Syria, they will be liquidated immediately by the IDF or USA.


According to Pew 2010, Jew hatred in Egypt 95% Jordan 98% Lebanon 98% Gaza 97% West Bank 97%

According to Pew 2019, Jew hatred in Germany 6% France 6% England 6%

Why do the white folks known as the Ashkenazi want to remain in a region where they are hated by the entire people of the region? They are more than safe to return home, are they not?

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

Because Israel is God’s gift to the Jews and our ancestral homeland where Moses was from. Jews have been attacked in Israel by Persians, Arabs, Kurds, and Assyrians since ancient times. And guess what? Jews kicked ALL their asses back to their camel land they came from! The Romans unfortunately defeated the ancient Jews and expelled them. During one historical battle in Jerusalem, 187,000 Assyrian Invading Terrorist soldiers instantly died of unknown causes that the ancient Hebrews attributed to an Angel! You see? God is on Israel’s side. That’s why us Jews dislike Arabs and Assyrians, you guys have tried to conquer us and exterminate us. IDF will NEVER let that ever happen again. As for the Assyrians not so much since they no longer have a state since thousands of years… so we’re not too worried about those idiots. But the Mullah Regime and its Arab proxies are a concern, and will be defeated in due time!


You should be ashamed of yourself as a Muzungu – a white man – to claim ancestry ties to my region and they have yet to find a single Ashkenazi who has even a tiny trace of Middle Eastern ancestry. You should be ashamed of yourself claiming to be what you are not.

Name…………………….. Ashkenazi ….. Middle Eastern Adrienn Brody……………. 75.0 % ………. 0% Alan Dershowitz…………. 98.5 % ………. 0% Bernie Sanders………….. 97.7 % ………. 0% Bill Maher………………….. 49.6 % ………. 0% Larry David………………… 97.8 % ………. 0% Neil Gaiman………………. 99.6 % ………. 0% Tony Kushner…………….. 97.5 % ………. 0% Ben Shapiro………………. 100 % ……….. 0% Gideon Levy………………. 100 % ……….. 0% David Pakman……………. 100 % ……….. 0% Rabbi Ruttenberg……….. 96.6 % ………. 0% Maya Rudolph……………. 49.9 % ………. 0%


משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

Hey Genius! Arabs and Middle Eastern People are considered Caucasian, therefore technically White! The only ones who aren’t Caucasian or white are the Indians/Bengalis/Sri Lankans.


Hey look! Did you know how the Ashkenazi looks like the people of the Middle East … here look for yourself. (I am laughing, of course!)


Lonesome Cowboy Burt

There is one (maybe two) who do look Semitic (or perhaps from the Balkans?) Here is one: https://worldpeace365.files.wordpress.com/2019/01/1×1-idf-7x-e1577310212911.png?w=660




Literally just a bunch of White European Colonists with a bloody Zionist Ideology. No wonder the ENTIRE Middle East hates them.


Ashcanazi’s have never been loved in Europe either.

Rats are also not much loved .



Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Who are these three people?? The middle one was in the “European” list towards the bottom of the page.


Palestinian leaders Mahmoud Abbas (L) and Ismail Haniyeh (R)


You seem not to have paid any attention to the fact they have yet to find a single Ashkenazi who has even a tiny trace of genes connecting him to the Middle East.


Yes, and Ashkenazi Jews are considered Europeans and according to some, Khazars… without 1% of Semitic DNA. So go fk urself already, fake semite

Xoli Xoli

This is what this forum needs people like you.Who are analytically and statistically good.


Thank you for the compliment. I will be visiting this site often since there are some of the Khazarians peddling misinformation. They are often heard saying “but Jews were there before Muslims”. Yes, that statement is true but if you put the word “Ashkenazi” before “Jews”, then everybody knows that the Ashkenazi was nowhere near Palestine until he came in 1882 — and he was looking to conquer Genesis 15:18 – a region from the Nile to the Euphrates.


True facts are never welcomed by the Ashkenazi.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

God did not give His consent or blessing to forge a state where present day Israel is and you are well aware of this fact. Everything is a manipulation or hallucination, neurotic or fanatical, with your kind, it appears. This world belongs to all of humanity, not just a very small section of it. The immortal troll is the Talmudic Zionist. Haunting humanity since millennia.


It’s not god that is helping you it is Satan you Bastards worship baal and Moses didn’t even exist and neither did the state of isreal untill 1948 there is no archeological evidence of isreal existing in that area

Ilya Grushevskiy

What, about, the Elephantine papyri?

“So far as we learn from these texts Moses might never have existed, there might have been no bondage in Egypt, no exodus, no monarchy, no prophets. There is no mention of other tribes and no claim to any heritage in the land of Judah. Among the numerous names of colonists, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Samuel, David, so common in later times, never occur (nor in Nehemiah), nor any other name derived from their past history as recorded in the Pentateuch and early literature. It is almost incredible, but it is true.”


Good to listen to one’s ancestors.

Damien C

LOL ,,, you do heavy drugs don’t you?


Ok Jew Face u made me laugh hard asf

Miroslav Beran

Khazars adored PHALLUS. Khazars know your God until 8th Century after mass conversion. So please stop this utter blabs about “ancestral homes”. You have not Semitic dark skin, You have white Khazar skin. Or You want declared itself as “Negro” or dark skinned Semitic or what exactly?


What a load of shite your tribe peddles. Fairytales are for fairies and your tribe fit the bill.


Xoli Xoli

Jews Hatred have dramatically increased in Nato France,USA,Canada,Germany and France.The regimes of NATO wants Israel to blacklist rich African and Arab and Muslim countries.So that their can continue having shares in overthrow and disrupted countries for their survival.There is chaose in France Yellow Vest are beating the drums.In Germany rapefugees from NATO oppress countries are beating up Germans and rape them straight away in open streets.World unrest is cause by Israel regime.

Ilya Grushevskiy

I love how you talk about Syrian air defences and not offensive missile tech. Doesn’t that just reveal everything we need to know? :)


You look very ‘simple’ indeed… mentally challenged


Sure, Russia is Islamist Iran’s great ally.


Whether Islamist or not, how does that concern the foreign Jews squatting on Arab soil?

Mattias Dahlström

In the past Israeli planes have used US IFF codes

Free man

Russia will not fight Iran’s wars. Russia should not pay the price of Iranian impotence.

Damien C

Israeli planes flying through Jordanian and Saudi airspace as invited friends to carry out attacks on Syria and Iraq


Times they do change.

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

False, Jordan and Saudi Arabia prohibit Israel to use their airspace. These F-35’s fly into Syria COMPLETELY UNDETECTED by Syrian or Russian radars. You just cannot accept the fact that the F-35 is invisible.


Why is the white man known as the Ashkenazi still in Palestine and he faces no problem returning home?


Partly because the vast majority ‘at home’ do not want the parasites to return. :)


Didn’t a couple of pigeon’s take one of them down

Damien C

Your information is completely and utterly wrong


dude, it’s JAcob’s account #100

J Roderet

Iran should provide the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces with missiles so they can hit back at the Zionist regime, just like how the Yemeni resistance hits the Saudis with missiles and drone strikes.


Israel is NOT a Saudi Arabia.

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

Exactly. Israelis are highly intelligent and know warfare VERY WELL. Ever since 1948, the Israelis have been defeating countless armies on their own. Even before that, many Israelis were soldiers in Soviet Republics and had battlefield experience fighting with the allies in World War 2! Saudis on the other hand have NO experience in any warfare of any kind, fighting the Houthis is their first, and clearly the Houthis are making a joke of them even with advanced US planes and tanks. The Saudis need LOTS more training, otherwise the War inb Yemen will never end.


Defeated countless armies on their own bullshit they have had military support and help from almost every major country in the world in actual fact they are not great fighters on the battlefield what give them the upper hand in conflicts is theyre intelligence agencies they have the the most advanced spy network in the world as well they have access to technology we don’t have.


Yes, and we are now fully aware that Zionist spies are life members of the Mossad Paedophile Club.


and some serve on forums on Southfront.

Jens Holm

Of course they do. Some are very visible and some hide well. That goes for others.

If I should try to see, this site mainly is a ME site, where the overwhelming majority dont see the rest of the world and fight among each other. Its like closed cirkle where we only see shaved asses and smell, whats comming out from there.

Its partly the same the other way around too. I see the reasons for it too. No innovation and progress is allowed by religion and culture. You not even has a proper english for it and many are telling me, that my english should be thinking i artabic and Turkish and then translate that limited languages into english.

Thats not the western context at all but more like lawyers and doctors pidgin. Hardly none of You understand, what democrasy is and the vital parts even GDP and weapåon productions says, we are innovative as well as productive.

I only see Jews and upper class descrieped with the rest of us being poor. Here You ignore all of us in a midleclass doing well.

You also ignore our income tax systems does it for us. You only have the very low tax for the goverment, but we finance schools, medical care, education and pension by it – and all get same rights or almaost same right for it.

Jens Holm

Do they own or rent You:)


Why did you the white man come all the way from Poland to smear the name of the indigenous people of the region? Don’t you miss being home in Poland making some gefiltah fish?

Jens Holm

If true: Why not.

You are in ancient times for most things too and based on totally outdated constructions like only dentist like stone in bread.


They gave only one reason: they were the Israelite returning but they look like the Germans and they are 100% European according to their own DNA.

Jens Holm

Again crap argumentation of the worst kind just as You say the rest is not. It makes no sense.

Its only true, that after WW2 Germany East and West were reduced by borders and the left over Germans had to go there and others in there was eliminated or became or went anywhere and anyone else.


Yes, after WW2 you had reasonably motivated zionist force and a top officer class, but you forgot to mention the jewish ex German officers who were the best! The israeli army operational concept is borrowed directly from Third Reich (not Soviets), you forgot to mention that too. But don’t kid yourself, the officer class is quite rotten now, that’s what you get from focusing so much energy on violent police actions against unarmed palestinians. Israeli army is now of very low quality and cannot win against ANY similarly armed opponent. All you have is lots of high quality weapons (courtesy of US) being carried by low quality people. You’d lose, and you know it. I pity your women and children, they will pay dearly for the innumerable mistakes of your leadership.

Jens Holm

Actually the Israelian forced were copied from USA making am own version of the German warfare but true based on Clausewitch.

And why should they base their military forces on second class soldiers and equipment. They knew they were few and therefore needed to be very advanced.

Telling they are not advanced and even lazy today makes no sense. Here You also has to see who they are up against and how they are. You dont.

Most of the rest is propaganda only descriebing Your own unrealiric dreams and missery.

No problems in Gaza, the Westbanl, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Turkey ???? I see some and You even insist they cant be solved.

Israelians do have big problems, but dont make them into, what they are not compared to Your own.


We’ll you clearly sound as retarded as you look… unless of course this is Jacob Wohl’s 10th account? :)

Concrete Mike

No doubt its benchpress

Hasbara Hunter

Yes the war in Yemen will end…when your Devilworshipping Jewish House of Saud Family is overthrown & beheaded…Mekka & Medina will come under Muslim-Control again…Golan will be taken back & the Khazarian Sabbatean AshkeZioNazis will be driven from Rothschild’s Balfour-Declaration, Apartheid state, Illegal Occupation, Criminal Freehaven, Beachhead & Steppingstone into the middle East Called ISraHell….You Filthy KidKilling & Childraping Khazarian Mobsters will no Longer be a Part of the Middle East very soon…You are Hated by All…

The Veil came down & You Filthy Childraping Parasites Lost CONTROL….

Saso Mange

Did you know that also crows are highly intelligent but that doesnt mean that crows are fit for self governance. Let alone for the governance of other birds too.

Jens Holm

Intelligense is many things. Hens and roosters are still alive even many got killed and we take their eggs:)

Saso Mange

So you compare people to chicken.


@Moshe75: An Amateur Hasbara Troll:

“Israelis are highly intelligent” –> racist BS implying non Isarelis arent.

“and know warfare VERY WELL.” –> Only fight if they know USA/France/UK have their backs. a 60000 strong mobilised force of IDF terrorists lost to 2000 Hezbollah freedom fighters in 2006.

“Ever since 1948, the Israelis have been defeating countless armies on their own – BS, all myth, when the Arab armies gain the upperhand, the Yanks theaten them. Besides, all targetting and strategic info was supplied by their Yankee, Uk and French partners. The ONLY Arab army that IDF defaets on its own are the defenceless armies of women and children in Gaza – lots of experience there i grant you.

The parasite settler colonial state of Israel is a Rothchild project to insert europeans in the ME, naturally the Europeans protect these parasites

Concrete Mike

Yes support the invader, that will solve the yemenis problem.

Fucken idiot!


Yes, Khazarians are now in “Israel”,

Miroslav Beran

Right, imagine Spanish Conquistadors landing at jungles in Central America, declared themselves “Indians”. Surrealistic, yes?

Khazars with white skin, 50% Turkic/Kurdish DNA, 30% Slavic DNA, rest percentage Mongolian DNA, not knew Hebrew, not knew writing from right to left, immediatelly proclaimed itself as “Negros” or something similar and steal historical name of Israel.

Study book 13th Tribe from Arthur Koestler and understand all history for last Centuries.

There will no peace until whole world understand history of Khazaria Empire and consequences of its fall. After that so-called “Israel” await the same fate as Apartheid I regime in SA.

Saso Mange

Hebrew which is spoken in Israel is not 100%semitic language group. It is composed of many eastern European words, Slavic ones, some Arab words etc and in reality it has no strong connection to old Hebrew. It’s all fake story.

Jens Holm

Thats mainly incorrect. You descriebe Jiddish, which was. Hebrew is regained from local stuff from different sources there AND semittic.

True its added new words, which all languages has, but tha base is a constructed complet new language as a local regaining.

Saso Mange

It was ”regained” meaning = was lost. So i would not really call it Hebrew as native to the land but as something modern. But Israel has right to call it’s language however it wants i do not dispute that.


Amazing how right Arthur Koestler was. Today, 40 years later, people (Israelis) like Eran Elhaik, Oppenheimer and others have proven genetic research that more than 80% of Israeli “jews” aren’t Jewish at all (non semitic – not originating from the 12 tribes). In fact most Palestinian families are gentically proven to be semitic.

The “Jewishness” of these Imposter Khazarian converts are the greatest fraud thrusted upon humanity. Unfortunately, we were all duped into believing these monkeys.

Jens Holm

Thats goes for most others too. Turks only are up to 20% Turkmenish.

All muslims are imposters too, because they all converted from Jews, Christians and Baals.

Statistics also say, that there is plenty of food and therefor none starve.

You use statistics as you wish. Its inly used to hide Your own dirty genetic laundry. There is also double talk. Many arabs in Saudi of today are proud of their light skin, but most scientit see its made by import from light skinned europeans.


This link below is from ancestry. com and it shows which group of people is mixed with who. The Middle Eastern DNA group has the color dark green.It shows the Ashkenazi are 96% Khazars and the rest of their DNA comes from Eastern Europe and none of it from Palestine.


Jens Holm

Hard to see the relevance at all. Looking at arabs as one climbing down some tree in Yemen once upon a time ago makes no sense at all.

Spreading out like grashoppers ever sense and we should exterminate makes no sense as well too.







Jens Holm

Thats incorrect, but there is an Israel.


Can you please tell me what the ancestry of Bernie Sanders is if not a Khazar?

Bernie Sanders: 97.7% Ashkenazi https://ethnicelebs.COM/bernie-sanders

Jens Holm

I dont care if he has 3 legs and is green.

Jens Holm

Its irreleavnt for the whole world


Therefore, the answer is he is indeed a Khazar. Then why did Khazars tell the world they are Israelite?

Saso Mange

Indeed it is not – it is the weaker sibling. Zionists are in bed with Saudis – officially since 1973.

Jens Holm

I dont see that. More like an old song: If You cant love the ones, You love – Love the ones You wish.

1967 was confirmed by You Kippur. No socalled Palestine. Never leave Golan.

Hasbara Hunter

Remember the Jewish House of Saud?

Jens Holm

That was a small link 300 years ago.

Free man

The Iranians will do nothing (except for making empty threats and blowing hot air). They know that Israel will destroy these missiles.


Give me a good reason why the Europeans are sill in Palestine when they are safe to return home?

Free man

Give me a good reason why you didn’t take your psychotic pills.

Hasbara Hunter

Your bullshit is gettin’ poor little Epstein-Parasite


I’d like to remind you that even Hamas missiles nothing more than glorified fireworks have got through isreals air defences

Free man

So ? Does this mean the mullahs regime is not just hot air?


I have to agree with you there i think that’s why Soleimani was killed because he wasn’t just hot air

Free man

” Soleimani was killed because he wasn’t just hot air” – I agree. He was unusually talented.


Thats why 250 US soldiers are being treated in Tel Aviv as we speak

Free man

You probably didn’t understand what it was about. He wrote about anti-aircraft missiles. Why didn’t you write 2,500 American soldiers? No American soldier even got a scratch. Get over it.

Concrete Mike

Yeah fucking right, you cant even intercept.home.made rockets.

Free man

These are air defense missile we are talking about. You’re right I don’t know how to intercept rockets. Do you ?

Ilya Grushevskiy

Give the men a missile, and they can defend themselves against one strike. Teach the men to missile, and…

Jens Holm

Americans and Israelias dont like that. Get it. Its a kind of border tax.

Hasbara Hunter

GPS coordinates of Abqaiq Oil Processing Plant:

Latitude: 25° 55′ 59.99″ N Longitude: 49° 39′ 59.99″ E

GPS coordinates of Negev Nuclear Research Center, Israel:

Latitude: 31° 00′ 4.68″ N Longitude: 35° 08′ 40.20″ E


The massive chemical plant North of TelAviv is also a prime target.

I suppose that the Ashcanazi’s will now declare Dimona to be a Jewish Cultural Heritage Site, HH :)

Assad must stay


Hasbara Hunter

Dimona will soon be a Historical site…though I won’t advise any tourists to go over there in the next 30 years….


Lol. It would be an ideal location for a Khazar re-education camp then, HH :)


Thank you. i’ll get right onto it. :)



Hasbara Hunter

My pleasure

Jens Holm

Those attacks are meant to avoid and delay possibilities like that. Its not about growing tomatoes there or not …

Rhodium 10

Israel like USA attacks them to protect ISIS and Kurds..and keep away SAA and allies…all under pretex to stop weapons supplier to Hezbollah….the problem is that Russia or Iran dont provide air defense system and long range drones/Missiles to retaliate like Houttis have and use them vs Arabia Saudi.

Furkan Sahin

Netanyahu is no better than Assad even Assad has killed more than him but Netanyahu is satan person and making trouble on the world

Martin Benitez

so ud rather be kidnaped and tortured to death for any slip up then a couple of super temporary politicians that u can yell names in there faces and u wouldnt be punished not that im against assad being in power if assad falls syria becomes another libya and head choppers take over but come on u have to realize how ridiculous you sound


I know Western people who live in Damascus and Aleppo and they love it. Syrians are very friendly and their government is very tolerant. Anyone who tells you otherwise has no idea. I can’t wait to visit there soon.

Martin Benitez

thats literally not how it works at all the majority of the population constantly hates the government no matter whos in it and criticises and protests never endingly a entire stadium yelled lock him up at trump its called freedom of speech u can literally yell death to america in the streets and nothing happens to u well a rando might curse at u and tell leave then if u hate it but no one losses there job or anything else u clearly have never lived in america and only read conspiracy theorist and propagandaists

Martin Benitez

so your canadian and ur telling a american how it works in america

Martin Benitez

that’s called doxing it isn’t the government doing that liberals also do that to people all the time a teacher lost her job cause this hispanic mother was neglectful so the teacher taking issue with that was accused of being racist since the mother was hispanic people called for her to be fired this is the internet social media age doing not the government liberals have done it allot for a long time now its not one way anymore all of it is retarded im centrist and im el salvadorian american doxing from both sides is just complete stupidity and should be illegal

Martin Benitez

thats texas and state not federal i just explained that it literally happened to me every year i used to get money back they changed the tax brackets and i suddenly owed thousands out of no where i also explained that literally on my block that nonsense happens as for the bank who knows with them and im not saying liberals doxed those people obviously that was conservative doxing but there are countless stories out there of liberals doxing people if you looked wouldn’t be hard the example i gave u before being a classic one of the liberal type of doxing i said both sides do it

Martin Benitez

how in the hell was i changing the subject in any way i literally explained that doxing happens from all sides and states make there own laws that often contradict federal law besides that isnt about criticising the government of america thats about israel what does him being from montana and being from a coal mining town change montana’s conservative so are coal mining towns you go to new york or la or portland and your gona see liberal doxing


Well, go to it and get fitted for a suicide vest. And practice a lot.

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

Assad is still an islamist terrorist butcher regime dictator

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

say what you want, truth is he’s still a butcher and a dictator who gives refuge to Hezbollah and Iran


Hezbollah and Iran are the defenders of Palestinians form aliens of Poland, Hungary, Ukraine.


Their snipers shoot unarmed civilians and brag about it – they have nothing to stand on – but that is what hasbara is all about, winning an argument you are in no position to win. Misdirection, accusations, attacking the person, changing the subject, they use every dirty trick in the book, and they have team sessions where they are all given specific aims and angles of approach. It is highly organised but the goal is immoral and that is why they are satanists and deeply irrational people, they are clever, but wholly immoral and irrational. Reading Jake and Moshe is a lesson in hasbara team operations. Purposefully intensified at the present moment as israel is deeply involved in all the killings. Very educational. Everyone should learn how they operate.


You are always much safer back home in Poland, are you not? Where else can you find chopped chicken livers and gefiltah fish?


Assad’s problem is due to the alien Ashkenazi presence on Palestinian soil.


The US has killed more than 20 millions over the last 20 year. Why don’t you talk about this instead.

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

Where are you getting those numbers from, Sherlock? 20 million is a MAJOR EXAGGERATION AND PURE PROPAGANDA. USA never killed nearly that many civilians by accident EVER.

Last time I checked, US has unintentionally killed less than 2 million civilians since World War 2. Let me break it down, genius.

Dresden – 25,000 GER civilians KIA Hiroshima/Nagasaki – JAP 229,000 civilians KIA Korean War – 460,000 NK civilians KIA Vietnam War – 627,000 NV civilians KIA Iraq War – 200,000 Iraqi civilians KIA Afghanistan – 50,000 Afghan civilians KIA

All together that’s less than 1,591,000 civilians!


Sampling of Deaths From US Military Interventions 1- Uruguay 10,000 dead 2- Ecuador 10,000 dead 3- Peru 10,000 dead 4- Iraq 1.3 million dead 5- Iran 30,000 dead 6- Sudan 8-10,000 dead 7- Colombia 50,000 dead 8- Panama 5,000 dead 9- Japan 140,000 dead 10- Afghanistan 10,000 dead 11- Nicaragua 30,000 dead 12- Somalia 5000 dead 13- Philippines 150,000 dead 14- Haiti 100,000 dead 15- Dominican Republic 10,000 dead 16- Libya 500 dead 17- Macedonia 1000 dead 18- South Africa 10,000 dead 19- Pakistan 10,000 dead 20- Palestine 40,000 dead 21- Indonesia 1 million dead 22- Brazil 100,000 dead 23- East Timor 1/3-1/2 of total population 24- Greece 10,000 dead 25- Laos 600,000 dead 26- Cambodia 1 million dead 27- Angola 300,000 dead 28- Grenada 500 dead 29- Congo 2 million dead 30- Egypt 10,000 dead 31- Vietnam 1.5 million dead 32- Chile 50,000 dead 33- Korea 4 million dead 34- Guatemala 200,000 dead 35- Honduras 20,000 dead 36- El Salvador 63,000 dead 37- Argentina 40,000 dead 38- Bolivia 10,000 dead


Maybe directly but they’re actions have caused a lot more suffering than those numbers suggest

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

Assad is bad. The collateral damage on civilians caused unintentionally by Netanyahu dwells in comparison to the INTENTIONAL civilian casualties inflicted upon Syrians by the illegitimate, criminal Syrian Regime!


Google: Israel assisting rebels in Syria. As long as the European men and women leeching off Palestine are not willing to peacefully vacate, there will be bloodshed.

Kenny Jones ™

Assad has killed more? When


If you missed it, Israel is NOT a Saudi Arabia.


Yes, Saudi Arabia is inhabited by its indigenous people while “Israel” was taken by force by the European Jews who according to their own DNA are 100% European.


Israel will continue their terror until they are stopped.


And who did you say will stop them? You?


According to Forbes Magazine of 2018, Turkey is no 1 in military strength in the region followed by Egypt and in 3rd place is the little entity that is Palestine occupied by the Jews of Poland, Hungary, Ukraine. Please tell me how the Ashkenazi who is completely European feels connected to MY region, the Middle East?

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

That’s fake news. Syria proved Turkey is a paper tiger and weak military. Ill-equipped Kurds defeated the Turkish invasion in Northern Syria with little effort, long before the Russians came in to help them. And now look at Libya, the Turkish Military has been taking beating after beating by Haftar’s military.


You seem to forget that the Ashkenazi is given the most sophisticated weapons not available to the Arabs and the only reason why the Europeans are still on our land.

I am from the Middle East and I can see aliens coming from a mile away when the Ashkenazi approach. The Ashkenazi is as European as the Germans and yet he claimed to be Israelite returning to my region. Why is the European Jew still in my region where he is not welcome by the people of the region?

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

Arabs would never be able to defeat Israel/USA or NATO even with sophisticated weapons because they lack the intelligence and brain power that the Ashkenazi Jews have been gifted with by God!


All the Europeans who invaded our land were kicked out. Are you telling me the Yiddish speaking aliens of Poland and Hungary are stronger than the British, the French, the Italians, the Crusades? Is it something about geifltah fish that makes you strong?

Is that the same god who watched and did nothing as you were being expelled more than 100 times by European counties? The same god who went to sleep as you were being shoved inside ovens? You trust this god?

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

Enough with the antisemitism, IDF is the strongest military in the region given the small size of Israel. Yet you Arabs have tried dozens of times to kick us Jews out and each time were defeated by the IDF, and during each war Israel NEVER received any assistance from outside countries… meanwhile the Arab hordes attacking us were receiving monstrous aid and supplies from the Evil Soviets.


Our land was seized by force by a completely foreign European people who are assisted in their theft by the US govt. ……………………………………………………………………………

Oct 19, 1973


The united states is expanding military deliveries to Israel. According to American news agencies, the United States is sending Israel about 20 combat planes a day, not counting other military equipment.

Speaking in Miami Beach, Florida, the head of the Pentagon, James Shlesinger, said that the size of military deliveries to Israel can be increased to any necessary level.

The government intends to ask Congress for new allocations to pay for the “emergency deliveries” to Tel Aviv. The director of the dministration and Budget Agency, R. Ash, has told the-House Budget Committee that the administration will ask for these purposes 500-700 million dollars. But even this huge sum, he said, does not represent the full cost of the Middle East war for the United States.

According to the “New York Daily News”, Zionist organizations in the United States are continuing to recruit so-called “volunteers” for sending to Israel. Besides citizens of Jewish nationality, Zionists are looking for mercenaries among American military pilots who had fought in the Vietnam war. They are offered large sums of money.


Lonesome Cowboy Burt

It’s really no use trying to reason with this entity. Just caught it in a blatant lie (as you have just nicely disproven). On to the block list “it” goes.


But for me, I have so much DNA evidence that proves they are impostors and have no genetic ties to the region. Nothing scares them more than someone like me knowledgeable about DNA exposing their Khazarian roots.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

And what made the USSR so “evil” to begin with, couldn’t have been your people’s role in the Bolshevik Revolution by any chance, could it? And you say Israel NEVER received ANY assistance from outside countries?? (I guess you consider the USA as yours, far apart but one nation, according to you). Too much!


The Soviets helped you a lot they were under you control isreal was devestated when they collapsed


No Jews were gassed in WW2 it’s a myth Satan has a lot of control down here and he has protected his minions rather well but fear not they’re reign of terror is coming to and end


Well said.


Forbes Magazine 2018:

Israel with numerous hostile neighbours to contend with, Israel has always felt the need to ensure its armed forces are clearly superior to anything they might have to face in battle. The Israe Defence Forces are the best equipped, best trained and most capable of any in the region according to the IISS, not least because of continued massive support from the US. However, the country’s GFP index score of 0.3476 still places it behind two others in the region.” (Turkey and Egypt).

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

One word: Afrin.


I love you Helen will you marry me


There are forces powerful forces beyond this world that will put a stop this corruption known as isreal

Tudor Miron

They are asking for it, don’t they?


These reports out of Lebanon with no confirmation some of the time. Did anything really happen? Of course this might be a drone attack. :/


Israeli aircraft fly wherever the hell they want in the Mideast. Try to keep up.


To hit a moving truck on a highway. Surely you have no understanding of time and distance, plus mission planning. You post like an idiot! Pix of you. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4633a891c873f911df9dc2054289bcac6eb89cdef3f2ecef60e924524f1e0f01.jpg


And what does that have to do with the fact that Israel flies and attacks where they want, when they want? They have hit the Islamist Iranians some 100 times with total impunity. And will continue at will to do that. Islamist Iran knows better than to get into a war with Israel.


Bibi knows when to shut the hell up. This strike never happened. FAKE NEWS


You mean Mileikowsky aka Ben Nitai aka Netanyahu?

good american

if that is true why did bibi turn tail and run away after the US killed Soleinami in such a cowardly fashion? All bark and no bite when push comes to shove.


They would never dare touch the Egyptians, would they?

1973. This is a fascinating story of the 1973 war between Egypt and what they call “Israel” but they deliberately left out how the US rescued the Jews by supplying them with highly needed weapons rushed to them.

Sixty-one IDF soldiers were killed in the process, 45 of them were missing in action for months. About 100 soldiers were wounded, including Megiddo himself, and six became prisoners of war. There was also heavy damage to property. At the end of the war 19 IDF tanks remained scattered in an area under Egyptian control, along with six armed personnel carriers and two half tracks. Additional tanks were also taken by the Egyptians during the course of the war. We thought that we would come with tanks and make some noise, and the Egyptians would remove their shoes and flee. Well, they didn’t. In the end we were the ones who folded.



It’s coming to the point where something will be done about the state of isreal Henry Kissinger who is a major player in this world said there won’t even be a state of isreal in 10 or 15 years time also add the fact that no one who really knows who they are likes them they just can’t say no to them the only friends they have are illuminati satanists they are alone and vulnerable all we have to do is wake the people of the world up to their evil game


They don’t actually isreal by itself has no hope of defeating Iran it’s too far away for they’re planes to launch devestating attacks on Iran and they don’t have the manpower either on the other hand Iran has allies right on isreals border and while isreal has been attacking Syria they’ve been firing the missiles from lebenese airspace and if you think the Americans will help you out that is not guaranteed a lot of American soldiers hate isreal and are sick of dying for them

Hasbara Hunter

That was thanks to Iranian patience…when they really hit…they will hit hard..the Iranians have showed you ZioNazi Epstein Parasites what they are capable of & thus Satanyahu begged Trumpster to back off….hehehe


lol he made 1 account just to downvote u. poor Jake321, he must be learning how to count still


Why is the Ashkenazi who is 100% alien to the Middle East at 100% European DNA doing in the Middle East. If he was hated by Europeans how are we responsible for the European Jew whom we never even met until he arrived masquerading as Israelite but looking very German?

Miroslav Beran

Khazars (sometime called Ashkenazi) are not exactly 100% European DNA. Test showed 50% of their DNA is Kurdish/Turkic, 30% Slavic and 10% and more is Mongolian. Kurds and Mongols are not exatly Europeans.


You made it up and you have no way you can provide evidence!

Alan Dershowitz DNA:

98.5% Ashkenazi 0.4% Southern European 0.1% Balkan 0.9% Nonspecific European 0.1% Sub-Saharan Africa 0.0% Middle Eastern 99.9% European



Except not over Syria any longer or Iran. (unless you dont count these countries as part of the Middle east.

of course it would help if you get Uncle SAM from preventing lebanon from acquiring advance AA systems.But alas, all those good days are coming to an end, Hope your bunker can withstand 100 000 hezbollah missiles.

Free man

No they’re not. When your enemies are so weak and cowardly you don’t have to worry.


And shooting unarmed pregnant women in the belly is how you show your bravery

Free man


Tudor Miron

They will get what they ask for. Funny (or not) thing is that it will happen not because of those that they’re trying hard to antagonize and make enemies but their own masters. Read what Kissinger said but I don’t think that you can understand who Kissinger actually represents.


And yet again the Israelis blew up some Islamist Iranians in the attack. And once again it was done at will with impunity. But the Islamist Iranians show they can do as well by blowing up a civilian airliner killing some 180 people, mostly their own Iranian students. All glory to the Wondrous and Glorious Islamist Iran!


The Iranians are indigenous to the region and the Ashkenazi to Poland, Hungary, Ukraine. Why are the aliens on Arab land? Remember they used to speak Yiddish while eating gefiltah fish, Ashkenazi food totally unknown in our region. The aliens have no resemblance to anyone in the region but to the Germans and they are 100% European according to their own DNA. Why are the Europeans still clinging to Palestine?

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

I’ve heard it said that many of them carry something extra in their DNA, is possible they could be descendants of the alleged Nephilim (or Neanderthals).


This link below is from ancestry. com and it shows which group of people is mixed with who. The Middle Eastern DNA group has the color dark green. The genetic group “European Jewish” has no trace of dark green. It is a fascinating chart.



Yes,many of the Ashcanazi males certainly have the Neanderthal foreheads and heavy boned eyebrows.

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

The more disturbing thing is how such supposedly advanced air defense radars were unable to distinguish between enemy fighter jets and a civilian 737 airliner (flying in Iran’s airspace). The radar cross section of a huge airliner is massive compared to a fighter jet or even a B-1 bomber. Plus all Military Air defense operators should have the transponders and locations of ALL civilian traffic noted and documented 24/7. This was a hasty, brainless reaction of the Mullahs and pure negligence that resulted in many innocent civilians dying. Complete idiocy and ineptitude of the Iranian Air Defense operators. What a bunch of maggot fools! What a dumb, brainless accident committed by the Mullah Regime’s pathetic military.



How do aliens from Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, claim to be Israelite “returning home”? Look at him! How many of you have met people from the Middle East who resemble the Khazar on the picture?


We don’t really know what happened there it’s interesting it was a Ukrainian plane as the Ukrainians have a history of shooting down civilian airliners


and don’t forget that ukraine shot down an israeli airliner filled with jews over the black sea, during a military maneuver when the buk-missile climbed way over its ceiling and hit the airloner at 33000 feet. that is something like 20 years ago but still 250 jews fell all the way to the black sea. and israel has a long long memory.


Didn’t know about that one but there is a different administration in Ukraine now and isreal is quite cosy with them the current Ukrainian government let isrealis come there and study the s300 air defence system which the Russians gave to the syrians


and as per usual ukraine denied anything to do with the downing but in the end had to relent and I suppose pay some kind of damages. it was mostly jews going back whence they came before emigrating.


I can understand why they shot the plane down then no one wants those people in they’re country

Aleks Chernyy

In other words Israel continues agitation during turbulent period.

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

BREAKING NEWS: unconfirmed reports that the assassination of Soleimani was a joint US/Iranian plot to get rid of him, since the Mullah’s are afraid he was planning on toppling the Iranian government and seeking to gain lots of power. Rouhani apparently agreed with this plan and the retaliatory strike on the US base was also a planned, coordinated Iranian/US plot to save face for the Iranian people and hardcore nationalists. That’s why only tent hangars were destroyed, and not military hardware or bunkers housing US troops!

Rouhani apparently working with Trump hand in hand to get rid of Soleimani, and is planning on recognizing Israel and opening up full diplomatic ties with Tel Aviv and Riyadh! Peace may be at last! Rouhani and Ayatollah also planning on retracting statements of the destruction of Israel.

This will enable the lifting of ALL sanctions, and USA, Israel, Iran, and Saudi Arabia can become allies and trading partners!


Our region was cursed when white Europeans descended from the ancient Khazars were carried to our region in order to get rid of them from Europe and we resent the presence of these Muzungus on our land and never a time will come that we will let go of our dream to send them back to their chopped chicken livers and gefiltah fish. This is an alien people who are supported by the Western countries who hated them and who wanted to get rid of them.

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

That’s antisemitic. There is NO proof that Ashkenazi Jews are Khazars.


Alan Derwshowitz is 98.5% “Ashkenazi-Jewish“. If not a Khazar, you want tot tell me what Alan Dershowitz is?

Waiting for your reply …


משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

There’s NO scientific proof that shows Ashkenazi Jews originated or descended from The Khazar Empire


If you look at the link from PBS below that shows the DNA results of Alan Dershowitz:

a) Central Europe is highlighted in green to show where his 98.5% Ashkenazi Jewish DNA is from.

b) Africa is highlighted because they traced 0.1% African ancestry.

c) East Asia is highlighted because they found 0.1% East Asian ancestry.

d) The Middle East is left completely blank because they find nothing, absolutely nothing, not even 0.1% genetic link to the Middle East.

If not a Khazar, what else is Alan Dershwitz?


משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

These scientists and geneticists are either antisemitic or ill-informed goofballs who know nothing about genetics or archaeology. They aren’t real historians or scientists.


Hahaha. You want to force DNA to make you – the white man – part of my region the Middle East? Funny! An Irish woman did her DNA and she was shocked that she was not 100% Irish as she had believed all her life but only 50%. The other 50%? Ashkenazi! She was in shock and went on looking for answers. At first, she thought her mother had cheated. But after doing her investigation, she learned that her “Irish father” was in fact an Ashkenazi who switched at birth. She located the Ashkenazi family that took the Irish baby with them. DNA is science, and DNA is precise. If not your DNA, your physical appearance is not from our region.


Don’t waste your time. He is a troll.

Lena Jones

You’re NOT. semite yourself! You’re the freaking antisemite mass murdering the native semites!


A frequent flier on the Lolita Express to Epsteins island ?

Lena Jones

Oh shut it down already little jew terrorist! Even the jewishlibraryonline calls the ancestors of the klepto ashkanazim: ‘khazar’.


I am the Semite and not aliens to the Middle East from Poland.

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

Ok whatever ya say Hitler Girl


You and Hitler are from the same location. In fact, Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf that to him, the Ashkenazi were indistinguishable from the Germans.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Indistinguishable qualitatively or just by appearances?


Of course appearance, they were expelled more than 100 times due to their character. Here is a list of when and from which country they were expelled:

Austria 1394 1510 1559 1571 1593 1669 1670 1843 Bavaria 1276 1446 1551 1815 1919 Belgium 1370 England 1290 France 1882 1306 1322 1394 1453 Germany 1182 1349 1394 1615 Hungary 1349 1360 1582 Italy 855 1485 1492 Lithuania 1495 1656 1753 Mainz 1012 1438 1462 1483 Naples 1497 1541 1553 Netherlands 1442 1444 1582 Poland 1648 Portugal 1919 Prague 1557 1561 1744 Prussia 1510 1843 Russia 1654 1727 1740 1772 1804 1808 1853 1891 Slovakia 1380 1744 Spain 1492 Strasbourg 1388 1514 Switzerland 1348 Ukraine 1616 1648 Warsaw 1484 1775


i found several fals data


the squatter’s pm on occupied palestinian land is in every respect as bad as adolf hitler ever was. must be good for the soul to know that most things adolf hitler did and died for are repeated ny the evil netanyahu.


Please, tell us your boy Bibis real name?

Now tell us where his family is from?

Now, show us how you go fk urself.

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

Bibi’s recent ancestors are from Poland. However his true long down the line lineage of ancestors all came from Ancient Israel. Now get lost, antisemite!


Rubbish. Invented history. That’s the Yiddish way. What funny is how all you yids look alike. The narrow face, beady eyes, narrow facial features, etc ya’ll are nasty with your, keep it in the family culture. Fact is you euro trash spoke yiddish, ghetto Hebrew, if you will. Yids are and we’re forced to learn Hebrew, it was a must for them to colonize Palestine.

Remember Haavara, when you elite zio-yids made an agreement with Hitler to kill poor yids, claim false victimization and force yids into Palestine.

How’s your Scofield Bible lessons going?


It is a fact the ‘Jews’, of WaWa ll, Cry me A hollow-hox, spoke Yiddish and we’re forced to learn to speak Hebrew when forced to Palestine.


But if not from Khazaria, you would not dare say they are from my region, would you? I dare you to? If not Khazars, who are the ancestors of the Ashkenazi?


doesn’t matter, the singularly most important matter is to kick the squatters on palestinian land all the way to hell, never to be heard from again. and that’s just plain anti-zionistic.


The fish…what’s the fish got to do with it? Hola leb/pali!


The Ashkenazi who came to Palestine immediately abandoned their centuries old Ashkenazi dishes and were in fact encouraged by Zionist leaders to stop making Ashkenazi dishes. Then they claimed the Arabic food that was passed from generation to generation but their own foods and not only are they not only consuming Arabic foods but they are selling them as “Israeli” all over the world. A people without shame.


It was a joke…they also had to learn Hebrew, it was the law in israel. They spoke Yiddish


If that story is true which i doubt there will be another revolution in iran




I would not be surprized. the ayatollahs relly had fear from suleimani.


Is Iraq going to complain that israel violated their sovereignty which they did when Iran attacked US bases in Iraq but their attack was justified and didn’t violate the UN Charter. Time for israel to suffer the consequences and how did they know about the truck.

Free man

“Time for Israel to suffer the consequences …..” – and who exactly will punish them? The Iranians? Iranians only know how to blow hot air and kill innocent Iranians (protesters, mourners and passengers on passenger planes) Sarcastic but true.

Doom Sternz

Iran is not after war, with the US or Israel. The war is brought to them. Iran wants to live in peace.

Free man

Are you serious ? So why do the Iranians shout in the Majles “Death to America” (“Mat mat amrica”), why do they declare all the time that they will destroy Israel, Saudi Arabia, the US …? The mullahs regime is responsible for all the troubles / disasters that Iran is suffering.

Doom Sternz

You have to ask really? If they dont respond to the supreme crime of aggression they will end up like Iraq.

Free man

When you fight against the US, Russia or China there are no laws. This has always been the case. The stupid mullah regime has turned the world’s greatest superpower in to its private “Great Satan”. And this has serious consequences as we see these days.

Doom Sternz

A bitter pill to swallow is what cowards Iraqi’s are…..Iran just showed why General Soleimani is a Hero of the resistance, because he fights for Iraq’s freedom. He fights for Iraq’s freedom from Western backed terror and what does the Iraqi Parliament do, NOTHING.

The Iraqi Parliament just let the US keep killing you after 19 years of occupation and they do nothing. He just murdered your hero’s and you cant even directly tell them to leave.

Trump knows what cowards Iraqi’s are, that is why Soleimani is dead. Trump knows just who to bribe, Iraqi Parliament is corrupt to the core. Coward slaves dont dream of freedom, they dream of a better cage.

Sorry but someone has to say it, Iraqi’s are suffering because they are sniveling cowards, stand up to your oppressors. Have some respect in yourselves, in your country, in your religion.

I have absolute respect for Iran, for the Iranian people, for the resistance, for Soleimani a true hero. Iraq what the hell happened to you… A nation of cowards has no future…………………………………

Free man

It’s funny how the Iranians expect everyone to fight their wars. But they are afraid to fight their enemies. The US and Israel will continue to harm Iran because there is no risk.

Doom Sternz

US will not repeat any attack on Iranians, they were told…..Iran bombards al-Assad Air Base, puts Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and Jordan on notice. At least 30 Iranian guided missiles have hit al Asad Air Base in Iraq, home of the United States Air Force and largest base in Iraq. The US deployed multiple batteries of Patriot Missiles to the base in May in case of such an attack.

America’s air defense ships in the Persian Gulf stand down, no AEGIS or Patriot protection for 5000 US troops stranded in Iraq by Trump’s insanity. With US forces on high alert, and billions of US air defense equipment on land on the water and we do not have one video of an incoming missile taken down when ballistic missiles are supposed to be the easiest to intercept.

For the millions of Americans who feel a need to cheer Iran on, please remember that 5000 Americans are on the ground in Iraq, no air cover, and exposed to attack because they are led by cowards.

If Trump retaliated the US troops would of been slaughtered. This is how Iranians saved Iraq from the Western backed terrorists. They put their lives on the line for Iraq and saved the country, that is why Iranians in Iraq are heroes, Iraq has no equals.

Free man

“If Trump retaliated the US troops would of been slaughtered.” = More hot air. “that is why Iranians in Iraq are heroes,” – apparently this is why Shi’ite Iraqis are constantly burning Iranian consulates and headquarters of Iranian militias. The mullahs regime is a paper kitten.

Doom Sternz

You call bombing the biggest US base in the ME without retaliation just hot air? Really? Iran is the only nation since WW2 to attack US military without retaliation, think about that.


There have been rocket attacks on the green zone most people don’t know how much Iraq has suffered during the last 30 years the isrealis and Americans have put a lot of time and effort in destroying that place and that means they must have seen Iraq as a great threat i think if any one needs a helping hand its those iraqis


Well said im from Australia and our peice of shit government has sent an Australian warship over there that ship will be a sitting duck and i don’t want Aussies dying for isreal

Doom Sternz

I am from New Zealand we will not send our troops home.


The same people that control the Austraian government control the New Zealand government

George King

Maybe not but I think “they came vertically and they will return horizontally” is not a threat but a promise.

Wolfgang Wolf

please iran, set up some air defenses inside syria, because the syrian air defense are idiots and the russians are best friend with NaZIONIST


It’s more complicated than than that no major military has fucked with isreal more than Russia Hezbollah have received training from Russia and it was Russian made anti tank missiles that gave isreal such a headache in the 2006 war with Lebanon add the fact that the Russians killed 80000 isreali proxys in Syria having said that it does seem that Russia has been letting isreal do things they shouldn’t but i do believe there are forces at play we don’t know about


Yep, then they can shoot down lots of Syrian civilian airliners. At least the Syrians only shoot down Russian spy planes by mistake. Bunch of Key Stones cops with advanced weapons…what could ever go wrong?


There needs to be a serious deterrent for Israel… this piecemeal slaughter of Iraqi & Syrian forces has to stop. There is more than enough justification for a joint Syria-Iraq-Iran retaliation against Israel after so many bombing raids, Israel is in no position to massively escalate given the recent humiliation of it’s hegemon minder.


yup and add turkey to that alliance, since erdogan hates israel and netanyahu and will do anything to kick them all the way to hell!


Want to bet? And how lucky do you think your Islamist butt buddies feel?

Saso Mange

When someone finally strikes Israel MSM will cry about the aggression. It takes only a few high yield missiles to send Israel to stone age.


They won’t strike anything though, because the whole of Israel is under cover of anti missile systems including a super new laser system


And a super protection of the Tsar as well

George King

They have the same air defense systems as the Saudi oil production facilities and the US base systems that was attacked in retaliation. Barefoot soldiers of the destroyed Yemen are making mincemeat of trillions of sucker dollars sold to Saudi Arabia. The only thing that has allowed the oppression is the mafia threats by a transnational criminal cabal that is being exposed as hot air BS.

Mustafa Mehmet

Who’s got kind of missile to do that Mullas.? They can only shoot down civilian airline.

Saso Mange

If you do not know this simple fact than i wont bother with talking to you.


You mean high yield nuke missiles that Islamist Iran doesn’t have and will never be allowed to have. However, Israel has at least a couple of hundred of those high yield nukes, more than enough to turn Iran into a glow in the dark parking lot. Get real then take your meds.

Saso Mange

Iran has them. You failed.


You and they only wish. They don’t have nukes and will never be allowed to have nukes. Period.

Saso Mange

Nukes? Are you serious?


It really has been a bad week for the mullahs hasn’t it!

If this was a boxing match I’d be throwing in the towel for them

Xoli Xoli

Israel women,Children,old and helpless men killing airforce. Killed again.I wish God can struck Israel jets from the sky to stop the killing.

Xoli Xoli

Just target Israel nuclear facilities and strategic facilities.


And you will do that? The Islamist Iranians are not stupid or suicidal to do that since the response from Israel would be to nuke Iran’s nuke facilities and much else.

Xoli Xoli

So according to you only Israel reserves the right to destroy other countries nuclear research centre.Are you a transparent man or do you believe in one sided ideology like a remote control robot.


Just telling it as it is. If Islamist Iran seriously attacked the Israeli nuke center, Israel would very likely use tactical nukes to destroy Iran’s nuke facilities and more. And they don’t need your permission or sense of right and wrong to do that.

Xoli Xoli

Destroy all research centers in Israel just put much fear on their populations just as their did to yours.


Who will do that you. If the Islamist Iranians did that there would be little left of Iran.

Hide Behind

In the US around 50% of non Jews are dumber than 50% of of nonJews. 50% of Jews are dumber than 50% of Jews. 50% of cows are as dumb as remaing 50%, and pigs, 4 legged and two, are dumber than non jew, cows, and Jews. Over 90% of US elected are smart enough to pretend they are protecting US sheep, by passing a permanent annual payment of 3.3 billion USD military aid to Israeli, and that American and Israeli Jews in US never told them to pass it. Israelis can blow Iranians, Palestinians Lebanon’s Hez, Syrians, and fly unhindered over Syria, Iraq and Lebanon does not mean they are smarter than those they kill, just that they are smart enough to be able to do it. And the 90% of US elected representatives are smart enough to know that a part of 3.3 billions will come back into their and friends bank accounts. Israelis are smart enough to be able to find lots of non Israeli in all the surrounding Arab lands who are smart enough to hide the money US and Israel has given them for information.

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