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MARCH 2025

Israeli Airstrike On Northern Hama Destroyed Syrian Long-Range Rocket Launcher

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) lost at least one Maysalun heavy artillery rocket launcher as a result of the recent Israeli airstrikes on the town of Umm Haratayn in northern Hama, a photo released by pro-government activists on April 13 revealed.

Despite the low quality of the photo, the base of the launch rail, the back stairs and the hydraulic outriggers stabilizers can be seen in the remains of the rocket launcher.

Israeli Airstrike On Northern Hama Destroyed Syrian Long-Range Rocket Launcher

Click to see full-size image. Photo onthe right side by Syrian reporter Ra’if al-Salama

Maysalun is a Syrian-made variant of the Iranian Zelzal-2 unguided long-range artillery rocket. The rocket has a range of 210km and a heavy high-explosive (HE) warhead. Israeli sources had accused Iran and Syria of installing guidance systems in these types of rockets, effectively converting them into precision-guided rockets.

While the rocket launcher was destroyed in Umm Haratayn, the new Israeli attack was focused on the town of Masyaf in western Hama. According to RT, Israeli warplanes destroyed the College of Management, the Scientific Research center and the Accounting School in the town. More than 23 people, including 3 Syrian service members, were injured as a result.

According to the available information, Israeli warplanes launched stand-off munitions at their targets from Lebanon airspace. The Israeli Air Force (IAF) has launched multiple attacks on Syria in the same way since 2011.

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The Syrians seem incapable of moving their equipment from place to place to prevent these kind of attacks. If not for Russia Iran and Hezbollah they would have been defeated long ago.

Rhodium 10

SAA are unprofessional and bad qualified army( as we seen along the war) like all arab countries…I am sure that Pantsir and Buk system under hands of Russian or NATO army would have a nearly 100% of Accuracy vs Israeli missile!

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

100%? Nonsense! Under Russian Control BUK and Pantsir would have 500% accuracy against Israeli missiles! Or more accurately put, they’d have 40% accuracy just like the 40 proof in Vodka :)

Jacob Wohl's Nose

begone rocket nose! lol

Zionism = EVIL

Idiot, Russia and so-called Israel are the same now. You obviously have never been to Pisrael. There are over 2 million Uki and Ruskie Khazars in Occupied Palestine and the Jew oligarchs control Russia as well, just like the Jew Lenin and his Bolsheviks did. Putin is just another low life Jew catering to his masters.

Lena Jones

Yet ARAB hezbolloh beat the shit out of mighty israel – TWICE!!

The REAL problem with Arab armies is that they are NOT ALLOWED advanced weapons, by order of America and the Anglo-zionist pussies.

Daniel Miller

You mean the arabs whom had been under IRGC command.

Lena Jones

No dear, I mean the Arabs who were under their OWN command while IRGC watched and marveled. As did the whole world – including israeli generals.

Zionism = EVIL

Iranians could not even defeat Iraq despite being four times its size. The corrupt Iranian mullahs have got the poor Iranians involved in Arab conflicts which have nothing to do with Persian strategic interests. The whole Arab world from Algeria to Sudan is falling apart, hopefully the people of Iran will take note and throw out the illiterate barbarian Islamist mullahs who have bankrupted the most educated and richest country in the region.

Lena Jones

Thanks for delivering lying Netanyahu’s message to us today.

Clueless bigmouth!

Daniel Miller

Nah arabs simply do not have the IQ nessesary to do what they did under their own command the IRGC is in command of Lebenons hezzbollah.

Lena Jones

Denial suits your ass, little jew supremicist.

Daniel Miller

Oh its not about jews beeing superior (on the contrary Israels average IQ is 95 witch is qute average and below all european nations with exepction to the balkans) but about Arabs being brain dead (average IQ of 83) And its quite obvious the none IRGC lead Lebenon army is pathetic. The SAA is horse shit the Iraqi army is horse shit the Saudis are horse shit the Egyptians are as well. Name me one war the arabs have won vs a none arab opponent. Also that time Iraq invaded a weakened post civil war Iran and STILL did not manage to defeat them…or the more modern example of the Saudis and SAA not beeing able to combat insurgents with little to no heavy weapons.

Lena Jones

Your assessment being largely ignorant of Arab history aside, why don’t YOU name us the last war that israel actually won? And while you’re at it, also name a SINGLE war that israel fought all by itself and won – name the war and name the year – name a single war that israel has fought and won WITHOUT RIDING ON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTS like France, UK and USA.

Yes the jews are a barbaric and formidable lot when they can hide behind the apron of a superpower, but let’s face it, they’re born cowards – always were and always will be. This is their historic reputation. What the jews are good at though is starting violent rebellions from the shadows of their host nations that end up in the mass murder of host citizens and the eventual violent expulsion of the hateful, corrosive jews. This is jewish history in a nutshell. And they NEVER learn. Two thousand years later and they STILL haven’t learned. And THIS is why I view them as historic, pathological morons. Next to the Arabs, who are actually historically a warrior people, the ashkanazis are cross-eyed and limp-wristed cadets, presently and historically. And finally, I’ve got just one last word for you: Hezbollah!

Daniel Miller

……ok i think you have a inferiorety complex towards jews or smth. They are irrelevant to the fact arabs are inept morons,following your logic tho why is S.Arabia not kicking the shit out of the Huthis? Even tho they are backed by the same power the Israeli military is. Or also you forget the fact that syria was supported by the soviets at the time of the wars…..abd still they lost. I want you to understand smth i dont care weather jews are cowards or dogs or whatever the fuck else that us irellevant to this argument. The fact still stands arabs are just shit at modern war.

Lena Jones

The sandal-wearing ARAB Houthis are kicking saudi ass. ARAB Hezbollah is kicking israeli ass. Your ‘opinion’ has no proof so stfu already with your ARABPHOBIA, shekeled motherfucker!

Daniel Miller

You mean the Iran supported huthis and hezbollah. Also history proofs my point. Why do you think Israel is so scaref of Iran but not syria? Its cuz iranians are not idiots whom dont know what the hell they are doing. Also i dibt hate arabs its just stating the truth they are shit fighters Syria Egyipt Saudi arabia Iraq are all exampels of this.

Lena Jones

So by your logic, Arabs only win when they have Iran’s backing? LOL! Like I said, you are severely lacking in both logic and historic proof. Never mind that Saddam won the war against Iran back in the 80’s etc etc etc. You have proved your Arabphobia – no way around it.

Daniel Miller

How the hell did saddam win the war when he gained nothing and pulled his forces back? He culd not even defeat a weak post civil war Iran. That is how shit arabs are at war. And no not Iran backed but lead Hezbollah can only dream of haveing the weapons and tactics they do now and back in 2006 without Iran. Also give me one war in wich arabs managed to defeat a forghen power with less losses to their own military then the enemy. Israel kicked the shit out of all Aran nations in the 60’s. The closes the arabs got to defating the IDF was in the 73 Yom kipur war.

Lena Jones

LOL you need to take it up with military historians when you talk about Sadam’s victory over the Ayatollah. And for your information, Iran began supporting Hezbollah after THREE YEARS of hezbollah kicking israeli arses literally with sticks and stones – so don’t give me ‘Iranian tactics’ and shamctics! It’s because Hezbollah had already PROVED themselves that Iran ‘invested’ in hezbollah. And like I said before, israel has NEVER won a war against the Arabs WITHOUT FULLY RIDING ON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTS. When you go to war with israel, you go to war with all the major WESTERN nations – israel won the ’73 war you mention because at the 11th hour and just before israel’s defeat, the West stepped in and saved israel’s ass. READ YOUR FUCKING HISTORY! What a stubborn Arabphobe you are! And if you’re an American then you need to look in the mirror – we have not won a war ourselves since Granada!

Daniel Miller

Holy shit so mutch miss information. Are you an arab? are you ofended by the fact arabs are shit at war?

Lena Jones

Holy two shits right back at ya! One ignorant post after the other! And this IS the “fact” that I object to! Right from the getgo I told you that you know NOTHING about Arab history and you proved me right with every single stupid post you wrote. Clearly, you’re a freaking Arabphobe! Just admit it asshole!

Daniel Miller

Arab history is quite simple war daeth and inbredding that is why they have a average IQ of 83 ;) Numbers do not lie m8

Lena Jones

What a moronic summation – in fact as moronic as saying jewish history can be summed up in one word: ovens.

Daniel Miller

Nah jewish history can be summed up as 2 words:Fake Ovens

Lena Jones

Just like the holocaust, your numbers are swindled and I am NOT your fucking “m8”, arabphobic jew cunt!

Daniel Miller

m8 their is not even any sagnificant evidance that the holocaust was as bad as ppl say it was i mean ffs ppl outlaw holocaust denial if it did happen why outlaw ppl whom dont belive it that is like outlawing flat eathers. But jewish history is none of my conserne since they unlike arabas seem civilised (besides the fact some of them suck off baby dicks) while arabs are vile backward savages whom deserve the same treatmen as jews in WW2 if not worse.

Lena Jones

Proving your arabphobia and utter IGNORANCE of Arab history, diversity and character AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN! Your brains are definitely pickled in shekels and colonialism. No sensible or informed person will take your stupid and racist opinion seriously – not even your own mother would – because EVERYTHING you know about Arabs you’ve learned from Hollywood movies lol! But go ahead and knock yourself out: show us AGAIN how jealous of Arabs you really are.

And I’ll remind here here “m8” that when your yellow-toothed ancestors were dying from the Black Plague that was due to extremely bad hygiene and English filth, Arabs with GOOD TEETH and clean clothes were walking down spotless Arab streets that were lit by street lamps. Never has the world known such scalping savages as the Brits. They are the BIGGEST klepto, mass-murdering savages – looters and spoilers of the four corners of the world in the past 500 years.

EVERYTHING that the UK has was stolen loot from Africa, mideast, Asia, Australia and Canada. All you have to show for yourselves these days is terrorism and that fucking viral damp in the walls of your ‘kingdom’! And now you’re all living under the satanic jew boot and your love it! At least the Arab people have enough integrity to resist psychotic invaders.

This is why I hope ALL your kids end up marrying Arabs lol!

Daniel Miller

Why wold i be jelous of inbreeds with a average IQ of 83 whom know noting else but raping and killing?

Also ummm yellow teeth had been a standard for all humans if you are talikg about cavetys then they are caused by glucose. Also the bubinice pleuge came from Asia by the slick road and it was spread by rats/flees.

Also no shit we did you shit skins cant defend yourself you got your asses kicked and got inslaved or colonised ;)

Lena Jones

First of all, I’m not an Arab so stop wanking at your keyboard motherfucker. Secondly, limey-brit average IQ is 81, I’ve just checked hahahaha! And you wanna talk about inbreeding when your monarchy dictatorship are inbreds themselves? No dear, the inbreeding and incest is your specialty LOL! Thirdly, there are 22 Arab countries with soooo much riches and natural resources that your filthy farty ancestors, who had NOTHING but damp walls and bad dentistry, STOLE Arab riches, like the fine kleptomaniancs that they are – oh yeah you should REALLY be proud of that you fucked up little gnat! And NO, the english Black Plague was a result of disgusting hygiene: never bathing and shitting and spitting thier vile green gunk on every street and infecting the environment – and thank god you’re an island that’s isolated from the rest of clean humanity – we may as well call you Leper Island lol! And fourthly, even Palestinians under a brutal occupation have more university graduates that your dumbass German colony – and yes the uk IS a German colony considering your filthy-assed royalty are of German extraction lol – you’re still giving your taxes to a German monarch lol little minions that you are! And when it comes to courage, well let’s not talk about the cowardly brits in the face of Hitler: you little motherfuckers couldn’t handle him and you came running to US to save your fat stinking asses lol! No motherfucker – you are NOT a superior people, you are just superior at pretending to be superior – but you are certainly superior at back-stabbing and mass murder and mass theft and that’s NOT exactly something to be proud of! Your Arabphobia suits your dumbass – keep it motherfucker lol! Oh and yellow teeth are a british specialty – the ugliest people in the world are the brits – yikes save my eyes from all that pastiness and crooked yellow teeth! I repeat, EVERYTHING of value and beauty in the UK was STOLEN from other nations. And lastly, had it not been for a super smart mathematician in Baghdad (Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi), the world would not have algebra, therefore no ‘algorithm’ therefore NO COMPUTER FOR YOU little racist asshole! LOL! You will NEVER be able to soundly justify your arabphobia – face it, you are a typical racist rat and I hope you drown in your envy of Arabs, you covetous, shekeled sisterfucking asshole!

Daniel Miller

M8 the average IQ in the UK is 100 tho i do agree the average shitskin in Londo dose have a average IQ of 81 ;)

Lena Jones

You must be shitbrained to let ‘shitskin’ take over your monarchy lol!

Daniel Miller

m8 its not my fault that out politicians are pussys whom play nice and not just genocide them all :P

Lena Jones

So you’re a shitbrained ‘victim’?! You poor, poor talmudic cunt!

Daniel Miller

Nah victims are pussys and its unfortunate but most native UK folk are pussys and dont fight back.

Lena Jones

By god you are so fucking boring!


Don’t assume all Arabs are stupid, as you pointed out Hezbollah is a top army. It’s the Syrian military that is the problem. Stalin would have killed the officers. Assad needs to man up, his father ran a tight ship.

Rhodium 10

Hezbollah is a good army for Guerrilla war…but to fight vs Israel and retake Golan heights…SAA are not qualify to use advance weapons like MIg 29, S-300, Pantsir S2…


Well they only have to stop the IDF, which they have done, and it seems to have scared off the Israelis. There is no point in going full USA and having enough weapons to take on 3 planets. Actually the American method just creates a mob of cattle, yes they can stampede and destroy everything they touch, but when they need real soldiers, they get the SAS from UK or Oz.

Zionism = EVIL

Not really true, Arab disunity and lack of willingness to fight in general has allowed the Zionists to lord over them. Look at the Taliban and other resistance groups like the Ansarollah who have defeated far better armed enemies. Syria is being targeted with impunity is because for some unknown reason it refuses to retaliate. Imagine what India would have done to Pakistan had it not courageously hit back instantly? There is old saying HE WHO DARES WINS! It is really high time to hit the Zionists. Believe me they are weaker than a spiders web as their moonshot comedy showed.

Lena Jones

SFTU hasbara boy.


Because if Syria retaliates she knows that she will be alone…Russia will not move a finger to help her…Israel’s excuse is that it’s targeting forces loyal to Iran and that they will stop bombing Syria after they leave. But how can the Resistance forces leave if Syria has not been fully liberated yet? Remember, even though Russia lets the Zionists attack Syria, it doesn’t mean they are keen on “Israel” starting another war.




Zionism = EVIL

Sorry, advanced weapons are not needed to fight asymmetrical warfare. The Algerians, Vietnamese, Koreans, Yemenis and Afghans have proven time and again that if one is willing to die for their cause and endure sacrifices they can defeat any opponent, even nuclear armed ones.


You are talking about a country that had been devastated, millions of it’s people refugees. What do you think is different about the Syrians than the Yemenis, Algerians, Vietnamese? What is it they are lacking?

Lena Jones

Yap, Helen4Yemen – you got that right – except the jews don’t buy their weapons, they get them as ‘gifts’ even from objecting American tax payers like me: fleeced by aipac while we Americans sleep.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

not true at all. IDF lost less than 100 soldiers during 2006 war and hezbollah lost 500+. IDF lost only 5 merkavas also. Nice try though! :)

Lena Jones

Oh go back to your stupid bedroom and stay there till you sober up from all that ziocain in the brain! Your numbers are bullshit – try 124 dead merkavas on Lebanese soil – so very many merkavas in fact that they’ve renamed a valley in south Lebanon ‘Merkava Graveyard’: a touristic location now lol! And let me teach you something else about war, little man: victory at war is NOT counted by how many of the enemy a side kills, the victor is the side that fulfills its mission objectives announced BEFORE the war and israel stated that it will invade Lebanon and destroy hezbollah: two objectives that it miserably failed at. Now, should we believe idiot you or the israeli generals who after the 2006 war declared failure? And here, let me remind you of this: little hezbollah was up against the jewish airforce, navy and landforces and hezbollah beat all three even though it had by far inferior weaponry and not a single jet fighter at their command. Evidently, hezbollah is smarter than the pompous jew cowards. This explains why israel has not dared to touch Lebanon since their humiliating defeat against the Lebanese resistance back in 2006. So put THAT in yer pipe and choke!

Zionism = EVIL

Most Arab armies are inept despite 200:1 manpower advantage. The Syrians in 2011 has strategic parity with Zionists, but they let their equipment deteriorate and most of the SAA simply walked off their barracks. If the Shia militias had not come in, all of Syria would have been in headchoppers hands. It is beyond belief that Syria simply fails to respond to almost daily Zionist attacks. This is beyond cowardice. Pakistan has set the benchmark in retaliating against a much larger enemy and after that Indian provocations stopped. If Syria even destroys a few Zionist targets in Occupied Golan that will be enough.

Rhodium 10

Because Russia fear that Israel can destroy advance S-300 or Pantsir under hands of SAA…surely while Israel were attacking…SAA crew of S-300 would be drinking mate tea outside…we have seen along the war how easy is to ambush large convoys of SAA in Homs desert or to hit with ATGM many soldiers joined in hills, tanks without minimal armour, soldiers without bulletproof jackets etc….SAA only have 2 relieable…Tiger Forces and 104 brigade of fallen Isam Zahredine!…nothing else!


Could be false targets… like the serbian army did during kosovo war against NATO.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

The Serbs NEVER had long range SAM’s, only a few medium range S-125s and KUB, yet still managed to down 2 F-16s, 1 stealth F-117, and 50 UAV + predator drones in less than 3 months. Serbs actually knew what they were doing. Never compare them with these Arab morons. The Syrian Army have HUNDREDS of long range SAMS like S-200/S-75 Divna, and hundreds upon hundreds of medium range/short range SAMS. Yet can barely defend a small area from an attack with less than 10 enemy missiles. They are pathetic and extremely unskilled. And hopefully they stay that way to make the Israeli Airforce’s job ALOT EASIER :)

Rhodium 10

Israel was able to destroy 2 Syrian Pantsir..because one of them was parked in airport runway and the crew was smoking a cigarrets away from the truck…while israel was attacking…the other one was parked in Damascus airport 4 days before the airstrike in the same point and without camouflage…

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

lol exactly. They’re incredibly pathetic and dumb. Smart countries should perform IQ tests for Air Defense cadets. At least 100+ or average to be accepted Clearly the criteria for Syrian air defense is having an IQ of less than 50



Why can’t the European migrants simply go home?

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

antisemitism at its finest right here Ok, Jewish people ARE WHITE. We get it. But they’re originally from the Middle East, specifically ISRAEL :) Get over it



Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

for once I agree with you, Australian Assad Fan :)


No, they can move them, but this means that there is an enemy on the ground with eyeballs on the target. The jihadists are, and always were, israeli collaborators, and since they lost on the ground, they are being used as intel assets. They guide israeli stand-off munitions to their targets. There is no other way to hit them with glide bombs.


With Yanki satellite surveillance the launcher may only have been there for minutes.


No it doesn’t work that way, prepping the plane would have taken 6 hours, and the Israelis time their attacks to coincide with civilian flights that they hide behind. They attacked at night but the launcher would have been spotted in daylight, assuming a satellite and not a traitor.

The rocket launcher would have been there longer than 24 hours, the Syrian officers are hopeless.

Zionism = EVIL

In all fairness, the Arabs in general are very poor soldiers and the Iranians are equally inept. The whole idea behind missile deployment in the open is to use them. The Syrians and Iranians despite Syria’s rugged terrain have not built underground facilities for missiles or even deployed basic AAA and SAMS for protection. The Zionist scum are operating from Lebanese airspace with full Russian support. The S-300 pot plants are yet to be used or ever will be. These Zionist raids against Syria will only intensify if there is no response.


If the Khazarians did not have America supporting them, they would have been finished a long time ago

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

lol no true at all. Israel had nukes already by then



The European Jew needs to stop the deception that he is Israelite and let the white man go home!

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

Syrian S-300’s has been defeated and surpassed by the Israeli AF 4 times now. 1st time in December 2018, 2nd time in January 2019, 3rd time over Aleppo 2 weeks ago, and today over Hama/Homs :)

Jacob Wohl's Nose

rocket nose back at it again


Are the Syrian S-300 batteries even operational yet? I read the israeli’s “thought” the batteries were operational about a month ago but there has been no word from Russia od Syria as to whether or not their crews training is complete yet.

As for the Patriots, their record is embarrassing. The US military outright lied about their stellar record in the Gulf war …. where they didn’t get a single confirmed kill against WW2 vintage SCUD missiles. Their record against the Houti’s in Saudi Arabia today is no better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSwzwMAVc14 and that’s with no EW to blame. The missile they were trying to intercept successfully hit just outside the Riyadh airport. Rumor has it the Patriot still has the same problem as in the Gulf war …. they go after the larger booster rather and ignor the warhead

Steve Patrick

Russia probably hasn’t transferred them yet


Hahahaha what? The S-300 is not operational and probably won’t be until this war is over. Russia has always allowed Israel to have free reign in Syria due to friendly relationship with the Israelis and/or other factors. Besides, the S-300 won’t engage targets in lebanese air space as that could be a declaration of war.

Real Anti-Racist Action

You have no idea how we’ve changed the game. You have no idea the labor to change the optics of the world. You have no idea what’s coming right around the corner. We are everywhere, and we are watching and learning and adapting at ever increasing speeds. The great awakening has already kicked into higher gears. https://dailystormer.name/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/ac2bda21e2ec6d69a842e678703efb8d.gif


S300s have not been defeated they have never been used by Syrian forces. Israel doesnt even fly in Syrian space they operate from Lebanon space – you seem to think its a failure if some missiles get through. How many are taken out in each attack – no air defence is 100% not even the Patriot which is inferior to the S400.

Rhodium 10

IAF just launch long range missile from long distance…it is like SAA would launch long range ballistic missile..

Concrete Mike

Conclusion: your a.warmongering israeli first cheerleader. You would.never do dirty work yourself, because your a fucking coward , like your heros the idf that shoot civilians and launches standoff ammunition inside a thrid country . Your not tough at all you just have zero decency left in you so you use every dirty scheme and trick.

Its not working, every trick makes us hate you more!


As long as the migrants from the Ukraine, Portland, Lithuania r guaranteed to have superior weapons at all times by the US government, aren’t the migrants winning because of the superior weapons?

1978: Begin, Dayan and Weizman were in Washington D.C. demanding that the sales of F-16’s to the Khazars be delivered but sale of F-15’s to Saudi Arabia and F-5e’s to Egypt be withdrawn. The Khazar was in possession of F-16’s and he wanted the Egyptian to fight him using their bare hands?


2006: The Khazars must always maintain “the Qualitative Military Edge”. And how do they achieve that? The US must always make sure that any weapons sold to the Arab regimes are of inferior quality than those sold to the Khazars. Therefore, is it the Khazars winning the war or the superior military hardware in their possession?


Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

if it weren’t for foreign military support, Israelis would have been forced to build and produce their own weapons and aircraft :) Either way they would have defeated all their enemies regardless :)


You mean to tell me the European Jew wants to remain clinging to a region where he’s not wanted or welcome. He can safely go home, can’t he?


That is not the case. It is only a Jewish claim. In reality the systems in question had not been activated to repel these attacks. And that was a political decision by the Russian-Syrian forces. Why do you think Netanyahu keeps showing up in Moscow every few weeks? That is right, to get Russian permissions for their military actions. They know full well that Israel’s true military potential is dwarfed by that of Putin’s. Make not the mistake of a gung-ho boy who believes the propaganda of his minor country.


Jewish claim. In reality the systems in question had not been activated to repel these attacks. And that was a political decision by the Russian-Syrian forces. Why do you think Netanyahu keeps showing up in Moscow every few weeks? That is right, to get Russian permissions for their military actions. They know full well that Israel’s true military potential is dwarfed by that of Putin’s. A gung-ho boy under the influence of the propaganda of a minor regional player would not understand the true power balance in this conflict.

Steve Patrick

Hamas and hezbollah have NO , air defenses,jets or scud missiles yet Israel does not randomly bomb them in lebanon. Why??? Because they send rockets right back…Assad is not very smart..its amazing he has survived


Russia doesn’t respond, Syria doesn’t respond, even In doesn’t respond. I guess Satanyahoo threatened everyone with nukes?

Zionism = EVIL

“Putinyahu’s Rusrael”

Putin and “Israeli” Prime Minister Netanyahu are in a bromance after the former helped the latter win his historic reelection with a last-minute photo-op stunt that ultimately proved pivotal to his victory, and with Russia and “Israel” now proceeding along the path of “two states, one nation” after their close and comprehensive cooperation with one another since the onset of Moscow’s 2015 anti-terrorist intervention in Syria, the era of “Putinyahu’s Rusrael” has finally arrived after the carve up of Syria. Russia has fully supported Israeli airstrikes against Syrian and Iranian targets and in some cases even providing coordinates and shutting down Syrian air defences,.


Actually, they’ve been in a “bromance” for a long time. Now, they’re just out of the closet! Putin represents the “progressive” Russian “deep state” that wants Russia to become the “diplomatic superpower” of the rising Multipolar World. Which basically means to get along with all the countries in the world (let’s do business together!) and act as negotiator in any of their conflicts (Russia is actually very good in diplomacy). But the ties between Israel and Russia have always been particularly strong. Remember Stalin was one of the Zionists who supported the creation of this illegal state at the beginning. Moreover, there are a lot of Russians (and Jews from other ex-Soviet Republics) in Israel so both countries are intertwined more than you can imagine…


it’s not simple in my opinion, Syria had something to loss if the situation escalate an example is the infrastructure they need to support the state which Israel can easily in military point of view target it and reflect serious damage (israel my suffer some political consonances and limited military response). thus you can’t compare Hamas and hezbollah non state nature (which not need شى infrastructure to support them financially and they depending on outsource)

Cheryl Brandon


SAA airforce is too small! Israhell has been superior since 1048 according to their claims and, mostly of the arabs buy from US/effectively allowing the Israhellis first look??? This strike is about helping the Terrorists as well.

Miroslav Beran

Something in the air is singing at low volume, that one day 160 long range missiles income to Khazar navy base, where some 3 or 4 German made, german subsidized nuclear armed Khazar submarines are moored.

Some 50 missiles will shoot down by these Khazar Iron Itil, Iron Phallus and Iron Kagan anti-missile systems, rest 110 missiles find their targets.

What next? Mr. Wohlstein Hasbara Lieutenant will tell us.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

Nice analysis… *NOT* very poor assessment of a potential military conflict. Israel would intercept all enemy missiles of every type and launch Jericho ICBM’s against its enemies. Keep the antisemitism rolling… it only shows your true colors

John Brown

First Israel does not have any ICBMs,. It Ihs only short range cruise missiles armed with American and French nuclear warheads. Second Israel will never use them to respond to a conventional attack or as a first strike weapon just as the USSA would not, Russia would not etc. as Israel and likely all Jews on the planet would cease to exist, Israel within minutes, world Jewry within days if Israel did so. In fact anyone who is against israel likely hopes Israel would do as you say. Third Israels pathetic anti missile systeme can only intercept a few dumb missiles at a time. Any missile attack from Syria or Lebanon in response to Israeli gression won’t be a few missiles they would be thousands. Israel can’t even shoot down a few missiles made in garages from the Gaza strip.

Побеснели Аца

Without ability and will to retaliate and hit targets in Israel for any Israeli attack, Syria will remain a punching bag for IAF. No S-300 nor S-1000 for that matter will change the equation if you are restrained to defence only.

viktor ziv

I really hope this is chess board game. SAA can’t fight Israelis now. Survive another day to be able to fight another for real. Russia is there to fight headchopers, not to start another war with Israelis. Golan is a matter coming from history. SAA should have deal with it before, not now.

chris chuba

How does Israel target a truck? Unless they have a surveillance drone they are probably treating it like a fixed point target. The Syrians should move their trucks a few yards once a day.

Promitheas Apollonious

spotters on the ground is the logical explanation and satellites so it does not matter moving them. if they can not respond and unwilling to retaliate so they make the zios think twice, no matter how many times they move them eventually they will be hit. Hitting one launcher in how many tries they failed is not that big of a deal even though some make it like it is.


“Spotters on the ground” it seems Arabs are always prepared to betray their saviors for 30 pieces of silver. But satellite or traitor, it would still take over 24 hours from report to strike, they need to put down their hookers and get to work.

Promitheas Apollonious

I dont disagree but then again as I said with no retaliation from the side of the syrians this thing will be happening and in so many sorties they bound to give the zios some success eventually.


War is won with a cold heart not passion. They will be destroyed.

Promitheas Apollonious

i dont disagree but retaliating to what is attacking you and not only from the air as we all know that the jews have a big hand in what is been happening in syria and still does, is not passion is common sense.


Putin, you sad relic and ffs down the squatters jets – for russia’s self esteem and being allowed a straight backbone – down a few of the squatters jets asap and tell the feckers to stay the feck away.


No no no, forget about ego and self esteem stay focused on the mission. Killing a few settlers achieves nothing, wait until the time is right. When Iran strikes Israel will cease to exist within days.

Concrete Mike

According to anonymous sources, this attack has caused so much damage it has won the war for Israel!

Heil Bibi!!




Incredible the ineptitude of Syria army.

Zionism = EVIL

More like gutless cowards.


All armies are largely inept.

Reality only exposes that when real bullets start flying. Until then its all training accidents etc.

Zionism = EVIL

It beggars belief that the Syrian and Iranians are just not using these missiles on the Zionist scum and letting them be destroyed as sitting ducks. This is the most insane military “strategy”. It is time to flatten Zionist hovels no matter what the cost.


The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand.(Sun Tzu)

You are a typical loser, like many Arabs, you rage without thinking. The Iranians will build up their forces until their is no possibility of defeat.


But this is not a war between one Arab country versus another or India versus Pakistan, this one is between a European implant that the entire European countries wanted to get rid of. Once he was implanted in the Arab region, the countries of the West want to make sure that he does not return. Therefore, they make sure that he’s always having an advantage as far as weapons and that’s how the European migrants have managed to stay on stolen Arab land for so long. We do not want them around and you cannot force yourself on a people who do not want you.

Zionism = EVIL

All true. But who is stopping the Arabs from resisting? The Arabs have killed millions of their own for nothing but won’t life a finger to attack the Zionist parasites. There is something sick in all of this.


Google: Oded Yinon – the Zionist plan for the Middle East. I believe I must have read it more than 10 times.

Zionism = EVIL

“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East is fully supported by Russia. Zionist Project for the Middle East, it is an integral part of US foreign policy, namely Washington’s intent to fracture and balkanize the Middle East. Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and Golan as integral part of Israel is intended to trigger political instability throughout the region. According to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, “the area of the Jewish State stretches: “From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.” According to Rabbi Fischmann, “The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon.”


For once I agree with you, the Arabs are an easy mark, you can buy them for pennies. It’s not Islam, they were like this long before Islam existed. Remember how Judas betrayed his people?


Even England kicked out the Jews, and was Jew free for over 200 years. They then sneaked back in after they funded the English Civil War against the King.


Exactly, wherever they go they bring poverty. I always thought the Easter Islands would be a good place for the Jews, well away from humans.


The Crusades, the British, the Italians, the French used to control parts of the Middle East and they did not leave because they wanted to. They were forced out. And now we have a European migrant who calls himself Israeli whose presence is rejected by the entire people of the region. This white man who says that he is indigenous to my region is supported by the entire Western countries. There has not been as much agreement among the Western countries as they are united by their desire to keep the European migrant in my region and not in their region.

Zionism = EVIL

2 million of the so-called Zionists are Russian and Ukrainians. Let’s not forget that USSR was the first country to recognize Pisrael and have been playing the Arabs for fools since then. No different than the Americunts or Euro trash.


New York Times announcement – August 26 1903

Russia in favor of Zionism as long as Zionism

removes the hated Jews out of Russia. Our land

was used as the dumping ground of Europe’s hated

Jews. .


Zionism = EVIL

The Yinon Plan was a continuation of Britain’s colonial design in the Middle East:

“[The Yinon plan] is an Israeli strategic plan to ensure Israeli regional superiority. It insists and stipulates that Israel must reconfigure its geo-political environment through the balkanization of the surrounding Arab states into smaller and weaker states.

Israeli strategists viewed Iraq as their biggest strategic challenge from an Arab state. This is why Iraq was outlined as the centerpiece to the balkanization of the Middle East and the Arab World. In Iraq, on the basis of the concepts of the Yinon Plan, Israeli strategists have called for the division of Iraq into a Kurdish state and two Arab states, one for Shiite Muslims and the other for Sunni Muslims. The first step towards establishing this was a war between Iraq and Iran, which the Yinon Plan clearly promoted and then sowing general destabilization of the region.


The reason that I get so angry is because nothing connects us the people of the region to the European Jew. He is as alien to us as the Chinese or Japanese or the Eskimos. And yet here he is, in my region, against the wishes of the people and we feel disgusted by his presence and especially by his stupid claim to be indigenous to my region. There will never be come a time when this migrant will eve be accepted in my region.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

The USSR ONLY recognized Israel for 2 reasons… 1)Stalin wanted to show he wasn’t antisemitic… which he was. He was a major antisemite and agreed with Hitler on anti-jewish policy. But major backlash against him forced him to recognize Israel to show people he wasn’t against Jews. 2) USSR communists wanted to USE Israel as a proxy vessel state. Israel was thankful for the recognition but knew better and greatly distanced itself from the soviet monsters. They didn’t want anything to do with the Reds. So as revenge the evil communists sided with Israel’s Arab enemies and helped them wage war against Israel for years up until 1991. End of story. and then USSR collapsed like a jenga tower :) Poor little genocidal communists :( *NOT*


That’s a total lie, the Jewish States of America were the first nation to recognize Israel, and they strong-armed the rest of the world with threats of sanctions if they didn’t agree with Jewmerica.


A few points, ………he is not european, he is asian. He is not white, and he cannot be labled so since his ethnic back-ground is more indo-mongaloid-slavic. But to be accurate, you need to look up the ethnicity of the Kahzars. But one thing is sure, they are an ugly sack of shite when viewed from any perspective. The reason they are back in our back yard is because they are up to mischief again, these talmudic dog turds. Look at the blogger who calls himself Jacob Wohl………with a german surname, sadly his forebearers missed the train to the east, but I bet he’s soaking up all those german reparations, like a fly needs shit to live on.

Ralph Conner

Hey, I wonder if the Syrians use decoys? ;-)


What would be the point, the Israelis are like the Americans, they shoot at anything, even public toilets, and then claim a great victory.

The Israelis spend a lot more American money on every attack than the damage they cause.


You can tell the forces of good are winning, by the number of Jews swarming the board. The closer they are to defeat, the more they will wail about their superiority, it’s the Jewish way.

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