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Israeli Army Confirms Death Of Nasrallah In Strike On Hezbollah Headquarters

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Israeli Army Confirms Death Of Nasrallah In Strike On Hezbollah Headquarters

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah speaking on September 19, 2024 (Al-Manar TV\Screenshot)

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said on September 28 that it was certain that Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah was killed in a wave of strikes that targeted the main headquarters of the group in the southern suburbs of the Lebanese capital, Beirut, a day earlier.

In a statement, the military said that alongside Nasrallah, the commander of Hezbollah’s Southern Front, Ali Karaki, and other senior members of the group were also killed.

“The strike was carried out while the top brass of Hezbollah were at their headquarters and engaged in coordinating terror activities against the citizens of the State of Israel,” it added.

Six buildings in the southern Beirut suburbs of Dahieh were flattened by the strikes. Between nine and 300 people were killed, according to various media reports. Hebrew media even reported that Nasrallah’s daughter was among those killed in the strikes..

The strikes were reportedly conducted by the Israeli Air Force elite 119th “Bat” Squadron, utilizing F-16I Sufa jet-fighters that dropped advanced American-made 5,000-pound bunker buster bombs.

IDF Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi vowed after the announcement that Israel will reach anyone who threatens the country and its citizens.

“This is not the end of the toolbox. The message is simple, to anyone who threatens the citizens of the State of Israel, we will know how to get to them,” he said.

Hezbollah has remained silent since the Israeli strikes on Dahieh. The group is yet to confirm or deny the claims made by the IDF.

The confrontation between Israel and Lebanon broke out after the beginning of the war in the Gaza Strip last October, with Hezbollah and its allies launching near-daily attacks against the IDF in support of the Hamas Movement and other armed factions in Palestinian enclave.

The IDF escalated its strikes against Lebanon earlier this week to a level not seen since the war of 2006. In response, Hezbollah expanded its attacks deep into northern Israel.

Nasrallah is a key figure in the so-called Axis of Resistance which includes Hezbollah, Iran, Syria as well as several armed factions from Iraq, Yemen and other Arab countries. His death, if confirmed, could spark an unprecedented confrontation in the Middle East.


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nasrallah wanted the destruction of israel but it backfired miserably that allah gave him an instant 72 virgins plus exploding walkie talkies and pagers


the last thing nasrallah saw was watching netanyahu on live tv moments before he exploded

Dino Martino Sculm

this is a bit like in a fairy tale, you cut off a dragon’s head and three grow back. 🐉

one nasrallah leaves, 1000 hassans are in the starting blocks. i would say bad luck for israel 🤡 😆😆😆


but the entire senior leaders were already deleted off the map haha. no successors for the next 72 virgins


the resistance is not about any one man, it’s an ideal and a commitment shared by millions. it will outlive the zionazi crimes and the zionazi project itself you can be sure of that.

so far it has not been confirmed, but even if nasrallah is dead it will not change anything. he will be dearly missed, but no man lives for ever and every one who enters the resistance knows and is prepared to die, but nasrallah’s memory will live on forever.


brainwashed islamonazi worshipper of nasrallah. with radical islamic nazism still exists, there will be more terror until the entire filthy rats deleted


scumbag colonial murderer and thief, racist son of smotbitch, there will be more resistance until the entire filthy rats deleted


triggered islamonazi low life scum detected. 😂😂

cry harder filthy rat. you will all die one by one until you decide to choose the blessing of peace or continue fighting for the curse of iranian islamonazi regime

Last edited 5 months ago by Martillo

hey shithead it’s me..the real deal. get ready to be bombed back to hell. you and your tribe of pork will never rest in peace as you all await yourt well deserved karma. it’s coming and it will make all the crimes of the jooz look tame when vengeance is served.


when the muslim masses finally rip out the filth that has sold themselves to the anglozionazi empire of shit…then the israhell sewer will be drained in weeks. who will allow these shlomo vermin anywhere near their former ghettos…if indeed any of the vermin survives.

hassan nasrallah

the reality is the opposite. iranian islamonazi scums are in shambles. no survivng successor to heznoballs. keep dreaming idiot. fake martlillo piece of scumshit

Joseph Day



not me moron…i support the total destruction of the khazar disease and the sewer in occupied palestine and everyone on this board knows that. obviously i am goading you shlomo shits if you try to fake my posts. lol and then some, pork head.


not me idiot. you are the real idiot

Last edited 5 months ago by Martillo

keep dreaming scumshit. cry harder so that iran can make more unreliable missiles


zio pig 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷 the war continues…waiting your idf cowards in the south lebanon at ground….


stop playing the victim card. just cry harder instead and pray to allah that he will grant you an instant 72 virgins


more determined than ever before to kick the jews to kingdom come!


keep dreaming. it ain’t gonna happen 😂💩🖕


shlomo bunker pedo is busy today faking me. at least the filth is not raping children and murdering innocent people as long as the shlomo filth is busy bunker typing. booooooooooooooom shit head. it’s coming for all of you vermin.


the real rapists are the islamic terrorist unintelligent human beings. it’s in their quoran. they love rape, muder, destruction and death. just like you.


piece of soap with legs…your victoryis with us and european zombies help…the free world h_a_te_s you


very funny comment. i am not sorry for your loss of great mujahideen mass murderer nasrallah

Terrorist Hunter

lol very funny, but not for hezbullah


what you said is the opposite of reality and pure fantasy. how’s your islamic nazi terrorism? how is it that it backfired?


die already you filthy kike diaper head demon.


triggered islamonazi pagan worshipper ot ayatollah assaholla detected


zio pig 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐽🐽 pedophile mothafdacka keep laughing for a short time, miserable inhuman beast


the last time someone cursed me like that a senior islamic terrorist commander was killed within hours

Last edited 5 months ago by Martillo

if jews are so smart, why can’t they make peace and get the world to love them?

hassan nasrallah

i was watching netanyahu live at un meeting then suddenly a flash of bright light came before my very eyes. it was allah granting me access to 72 virgins


the filthy shlomo is using my name to spread its foul and stinking satanic puss. death to you and all the evil scum zionazi filth in occupied palestine. you are disease incarnate and will pay for spreading lies and death like your so-called “race” of khazar neanderthals.

hassan nasrallah

filthy islamonazi terrorist has returned using my screen name again. death to cursed iranian islamonazi evil scumbags including you haha

hassan nasrallah

triggered islamonazi crying harder like a bitch. stop playing the victim card and just kill youself please


filthy islamonazi scumshit daydreaming again and using my screen name as usual. this idiot wanted deathwish but backfired misrably that it killed nasrallah and his successor and successor’s successors.


soon the nutnyahoo demon will be collected by $atan but not before the israhell abomination burns crisp and long. back to hell with the stinking khazar slime that spawned this malignancy.

hassan nasrallah

hahaha in your dreams. terrorist scums die everyday. i hope you’re next


third: we all know who is the real paper tiger:

heznoballs with ball sacs already unrecognized

Gabriel Missile

sorry, not sorry to sf terrorist sympathizers. i guess you can go back to pretending israel is losing now. back to your regular programming!

Last edited 5 months ago by Gabriel Missile

the zionazi abomination is dying like the khazar sewer that spawned it in rump ukrapperland. northern israhell has been cleansed and will never again be allowed to worship satan in those evil sin a gogs. get ready for total retribution. nothing on this earth can stop the karma that will rain down on your pointy snouts. boooooooooooooooooooooooom


where’s your great great idol nasrallah now bitch? how’s your cursed axis of terrorism going? cry harder and wear your suicide vest and kill yourself


israel is just a kooky outpost of the us empire. it would be strange for the us empire to lose to hezbollah, although it has happened in previous campaigns.

hassan nasrallah

i fact that i didn’t get the memo on that pagers exploding i should have been alive today


scumbag shlomo pretending to be me…only fools itself. death to all chosenite garbage and let it be soon…real real soon.


**triggered keyboard warrior of iranian axis of evil detected hahahahahahaha


zio pig 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐽🐽 start the grounf opartion the entire world is waiting miserable cowards


not required anymore. all of the senior leader including the successors and successor’s successors are already deleted

The Objective

it’s too early to celebrate yet. you need to defeat the entire shiite crescent first. they have hundreds of thousands of fighters and thousands of missiles. then you must come for us (sunnis), because you’ll definitely have to face us on the battlefields as long as the aqsa mosque isn’t liberated. ask the crusaders about alaqsa. you’ll realize this when muslims finally defeat the hypocrites in pakistan, turkiye, and a few other sunni countries.


jewish supremacists rode out the best seventy-five years of the us empire and now they have to figure out a way forward as the us has to make room for china. silly ol’ jewish supremacists. like most cults, not a lot of realistic long-term planning.


don’t you dare to make divisions in ummah! mr “objective”


martillo`s 1 second fame in his miserable life.


the bunker shlomo using martillo is back again as his cabal of filthy vampires bathes again in the blood of martyrs. the zionazi filth has unleashed $atan on all decent people on this planet and will of course be destroyed for its evil. let us all pray to god on high to cure the poison and the scourge of the beast nested in palestine. karma will erase the zionazi sewer and it’s coming soon.


the filthy fake martillo making fantasy islamonazi comedy claims and it’s the opposite of reality. pure laughable content with lots of crocodile tears.


safin fucked your cunt.


crocodile tears to all the members of southfront family and the rest of aljaterrorist islamonazi sympatizers. 😂💩

hassan nasrallah

allahu akba-



hi porky i’s me and not you. long live palestine and the resistance to all things 4atanic and zionazi. you’re toast and you don’t know it. but you will all burn in hell.


who got to see the 72 vigins first and then went straight to hell?

was it hassan nasrallah and his heznoball no balls army ?


you are nothinh without us and europedos help…shlomo pedophile pig🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷


?????????? love your comedy content. 100% islamic nonsense

Aske nazi filth

you celebrate? rain is strarting, so hurry up.


rain already bombed beirut


now, nasrallah joins the 72 virgins group chat together with haniyeh, et. al.

hassan nasrallah

hi from allah’s 72 virgins p0rn hub

hassan nasrallah

i thought that having an underground mass gathering and hiding down here like a filthy sewer rat will save me from israeli bombs


you filthy pork snouted demon. get ready to get burned crispy in the coming karma. humanity hates the israhell beast more than any disease yet spawned.


your hatred went prophetically to allah and granted nasrallah an instant 72 virgins he wished for.

Aske nazi filth

do you celebrate yet? rain is strarting, so hurry up.


the entire heznobolla most senior terror chain of command has been deleted from the world map in just a matter of weeks.


after the communication breach, more intelligence were gathered. nasrallah, his daughter and iranian commanders, including his possible successors all dead


you seem to suffer from a verbal diarrhea which you are kindly asked to do something about plus try to appear more intelligent since your diarrhea makes you into a moron!


we are not sorry for the loss of your great great nasrallah who according to al jazeera was a kind and loving 84 year old pregnant child


shlomo thinks he is so smart…but will not last a week when his dim witted pentacon golem can no long extort the funds to keep the sewer in palestine. that day is coming and where will porky shlomo then imagine it can hide. you scum are doooooooooooooomed.


this idiot thinks he’s winning the battle in the internet but loses a lot of filthy rat commanders including replacement filthy rats and replacement of replacements of filthy rats. the reality is hiznobolla is just a paper tiger


remeber the 2006 filthy pig…common waiting the ground operation misreable piece of soap with legs, mengele experiment

Dino Martino Sculm

within a few weeks, israel has lost more soldiers than in previous years. in a few years, israel will be erased from the world map. sorry 🤡🤡🤡


sorry not sorry but the entire hezbollah senior leadership has been wiped out without any israel crossing into the northern border. how’s that?


what terror you demented arsehole? hezbollah didn’t exist before the 1982 israeli invasion and 18 year long occupation of south lebanon, now sit down and stfu.

Last edited 5 months ago by cromwell

snouty porker shlomo the diaper head bunker sack of puss is typing away as plans are being laid to burn the sewer in occupied palestine. karma is coming to rip you demons to pieces.


keep dreaming and keep playing the victim card. ohh i also forgot you islamonazis love hiding under subterranean tunnels like filthy sewer rats

Aske nazi filth

do you celebrate? rain is strarting, so hurry up.


next time they should avoid selecting a successor because israel hands are getting longer.


martillo,go back to your hole.. thanks


i’m not crying. you’re crying 😂😂😂

why don’t you join the ranks of hezbollah and get a free 72 virgins? idiot

Dino Martino Sculm

if you read your howl here like this, but the tears also come to you 😆😆😆


keep crying. irans needs more missiles


poor idiot,go back to playing….keyboard lion hahaha,

Aske nazi filth

but you gonna get 72 whores and sluts mich like that walking gross 😝 you bitchy.


of course since the jews steal anything not nailed down and even then they try to steal it. the jews, the illegal occupants of palestine have built their little illegal spot in palestine on thievery, and murder and genocide and landgrabbing a la hitler and operating concentration camp gaza a la hitler worked bergen belsen.


also known as a radical islamic nazism fantasy. sorry for you idiot you lost some hezbollah ball sacs 😂😂

Aske nazi filth

a stray subhuman straight from mengeles laboratories.

The Objective

while i won’t shed a drop of tear for the dead of this coward, i must remind the israelis to not celebrate yet. you are probably marching to war against the entire shiite crescent. most of their leaders are cowards, but when cornered and have to chose between fighting and destruction, anyone would fight. if israel gets overwhelmed, america will step in. that’s when russia will try to get its revenge about ukraine.

Last edited 5 months ago by The Objective
Aske nazi filth

do you tryin to make divisions in ummah? to glorify wahhabia saudia and shit, wahhabis whi are by your obscure judgment are true muslims?

jens holm

5 mulattos and crazy tratz killed my pooper in tel aviv gay bar

The Objective

israelis probaly jumping with joy at the dead of nasrallah. but “when” your casualties begin to mount, you’ll realize what a mistake it was to shed the blood of 41k palestinian “muslims” in one year. russia is currently paying the price for what it did in syria (which i warned about here). allah will “always” take revenge. israel will seek to extricate itself from this war but won’t be able to, much like russia’s current dilemma.

Aske nazi filth

you talk much shit you turkish pedofile. oportunistic scavanger you are. go to your goat.


give hezbollah the appropriate weapons to take out the the jews f35s and thus finish the jews domination of the air. as long as the lying thieving jewish scum can dominate the air, they will be able to continue their genocidal war, keep stealing land and maintain concentration camp gaza. thus give hezbollah and hamas a chance to whip the jewish asses on their way to diaspora 2.0. the jews doesn’t deserve another chance. -6 feet is the only proper place for them!

Terrorist Hunter

next target, the rat

Terrorist Hunter

hezbullah is silent because there’s no one left to make a statement.


the entire world hates you mothafacka…more hezbollah will be created…without us and europedos you are nothing shlomo mothafacka criminal pig


wow,today they all come out of the den.. hahaha


if it is true, it means iran will take over in lebanon and enter the multi-front war against israel. then ww3 is not far.

Ivan Freely

it’s not the first time a leader of the hezzies were assassinated. however, it’ll take some time for them to recover.

hassan nasrallah

that’s it! i’m dead :(

Last edited 5 months ago by hassan nasrallah
Aske nazi filth

you askenazis are enemies of both christians (especially ortodox) and muslim in the same time. you are enemires of humankind.

Malcolm Z

israel fear to invade lebanon, therefore use the airforce vs a n enemy that dont have air defense…but after gaza failure israel dont want to enter in lebanon


they don’t need to invade lebanon. they the heznoballah senior leaders are already dead.


i want idf to invade my anuz.


porky shlomo is a filthy beast pretending to be me. god damn israhell and free palestine of the satanic invader vermin shlomo$


^ nonsense pure comedy content. i love your comedy acting martillo. keep playing the victim card as always

Malcolm Z

it is the same case as if russia kill zelensky….its the war the over?


the jews have been doing this same thing since they slimed their way back into palestine, and where has it gotten them?

israel is a failed state and jews are an accursed satanic people. it’s only a matter of time before they recieve their just desserts… again…lol

every state that supports them and tolerates their presence goes down the shitter as well. the us and most of europe are the two most recent examples.


cry harder. eat your own islamonazi fantasy


my lgbt fantasy is to eat semen.


filthy porky shlomo beast


filthy sewer rat as usual.

typical behaviour of majority of islamonazi sympatizers


israel confirms i am homosexual after i lick peniz.


to hell with the shlomo zionazi vermin in occupied palestine.


hell has already claimed nasrallah . ayatollah and sinwar will be next

Aske nazi filth

did you did circumcision to your kid by some rabbi that sucks kids bloody dicks?


assassinations rarely change conflicts–this may escalate conflict and create more difficulties for israel

Last edited 5 months ago by Shaman
the cohen r khan

remember the hez footage in 4k video of many sensitive sites in israel released as a warning we where told. instead of hit they video shot like a you tube travel movie.

the synagogue of satan all parties in lockstep.

decapitation strikes this is not a war but a slaughter the silly videos ever any tank cook off just bang hit cut away end of video.

why is haifa still so sleepy cos all wars are banker wars all sides at the high level work together as partners


lol , they did hisballah a service, this retard and his useless counter-intelligence(probably filled with mossad agents) let zionists to detonate thousands of pagers , and many other blunders


the martyr of nasrallah will live long in the memories of the resistance. the israelis can try to take off the head of hezbollah, but many new heads will emerge and the israelis have ensured many enemies for generations to come. they are universally hated because first and foremost, the jews are oppressors. and oppressors will not live in peace as long as palestine is not free


you joined the party? nasrallah the martyr? hahahahahahaha. what a comedy


correction: radical islamic nazism are the real oppressors

Hassan nasrallah

my name is hassan nasrallah and you should not call me the martyr

instead, call me the asshole with no balls


jewish problems will not end after nasrallah. that’s the problem for the israelis. they think they can decapitate decentralized resistance movements and end their problems. their problems are genetic and psychological.

Hassan nasrallah

allah gave me vision that if i continue the path of jihad i will end up like haniyeh… literally a dead man walking


hey, where the hell you running, rat, come back here! i have 73 sluts for you!

Aske nazi filth

same happened with two of his predecessor.


nasrallah the rat was barbecued by israel and is now 🔥burning🔥 in hell 😆

Johnny Doe

hezbollah should gravitate to suicide bombing. target tel aviv. and detonate at least an atomic device or dirty bomb in israel. since they have been compromised, they should break up into independent smaller networks.i am sure the americans have been providing intelligence to the israelis. also the iranian side has been penetrated by israel intelligence. they have to find the mole.

Massa John

it has to go down and i mean finishing tel aviv in 60 seconds, so those muslims have to get it done and not return to their homes and pray, cause pray-time is over…


they don’t need to tarnish their image. they are more than capable of dealing with kikeland w/o doing such nutty things. the only thing saving kikeland were all the plants in the way which are being removed.

Last edited 5 months ago by BunkerDwellers

yaaay their mgmt is wiped out maybe now they will surrender to israel/lebanese govt.

Ivan Freely

they won’t.

The Hebrew Hammer



this is what the kikes always do. “arafat is the problem, if only arafat was gone, everything would be just peachy for us.” so they murder arafat. result: absolutely no difference. someone more capable, more determined, and more dangerous emerges. rinse and repeat. until the whole world (including even the jewnited snakes) realises it can simply no longer afford talmudistan and gets rid of it.

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