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MARCH 2025

Israeli Army Faces Setbacks In Southern Gaza (Videos)

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Israeli Army Faces Setbacks In Southern Gaza (Videos)

Illustrative image.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) is facing fierce resistance from the Hamas Movement and other Palestinian armed factions in the city of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip.

On December 30, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, released video footage showing its fighters targeting several main battle tanks and destroying bulldozers of the IDF in Khan Yunis with rocket-propelled grenades and explosive devices.

In addition, the group targeted a bulldozer of the IDF with rocket-propelled grenades and shelled two gatherings of Israeli troops and equipment in Khan Yunis with mortars on December 31.

In order to boost operations in Khan Yunis, the IDF announced on December 31 that it had deployed a Paratroopers Brigade in southern Gaza. The paratroops will be joining the 98th Division which has been battling Hamas in the Khan Younis area for a month now.

The IDF said in a statement that the Paratroopers Brigade launched an assault on Hamas infrastructure, including observation positions, anti-tank launch positions, and weapons depots over the past week.

The paratroops also killed several Hamas fighters in close-quarters combat, as well as others with sniper fire, according to the IDF.

Separately, the IDF published video footage of the Commando Brigade’s Maglan unit operating in Khan Younis and nearby areas.

The IDF said that the troops recently raided an educational institute in Khan Yunis from which Hamas operatives opened fire at troops. It added that troops found a rocket launcher, documents and other equipment belonging to Hamas in the complex. In other raids in the city, the paratroops found weapons in civilian homes.

The IDF is not doing much better in northern and central Gaza. On December 31, it announced that two soldiers, one from the Yiftah Brigade’s 7810th Battalion and another from the Combat Engineering Corps’ 7107th Battalion, were killed in separate attacks in the two regions.

Their death brought the toll of Israeli troops killed since the start of ground operations in the Strip to 172. Hundreds others have been reportedly wounded.

Israeli Army Faces Setbacks In Southern Gaza (Videos)

Sgt. Maj. (res.) Eliraz Gabai (left) and Sgt. First Class (res.) Liav Seada. Via X.

Overall, recent IDF ground operations in Gaza saw very little success. Meanwhile, Israeli losses are increasing as Hamas and other factions in the Strip are adapting and improving their tactics.



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Allah is SATAN

what is two fallen israelis in exchange of dozens of hamasshole terrorists dropped dead like flies?

Hamas Is Looking Like A Fool!

two isreali soldiers died and to southfront that is evidence that the israel military is not doing well huh! what is it with everyone not wanting to admit that israel is winning and completely annihilating the palestinian people? i mean c’mon its not even a fair fight, it’s like the white man genociding the native american tribes with guns, while they only have bows and arrows to fight back with!

Arch Bungle

the idf lies about it’s casualties. the 2 soldiers they report are the ones the care about. the other 1000 are probably blacks.

Huckelberry finn

i thought the fingernail of an israeli was worth more than a million palestinians? or has the exchange rate changed recently?


they are under reporting their kias.


be silent, judeo-fascist retard.

Allah is SATAN

triggered? you must be one of the allahufucktards . why don’t you join then ?

Allah is SATAN

supporting hamasshole terrorists and palestine is like supporting unwra and islam. they don’t go well together.


and now the whole world knows what racists you are, and except for the usa, the whole world hates israel. not very flattering. it’s not worth going abroad much as a tourist.

a terrorist is a terrorist only in the eyes of the attacker. they are fighting for their own existence, in the eyes of the world they are freedom fighters.

religion has nothing to do with this, only the racism practiced by israel and the use of bulldozers – they led to this.

Allah is SATAN

there is nothing more racist, more radical, more morally deprived than the religion of peace. where ever they popped out of the map, there will always be islamic violence. even their unholy book calls of the complete destruction and killing of non muslims. whether you are christian or jew or lgbt or something else, as long as you are not a muslim. it’s in their book. history proves it otherwise. they even supported adolf hitler during his ambitious blitzkrieg campaign across europe


jews consider the other as castle and call them goyim. goyim come from the ancien hebrew gowy and means non jews or grasshoppers. you can see this in the strong biblical dictionary


you are rather poorly informed aren’t you? palestinians are majority muslin ruled yet it wasn’t them that destroyed christian churches as they lived side by side for centuries, rather it was the israelis. it isn’t muslims that spit on the christians, but rather it is the israelis. are you a christian but still run defense for those that hate you or are you a jewist zionist that sees everyone else as untermenschen?

Hamas Is Looking Like A Fool!

sadly, the palestinian people are finished, and all of them will be killed of and driven off their lands, except with only a few of the most beautiful palestinian women remaining as spoils of war! and maybe a few hundred or thousand men left, to be slaves to rebuild the destroyed infrastructure, so that the jewish settlers can live in their newly conquered land! but for the palestinian people its all over for them!


you are racial supremacist fascists and will be forced out because your violence will never end otherwise.

Hamas Is Looking Like A Fool!

i’m not racist at all far from it, but i am just speaking the facts, i would be very suprised if there would be any palestinians alive by may of 2024, all will be exterminated by the israelis, those are facts like it or not, the palestinians should have invested more heavily in their military capabilities, and even more importantly not attack the israelis, when they knew full well what would happen next!


facts…lol. israelis and facts are incongruous…one might even say eternal enemies. it isn’t palestinians that have been run out of every country in the world at one time or another. deep state is just another name for the khazarian mafia. the scum have infiltrated every country in the world, it’s why we have wars.


at least you believe the lies. the rest of israelis are shaking in their boots. 100s of 1000s running for their lives from the land they stole is evidence enough that you are full of shit. hezbollah is about to render you and your murderous scum inconsequential because you can only kill civilians. it isn’t hamas that lies about casualties and parades naked civilians as combatants, only israeli scum do.

Allah is SATAN

a good hamasshole terrorist is always a dead hamasshole terrorist (until all of them are dead or double dead)

With joos you lose

a good idf terrorist is a dead one

Allah is SATAN

looks you are barking at the wrong tree fool. you behave like yahya sinwar


said the racist zionist you are

Allah is SATAN

says no one but an illiterate unintelligent low life scum also known as hamasshole sympatizer who licks yahya sinwar’s rear end


always with the fascination with rear ends. go diddle yourself with a pic of nutsack, your idol.


i’m sure that this is already being done. but it will be useful to leave many ieds in numerous locations as the jews are robbing and thriving peoples private homes and businesses stealing anything of value. i would leave ieds in furniture office drawer in whatever to kill as many of them as possible

Allah is SATAN

okay bobo.


put a shekel on top of an ied and you’d wipe out brigades of idf at a time


yea or maybe foreskin the fake jews love that too


meanwhile, sinwar the rat fearfully awaits death while sleeping in his own excrement 😆😆😆

Allah is SATAN

probably drunk with russian vodka and high in meth. he is already mentally retarded and totally dependent on unwra for everything.


oh look, retard bots talking to each other

Allah is SATAN

*ignores this idiot named joe*


lol, yet you bothered to reply 😆😆😆

Last edited 1 year ago by joe
Allah is SATAN

can’t you reply at my first comment? comment now and i’ll teach you a lesson


😆😆😆 big bad internet warrior, huh? 😆😆😆


toucan sam, you can teach him only in lies, frauds, cheating, usury, assasinations etc, typical trades of your “people”.

Allah is SATAN

are you triggered by my statements? does that make you feel like you want to join them and fight alongside with hamas terrorists?

Icarus Tanović

retarded capus carinatus alexander gilkes will teach someone a “lesson”. are you serious you little bitch of a man?


he is so idiotic that he couldn’t help himself.


tipou, israel is kaputt. be the witness of that. what kind of demonic offspring you need to be in order to be hated by the whole world?


hey clip-tip, i’ve heard that your so called religion despises virginity as taught by your rabbis. does it mean that your mother was a slut? does she even know who is your father? israelis, children of baal are well represented by that yuval the faggot, right hand of nazi moron klaus schwab. you and nazis have sooo much in common that i can’t spot the difference.

Allah is SATAN

i identify you as a mentally retarded son of hitler with no factual basis.

Icarus Tanović

that’s who you is. retarded son of a scumbag.


wow, impressive videos of the idf shooting concrete walls and open areas. after the 10,000th video of hamas blowing up tanks and idf infantry you really wonder why israel isn’t really getting anywhere.

Baby Killers Prevail

america’s zionist masters are contemplating a similar genocide by a different means in america.

Allah is SATAN

the real baby killers were the ones who orchestrated the october 7 massacre and praising allahufucktard in the process. allah hates it and therefore destruction of gaza became certain. hamassholes asked for it. israel paid them back very kindly


turns out that most of the civilians were killed by the idf so they couldn’t be used as hostages afterwards. really nice to be a citizen of a state that would prefer to kill you for the convenience of not having you be used against it in negotiations. israel is truly sick, they care for no one, not even their citizens.

Allah is SATAN

you are delusioned. it also turns out that hamassholes deliberately use civilians as meat shields or even they dressed up as disguised civilians just to confuse the idf. also, because of hamas crimes against humanity, palestinians are now deprived of free israeli healthcare. let that sink in. no amount of allahufucktards can help yahya sinwar and his legion of low life scums win the war.


touky, hamas has been created by satanyahoo and mossad ilk in order to have a leverage on fatah who is true enemy of zionist cabal of criminals residing in tel aviv, washington and london. you are not only dumb as dick, you are so badly informed. say, haaretz oracle didn’t tell you the news? or new york times? too bad.

Allah is SATAN

i know also that you are indoctrinated and brainwashed by one sided without further understanding the real root cause. anyways, a good hamasshole is always a dead hamasshole. dropping dead by the dozens everyday.

Huckelberry finn

gazans never received healthcare from israel you clown 🤡

Allah is SATAN

you never read the news you low life scum 🖕🖕

Icarus Tanović

are those your bullshit news?

With joos you lose

poor little yids, hamas should toss some shekels on the ground, that should really mess up their operation. copper wire afterall, was made by joos fighting over a penny

Last edited 1 year ago by With joos you lose
Allah is SATAN

what is billions of un aid for gaza being diverted to doha plaza at qatar? 🖕


30 shekels of silver. rings the bell, doesn’t it. what was the guy’s name….ummm…judas, what else. nobody else would have sold another human being for a money. or organize worldwide slave trade…or traffic human organs, organize pedo rings…or…just imagine whatever bad deed you can, these were there for sure. their signature is omnipresent in the world of evil.


israeli terrorists are facing defeat, their inhumane actions will be punished.


only 172 idf gangsters so far screamed hineni. but only in a fairy land. in this word number is way higher

Allah is SATAN

the reality on the ground says the opposite. more and more vital intel of hamassholes getting left behind and fall into israeli hands. also, yahya sinwar the pedomaniac now shiiting his pants real hard.


je potrebné aby napáchali čo najväčšie straty sionistom, kým sa to ešte dá. nenechať ich len tak beztrestne vraždiť civilistov!!! treba zastaviť genocídu palestínskeho ľudu!!! treba prinútiť sionistov, aby vrátili späť všetku pôdu čo nezákonne okupujú!!! inak nebude pokoj a mier!!!


recent reports find that hamas tunnels far more sophisticated deeper than previously believed. viet-cong used these to successfully defeat amerikants…..in ww2 japanese killed many amerikans in philippines and pacific islands using underground bunkers despite fewer troops with inferior weapons


zionists are losing more and more by the day. trying to steal land isn’t just a good idea huh?


zionists are losing bad as you can see their hasbara trolls are going wild in the comments.

mama tranny teresa

my azz set back by uncle homer pene when i was yuonun in hillbilly trailer park—now diarrhea from all orofice


considering the number of rpg twins hiitting the targets, 170 kias is not realistic

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