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MARCH 2025

Israeli Army Launches Airstrikes In Central, Southern Syria (Videos)

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Early on March 5, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) launched a series of airstrikes on the central Syrian governorate of Homs.

According to the Ministry of Defense of Syria, Israels warplanes launched several missiles from Lebanese airspace on targets in Homs. The Syrian Arab Air Defense Forces (SyAADF) reportedly intercepted all the missiles.

“At 00:30 on Thursday, 5-3-2020, our air-defense means detected the movement of Israeli warplane coming from the northern part of occupied Palestine towards Sidon [in southern Lebanon], several missiles were fired from Lebanese airspace towards the central region, and immediately the hostile missiles were dealt with successfully and professionally, none of them reached our targeted positions,” the Syrian MoD said in a statement.

Local sources in Homs recorded heavy air-defense fire over the governorate, while no explosions were reported on the ground. This supports the Syrian MoD’s claims.

The Israeli attack on Homs endangered two civilian flights of Qatar Airways. The airliners were flying near Homs when the attack began.

The Israeli military also carried out several strikes on Syrian military positions in al-Quneitra. Unlike Homs, explosions were heard in the southern governorate. The exact results of the strikes are yet to be revealed.

In the last two months, Israel stepped up its attacks on Syria. The most recent strikes, which occurred on February 23, targeted positions of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in the capital, Damascus.

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That is Photoshopped. A Patriot 1 Missile and the Video is Made Faster.

Legis Legis Juscius

patriot was never a good antiaircaft weapon, yemen rebels showed that with hitting saudis oil fields


They Shoot fast turn Once.



Lone Ranger

Yes, thats quality right there :)

Zionist Internet Warrior

lol the fat saudi fucks were so confused XD


Must be hacked by russan ??

Raptar Driver

Syria will be overrun without stepped up Russian involvment. The allies of evil will not stop until stopped. Is Putin the meek up to the task? Prior to 2014 I called him Putin the Great. Now this seems silly to me.

Lone Ranger

+25matzo balls…

Zionist Internet Warrior


Raptar Driver

You’re such a clever fellow Mr Ranger?

Lone Ranger

I do my best :)

Jamie Estevez

I wonder what the Zionists are offering Erdogan in this latest assault on Syrian sovereignty?

Albert Pike

As a fellow Doenmeh Zionist Jew Erdogan kills for free, their common goal is a greater Israel…

Lone Ranger

Oy gevalt, our Isis air force failed again, our beautiful missiles…oy oy….I need a Tampax….ASAP….cant even watch…oy



Concrete Mike

Thats supposed to justify your country giving air support to jabhat al nusrah?

Thats to justify israeli aggression? The gratest of war crimes. Pepperidge farms remembers!


Sorry,but i dont take lectures from Greek neo-nazis. :)

fayez chergui

israelis: rats.

Zionist Internet Warrior

hook nosed vermin from poland and ukraine, immigrated en masse after world war 2 only to terrorize and displace the indigenous palestinians and drive them out. Justification? Holocaust muh 6 gorillion.

David Parker

Holohoax – the gift that keeps on giving! Zionist control of the news media perpetuated the myth that only Jews suffered in WWII so everyone must give as much as possible to “Israel”. Of course, God severed all relations with any national Israel in A.D. 70 with the final destruction of national Israel, Jerusalem, and the temple. Since then, the dispersed Jews have made themselves odious to every people among whom they settled, to the point ghettos were constructed and locked at night to protect the people against the lying cheating Jews roaming as ravening wolves within Christian civilizations. Dr. Martin Luther (the real one) wrote a box describing his experiences with the Jews of his day: The Jews and Their Lies. I don’t know why the Jews haven’t pressured Bezos about that one, but that book is still available on Amazon.




David Parker

Holohoax – the gift that keeps on giving! Zionist control of the news media perpetuated the myth that only Jews suffered in WWII so everyone must give as much as possible to “Israel”. Of course, God severed all relations with any national Israel in A.D. 70 with the final destruction of national Israel, Jerusalem, and the temple. Since then, the dispersed Jews have made themselves odious to every people among whom they settled, to the point ghettos were constructed and locked at night to protect the people against the lying cheating Jews roaming as ravening wolves within Christian civilizations. Dr. Martin Luther (the real one) wrote a book describing his experiences with the Jews of his day: The Jews and Their Lies. I don’t know why the Jews haven’t pressured Bezos about that one, but that book is still available on Amazon. https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-oddities-of-the-jewish-religion/

Zionism = EVIL

The reality is that the Zionist parasites and their Turkeys have failed in Syria and are now desperate. These are meaningless useless strikes by dud stand off weapons from Lebanese airspace and make no difference on the ground. As the videos clearly show that about 8 missiles were fired and all were shot down. The Syrians are getting very good at this. In any case, Hezbollah needs to be provided with modern SAM systems.




To every hard core , Krav maga, Jew killing machine I give you an open invitation to come to Syria and tag team your kindred slut the turk. Surely the God of Israel will not run from a fight or shoot and scoot. Golan heights is next you know it we know it.


If you throw in the offer some kids with slings and other children playing football by the sea side you ll definitely get loads of jewsnakes applying !

David Parker

Today’s Jew has not gods but money and power. The modern Jew adheres to the traditions in the Talmud and they even worship demons. They rejected God for the last time almost 2,000 years ago. In A.D. 70, God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – severed all blessings from those both John and Jesus personally called a brood of vipers. In A.D. 70 God used the Romans to destroy Israel (the real one), Jerusalem, and the temple. It is ironic that God chose the very Romans the Jews used to crucify The Messiah to destroy the Jews. There is nothing holy or blessed about the current brood of vipers who are taught they are a master race and that goyim are not even human. https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-oddities-of-the-jewish-religion/


Oh don’t worry, when we do enter Syria we will leave nothing standing. If you need a reminder, watch Lebanon after 2006. If Israel and Turkey join forces (which I hope we would) your Assad the bitch will go crying to Russia, but that won’t save him too.

Concrete Mike

In the mean time your supporting jabhat al nusrah, a worlwide banned terrorist organization.

Classy, like i said yesterday the fascists are sticking together, your confirming my point.

Have a nice day!.

Assad must stay

truly amazing work SyADF, you are like an iron dome protecting syria like the zionists try to do with their “iron dome” lmao, and LEBANON WHAT THE HELL WHY U KEEP ALLOWING THIS TO HAPPEN?

Legis Legis Juscius

Lebanon doesnt have military capabilities to stop this


cant they get some manpads….

David Parker

I would like to “get some MANPADs”! We the people are going to need them against them the government, but the CIA and US deep state military only distribute those to jihadist head-choppers. I have been dreaming of harvesting weapons from the cold dead bodies of head-choppers and bringing them home but I cannot afford it. Maybe we could crowdfund a load of AK-47s, the weapon that defeated the US military in Vietnam and in Afghanistan. If the stuffed shirts and their police are afraid to patrol, we might finally get some tax relief. I also dream of the cherry trees across the country being decorated with the hanging corpses of IRS, FBI, and “Homeland Security” agents, state department stuffed shirts, members of Congress, and abolish the zionist “federal reserve system”. We can make money of whatever we want without any “government agents” telling us what we have to use.

If we can get rid of the scum all at once, we can return to the Articles of Confederation and never allow a Hamiltonian elitist monster “federal” government to ever rise again.


LMFAO…did you really write that to be taken seriously? No one could be that dense. But in case I’m wrong and you do believe it, go suck on your 2nd Amendment Rights, Adolf.

David Parker

Pay you taxes and so what you’re told. Since you are a typical product of government school indoctrination, you have no idea what freedom means. You are probably so stupid you believe the “USA Patriot” and the establishment of “Homeland Security” (Stalin wishes he had thought of that one) you think those are for your protection. You may believe that because you never read any of that “legislation” or perhaps you are a tax feeder, a member of the privileged class called “police” and protected from prosecution.

So, stick you head back up you ass so you don’t have to look at reality and leave the conversation for adults.

David Parker

Pay you taxes and do what you’re told. Since you are a typical product of government school indoctrination, you have no idea what freedom means. You are probably so stupid you believe the “USA Patriot Act” and the establishment of “Homeland Security” (Stalin wishes he had thought of that one) are for your protection. You may believe that because you never read any of that “legislation” or perhaps you are a tax feeder, a member of the privileged class called “police” and protected from prosecution. My right to defend myself with any weapon I can does not come from any piece of paper. The scum who call themselves “government” are not the source of my unalienable rights. You god, “the government” uses the Constitution for the united States to wipe their ass, it means nothing anyway. So, stick you head back up you ass so you don’t have to look at reality and leave the conversation for adults.


So they can face 2006 all over again? they are not suicidal as you may think.

Concrete Mike

And you think being jabhat al nusrah airforce will bring you more friends? Of there were iranian there?? Your next lame ass excuse???

This is still aggression, as per nuremburg trials, the greatest crime is aggression, wich IDF has been guilty for decades!


You kow exactly what are our goals in Syria Mike, I don’t care about HTS but to remove IRGC and Hezbollah for good.

Assad must stay

needs to change


Lmao. I have never seen someone proud of getting pounded. The Assadists are filth with many queers no wonder Suhayl Hassan is one and his multiple boy-friends.

Proud of getting pounded. You guys never cease to amaze me

Assad must stay

fuck off and go fuck a goat jihadi rat lover


Acting like a child who his mom took away his toy. Lets have grown people conversations shall we. Stop crying

David Parker

Which we’ll never get from you.

Concrete Mike

You call that pounding?

I call that mosquito bite. Ask yourself this, has any israeli airstrike acheived anything on the ground since the war started.

The answer is NO. You dont know what your talking about, another IDF fanboy come here to give the erdofags a break.



Concrete Mike

Thank you, finally some recognition!

You might.have a modicum of honor in you, maybe…;)

David Parker

They are successfully killing Iranian commanders. The Zionist MOSSAD has spies on the ground everywhere. They are fueled by their belief of being the master race that will kill all goyim. Victory for the Zionist is to arrange wars among the goyim

David Parker

Tel Aviv is the queer capital of the world, more queers per square inch than Amsterdam and San Francisco.

David Parker

Lebanon is the next thing to disarmed completely. They don’t have an air force, an army, a navy, or missiles. Hezbollah is like a neighborhood defense force because they got tired of the Israelis invading and shooting the place up every time the Israelis felt like it.

Assad must stay

Then hezb needs to get some serious air defenses and stop Israelis from doing this all the time


hezbollah is already streched up in many country especially syria when idlib fall and hezb and syrian army go south israel army will not be able to do this and all player now that for this israel don’t wan’t turkey to leave syria is like a perpetual cancer using energy and ressources of hezbollah


Maybe because they aren’t as stupid and suicidal as you?





Zionist Internet Warrior

LOL I love family guy. funniest shit ever. Remember when Rocket Nose got triggered by this? ?

Concrete Mike

It was a glorious day!


help hand for turks.


The Lebanese have been letting the IAF violate their airspace with impunity for many years to attack Syria. That needs to change. They need to close their airspace to IAF violations by putting an air defense force in place and cooperating with the SADF on joint operations.


I don’t know if this is 100% true, but I v heard it from various sources that Lebanese people don’t particularly like Syrians, and the other way round. Which is a shame.

David Parker

Maybe not, but Hezbollah if fighting with the SAA against the Turks.


Great. When my enemies kill each other. Great.


it’s really complicated in lebanon some maroonite cristian and some druze are really pro israel and sunni too hopfully hezbollah and some maroonite are for lebanon and syria sovereinty … lebanon it’s a very complicated country

David Parker

The Maronites are NOT Christian any more than the Pope and his money-grubbing works-oriented circus are. The essence of Christianity is salvation by the grace of God alone through faith in the finished work of Jesus the Christ alone – NOT of any meritorious works. Christians do not attack, they may only defend. Being living examples of obedience to God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – not killing, is the means by which God’s elect are establishing the Kingdom of God on earth.


I didn’t get that impression when I was in Beirut. And a lot of Lebanese have volunteered to fight in Syria.


Almost every last one a Shi’a.


I’ve disproven your lies and insanity repeatedly:

“Jake321 9 days ago LOL…your ignorance and delusions are really funny. The resolution you cite is from the UNGA which has no power over the UNSC and whose resolutions are not binding in this situation. So, no, the UNGA has zero power to override a UNSC Veto no matter how many non-binding resolutions they pass. Try to get the basics correct.

Jake321 3 days ago Again, dingbat, NO UNCS Vetos can be overridden.”

I posted:

“UN reports make explicit reference to the Uniting for Peace resolution as providing a mechanism for the UNGA to overrule any UNSC vetoes;[37][38][39][40] thus rendering them little more than delays in UN action, should two-thirds of the Assembly subsequently agree that action is necessary.”

– United Nations Security Council veto power –



LOL…can’t you read your own links? What you claim is just an opinion without weight of law from 1950. It has NEVER been applied. It has never even been attempted in a UNGA vote. And as your link says, in addition to the US both Russia and China hold that the absolute right of the Veto is basic to the operation of the UN. I can’t claim you lie since you are too dense to understand what you post. Lying assumes understanding reality. That seems congenitally beyond your ability. Kind of like Moron Trump. He also believes his delusional falsehoods are absolutely true.


You haven’t disproven anything that I’ve written with credible evidence. I’ll take the opinion of experts at the UN over that of a depraved Zionist pervert like you shilling for blood suckingJew pedophiles.


LOL…hey, dodo, I just proved you wrong with your own link. I’ve done that before. You are too dumb to understand your won posts.


You’re an idiot who didn’t disprove anything. You didn’t even provide any evidence. Let alone evidence that disproves the UN.


LOL…hey, dodo, I don’t have to give any evidence to disprove your fanciful claims. Your own posts do that for me. You just don’t have the brains to understand your own links. But you are entertaining.


You’ve provided nothing credible to disprove the UN:

“UN reports make explicit reference to the Uniting for Peace resolution as providing a mechanism for the UNGA to overrule any UNSC vetoes;[37][38][39][40] thus rendering them little more than delays in UN action, should two-thirds of the Assembly subsequently agree that action is necessary.”

All that you’ve done is make an obnoxious fool out of yourself. As Zionist idiots like you frequently do. Which is why you’re so disliked by so many.


And from the nationwide demonstrations, they don’t much like Islamist Hezbollah either.


Well if that is the case, Israel is doing the best it can to change that aren’t they!


LOL…by knocking off Islamist Shi’a Hezbollah? Guess you missed the point.


Just more targets for Israel to take out.


Why does a depraved pervert like you shill for blood sucking Jew cannibal prostitutes infecting children with venereal disease?

“metzitzah b’peh — requires a mohel, the person performing the circumcision, to suck blood from the incision on an infant’s penis. …

According to the Health Department, 24 cases of herpes have been linked to circumcision since 2000. Two of the infants died and two others suffered brain damage.”

– New case of neonatal herpes caused by Jewish circumcision –


– Israel’s Chief Rabbinate Says Oral Suction at Circumcision Is Preferred –



LOL…you truly are a looney toon.


You didn’t answer the question pervert.


When did you stop raping your kids, pervert?


I’ve proven with quality evidence that you’re a depraved pervert shilling for the blood sucking Jew pedophiles. The only thing that you’ve proven is that you’re a habitually lying moron who can’t prove your false accusations.


Nahhhhhhh…but most of the time your own links prove you wrong.


You’re false claims are lies and you didn’t answer the question pervert.


Russia saw it and Russia allowed it.


It likes free exercise, the bully would thought this is will annoy the syrian, but for the anti air operator this like godsend free exercise. Yes there will be casualty, but in time those operator will be one of hell expert that can teach other from real experience not just text book.

Concrete Mike

Thats right, and remember, these puny airstrikes change nothing on the ground, its mostly for PR and to harass Syria.


Good job SAA, they’ve gotten very good at stopping cruise-missile and UAV attacks now. I just wish they had some better interceptors so they could go after the platforms launching them.

David Parker

Hear, hear. I long for the day missiles meet each armed IAF aircraft the moment they lift off. That’s provocation enough. When they are armed they intend to kill.


It will be a very very long time before you see your longed for day if it ever comes.

David Parker

You hope Jew. You have stirred up such a pot of hatred the survivors will never stop until they do to you what you are doing to their parents and grandparents. Notice that the Arabs are getting more tech savvy by the day. As soon as the American taxpayer discovers that you have been the merciless aggressor in every war, that Jews were the Cheka, the NKVD, and the KGB killers, you can kiss the free “foreign aid” goodbye. You will have to make your own aircraft and missiles and ammunition and truck tires, etc., and you will have to buy the metals and rare earth elements instead of getting them for free. When people finally stop listening to Zionist media, you smoke screen vanishes and you are exposed as enemies of the entire world. That’s your future Jew. God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – will not be mocked by your Talmud and your occult culture. https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-oddities-of-the-jewish-religion/


Yeah right, lol.


And then they could die a glorious death. Got it.

Xoli Xoli

Jesus killer out for unreasonable bloodshed. Were is Guterres of UN to stop his spoil child Satanyahu from gross border attack on sovereign Syria land.Is it only USANATO puppets rights to launch missiles in other sovereign countries territory. While NATO terrorists article protect and prevent other non NATO countries to avoid attacking its members on their land.

David Parker

The demonic Zionists keep trying to take out a civilian airliner at the hands of the missile defenses. Zionists succeeded with 9/11 and in Iran, but haven’t been able to pull off any civilian massacres they could blame on someone else since. Israel is home to the worst demonic scum on earth

Xoli Xoli

Satanyahu of Israel follows his father the Lucifer the devils procedures and policies of attacking your neighbor Iran and Syria to drink blood.


Nahhhhhhh…mostly to splash some blood around and send them home in body bags.

You can call me Al

Yid cunts, why do we just blow them away ?.


So you can cry :)




So many “shoulds” that congenital losers like you could never make happen.


Because you are a bunch of hot air losers. For starters. And if you ever got off your bug infested coach, all you would get was a Darwin Award.

You can call me Al

Hahahaha, its a Jake 3,2,1 retarded YID lover. “if you ever got off your bug infested coach”…….. really ?., read that sentence again fuck wit yid yank.


Sure, Igor. You do know that most only Putz Putin the Poisoner Trolls play Spelling and Grammar Nazis on these sites? But thank you. If you want to be my copy editor, just post your CV…in English, please.

You can call me Al

Cool, Igor the Brit.


Everyone here knows how much I despise Bibi, but when it comes to a security threat (like weapons the IRGC sends to Hezbollah or Iranian proxies closer to our border) then I’m happy to see the IDF striking hostile targets. We can debate if it’s right or wrong to attack another country (which we are still officialy at war with) but there is no doubt it pushes Iran away from their goals against us in Syria. I’m sure Gantz would do alot better and already has battleplans, but for now the IDF under Bibi keeps striking as much as needed.


The one good thing Hitler did was almost wiping out the Jews. Did you know the original plan was expel all the Jews from Europe and put them in Madagascar? Too bad that plan was never destined to be implemented. Imagine how much better the world would be today, if Israel had never existed. Think if all the conflicts that could have been avoided, and the whole jihadist phenomenon probably wouldn’t ever have gotten started in the first place.


Get some head cancer, then you can call yourself CancerHead.

Concrete Mike

Yeah hes a fucken idiot, we can agree on that.


Mostly, I can imagine you getting your Darwin Award trying to reverse history, Adolf. Go for it.


the illeg


Lead the way, kid. Since they won’t do it since they are not as stupid and suicidal as you.


All my life I sided with Israel, I thought it was a tolerant country with opportunities for all its inhabitants, searching peace with their neighbours. I was wrong. Like said, no country will be a superpower forever, remember your choices jews, bills will come.


LOL…sure, Igor. Get back to your Vodka ration.


I’m spanish, and my grandfather was an atheist jew.


Sure, Igor.


pareces imbecil judio retrasao, te sugiero empieces a investigar un poco mas como tu gobierno trata a sus propios ciudadanos antes de apoyarlo ciegamente


Now write it in your original Russian, Igor. Well, I could be wrong and you just play a Putz Putin the Poisoner Troll very well.


So if i understand well now israel is trying to kill hezb fighter during their sleep?


Not only trying. Actually sending them home in body bags. Matters not whether they were asleep or not before. They are permanently asleep now.


Weeping with pain as they strike.

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