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MARCH 2025

Israeli Army Patrol Is Hit With IED Around Gaza Strip

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On February 17, the Israeli military announced that one of its patrols had been hit with an IED near the security fence south of the Gaza Strip.

Israeli sources revealed that the IED had detonated when the Israeli soldiers were trying to remove a Palestinian flag from the fence. According to the sources, at least three Israeli soldiers were injured in the IED attack.

The Israeli Army said that its battle tanks had shelled an observation post of Palestinian forces in the southern part of the Gaza Strip in response to the attack. The situation does not usually escalate when the Israeli Army immediately fires back, like in this case.

So far, no Palestinian armed group has claimed responsibility for the IED attack. However, Israeli sources believe that the attack was likely carried out by the Hamas Movement or the Islamic Jihad Movement, the two main armed groups in the Gaza Strip.

The area of the security fence around the Gaza Strip had witnessed several clashes between Palestinian protestors and the Israeli Army since the U.S. recognized Jerusalem city as the capital of Israel on December 7, 2017. Many Palestine protestors had been reportedly killed along the fence by Israeli soldiers. In response, Palestinian armed groups had launched several rockets on Israeli settlements north of Gaza.

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jerry hamilton

Is this going to be a trend now like the fake knife attacks are?


Whether its fake or not, the worlds ‘Victims’ will be wailing about this to all the ‘Friends of Israel’ to get sympathy.

A real IED campaign against the Israeli military , as the US faced in Iraq , would create fear in the minds of the IDF who show their bravado by assaulting Palestinian children.

This would be Karma indeed :)


The Holocaust drama flopped very badly and now Netanyahu looking for new dramas.


Even the Europeans are fed up with Holohoax propaganda 24/7, read the Polish PM’s comment today where he openly stated Jew crimes against Poles and other nationalities in WW2.


American and Israel are the only creatures that have no human feelings. Their are corrupt and doing Satanic businesses. They are the only terrorists that having Nuclear, Bio-chemical weapons, ICBMs and war planes. Whole world come together and disarm them for human development and prosperity.


Perhaps it is just to measure emotional response & feedback on the internet? To see if they are still popular as ever…….

jerry hamilton

Ok. I have had alcohol. I howled laughing at that. Thank you.


Notice that even with IED no Israeli killed but only injured. I think even atomic bomb also three injured .

As usuau


The Zionists are still smarting from the F-16 shoot down and will show how “tough” they are by bombing the Gaza open air jail and the world’s most defenceless and poor people.

Don Machiavelli

Fake Jews, fake knives, fake country…


Not country.. but colony of huge squatters in the land of Palestine..! But still I like all the Fake things you’ve mentioned..

Don Machiavelli

How do you mean like? You like apartheid? You like military occupation? You like ‘fake Jews’ from Revelation 2:9?

What’s there to like?


My command of English is not that proficient.. but it supprised me that an English speaking person just can’t comprehend what I’ve mentioned/replyed in simple English.


Only injured.?The Palestinian resistance needs to be supplied with decent weapons, fireworks are not any use against the zionist child killers.


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The Jews have fought Trump every step of the way. They tried to prevent his election and they’ve tried to get him out of office. A lot of people are unhappy with the extent to which he has capitulated to the Jews under a lot of pressure from them. But the truth is that Trump campaigned against Israel first, and the American people voted against Israel first:

“Ahead of his speech at the pro-Israel AIPAC conference on Monday, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said at a press conference that Israel “can pay and they can pay big” to defend itself without receiving U.S. foreign aid.”

– Donald Trump Says Israel ‘Can Pay’ for Own Defense –


“When asked about whether a President Trump would push for recognizing Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel, he hedged, saying he would have to think about it. That got boos”

– Jewish Republicans Boo Trump –


“he would not accept the money they might offer as a way of currying favor with the New York billionaire should he win the White House.

“You’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money. If I wanted your money, I think I’d have a damned good chance. You know the money I have turned down?”

– Trump to Jewish donors: ‘I don’t want your money’ –


– Trump–The Anti-War Candidate –



Trump won 85% of the land and counties in the US, supported by Americans who voted for America First and against Israel first: https://ilovemyfreedom.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Trump-map.jpeg


com’on bro.. I know ur smarter than what’s written..! The pic.. I thought Russia meddled around with that dumb’s election..!

jerry hamilton

He won’t do it. He will back out. They would kill him.


At his age I don’t think that he’s overly concerned about getting killed. And there are a lot of people in the US security establishment watching the potential killers, including those in the US government itself. And killing people goes both ways.

The Jews have been expelled and genocided more than anyone in history for their crime, evil and antisocial behavior. Including people at the top. They and their collaborators aren’t some invincible cabal that can’t be dealt with with force if necessary. As history illustrates.


Still buying this BS..? Have you checked who’s he’s inner circles are..? Drump is just another obomber.. not to mention Putin..! And China too.. Why don’t China dump all the toilet paper to stop all these wars..! Why is Russia still selling their energies in toilet paper.. selling state of the art weapons to non alliance not to mention to a nato member.. but not it so called allies..? A clean and free country is the one that doesn’t have Rothschild Bank..!


The difference between Trump and the rest of the establishment is America First. That in my opinion he has a genuine commitment to. America First and Israel first are diametrically opposed. People voted for him despite his cadre of Jews, myself included, because of America First. History isn’t written by perfect people, it’s written by flawed people who do the best that they can with the circumstances that they’re dealing with. Trump is no exception.

As far as Jew financial control, you’re aware that I’m against it and would like to see it eliminated. My research and discourse on this site is part of my contribution to trying to get this problem corrected. My ET/ED contact work is another, as is my disc craft aerospace R&D company. At this time I’m focusing on increasing my net worth in a debt free manner to have the capital to invest in disc craft R&D. The schematic details are in feet. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d9f17bc740f87e5b8bec1eb773b5260ad0b9bdec0ebf306702323b9b791847ef.jpg


Putin will SUPPORT jewush horrors going ‘buck-wild’ on Gaza as he always does. Can we get Putin’s subservience to zionism accepted as absolute FACT here once and for all. It isn’t as if Putin hasn’t given multiple PUBLIC interviews where he expresses Russia’s undying loyalty to Israel.

Jews with NOTHING to do with the region invaded Palestine and set about terrorising and mass murdering the original lawful nationals. World jewry described its intent to drive out the ‘sub-Humans’ and reclaim their “god given” “homeland”. And a good chunk of the jewish horrors that carried out so many sickening crimes in Palestine were from the Soviet Union.

Sadly even ‘Red’ China supports the depraved zionist movement, cos of the jewish involvement with the revolutions in China- and the support jews gave in material form to the ‘revolutionaries’.

The innocent Humans of Palestine find themselves trapped and friendless as even Egypt and Jordan are solidly with the racist jewish horrors.

Never forget that some of America’s Founding Fathers warned about the jews, NOT cos they were ‘anti-semetic’ (the jewish RACIST term for ‘anti-jewish’) but because they were aware of how the jews operated as a structure with the lowliest (and often overtly criminal jews) working hand-in-glove and supported by the most elevated and sophisticated jews. These Founding Fathers understood that such a cult would easily take over any society when the members of a cult could pass themseles off as ordinary members when they so chose. A group of people with PHYSICAL markers down to their genetic heritage could never do this- whch is why jews have ALWAYS ensured ‘black’ Humans are almost never allowed to identify as ‘jewish’.

Gaza has twice been attacked by jews using WORLD WAR class weapon systems gifted to them by Britain, France, Russia and the USA. Let us not pretend things are otherwise because the FACTS are so very disturbing.


“american founding fathers” you mean the filthy white american invaders??


“Putin will SUPPORT jewush horrors going ‘buck-wild’ on Gaza as he always does.”

This is complete nonsense. Try posting supporting material proving your point.

Hamas in Moscow: http://cdn.presstv.com/photo/20170118/5aaff244-fe23-44e9-896f-86ba14d9f05f.jpg


What can you expect.. as a child, Putin was fed and taken care off by a kind hearted jew family..! Maybe he’s confused with Khazars zionism so called jew and the real authentic Semitic jew..!


Gaza: http://madisonrafah.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Palestinians-protest-at-Rafah-Egypt-border.jpg


Jews attacking a Palestinian: http://www.kawther.info/wpr/wp-content/uploads/settlers-attack-1.jpg


Jews attacking a Palestinian: http://www.whispereye.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Isreal-and-Palestinian.jpg

Real Anti-Racist Action

Benjamin Netanyahu probably had Israelis plant those explosives to divert attention from his dictatorship probes in Israel. He is fixing to be legally impeached by Jew’s themselves. And possibly imprisoned. Because he is more corrupt then the rest of them are. So he has to create distractions.


He has a pluralistic mandate for Israel’s crimes. That says to me that most Israelis are as corrupt as he is.


You are absolutely right.


Do you have any proof?

You can call me Al

Yes, but I cannot tell you.


That’s what he said last time, and then told me to find it on my own and got obnoxious.




Wag the Dog….. business as usual


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yV1HwG1_phs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taFM1rRDNGk https://israelpalestine.liveuamap.com/pics/2018/01/01/21591791_0.jpg https://i.dawn.com/large/2018/01/5a4a899d63e31.jpg

Israeli terrorists were kidnapping Ahed Tamimi a 16 year old Palestinian girl at day time but she resisted to Israeli terrorists and kicked them out from her home. Then Israeli terrorists have kidnapped Ahed Tamimi and her parents at midnight by gunpoints. Nobody knows where they are now. Each year Israel kidnap thousands of adults and small kids from the streets. Many of them Israel kill in fake fight. If Vietnam can free from American regime army then its not difficult for Palestine and their allies to kick out all Israel from Middle East. ——————————————————————————————————————————-

Jaime Galarza

It isn’t fair to compare Palestine to Vietnam. Vietnam had a real battle-tested army plus the help of the Soviet Union and China. Palestine, unfortunately, seems to be alone.


According to holly scripture Torah Palestine will become free and whole Israel will be annihilated. This is not first time that Israel break the God commandments and then they annihilated. Read their history then you will see that they are enemies of God and the God creation and that is why God annihilate them.


sorry Rob.. she’s too ugly to be a Palestinian. I really hope you understand what I’m trying to addressed..! I’m not talking about beauty here.. hehehe



Empire Files: How Palestine Became Colonized. No to two state solution. If whole world including Mahmoud Abbas want peace with two state solution in Palestine still there will be no peace in Palestine until complete removal of illegal European migrants (fake Israel) from Palestine. Mahmoud Abbas should not allow Israel on his land because that is a big threat to the surrounding countries in Middle East. ————————————————————————————————————————————

jerry hamilton

What you mean is How Palestine became stolen.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLx55N_7iXE Pakistan cuts off US supply line: NATO has put all operations in Afghanistan in danger. After their forces killed 24 Pakistani soldiers. In retribution, Islamabad has shut down a major supply route to Afghanistan. This is a proof that US, NATO and Israel are enemies and Muslims should never trust them. Now shoot that Muslim leader that take blood money from US and EU states and have relations with Israel. ————————————————————————————————————————————–


Please may the rest of the world rise up and put us in our place.


Not only Muslims.. but rest of the world too..!


Israel the illegal European migrants removing Palestinians from their homes and then demolishing them to build new homes for new illegal migrants. US regimes support this Israeli terrorism since 1900. ————————————————————————————————————————————


Palestine should never trust UN, US, Israel and their friends. God helps those who help themselves. No to two state solution. Palestinians want complete removal of migrants from Palestine. Palestine should unite all parties together and make a single Palestine army. Palestine needs an army force of one million soldiers consists of men and women both.

Palestine needs support of Russia and China like Vietnam to free it from migrants. If Vietnamese can win from US where US have left the dead bodies of their thousands of soldiers, so then Palestine can also win from Israel. Palestine should never use stones, knives or rocket attacks because in these attacks Palestine will loose their all manpower and moral. ————————————————————————————————————————————


Please show us your plan arm chair general Rambo of how you’d implement this grand design. Coming from someone who claims that there are only 1.5 million Jews living in Israel, your opinions are coming from a known disinfo peddler.

Icarus Tanović

There’s one slight difference between Palestine and Vietnam. In Palestine, there are nothing but plain sand and desert. They can spy on them any time they want and know their movements. Viet cong have had huge moral, and Titanic, millenniums old forests and jungles. So, they were basically blind.


Palestine can win this war from Israel so easy, just they need support of Hezbollah, Syria, Iran, Pakistan and Russia. If they have this support then they will have perfect equipment, main power and satellite reconnaissance. Then they can win this war so easy.

In case if Israel use nuclear or bio-chemical weapons then in this case Israel will be completely wiped out. Then there is no chance of survival for anybody in Israel. According to Torah Jews should keep themselves away from Holly land. If Jews occupy holly land then they will be annihilated.


Kids throwing rocks at tanks…… can have a devastating impact on the long term……it shows the Spirit of these Kids……


That will make no difference to Israel but Israel will use live bullet on these small kids and this is genocide. Every day Netanyahu kill dozens of kids by migrants.


But it is starting to make a difference in the world…..Netanyahu is a nobody….a Not-Yet-Convicted-Criminal

jerry hamilton

Do you have a clue how many kids are in Israeli jails? Hurting a tank’s paintwork is an incredibly serious offence in israel.


Yes.. ur right.. The Spirits of Resistance.. it will be in every each of the Palestinians generations.. Peace..


No problem go ahead for 2 states first..! Educate the nation, rebuild the country, get technologies and whatever is needed for the natiin.. Once everything’s prepared.. then only starts the biggest intifada to reclaimed the rest of their land..! Most importantly is get techs on producing weapons..! there are lots of preparations to be done b4 making any moves..! Just grab whatever is sufficient at current time..! Peace..

Icarus Tanović



Implementing existing UN resolutions, including the right of return, can be used for the dejudification of Israel.


Two state solution is a conspiracy against Palestinian nation. On this strategy Israel took whole land from Palestinians. On daily bases Israel demolishes whole villages and towns. Wakeup.


Hamas supports the two state solution to get a full fledged government operational, and as a means for getting the Jews off of Palestinian land in the occupied territories. Where they’re illegally present, and implementing the rest of the UN resolutions that can be used for the the dejudification of Israel. Legislation can be passed and a referendum can be held on outlawing Judaism and delisting Israel from the UN and replacing it with Palestine.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9IvsaMh9sQ Russian, Pakistani Forces Launch Joint Exercise “DRUZBA 2017” Pakistan have divorsed US and joined Russia. When Israel and US watch this then they will not bark any more but will bite themseleves.

Americans are losers. Now they will cry more. They first lost Iran then Pakistan, Syria, Iraq and Turkey. The next US enemies are Afghanistan, Saudis, Egyptians and Jordanians. US lost Pakistan and that was a great stroke to US because after that now each Muslim country hate US regime. ————————————————————————————————————————————

Lazy Gamer

Somebody from Palestine is laughing right now. Cant believe they fell for the trap.


Dubai Airshow 2017 (Day 3) JF-17 PAF Flying display. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItgsVQTOvFk المقاتلة الباكستانية JF-17 Thunder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWSvEzNjNto الصواريخ الباكستانية النووية |Pakistani nuclear missiles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVHo0eb5iSU

Pakistan Aeronautical Complex making fighter jets JF-17 block-1 and block-2.

Before 1970 Pakistan condition was worst than Syria and Iraq but when Pakistan realize that US is just waisting our time then Pakistan approached to China and Russia for help and started joint military production facilities in Pakistan, then in 1998 by their own efforts they have tested first 6 nuclear weapons, then missiles and then their own fighter jets JF-17 block-1 and block-2.

Pakistan should fit (AL-31F jet engine) in JF-17 block 3 and also increase its length to 16 meter. Pakistan should produce 100 units per year of the JF-17. Pakistan should also develop a long range 22 meter fighter jet like Mig-31. Pakistan should develop a 3 stage 20 meter long and a 2.2 meter diameter ICBM. ————————————————————————————————————————————


Yeah.. they got the green light to built nuke bcoz at that time Pakistan was a slave country/vassal/so called ally to muricunt.. That I do know..!


Pakistan’s female fighter pilots break down the barriers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3snibFY0xKU

Tom Tom

Get some robots to check out bombs.


Now the Zionist cowards will take it out on defenceless Palestinian women and children.


I wish them all the Dead in the world on those 3 wounded. May Gog kill them faster.

Don Machiavelli

” In response to the attack, an IDF tank targeted an observation post in the southern Gaza Strip ”

I wait for the day when their lies end. This is an insult to common sense.

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