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Israeli Army Removes Remains Of Iranian Missile Using Helicopter (Photos)

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Israeli Army Removes Remains Of Iranian Missile Using Helicopter (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. (The Israeli Defense Forces)

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said on April 26 that it removed the remains of an intercepted Iranian ballistic missile that was found by hikers near the Ye’elim stream, close to the town of Arad, in southern Israel earlier this week.

An Israeli Air Force CH-53 helicopter lifted the intercepted missile out of the area to another location, where the Fire and Rescue Services removed any hazardous materials, the IDF said, adding that the remains were then taken to an army base to be further examined.

According to the IDF, the operation, coordinated by the Home Front Command, was “complex” due to the weight of the missile and the difficult terrain.

The missile was one of 120 fired at Israel in the Iranian attack on April 13-14. Some 170 suicide drones and 30 cruise missiles were also launched during the attack, which was carried out by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps a response to an Israeli strike that targeted the Iranian embassy in the Syrian capital, Damascus, at the start of the month. Several senior members of the guards were killed in the strike.

Israel alleged that 99% of the Iranian projectiles were intercepted by the IDF with help from American, British French and Jordanian forces, including all the suicide drones and cruise missiles. However, it was revealed later that nine ballistic missiles hit two air bases in the south of the country and another projectile landed in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights.

The ballistic missiles used in the attack were reportedly of the Emad, Ghadr-110, Kheibar Shekan and Shahab-3B types. The remains found near the Ye’elim stream likely belong to a Ghadr-110 missile. It is unclear however if the missile was indeed intercepted as the IDF claimed.

Israel responded to the Iranian attack on April 13 by attacking the 8th Shekari Air Base near the city of Isfahan using ballistic missiles launched by warplanes from over the Syrian border with Jordan and Iraq as well as small suicide drones that were allegedly launched from within Iranian territory.

Overall, the Iranian attack revealed serious problems with the Israeli missile defense network. It also sent a strong message to Israel and its allies.


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its a bloody fuselage! the armament hit its target! some people are just pure idiocy..

Bob - Enough

yep, they are pushing the same crap in he uk msm as well….

Iron Schmuck

zionist schmucks will copy it and call it an iron something or other

Jens Holm

dear friends,

i am a poor ukrainian refugee in denmark, i don’t know anyone here and i don’t have any friends either. i have a lot of time for that, a computer, a keyboard and a mouse!

so that i don’t get bored, i write comments all day and answer them myself!

in professional circles this is called shitzophrenia, but who cares 🤡 😆😆😆

CEO of Yapping

“it is unclear however if the missile was indeed intercepted as the idf claimed.”

okay, why are we playing dumb here again? that is the airframe of “ghadr-110 missile” – if it was shot down they wouldn’t be moving the whole airframe. sf is no different than western msm when it comes to pushing “israel” propaganda. really showing us the whole airframe of “ghadr-110 missile” and gonna say it was shot down?

the warhead was shot down? very unlikely and that got not with the airframe.


“an israeli strike that targeted the iranian embassy in the syrian capital, damascus, at the start of the month” that’s a blatant lie… they targeted, and hit, a building next to the embassy, which housed an irgc headquarters, that was used in the proxy (terrorist) war against israël that iran has been waging for years already.

CEO of Yapping

look at this guy… how old are you my man? does your parents know you are on sites like sf?

1. i believe you are jewish, lying is in your dna and you think people are stupid.

– “they targeted, and hit, a building next to the embassy” that is iran consulate (vienna convention on diplomatic relations, 1961 and vienna convention on consular relations, 1963) you need to read those before opening your mouth again.


a consulate is an auxiliary branch of an embassy, located in another city/location. naming a building next to your embassy, that is used as a headquarters for subversive activity, like terrorism, a consulate, is abuse of the international rules for the protection of diplomats. it’s the same thing as hiding your centers of communication and your armories beneath schools and hospitals. it’s the iranian “masters” using the same filthy tactics as the hamas terrorists they control.

CEO of Yapping

how can one be so rtded?

1. both consulates and embassies are diplomatic missions representing one country in another. the main point is both consulates and embassies are protect under vienna convention. stop making yourself look like a fool.

locations, that is up to the countries and their host country, consulate and embassy can be close to each other or be far away from each other. but in syria it is best to be close in a safe zone. what are you even saying?


a consulate is never next door to the embassy it belongs to you moron, because it renders the whole purpose of having that consulate pointless. in this case they just tried to shield a military target by fraudulently classifying it as a “consulate”. which happens to be a gross violation of that vienna convention b.t.w.

CEO of Yapping

you are mentally ill kid. “israel” admits bombing iran consulate in syria. now, name one country that claims the building that “israel” bombed wasn’t iran consulate fool. i wait and you better name one or stfu.

both consulates and embassies are diplomatic missions representing one country in another. under vienna convention both are protect, iran wasn’t using their consulate as what you fool claim which is back by nothing.

CEO of Yapping

i like how childish you are as well. you want to talk about violation of vienna convention? well it does not explicitly permit or condone the use of embassies or consulates for espionage activities. which many countries ignore as i have mentioned which you b.t.w ignored.

also, rtded fool, “israel” did not only attacked iran consulate but syria as well which is a bigger violation of international law. “israel” never uphold international law, why should they moron.

CEO of Yapping

again your whole comment is wrong and you know it.

– ‘us has spying unit on roof of its tel aviv embassy’: “analyst tells maariv he has detected similar structures in photographs of us embassies in beijing, dubai, moscow and madrid.”

go on, what says you?

also, hamas bases under hospitals and schools… show us or answer why “israel” shy away from showing the world hamas center command. what you believe the childish 3rd video zionists showed lmao.

CEO of Yapping

2. what do you think other countries do in their embassy and consulate?

– “israel won’t stop spying on the u.s.” – “israel accused of planting mysterious spy devices near the white house” etc etc etc. now where do you think they operate from? all the way from “israel”? lmao.

– ‘us has spying unit on roof of its tel aviv embassy’: “analyst tells maariv he has detected similar structures in photographs of us embassies in beijing, dubai, moscow and madrid”

CEO of Yapping

3. “iran has been waging for years already.” – ofc he also failed history classes as well so now he making shit up in his head.

did “israel” support the us and uk in 1953 iranian coup d’état? yes. did “israel” call for invasion of iran forever? yes, openly… bibi testimony before the us congress – september 12, 2002. bibi: “obviously we like to see a regime change at least i would in iran just as i would like to see in iraq.”

Ben Gvir Had an Accident LOL

the little hook nosed yid had a car crash. mazel tov!

CEO of Yapping

do you want to hear even bigger joke? on some u.s. university campuses, the government has deployed snipers on the roofs… lmao.

you can protest against anything but “israel”/zionism in the “land of the free!”… like how none of them allow to say their wars in the middle east was started by “israel” (9/11 attack) and still going because of “israel” and only “israel”. no one buying zionist bs claims anymore, everyone know they are scammers and fake.


it’s sad to realise that the iranian missiles were indeed intercepted or failed in flight. iran must improve and also get assistance from north korea, china and russia to improve them and make it more dangerous to the zio nazi terrorist jewscum

Arch Bungle

come on man! in china some 14 year old girl would have just slung the thing on her bike and sold it for scrap. izzies need a whole fucking military op!

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