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Israeli Army Says Hamas Top Leader Was Likely Killed In Gaza

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Israeli Army Says Hamas Top Leader Was Likely Killed In Gaza

Yahya Sinwar on the left side of the photo. (Hamas’ military wing, the al-Qassam Brigades)

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said on October 17 it was working to confirm that one of three fighters its troops killed a day earlier in the Gaza Strip was Yahya Sinwar, the top leader of the Hamas Movement.

“At this time, the identity of the terrorists cannot be confirmed,” the IDF said in a statement.

The fighters were killed when troops opened fire on a group of combatants on the ground floor of a building on October 16. Hebrew media reported that the clash took place in the Tell al-Sultan neighborhood near the city of Rafah in southern Gaza.

A strike was ordered against the building, which partially collapsed the structure. When the troops subsequently entered the building the next day, they realized that one of the dead fighters “looked very much like” Sinwar.

IDF troops were not targeting or looking for Sinwar and did not know the Hamas leader might be in the area where they were operating.

“The IDF and Shin Bet forces operating in the area continue to operate under the necessary caution,” the army said.

The IDF also noted that there were no hostages present in the area where the clash took place. Recent reports claimed that Sinwar was hiding among Israeli hostages throughout the war.

A senior Israeli official told the Times of Israel that there is a “high likelihood” that a body found at the scene of the deadly clash is that of Sinwar. Two of Israel’s main broadcasters, Kan and Channel 12, also cited Israeli officials as saying Sinwar was killed in the clash.

The IDF issued its statement after unverified graphic photos showing a dead body that resembled Sinwar began circulating on social media.

Hebrew media said that samples from the three bodies were being tested for DNA and would also undergo dental and fingerprint checks. However, the suspected body of Sinwar was not immediately brought to Israel because the area where it was found was heavily booby-trapped. The body also had a military vest carrying hand grenades.

Sinwar was born in the Khan Younis refugee camp in southern Gaza. He joined Hamas when Sheikh Ahmed Yassin founded the group around the time the first Palestinian intifada began in 1987. The following year, he set up the group’s internal security apparatus.

He was serving four life terms for the alleged killing of two Israeli soldiers, as well as four Palestinians he suspected of cooperating with Israel, when he became the most senior of 1,027 Palestinian prisoners released in exchange for kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit in 2011.

Sinwar served as Hamas leader inside Gaza starting from 2017. He is seen by Israel as the mastermind behind the October 7 Hamas-led surprise attack inside Israeli territory, in which more than 1,100 people were killed and more than 200 others taken captive.

Last July, he became the overall leader of Hamas after the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran. He was selected by Hamas’s 50-strong Shura Council.

Hamas has not yet commented on the rumors of Sinwar’s death. If confirmed, it would be a heavy loss for the group. However, it wont mean its end.


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The Hebrew Hammer

mazel tov, bitches.

Snow Den

erm, are we really talking about the hamas high command? hmm, let me think. soros, rothschild, rockefeller… and of course a few guys from the think tank, kasparov and these… and of course the outer circle of whores, the clintons, musk, gates… and similar no one believes that some towelhead with the iq of a tripanosoma was able to outwit the mossad. it’s the same story that evil bin laden committed 9/11 on his own. and shut down the entire american air defenses for several hours.

Snow Den 2

you’re kidding me.or you think i’m a complete idiot, do you?

Snow Den 2

besides, you know exactly, a sinwar go , ten new ones are coming!

cheers hammer

Snow Den 4

exactly as sinwar is nothing then global elites product and they have thousands of such assholes in their databases. and thank you for abusing my nick…


sort of complete idiot!


boker tov islamonazis. yahya sinwar is no more. haha

Jewish pimp

nothing is for sure, nothing is confirmed. idf just making fool of it self

suka blya muhamad

already confirmed you idiot. either you accept the reality of keep dreaming like you are living in a 72 virgin goat mosh pit


you’re just one riled jewish supremacist!

Jewish pimp

you again with that zio propaganda?


this is clearly zionist shit talk for “we killed 10 more babies, and 2 ladies using a portapotty, that was defo an entrance to the hamas kingdom, where hamas leader sits on thrown made from jewish baby skins with lamp shades made from holocaust bullshit skins, with a side netenyohoo shit chin sauce.” yeah something like that…

Last edited 11 hours ago by Kibosh
Snow Den 3

israel created that guy, israel commited crimes, blaming that guy, israel killed that guy and 50.000 others, calling it a “right to defence”. and it works. why? because people are incredible idiots. absolutely unbelievable idiots who have learned nothing in the 2000 years of known human history. i would say that even three-year-old kids playing marbles show higher intelligence than herd sheep whenever the global elites play a dirty game with them.


i thought the director of al shifa hospital was the real boss of hamas. he admitted this and even signed a confession after the shlomos had tortured him for a couple of weeks. so sinwar can’t be all that important.

suka blya muhamad

israel : oma-e a mou shindeirou ?

sinwar’s last words : nani ?????????????????

Jewish pimp

is that even a sentence?

assad defeated zionists

took too long. after 1 year turning the tiny gaza strip into rubble. how does the, tiny, welfare funded, banana republic of israel expect to directly strike iran if they cant finish off a few hundred hamas & cant gain ground in lebanon. iran most likely has a true promise 3 ready, i suppose it will involve saturating the few vital energy targets & other critical points that will turn the lights out & send israeli economy into a tailspin. all thaads jnterceptors will be spent quickly


it looks like the resistance is playing the same game. the houthis targeted nutteryahoo’s plane as it was landing and hezb. went after genocider-in-chief shlomo harlevi in their drone strike.

Joseph Day

yea the yanks haven’t experienced rockets coming at them in numders, they’ll shit spray n pray, blow of all the amo


sinwar likes hiding and hiding like a bitch that’s why.

assad defeated zionists

stupid. solemaini is dead, raisi is dead, nasralla is dead, haniye is dead, sinwar is dead & it makes no difference. israel is bogged down in tiny gaza strip, idf getting its ass kicked & cant advance in lebanon, 100s of thousands israeli citizens have & continue to leave israel & bibi the chickenchit netanyahu is too afraid to respond in kind to irans 2 humiliating direct strikes with 600+ missiles,drones in the heart of israel

suka blya muhamad

pouring one out for the homies 🤣🤣🤣

eliminated like a filthy bubonic rat


it’s always funny to see a jewish supremacist with no concept whatsoever of irony. the screeching about the nazis comparing jews to rats has gone on for half a century, and yet here you are, derping. congrats.

suka blya muhamad

then you cry when iran, and islamic terrorists are being compared to german nazis with 98% synonymously similarities between them :)

Jewish pimp

only ones who are compared to nazis are zio supremacists-no phantom islamic terrorist from iran. only ones are zios and their minions from al qaida to aln usra and on and on. just big ass thanks for letting me know.

suka blya muhamad

checking it out ebay how much for his multi thousand dollar rolex watch which a filthy sinwar ham@s is worth.

Austin Powers

now that’s the idea. that’s where the transmitter was like nicolae ceaușescu.

i will bid one million dollars.

Conan M

who worked for i$rael betraying his own since arafat!… fixed it!!!

Last edited 10 hours ago by Conan M
Conan M

question: russia says “this” today : “russia issues forceful warning against planned israeli strike on iran”… and yet commercial nuclear facilities as well as russian nuclear ordnance is and has been attacked for the last 2 years by the u.$./nato terrori$t$?… so why the concern for iran when it’s being done in places like zaporizhzhia and kursk???? can’t wait for the reply(s)…

Last edited 10 hours ago by Conan M
The mask

i have a gut feeling that the usa knew some time ago were sinwar was and decided to “gift” him to netanyahu so he can take that win and not conduct strikes in iran so close to the us elections.


whether you love or hate him(sinwar), he died gun in hand fighting alongside his fellow common kin for what really mattered to them… honor, freedom and independence.he’s got my respect unlike other “leaders” (putin for example) who simply let their men die while they live lavishly away from the frontlines.

Last edited 8 hours ago by Gurki

derp? derp derp. derp.


dear southfront staff, yes it’s me the foul mouthed antitroll… you need to immediately cover the blasphemous attack of ukronazi punks on the cathedral of the archangel michael, these nazi bastards robbed the place and beat up priests and babushkas… piss me off so much i wanna join the russian army and kick ass.. but i’m too old a frog to boil in war…


they don’t know either way, just making shit up.

Jewish pimp

they always do that.


sin war. is dead. confirmed. stop crying like a bitch

Goy Boy

bitch like you.

suka blya muhamad

crocodile tears for islamic shit rats like you


nasty ol’ jewish supremacist!

Jewish pimp

no, it is bitch like you.

Lee Harvey Oswald

jahya sinwar was a walking corpse after october 7, just like volodymyr sleazynskyy is and just like alexander litvinenko was.


derp and derp again!


hey señor what …? never mind dirp.


no way israel wanted him or the other two palestinians on the icc warrant list to ever appear in a court of law to put forward a defence.


people cheer over pictures some liars show them.

Caríto Brígante

yahiya sínwar should be sént to the cvn abrahám líncoln in the northérn arabián séa to drop him next to osamá bín láden so that thém eéls and thém crábs can crawl out of theír eyé balls.


you believe both stories, right? lol.


now the world is waiting for the information that the criminal jew netanyahu is off the board for goooooood!


bitch throwing tantrums now it is confirmed the pedomaniac nazi named sinwar is now double dead.

Jewish pimp

you gotta be clear now. the good or the bad nazis?

suka blya muhamad

the islamonazis to be specific.

Jewish pimp

so those are the bad ones? now can you tell us which ones are good ones?

Last edited 47 minutes ago by Jewish pimp

ruzzian nazis are crying 😆😆😆


because the ukrainain cia project has failed so badly?


joined the 72 virgins group chat:




latest: sinwar

Goy Boy

that bs about 72 virgins is promoted by your perfidious (zio propaganda).

Last edited 6 hours ago by Goy Boy
suka blya muhamad

cry harder now goat facker. your greatest furer sinwar is no more


despite seventy-five years of imperial welfare cheques, the jewish supremacists cannot break the palestinian resistance. relentless failure. nice work.

suka blya muhamad

the opposite is the reality. hamas is defacto just a guirella shithole


yahya sinwar’ last moments after idf strike:

he was still alive and barely breathing and throwed a rubble stick towards an israeli reconnaisance drone inside the room. hahaha.

footnote: already covered in blood


the jews have a formidable intelligence network in the middle east and europe etc but taking out the top dog of hamas won’t change much since there are a number of devoted hamaists ready to step right in and resume the relentless war to obliterate the jews from the face of earth. wish him luck and expect to seenetanyahu swinging in a lamppost in tel aviv!


it’s more like kicking a hornets nest. the df’s don’t have a clue. hezbollah says they are going to the next phase. make them hurt.

teutonic knights

muslimes can’t catch a break. their leadership keep getting decapitated just like müezzinzade ali pasha got at the battle of lepanto. thus to all saracens.


the west focuses too much on leaderships because they love their pyramid schemes. decentralization is a new concept to them.


pardon my french, but why are you such a faggot?


what a sickening hypocrisy? at the un, the us opposed ceasefire and vetoed three resolution. the u.s. is complicit in the mass murder of unarmed civilians by savage jews.


well thats too bad. even without nasrallah and sinwar, hezbollah and hamas still grows and are undefeated. jews think killing some leaders will solve their psychological problems.

suka blya muhamad

you dreaming? suka blyat islamic rats will always be islamic rats. hiding like filthy rats in sewer tunnels because they are the abomination of the earth


rabbis in jew york love hiding in tunnels. israeli leadership are hiding in underground bunkers like rats. zionism has failed the jews. do not throw stones from glass houses. everybody knows that hamas and hezbollah will continue without nasrallah or sinwar.

Last edited 2 hours ago by hasbarats

rabbis in new york don’t spend all their time hiding in tunnels. sometimes they’re busy with their mouths on little boys’ peckers.


correct….oral suction is common with jew york hasidics, known to cause h.i.v outbreaks. its called metzitzah b’peh

Jewish pimp

fuuuck! shit fucks they are!

Maddog 20/20

he don’t look so tough now.

suka blya muhamad

eliminated like a rat. ✅👏🥳


operation al aqsa flood was a success. israel’s dream of building a corridor from india to saudi and thru palestine has been destroyed. normalization with the arab world is now impossible without recognition of a palestinian state. sinwar achieved those aims. he can die a happy man now. the self destructive jews will implement the rest of his plan.

suka blya muhamad

of course you islamonazis are always daydreaming and cannot accept reality . wait until ayatollah’s head will have bullet holes.


take a look in the mirror. you zionist turd templars cannot accept reality. wake up, the world is changing beneath your feet. you like the americans, still think this is 1967. today’s israeli tik tok army is not your grandfathers army. and the world is moving beyond this american jewish sickness they call a “rules based” system. america is not the only game in town. european and israeli regimes still think so, they handcuff themselvs to this sinking titanic


with zykon b?

suka blya muhamad

you want to see the picture that paints more than a thousand words?

i present to you: your beloved islamopedomaniac sinwar :)

pbs .twimg. com/ media/ gaf5gqmxmaac502?format=jpg&name=large


total failure. hasbarats are getting less competent every year.

suka blya muhamad

the most important thing is now that he is double dead with a big hole in his head :)

Jewish pimp

i just hit your nerv, haven’t i you perv?

The Hebrew Hammer

we will take over southfront.

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