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Israeli Army Set Up Pumps To Flood Hamas Tunnels In Gaza With Seawater – Report

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Israeli Army Set Up Pumps To Flood Hamas Tunnels In Gaza With Seawater - Report

Click to see full-size image. (The Israeli Defense Forces)

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) has readied plans to flood tunnels under the Gaza Strip with water pumped from the Mediterranean Sea, The Wall Street Journal reported on December 5.

Citing United States officials, the report said that the IDF last month set up five large water pumps near the al-Shati refugee camp in Gaza City, which are capable of flooding the subterranean network within weeks by pumping thousands of cubic meters of water per hour into the tunnels.

The officials noted that Israel alerted the U.S. about the plan last month, but has not yet decided on whether to implement it.

According to the report, opinions in the Biden administration were mixed, with some officials expressing concern about the Israeli plan while others say they back Israel’s efforts to destroy the tunnels and say there isn’t necessarily any American opposition.

Among the concerns cited in the report were potential damage to Gaza’s aquifer and soil, if seawater and hazardous substances in the tunnels seeped into them.

“We are not sure how successful pumping will be since nobody knows the details of the tunnels and the ground around them,” a person familiar with the plan is quoted as saying. “It’s impossible to know if that will be effective because we don’t know how seawater will drain in tunnels no one has been in before.”

The report raised concern over the safety of the Israeli hostages held by the Hamas Movement and other armed factions in Gaza, who are likely being kept in tunnels.

Commenting on the report, IDF Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi said that flooding tunnels under Gaza with seawater was “a good idea.”

“We are seeing a lot of underground infrastructure in Gaza, we knew there would be a lot. Part of the goal is to destroy this infrastructure,” Halevi said in response to a question regarding the report in The Wall Street Journal.

“We have various ways [to deal with the tunnels], I won’t talk about specifics, but they include explosives to destroy, and other means to prevent Hamas operatives from using the tunnels to harm our soldiers,” he explained.

“Therefore, any means which give us an advantage over the enemy that [uses the tunnels], deprives it of this asset, is a means that we are evaluating using. This is a good idea, but I won’t comment on its specifics,” Halevi added.

Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in response to the report that he won’t “volunteer information to the enemy.” He also noted he won’t go into technical and operational details regarding IDF operations endangering hostages in Gaza.

Flooding Gaza with seawater will threaten the lives of Israeli hostages and cause a lasting environmental disaster. Despite these risks, the IDF could go on with its plan as it continues to receive unconditional support from the U.S.



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unconditional support from the u.s. is a tacit admission of the zionist shadow government of the usa. it is not acceptable for any american politician to hand over weapons and money to a gang of racist criminals in the name of america without due process or by just using a catch phrase like unconditional support.


even if support was given and they began pumping, i have a difficult time believing that hamas had not considered this tactic and have not prepared somehow that this might be countered. i also wonder about soil conditions and how they would be affected when flooding many km of tunnels.

Boycott usa the world's bully

there already was a problem with sea water infiltration of gaza underground water. pumping sea water into the tunnels is likely to completely pollute all gaza underground water, making gaza uninhabitable for decades. this ensures palestinians cannot return to live, so is another action of ethnic cleansing by israel.


if this makes gaza uninhabitable for palestinians it makes it uninhabitable for anyone including israeli’s. where is the logic in that? to me it is pure and simple genocide. however it ain’t over yet.

John Wallace

israel desalinates water from the sea and pumps that around israel for thier water supply. they are supposed to supply gaza as well but often cut it off making the collection of rain water imperative in gaza.

Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest, Poo-tin

i’m pretty sure hamas has not considered this tactic on part of the israelis and if they do flood the tunnels, hamas would be completely fucked! and it would expediate their eventual surrender to the israeli government! in fact, so that their people can stop being brutally massacred they just need to do what’s going to happen anyways down the line and just surrender and beg for mercy!

Boycott usa the world's bully

the world hate level for usrael is going off the charts. everyone wants to get away from anything to do with them; violence, sanctions, genocide, racist, men allowed in womens toilets, lying about agreements, betrayal, blowing up allies’ pipelines. these 2 countries are the dark pits of the world.

James Connolly

can’t wait for the day when the ordinary people rise up against this political mafia and put them in trial for high treason for consorting with ukie and zionist terrorist murder gangs and misappropriation of us taxpayers money. should be enough to put them all away for a few hundred years


how much of all of this scripted from hamas tunnel locations or their extent at all. it is surprising that more palestinians aren’t savvy to the thorough crookedness of it all. the only goal from the beginning has been to level and resettle gaza and a massive sacrifice offered up to satan. in front of everyone, as their egos demand.

Palestine Is No More!

well i guess it worked huh! because its a complete bloodbath in palestine and since they are all muslims and don’t believe in jesus. or in fact do recognize him but not as the only way to heaven, but only as a prophet. all of the 16,250 dead and 7,000 missing and presumed dead are all in hell right now and especially the hamas militants, that died and started all of this bloodshed! in your own words just one big offering to satan, with more souls on the way!


čo mi to pripomína? už viem. spomínate si na hrdinov čo spáchali atentát na heydricha? tí sa ukrývali pred nacistami v kostole. nemeckí nacisti sa ich takto isto pokúsili dostať. chceli ich vytopiť v podzemí kostola.

Boycott usa the world's bully

for israel, flooding the tunnels with salty water, this has the added advantage of polluting the underground water, making it unusable for drinking and agriculture. so guaranteeing palestinians cannot return to gaza to live. another action of pre meditated deliberate ethnic cleansing by israel.


inverted maoism—the people are the ocean; we are the fish


allah is fucked in hes ass!!!


no. but you, your motherm, your wife, your sister and your daughter 4 sure. and maybee one nice day whole shlomo forces, when hisbollah and iran step in seriously.

John Wallace

all hostages drowned will be given a posthumous medal and added to the list of israelis that died while taking gaza off the palestinians. it will be called the bibi nutingaza medal which will be an israeli boot on the throat of a palestinian baby.


palestine is occupied by a vile, supremacist collection of welfare warfare thugs, however, the goyim tax cattle in merka are occupied by a tiny minority of chosenite demons, their hoes, presstitutes and willing helpers and yet not one in a hundred head of $lumville tax cattle understands that they are enslaved by the hollow co$t virus that feeds upon them and their children. who is truly to be pitied?

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