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Israeli Army Takes More Losses In Gaza (Videos)

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Israeli Army Takes More Losses In Gaza (Videos)

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The Hamas Movement and other Palestinian armed factions have inflicted more losses on the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) during clashes in different parts of the Gaza Strip.

On January 18, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, released video footage showing two recent attacks that targeted Israeli troops attempting to advance in the Gaza City’s Tuffah and Daraj neighborhoods in northern Gaza.

Another video shared by the group on the same day showed an attack with a rocket-propelled grenade on a building occupied by Israeli troops in the Jabalia refugee camp, which is also located in northern Gaza.

Meanwhile, the al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, released a video on January 19, showing recent attacks with short-range rockets on gatherings of the IDF to the east of the Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza.

The IDF reported the death of another soldier on January 19, a Staff Sergeant of the Givati Brigade’s reconnaissance unit, saying that he was severely wounded during clashes in northern Gaza earlier in the week. His death has brought the toll of Israeli troops killed since the start of ground operations in Gaza to 194.

It’s worth noting that more than 1,113 Israeli troops have also been wounded while taking part in ground operations in Gaza. Some of them are still in a life-threatening condition.

The IDF withdrew its forces from several areas in northern Gaza in recent weeks, but clashes are still taking place there. Israel’s main focus is currently on the central and southern parts of the Strip. However, it is yet to make any breakthroughs there.


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YAHYA pedomanic sinwar

i thought my guys in northern gaza were rotten dead rats already! why they survive under my tunnels remains a mystery. allahu akbar my brothers! if you die, you’ll meet your 69 virgins and 89 sexual intercourses with them!


but your kike guys in northern gaza are indeed dead rats already. you can’t cope with ragtag hamas using improvised rockets, ieds and rpgs and you want war with iran? or hezbollah? how many israelis are already dead yet they don’t know that? well, most of them. nevertheless, when kikes die, they end in a pedophile paradise, aka hell..shalom, dead man!

YAHYA pedomanic sinwar

my hamas rats will rape your wife and mother and behead your father in the name of allah!


you zino rats never learn…i just minus your ass…zino warrior…how do you like that.

Gaza Is In Flames!

let me guess south-front without even reading the article, israel lost one soldier and hamas and the palestinian people are being slaughtered in the tens of thousands, but somehow israel is the one facing horrendous losses? stop writing articles to appease these pro-putin idiots on here, and just report the truth! israel is winning the palestinian people are starving to death, the un announced gaza on the verge of imminent famine a couple of weeks ago!

Gaza Is In Flames!

how can you fight a war when your people are starving to death, have no electricity, no running water, no shelter, because their homes have been destroyed, no transportation, no heating, no nothing! the palestinians are forever finished, the israelis will do to them, what the white man did to the natives. kill the majority of them and take their land and keep a few of them alive to be their slaves!


another genocide, zino warrior. i just minus your ass…zino warrior…how do you like that.


more like zino in flames…i just minus your ass…zino warrior…how do you like that.


and another: i just minus your ass…zino warrior…how do you like that.

YAHYA pedomanic sinwar

dont you know i am the terrorist leader in gaza? i am yahya sinwar you stupid dog! we have free wifi in my 5-star underground hotel somewhere in gaza! i will cut your throat and place it in front of gaza civilians! i am supreme and invincible! allahu akbar!


haha! bring it on zino desktop jockey, that’s if you last 5 seconds fighting the palestinian resistance.

Allahists Are Nazis

are they kidding? these are mere stitches aimed to provoke a reaction they later can call a genocide. just continue “fighting” from behind human shields, dear heroes.

one day your own shields will kill you and then finally, you will get to fuck all the virgins and don’t have to fuck fat women anuses as well as donkeys/goats.

Allahists Are Nazis

to all the minus dickheads who don’t smash their hollow heads 5 times day to the ground. remember, for allahists, u r worth less than camel dung. or to in the words of their fairytale book, than a filthy dog.

YAHYA pedomanic sinwar

we hamas totally agree with you. the reason we hide under tunnels and over civilian structures is our anthem. to all keyboard warriors out there pls leave a comment down below for a chance to win an all expense trip to gaza


you too: i just minus your ass…zino warrior…how do you like that.


i just minus your ass…zino warrior…how do you like that.


these are the headlines that i love to see.

YAHYA pedomanic sinwar

immortality tunnel with rotten rats are our expertise.


zino iof rats in tanks getting roasted is my speciality.

WT Baker

these videos are very poor quality given the technology available.


is it your eyes or is it your brain that you can’t stand watching zino scum being toasted.

Lousy Likudnicks

from the river to the sea when uttered by the netanyahu pig is permissible, just not when others say it


from the river to the sea, palestine will cease to exist


i just neg your zino ass.

Donald Moore

loses, this is impossible. don’t anyone listen to the msm and israeli propaganda. israeli soldiers can’t be killed in action, they are immune from gunfire, explosions and fire so this can’t be true!


človeče oni to snáď vyrábajú na kolene, hm … tým niečo trafiť bude isto umenie. vzhľadom na podmienky v akých pracujú je to vôbec zázrak, že dokážu vzdorovať. svetu mier!!!

Allahists Are Nazis

salam a shalom bratu. kvalita použitia zbraní je taká istá ako toho videa. to je tak, keď ťa v škole naučia ako odpáliť rpg, ale máš nulové pochopenie, ako to funguje. keďže je ideologická príprava 100-krát dôležitejšia. jediné šťastie týchto pajácov je, že izraelci zaspali na vavrínoch a nenávidia negatívne pr (straty). hizballáh je ine kafe, to je fakt priekak, ak budú mobilizovať.


wow, the hasbara are really active today. that’s what happens when they are getting their ass handed to them…the bs brigade takes over. they have to, the idf murderers are dropping like flies and ole nutsack and his ilk have to lie their asses off to keep from getting lynched by their own. wait til this is over and israeli’s find out how many idf out and out murdered.


us national security spokesman john kirby says “there’s no evidence of deliberate israeli war crimes.” so the lying zionist loving rat admits that there is “genocide” being comitted by the zionist occupation scum against the palestinian people, just that its not “deliberate”. talk about saying the quiet part out load. death to all the iof, may you all burn in hell along with all those who support the genocidal zionist scum.

Last edited 1 year ago by Questiomore56
christodoulou Anastasis

israeli media reports recently signalled that the number of troops injured in gaza was much higher, with some suggesting 5,000 .if we take into account that for every 3 wounded there is one dead then we have at least 2000 dead israeli soldiers and about 2000 disabeld.


lets hope that your figures are an under estimation. the iof scum need to burn for their genocide and sins.


each day the whacked stacks of idf izzrahell diaper freaks climbs higher and higher, not to mention the thousands of legless, armless and eyeless khazar squatters getting schlepped out of gaza. that nitay, aka nut’nyahoo has survived the wrath of the whining mommies of the dead tick tocker baby killers is surprising. however, the long expected “rabin solution” to remove the blood soaked ghoul will not be long coming. the squatters are falling apart and the real war hasn’t even started.


these videos of destroyed khazar baby killers make my day. god bless the triple h freedom fighters of hamas, hezbollah and the fun loving houthi brothers showing all of humanity how to destroy the $atanic beast and even enjoying it!

YAHYA pedomanic sinwar

allah approves your comment! hamaz is proud of you. allahu akbar! may allah will grant you 69 virgins. yes


sixty nine


and free rotten hell for you

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