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Israeli Attack Helicopter Struck Vehicle In Syria’s Quneitra (Videos)

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On March 2, an attack helicopter of the Israeli Armed Forces struck a vehicle in the Syrian province of Quneitra. According to the Israeli side, the strike was carried out in response to a sniper attack on Israeli troops in the occupied Golan Heights.

Videos show the Israeli attack helicopter operating in the area:


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Zionism = EVIL

The Zionist [parasitic scum are supporting their terrorist headchoppers and Turkey slaves and should have been taken out by a manpad. Look at what the Ansarallah have done to the Saudi vermin’s Apache junk in Yemen.

good american

SAA should be sure use one of the captured jiihadi manpads. ‘I believe this belongs to you, baby.’


And soon after there won’t be many SAA guys around to try that again.

good american

But I’m right though.


Nahhhhhhhh…mostly suicidal…


You lost get over it idiot.


LOL…Do check who’s flying them there and here. Think on that while you’re pumping your chest in he-man bravado, junior.


Bravado that’s what you silly child molesting Israeli trolls like you do, anyways pathetic Israeli’s and their pinprick militarily irrelevant strikes, you lost in Syria get over it little man.

Lone Ranger

Mossadisis bait… Was probably their own isisrat agent…


I thought you were smarter. Guess I was wrong.

Lone Ranger

Ouch that hurt… Its a common tactic both on large and small scale. Reichstag incident… Gleivitz incident… Gulf of Tonkin incident… USS Liberty incident… 9/11…. Better luck next time ;)


That silly answer makes it worse, not better. I’m sooooooooooo disappointed.

Lone Ranger

Truth hurts, try to handle it ;)


Partial, unrelated truth is no more that a diversion when you know you are losing an argument. I’m still sooooooooooo disappointed.

Lone Ranger

According to you… Unfortunatelly(for you) your magic wand has no effect on me. Im a bit dissapointed too, I thought you would have more class, but you cant handle defeat too well ;) Better luck next time…


Defeat? If you missed it, I’m on the side of the guys in that helicopter. You are with the guys in that vehicle who are no longer with us. Try to keep up.


Sent to hell, well done.


LR, they tried to attack the soldiers ON ELECTIONS DAY. Are they stupid? ofcourse we will respond. They made a mistake, dumb move. And You know I hate bibi, but this incident is not about him man.


It’s not the time for a large atatck on elections day, it can hurt the results. Wait few days, hopefully Gantz wins today!!




6+7 zones are called the Negev area, the rest seems fine to me :) anyway Bibi won the elections, Israelis were stupid enough to buy again Bibi’s lies. Let the rockets fall down, I’m done protecting them. Maybe Sanders can save us.


Nah, it’s just pure stupidity. I was ready to sacrifice my life for the Israelis that suffer from rockets, but they gave Bibi more than 50% of the votes in their cities. If they love rockets so much, they can protect hemselves. I won’t be there.


LR, we won’t fight and die for Bibi anymore – it’s over. His supporters can join the army and go fight themselves, I don’t care about them anymore.


Good, the more the better.


I do, I won’t die for traitors.

good american

What is the difference between Bibi and whoever else is the other?


Gantz is more likely to wipe out your friends faster.

good american

So he’s crazier than bibi?


No, more forceful and component militarily. Generally, being able to win militarily in an overwhelming way is not considered crazy.

Luke Hemmming

Oh good that means gayantz will bring about the annihilation of Israel sooner rather than later then. If you live in Jordan then you wont need a bedside light to read because the bright green glow emanating from dimona will be sufficient. The human body can only survive up to 8 days without liquids too. We do live in in interesting times indeed. Time to get the popcorn out folks. Hold onto your ears folks…its showtime.

good american

Ok, thanks.


Israel does as it likes, when it likes, where it likes…and there is nothing you and yours seem to be able to do about it. But whenever your friends try it of late, they die. Try to keep up.


I don’t take kindly to those who say they hate my country and make believe they are Canadians, Igor.


I guess it’s all lost now LR, Bibi won the elections yesterday. Israel is going to become worse in the next 4 years, I lost any hope for a change here. Gantz would have done the operations vs Hamas and Hezbollah, but now it’s not realistic.


Do it man, but there won’t be any war now when that chickenshit won again. I’ve lost hope to end the terrorism.

Peter Jennings

Whatever the cause, one thing is very plain. Syria needs more surface to air missiles.


Yep, Israel needs more targets. Great idea.

Peter Jennings

That’s the answer to pesky regime helicopters, isn’t it Jake. The Syrian army are going to need them anyway when they liberate the Golan Heights.


They can try, lol.

Peter Jennings

It’s Syrian land, so having it restored to its rightful owners is a no brainer. After the outright aggression by the regime, Damascus isn’t going to allow it to use the area as a missile launch corridor for its aircraft. With a victory over Turkish forces, foreign trained mercenary & terrorist forces pending, i’m guessing that the Golan will be repatriated sooner rather than later, whilst Syria have nothing much to lose and Netty’s mind is on the Jordan Valley and staying out of gaol.


LOL…mostly what they will need if they are again as stupid and suicidal as you, is lots more body bags. Try to get the simplest things correct.


My mind carries back to the 2006 Israeli military disaster and in particular to the circumstance of the 12 brave Israeli ‘fighters’ who all cowered in a single bathroom (some pissing themselves) rather than rallying themselves to fight their way out … I wouldn’t be surprised to see that ‘Israeli bravery’ when the Golan will eventually be attacked.


Well go join them brave soul and also collect your Darwin Award and body bag.

Peter Jennings

I got you correct, you’re simple.


Last attempt to affect the ongoing elections? I really hope these stunts bears the fruit and results in Nuttyyahoo winning it. This time.

Well, it’s a strange feeling, the same way I hope that Trump wins in 2020 despite I know that anybody else will be better for the US and the world, I’m sure nobody is worse than him for the US empire. Netanyahoo too is like that. While he and his opponents are all acting like rabid dogs, he proved that he will destroy the Zionist regime from within.

Go Bibi!!


You need to put some mustard on your pretzeled thought process.


Zioterrorists in action supporting Turks, ISIS and al-Qaeda from south Syria, the Ziowahhabi league trying to invade and destroy Syria since 2011. Putin will still negotiate bit of Syria’s sovereignty with them both though, as if it were a “free market” of stocks in London or New York. Hezbollah should support the SAA in antiterrorism in south Syria.


LOL…if Israel wanted Assad and Company out, they would have been dead long ago. And Hezbollah tried that in Southern Syria they had to put in an order for an increased supply of bony bags. So they wisely stay away. But if you brave soul would like to put yourself where your mouth is, your Darwin Award awaits.


The Zioterrorists can’t eliminate the Syrian government without igniting war, simple as that. As for their made in USA military power and funding, a few effective AA weapons will send them running, but that’s beside the point here. Zioterrorists supporting Ziowahhabis is what’s going on.


LOL…yep. And they beat Syria in all the wars they have fought. So I don’t think that is what’s holding them back. You truly are clueless.


Operation Nickel Grass, you ingorant rat, the US military fighting in IDF uniforms under Kissinger’s orders.


Again, Israel beat Syria in their three wars. And it’s nice to have powerful friends. Just like Syria and Egypt did. But they lost multiple times anyway. Try to keep up.


Egypt and Syria never had Soviets or anyone fighting for them, moron. The Rothschild neocolony on the other hand, got everything from land, to mercenary invaders, to tanks and nukes from the US or European countries.


You could have fooled them about that. And so what where they got some of their weapons and help from. They got it and you are the losers because of that. Don’t like it? Tough.

Luke Hemmming

That’s history now. Try to keep up.


Repetitive history does repeat. Try to get the simplest things correct.

Mack Dane

The deep love and respect that Russians have for Israel results from many things, including the fact that some 2 million ex-Soviet (mainly Russian) citizens migrated to Israel in recent decades.


No, it’s not. t’s got much more to do with relations at the upper echelons of power in those countries, Russians in general don’t “love” other countries, not even Ukraine, which is Russia.


Well, could also be that Russians like winners and don’t much like Muslims.


Russian people hated their Jews and wanted to get rid of them.

Or course they are happy that the people they hated have been removed.


Some yes, some nice. But there many are for you also to hate but to no avail. They sure aren’t leaving their own country to make a looney toon like you happy.


Their country is where they used to chop chicken livers for lunch, Poland!

fayez chergui

whole f***g jews of the world are from Russia.


Nahhhhhhhh…but a lot are. So?


Once again, Israel bumps off whomever they want in Syria with impunity. And here will come the cies and weeps of the goin lovers on this site, It’s not fair! It’s not fair! If those cowards would just fight fair and square, one on one without their weapons, our brave guys would beat them. And anyway, Putz Putin our superpower ally will surely help us. Look, Russia is already sending us more body bags.

Lone Ranger

Thats a lot of crying from you…;)


Well, crying as in cheering. That is one of the meanings of the word.

Lone Ranger

Very Zen this morning ;)


Why is UMMMMMMMMMMM spam, cricket?

good american

I give you an up-vote because you are funny.


Well, thanks. And here’s one for you…for a change.

good american

Why, thank you kindly.

Peter Jennings

So that means Jake has only one friend, the iron, and for the woeful content, two votes is likely his max.


If you missed it, I’ve noted a thousand times that I’m here to know my enemies better not get praise. And for entertainment that folk that you provide so freely.

Lena Jones

Go strike at Lebanon first you stupid coward lol! Jews only ever kick people who are already down, or unarmed children and women. THIS IS WELL DOCUMENTED! Fucking born coward AND born moron lol!


If your friends in Lebanon attack Israel, Israel will do the same to them. And if you are so brave, stop ranting from your bug infested coach and go get your suicide vest fitting. But remember to practice a lot.

Lena Jones

Oh shut it down coward cunt lol! You know damn well I’m right! Tis why I recommend two nappies for you: one on your filthy jew ass and one on your shitty head. This will definitely sort you out well and good. Like I said: brag the fuck away all you like BUT AFTER YOU ATTACK HEZBOLLAH. LOL coward double cunt!


You do note how often your brave Hezbollah have been attacking Israel from Lebanon? Seems they aren’t as stupid and suicidal as you. And for quite a long time, Israel has been blowing away your Hezbollah goons in Syria along with their puppet masters, the Islamist Iranians, at will and with impunity. Don’t like it? Get your suicide vest and go collect your Darwin Award. But don’t forget to practice.

Lena Jones

I’ve got one word for you: Avivim. LOL! Avivim! Avivim! AVIVIIIIM!!!! LOL!


Yep, laugh yourself into your gave.

Lena Jones

Avivim in your motherfucking face you freaking coward lol!


Yep, past time for your meds, kid.

Lena Jones

Past time for your oven little jew terrorist.


And the Hezbollah body bags just keep flowing back from Syria. Go join them. Plenty of body bags available made in Russia.

Lena Jones

Remember Avivim? LOL! More of that coming your way you freaking klepto jew terrorists lol!


If you were to do that my way here in California, I don’t think there would be too many of you and yours around to cheer for long. Heck, if you were to try that again in Israel, you also wouldn’t be long for this world.

Lena Jones

Coward threatening from behind his sperm-splattered keyboard lol! Typical jew cowardice lol! I’m from California motherfucker and I bitchslap jews all the time and everyone I know agrees cuz what I say about the kelpto terrorist jews is the fucking TRUTH! And it’s called PALESTINE btw, NOT pisrael! Terrorist jew fake state is about to be wiped out like the filthy snot it is. Ya think you can steal a WHOLE country in the heart of the Arab world and get away with it? LOL dream on as I count your remaining days with utter glee and pleasure. Woohooo soon there will be no more fake jews in the middle east! Fucking khazars have been pagan losers throughout history! Avivim Avivim avavooom-boomboooooooom on your cunt terrorist temporary existence!


Time for your meds, Adolf.

Lena Jones

Time to cure your kleptomania with a little hand chop-chop lol.


Jake, Seems like you yourself have already got a sv and have been practicing 321 and release. Time has come to trip the lights fantastic with a Big Bang


Whatever that is supposed to mean…


Shut up you bitch.

Lena Jones

Go eat some cunt, cunt! LOL!


Oh yes. You have the demented laugh of the looney toon loser.

Lena Jones

Nobody is more “demented” than the evil, hateful jews who’ve been trying to annihilate Gentile humanity for 3500 years. And you wonder why Jesus called you the “synagogue of satan”? LOL! Go eat my shit if cunt is not stinky enough for you, moron!


Nahhhhhhhh…that was your hero Hitler’s favorite meal. So I’m sure you are quite familiar with it.

Lena Jones

Oh just plug your friggin talking asshole with a chainsaw already! The whole world knows that jews are worse than nazis. This is a well-documented FACT! Now put your filthy, anti-humanity terrorist talmud where the sun don’t shine and never will. Motherfucking antigentile cunt!


Get off your bug infested coach already and get your suicide vest to put your life where your mouth is, kid. But practice a lot.

Lena Jones

get off your ass and fight hezbollah you stupid talmudic terrorist lol!

Peter Jennings

That’s the whole problem Jake. The isreali regime ‘bumps off’ whoever it chooses, whenever it chooses and for whatever reason. That includes american troops, whether in military bases or nay, or the USS Liberty who was doing its job. Not forgetting the goyim targets as with Sept 11th. That was so big a score for the isreali regime, that the operatives even bragged about it all on regime TV. You’re doing the right thing by gloating whilst you can because once the american people get up to speed, the truth is going to make them very angry.


LOL…you are yet another tinfoil hat looney toon. Figures.

Xoli Xoli

Putin are so scared of Trump,Satanyahu and Erdogan. Russian military does not have a problem. Putin shouldn’t even talk to Erdogan for his delegations disregarding of Russian generals and intelligence and Presidential advisors.Putins inaction and interference in Russian military operation in Syria causes lots of Syrian forces life.


Way way better than costing Russian lives to him, I’ll bet. And this is the wonderful guy all the Islamist Iranian and Socialist Venezuelan shills around here say will save them from the US if push comes to shove?

Xoli Xoli

Jake what to you know about Russian life you are not even a docter.Just a fake news Israeli messenger. Jake my best friend fuck you.


Not much, just that Russian men like to kill themselves off real young with too much Vodka binging since they live their lives so much there. And I’m neither a doctor nor Israeli of any kind.

Xoli Xoli

Israel fake news.Jake new people on the forum give supportive links not sucking lies out of thumb or being outdate like you and me.Who only knows keyboard and hide behind it to please Bill Gates.


Nahhhhhhhh…I liked Steve Jobs way more and in his memory use an iPhone. And I often give sources and links as I have in this very thread.


Let me guess. To kill their enemies?

Albert Pike

To help their buddy Dönmeh Erdogan, Israel attacks the south. Zionist teamwork…


LOL…you have a better idea?

Daily Beatings

The better idea is for you to disappear.


You do have a very limited strategic imagination.

Hasbara Hunter

Your strategy completely sucks…how does it feel to be a loser?


Don’t know since I’m not one. But you and yours could really tell us from your long experience as losers.

Daily Beatings



That’s a great image of you. Thanks.

Hasbara Hunter

The Dönmeh are a bunch of filthy Cockroaches…


Dönmeh Elites Rule the Middle East…1492 Isabella of Spain Expelled Them Jews…ps History tells us that America was “discovered” by the Knights Templar & Jews at exactly the same time…what a bloody coincidence…


So what?



Xoli Xoli

The only country in the world with supreme terrorism right self defense,cross border incursion, human rights violations,children and women killing.Supporter by humanity haters France,Britain,Germany and USA.

good american

The US does that too.


Way way better than your friends being able to do it.


Said like one who knows he’s on the losing side with no hope. If you were an American, I’d suggest it might be time to suck on your 2nd Amendment Rights.

Xoli Xoli

Americas cunt I am not going to that sodomites country.Not even for a dollar.


So? Who invited you?


That Middle East is the home of the people of the Middle East and not of the Ashkenazi from Ukraine, Germany,Poland. How does the Ashkenazi who is completely European feel that he has any connection to that Middle East?


LOL…because they want to be there. And there isn’t a thing fools like you can do about it. Besides that, you know you lie as usual since all the DNA sites you have cited say what differentiates Ashkenazi Jews from their non-Jewish neighbors is a significantly higher percentage of Mideastern DNA markers. On average, it’s about half. And as you also know, Israel as a legally recognized sovereign state gets to say who can and can’t live there and be citizens, not you. Don’t like it? Tough.


Is that Middle Eastern market from UR or from Palestine?


Depends how detailed the studies get. Some deal with the Mideast region which could include Mesopotamia. Others narrow it down to the Levant. Others show an area centered on where Israel is today. And what’s the difference? But maybe you’re now saying that the original Hebrews didn’t come from the area you call Palestine so they didn’t have a right to be there either. You are nuts enough to make that sophomoric argument.


Ben Shapiro = 100% Ashkenazi = 100 European. That means he is ZERO% Middle Eastern, right?



No. According to your own sources, he likely has significant Mideast markers. You really are clueless, stupid, can’t read or just a demented liar.


100% European not = 0% Middle Eastern?


On average about 50% Mideastern according to the average of all the recent DNA studies.


Where exactly in the Middle East do the Khazars believe they originate from?

This list is from 23andMe. “Ashkenazi” is grouped with the European DNA and not part of the Middle East, right? Right! What is name of the Middle Eastern region the Ashkenazi-Khazars claim to originate from?

Middle Eastern Algeria – Armenia – Azerbaijan – Bahrain – Cyprus – Egypt – Georgia – Iran – Iraq – Jordan – Kuwait – Lebanon – Libya – Morocco – Saudi Arabia – Syria – Tunisia – Turkey – UAE – Uzbekistan – Yemen

European Ashkenazi – Austria – Balkan – Belarus – Belgium – Czech Republic – Denmark – Estonia – Finland – France Germany – Hungary – Iberian – Iceland – Ireland – Italian – Latvia – Lithuania – Luxembourg – Netherlands Norway – Poland – Russia -Sardinian – Slovakia – Slovenia – Sweden – Switzerland – Ukraine – United Kingdom



There are very very few Ashkenazi Jews with any significant Khazah DNA markers, whatever that might be. Go ask them. In the meantime, most all the recent scientific studies say on average that a typical Ashkenazi Jew has about half Mideast genetic markers and near no significant Khazah markers.


If it is half, then the Ashkenazi has a right of return to Europe, huh?


To some European countries that is so. The same with the Sephardic Jew. But so what? If they want to go to Israel it is up to them and Israel, not you. And you have no say in the matter. Don’t like it? Tough!



Look at these 50/50 Israelite European hybrids

Peter Jennings

One would have thought that if they had spent eons in Palestine, they should be as dark as ingenuous tribes who have. These two only look half-baked.


So? As the studies show they are half baked with at least some half Mideastern markers on average. Your lying friend, Helen the make believe Yemeni says the Diaspora Jews in Europe have NO Mideast markers. She lies. But it matters not since it is up to Israel who is and who is not a Jew and who can and who can’t be a citizen. You and she have no say. And can’t do a thing about it. Don’t like it? Tough.




That’s not what all the DNA sites you cite say nor most all the recent scientific DNA studies. Try to keep up.


Do…you…have…the…DNA…result…of…any…Ashkenazi…who has…even…a…tiny…trace…of…Middle…Eastern…origin…to show…me? Yes…or…no?


I’ve posted that many times and reposted on this thread. And still you lie.



Hey look! Israelite! Haha!


Maybe Jewish and maybe Isrseli or eligiable to be Israeli but not Israelite. No such thing nowadays. Try to keep up.


Israel+i Yemen+i Iraq+i Kuwait+i Somal+i Pakistan+i

Did the European Jew do a copy paste and trying to pretend he was Middle Eastern by naming himself to look Middle Eastern?


No. Next silly question.


Get this: Genetic scientists performed tests to see if Arab Jews also suffer from the same genetic diseases that the Ashkenazis suffer from. The test results? They don’t. And the reason is very simple: there is no genetic connection between the European Jews and the Arab Jews, none! 40+ Ashkenazi genetic disease that the Arab Jews do not have does prove beyond any doubt that Ashkenazi European Jews have no genetic connection to the Jews of the M/E. NONE!

“The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency of blmAsh mutation carriers in a randomly sampled Ashkenazi Jewish population in Israel. The initial study group included 1,613 Ashkenazi Jews who were referred for routine DNA screening tests (cystic fibrosis, Gaucher, Canavan, fragile X). None had a family history of BS. A group of 552 non-Ashkenazi Jews served as controls. Mutation analysis was performed by PCR amplification. All positive carriers were confirmed by direct sequencing. Sixteen blmAsh carriers were detected among 1,613 Ashkenazi Jews (1 in 101), compared to none among 552 non-Ashkenazi individuals.”

(source: ADGenetic Institute, Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Israel)


LOL…now try to focus your non-Ashkenazi brain. The Diaspora Jews who became the Ashkenazi Jews in Europe where there for a long time and during the long period they where away, developed genetic characteristics including some ailments and maybe higher IQ. But on average they have a much closer genetic relationship to the Mideast Jews than their non-Jewish European neighbors have. Come on. You’re not so dumb you can’t understand that.


Russian Minister of Finance Witte was telling Herzl that he wanted the Russian Jews gone!

Theodor Herzl Complete Diaries – Vol 4 – pages 1528-30 August 8th, 1903

But it must be admitted that the Jews do provide reason enough for hostility. There is a characteristic arrogance about them. Yet most of them are poor, and because they are poor they are dirty and make an offensive impression. They also engage in all sorts of nasty pursuits, like pimping and usury. So that the friends of the Jews find it hard to come to their defense.

I used to say to the late Emperor Alexander III: ‘Your Majesty, if it is possible to drown the 6 or 7 million Jews in the Black Sea, I have absolutely no objection to it.But the Jews are being given encouragement to emigrate. Kicks, for example.


And there is Israel, the Jewish National Homeland, as the dominant power in the area. And that guy and his Czarist Empire are gone and buried. I await the next stupid post from you.



RETURNING? To where? To Poland or to Palestine? A European people who look out of place and alien in our region are totally shameless when they claim to “return” to our region.


How do we know what you look like? You haven’t posted a picture of yourself with verification it is you. You do know if you are actually Yemeni, in most places you would be seen as Black and likely treated as such. Your stupid racism cuts both ways, junior.




LMFAO…Is that what you really look like? I asked for your image and this is what you post? Thanks for proving what a looney toon you are. As an aside, the site you got that image from says that the Ashkenazi Jews have their origins in the Levant.


95% of the Jews of the world are the Ashkenazi completely a European people with no genetic ties to the Middle East. How dare these non-Middle Eastern Europeans claim land in the Middle East? No grandma or Grandpa of theirs had ever lived in the Middle East.


LOL…where’s your Yemeni you picture? Anyway, you are wrong as usual. Let me help you out a bit. About 70% to 75% of Jews are Ashkenazi. In the US, it is somewhat over 90%. In Israel it is under 50% of the Jews there. About 75% of the Jews of Israel were born there so are native to Israel and the Mideast. The Ashkenazi are a Jewish Diaspora People who lived in Europe a very long time. But they are still easily differentiated genetically from non-Jewish Europeans by having significantly higher Mideastern DNA markers. On average, about 50%. The UNGS, the UNSC, International Law and legal recognition by most all the countries in the world give them the legal “deed” to their Jewish National Homeland of Israel. And if you don’t like it, have a chat with their couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles that back up their legal “deed.” Again, where is your verified picture?


You suffer from an incurable delusion!

If you look at the link from PBS below that shows the DNA results of Alan Dershowitz:

a) Central Europe is highlighted in green to show where his 98.5% Ashkenazi Jewish DNA is from.

b) Africa is highlighted because they traced 0.1% African ancestry.

c) East Asia is highlighted because they found 0.1% East Asian ancestry.

d) The Middle East is left completely blank because they find nothing, absolutely nothing, not even 0.1% genetic link to the Middle East.

Explain the total absence of Middle Eastern DNA in Dershowitz.



As you know since the site that comes from and all the other sites you cite tell you, Ashkenazi Jews are a Jewish Diaspora people from the area where Israel is today with still with very significant Mideast DNA markers. On average that has been found to be about half. And by now you know that but you can’t stop lying. Anyway, it makes no difference since Israel gets to say who is and who is not a Jew, not you. Don’t like it? Tough.


When the time comes it’s going to be such fun watching you attempt convert.


LOL…in the great bye and bye…bye bye…


Jake, no matter how much you rave, and rant, and moan, and groan the fact remains that you lot are simply a pack of predatory parasites. who are so greedy that in time you kill the host who feeds you. The horror that’s keeping you up at night is the certain knowledge that the world is on to your scam, and there’s no place left for you to hide. TIC, TOC, TIC, TOC, TIC, TOC, tic, toc, t……..


So says you. But you can do nothing to make your delusional wet dream come true, loser.

Hasbara Hunter

Time is on our side little maggot….people know….


To stay put and if the Palestinians keep at their violence games maybe round out Israel’s borders from the River to the Sea. And provide boats for Gaza, etc. Oh, and keep their nukes polished. Hope that helps.

Hasbara Hunter

You Khazarian Organharvesting Kidkilling pieces of pigshit will be Kicked out of the Middle East….everyone hates you ZioNazi Vermin by now…Tell me ZioNazi boy what’s the next plan?


To stay put and wipe out any stupid and suicidal enough to try to change that fact. Good enough for you, kid?

Hasbara Hunter

My bet is that you Parasites will jump to yet another host to suck bone dry…Who will be stupid enough to let you Evil Bloodsucking Paedophiles in this time


LOL…you better not bet too much on that, junior. And when you getting off your bug infested coach to put your life on the line to make your delusional wet dreams come true? Don’t think so, kid.


He’s right, Jake; you’ll just find another one to suck.


Nahhhhhhh…but if you were an American, a congenital loser like you would be soon sucking your 2nd Amendment Rights.

Toni Liu

Yeah thats fake semite, who steal real semite land, no wonder lies is most famous export commodity from israel


Semitic is a linguistic grouping. Not a genetic one, anyway. The language of Israel is Hebrew, a Semitic language. So Israelis are a Semitic People. To play along with your silliness.



Italians have Middle Eastern DNA, the Ashkenazi got NONE!


Go argue with Ancestry. They say you are wrong. The same with the other DNA sites and most all recent scientific DNA studies as I’ve posted links to before and even in this thread. Guess you can’t read English.


You mean the European man on the left has Middle Eastern DNA? Why? How is he different from the Germans?



You truly are clueless. If his DNA is classified as most all Ashkenazi Jewish, he likely has significant Mideastern markers as all your DNA site sources say. But beyond that, in Germany, you will hardly find one non-Jewish German at least if the older generation who would not identify him as Jewish. I have worked in Germany. I have a German last name, blue eyes and had light brown hair. The Germans most always immediately identified me as Jewish, sometimes in a good way and some times in very bad ways. And I sure was not wearing any Jewish items. My DNA tests came back 99% Ashkenazi and 94% Diaspora Jewish. You are clueless and at best silly. But obviously don’t know what you are talking about.



Why is the Ashkenazi DNA always grouped with and added to the total of European DNA?


You are redundant. Asked and answered twice above.


But when they do the DNA of black Americans, their DNA traces to West Africa as would be expected and not to North America. You feel totally worthless if you believe that there is not one tiny droplet of Middle Eastern blood in you, it is 100% Khazarian.


That’s not what your listed say. That’s not what most all the recent ZDNA studies say. That’s not what my personal DNA test says. You just like to lie.



Why do you think “Ashkenazi” DNA is always grouped with and added to total European DNA?


I answered that else were. Because the Ashkenazi were a Diaspora Jewish population from the Levant who lived in those areas of Europe for a long time. As I said before, I was found by Ancestry to be 99% Ashkenazi for the period Ancestry looks back to. National Geographic looks back much further and found I was 94% Diaspora Jewish from the area of the Levant centered on the area of Israel today. They also found I had a bit of Southern Italy and North Africa from that time. Neither Ancestry nor NG found any significant Khazah origins.


Gideon Levy – Haaretz reporter after he did his DNA test with 23andMe and his results were 100% Ashkenazi:

“There’s not a trace of the Land of Israel in my ancestors’ journeys in the past 275,000 years. They never saw it, not even through binoculars. It’s the definite end of my Zionism. My deep connection with the Land of Israel faded in an instant and became nonexistent. My parents and my grandparents had no previous connection with Palestine/Land of Israel.”


Even a writer for an Israeli newspaper can be as ignorant as you. And as dumb as you. How the hell does he know what his ancestors over the past 275,000 years saw or didn’t see. Oh, to show how ignorant he is, even the ancestors of non-Jewish Europeans past through the Levant from Africa over the past 275,000 years.

“The first Europeans came from Africa via the Middle East and settled there about 43,000 years ago.”


The Ashkenazi Jew spoke Yiddish and not Hebrew. He took night classes to study Hebrew. Theodor Herzl wrote in his diaries that there were no Jews who knew enough Hebrew to even ask for a railway ticket.


So what? The Palestinians speak Arabic which is not the indigenous language of the area of Israel/Palestine but of the Arabian Peninsula. At least the Israelis speak a modern version of the area’s indigenous language. And at least the Ashkenazi’s Yiddish was written in Hebrew. And the Palestinians don’t even write their language which is foreign to the area in the script of an indigenous language of the area. The Palestinians use and respect the culture of interlopers more than that indigenous to the area. On that alone the Diaspora Jews have a greater affinity and respect for the land there than the Arab speaking Palestinians.

In Exile

Old chum do you get paid per post or you work for free living off Holocaust reparations?


Neither, Adolf. You always get these things wrong.

In Exile

Your lot never engage in honest work so what is it old chum. Pawnbroker, Merchant Banker, Lawyer, Cohnman, what?


Jordan at the United Nations – 1956

The present instability and explosive tension in the Middle East are the outcome of the creation of Israel by the United Nations. This Organization must admit that the establishment of an alien, artificial State on the Arab soil of Palestine, in the way in which that State was established, was the greatest error ever committed by the United Nations.

What is today known as the State of Israel is the Arab territory of Palestine which was usurped in its entirety from its rightful Arab owners by the crowds of Jews flocking in from every part of the globe. It was contrary to the principles of justice and right for such a State to have been recognized by the majority of Member States represented in this Assembly and to have been given a seat in this world forum.


it was in fact lloyd george that promised theodore herzel that the jews could return to palestine, later confirmed in writing and after that just more misery for the ME people. it’s the worst geopolitical experiment you can imagine and fact is that the british had no right whatsoever to promise palestine to the jews, who during the last 100 years have lied, stolen and murdered the palestinians galore and not one country has dared to say enough is enough since the jewish lobby immediately enters into boundless smear campaigns against anyone who dares to question the illegal settlement on palestinian land.

and that is why the world needs to unite and send them jews kicking and screaming into their next diaspora and fast.


For me the idea of the European Jew returning to Palestine is as

ridiculous as the notion of the Irish returning to Japan. – The

Ashkenazi was never present in Palestine – ever. A European people

we did not know and we never met returning to our region is completely

a fiction. The Ashkenazi is in the diaspora not from Palestine but from



All the ancestry DNA sites you repeatedly cite disagree with you. So since by now you know that, you just can’t stop lying.


Do…you…have…the…DNA…result…of…any…Ashkenazi…who has…even…a…tiny…trace…of…Middle…Eastern…origin…to show…me? Yes…or…no?


I have given you that many times before. Do you have dementia? But here’s one of them again from Ancestry Dot Com, a site you have mis-used and misquoted many times:

European Jewish History:

The European Jewish region is not geographically defined in the same way as most other ethnic regions. The historic dispersal of the Jewish population from its origin in the Levant on the east coast of the Mediterranean resulted in insular communities scattered throughout Europe, North Africa, Central Asia and the Middle East.


So stop your bigoted lying already!


I — asked — you — for — an — actual— DNA — result —like — this — one.

Alan Dershowitz DNA Ashkenazi……………….. 98.5% Southern European…… 0.4% Balkan……………………… 0.1% Broadly European ……. 9.2% East Asian………………… 0.1% Total European ………. 99.9% Middle East …………….. 0.0% https://ethnicelebs.com/alan-dershowitz


I don’t jump through meaningless hoops for you. I have given you the scientific results of a whole population. Ashkenazi INCLUDES Mideastern. Stop lying. But here’s the one I just gave to another poster:

“In August 2012, Dr. Harry Ostrer in his book Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People, summarized his and other work in genetics of the last 20 years, and concluded that all major Jewish groups share a common Middle Eastern origin.[9] Ostrer also refuted the Khazar theory of Ashkenazi ancestry.[10] Citing autosomal DNA studies, Nicholas Wade estimates that ‘Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jews have roughly 30 percent European ancestry, with most of the rest from the Middle East.’”



They have yet to find an Ashkenazi who has any tiny trace of Middle Eastern DNA.

Name…………………….. Ashkenazi ….. Middle Eastern Adrienn Brody……………. 75.0 % ………. 0% Alan Dershowitz…………. 98.5 % ………. 0% Bernie Sanders………….. 97.7 % ………. 0% Bill Maher………………….. 49.6 % ………. 0% Larry David………………… 97.8 % ………. 0% Neil Gaiman………………. 99.6 % ………. 0% Tony Kushner…………….. 97.5 % ………. 0% Ben Shapiro………………. 100 % ……….. 0% Gideon Levy………………. 100 % ……….. 0% David Pakman……………. 100 % ……….. 0% Rabbi Ruttenberg……….. 96.6 % ………. 0% Maya Rudolph……………. 49.9 % ………. 0%



The site you got thise from disagrees with you. Must all the recent scientific genetic studies disagrees with you. And you damn well know this. So stop your outright lying. I posted more than enough links above to prove you lie.


Abraham, Isaac, Jacob from Levant and not from UR Mesopotamia?


So what?



Why is the Ashkenazi DNA always grouped with and added to total of European DNA?


Because for the time period they are looking at, the Diaspora Jews who became known as the Ashkenazi in those parts of Europe had lived there for a long time. That says nothing about their deep genetic origins which was the Levant.


How did DNA know that Bill Maher’s mother was Ashkenazi and his father Irish?


They compared her DNA to that of people previously identified as Ashkenazi and Irish. How the he’ll do you think they did it?

good american

Can you quote them?


Here’s a start from -Genetic studies on Jews:

“In August 2012, Dr. Harry Ostrer in his book Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People, summarized his and other work in genetics of the last 20 years, and concluded that all major Jewish groups share a common Middle Eastern origin.[9] Ostrer also refuted the Khazar theory of Ashkenazi ancestry.[10] Citing autosomal DNA studies, Nicholas Wade estimates that ‘Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jews have roughly 30 percent European ancestry, with most of the rest from the Middle East.’”



This is from ancestry dot com and now the Ashkenazi can be identified by their origin. I only see EUROPEAN countries listed, right?

European Jewish

Lithuania, Latvia & Belarus Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine & Western Russia Northeast Poland, Lithuania, Latvia & West Belarus Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg Poland, Slovakia, Hungary & Moravia Western Ukraine, Moldova & Eastern Romania



That is were the Diaspora Jews lived for the time Ancestry was testing for. It does not deal with the origins from before that time which as their statement says goes back to the Levant centered on the area where Israel is today. The other DNA test sites say the same. I gave the example of National Geographic.


https://worldpeace365.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/3×3-african-arab-european-jew.png?w=660 Diaspora Jews?


Looks that way to me.


and that is why they will have to be kicked all the way to kingdom come and palestine returned to the rightful owners – the palestinians.


The only recognized Indigenous People in that area are the Samaritans. So the Palestinian Arabs should get the hell out and go back to the Arabian Peninsula or wherever else they came from!


If you missed it, the world has already spoken by way of the UNGA, the UNSC and International Law which enabled Israel as the Jewish National Homeland. And ever since, most all the countries of the world have recognized Israel as a sovereign state. And there is not a damn thing you and yours can do about it since Israel backs its legal “deed” with some couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles. Get used to it or get your Darwin Award trying to change it.


Did they not have nuclear weapons in 1973 when Egypt invaded and without the help of the United States the Jews were finished? According to Forbes 2018, Turkey has the most powerful military in the region followed buy Egypt and in 3rd place is the foreign European implant despite the infusion of US$ and you ask weapons.


If you missed it, Egypt at the time was a client state of the Soviet Union. Where the hell did you think they got all there weapons from? The reason Israel didn’t use nukes in that war was that the US accelerated its weapons shipments in time to counter the Soviets support so Israel wouldn’t have to use a few nukes. Israel then went on to decimate the Soviet equipped to stop. Egyptians but still before annihilating in Egypt proper when the Soviets threatened to use nukes and the US told them to stop.


If the foreign Jewish implant were to commit genocide, do you expect to find Jews still alive in Iran, Germany, Canada, France, US?


No problem if Israel was attacked in an existential way first and used their nukes to prevent another Holocaust. Which is the only time they would use a large scale nuclear retaliation. Just as any of the other nuclear powers would. Well, it might not be good for the few Jews left in Islamist Iran. However, my bet is Israel would find a way to get most of them out first. Now, if Islamist Iran tried to make a nuke, Israel would attack them but only as a last resort use tactical nukes to destroy the nuke facilities deep under ground. This in no way would cause mass civilian casualties.


If the foreign European implant in Palestine were to commit genocide, do you expect to find Jews alive in America, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, South Africa?


I answered that elsewhere. No problem given the circumstances. No different than any other nuclear power in an all out war for survival. Oh, you think it would be OK as long as the near majority of the Jewish Israeli population that has Middle and Near Eastern ancestry pushed the button? Got it.


And after losing a few wars with Israel, Jordan wised, made peace and recognized Israel, Ashkenazi Jews and all.


Jordan anti Jew feelings according Pew Research:

2005: 100% 2010: 98%


So what? Whenever they have expressed that hate they die in large numbers and lose the war. Lucky for them they have a government that is not as stupid and suicidal as you and yours.


What are a European people, the Ashkenazi, doing in the Middle East? They are as alien to our region as the Belgians were to the Congo.


Because they want to be and have the backing of International Law and some couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles. And there is not a damn thing you can do about it. But you and yours can get your Darwin Awards trying to change it. Be my guests. As an aside, the UNGA, the UNSC and International Law did not back Belgium in the Congo. The Congo was never the country of Belgium. And the people of Belgium never thought of the Congo as the Belgium National Homeland with a Belgium history going back thousands of years. Try to get the simplest things correct.


Nowhere on the planet are the European Jews as hated as in Jordan. The Jordanian government is always making announcements warning Jews visiting Jordan or living in Jordan to make sure that they wear no items that might identify them as Jews as the threat to their safety is huge. Jews living in Jordan have adopted Christian names and never identify as Jews.


So? An enemy that makes peace and recognizes you doesn’t bring love. And how many Jews did you say live in Jordan? 10?


There was never a time that there were Jews in Jordan. American Jewish committee yearbook goes back all the way to 1889 and there there are no Jews listed for Jordan. All the Jews now in Jordan are the Ashkenazi.


There are nearly 2 million non-Jewish Arabs in Israel as citizens. Zero or a few Jews in Jordan to some 2 million Palestinians in Israel. That kind of says it all about the relative values of the countries and cultures.


The 2 million “non-Jewish Arabs” are the 10% the Ashkenazi did not expel in 1948 and their descendants, are they not? _____

According to the Jewish-virtual-library website, there were 1,267,037 non-Jews in Palestine in 1946 and in 1948 the non-Jewish population dropped to 156,000 after the European Jews expelled more than 90% of the indigenous Palestinians.


Jews 543,000 Non-Jews 1,267,037 Total 1,810,037 % Jews 30.0%


Jews 716,700 Non-Jews 156,000 Total 872,700 % Jews 82.1%



There were nearly a million indigenous Jews in Arab and other Muslim areas of the region before Israel. There are now at most 20,000 to 30,000. A drop of some 95%. Again, at least 20% of Israeli citizens are non-Jewish Arabs. In the Arab countries, the Jewish population has been reduced to well under 1%. Guess the non-Jewish Arabs are way better than the Jews of Israel in one thing…ethnic cleansing.


I don’t think you’ve been to Jordan I hiked in Jordan, in al Batra (raqmu, the red rock) half of the tourists were jews, in Wadi Ram all the hikers were jews, I hitch hiked with a truck driver who told me that his route is between Irbid and the port of Hayfa It’s only the Palestinians in Jordan that hate the Jews, real Jordanians hate the pales


SAA started security operation there then here comes another friend of al qaeda.


Hey, if SAA and friends keep their bullets out of Israel they won’t be blown away. But that doesn’t apply to Islamist Iran. They and their friends are fair game all over Syria.

Johnny Beaubitch

Freemason Zionist Is Mental Illness


If you say so. Now take your meds.


A show of hands for who didn’t see this coming. The Saker et al keep telling us that “looking strong” is a primitive concept, which only yanks care about. Maybe so, but in the Middle East we see consistently that any weakness is swiftly punished. With the loyalists off-balance, and Putin asleep at the wheel, it’s as good a time as any for the kosher mini-me to raise a little hell and add to the merriment.


Why not? Your goons make such nice targets. Hey, Israel’s enemies can’t stop killing each other there so why do much to distract them? But bumping a few off now and again to let them know what they face if they stop killing each other and try to test their luck with Israel.

You can call me Al

10 years from this day, mark my words; within that time your hooked nosed land of evil will be no more.


LOL…sure I’ll mark your words and if you and yours try to make that happen, Israel will mark your graves.


Shoot a tw”ty isramurican helicopter down and they ll never show their faces again for at least a year !


LOL…You go for it, kid!


Yes jewsnake Jake (aka dr fantastic) Israelis are as big a chicken as the turks.



You tell them. Now go prove it, kid.


Sniper! Yeah right, anything to get a shot off…


Sure. Why not?



1944 Britain and the United States conspired all the European Jewish refugees to that Middle East. They had already shipped 25,000 to Egypt and 40,000 were on their way. By 1948, it is estimated that there were 70,000 Jews in Egypt. Since we know 65,000 were the Ashkenazi who were sent to Egypt by the British, more than 90% of the Jews in Egypt were the Ashkenazi. Gamal Abdul Nasser of Egypt was complaining that the Jews that he wanted he wanted to get out of Egypt were British and French Jews who had deceptively began to call themselves Egyptian Jews. Many of the Jews in Egypt were also what they called “stateless Jews” left war torn Europe without any documents.



So what? Do note that most all those wanted to go there. And the Arab and other Muslim states joined with helping along the rapid growth of the Israeli Jewish population by not being very nice to their indigenous Jews. Almost all left and went to Israel. There are as many of them as Ashkenazi Jews in Istael today. So your obvious Arab/Muslim anti-Jewish attitude is a main reason Israel is the regional superpower it is. Thanks.

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