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MARCH 2025

Israeli authorities continue to prosecute kids underage

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An Israeli tribunal condemned seven Palestinian underage kids to spend sentences between a year and 39 months in prison after accusing them of throwing stones against Israeli objectives.

Israeli authorities continue to prosecute kids underage

The announce was made by the Palestinian human rights NGO Adamir, whose lawyer, Muhamad Mahmud added that the kids were sentenced after throwing stones to Israeli vehicles in the venues of Bet Hanina neighborhood, in East Jerusalem, zone occupied by Israel since 1967.

Three Palestinian kids of 14 years old, two aged 16, one, 17 and a seventh whose age has not been determined are being prosecuted by the Israeli judicial system. According to the Palestinian news agency Maan, all of the kids have already spent eight months in home arrest.

Israel toughened the sanctions against Palestinian citizens who throw stones against trains and vehicles by the time the violence escalation began six months ago, after the first Israeli fatal victim was product of an accident caused by stones throwed against a vehicle in a highway of East Jerusalem.

According to Adamir, the number of kids under arrest of Israeli Forces has tripled since last summer, with 450 detainees in Israeli prisons till last February.

The wave of violence that’s been striking the region since October 1st has left above 180 Palestinian citizens dead, more than two thirds of them executed in the moment they intended to attack (or actually attacked) Israeli objectives. Until now, there are 28 fatalities among Israelis, product of Palestinian attacks.

Palestinian authorities assure that at least 36 of their citizens killed by Israeli Forces and Israeli settlers have been product of extra-judicial executions which were not necessary to stop the alleged attackers.

Meanwhile, analysts of the oldest Middle East conflict revealed today that the Palestinian economy hasn’t experienced any significant growth since 1993-1995, when Oslo agreements were signed.

“We have acknowledged that the continuation of this situation in which there is not an agreement (of peace) has a much bigger price for the Palestinian side”, professor Josef Zeira, member of Aix Group (a forum for the cooperation in the Mediterranean) said during the conference “Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Economy – The price of Status Quo” carried out in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

The think-tank presented a detailed analysis of the situation that emerged after the signature of Oslo Agreements, which should have led to the beginning of a “route towards peace” with a Palestinian State as final destination, whose failure was evidenced with the burst of the second Intifada in 2000.

According to Zeira, “all hopes disappeared completely” when it was proven that labor productivity in Palestinian economy has decreased more than 30% in the last two decades, mainly due to a lack of accumulation of capital in Palestinian land and a limited productive capacity, reduced by the movement restrictions imposed by Israel by different means, like the 584 control sites spread in the occupied West Bank, the Israeli expert claimed.

 Written by Lisbeth Mechter

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Gheez ….what a surprise !

Andy from Beaverton

If you catch and release these pre-terrorists, they will only come back at you as a wiser terrorist. I have zero problems with any nation doing this.

not good

fucking zionist, you kind will be gone, so shut the fuck up

Andy from Beaverton

My kind? Come and find me you pinko commie. Too bad you hide behind anonymity, otherwise i’d make it easy for you


Tuff talk from a keyboard goon…

Andy from Beaverton

Non-intellectual pablum and name calling from someone who is so afraid of being called out, they hide their posting history from the public.


Well…I don’t see you posting your info….you’re nothing but a balloon full of hot air.

Pat Magee

Sounds like you know him as well as I do

Pat Magee

This is what I’m talking about

Pat Magee

How easy should we make it, Andy?

Jerry Hamilton

Do you never ask yourself why they throw stones? To hurt a tank? Now ask yourself who the real terrorists are.

Andy from Beaverton

I asked myself and found out the the Palestinians are being brainwashed by their religion and political leaders. When a society teaches its children to kill all Jews, maybe the Jews are not the problem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ORAM-usqhQ

Jerry Hamilton

Arab and jew used to live side by side in Palestine until jewish greed took hold. I agree though. That tv show is appalling. Jews would never do anything like that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9bXEVpgyHg

Andy from Beaverton

In the mean time, your pedophile prophet following ISIS friends are planing on killing a priest on Good Friday. Your Arab and Jew living side by side is one of your liberal fantasies. You can’t coexist with another religion that tries to convert or kill all the rest.

Jerry Hamilton

Do you really not know what is going down??? The West is pulling the Eastern strings. They used to coexist till you decided they didn’t. Are you the one that thought Jihadi John was real?


Liar liar pants on fire…


Which makes you a complete POS…

Andy from Beaverton

Trump was overheard talking to his foreign policy advisor, “…and we’re going to nuke the Middle East for these terror attacks and we are going to kill 100 million muslims and all their goats.” A stranger walked up to Trump and said, “Why do you want to kill all their goats?” Trump looked over to his advisor and said, “I told you, no one cares about Muslims.”


Says the jackazz….who proves once again hes a waste to humanity like his hero trump is….

Pat Magee

Do you want them to know who you really are?

Zaphod Braden

The “Most MORAL Army” and a real “Light Unto the Nations” Every time the Jews go to PALESTINE, GOD throws them out.

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