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MARCH 2025

Israeli Battle Tanks And Jets Strike Multiple Targets In Gaza Strip

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Israeli Battle Tanks And Jets Strike Multiple Targets In Gaza Strip

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Last night, battle tanks and jets of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) carried out strikes on 9 targets in the Gaza Strip, the IDF reported.

According to the IDF, all the targets, including two military posts, a weapons production facility, were belonging to the Palestinian movement Hamas described by Tel Aviv as a terrorist group.

According to the IDF, the strikes were carried out in response to a fire from Gaza towards IDF troops. Furthermore, the IDF once again accused Hamas of the recent developments in Gaza.

It should be noted that only during May 14 protests, Israeli forces killed at least 59 Palestinians and injured 2,771 others. The  total death toll as a result of clashes between the IDF and Palestinian protesters over the past few weeks is much higher.

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Dr. Pro Liv

“Israeli Defense Forces” are the most aggressive forces that has ever existed on the planet Earth ! Tanks on the guys with slingshots…


Whenever you have an army that calls itself defense force its almost an oxymoron. Just like we used to have a ministry of war, which nowadays is called ministry of defense, yet they they keep on waging wars of aggression. So as a rule of thumb I reckon any organization that feels the need to emphasize something through their name is in real life probably acting totally against it. People’s democracies are anything but that, parties that have the name freedom and/or democracy in their names are most likely the most corrupt and undemocratic, and self defense forces have probably launched more wars then regularly named armies. It’s like they are trying to compensate for their failings by cloaking themselves with noble words. Orwellian double speak to drug the masses.


Don’t forget you are talking about the “world’s most moral army” !!!

Feudalism Victory

Real david vs goliath stuff

Dr. Pro Liv

Interesting comparison…. That today’s Israel is in the role of Goliath is very symbolic

Feudalism Victory

Truth is stranger than fiction. The Jews are on the verge of genociding people in a concentration camp. Real genuine nazi shit. History doesnt repeat but it does rhyme.

Dr. Pro Liv

We will see about that my friend……………. God works in mysterious ways. Israel despite appearances is very far from true victory. Still.. it can all be turned upside down….far from finished.

Watchman for Truth

That number has rocketed to over 100 killed and 7,000+ wounded and counting…SICK!

Dr. Pro Liv

A 100 !?!? Sorry I’m obviously with old info ! I didn’t want to create wrong picture just reality runs faster than we expect sometime…

Watchman for Truth

See this link at Aljazeera.com Gaza protests: All the latest updates Palestinians mark 70 years since the ethnic cleansing of their homeland during the creation of Israel. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/04/gaza-protest-latest-updates-180406092506561.html

Since the protests began on March 30, Israeli forces have killed at least 113 Palestinians in the coastal enclave and wounded more than 12,000 people.

Dr. Pro Liv

It is becoming really tragic. Thanks for the links

Watchman for Truth

Glad someone appreciates the information. Your very welcome. Everyone needs to know about this insanity. Staging more fake shootings as distractions from the more serious issues. These demons are sick…


The most powerful military forces in the world, F.UK.US and co-conspirators have focused all their forces, on the Palestinian peoples.

Their true liberal credentials are on full display for all the world to see. Kent State almost shut the US down. The gory show in Israel is treated like we are saving kittens, planting trees and saving whales.

I grieve for the loss of humanity. For both the actual butchering of human flesh and for the disappearance of any semblance of humane sanity in the West.

I want to bellow to the world, how can we be so blind!

Promitheas Apollonious

most powerful according to whom?


If you are going to Quibble, pick a better word and I will put it in there.

According to money spent and evil perpetrated. Does that answer and changed my post accordingly.

Sorry feeling cranky, I see your point.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes I noticed this. But history must have teach you that money spend, dont actually create warriors, but bureaucrats of the worst kind. Is one thing to be there for the salary and another to fight for the motherland.

And the countries you mentioning as the most powerful they used to be in numbers, in hardware they maybe still be theoretically.


Many of my posts reflect what you are saying. I often speak to motivation. The Empire is motivated by greed and power. Those opposed to their efforts are motivated by raw survival.

The greatest power, under threat, is probably the ability to influence the financial levers around the planet, so I am going to remove military from that first sentence. Thank you for helping make the post more accurate.


Todo el poder contra los temibles moustros y poderosos hombres con resorteras de Gaza, SE VALIENTE Y ESFUERZATE PARA CONTENER ESTA AMENAZA PODEROSA DE PALESTINOS CON SUS TERRIBLES ARMAS DE RESORTERAS.


It is completely understandable that the ZioNazi entity attacks Hamas positions: those 200 or so Palestians slaughtered during the Great March of Return period was chicken feed compared to the usual slaughter carried out. In addition, the ZioNazi propaganda machine needs to ‘justify’ its slaughter so it fabricates an anti-Hamas narrative & carries out the bombing based on that.

And those IAF SS swamp rats, the most cowardly soldier thugs on earth, need tanks and fighter jets to take out relatively simple targets. Desperation masked.

Feudalism Victory

You must assume signficant portions of the hamas leadership is compromised. Isis didnt get in yarmouk accidentally. Palestinean collaborators helped.



Feudalism Victory

So this anti hamas line is kabuki theater. If the palestinans rally behind hamas and wait for them to lead they wont get anywhere. Which Im guessing is the plan. Sometimes you have to be the change you want to see.

Feudalism Victory

And hamas leadership will let it happen so long as they can continue their comfortable prison warden relationship with israel.


Prison warden relationship: how so?

Smith Ricky

This cant go on unanswered


0.58 the guy gets hit by something head on….


KSA, Trump, May, Macron and their terror organization Israel took Jerusalem city by force from Palestinians. It means that Israeli migrants now completely entered into West Bank and are now holding all Palestinians hostage like in Gaza city. KSA, Trump, May, Macron and their terrorist gang Israel is a serious security threat to the whole world humanity.

These terror gangsters have occupied many countries by military force and are holding children and their parints hostage in Palestine, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia etc. The child butchers of KSA, US, UK and Israeli gangs have murdered many children of these countries in street violances.

I laugh a lot when these US child butchers and land thieves talking about human rights.


http://www.palestineportal.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Maps_1897-Present.jpg Notice in the left map there is no Israel. Israeli migrants scaring from this map very much. Israeli migrant state is like ISIS state created by UK, US, France and Saudi regimes. They all are one gang.

After full liberation of Syria all Muslim nations Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Russia, China and Pakistan will come together to liberate full Palestine and rescue the Palestinian hostages from illegal European migrants Israel, US and UK. They will not stay calm until to erect the Palestinian flags on Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

Watchman for Truth

They know no one will militarily retaliate on them until they nuclear strike or massively bomb Iran or Russia first so they continue to kill and murder with they’re terrorist labeling lies as they please. It’s a crap shoot and psychopathic orgasmic sex addiction for them to kill defenseless people and children. Pure psychopaths, killing is fun and pleasurable for them.

Watchman for Truth

The faster they slaughter, kill, mass murder, bomb and blast to hell innocents the faster they can replenish their deleted stocks and rack in more military weapons profits. I’ve never witnessed anything this sick and twisted in my life…no one ever has for that matter. The entire world just watches in total shock and horror while UN delegates keep discussing emergency UN security counsel meetings about Izraeli’s in flagrant violations of all international laws. Oh yeah that’ll scare them…these demons are like killer bee Mafia hitmen on steroids, they could care less who knows or watches, they just continue to keep killing and smiling all the way to their off shore tax free trillion dollar bank accounts and have more lavish gala events to sparkle their bloody champagnes with…SICK!!! They actually have a policy to cripple, maim and kill everyone. Pure evil…2,000 years of being homeless and without their own land and persecuted for their sick evil ways, geez, I wonder why? What a dysfunctionally confused demonic race…they have all the symptoms of aspergers.

Watchman for Truth

What Israel is doing to these helpless defenseless people and children in Palestine is sickening…why isn’t Russia, China and Iran doing more to stop this ongoing senseless mass murders and random IDF shootings? These racist vile filthy lying murderous demons are not human…someone has to stop them. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/24706e6145ef02b619631a7360ed04b2a9b8c5ed669fe148d03921f75779eb21.png

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