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MARCH 2025

Israeli Defense Forces Hold Drills Simulating War With Hezbollah

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Israeli Defense Forces Hold Drills Simulating War With Hezbollah

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Between December 1st and 6th, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) 215th Artillery division completed a tactical drill simulating a war with Lebanon. According to Israeli Media, a new operational concept aimed at producing a higher level of effectiveness on the battlefield was tested.

Hundreds of troops as well as officers, commanders and reservists from the 402nd and 55th battalions participated in the tactical drill taking place in the Jordan Valley.

402nd Battalion Commander Lt.-Col. Udi Amir said the size and level of the exercise were “something that has never happened before.”

“One of the important parts of the drill is the new operational concept which will allow us to independently fulfill the mission.”

Amir emphasized that the military drill was necessary so that the 215th Artillery division could effectively learn how to use new state-of-the-art weapon systems that the IDF’s Artillery Corps have been supplied with recently. These include high-caliber gun systems, remotely piloted aerial vehicles and new computer systems.

With all the new technology and systems, “it’s easier for us to destroy the enemy before they disappear,” Amir said.

However, he also stressed, “We know how to differentiate between Hamas and Hezbollah, which is a quasi-army on a different front. There are many differences but the use of technology and techniques are similar.”

In an apparent warning that despite drilling in the North, the West Bank isn’t put in the background.

On top of learning how to use new technology, the exercise includes maneuvering batteries in urban areas, but also in mountainous terrain.

“In Lebanon we know that many villages will be evacuated, something we don’t have in Gaza and that will allow the IDF to maneuver much easier,” he said.

For Israel, which is in a political crisis, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urgently needs an escalation of some sort to remain in power, there’s potential to cause such an incident on several fronts. Thus, readiness is needed on all fronts.

“The troops like to be in the field and feel ready for war, be it in the North or the South,” said Amir. “With this enemy or the other, we know there will be challenges and fatalities, so we drill a lot, whenever we have time.”

In November 2019, the IDF launched a surprise two-day military exercise Northern Israel to test the Northern Command’s “readiness and operational capabilities.”

Whether the military exercise was successful is never certain with Israel, since they’ve had repeated incidents such as a tank crew falling asleep and the tank rolling down a hill.

In April 2018, one soldier was killed and three others were injured when a shell caught on fire inside a tank along the Egyptian border.

The exercise, however, may be useful in the war against Hezbollah tunnels along the Israel-Lebanon border. In October 2019, Israel established its first dedicated anti-tunnel unit, to combat the enemy tunnel network.


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Israeli soldiers they will die in vain for the elite. If someone will take your home and rob your land, what you will do??? Let it go?? No fight till death… In 1 day Israel will eventually pay the ultimate price… They should learn from the past.. but they don’t.. I feel so sad that Israel population support their unstable government.. I know that hamas are terrorists and Scumbags Islamist,but killing them and taking as well civilians lifes,will back fire, and makes more enemies.. 70%of Gaza want peace and freedom but they can’t fight alone the Islamist,


You don’t even see the irony in what you wrote.


I believe we go to a ground offensive to crush Hamas and Islamic Jihad after Bibi is gone, then the PLO can control Gaza and take care of the population.


I agree a ground invasion of Gaza is the only solution to eradicate Islamic jihad. Duel bombing between each other dosent end the hate towards Israel. In the end nobody needs Islamist in this world,they are worst than Hitler.. Islam jihadists =ISIS =Alqaeda = pure evil. They should not be allowed to breath air in this world, they hate us.. the western world,the way how we live, the way how we have fun, they hate everything about us… Probably they are jealous..if true it means that they listen..


Hope so too man, Gazans can be free of them but they need to work with us and not against us when we go in. Hamas+PIJ = only 30K Jihadists, IDF can win but we have to go all the way and unfortunately civilian casualties will be part of it.

Furkan Sahin

Why do you hate Hezbollah a lot? they are much better than jihadist you have to think only of killing jihadist not Hezbollah Iran or Assad jihadist has ruined the world and is causing trouble Hezbollah is only in Lebanon but Jihadist is all over the world Hezbollah can make peace with Israel if Bibi is gone


Hezbollah are shia terrorists just like Hamas are sunni terrorists, for us there is no difference between the two. Bibi needs to go to jail anyway, regardless of the security situation.

Hasbara Hunter

The Wahhabi Terrorists: ISIS…Muslimbrotherhood & Al-Qaeda are USraHell’s Creation….

Furkan Sahin

I think hezbollah is better than hamas but ok your opinion Hezbollah Won’t Have War Against Israel It’s Because Israel Bombs Much in Gaza So Hezbollah Will Help Palestine People Without Hamas jihadist is Hamas Isis Hts Fsa Hezbollah Assad Iran Houthis are better

Hasbara Hunter

Islamic Jihad = An AngloZioNazi Creation….


They will indeed die for the elite. Israel was created by and for the Anglo-Saxon(-American) ruling class. The “Jewish” colonists squatting in Palestine are merely pawns – they don’t realize it yet.

Why would Israeli soldiers’ death be “in vain”? The very one thing they deserve is precisely that: ultimate death. Have you forgotten how – for decades – they have terrorized unarmed civilians in Palestine and the surrounding countries after stealing their lands?

Also, what makes you think that Israel is against Hamas and/or Islamists? Israel supported Hamas’ very creation and the Islamization of Gaza. What you don’t understand is that Israel loves enemies – real or imagined – as it gives them a reason to continue stealing lands. Hamas is the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is closely tied to British intelligence and organized on the basis of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Do the math.

That said, yes, most on both sides want peace. They want their children to live in safety and prosperity. Peace is however not profitable for the elite. They much rather have people hating and fighting each other. A peaceful deal between the two would have been reached a long time ago otherwise.


So they should make a deal with Israel and get help to kill all the Islamist murderers ruling them in Gaza. Simple.


“In Lebanon we know that many villages will be evacuated, something we don’t have in Gaza and that will allow the IDF to maneuver much easier” These cowards surrounded Bint Jbeil with 5000 soldier and couldnt deal with more than 100 Hezbollah fighters…and these weren’t even the best of fighters, The real experienced and well trained fighters didn’t even see a fight and were waiting for them in the Litany river…


Shut up shia goat fucker, we are coming for you.


Facts point otherwise. This time we are the one coming.


Can’t wait, no more U.N ceasefires this time. We went easy on you the last time, it won’t happen again.


The irony is that you pussies begged for a ceasefire.


rofl clown, the U.N saved you! go read how the Lebanese govt begged and cried to force Israel to stop. Next time we won’t enter Bint Jbeil like we did before, we will wipe out that entire village and any other shia village that shoots rockets.


Talking with no knowlege or facts, let me remind of the Huge lists of demands “Israel” put in the first weeks so that it to accept a ceasefire with hezbollah…But after being humiliated and failing to acheive the simplest tasks. In the end “israel” didn’t want nothing anymore and started to beg for hezbollah to stop firing rockets.


I won’t add words, just this video, enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx6T26VPqyk




We killed many of you rats during our 18 years in Lebanon, sometimes you had success here or there. Next time we will finish what we started.


I tought you said you won’t add words ? titled much ?


If you were smart you wouldn’t support a shia terrorist organization led by Iran, Israel left Lebanon in 2000 and then Hezbollah kept provoking us, which led to a war on all of the Lebanese people. Israelis will fight and die with bravery to protect our homeland, we will never surrender to terrorists.


What homeland ?


The one that belongs to the Jews, even if you don’t think like that.


There is no such Thing :)


Ok habibi, no such thing. Have a good day.

Hasbara Hunter

Today is a good day to Die for you…and tomorrow also for that matter…Burn you Filthy Paedophile


Suicide vest practice time, kid. Get to it…

Ashok Varma

The foul mouth bot is referring to occupied Palestine. The Zionist criminals are squatting on stolen lands and on borrowed time and parasitic existence based on western taxpayers largesse.


No one needs your money, go shove it you know where. I don’t see any country on the map called Palestine, atleast not till they sign a peace deal with us.


The one their (imaginary) ancestors supposedly conquered after being allegedly enslaved in Egypt and spending time in the desert. Ignoring for a moment that no one related to them (whoever they are) was every enslaved in Egypt, that the Exodus never happened and that no land in Canaan was every conquered (see below), I find it odd that most of them squatting in Palestine aren’t even religious yet call it their “homeland”.


Also archaeological evidence contradicts the picture in Joshua. In the Ancient Near East, destroyed cities tended to be leveled, and then a new city would just be built on top of the ruins, and you would have these slowly rising mounds–each one of those is called a tell (so you may have heard of Tell Dor?). These are mounds which represent the successive layers of destroyed and rebuilt cities. And excavations will reveal the destruction layers under the floor of new cities.

So following the biblical account, we would expect evidence of a thirteenth century destruction of Canaanite cities. And archaeologists for a long time were convinced that they would find these destruction layers. But they were disappointed.

They have found really no evidence of extensive conquest and destruction in thirteenth and twelfth century archaeological layers. Some of the sites that are said to be destroyed by Joshua and the Israelites weren’t even occupied in this period, the late Bronze Age, beginning of the Iron Age; the Iron Age begins around 1200.

Excavations at Jericho and Ai indicate that both of these towns were laid waste at least 200 years before the probable time of Joshua; so there weren’t even any walls in Jericho at the time of Joshua. Of 20 identifiable sites that were said to be conquered or captured by Joshua and the next generations, only two show destruction layers for this time, Hazor and Beth-el. And yet interestingly enough, Hazor’s capture described in Joshua is contradicted elsewhere in the Bible, because in Judges 4 and 5, it is still a Canaanite city. It is said there that it is still a Canaanite city and Joshua failed to take it.”

Dr. Christine Hayes, “Introduction to the Old Testament”, Yale University

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

The Jewish Homeland that originally existed 3000 years ago inhabited by Semitic Jews

Hasbara Hunter

AshkeZioNazis are no Semites you stupid ignorant piece of Rat-Shit..they are Khazarian Pigs without a single strain of Semitic-DNA…YOU FILTHY IMPOSTER! BRING ON MORE LIES PROF

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

you arabs are a subspecies


Hezbollah came to be as a result of the illegal and brutal occupation of the south of Lebanon by Israel. Action, reaction. That said, Israel did not leave Lebanon in 2000; it was kicked out by Hezbollah. The Israeli military official in charge (I cannot recall his name from the top of my head at the moment) attested that it was a “humiliating retreat”. Had Hezbollah not kicked Israel out, it would have been another Golan Height stealing fiasco. You may not know this or perhaps prefer to omit it but the south of Lebanon is something the Zionist have wanted since the early 1900s.

You claim the war of 2006 was a result of Hezbollah’s provocation. Diplomatic leaks and Ehud Olmert’s testimony to the Israeli Vinograd Committee attest of the contrary: Israel planned the war as early as January 2006 and set it in motion in March. The abduction of Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah at the border post only served as the much needed pretext to wage the war. Israeli officials believed it would takes a couple to a few days to reach their military objectives. The outcome, known to all by now was very different. To quote the Mossad and the Shin Bet directors:

Even more revealing were the comments by Mossad Chief, Meir Degan, and the head of Shin Bet, Yuval Diskin, during a meeting with Prime Minister Olmert in the immediate aftermath of the war. Both men pointedly told Olmert “the war was a national catastrophe and Israel suffered a critical blow.


Hasbara Hunter

The only way out for you Filthy Parasites is the Samson-Plan….Nothing else


Game over! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HtZvYXQFkc USA and Russia (UK hates u too because Royal family has been corrupted by Maxwell too via your Mossad Honey Trap!) I told u, White nations (east and west) are going to FEED YOU to the wolves! The wolves are ISLAM!




Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

world war 2 soviet army tactics wont work against the modern Israeli Army. These tactics didn’t even work against the Germans, and you think they will work against the IDF? joke!

Jacob Wohl's Nose


Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D


Hasbara Hunter

The AshkeZioNazi Parasite is not even a Semite…. You Filthy Parasites are the Palestinian Kidkilling Antisemitic Paedophile Faggots


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d0c4377c5b06045a3c000ae92826372733848c94b046d61ea2dda0c594175297.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/374f7931639c11e8a87586382d04cf2b2d93e56cc157b2a147af42a40fae791e.png

Hasbara Hunter

Good development…it will be interesting to see how Trump handles this case…pulling out all troops would be a good sign




Hasbara Hunter

I already noticed they started to mention all High-Ranked Paedophile Rats…The Clintons…Obamas & also the Bushes…this is one thing I always missed in a lot of articles…Seems to get serious now… Great!…Round them up…one by one…on Paedophile Charges & High Treason drag’m to Court…Them getting Convicted …Hang’m High…No Samson-Plan hidden Nukes fired…Iraq & Syria sending troops to their borders…the Noose around ISraHell’s neck seems to get tightened…I’m definitely in full support of Revolting U.S. Intelligence & Americans…If this is Trumps Backing…sounds fine to me


Yes its bad but also its worse to CREATE such traps! Epstein island didnt just have underground facilities for pedo stuff, they also trafficked humans and drugs with the cartels! Politicians were corrupted by this as well as controlling US foreign policy! Epstein used to be untouchable! Remember all this happened under Trump! Trump is playing “the art of war” which is ironic because he wrote a book called “the art of the deal” and has always posted tweets of quotes from ‘the art of war’!

So when u think of Trump naming Jerusalem Israel’s capital AND Golan heights Israeli territory, think this: 1. its not recognised by the world or the UN therefore it doesnt mean much! 2. it brings Jews in favour of Trump! They actually support him now!

“Keep your friends close but your ENEMIES even closer”! He is keeping Israel close! Needs too! Whilst he dismantles their control systems! its all happening under the surface in an intelligence war! Both Trump and Putin HATE Soros!

Anti-Semitism is a powerful VIRTUAL weapon that Jews hide behind! Its being broken soon! Anti-Semtism protection shield defends Jews EVERYWHERE but in reality its not even real! therefore it protects them nowhere!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5b6f20100a9a7fad9d7224a772788f3b7e6479cb28c852aa413a3edbd406a983.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e4cd22cbc6141ce8e9eb4586d1bf8a5c876a7ca1c48e40afd2efbe7e7323cb5.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2f4d8ae61e5c52aefa1d9694a352021fd0abe762e84bec21ba725f6ca1f94d3f.png

The US MSM is Mossad controlled! Very soon u will see them coming down! one by one! CNN = Mossad Shepard Smith = Mossad Many others = Mossad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9HwU10B74c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etzDiWs9fPU

Mossad Media assets are going down This month and January! WATCH!


EXPLAIN YOUR WAY OUT OF THIS! U CANT! U WONT! ALL U WILL DO HIS HIDE BEHIND YOUR VIRTUAL FAKE SHIELD OF “ANTI-SEMITISM” BECAUSE U ARE FUCKIN WEAK AND U ARE ALL FILTHY LYING DISGUSTING RATS! NOBODY TRUSTS JEWS…. NOBODY! FILTHY, DIRTY FUCKING RAT JEWS! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d756882be16eca8cca1cc999a7f23b2c77bd113fddc6cd76d704aa410b3614b0.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b1a223e47abc1a60dee8c1e046dd10346b19be245f428892716d83998055c7a7.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e605b960942b80805308fd4f3b40aa4fde752a18d8862f744ce96d73b35de2d5.jpg


yeah like i thought no response! BECAUSE YOURE FUCKING GUILTY?! Its over! Closing ur embassies is only the begining! Plan B? Got ur illegal nukes ready? u are surrounded by many systems! including $1 per shot lasers! We are going to let the Muslims FUCK U UP!!!! Cant wait! White people will not protect u anymore! Did u ever wonder why Trump only spent $100k-400k on the US embassy? “Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer”! Your Anti-Semetic shield (that defends you everywhere) wont help u anymore! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5b6f20100a9a7fad9d7224a772788f3b7e6479cb28c852aa413a3edbd406a983.png Trump Got the Jew’s to Support him :) whilst fucking MOSSAD up! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2f4d8ae61e5c52aefa1d9694a352021fd0abe762e84bec21ba725f6ca1f94d3f.png The Attack: Charged with: PEDOPHILIA + HUMAN TRAFFICKING+ CORRUPTION! MILITARY TRIBUNALS! Foreign Combatants! ITS ALL OVER! CLOSE YOUR EMBASSIES, u lost control! No Jew is safe anymore! YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELVES BECAUSE OF GREED! Gentiles WIN! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e4cd22cbc6141ce8e9eb4586d1bf8a5c876a7ca1c48e40afd2efbe7e7323cb5.png

Hasbara Hunter

Piss off Prof Rabiesowitz…Russia defeated the Germans…the West only had to clean up 16-Year old Adolf Hitler-Rothschild Jugend In Western Europe….Know thy History Stupid Cunt


Russia and USA surround u with Laser weapons, anti- air defences so your nukes are dead before they even fly! Aegis S-300’s S-400’s Pantsir’s Buk M2’s and 3’s Patriot systems Laser systems Electronic warfare systems Iranian Anti-Air systems Even US, UK and Russian spies in your country!

So i see u admit u are a terrorist state with nukes breaking the NNPTreaty! A spade is a spade! Jew rat Terrorist state! u just admitted it now to having nukes yet not signing or declaring them via the Nuclear non proliferation treaty PLUS being a hijacking terrorist state of the land of Palestine!

Also u did not argue the FACTS of ur genetic weakness! i won! Which is obvious because everyone KNOWS blacks are the physical supreme beings. Whites are second! Jews are the very last!

Also if u openly take over palestine with Rothschild money and commit genocide and create camps within their own nation, one day ure gonna get fucked up!

The Art of War (Sun Tzu) The Art of the Deal (Donald Trump)

“Keep your friends (Russia) close and your enemies (Israel Jews) even closer!”

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f9a9552a561e7843a649d3e68f1e782365e527a1b20aae68c9c26acd99a32e9a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7b365ec214eb19d00f05cf5e229bd2cea938fe72f7f2a9f5431f8aa72dcaad6b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d125777dfdfe41cc900344f0062cc2859c18ac4bf760cd44ddfc2da48070a077.jpg

YOURE ALREADY DEAD! YOU JUST DONT KNOW IT YET! Your Mossad pedo honey trap is GONE! Bye Bye Israel! Sweet dreams in hell!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7920a8fb1abb1972d9c260dd22c4806bc3181d5e6107c59abe6b8986300ca870.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d73ca2d1a74ee5d77d0fedeef2fc9655755c0207922a8db4db9e7552a8ac0ffa.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7eb7d7471e3d1bb9ef7adbddcffb01c07ab8fa30b6b337bf1ce5ec2eb59f5bb9.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e4cd22cbc6141ce8e9eb4586d1bf8a5c876a7ca1c48e40afd2efbe7e7323cb5.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5b6f20100a9a7fad9d7224a772788f3b7e6479cb28c852aa413a3edbd406a983.png

Hasbara Hunter

I always like the Idea of Russia & America operating together to solve the ZioNazi Problem….Simply because it will deliver the best Solution to get rid of’m AngloZioNazis….


What u dont realise is that this cooperation has been in action for a few years! Think of some strange events that have occurred this year! I will mention them below, what u dont know is that they were fully coordinated between Russia and the USA!

1. a few days before July 4th (US independence day) Why did Trump have a military parade in every US city? Whats the REAL reason? What happened with that Russian Sub incident only a few days before? That injured Russian sub and a new spy sub! These events are related!

As Trump takes down the Deep state (Zionist Mafia) the Rats had a stolen Russian nuclear sub from the early 1990’s when the Zoviet union was breaking up! This sub is ONE OF the ZioRats insurance policies in case anything ever happened! They have many insurance policies but this was the main one! The ability to launch a False Flag nuke attack on the border of US and Russian waters!

Putin(also known for taking out Russian Zionists) coordinated with Trump to kill this Rogue submarine! The Russians used a very new and top secret spy sub to find and track this stolen rogue sub, then with Trumps organised military parade providing military assets inside every US city under the guise of a military parade! Therefore July 4th provided the neccessary protection for US cities without panicking or raising suspicion of US citizens!

Russia took out the sub with a Russian attack submarine! The blast obviously damaged the Russian sub which apparently had a few deaths and some damage!

This was leaked long before the attack on the rogue sub occurred! Sub incident happened on July 3rd! US military parade was July 4th (protection for all cities) Known location and tracking of Rogue sub was 1 year prior to attacking it!

You know the movie “The Hunt for Red October”? The Russian Sub movie?

The leak stated “The Hunt for Red October”! Then it stated “Red October” then it stated “Why was the ‘Hunt For’ removed?” They found the sub! tracked it (russian top secret stealth spy sub) Then was destroyed! (thats the REAL story) Fake story was made up so people dont panic that a nuclear war almost started!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/299e62c22f06bb69a8db81f00f03a3b5a780b0def86e066033577977128ae1b9.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9e27cb5a2511b205d377c211a79e9e61ebe7672ba5055042febd7a7a3b41514a.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/38b920d43255ecf3e82c3d159430cc6e9a444adc6fea400e57e7f19a0b57124f.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/aa3af02f2f7c9594bd38ae4d71794831910f183f542b17faa58fb3296146ef30.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/52f03820990e604d601e5d38683d6e106fdf817e580183468bec6b6b48f26246.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f1220d9b7d740c68e311177de0a1752da3eac20d4ec88503e1b624efa5b329f3.png

Before the Sub incident, this was the last Leak (a mission under way for God and Country. Patriots Fight [both Russian and US Patriots])

Next post is about those who once held power over people is gone! Game Changer!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/24f076f38ec2bb92e62e4b8ca37e11e0cfb3e40328cc1e7e3c29086236399d6d.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6cfab6cc683a0242dad940c5e43e1fbf5daddc0465f31657074fe369ff9101a6.png

Trust me, Russia and USA are now working in common interest! The war against Soros, the Rothschilds and the Saudi Royal family has been fought for 3 years! Soon it will be told to the world! But first, some people must die or go to jail! Its not over yet but their insurance policies are gone! They no longer hold control via nuclear threats, corrupted politicians who were honey trapped by Epsetin and Nxium! And North Korea is under control now!

Insurance policies are gone!

Hope u can understand the info!

Hasbara Hunter

I have already read about a potential American Russian cooperation a couple of years ago…so you might be right that this “Operation” is already going on for some time…but the Facts on the Ground & Real Time Reality didn’t stroke with that picture of a Russian American Alliance…things are still covered by a Veil…though I can see a positive shift..


As For Mossad and the former CIA and Mi6 (who are actually globalist spy agencies trying to prop up China and transfer Russian and US military tech to China and then lead the world behind the power of China) They are slowly dying “the deep state”! MOS= Mossad! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/033beb57ed3c383627ad377db641589e36aebef2653b384cd9d1dc2c7f2f2f95.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8b14e5d445ba15c753c1e3cc6d604add05c3d9a001ab4d7d2051e49a6c06b5c0.png Matt Drudge is a Jew! https://twitter.com/WWG1WGA_Every1/status/1203368497750913024

MSM controlled also! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e385c90bac712a33d7c70ba4c09a753bbc28e26f10658bc61aa2188d76278046.png This is happening now! Watch certain media companies AND journalist resign or have indictments unsealed against them! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6ee2b87fdccdc86f2e33f7f525511aaa257bcf6485b4e0012088e4358561623d.png Alex Jones a controlled OPPOSITION puppet of Mossad!


Jerome Corsi an actual Mossad Agent! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2c2c0036134b34609f801abe123b1a14c9c9195c98ba79418715264c1ff4ff32.png Israel stopping/ sabotaging US from exiting Syria!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dd7c08be9399b96956e7f30244d60f3ddfe0eb11c196e089cae6c583f3eb490e.png “The art of war, keep your friends close and your enemies even closer” Epstein was they KEY!


For God and country AND THE WORLD! ## Israel world wide embassies being closed! North Korea FREED! No longer a Mossad / CIA black site! KJU was a puppet! Freed by Trump and Putin!

Much more has occurred then u realise! Intelligence war! Trump is Q+ Q is NSA (No Such Agency) Mossad and former Bad CIA are “Clowns in America”! Russia and the USA official allies (and i mean ALLIES closer than UK) after 2020 Election! (2021)


Hasbara Hunter

Hang them Filthy Treacherous Elites…or life in prison for a more peaceful solution….


Google this: Guantanamo Bay being Expanded MASSIVELY! Few hundred more national guard deployed there! TREASON! Some are being tried in military tribunals! Some have already been killed for Treason! i can even PROVE to you that John McCain was killed by order of the US military! I am serious i can prove this beyond a doubt! He was a traitor! And a Criminal beyond what u can comprehend! Family was offered a deal for McCain to wilfully give information for his family to keep some wealth but work for Trumps interests! (daughter given a place on “The View”)! McCain was Bagdaddi’s handler! i have pcitures to prove this taken by Eric Prince the former President of Black water! Eric Prince was a double agent! Working for the bad guys but gaining information for the good guys! Eric Prince is the actual person who provided McCain with private protection for his meeting with Al-Queida and ISIS boss’s! He is also the person who took these photos!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ab3454b99d57d856dadf1724b00a1f9fa112c4819f9bec1683c42812ca8b030c.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/877bd19b71f7fd0c103c2b61e4ca67cb925fc3a6fcd476e2b8befab6117e2f6a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1e52463ba0c8f6176fd015a58c11e92c58b6a74382de341abd60a69810aca031.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ff6836a4982d15150682f5d8c3663e163e8310f657ad9a2eb34fe4d7ca5ca3b8.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/533cca9acb4ab927c7cec6fdb6247262dcde419b066034addf3d5af002757c5a.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ab2d2f55683e071472c25952a397b0892e3e3ffe87a95873c63a9d4109478e78.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/51fdad57e3908dfa3e3a4c14b7e0026e544d00c9a947584243607d0844c86b43.png


100% proof! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/37884a4e760aab8b30fd3dc449107b2359bf041d5e748a8fc6df33d0283305f0.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6381226ebe214c8d97718717137f2146a3c2a1c2161cf0c7941d298d654f2772.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a6f7123730b94271f83da0426a42f6dfc87007b2b849e7ac6fdaf21e4f8eae0e.png

Hasbara Hunter

I never really trusted China because they implemented the NWO wet-dream: the Social Credit System…and because of their pure Evil Animal Rights


LISTEN CAREFULLY! Talking about “The Storm” Virgin Islands = Epstein Island “Dead Center” = Washington DC “As big or bigger than Andrew” = Prince Andrew

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvJo8W-ipHg&list=FL5a7exFGzl7wd0XBpwu7t_Q&index=15&t=0s https://youtu.be/8HtZvYXQFkc?t=14 LISTEN CAREFULLY!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ

Hasbara Hunter

I liked your narrative in which Revolting Intelligence first tortured Epstein to make him sing like a Birdie and after Epstein had given all the names…they Whacked him…but a next question arises: why did the Revolting Intel whack him in the first place? Life in prison would have given Epstein something to think about…So it might just as well have been the CIA to wipe out their tracks

Hasbara Hunter

The ZioNazi-Parasite is No Semite….instead they are Killing SEMITIC Palestinians & thus are ANTISEMITES themselves

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

russia BARELY defeated the germans. The Soviets were getting slaughtered by the Nazi German Army/SS before the Americans and British came to their rescue with countless vehicle,ammo,medical supplies. It was the allies who saved the Soviets from Germany, if not for them, Moscow, Leningrad and Stalingrad would’ve been captured and the red army would have been completely EXTERMINATED by the Nazis. So show your respect to the allies, little Arab.

MORE FUN FACTS for you little arab scoundrel. The inferior Red Army in Russia during WW2 suffered over troops 12,000,000 KIA in combat, while the Germans suffered barely 4,000,000 KIA (half of which were from freezing to death during winter, so 2,000,000 is the real German KIA from combat). That’s 12,000,000 Soviets dead against 2,000,000 Germans dead in combat… in only 3 YEARS! The German Army was absolutely annihilating the drunk Russians before America and Britain saved their sorry butts!

Learn your history you little Arab, soon Palestine and Lebanon will be flushed down the toilet. IDF will destroy all its enemies!



Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

antisemitic propaganda


AND THE REAL REASON U ARE CLOSING UR EMBASSIES? AAAA HAHAHA Be in denial all u want! ITS GAME OVER! the art of war! (Epstein NY mansion! Photos of him at the Island too) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/aec213c4cfeb4f13e9b7d62b7063394b2eb55f2179d3e3892465f424465ee17b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8fb7c5be66e4a7454858403640d0a9eefb7f6516da26893bc390a21df46ebbaa.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/da9012ed1bf6a78c4115b8fc4553f0e8978f568719d33ffe493d6e6c1592ef1f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ac72d724b4a38912e077f5930661c537a34bf15d979a5deac08b90d4ff2e843f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/708d38841bdfe4e4f2fb989538e4966ad3cae3aa57a6f1d4a5fb2147d303122e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d4d5cfb0d80070bb158795848ee7540f61474066eae43313ddc322774b87f9e0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7920a8fb1abb1972d9c260dd22c4806bc3181d5e6107c59abe6b8986300ca870.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2f4d8ae61e5c52aefa1d9694a352021fd0abe762e84bec21ba725f6ca1f94d3f.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e4cd22cbc6141ce8e9eb4586d1bf8a5c876a7ca1c48e40afd2efbe7e7323cb5.png

My Favourite! Your Anti-Semitism Shield is GONE! aaaaa hahahaha https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5b6f20100a9a7fad9d7224a772788f3b7e6479cb28c852aa413a3edbd406a983.png


Liddle Adam Schiff! Massage for Children? https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1177579387824332801.html https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7040ee5ae3e19802901d94c5b9619e3bb0aebe3eaf512ade87476630982cf408.jpg MOSSAD! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/30bbd4a1fd9928764e6f5e2538bce60050fca7b172bd201524bd40f5ee58a893.jpg You are all PEDOFILE SCUM! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ad6bf329f0a9bc31c42877acf9c345b09419f8c92bed117c27124f17f8dca057.png Trump and the US military, also Russia and the world are going to leave u to the Muslim wolves! Good luck! (We KNOW ALL)!!(https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7a59f47bf9633ed7b5d5b94a9e840576816b19aa80afe45e84d2098f94ee61e2.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b555c8d3989d8a69e632758d2f754a4cd8fb613ec8372671a7abc3d5569f7672.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ac0ab24e419bfc408850fcd8de00ad7c4d78fc87da8687c0ef9c69cde95d29ab.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5ba1a81935cf24a2f5160b83d044a431ca9dc666dda9cea4b12f1864a31cf484.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cf3c91160a79c34cabc5410430721a81d40e86af6b010ad561180dfbf1371580.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e1c3b9ec5428aa20652887099df56dcf95eea226e1b0b9909b719af676109041.jpg

Hasbara Hunter

Larry Rabiesowitz: MORE FUN FACTS for you little arab…

Hasbara Hunter: First of all I am not an Arab but a Dutch Native… though I am very supportive of a Free Middle East…Let Muslims decide their own course & let them settle the score with the Jewish House of Saud…They can take back Medina & Mekka from this Devilworshipping Terrorist-State…ISraHell will be next…Slowly but surely working towards the end-Game….

Tip of the day: if you have got some money left I would advise you to buy a little piece of land somewhere far far away from ISraHell…South America for instance…and move overthere…because I can see a Shitstorm rising on the horizon for ISraHell…

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

Us Jews are taught to invest in Israel, but no solely Israel. We are definitely not worried in the long run for our homes, since Israel has nuclear Jericho Missiles. We fear nothing! :)


You need to leave the planet! Whites are now going to help you! Pack your bags because YOURE OUT! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/374f7931639c11e8a87586382d04cf2b2d93e56cc157b2a147af42a40fae791e.png


GAME OVER! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ


Dr. Steve Piecznic (Who is a Jew) and was the head of Black ops under Kissinger, also former assistant deputy secretary of state and deputy under secretary!

Listen and Learn!




USA and Russia and UK are going to allow Islam to destroy Israel! FREEDOM! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5b6f20100a9a7fad9d7224a772788f3b7e6479cb28c852aa413a3edbd406a983.png Trump and Putin PLAYED Israel! The world is changing! We all hate Jews and Israel! Even us Western White Christians! I hope all muslims will enjoy their meal! (the meal is Israel) Enjoy! :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/708d38841bdfe4e4f2fb989538e4966ad3cae3aa57a6f1d4a5fb2147d303122e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ac72d724b4a38912e077f5930661c537a34bf15d979a5deac08b90d4ff2e843f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d4d5cfb0d80070bb158795848ee7540f61474066eae43313ddc322774b87f9e0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7920a8fb1abb1972d9c260dd22c4806bc3181d5e6107c59abe6b8986300ca870.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7eb7d7471e3d1bb9ef7adbddcffb01c07ab8fa30b6b337bf1ce5ec2eb59f5bb9.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e4cd22cbc6141ce8e9eb4586d1bf8a5c876a7ca1c48e40afd2efbe7e7323cb5.png

Hasbara Hunter

Did you hear your IDF-Paedophile-ZioNazi buddies scream for their Inbred Whore Mommies?

Hasbara Hunter

That roadside Bomb is funny…I love Screaming Kidkilling ZioNazi-Bitches with their intestines hangin’ out…they are not so brave anymore right Little ZioNazi Paedophile…That will be your fate to….


Time to practice with your suicide vest, AH…

Hasbara Hunter

You are a Filthy Chickenshit Coward Bitch only Big Talk comin’ from your mouth…but you are a Dead Faggot Walkin’

Jimmy Jim

Talking shit again Kike!


Jimmy go jump off a cliff, son of a bitch.

Hasbara Hunter

Your mother is an inbred whore that got raped…the result is you


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d0c4377c5b06045a3c000ae92826372733848c94b046d61ea2dda0c594175297.png Who The Fuck is This JEW RAT! https://soundcloud.com/user-849825651/that-guy/s-jvkqg Jew Rat Fuckin WEASEL! You SIT DOWN and SHUT you FUCKIN MOUTH!!!!! Because WHITE people ARE GOING TO FUCK YOU UP!!! https://soundcloud.com/user-849825651/weasel-iron-zion/s-X9pPq


WHITE PEOPLE ARE COMING FOR YOU! game over! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ


:) . https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d756882be16eca8cca1cc999a7f23b2c77bd113fddc6cd76d704aa410b3614b0.png

Hasbara Hunter

You Crawling Chickenshit ZioNazi Pigshit piece of Excrement will beg for mercy before they light the gasoline motherfucker


Nahhhhhhhhhh…Israel continuously blues up the Islamist Hezbollah goons with impunity and they have done nothing but die and sh*t their pants. Same with their Islamist Iranian masters. Pathetic lot of big talkers and big losers…

Hasbara Hunter

You motherfuckers have been Raping & Slaughtering Goyims for Centuries…Always with the help of Goyim-Cannonfodder because you Parasites are Chickenshit Cowards & don’t wanna Die yourself


Go practice with your suicide vest, AH…bye bye…


You strain at a net yet swallow camel! u say Yes to the Lord but betray the heart of the Lord! Jews are full of dead mens bones and all Corruption!

We are going to change that NOW! It has begun! Remember the Art of war! “Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer”!

Whilst Trump gains Jewish trust amongst the Jewish population, he is FUCKING ISRAEL!

Your invisible “anti-Semitism” shield that protected you everywhere is GONE! Embassies are closed!!!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5b6f20100a9a7fad9d7224a772788f3b7e6479cb28c852aa413a3edbd406a983.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2f4d8ae61e5c52aefa1d9694a352021fd0abe762e84bec21ba725f6ca1f94d3f.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e4cd22cbc6141ce8e9eb4586d1bf8a5c876a7ca1c48e40afd2efbe7e7323cb5.png

YOURE ON NOTICE! COME TO THIS SITE AGAIN and WE (WIZARDS & WARLOCKS) will track u down! GOD WINS! [PAIN] We See ALL! Israeli intelligence – stand down. [TERM_3720x380-293476669283001] Media assets will be removed

(MOSSAD) / (Alt + US Media) (US Politicians) / (…………………..)(…………………….) Those who scream the loudest….

Embassies Closed? GAME OVER! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cbb26e274680940535f291e56a7c715ebc5aa0201c0736fd1feb875139911873.gif https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/123dff05d775990ebae511c7b459c0be69362d3382ac6465a9c1d0773c2447b6.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e0322d71373d72ca0403c14ea8fe9fe5c94a850be4e3458ada716ce84709ac1c.gif https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/198eea5517173ca936169af5a6715019dc947cc16074665ab63b12f215aa5156.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9c9fee036ac7299e3bf8906f8fd61f7aa62e55b6b453a0f5adc7d1b3ce8f55a4.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3733278ba639007b467351f1ac9ea787315cda55ba91d7741aff8f63ebbfb622.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ea154a4f3495d054485e792879c9ab898ecbfc85e4fb1a5167441ecc2e2848e2.jpg


LEARN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6-gUqNPi4I


:) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d756882be16eca8cca1cc999a7f23b2c77bd113fddc6cd76d704aa410b3614b0.png


Dr. Steve Piecznic (Who is a Jew) and was the head of Black ops under Kissinger, also former assistant deputy secretary of state and deputy under secretary!

Listen and Learn!



Well Thank you for sharing with me this line of thoughts! They are very interesting !


u are welcome :)

Jimmy Jim

Big talker Kike.

Ashok Varma

Unfortunately you are commenting to a hasbara bot. He is on duty 24/7 and has a foul vocabulary of a brat.


get lost ape.

Hasbara Hunter

Killed any Kids Today?


.Dr. Steve Piecznic (Who is a Jew) and was the head of Black ops under Kissinger, also former assistant deputy secretary of state and deputy under secretary!

Listen and Learn!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6-gUqNPi4I https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d756882be16eca8cca1cc999a7f23b2c77bd113fddc6cd76d704aa410b3614b0.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e5ab69dbe990c30a594524e5c12191d16ca98be7721f1dcb42581e183b3b2dec.png Connect the DOTS! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/beb8b78aca3bba59b92b84c8ba81c5da7ed794dfafc8b48d258364372d632794.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/374f7931639c11e8a87586382d04cf2b2d93e56cc157b2a147af42a40fae791e.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b1a223e47abc1a60dee8c1e046dd10346b19be245f428892716d83998055c7a7.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e605b960942b80805308fd4f3b40aa4fde752a18d8862f744ce96d73b35de2d5.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f4de14c5267cf04b35203bad317f9fa8df95b1a5dab6024ec56f60fd2ab8eb64.jpg


..Dr. Steve Piecznic (Who is a Jew) and was the head of Black ops under Kissinger, also former assistant deputy secretary of state and deputy under secretary!

Listen and Learn!


Ashok Varma

This profane hasbara crude bot needs reprogramming as the algorithm has limited vocabulary of a junior high teenage brat enamored with violent video games.


That’s how I talk to people i don’t give a fuck about, including you. ape.

Hasbara Hunter

Filthy IDF Kidkilling ZioNazi Paedophile

Hasbara Hunter

Finally….was about time…Start the War you Filthy Cocksucking Paedophile IDF Pigs…Time to Exterminate ZioNazi Vermin for Once & for ALL….


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/692729a6bfe0361a7c37bc0b29f2bc505f020301077b2bdeaf84ecd63140640d.png Who The Fuck is This JEW RAT! https://soundcloud.com/user-849825651/that-guy/s-jvkqg Jew Rat Fuckin WEASEL! You SIT DOWN and SHUT you FUCKIN MOUTH!!!!! Because WHITE people ARE GOING TO FUCK YOU UP!!! https://soundcloud.com/user-849825651/weasel-iron-zion/s-X9pPq


.Dr. Steve Piecznic (Who is a Jew) and was the head of Black ops under Kissinger, also former assistant deputy secretary of state and deputy under secretary!

Listen and Learn!


Ashok Varma

The Zionist regime is basically cowardly by nature and its main aim is to use American brainwashed population for its insidious ends. I believe even a convicted criminal like Nethanyahu will be wary to tangle with Hezbollah, which is far stronger today than in 2006, when only a battalion sized Hezbollah unit humiliated the Zionists and won every tactical engagement, despite the Zionists targeting Lebanese civilians. This time Hezbollah will be respond in kind with a far superior arsenal. .


LOL…Israel has been blowing up the Islamist Hezbollah and Iranians for years and years with absolute impunity. Try to keep up.

Hasbara Hunter

It will be a very funny sight when you Filthy Rats are cryin’ for your Inbred mommies with your intestines hanging out….LOL

Hasbara Hunter


Hasbara Checklist:

ACTIVE PARASITES: Free man, <>, Jake321, Prof. Larry Rabiesowitz, Avi Schwartz, Toronto Tonto, Klove & Light, Critical Thinker 911, Jens Holm, Occupying Pig Meat, Jacob “the Nose” Wohl, Simon Bernstein, Neil Barron, DutchNational

Some Extra…:

Roger Smellyman, Frank Behrenstein, Baron Von GoatBanger, Joe Dirt, Smaug, Mountains, Lord of the Wankers, Just Watching, Hamster, retiredSOFguy, Terry Penis, Vidura, Total Pinocchio, Derapage, Fatime Oomayadin, King Tudor777, Velociraptor, Ajdin Aksoy, Superfly, Serious, أبو ياسر, NOD

Beware! These Folks get paid in $hekels to manipulate & speak with Crooked Tongue…



The Gulag Archipelago https://www.google.nl/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2003/jan/25/russia.books



Copy this and use it every time you run into one of those PARASITIC HASBARAT-TROLLS:


Taken from UNZ Review, article, “Use of TERMITE by Louis Farrakahn was exactly right” – “Arthur Koestler, (a person of the Jewish Faith –My, Freespirit emphasis ) is quoting from Maurice Maeterlinck’s Life of the Termites in order to establish in his readers’ minds a salient political point. Not only does Koestler find the termite to be the most accurate metaphor for society’s decay, but his other book, The Thirteenth Tribe, debunks the claim by the white Caucasian Ashkenazi Jews that they are Jews at all! His careful, scholarly, and historically accurate 1976 study found that the white people we think of as Jews—the Netanyahus, the Jonathan Greenblatts, the Alan Dershowitzes and the rest of them—are imposters with no genetic connection to the holy land or holy people of the Bible; they are not even Semites! Koestler
 proves that their Caucasian tribal ancestors converted to Judaism sometime in the 8th century. So the charge of “anti-Semitism” constantly leveled at Blacks and their leaders has no actual meaning at all.” https://www.unz.com/article…

Free man

Hezbollah is an Iranian militia whose role is to take control of Lebanon and promote the interests of the mullahs regime in the region. There is really no border dispute between Lebanon and Israel, so when the mullahs regime falls, the war between Lebanon and Israel will also disappear.

Hasbara Hunter

The whole Middle East will come for you Parasites…

Free man

I never respond seriously to what you write because of your stupidity . But this time I will respond. If the Dutch were smarter about 40 years ago, they wouldn’t let your parents immigrate to the Netherlands. Even though I believe that your parents are good people, as was usually the case with first-generation immigrants back then. The problem is in the second and third generations. Some of whom become ungrateful bastards like you, who attack the host country. Some volunteer to ISIS and some turn into stupid keyboard trolls like you who spread darkness and hate against those who received them with open hearts.

Hasbara Hunter

My Bloodline in Holland goes back 900 years you Filthy Parasite…your Bloodline In ISISraHell only 70 years you stupid Paedophile Cunt…I can tell you that lot of Dutch Folks know the Truth…Why do you think so many Jews Worldwide are goin’ on Aliyah?….You Folks are in Deep Shit…Herded towards ISraHell…so that everyone is there when they Nuke the Shithole…a Self Fulfilling Prophecy

Free man

“My Bloodline in Holland goes back at least 900 years” – LOL. Stupid as usual.

Hasbara Hunter

Better than being a Cocksucking ZioNazi Paedophile like you…


Just block him like I did man, don’t waste your time. Some of the people here can really make me angry, some others I try to have a normal conversation with (like LR captain). I always give them 2 chances, once they blow it then I’m done talking to them for good. Do the same.

Hasbara Hunter

Fuck You ZioNazi IDF-Paedophile you got no reason being in here…go hang around with your own Filthy Species…


:) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f4de14c5267cf04b35203bad317f9fa8df95b1a5dab6024ec56f60fd2ab8eb64.jpg


you are already dead! you just dont know it yet! GAME OVER! THE GREAT AWAKENING!


Hasbara Hunter



:) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d756882be16eca8cca1cc999a7f23b2c77bd113fddc6cd76d704aa410b3614b0.png


Don’t spam me with your videos, that is warning number one.


WARNING?? hahaha! Now im gonna spam all day long! Dumb ?Jew Rat! Hey We got Erud Barak in prison! For creating the Epstein Honey Trap! WANT TO KNOW THE REAL REASON ISRAEL IS CLOSING ITS EMBASSIES? AAAAAAA HAHAHAHAHAHA! YOURE DEAD AND U DONT EVEN KNOW IT! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/aec213c4cfeb4f13e9b7d62b7063394b2eb55f2179d3e3892465f424465ee17b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/da9012ed1bf6a78c4115b8fc4553f0e8978f568719d33ffe493d6e6c1592ef1f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8fb7c5be66e4a7454858403640d0a9eefb7f6516da26893bc390a21df46ebbaa.jpg


Well that is strike two, you just got yourself blacklisted. Ciao.


A year a go Jews came to this site and said the same thing! Do u know what i did? I went to my local jewish area and spat in a Jew’s filthy face! HE DID NOTHING! DIDnt EVEN TURN AROUND! JUST KEPT WALKING HAHAHA! Youre all gonna die! Everyone in Israel is DEAD!


Why do wealthy Jews need 2 kitchens? huh? cant cook a meal for a guest in the same oven? YOU ARE SCUM! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY BEFORE I START KILLING U MYSELF!


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e1c3b9ec5428aa20652887099df56dcf95eea226e1b0b9909b719af676109041.jpg MOSSAD IS DEAD! (YOU PEDOFILE SCUM) CLOSE YOUR EMBASSIES BECAUSE YOURE GETTING KICKED OUT! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ad6bf329f0a9bc31c42877acf9c345b09419f8c92bed117c27124f17f8dca057.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7a59f47bf9633ed7b5d5b94a9e840576816b19aa80afe45e84d2098f94ee61e2.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cf3c91160a79c34cabc5410430721a81d40e86af6b010ad561180dfbf1371580.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5ba1a81935cf24a2f5160b83d044a431ca9dc666dda9cea4b12f1864a31cf484.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7040ee5ae3e19802901d94c5b9619e3bb0aebe3eaf512ade87476630982cf408.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ac0ab24e419bfc408850fcd8de00ad7c4d78fc87da8687c0ef9c69cde95d29ab.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/30bbd4a1fd9928764e6f5e2538bce60050fca7b172bd201524bd40f5ee58a893.jpg



Hasbara Hunter

I think you scared him a little bit…Iron Zion is nowhere to be found Bwahahaha


its just a weak israeli response team! All piss ants who reply with “Anti-semitism”! And that they will complain to an Anti-semitism legal board! All toothless weak people behind a keyboard who cant fight their own wars without Western Nations help! They are on their own now! And now that their pedo traps and human trafficking money making has stopped (by the way, the rich people they trapped were forced to pump money into Mossad hedge funds) their money is gone! Also US foreign aid was moeny that went out and came back to polticians who had family members working in those countries! They cant afford a lot of things now which is why they closed all their embassies! Also think of the timing after bagdaddi was killed and all the information was captured! There isa lot more to this than u realise! i could tell u much more about this but would take a while! if u really wanna know i can tell u! So just ask if u truly wanna know!

Israel is fucked! Out of Criminal funding, cant control politicians anymore after TRUMP having Epstein data which was captured! Israel needs to leave every country because now they cant spy on us anymore, they lost the control they had!

They are truly on their own now! This is when we ALLOW the wolves to close in on them as a lesson! Dont fuck with Western nations! Dont spy on friends who saved ur ass and gave u back ur land!

Now Israel will reap the whirlwind! Now we will let the muslim dogs have their meal! We will not help israel until they have felt some pain and BEG and REPAY the damage they caused! But u know Jews, they dont like to give back money, so they will pay in blood instead!

Good riddance to them! Trust me, this is happening! the next few years are going to be awesome if u hate Israel!

Hasbara Hunter

Yes I really want to know…I already know the common threat & who is the True Enemy, But knowing some extra details never ain’t bad…it adds to & completes the picture…I hope the majority of Americans understands the common threat too…18% is already enough to reach the tipping point…after that things can go very fast


The Pyramid has 3 side /_ +++ = Saudi Arabia ++ = Rothschilds (Mossad) + = Soros (used to be Rockefella)

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2c51841983fae2c0f795f574c8a5a177ed7722b10f09307f3b1936b9e0ac44eb.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d9bbfa3a5789eaa347c0c303991318bbcf91b57b46f9182875e5ef61d497e594.png

Q = NSA Q+ = Trump

If your truly want to Learn, START HERE! (Its 100% real! Trust me) https://qmap.pub/?pg=62

Listen to this video for at Least 1 minute starting from 6:18 (just released) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqhSXdEoznU

if u want the Fast information! (which will still take a lot to tell u) i can tell u all! Ask me a question! ill do my best to answer it!

The world is about to be free! Twice they have tried shooting down Air Force 1 i have pictures to prove it!

However, Rothschilds have had one member killed! They understand if the Cabal chooses to start killing people, they are killed in return! Now the battle is fought in politics! Russian Military and US military can kill anyone they choose IF the bad guys start murdering good guys! Now its about control over the minds of the masses! A great awakening OR continued mass manipulation! ITS GOING TO BE BIBLICAL!


8Chan = NSA Now u know why they want to close it down! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/88703a48ca62547e208742d6eb265a9719fe3205bc6fc2d28426c22e1a4492b1.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1e8e023185a866bf228ebc21e1ca11a870803b7e2e87236d471a04bb8eda92d5.png

Facebook = CIA https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1eebf15445e81193b8c27919d2fbcf6178a7be6a7310279c217b96295cceda55.png

Russia Killed the Rogue Nuclear Missile sub the Cabal stole from Soviet break up! Happened on July 3rd this year WHILE Trump ordered a military parade in every US city which enabled Troops and Air defence systems to be in place! this stop panic amongst people! Trump and Putin are working together! TRUST ME! The goal was (as an insurance policy if loss of control and power) to start a nuclear war between Russia and America (Jew rats planned this now closing embassies world wide! PANIC) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/58871d9bd81cadc84ccfc62a5db32ddf99d23712ed79d77b6cd32ba692c67110.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5c6ca36c1d024a9f9d4eb71ffb66040940014df8ccbeef50dcf387d77c58799a.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0ed9227233116a32946863d996ae987946d7120db819ae6aececf875639c48d4.png

Miltary Intelligence! Putin = Former Russian Intelligence Trump = US intelligence (always has been) thats why he hung out with Clintons and elites Flynn = former Defence intel agency Rogers = former NSA director (military controlled) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f5966d62f737a439ce6085b51e25025840f20b8a1f452e15f26d4b01a60f9d61.png


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3a2f2daa76cd23a078247d8ed0a7aaa48713c340cc7a12f732cec9e0b1e2d361.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/43355794497fcc71525011cc49944a254fe72600edd5ed5d98104de19b5de1b7.png


How do You start a WAR? (AS AN INSURANCE POLICY) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIAhOBJlR0M&list=FL5a7exFGzl7wd0XBpwu7t_Q&index=18&t=0s

Hasbara Hunter

Clear…many of the things you mentioned I have read something about or knew about, but they sounded too far fetched for me especially when confronted with the harsh reality in Syria…Your story sounds plausible…Nonetheless I’m waiting for thing to start…Thus far I’m just a Watchman observing the World around me…Getting as much information as I can get…There might come a time when internet is down…no more info…I already got enough Information to know who is who…I always hold me Banner high…It is a fight on all levels… Victory or Death in this case

Good folks are me Brothers


Something to raise your eyebrows! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_G._Trump John Trump (uncle of Donald Trump) All of Trump’s siblings and relatives are extremely intelligent (judges)! Trump has a very high IQ ! John Trump worked for the military on HIGHLY classified projects! Worked on the same discoveries of Tesla!


“Trump reviewed and analyzed the papers of Nikola Tesla when the inventor died in a New York City hotel. The research was completed on behalf of the Alien property Custodian office in Washington DC. From February 1944 to the end of the war in Europe, Trump was the Director of the BBRL.”

“The National Academy of Engineering described Trump as “a pioneer in the scientific, engineering and medical applications of high voltage machinery”.[4] James Melcher, Trump’s lab director, is quoted as saying: “John, over a period of three decades, would be approached by people of all sorts because he could make megavolt beams of ions and electrons – death rays. … What did he do with it? Cancer research, sterilizing sludge out in Deer Island [a waste disposal facility], all sorts of wondrous things. He didn’t touch the weapons stuff.”

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f323a4c544e8732d90ec4ac61dd900c98f3a72c521ca94a2681fe09aee2ef10d.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8ed116f52b2e99b97813d7d94c867bb962ad13d005fa5008428b4deb6a60f01a.png

“he Office of Alien Property Custodian was an office within the government of the United States during World War I and again during World War II, serving as a Custodian of Enemy Property to property that belonged to US enemies. The office was created under the Trading with the Enemy Act 1917″

He Worked on the Property of Enemies or allies! Super high tech property! :)


“LIDDLE” Trumps Mispells are on purpose! Always have been! intelligence leaks to public! He needs us to know for the small % revolution required!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ac0ab24e419bfc408850fcd8de00ad7c4d78fc87da8687c0ef9c69cde95d29ab.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ad6bf329f0a9bc31c42877acf9c345b09419f8c92bed117c27124f17f8dca057.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7a59f47bf9633ed7b5d5b94a9e840576816b19aa80afe45e84d2098f94ee61e2.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5ba1a81935cf24a2f5160b83d044a431ca9dc666dda9cea4b12f1864a31cf484.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cf3c91160a79c34cabc5410430721a81d40e86af6b010ad561180dfbf1371580.jpg Mossad TRYING to Impeach Trump! If Trump was Supporting Israel…. WHY WOULD THEY WANT HIM IMPEACHED?? Does that make sense? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8d18fcf699f3cc048f826fda40953cb7b6c252ac21fe0d07c3a5f4192a8b1b04.jpg


Gloria Vandenberg (Super Elite) (CIA/ Mossad) Son = Anderson Cooper! (Brother in photo below is DEAD) Anderson cooper = CNN: Works for CIA (fact) On the wall (Child sacrifice: Occult) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/74b5545073f64532c6f8b883691a4803f235fe41ba50337b65f14e1c86f5c4b6.jpg

Vandenberg Home where Anderson cooper grew up! Nice pool Hey? Why is it ALWAYS EMPTY? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/af0acc0d851dc58b6804c005242aa2bd15999c2d275670854abc6c8a53b105d3.png WHY DOES JOHN PODESTA have this art on his wall in his home? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d7beda1fb2b3151aad62d99cf800e1129a7b799bbd2a887feb470acdf4ea2fc0.png Whats the thing about RED Shoes? A special Club? Child sacrifice? Blood drained? Pool? Blood on red shoes? Pedophiles and Pedovores! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8b970f721cd9f8323a56cb5813cbcc7cebdb5aed3a3940726e874440a6b818c5.png

Another Media JEW?

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/05e9352a4d3ea32f8c14d31b2cc287376c8525e268dddd52526d825eeac41434.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3b231eab47081551ade787be863ce4afbfc89b97be7bf5cd5102ccb95f85905c.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2a0955ab7a1202ceb50ca38c37a5c47f4f88a46fd6e5223dfee79e95cf5fe9e9.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5de00652f548bfdc7547299c3ba0cb93afbee5f170783bca8a55f3578871d46f.png

Hollywood? Untouchable? NOT ANYMORE! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/21f862aa77dddbc85cf184dd8b9b485f4b48c3ce8f7511baed300b9d22253fbb.jpg


ROTHSCHILD AND MAXWELL? EPSTEIN PEDO HANDLER? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3a2f2daa76cd23a078247d8ed0a7aaa48713c340cc7a12f732cec9e0b1e2d361.png Bronfman (Jew Elite) going to Jail for NXIUM Cult?

Who was Trumps BEST friend? JFK Junior? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dc75f885a99d4596460a819fa1f43dd6c3e55acca9e12515c29d2cd1947992b0.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8c0f50453321beb8999bd9a448246b647c73d71e8ce52007b5b571c60c03d933.png

ENEMIES ARE ALLIES! “Trust The Plan” :)

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/37ac91860476c65e0392737765f91bda59c91e6bd8aa0056fd34fedd05c96b05.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b5b0ed66ee34972353862fa6e05947b6d66736eb09281872034fb10029df8fda.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fc4c7cb13c47e7f28c3d93bd3a824237aefcf93c13f3ffa86ddfd26ac4a6b3f3.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7bf7f17e0b0b939c7c6f2e4b3229a48d0ab993a98c397bbc6763b8b606540532.jpg

Hasbara Hunter

Small Correction: Gloria Vanderbilt…Dutch Ancestry considering her surname…


She was Adopted! Thats another Rabbit hole! By the Vanderbilts!


Also the Vanderbilt name originates from another!

related to the French royal family who escaped to the USA during the French Revolution! Hiding and protected in the USA who has just recently defeated the English! Changed his name in honour of those he was living with! Made his fortunes from the railroads (starting with a good fortune though and building it very big)!

From what i can remember he might have been King Louis son! However this does not mean shit as the vanderbilts did not have Gloria as their own child! she was adopted and fought over very hard in a Divorce of the century!

U can learn more on this! But what matters is Her necklace (Colombian origin), which occult she is a part of (child sacrifice)! What also matters are “the finders” who all hailed from Yale and invented the CIA around the same time Mossad was invented!

CIA doesnt truly work for american interests! it works for globalist elites! Those elites are Jews who have decided to jump ship to China where the people are much more controlable and politicians dont change every 4 to 6 years

Hasbara Hunter

Almost all intelligence is created (Jewsuits) or infiltrated by ZioNazis…MI6…Mossad…CIA… AIVD…Cheka…NKVD…KGB…Jews & Knights Templar Created America…since 1917 Russia belonged to them too…So the connections go back for Centuries…They have placed themselves on high positions in almost every nation on this Planet…The World is heavily infected with Malignant metastases…It will be the common People who hold the power to really change things…they underestimate their true power…The Houthis know…the Syrians know…


u forgot the UK (united kingdom)! The Scottish nobels were from the knights templar! Hence the Scottish Rite! A Scottish rite nobelman married Queen Mary who took the thrown of both England and Scotland because Queen Elizabeth the 1st couldnt bare children!

Mary’s son was the first King of the UNITED KINGDOM and the Scottish Rite took over from there!

As for the elites…..

“You are now witnessing the distruction of the old guard” “its going to be biblical”

Hasbara Hunter

The Rosecrusians…I never forget the UK with their Jewish Royals…because 42 American presidents are related to King John of England & Americans are still paying taxes to the British Crown… Benjamin Franklin came back to America after having a chat with the British Queen…Held up a piece of paper and told the Revolutionaries that they were “Free”…were they? Really?



The war against the brittish empire continued in the battle against THE BANK! It was free when free of the bank (issuing money under treasury) and NOT when the FED existed!

Also it is KNOWN now that the royal gets great amounts of money even from the US military budget! For example, 40% just from the Navy budget per year!

Their hands are in every pocket!

The question is Who is the Crown? The Queen and the Royals or is it the Bankers? Who is the East India Company? Who is Black Rock? Are they all tied together?

Nobility of Kings and Queens came from the Jews as Kind David was “the chosen one”! The Queen’s throne has a stone underneath it called “the stone of scone” which in actual fact is another name for “King Solomons Stone”! So not only are the Brittish Royals related to Germany (Knights hospitaller) But also the Scottish rite (knights Templar and of Malta) but also King David (so they say)!

Knights Hospitaller Symbolsim? Knights of Templar Symbolism? Vatican symbolism?

What does it all connect to? Why was Hitler obssessed with Egypt and the Ark? What did the Knights templar find in the Temple? What was the Ark? What was the temple? Why could only the highest of high priests enter the temple? A communication to God? Electricity came from it? lol Crazy Shit!

Who was John G Trump?

This is much bigger than u can imagine! READ!


The military has been leaking this info over the last 20 years on the internet! A long time? or a short time? How many people does it take to start a revolution? To begin a mass awakening?


Hasbara Hunter

I must say: It all sounds almost too good to be true…if this is what is going on in the background… Then the Elites are pretty much doomed…Troubles with the British Epstein Royals must be just the beginning…Wasn’t it around 3% of the peoples who always do the actual fighting in any war…the rest prefers to stay home anyway…


Cabal worships entities not of this world! They want access! Who guards the secrets? The Wizards and Warlocks!

What do THEY Want?? POWER / Full Control! Who Currently has the Power and Full Control? The Wizards and Warlocks (The N.S.A) Highest Classification! Q level (Not necessary to have Q level Clearance and ONLY be from the department of Energy! There are OTHER Departments with Q level Clearance) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6f986a5d3ed60267b1e8f52cd939a62c34edb22d3014034773bd96a5685f721e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fa7cdb65759aa0cd10f2173fc15d062c7a82a845425ddc522a2b52819dbcae57.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0c6dfc2526afc57bd8a8565edb769338e60ecd17c6f6d6df6f54d4566fb8d4e5.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ef83d90d18232f2357fcc4ae0e59b275b8b47db63965317d426ec80dc7e2889b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/096a9f94c0fd390288526f6bb53a3aabea199d45dba3dadcc976b0b50b0736e1.jpg

THEY WANT THE KEYS THAT OPEN ALL DOORS! Who is John G Trump? What does TRUMP know? The ultimate power to reign hell on earth OR bring us millions of years into the future? Such tech can do what? The time has come to release! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEkHH82Krq8 Trump “We will end Aids in 10 years”! How? Terminal Cancer patients are now back at work through Trumps new “Right to Try Drugs” policy? REALLY? Drugs from 50 years a go THEY couldnt get passed? REALLY?

EVIL people want the keys! Wizards and Warlocks hold all keys! Too dangerous to keep secret now! THEY (evil ones) want control! The time has come to release! The end of an Age! The Dawn of a new Age!




Hasbara Hunter

Forgive me if I’m wrong but if there are Evil “Aliens” backing the Elites…or perhaps even ARE the Elites & the rest of this planet just their Servants…how to win? Are there a couple of Good Aliens around for back up?

Hasbara Hunter

The way I see it: Americans have a big responsibility concerning the Khazarian ZioNazi Mafia…Simply because they have a leading role in America for many Centuries…ISraHell is supported by the U.S. if the Americans stop sending money they will probably go Bankrupt…so simply take away their finances…


Video below CUT from Aired interview? posted directly to internet? SLOW RELEASE! Space Force? This is Much bigger than u realise! Everything is connected! NO SHIT! “The choice to KNOW will be YOURS”! https://youtu.be/Ud7cE6FozPo?t=36 look closely at the mission patches! https://www.google.com/search?q=NRO+mission+patches&sxsrf=ACYBGNR-cIzX08D9XVt_UAO7N9HSlJvpUQ:1575979508765&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwih8auWhavmAhWjguYKHQ_NCaYQ_AUoAXoECAwQAw&biw=2559&bih=1275 just look at them ALL! https://www.google.com/search?biw=2559&bih=1275&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSh6tGrElFILTUsfIV9wjexKslAbw%3A1575979510877&sa=1&ei=9onvXdyZNdrXz7sPyY6ioAM&q=nsa+mission+patches&oq=nsa+mission+patches&gs_l=img.3..0.66635.66965..67203…0.0..0.156.618.0j4……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0i7i30.IXBwLcJIV6A&ved=0ahUKEwjc7KyXhavmAhXa63MBHUmHCDQQ4dUDCAc&uact=5

Who are “the wizards and warlocks”? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cbb26e274680940535f291e56a7c715ebc5aa0201c0736fd1feb875139911873.gif https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e0322d71373d72ca0403c14ea8fe9fe5c94a850be4e3458ada716ce84709ac1c.gif https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/198eea5517173ca936169af5a6715019dc947cc16074665ab63b12f215aa5156.jpg

Who see’s all? Who KNOWS all?

Who has ALWAYS known ALL? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/537ca4c3a0f90126347a6497cb1a0a0be33c3b67faf65ad9f90bff6462e5ff7d.png

Wizards and Warlocks! Who are they? What do they know? What do they have? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/123dff05d775990ebae511c7b459c0be69362d3382ac6465a9c1d0773c2447b6.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d3db17e5e1fd3ba86045d588532ade93d0ad3aa23f8eb970a0b034668da9076b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c72cd412557c84ed80742f33cb9e5ad7db6a0e17eb3d03fac743222f32366f33.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/36b56a3d503598f4eb6920e0ebddf429467573434b44d608b25570d9e59a0d7c.jpg

Hasbara Hunter

It is the Human Species I hold responsible for the current state this World is in…their lack of intelligence has created Hell upon Earth instead of a Paradise…so I won’t blame Aliens for it…I can see the faces of my Enemy…they’ll go down first… Universe itself is Balanced…Earth is no longer in balance…Who are the Wizards & Warlocks? Good folks or Evil Folks?


haha im not saying aliens did anything dude! i know this is crazy, im just saying contact has been made! however u are right! humans are capable of being very evil! But the balance u are wanting is coming!

What i am saying is that WE the people of this earth will soon have better lives, better health, better tech and much better awareness!

but it will get worse before it gets better. but we are now in the eye of the storm! Literally right in it right now!

The Cabal (and it is JEWISH) is about to be crushed! do u really believe Israel closed ALL embassies world wide due to finances?

Do u REALLY think the crown Prince of Saudi kept all other Princes hostage just for some money?

there are the public reasons and then there are the REAL reasons!

Israel closing all embassies is a HUGE win! WHY? They got caught! PURE EVIL! Enemy of the world! These Jew rats cant help themselves, they want it all! They think of us as mere sheep and slaves! Gentiles to be USED! PAIN!

Hasbara Hunter

Genocides..Holodomors…Gulags…Slavetrade… Endless Wars…Human & Organ trafficking… Drugstrade…Pedophilia…every time when Evil things occurred the same Khazarian Mobsters & their Masonic Puppets popped up in 2000 years of History…It will be nice if Good Peoples shake hands & fight our Common Enemy…Awareness always important…I already could see positive developments in the Middle East & the way Russia was handling things…America on board will only add to the fun….


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9e9c6e8f242881f4b895043a689d1a7cb8c3f4e2f8c0c5b84dc6b8b1321fcd30.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8b41263166d89da830e6e4a1cdbc8fd9251fb27e472abed683692be4bdf46cb5.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/23da3a30f0d19998fb9148acd1e25d7e6da1f51106e1e255480951ec70fd7049.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f8c6d77192df9c8f1ef589215ceefe0f209ecd76874451442a9f532cdbba5157.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6d0a37eb0caf0e2bb5e2b623028f3fb6fbfd48e650a0974e7c469df18f93fd3d.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/29b5527559df2d743fcd11ecbd9aff852e1a3144b548e1ec9c3e27eff5863f1c.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/94dd5a0305834b70bd93ac35b12b7ce99c2c8c536dd9d2a8f9c0199ba236fde8.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2d514f8369c6cfbce9e1bae5ae39f4f9980c3114df93e6c3bcce563d95f7a1f8.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f3e012fdba0036f91049c40d735c4df3565c9f3ca0497f9a5a2f3a55a8f91093.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/36a9add524b753ece0fb92fd93764328b8772712ecfcee6cd5cf2dfe9274a9dd.png


Trump and Putin are working together!!! Its a FACT! And very obvious! “ITS GOING TO BE BIBLICAL!”




COINCIDENCE? Wouldnt Jesse waters KNOW??


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8c3c8959ee52e5b3a6c8444db0f48536169710b21d682d379f853ab9ce0bb8cb.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6756d782a454a3bf40037d55a70f762ecb4e511c291036c1e6a0184003ffb02b.jpg

Hasbara Hunter

Ghislaine Maxwell must have crawled under a Rock somewhere…Or already in custody?


Not sure but certainly protected by Mossad! In the end a lot of these people will flee to israel and israel will be pressured to extradite! Israel is looking like it will cut diplomatic ties everywhere simply because they have done too much damage in every country! They will truly be on their own soon fending for themselves! i honestly believe they will be feed to the wolves! Will be a very telling time!

new subject, u are from Holland yes? This is about Holland: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoABiNW9LEE


Check this out! 3 days ago! Warning to Elites! https://www.defensenews.com/smr/reagan-defense-forum/2019/12/08/barrett-rogers-plan-to-declassify-black-space-programs/

Wizards and Warlocks :)


Dont need Maxwell anyway! they have Rachael Chandler! https://twitter.com/ug0ttrumped/status/982427121812459520 FILTHY FUCKIN JEWS! KILL THEM ALL! Former Child victim turned Child handler! (as many became)! Ray chandler Chandler C Handler Child Handler dude, u should see her instagram and her websites! they trafficked kids by hiding in the open! Remember, this is all a Jewish operation! i coud send u screen shots dude but its too bad! google her name but also duckduckgo search her name! SICK! Epsetin, Mazwell and Mossad op! filthy fuckin jews!

Hasbara Hunter

Laura Silsby & the Clinton connection…I already knew in 2010 that the Cokesmuggling Clintons & their foundation sucked big time…




Also ask yourself why did the Rothschilds have a fire sale (fast desperate sale) of the centuries owned Black Forrest in austria and Germany? We are talking hundreds of years of ownership and extreme a months of prime land!

All for ONLY $108 million? Why?


If u think things arnt happening, think again! HUMAN TRAFFICKING!

The world doesnt work the way u think it does! ALL ELITES make their REAL wealth from Corruption, Foreign aid that goes back to them, Blackmailed hedge funds, human trafficking, drug trafficking!

And literally Bath in Occult worship! These people are sick! Symbolism will be their downfall!


The pool is Empty! notice the ropes?


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Hasbara Hunter

Already had noticed the ropes…what is it with the adidas ball? Lindsey graham seemed to be worried about it…


If u remember the major complaint is that Putin and Trump had a 2 hour private meeting! No secret service or anyone allowed in! The MSM (u can google this) want to supeona the Translators! The ball was Putin handing over to Trump saying “the next world cup is yours, so the ball is now in your court”! Trump said “i’ll give it to my Son Barron”! Throws it to Melania! This ball contains space for a microchip as the Russian world cup put GPS chips on the ball for some silly reasons!

The Mossad media were trying so hard for them NOT to meet! For sure there was data of some sort! What i dont know! But something which Putin and trump coordinated with! Also the private 2 hour meeting!

therefore u have a secret classified conversation that nobody could know about except Trump and Putin (plus Translators)!

Electronic data Transferred in the ball (but could have been a nice troll against the media, perhaps even a decoy of false information on it, who knows)!

Cooperation none the less


Yes u right about her name lol


Start HERE at post #1: https://qmap.pub/?pg=62 u will LOVE IT!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a5b8e78978aad5b8df4cacda499b1704a778d0b23d856b3712824803492a64e3.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/41881af3be9ad0aba86e65f1de6f4293170d05ee1dcf149e77ad69c17a45c9d7.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/527027971aa3a4a9a05e7053096744f393aa0be22fd63464f9c52bd394bc4c25.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ab9eb4961480823932071636d9cb583771496dd05c818d9d1edfd60cf9a44539.jpg

Hasbara Hunter

Thanks for the posts…:)


Who brings the Storm in Mythology? Thor? God of Thunder? Thor’s Father who CREATED THE HAMMER? Thor’s fathers NAME IS ODIN? Project Odin is Department of Defence? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/743fa6ca6223f6c177bc02292c31ab263f94825ea05abd328ca2374da36ec3f5.png

the Storm brings down the Hammer!!


2017 “The calm before the Storm”! “What is the Storm Mr. President”? “You’ll find out”!

Dark to Light! White Hat (good guys / Wizards and Warlocks) Intelligence agencies are bringing DARK TO LIGHT! LINK: https://qanon.pub/?q=dark%20to%20light This happened as soon as Trump Returned from meeting Putin in Finland: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZGP5JOergE

Ive been trying to tell people on this site for 2 years! nobody listens!


Here is the Rothschild owned and Run MOSSAD “Red Cross” STEALING money from all Western nations under the disguise as Foreign aid! YOU ARE LOOKING AT BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN THE VIDEO BELOW! THEY HAVE BEEN DOING THIS FOR YEARS! LET THEM DIE NOW!!!


Why would anyone need to send cash if helping other nations? Why not food etc!If they needed money, just transfer it by wire! Why containers of cash? Why do it through the red cross?

This is ONE OF the ways Jew Rats from Israel made their money and funded their operations! THEY ARE RATS AND DESERVE TO DIE! THATS MONEY FROM US TAX PAYERS! They stole it so they can use it against us while they corrupt our politicians to fight wars for them! LET THEM DIE NOW!


For all of your Pedofile honey traps and corruption! WE’RE GONNA GET YOU! TIME TO GO TO SLEEP ISRAEL! https://youtu.be/ldGsr3HDkO4?t=9 https://youtu.be/XZBOuW3m8U4?t=50


White people are coming for you! Throughout HISTORY, Nothing is more scarier than WHITE PEOPLE COMING FOR YOU! THE JEWS (YOU) KNOW IT, BLACKS KNOW IT, ASIANS KNOW IT, MUSLIMS KNOW IT and the Jews have had their LAST time on this earth! A New age is coming! And u are NOT in it!

THIS: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/707c73297e4105be07e2432f5e882b03604cfb0f023239faf807e21e37d53d1a.png


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/293c2af33920440a8c39f98f34e1a3ebd71fc44cbd1b78b5b87cbd37fc7e5c93.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c4be5185132bf7d4fb0ac1c03c689747e55a69883aae542a1715c47d4ef46383.jpg

You are INFERIOR! We always Saved u! We always Dominate the World! AND U ARE FUCKING DEAD!







https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjGDLveglUY&feature=youtu.be https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d0c4377c5b06045a3c000ae92826372733848c94b046d61ea2dda0c594175297.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d756882be16eca8cca1cc999a7f23b2c77bd113fddc6cd76d704aa410b3614b0.png https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6-gUqNPi4I


I COULD EASILY BEAT THE FUCK OUT OF THIS TINY, FAT, RAT, JEW CUNT! EASYYYYY! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dddb1a24a7e4bbc6f92597c4ea8f7f64cfcf8e6f05ecee603a02a53dfcbfe786.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9880177c16e874d73adbd8bceb68a97f65ca75116b008659562d24eff90c6397.jpg






Who the FUCK is Iron Zion? A fuckin Inferior Jew NOBODY! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7IX7SwxPkU&feature=youtu.be


Iron Zion YOU FUCKING JEW SCUM PEDO RAT! What u gonna do u inferior physical rat? You sit down and shut your fuckin mouth! CUNT! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9iXtoR6BtY&feature=youtu.be

Hasbara Hunter



https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d756882be16eca8cca1cc999a7f23b2c77bd113fddc6cd76d704aa410b3614b0.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8fb7c5be66e4a7454858403640d0a9eefb7f6516da26893bc390a21df46ebbaa.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/da9012ed1bf6a78c4115b8fc4553f0e8978f568719d33ffe493d6e6c1592ef1f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b1a223e47abc1a60dee8c1e046dd10346b19be245f428892716d83998055c7a7.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e605b960942b80805308fd4f3b40aa4fde752a18d8862f744ce96d73b35de2d5.jpg


Prove me WRONG that Ehud Barak and Ghislane Maxwell DONT CREATE pedo Honey traps for Israel! PROVE ME FUCKING WRONG U UGLY JEW CUNT!




Youre just a dumb Jew cunt! 5’3″ to 5’6″ max! Fat and round like Ehud Barak or skinny like that Jew Fuck on Big Bang Theory! If any Jew is taller than 5’6″ its because he’s half white! u wont do SHIT! come get me cunt! silence me u kid fucker! u Fuck children dont u Jew Cunt! yeah? u like to fuck little Kids u stupid dumb ugly rat!

i would kill u so fast and so easy…… soooo fuckin easy! Any one of ur Jew rat soldiers! EASY!


This is what most Jews in the IDF look like! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/af4670bc8b4bc54a27e101ccdd5bc0b2da73c39778074776ec59976cf0a0a259.jpg



i would fuck any Jew up any day of the week, month, year, century, until the end of time! Jews are INFERIOR!!!!

Jew Rat in retirement! Likes to fuck kids and corrupt Friendly nations! fuckin jew rats! “NEVER EVER TRUST A DIRTY FILTHY FUCKIN JEW!” This should be written on stone at the United Nations! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b1a223e47abc1a60dee8c1e046dd10346b19be245f428892716d83998055c7a7.jpg


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d0c4377c5b06045a3c000ae92826372733848c94b046d61ea2dda0c594175297.png DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! DO SOMETHING!! U ARE WEAK, SHORT AND FAT JUST LIKE YOUR FUCKIN MOSSAD PEDOFILE EHUD BARAK! I TAKE SHITS BIGGER THAN YOU!


COMPARE THIS: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f6db795d11f9120683998981e9ef058930091a66efe88bf58fa5d5e030b494f3.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1c26b3702ec0d991fcf5545d94f8b69b91b118382b4895808dd33e4da3aa5dc5.jpg

TO THIS: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f4de14c5267cf04b35203bad317f9fa8df95b1a5dab6024ec56f60fd2ab8eb64.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/502c3f98dec9cfd49a4435c97abe96228f636448fa9c270ae1fc5c5b178c7f8d.jpg






Free man

What is the connection? Do you want to show that you love pedophiles?


Google Dr. Steve Piecznic (Who is a JEW)(This man in the video) (dont just look up wikipedia even though wikipedia proves he was former head of Black Ops under Kissinger) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6-gUqNPi4I https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e605b960942b80805308fd4f3b40aa4fde752a18d8862f744ce96d73b35de2d5.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b1a223e47abc1a60dee8c1e046dd10346b19be245f428892716d83998055c7a7.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e5ab69dbe990c30a594524e5c12191d16ca98be7721f1dcb42581e183b3b2dec.png “The British Foreign Office suspected that Maxwell was a secret agent of a foreign government, possibly a double agent or a triple agent, and “a thoroughly bad character and almost certainly financed by Russia.” He had known links to the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), to the KGB, and to the Israeli intelligence service Mossad”

Now do the Math! if u cant work out a connection, it means you are dumb or in Denial! i refuse to believe Jews are dumb (if u claim to be a Jew), but i do believe Jews are one of the most Physically inferior species of Human (unless they breed with White people)! (Equal to that of Indians of India) Of course i believe Blacks are the most superior in this case! How


.u didnt respond! U asked me a question! YOU SAID: “Whats the connection?” So i showed u and YOU WENT DEAD SILENT! Sometimes silence means DENIAL! Or it can mean GotchYa Bitch! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyIMKiWpdU4


JESUS bad combination of Genetics dude! u got Jew blood AND Dutch blood? Arnt these 2 nations we RESCUED and GAVE ur land back AFTER UR WOMEN REWARDED US WITH BLOWJOBS in the street! u lucked out dude! now i understand why u so unhappy in life and need to hide behind the “Anti-Semitism” board that protects u! Dont worry, real white men will always save u! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f6db795d11f9120683998981e9ef058930091a66efe88bf58fa5d5e030b494f3.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1c26b3702ec0d991fcf5545d94f8b69b91b118382b4895808dd33e4da3aa5dc5.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/549f2a79311ade0d4286f0d2ac01b09d16cc468d7b4f81ad8a0c9030685de8e8.jpg Thats is Unless u want Jews to save u! aaaaaa hahahaha

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/502c3f98dec9cfd49a4435c97abe96228f636448fa9c270ae1fc5c5b178c7f8d.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f4de14c5267cf04b35203bad317f9fa8df95b1a5dab6024ec56f60fd2ab8eb64.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d756882be16eca8cca1cc999a7f23b2c77bd113fddc6cd76d704aa410b3614b0.png

No wonder why u need Pedofile Honey traps to make our politicians send OUR Superior White Males to fight your wars!

because you are fucking piss ant weaklings! We shit on u! We shit on ALL OF YOU!

Free man

Learn to read English. The stupid hunter claims to be Dutch originally (900 years back). But according to his level of intelligence, he probably doesn’t know his father, like you.

Hasbara Hunter

Hahaha…my Father at least wasn’t a Filthy Khazarian ZioNazi Paedophile…your inbred mommy got Buttfucked by Mister Barak 9 months later you were born…a cute little turd




Nahhhhhhhh…but just in case there are those couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles that can more than take care of the rest of the Middle East.




Lebanese males are REAL men! The only problem is Israeli tech! But REAL men overcome such tech! When REAL men are closing in on genetically weak Jews, watch the rats SQUEAL!

The rats will try very hard to get white nations in to help them! But guess what, this time we will let u tear them limb from limb!

DO IT! Kill these rats! We will love u for it! We will become brothers! Christian and Muslim Brothers!

Hasbara Hunter

True Muslims & True Christians in essence are very much alike….they are Good Folks…because they have to be, in order to go to Paradise…


Best practice for IDF dealing with Hezbollah would be hiding under a table or running fast!!


Wanna test it tough guy?

Ashok Varma

Even hasbara bots are full of US taxpayer funded braggadocio.

Hasbara Hunter

You have a big mouth but you are a Chickenshit Paedophile Faggot…

Hasbara Hunter

You are a little Cryin & Moanin’ Chickenshit Bitch…what are you going to do? Nothing…

Ashok Varma

As I explained to the 24/7 present hasbara bot “iron zion” the so-called IDF is a dehumanized brutal occupation force in Occupied Palestine and has not fought anyone who can hit back since its ignominious defeat at the hands of a much smaller Hezbollah back in 2006. If there is any conflict in the region in the future, it will be far more deadlier and will not remain confined to Lebanon, Syria or Occupied Palestine. The Zionist aim is to get the US bogged down in another swan song war in a already destabilized region.


LOL…sure, as the Israelis have been blowing up the Islamist Hezbollah goons and their puppet master Islamist Iranians by the dozens and dozens for the past few years with absolute impunity. Try to keep up.

Jimmy Jim

Kikers will hide behind uncle Sam as always.

Hasbara Hunter

If Uncle Sam is still there to help the ZioNazis by that time…Americans are talking about a Civil War II…So They might be pretty occupied up there soon…No time to Rescue ISISraHell…


2020, save the date

Jimmy Jim

It is a year, not a date dumb KIKE!


What for Bibi’s trial.


That too.


We are not scared man, it’s better to be prepared to a war we know that is coming next year.

Hasbara Hunter

You are a little scared chickenshit Faggot…you can only crawl back under your stone all the time you ZioNazi Parasite… Keep hiding Pigshit-Parasite… your Avatar is an embarrassment…

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

IDF is 100% ready for regional war against the shia mullahs!

Jacob Wohl's Nose

your jew NOSE is longer than a black man’s c0ck LOL

Jacob Wohl's Nose

“mUh sHiA mUlLaHz” u sound retarded, Larry-Tard

Hasbara Hunter

Good because you will get your War soon


And you and yours will be gone soon.

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

ok, arab. you do realize that arabs are inferior to the Ashkenazis?


PHYSICALLY jews are Genetically inferior! Yet very intelligent! They have always relied on others to fight their wars! They have relied on smart weapons! But their country is so fucking small! 7miles wide at its most narrow point! Also the world is awake to their bullshit lies! Take this scum out! They are NOT warriors, they do not have the genetics to be warriors, they are merely tacticians! In the end, real men win! The Alpha males always win! The world hates them because they are rats vying for power and control with manipulation and immoral actions! Time to delete this world of rats! I bet u Christians and Muslims could live in peace when the JEW rat is rid from this planet! Their belief system is as bad as ISIS! If u read it, its the same fucking thing or worse! Lets be done with them once and for all!


If we are so small and weak, then why are you so afraid? come and “deal” with us, you bitch.

Hasbara Hunter

The World will deal with you soon…why do you think you Rats are inside every country…? You were always expelled from every Host-Nation until you ZioNazis had sucked them Bone-Dry…Once the Nation is Completely Sucked you Rats had to Run for the Angry Pogromming Mob & always found a new Host to prey upon…The Running is over boy…don’t have to run anymore…This is the End-Game It already started…Victory or Death…


But you and yours would look so pretty as glow in the dark dust and vapor if you ever tried anything serious against Israel. A couple of hundred of Israel’s mostly thermonuclear missiles do make a point. Now go practice with your suicide vest, AH.


Im a White Australian! I have dealt with you! It all began when i beat up a Jew one year above me in school! Fast forward to 2007 Hezbollah kicked your ass! I gave u a compliment, i ADMITTED you are smart! But physically you are on par with Indians from India! You are probably one of the smartest group of people in the world. Blacks might be the dumbest! But blacks are physically the most powerful! Blacks are strong, athletic, can be very big and tall and have been known to have dicks the size of a python! Where as Jews are smart but physically extremely weak! im not taling about Jews who go to the gym and work out and bla bla bla! im only interested in the RAW Jew, the Jew before they go to gym, workout and get fit! Where is their body at? Its fucking puny, weak with small dicks! Where are white people? Do we have the biggest dicks? NO! are we the 2nd biggest dicks? YES Are we the smartest? Hmmmm jury still out on that one but i think NO, maybe the second smartest behind Jews! Are whites physically the Strongest? No! probably the second strongest behind blacks!

But where are white people overall? ON TOP!

Why am i making this a point? BECAUSE THE ALPHA ALWAYS WINS! WHITES ARE WARRIORS! WHITES ARE INDIVIDUALS WHO DO NOT HAVE TO FORM A GROUP LIKE JEWS DO FOR PROTECTION! Whites are good workers only second to asians who seem to be the best workers! Jews dont work at all! u literally have no work ethic! Go to a gym or to an office building….. show me ione Jew working hard or working out hard! u cant! Therefore your defence forces are most likely fucking useless but only doing well behind your smart tech and tactics (which is why u prefer us whites to fight for u)!

Guess what? game over! Ask yourself why throughout history, the whites have dominated! Why Jews begged whites to GIVE (fucking GIVE) Israel back to you after WE (YES WE) fought world wars! U Jews did fuck all to get ur nation back! FUCK ALL!

You dont fight fair, you cheat (using our elite military resources so u could fight back against the palestinians)

You are shit! u are equal to blacks! u are the BEST at one Genre! Blacks are physically the best and Jews MAY be intellectually the best! BUT over all! You are far behind Whites and Asians! u are at the bottom of the pool! U need us! We dont need you!

And we are thinking to fuck u off just like u have been 109 ties in history!

And the real reason ur Embassies are being closed world wide? BECAUSE TRUMP IS PLAYING THE ART OF WAR! “Keep your frinds close and your ENEMIES even closer”!




Now take your meds, Adolf, before those nice big guys in the white coats throw you back in your padded cell and throw away the key. But thanks for pointing out how mediocre you are from top to bottom. And do note that Israel’s couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles work just fine regardless of who pushes the button. Oh, and how many of these nice nukes do you have did you say?


so u admit u have nukes? So u are admitting u: 1. lied to the world 2. are a terrorist state 3. do not follow the rules of the nuclear non proliferation treaty 4. fear the reaper!

And after ur so called “Holocaust” what have u then gone and done to Palestinians? And u call ME Adolf? You are committing GENOCIDE of the people who OWN palestine! u STOLE it with Rothschild money!

I see u did not DARE to debate me on the OBVIOUS genetic weakness of Jewish physical stature! i got u on that one! EVERYONE knows in terms of Genetic Physicality that it goes: 1. Blacks 2. Whites 3. Arabs 4. Asians 5. Indians 6. Jews This also includes largest Dick to smallest dick! On the intellectual side: 1. Jews 2. Whites 3. Asians / Indians 4. Arabs 5. Blacks

Do the math!

As for your nukes! How small is your country? Where are Russian S-400’s? Where are US PATRIOTS MISSILES? Where are THAAD? Where is Aegis systems? Where are Russian S-300’s? Where are Iranian Anti Air?


Where are Russian BUK M2 and M3’s? Where are Pantsirs? WHERE? What weapons are ins space? Which countries have Laser weapon anti air defence?

Your nukes are dead before or shortly after they leave the ground!

Dont worry we wont nuke israel! We are going to let the Arabs use Canons, missiles, bombs and MEN to take ALL OF U OUT!

EXTINCTION Event to take place in Israel! We will liberate the Palestinians like we liberated Jew rats!

Better for Israel to die, than to have a world war amongst ourselves! WE KNOW it is YOU who is the problem! WE FUCKING KNOW!

And it is YOU who will die at the hands of Muslims and it is US WHITES who will wash our hands CLEAN of your Rat blood!

Die u diseased Weak rat! DIE!


You really think I’m gonna read all of that? you stupid cunt :)


hahaha u wont read it because youre scared! Go ahead and live in denial because ignorance is bliss! Since when do intelligent people NOT read! hahaha. id beat the fuck out of genetically inferior jews like u!


LOL, they need to learn how to run away faster.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x