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Israeli Defense Minister Calls On Syria’s President To Get Rid Of Iranians

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Israeli Defense Minister Calls On Syria’s President To Get Rid Of Iranians

Iranian-backed forces massing around Deir Ezzor city

On May 11, Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman called on Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad to remove Iranian forces from Syria argoung that these forces will only complicate the situation in the war-torn country. Lieberman also hinted that the situation in Syria will improve if these Iranian forces withdraw.

“They are not helping you, they only cause damage, and their presence will only cause problems and damages … Get rid of the Iranians and maybe it will be possible to have a different kind of life,” Liberman said during a visit to the Golan Heights, according to the British media outlet Telegraph.

The Israeli Air Force attacked more than 70 targets inside Syria on May 10 as a response to rocket attack supposedly carried out by the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on Israeli targets in the Golan Heights. Back then, the Syrian state media said that several Israeli missiles had been shot down and only a few positions and equipment of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) had been hit.

Addressing the incident, Liberman said that the tensions have not ended yet and stressed that the Israeli Army is committed to response to any further attacks from Syria’s territory.

“This is a permanent policy: if someone is going to carry out an attack against the State of Israel, to launch missiles against the State of Israel, we will always try to strike it first,” Lieberman stated, according to the Russian news outlet Sputnik.

The Israeli pressure on the Iranian forces in Syria will continue, according to local observers, who also believe that Iran will withdraw from the country at the official request of the Damascus government only.

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888mladen .

Well he has just come from Kremlin. Just wonder where he has got this idea.

Assad Did Nothing Wrong™

The presence of Iran “complicates” Israel’s evil plans indeed. The situation would improve only for the coalition of evil.


The presence of Iran and Hezbollah in Syria make complicate the presence of Israeli migrant state in Palestine.


The presence of Iran complicate Israhell implementation of the Oded Yinon Plan for the Middle East. Yes, the USA, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan are ISRAEL VASSALS.…In Marc 1948, a Joint Chiefs of Staff paper on “Force Requirements for Palestine”, predicted that the “Zionist strategy will seek to involve the [UNITE STATES] in a continuously widening and deepening series of operations intended to secure maximum Jewish objectives. The JCS listed the objectives as (a) initial Jewish sovereignty over a portion of Palestine, (b) acceptance by the great powers of the right to unlimited immigration, (c) the extension of Jewish sovereignty over all of Palestine,(d) the expansion of “Eretz Israel” into Transjordan and into portions of Lebanon and Syria, and (e) the establishment of Jewish military and economy hegemony over the entire Middle East…They are now implementing the 1982 ZIONIST PLAN FOR THE MIDDLE EAST, which is based on the division of the whole Middle East nations into smaller states dissolving all the existing Arab states and put it under the ZIONIST DIRECTORATE AND TOTAL CONTROL. This plan was written in 1982 by Israeli strategist named Oded Yinon, this plan call for the destruction of the large Arab states and the Balkanization of their nations into mini-states as was done in Yugoslavia in the 1990s, that is exactly what the U.S is doing in Iraq/Syria on behalf of their ZIONIST MASTERS.


Who trust the devil ??? XD.

alejandro casalegno

Israel, USA and the saudis pay billons to destroy Syria,,,,,,,,,,Iran, Hezbollah and Russia save Syria, and this ashole give orders???????????????


Americans and Israelis both are migrants coincidentally.


Bashar Al-Assad is not European migrant to comply order of land thief and child butcher.

Joe Dirt

Did you miss the meeting last week between Russia and Israel? Russia supported the bombings in Syria. Not only that but no S300 for Syria :D

alejandro casalegno

Joe. In May of 2015, afther the fall of Idlib and Palmyra, Assad was doomed, the russian forces, specially the RuAF, change the war. Russia save Syria from the jihadists………but not from the zionists.

Joe Dirt

And in 2018, Russia has let Israel bomb all of SW Syria.


The Zionists are acting extra crazy after being b itch slapped in Syria. Actually, Iran is beefing up presence in Syria and as Nabih Berri (Lebanese Speaker) and Iranian Ayatollah’s declared the days of Zionist impunity are long over now. Iran will keep on strengthening its position in Syria and the region. The Iraqi election also seems to be going Iran’s way.


A bloody asshole indeed..!


Like I said, Hezbollah and Iran are the real and ONLY “axis of resistance”. israel is very happy that Russia controls the syrian army as israel knows that Russia will never provide weapons to Syria nor do anything against israel. But, israel is not happy about Hezbollah and Iran.

888mladen .

It’s strange that somebody had to state that when it’s so obvious. Soleimani is the only true soldier.

Free man

“Russia will never provide weapons to Syria …” Where do you think the weapons of the Syrian forces came from? From Mars? All the weapons that the Syrian forces have come from Russia are mostly for free. Why do you underestimate what the Russians do for Syria?

jerry hamilton

They are monsters but Lieberman is telling the truth. If Iran stays, Occupied Palestine will regularly attack them and lie like hell. They will use mini nukes too. Iran can not move forward by staying in Syria. It would be nice to see Iran attack from Iran.


As if they will not attack Iran if Iran stays. XD.

israelis are pathetic liars. Syria doesn’t need israel to tell what to do. If Syria wants to cooperate with Iran, israel has no word to say.

israel is the bad guy in the story. Is they didn’t stole other people lands and didn’t follow a garbage book, all that will never happen.

So, israel must stop following the terrorist Abraham and stop killing people and everything will be allright.

never collaborate with the terrorists.

jerry hamilton

Occupied Palestine will always murder, always lie and always steal. It is inbred, they don’t know any other way to behave. They have already fired mini nukes into Syria and it will only get progressively worse. What we all would like to happen, will never happen. You can’t tame a monster, you have to defeat it or withdraw.


The only reason Iran is there in the first place is because ISIS-rael attacked Syria and attempted to wipe off that country from the face of the earth. The Zionist clown is basically saying if you remove your ally who came to your defense after we planned to wipe you out we will no longer attack you. What a joke.


Of course, israel wants no nation to defend itself so that, israel can after do whatever she wants.

israel will love that Syria becomes like Jordan or Saudi Arabia.


Leiberman is the bat-shit crazy mouthpiece for the hard right Israeli Likud Cabinet.

jerry hamilton

Yes and he can make a lot of people die.


Lieberman begging Syria to get rid of Iran shows USrael’s frustration and their realization that they have made a big mistake by invading Syria with their terrorists. Iran now being in Syria is more than USrael had bargained for.


I love your avatar.

Jozsef Osztronkovics

I wander does Iran have any air defense when that Zionist jews claiming to destroyed all Iranian military


It probably does, and it has something far more important: missiles with which it can roast all of ‘Israel’ because ‘Israel’s’ so-called Iron Dome shield could not cope with the sheer numbers.. Combine that with the 150,000 or so missiles Hezbollah has, and ‘Israel’s’ roasting will come from 2 side as soon as the Ziofascist entity attacks Iran.


Just send thousands of missiles straight to Haifa, Hellhaviv & Dimona as Dimona will do the rest of the job in a blink of the eyes.. and i guaranteed the world will be at peace.. Dont forget some of the places in the UK + the wahabi palace too.. that’s where the worst scums of the earth lived.. It only takes few bunches of assassins to do the well paid job done..! Bring chaos to that illegal colony and their economy by blowing off and flattened Haifa & Hellhaviv.. and hoping by then, the axis of the resistance will join too..! Do the world have to wait till the last minute or moment..? Once the illegal colony collapse it’ll be hard and impossible to rebuild the decades planned of greater israhell (again).. And yes do blow off that useless and incompetent building of the UN together with all the useless scums as well..! Patriotic Americans can and will help to blow off the whole Senate where aipac are having conference if they want to take control of their country back..! Chased and eliminates every each of those double citizenship traitors that try to escaped. That’ll be the real purge isn’t it..! And it’ll be the most awesome day of America and the world.


If their bastard brother uncle Sam can’t do shit to Iran Militarily.., do you think some fucking baby killers migrants in diapers can..? lol..

Floyd Hazzard

Israeli aggression against their neighbours, occupying their territory, bombing their infrastructure and arming their insurgents have backfired spectacularly. If Israel wasn’t so arrogant there would have been no need for Syria to host allies that keep discovering Israeli-made armaments with surrendering jihadists/extremists.


The situation will improve for israhells to advance their land grabbing project if the Iranians leave.That’s exactly why they won’t be asked to leave by the Syrians.This is just another form of disarmament to make it easier to invade,but it won’t happen, and israhell will lose a lot of property and personal if they dare to try.and they know that.

jabirujoe .

Seriously Lieberman, your name tells me all that I need to know.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Israeli attacks have made insignificant damage and IAF cannot substain an aerial campaig wasting 60 cruise missile everyday…therefore Iran are strong to stay there!…Syria should allow Iranian troops and IRGC to deploy their Raad and Bavar 373 missile!


This sounds like Israel didn’t accomplish what it intended and …………. that they are really not up for more of what happened on the 10th of May to be going down on the regular. If they had really kicked butt then, the dialogue would be intense, out of the public eye and not conducted from the street corner. My view of it. I wish well to all.


In March 2017, The Defence person for Israel stated, Syrian air defences would be destroyed if they even locked onto Israeli planes attacking Syria. More recently, it was published in the msm that Israel would assasinate the president of Syria, but today he asks that Syria force Iran to leave.

The Lebanese House speaker today stated “Syria managed to impose a balance of terror” by striking back.

20 projectiles with 4 shot down (IDF spokesperson) is 20%. However, it is also claimed that Syria map showed live that 50 rockets and 5 missiles were sent back in response to a first strike by Israel. Southfront has identified the targets in the Golan. JFK “mistakes are buried not headlined”.

Think critically people and try to remember more than what you had for breakfast.

Barry Smart

My response would be, you get rid of the Americans and we will talk then about the Iranians.


Perhaps a deal between Tel-Aviv and Assad will forbid any Iranian activity south of Damascus in exchange for some limitation to Israeli activity in that area.

Concrete Mike

You guys are non agreement capable, we all know that.


At first glance it might seem so, but history shows that such attitudes are mainly a front. For instance, King Hussein of Jordan gave the Israelis information on Fatah because he was unwilling to uproot them himself. Before the revolution in Iran decades ago they were quietly trading with the Israelis. The Egyptians have coordinated with Israel in fighting ISIS. Back some generations ago Moroccan intelligence received training from Massod in exchange for unlimited cover stories and false IDs for operating in Arab countries. The list goes on, but understand that I doubt that Assad himself really cares about the fate of Israel.

Free man

Are you kidding, Assad hates Israel. But I believe there will be an agreement between Russia and Israel on the Iranian issue (perhaps there already is one), in accordance with the Syrian interest.


Keep dreaming your pipedream.

Free man

There is no other option if you want peace in Syria. Unless, like the Iranians, you too don’t want to end the war.


1. Please explain why there is already an agreement between Russia & ‘Israel’ 2. Please explain why from your statement 2…. if you want peace in Syria.” you make the step to “Unless, like the Iranians, you too don’t want to end the war.” Tht does not follow at all, the way I see it, but please enlighten me.

Concrete Mike

Those are not very.good examples, its blackmail mostly.


Not a very good retort, smells of bias. And does trading petrol products by the ton sound like blackmail? Bahrain has condemned Iranian actions in Syria against Israel in the recent attacks because they happen to be feuding with Iran at the moment. Abbas secretly cooperates with Israel on police matters and tries keep Palestinian resistance non-violent, that is why Israel puts up with him. Back in the First Yemeni Civil War Massod gave weapons to certain tribal forces that were fighting the Egyptians. When you consider that some of the nations that used to be perceived as Israel’s existential enemy’s (namely Egypt) are now their biggest trading partners in the middle east, understand what I mean when I say that the century old Arab-Israeli Conflict is winding down.

Joe Dirt

No agreements can be made between mudslime carpet kissers.

Concrete Mike

Ah the zio tag team comes out from the cockroaches. Your crude intellect.and lack of.culture will be your downfaĺl.

alejandro casalegno

The real battle will come when the SAA and Hezbollah go for Daraa and the jihadist occupied Golan……..until now were skirmishes

Feudalism Victory

So iran has forces in syria. They must be a potential threat israel is acting desperate. Question is will Israel become syrias friend if they break their iranian alliance?

I think every one knows the answer is no.

Marc Fischer

And the Israelis must get rid of the Americans as they are only complicating the situation and making it more difficult for peace . . .and more difficult to wipe the Zionazi entity off the map . ..


The Iranians can be trusted, the Zionists cannot. The Iranians are Syria’s invaluable allies the Zionists are not and never will be.


What Israel fears most is the S300 in Syria or it’s Iranian equivalent.

Israel wants to prevent that, at high cost.

no WWIII blablabla , please.


” … because the Iranians are going to ruin our asshole ‘greater israel’ project!”


zionists are trash.

Joe Dirt

Nuke Mecca!


That would upset the Ziofascist entity’s pimp.

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