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Israeli Defense Minister Denies MSM Claims, Says No Disguised Iranian Forces In Southern Syria

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Israeli Defense Minister Denies MSM Claims, Says No Disguised Iranian Forces In Southern Syria

Iranian-backed forces massing around Deir Ezzor city

On June 15, Israel’s Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman confirmed during an interview with the Israeli radio station 103FM that Iranian forces are still present in southwestern Syria. However, Liberman denied that these forces had disguised as Syrian Arab Army (SAA) or operating within its ranks.

A week earlier, a report of the Wall Street Journal claimed that Iranian forces and Lebanese Hezbollah have returned to the southern governorates of Daraa and Quneitra dressed in SAA uniforms and raising Syrian flags, after initially appearing to withdraw. According to the Wall Street Journal, the Iranians and Hezbollah did this to avoid Israeli airstrikes.

Back then, the US-based newspaper didn’t present any evidence to support its claims and said that its sources were “rebel commanders,” who are well-known for their stands against the SAA and its allies.

Israel and the US stepped up their political and military pressure on Iranian forces and Hezbollah in Syria, since the beginning of this year, in order to push them out from the war torn country. In the same time, the main stream media (MSM) increased its reports about the “Iranian presences in Syria.”

Lieberman’s statement confirms that the Wall Street Journal report was nothing more than a part of the ongoing propaganda war against Iranian forces and Hezbollah in Syria.

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Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s nearly to the point where the MSM has nearly as much power over the people as their Governments do, how much longer before the scales start to tip the other way.

Allan Greedspoon

The MSM has much more power over the people than governments do. Just as it said in the protocols: : “We will bridle the news media . .” The Zionazis were extremely astute in their takeover of the Western world. They gained control over the big banks, the education system, oil industry, pharmaceuticals, entertainment industry and the media. By utilizing all these organs of mass control, they can easily preempt / destroy governments or individual political threats. The only real difficulties they have is with a few countries like Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Syria and Lebanon . .


People Worldwide should start getting aware of the Situation… This System we are caught in is Very Very Powerful… and already neared its Completion…Everything going on at the Moment could very well be a Smokescreen…and just a shift of Power & the Creation of a New Empire…

Allan Greedspoon

They are almost there Merijn. The last couple of steps are:

1) The destruction of the last remaining major threat (Iran) to the bastard state (Israel) which they created in the ME through their Holohaux lie.

2) The imposition of a complete and total collapse of the international monetary system and trading markets, in order to usher in their new world financial order, which will more than likely be an international credit system, where “no man will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast..” (Bible prediction).

They’ve had this plan in the works for some time, but just need to iron out a few wrinkles. BRICS and the SCO are a problem for the global manipulators, so they will have to act fast to preempt these nations from insulating themselves further from the Great Whore’s monetary system, or from integrating other nations into the group . .


Overthrowing their Newly Created System by a United World is always an option as long as enough people are aware of it…so creating more awareness seems to be the best option… they like to make us believe that we don’t have that power to chance their plans.. but in fact they are a Minority… with the same colour of blood as we…: RED….when all people know half the Truth we know… they will be in deep trouble….

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The SINISTER [roman word] Julius Caesar founded a mighty Empire out of the ashes of a burning Republic, a good and just Republic. Julius, Caligula and many other Roman Emperors tried to bring about a “New Roman Order” but couldn’t, lucky for us. And you’re reference to the magicians trick is perfect, the most important part being which hand is responsible for each part of the trick. If you’d said “like a Magician he makes you watch the movement of his [LEFT] Hand to perform the Real Trick with his [RIGHT] Hand” you wouldn’t have got it right. Right hand the truth left hand the deception, never the other way around. This saying has 2 meanings rolled into one but most young people have no idea what it really means. The magicians that rule our western world are good at making us believe up is down, black is white, front is back, and girls can be boys, and boys can be girls. I love the old sayings like the one you just used, there’s so much wisdom bundled up in so few words. It’s hard to believe our simple ancestors could’ve ever been so wise, but they were. There’s another old saying we never seem to hear anymore, but is also very relevant to our current world situation, and it’s this, “Beware the wolf in sheep’s clothing”, I’m no longer a Christian but I love that saying, don’t you. I could tell you who and what I sincerely believe is responsible for bringing about a New World Order but I won’t, you’d probably either laugh at me or condemn me for being a bigot, which is a bit of a hint.


Left & Right…Good & Bad… Black & White… it is a good way of perceiving the world around you, it simplifies complicated matters & creates a clear vision.. Antipoles are there and always have been…it is one’s personal choice which road to follow….I chose for the light…. because in the dark I can’t see a d*mn thing….I believe there can very well be an instigator… but I won’t forget about his Henchmen… because they are guilty too…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Just don’t blame all of them though, some of them have been brainwashed from birth and know nothing else, just of like child soldiers. The mob that’s allowing the puppet masters to rule the world should’ve also paid attention to another wise saying ” if it sounds too good to be true, it’s because it is”. I don’t worry about the new world order lasting more than 2 or 3 generations though, with a 40% and climbing suicide rate for the people I believe responsible, most of them will kill themselves off before they get past their teenage years soon enough. Putin is preventing that from happening in Russia, or at least he’s trying to. Cheers.


I never blame All the people…everyone is an individual…and responsible for his or her own actions…I see things changin’ in the way Puppeticians talk in Europe…more cautious, there is an underflow going on… it seems they become aware that folks are watching them & their actions closely… but that could very well be in the eyes of the beholder…

Empire's Frontiers

Our ancestors weren’t simple.

We are.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No argument from me. I said it’s hard to believe because it goes against everything we’ve been taught [forced] to believe. A lot of people now believe our ancestors were a lot smarter then we are now, and many also ask why and how was that ancient knowledge lost, a few even ask who’s responsible for covering up and hiding what really happened, but I don’t think we can ever find out the truth by asking those questions, that’s like looking for a needle in a haystack. Dumb people ask lots of questions but never get a straight answer, smart people only have to ask one. I keep asking a different question now and it’s very simple [as all important questions should be]. What was it that happened back then, that had to be totally hidden from all future generations. This is so much easier to answer than all those other questions and provides all the answers for the reasons ancient knowledge [and wisdom] was lost [erased]. We don’t have to go to history books for the answer either, we just have to look at out present time, this is the only place to ever find the truth about what happened. “History always repeats itself”, another simple [wise] saying. Why would someone erase or change history? Could it be something was tried or attempted way back then in ancient times, that didn’t succeed and ended in a total catastrophe. Could it also be that the people [organization] who’ve hidden our real history did so because they hoped to one day try to do it all over again, with the added knowledge they’d gained from that failure. It’s the only thing that makes any real sense to me. I look at our 10,000 years of [officially known] history and see something happening in our present time that’s never ever happened before, EVER. I think I know all the answers to all the questions now. I believe the people responsible for confusing our history and hiding the truth, are now attempting to repeat the same thing they did all those years ago.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The mob rules and whoever rules the mob rules the world. The hidden hand that controls all things has many strings to pull, the Zionist are just one of the many. Merijn just posted a comment to you that is very relevant, “like a Magician he makes you watch the movement of his Right Hand to perform the Real Trick with his Left Hand”. The New World Order tells us exactly what’s in store fore us by it’s very name alone, but so many of misinterpret it’s true meaning. It doesn’t mean one world government or leadership, though that will be one of the results, no it actually means exactly what it says it does. The people who’ve never had a say in how human society functions, are about to for the very first time in all humanities history, a NEW WORLD ORDER, what was once above will now be below, and what was once bellow will now be above. Zionist, Jews, NEOCONS, MSM, Celebrities, Movies and entertainment, they’re all just tools for the true powers that be. If you still have no idea what I’m talking about there are 3 important years to pay attention to, 2006, 2011, 2013. These dates tell the whole story for anyone wondering what and who the new world order is. These are the years that Putin said no to the new world orders demands and the years they punished him for refusing them. How can you find the Capitol city of any country when you don’t read or speak the language, don’t have a map, and no one seems to want to help you anyway, it’s easy, just sit back for a while and pay attention to the traffic on the road. That saying all roads lead to Rome holds true, just pay attention to where most of the traffic is going and follow. You’ll end up making many wrong turns and it may take a while but you’ll always eventually end up at the Capitol. Follow the roads the Zionists take most often, you may be surprised to see the leaders of most of western wold governments, the NEOCONS, MSM bosses, Celebrities and a lot more are also on the same road and heading in the same direction. look at one of the most fervent Zionist supporter Senator Jon McCain, who’s now finally showing us all where his true loyalties are, it’s not really with the Zionists, they were just his brothers in arms and on the same mission, and it’s not with the US Government either. He stopped trump banning trans genders serving in the US military. He pushed to have Eric Fanning as secretary of the Army making him the first openly gay leader of a US military service branch. He want’s to introduce laws that punish people who refuse to serve gay people due to Religious beliefs, and so much more I could add but can’t be bothered. They used to call him anti gay lol, that’s a good magic trick, as I said Merijn’s comment is very relevant. He’s switched to carrying a rainbow coloured flag now, not the blue and white or the red white and blue. When he pretends to die from his brain tumour he’ll actually be reincarnated as his alter ego Mrs. Joan McCain. That will be his reward for his part in bringing about the NEW WORD ORDER. Obama did his part too, all those Generals and High ranking Commanders he sacked all had one thing in common and it wasn’t corruption womanising or bad behaviour as we were all led to believe. What did he then leave to lead the US military. I don’t like the Zionist’s either but for me they’re just one of the many puppets being played, I hate the one’s pulling the strings above all their puppets the most.


Strange, you have to agree with the Lieberman’s official statement in order to believe that…


Strange.. how friendly you are with that scvmbag and criminal of war Avigdor Lieberman.. Well… try in the next future to find something good about Adolf Hitler (SIC!) … to compensate your obvious addiction to the Zionist magg0t called Israel.. Maybe this way, you could BS us and make us believe that you are a neutral observer :))))))))

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’d agree with the Devil if the Devil told the truth. Who knows what the truth is in this situation, could you blame the Iranians or Hezbollah for disguising themselves as SAA even if they did. As to Lieberman’s statement, why would I doubt it, it would’ve suited the Israel’s position better if he’d actually agreed with the press statement, not the other way around, if he’d said the opposite I would have called him a liar just by default. I trust nothing that comes out of Israeli government official’s mouths at all, and the media even less, and I mean all the media SF included. I never ever read the actual stories they print, I only like reading between the lines. It’s way more informative and also much more entertaining doing that. Plus I get to see what all you guys really think too which is even better.


The Press is called “The 4th Power in State”

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I think it should now be called the second maybe even first. “The mob rules, and he who rules the mob, rules the world”.


Schrodinger’s Army! It is definitely there even though it cannot be.

I remember some Iranian official trying to still look strong by claiming that they would leave behind their ‘advisors’ in the area. I have no doubt that Iran’s activities continue at a clandestine level but the idea of a phantom army is a product of one side’s desires and the other side’s fears. However, if there was an Iranian force of any significance the IAF would attenpt to annihilate it.

BTW, South Front, your a news agency not an political commentary. Even if you think most of your readers would agree you shouldn’t state your opinion as fact.


Shlomo dear, when you convince Jerusalem-Post, Ha’aretz, BREITBART, Prison-Planet, CNN, FOX-News, Bloomberg, Wall-Street Journal, Jew-York Times or Washington Post to stay by the honest & equidistant level of NEWS-Agencies __so as they are registered in the Trade & Taxes-Books__ then you may complain about South-Front.

.. And call back the retired REAL expert in Propaganda Mr. Ra’anan GISSIN, “the father of the Hasbaras” , cause you, the nowadays-Hasbara-trolls, almost f*cked his masterpiece with your dilettantism and Kindergarten-niveau “interventions” across the Internet. It was a damn’ CLEVER idea in behalf of ISRAEL (and frightening for blogs and sites), at the beginnings, as Mr. GISSIN had the TOOL in the hand…. But as usual, when you retire and let a Mercedes Benz in the hands of some APES.. the results become something like your cheap TROLL-bla-bla.


IF Iranians or Hezbollah are there, is Assad’s business, not Lieberman’s. This Jewish-fascist “general FRANCO” named Avigdor Lieberman ( “Nice/Lovely-guy”- in German -SIC!) would do better to explain what Israeli troops are doing on the GOLAN-heights, in Gaza and West-Bank.


Isn’t this the same “defense” minister who accused all 2,000,000 Palestinians of being “terrorists” and “not sees”?

Israel minister: Assassinate Palestinians who launch kites:


[Erdan told his audience that “kite terror is very serious, and whoever sends them should fear for their life.” The minister added that “we need to return to preventative assassinations. Those who send the kites and Hamas commanders must be a target for preventative killings,” according to Haaretz.]



By Way of Deception….Thou Shalt Do War… What Goes Around comes Around… Same Goals… Same Looks… Is there an IsraHelli Monopoly on Deceiving?

Wise Gandalf

Israeli Defense Minister Denies MSM Claims, Says No Disguised Iranian Forces In Southern Syria

the jew media is alwys false. therefore there are legions of iranians and hezbollah in south syria.

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