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MARCH 2025

Israeli Defense Minister: This Is Not Time To Bark, But To Bite In Syria

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Israeli Defense Minister: This Is Not Time To Bark, But To Bite In Syria

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman holds a weapon during a visit to Sderot. (photo credit: ARIEL HERMONI / DEFENSE MINISTRY)

On February 13, Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman once again threatened Syria and Iran commenting on the February 10 encounter between the Israeli Air Force and the Syrian Air Defense Forces resulted in a shootdown of the Israeli F-16I warplane. MORE DETAILS

“There are no restrictions, we do not accept any restrictions. We acted with determination and responded to every provocation. We will continue to defend our vital security interests. To paraphrase the well-known proverb, “This is not the time to bark, but to bite.” We are bitten hard, I hope we do not have to do it,” Liberman said on a visit to the Israeli city of Kiryat Shmona adding that Tel Aviv “acted with determination” during the Feburary 10 military engagement with Syria.

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It landed in Illegally occupied Golan Heights, not Israel.


Israel is not a Country..It is a piece of Palestinian land, occupied by g-a-n-g-s-t-e-r-s.


he should be called minister of attack. he should also check how the Germans ended up during WW2 with their idea to defend attacking everybody

Wahid Algiers

The Germans react on foreign aggressions since 1921. When will you get it? Are you a believer in historical and jewish pushed lies?


True, people need to see the documentary “One third the holocaust” very eye opening


they reacted badly though. They barely saved their ass.

CCCP for ever

Wahid Algiers

Stalin was a mass murder against his own people. So glorify it.


I think that if was not for the Soviet union people, the Nazis and Fascists would have won and would have exterminated all the Jews, the Arabs because semites, all the slavs, they would have enslaved also people form third world countries. Hitler’s project was to exterminate hundreds of millions of people. So yes it was better Stalin than Nazis’ paradise

CCCP for ever

Wahid Algiers

They wouldn’ t. Arabs were not on the agenda. Only bad slavics like Poland and ugly jews. Stalin erased millions of his own people and this long after the war. Nazis created a paradise and the Anglo-Saxons, later US draw them in a war because of greed, resentment, hatred and envy. HEIL.


Hitler wanted to erase Islam from the face of earth. You even don’t know Mein Kampf. So yes I agree, he would exterminated not only Arabs that he considered subhumans but all Islamic people all around the world

Peter Bond

You ain’t no real German but most likely an immigrant from Pakistan! So shut up and let real blonde Germans speak!

Wahid Algiers

That’ s me you jerk. And that’ s the reason why I need to show you what a bastard you are.

Peter Bond

Not surprised, Muslim Paki terrorists!

Wahid Algiers

Syria don’ t accept any restrictions. Our forces acted with determination and will from now on respond every zionist aggression. Syria will continue to defend his vital security interests. To paraphrase the well-known proverb, “Every zio-pilot will come down. The question is “HOW”. We are not playing with fire. We are answering with fire. Syria will act with determination, today, tomorrow and in the future. And our guests are welcome with their engagement with and in Syria. So shut up Liberman and don’ t play with guns. Take a gum puppet and try to talk to her.


Go Syrians………. may Honour & Victory be on your side……….you people deserve it!

Hide Behind

SYRIA ” reacted out of desperation” firing damn near every one of their 35 year old design anti air missles they caught an UNAWARE Israeli aircraft and cheered. OF COURSE their HEZ and Iranian allies were happy to just be a live, and then they all went running for covet as Israeli planes come back with a vengeance and destroyed half of its air defense systems. After the bombing stopped, Syrian, Iranians and aGe once more celebrated being alive.. YELLING VILE OBSCENITIES AND PRAISING THEMSELVES SWEARING A GREAT VICTORY FROM HITTING ONE ENEMY PLANE. Russia is wondering who was the dumb ass fool that sent a drone into Israel, Russia denied prior knowledge, and was reLy pissed because some Russians could of got killed RUSSIA, seeing how utterly useless Syrians were against Israel. WENT RUNNING TO ISRAEL BEFORE THE ISRSELIS NOW SEEING HOW UTTERLY DEFENSELESS SYRIANS ARE, WOULD SEND EVEN MORE PLANES. Afraid Israel might just go on a HUNTING and killing spree and showing just how ineffectual was Russian defense of Syrian military Of course Russia ran apologeticly to talk on secret to Israel. Ehat was said we will never know but most assuredly there was some qwuid pro quo. SYria has only mice left as its own Diplomatic Corp let Russia talk for them.


Thanks to you, Ive learned that an Israeli F16 coming back from a bombing mission is “unaware”. Next time, SAA should at least have the decency to send them a warning notice “careful, we gonna shoot”.

Hide Behind

Read of the battle reports and also of defensive ability against a middle strike on Israeli planes. Plane was at an altitude that normally is above range capability of Syria’s old design defence. Admit my opinion is conjecture, but it is conjecture from knowledge of weaponry. MY THOUGHTS ARE ALONG LINES OF YES RETURNING PLANE, OVRR CONFIDENCE AFTER EASY KILL AS PART OF EVENT. I have talked to known associates that have flown these type planes and have air combat experience from Korean, Vietnam. Afghanistan, Iraq and yet. Have you?


Nice article.

jim crowland

It is time to re-arrange the Middle East: the ottomans should be reduced to their natural area. creation of the Kurdistan with parts of the ottomans, Syria, Iran and Iraq. Expand Armenia with part of ottomans. Greece should receive Constantinople, Tracia and Esmirna. Lebanon should be expanded taking parts of Syria, Parts of Syria go to Jordan and other small part to Israel. Assad, the Iranians be given 72 hour lo leave the area or should be wipe out. Putin to be offered Crimea and a few square kilometers of Ukraine and the part of Moldavia where there are some Russians.May be they can get part of the Ottoman shore in the Black Sea.


And I suppose that you think the US should be the arbiter in this Orwellian fantasy Jim ?

Harry Smith

FlorianGeyer +1 for Orwell. 2+2=5! :)


Sad isn’t it? People always making plans with other peoples lives.


Its just typical criminal behaviour really . :)

Promitheas Apollonious

easier way is israel to cease to exist.


Entire world problems with Muslims solved overnight ….as that was the initial cause of today’s problems.

Wahid Algiers

Hi Jimmy. First of all we should arrange the USA. First act: fucking Jim Crowland by some bullits. Second act: transfer of all american jews to exactly 500km² of the south pole. Third act: destruction of the US-criminal-deep-state-construction. Fourth act: disarming of all US citizens. Fifth act: creation of a new US administration under the lead of Iran and Syria. Sixth act: building of a statue of Jimmy Crowland in every county as a warning against stupid people.

Peter Bond

Hey Paki boy, you must be on some cheap camel dung crack to suggest disarming the US population… Or American Jews. You are pathetic!

Wahid Algiers

Are you jerky you gay? I am no Paki, but it seems you are a foolish little friend of zionists who follows a bloody cross of his stoned Jesus.

Peter Bond

Ok, either a Paki terrorists or some dumb Muslim, which are you?

Wahid Algiers

It seems that you are a poor English man who failed to stop the invasion of your former colonies? Lern pigeon English to jabber with your new masters. We should have destroyed you guys in Dunkirchen.


Where do you people come from talking this load of bull crap?

Promitheas Apollonious

they are cloned tube babies.


Time to re-arrange the USA, Mexico should get Texas, California, Arizona etc and the native Americans should get the rest, Russia should get back Alaska and all non native indians should be given 72 hours to leave or be scalped

Tudor Miron

This heavy drugs are obviously hurting your brain. Seek medical help as soon as possible.

jason sixx

We will bite back then dont worry mr ziomann

Promitheas Apollonious

you mean, will try, to bite ziodog. Now if you manage to bite and not have all your teeth broken and pulled out that is another story.


One little spy drone —> “We are bitten hard” :’)


Zionist Jews have always made a Shoah out of a labour camp and it is this fraud that is increasingly biting them on the arse :)

Few care even if the Shoah fable was true these days.


How appropriate using an analogy to bite, only dogs bite which the Jews are DOGS…Go SYRIA!!!


it’s an insult to dogs

Art Best



Why is Putin busy cutting deals with the Americans and the Israelis while Russians are being murdered by the Americans and Israelis?


Russian lives are not that expensive…. just contractors.

But then who knows what Putin is doing behind .

One thing is quite certain , he can’t fight the Jews (as friends) or even the Americans (as being weaker) . So let the Iranians handle it.

yes in fact is the Iranians taking the lead against Israel and US now .

Russia will take care only on the terrorists called ISIS ….

Art Best

Putin’s actions show that he’s a crypto-zionist traitor to the Russian nation.

Putin = Netanyahu = Trump

John Whitehot

and you’re a failed crypto-troll.

John Whitehot

ask yourself, what are you ready to do to be able to talk about Russian casualties.

imho you’re willing to go very far indeed.


Well just observations that Russians died and US did not care.

All quiet …

John Whitehot

just observation my ass.

observations coming from alleged social medias have the same credibility of a group of gossiping godmothers.

Isn’t surprising at all, since the israeli f-16 got shot down the zionist bullshitting machine is in full swing.

It’s also an established fact that mossadists and some of their prostitutes are deeply involved in Russian social medias, disseminating disinformation on Syria every single day.

I don’t even know how adult people are able to believe a word of it all, if they aren’t mossad prostitutes themselves.

Finally, they shown only pics of ALIVE people, not dead.


I think Putin is wary that an invasion of Russia may actually be triggered by any conflict with the American a Nato member as Nato has surrounded Russia with massive forces all these years… slowly by slowly but surely.

He Is more worried about Russia but will let the Iranians handle Syria with Israel and the Americans. Jews are friends to Russia …. not enemies.


That is important, Russia and Jews (Israel) are, after all, friends, or put it in differente way…..Jews control Russia.

Art Best

As Putin himself admitted, 85 percent of the Bolsheviks who murdered millions of Russians were JEWS.

Jews are enemies and tormentors of the Russian people but, yes, Jews are friends of Putin because Putin is an errand boy for the Jews. Putin is a zionist who works for the Jews.


Putin is trying to avoid WWIII at any possible cost.

Art Best

According to you, Putin should allow the genocide of all Russians to take place because his ultimate goal ought to be avoiding WWIII. FYI, no depraved American or Israeli is going to start WWIII and risk his gravy train just because Putin started protecting RUSSIANS for God’s sake, let alone his Syrian allies whom Putin enabled the Americans and the Israelis bomb and massacre with impunity.



People I just have an announcement, we should all boycott flying with Virgin Atlantic because the Jews complained about a salad which was named Palestine Couscous and Virgin renamed the salad to appease the criminal zios. BDS Virgin Atlantic

Peter Bond

Oh shut up! BDS my fat behind… BDS has failed, anyone with a brain knows that.


that’s jew propaganda, it has not failed. Notice the jews are even more desperate to stop it and have continued to spend millions in every sphere

Peter Bond

Well, It has failed, Israel still strives and still stands…BDS is for losers!


You seem very happy to pay your kosher tax LOL

leon mc pilibin



Fat behind? You must be amerikunt LOL. BDS Israel BDS Israel BDS Israel woo hoo

Peter Bond

I am no American, you are another idioten who has labelled me American. Oh and for you Russian cunts, 200 of you commies were killed by superior US army. Now, go suck on that…hahahahaha.


Israel just love to make feel good stories when they are cornered .

Now it seems Assad is ready with Iran’s help these few months. He should be having enough supply of missiles from the Iranians after the land corridor has been established.

These are also , I believe for the Americans in the event having to force them out.

Gregory Casey

Since when has the Golan Heights become a part of Israel and accepted in International Law as coming within Israeli Borders? This Drone never entered Israeli Air-Space and was conducting surveillance of ISIS / Al Nusra ? al Sham (or whether name they call themselves today) personnel who a holding a part of Syrian Territory within the Golan Heights that is neither under Israeli Occupation nor within the UN ‘buffer zone’. Accordingly, the Israeli actions in shooting down this Drone were wholly illegal in International Law.

Moussa Saab

Russia has also monitored the situation and did not report on any UAV violating the “Israeli airspace”; the Golan Heights. This goes to show the Israelis are desperate to fight Syria after most of their Zionist Wahabi mercs have been eliminated.


i belive more to come..you can kill 200 Russian national mercenaries. but dont ever touch a single us mercenaries contractor.

Syria is doomed. im out

John Whitehot

don’t let the door hit ya when you go.


It is time for Syria to send warning to Israel. Syria must shut down any Israel plane trying to cross its border without warning, stop being so kind.

You can call me Al

or in The Lebanon.


When Evet Levovich – native of Kishinev – barks about biting things rarely escalate beyond barking…Sit Fido sit…


But Liberman is political point-man to bark for the Netanyahu Cabinet. Irony much.

leon mc pilibin

The zionist satanic scumbags are experts at HOLOHOAXES.The eternal Victims,lol.


If an unarmed surveillance drone is “we are bitten hard” , you have very thin skin .

General Surena

İSRAEL CAN DO ANY DAMN THİNG… israil is a very very little fake country..

General Surena

USA DİSLİKE İSRAELİ PEOPLES.. never loves yahudas.. usa wants only a base there.. its named israel

Peter Bond

Good English sparky!


Am I wrong, or is it unusual to handle the rifle that way? With hand on the magazine, instead of the grasp? I mean, he is defense minister, he surely has more clue than I on this matter.


This stunt by the Israeli minister is hot air. They had their chance to make an example and got bloodied up in the end. They started the shooting, they had to pull back after what? …… hours of cat and mouse with the SAA? It would not surprise me to learn almost everything they sent into Syria had bullet wholes in it. I think they backed off because, for every hour of the engagement that passed, it became hotter for them, not easier. Nobody gives credence to the Israeli rhetoric over this battle. They would do better to pipe it down and start some meaningful negotiations in private. My take on it. I wish well to all.

You can call me Al

Do a quick Edit – holes, not wholes.

Maybe you were thinking of Zionist whores.


Hey Al. Yeah Israeli leadership is not my favorite group. But, I will not insult prostitutes at large. They are just trying to make ends meet and handle their personal business. The IMoD and others like him are working on cooking up a blood bath, because they are paranoid and self centered. Having been charged with improving the welfare of their nation and by not doing so, I put a street whore up a couple of notches from an Israeli politician like the MoD. Have a good one Al. :)

PS. I am on the edit, than you.

You can call me Al

LOL + a very good response, thank you.

You can call me Al

“This is not the time to bark, but to bite.”

Similar to a rabid dog backed into a corner ………. THAT GETS SHOT.

STFU Zionists, your time is coming.


You are right.


Yes he is a mad dog thats right


mad dogs must be put down…



Its good that Israel itself declared that they are snakes and biting humanity.

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