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Israeli Defense Minister Threatens With Assassination of Hamas Leaders If Violence Does Not Subside

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Israeli Defense Minister Threatens With Assassination of Hamas Leaders If Violence Does Not Subside

Israeli soldiers deployed at the Gaza Strip, circa November 2019. Click to see full-size image

On February 8th, Israeli Defense Minister Naftali Bennett gave an election campaign speech, calling for a “cold war” with Iran, as well as warned that Israeli could target Hamas leaders if violence from Gaza doesn’t stop.

Bennett claimed he was leading a change whereby Israel was targeting rocket factories not only in response to rocket launches, but also in reaction to the launches of balloons attached to incendiary devices.

“Every day that balloons are launched at us we are hitting Hamas targets,” Bennett said. “The targets are not [empty] hills. I personally look at aerial photos and approve every target. The targets are machines producing rockets, rocket factories, parts of [cross-border] tunnels. These days we are slowing their rocket production.”

He said he is not interested in more two- or three-day rounds of violence with Hamas.

He further elaborated that he was working on plans of a “significant” offensive to be started by Israel, at a moment chosen by it, and that it would fundamentally change the current status quo, without providing other details.

If there will be no other choice, he added, he would also launch military operations in the more immediate future, in which “nobody in the Hamas leadership will be immune.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also warned that Israel was prepared to carry out “crushing action” if launches from Gaza didn’t stop.

Netanyahu warned that similarly to what happened to one of the Islamic Jihad commanders, Baha Abu Al-Ata, in November.

“We’re prepared for crushing action against the terror groups in Gaza. Our actions are strong, and they’re not finished yet, to put it mildly.”

A Hamas spokesperson, Fawzi Barhoum, brushed off the threats, saying that they would not “frighten” the group.

Barhoum warned “the Zionist enemy against committing any foolishness against our people, its land, its holy places, and our people in the Gaza Strip,” saying Israel must bear the “consequences and repercussions” of such action.

Such threats, he said, “do not frighten us or confuse us” and will only serve to push Palestinians “to continue their struggle” using all means they have.

“These threats aim to cover up the crises that the Zionist entity suffers from, and the crimes, violations and annexation taking place in the West Bank and Jerusalem,” Barhoum said.

Israel also appears to be preparing to carry out more annexations, as US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman warned that it should not do so, yet.

He cautioned that “the application of Israeli law to the territory which the Plan provides to be part of Israel is subject to the completion of a mapping process by a joint Israeli-American committee.”

“Any unilateral action in advance of the completion of the committee process endangers the Plan & American recognition,” he said.

Netanyahu has walked back his calls for immediate annexation of the West Bank. Addressing supporters, Netanyahu said mapping of the region was underway.

“We have been waiting for this since ’67 and people are making a big deal over a few weeks,” Netanyahu said.

David Friedman described Trump’s plan as one for the next 100 years and not 30 days.

“I would encourage everyone to take a step back and a deep breath because this is something that, if done right, can ensure Israel’s security and bring great prosperity and dignity to the Palestinians,” the ambassador said.

Meanwhile, the exchange of fire between Gaza and Israel is continuing, with the Palestinian side launching explosive balloons and sporadic rockets, while Israel Defense Forces responding with airstrikes on alleged Hamas positions, as it blames the group for any escalation.


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Damien C

Land thieves pure and simple they used to hang claim jumpers in the USA not Trump and the deep state aid and abet them


But not if they took it from the Natives. Think you need a better analogy.


Israel is a parasitic murderous failed state born out of lies and going to its much deserved grave wrapped in lies, deceit and sheer arrogance of the evil cultivated by hiding behind the west. Most people are tiring of this blood sucking monstrosity which serves no ones interest and is a moral, financial and political liability..


I’m sure that made you feel better. But now take your meds.

Peter Jennings

So Bennett is asking Palestinians to stop disrupting the theft of what remains of Palestinian land by his apartheid regime forces? Mr Bennett and his cohorts are so brave to put their tanks in the way of Palestinian stones.

It seems the push for the greater isreal has begun and no sovereign country in the ME will be safe from attacks from the warmongering regime known as isreal. If there was a time for ME leaders to put aside their differences, this is it. Rule under a apartheid regime awaits if they don’t.

The Palestinians, Hezbollah, the LNA in Libya, the SAA in Syria, they are the true freedom fighters.


so why isn’t someone assassinating the friggin jewish leadership – it would be a tit for tat and no complaints valid. the illegal settlement in palestine, called israel, is a disastrous geopolitical solution that needs to be abandoned and the jews forcefully evicted to locations unknown. but aslong as the jews are allowed to kill, maim and persecute any people in the middle east there won’t be peace, in the middle east and elsewhere and thus the jews need to go, no two things about it.

it is possible to make a list of why the jews must go and why the right to the land they’ve stolen doesn’t exist


it’s impossible to make a list of reasons why they should be allowed to stay since there are none.

so go about it and the drive to unsettle the jews in palestine must include all jews elsewhere whose loyalties primarily is towards the illegal settlers in palestine and secondly to the country they reside in – two passports and one loyalty – that’s the jews of today!


And who will do all that, you?


soon joke321 and ironzion, well known trolls, will turn up and work to disrupt the working of the thread – thus israeli trolls like the afore mentioned must be ignored and then ignored some more! neither is worth the aggravation and what they write is of little or no value.

Ashok Varma

hasbara trolls are Israel’s worst enemies as they alienate even neutral people.

Jimmy Jim



LOL…neutral? Like that guy Jimmy Jim belie who seems to really like you and genocide?


I am NOT an Israeli troll. I’m a Californian. Try to get the simplest things correct, snowflake.

Ashok Varma

Israel and Pakistan are two British imperialist created cancers and both are destined to die, the sooner the better.


The only cancer is in your head, you roach.

Ashok Varma

May you deserve the Karma that you evil Jews will beget again.


I wiill clean the floor with your Pali terrorists, and anyone else that help them. Wait for it.

Ashok Varma

Abay Gandoo, I am an Indian and but do support the brave people of Palestine since the days of the non-aligned movement.


I’m sure you’re Muslim Indian, true Hindus support Israel like we support India vs Pakistan.

Ashok Varma

Abay bhoonseri key , most secular Indians support the righteous causes, you Jews have been rejected by Indians and we are now going back to our Russian time tested Russian friends. You are child gandoo. Namaste.


yeah yeah, you’re just one Indian guy. Go ask PM Modi what he thinks about Israel, you might get disappointed. Regradless, I support India and you are just a traitor to your country.

Zionism = EVIL

Moron, Modi like the Zionists is a fringe extremist and most Indians of all backgrounds hate him. Why do think there are daily demonstrations in India against his Jew fed polices? Besides being a PUNK you are ignorant arsehole and have never traveled or left your ugly mom’s snatch you fuckwit ignoramus ROFLMAO.


We WILL crush the Palis in Gaza or the West Bank, but it won’t be under Bibi. As soon as Gantz enters the PM office, he will give them an ultimatum – disarm or die. 30K Jihadists in Gaza better surrender or we will carpet bomb that entire strip to the ground and kill them and their families together. There will be no mercy to terrorists or their supporters. Their time is running out.

Ashok Varma

What are you an IDIOT? or a brat.

Jimmy Jim


Peter Jennings

I think what the iron, (which means puffta in cockney slang) is trying to say, is that it will be america who will do the carpet bombing and the iron and his mates will do the carpet munching. Everyone’s happy.

Jimmy Jim


Zionism = EVIL

Big talk again from an ignorant faggot PUNK!


iSSrael delenda est!

this is the world motto of the 21st century!

Lee Vanderheiden

Genocide isn’t looked too favourably in the world community. Israel will become a pariah, just like the Pol Pot in Cambodia. Zionist jews have a sickness, a cultural PTSD if you will. The abused becomes the abuser. Your god must be evil to let his children murder innocent men, women and children. The Palestinians send “rockets” not missiles or bombs into Israel, which land in open fields and injure no one. The Israelis counter with disproportionate force, like fireworks in the night sky you say. The terrorism is from the Zionists. Beginning with the bombing of the King David Hotel, with the Irgun and the Haganah. The terrorists became politicians but have never lost their roots in terrorism and their use of terror as a means to an end. Israel deludes herself if she believes her bad behaviour is looked upon sympathetically by the majority of people.

klove and light

pure Evil….100% satanic… Israel the house of satan…..the house of lies, theft, rape and murder

Zionism = EVIL

Jews are a cancer for humanity. These vermin have been boasting for 70 years and their occupation of Palestine is not working out and they will be extinct sooner than most think,


Did not bother to read the article because I was laughing so hard I spit the coffee all over the screen and choked….

Jimmy Jim


Jimmy Jim


James Kira

asshead = sisi = kikenyaho


If you coulda you woulda


We can (and will) do it, it’s only a politcal question not a military one. Have you even seen our strikes on Gaza during night time? it’s like a fireworks show.


And do you people think anything else that just killing civilians, mothers and children. You people have too much fucked up prime shitster Benjo who is on power 15 years. You people need change. Till when Benjo will fuck you in ass.


lol, Bibi is Hamas best friend that is why we must get rid of him. After he goes to jail and Gantz will take command over the IDF, you will have a real reason to cry about. Civilians or not, they will surrender and hand over their rockets, or they will be roasted like roaches.


You poor lost soul, people should take pity on you.


Well, maybe. But if Hamas keeps it up, you better save all the pity you have for the Palestinian people in Gaza.


If you are even slightly violent we will be so unbelievably violent that you will become non-violent! Is it just me or is there a cog missing in this logic?


Well, more like they will become dead which is a non-violent state of being. You have a cog missing if you don’t understand that.

Kelli Hernandez

Im so sick of the Zionist entity. There will be no peace until Israhell makes peace (impossible) or is destroyed.

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