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Israeli Force Infiltrated Into Southern Syria

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Israeli Force Infiltrated Into Southern Syria

Illustrative image. (The Israeli Defense Forces)

A group of Israeli troops backed by armored vehicles infiltrated into southern Syria late on October 11, according to the Horan Free pro-opposition news blog.

The blog said that the infiltration took place near Kwdana, a town located in the southern countryside of al-Qunitra near the separation line with the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. It claimed that the force swept an area 500 meters in depth and 1,000 meters wide, removing even olive trees.

The Israeli group later withdrew after installing a fence made up of barbed wire around the infiltrated area, according to the blog.

This was not the first such Israeli infiltration into southern Syria. Two days earlier, a similar group entered the Ruqqad Valley in the western Daraa countryside and seized a herd of sheep that belonged to locals.

Israel escalated its attacks on Syria significantly since the outbreak of the war in the Palestinian enclave of the Gaza Strip last October, targeting Syrian military sites as well as personnel of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Lebanese Hezbollah and other factions of the so-called Axis of Resistance.

In addition to the reported infiltrations in southern Syria, Israeli drones and tanks shelled al-Qunitra and Rif Dimashq multiple times in recent days with one of the strikes killing a member of the country’s security forces. A series of strikes also hit several radar and air defense sites in Daraa and al-Suwayda.

These actions led to speculations that Israel may be planning a surprise invasion into southern Syria to further pressure Hezbollah and even Iran.


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don’t worry, it’s a new tactic that assad recently learned from r.f. syr is letting the zios invade its territory deliberately in order to set up a cauldron!

it’s going to work too, as soon as the syr army buy some steel cutters to clip though that pesky barbed wire fencing.

meanwhile half a dozen syrian agents, disguised as sheep, have penetrated the nazi zio state…

the fightback has begun!!

Last edited 5 hours ago by B.F.Finlayson

the next wave of syrian agents will be disguised as olive trees. they just need to learn from russians how to move quickly and inconspicuously using motorcycles.

Last edited 5 hours ago by SnowDen

chosenite cheerleaders all over this one. can’t stop the bleeding of the pariah kike entity occupying palestine however.


oh, as for the syrian agents disguised as bleeding sheep from the first wave of infiltration, don’t worry. each syrian agent masked as the olive tree from the second wave of infiltration will have a first-aid kit and second-aid kit as well. both of them high-quality stuff, bulletproof, made in the soviet union. combined with tire inflator. or infitlator ? i don’t know, maybe both.


come on, denofshit, give some commendation to hezbollah fighters for sending you gangsters to yahve’s dinner party in hell.. tell us how it’s becoming increasingly unsafe to dwell in mossad troll farms recently. you are good in killing civilians and bombing from afar but when it comes to close combat, no balls shown by zios.


my commendation to hezbollah commanders is to use pagers properly. seriously. it is very cool stuff, these pagers. however, you do not want to heat these pagers in cauldrons. not even together with hand grenades and mushrooms. simply never. the results are quite unpredictable.

Last edited 4 hours ago by SnowDen4

why is netanyahoo not sending his son to combat but insted keeping him in high security villa in us instead while not so well positioned khazar settlers got their sons and daughters killed by hannibal directive and by hezbollah and hamas fighters?


one million shlomos have fled occupied palestine, taking their shekels with them.


source : ‘where is he?’ netanyahu’s son draws backlash for being in us amid war. times, 25 october 2023.


i can’t wait to see tell aviv attacks iran, as part of us neocon policy of totally destabilizing near and middle east, because it will for sure spell the end of israel, a single and only abomination of state in the world. and will probably bring the the end of the so called united states of terror.


not the end of jew.s.a. but more peace in the middle east for sure.


by the way, where are the other 3 yarmulka trolls, denofshit, denofshit3 and denofshit4? you are working in shifts at the mossad troll farms? dwelling at the farms, like other zio cattle? if you carry on like what you are doing, in the near future hitler may become revered as a hero of humanity, not a villain. it’s up to you.


your fentanyl supply just arrived in the ghetto i take it.


oh, as for my fentanyl, don’t worry about that. ingenious russian commanders have come up with a way to heat wild mushrooms in combination with hand grenades in cauldrons. this strategy allows them to produce their own fentanyl in huge quantities. please don’t try this method in a plane steam engine cauldron, heating up the cauldron of the plane can cause you to blow yourself up and end up like prygozhin. very unlucky.

Last edited 4 hours ago by SnowDen3

i’ve been pointing out on sf since ’22 that r.f. is a zionazi/us enabler, and no friend to syr.

the zio-complicit r.f. recently set up ‘defence posts’ on the golan, alongside its long standing guarantee of free idf air access to syr, just to further assist tel.av. the latest farcical incursions are r.f. enabled, and only the start.

the golan heights are syrian + illegally occupied by isr (un art. 497). r.f. apparently doesn’t recognise this or the usa + trk occupation of n.syria.


i’m trying point up the same thing too, but never mind. maybe when there are a few thousand of us and we all draw attention to the same thing, maybe someone will notice.

krazykunt ottawa

taliban infirtrated my anuz in tel aviv gay bar


like cancer this chosenite puss spreads all over the planet. yet something indicates that the m.e. is about to excise the malignant abomination permanently from the region if not from the rest of the earth.


the jew is a land grabber thieving mobster by nature until he is stopped. meyer nutnyahoo is not long for this world and he has a spot in hell guaranteed.


sheep, olive trees, women’s underwear, the thieving kikes will steal anything.


the purpose of what goes on in palestine is to clear palestine of each and every jew there! thus, work on the civilians, like the jews work and kill palestinian women and children, till they realize their future is no longer in palestine. as a parting gift, netanyahu in a cage, to be pelted starved and abused to the end of palestinians fantasies!


if they would have not destabelized the syrian government there would be no pro iranian fighters there. if they would have not taken down the saddam hussein regime in iraq iran would have no way to get to syria, lebanon and isreal. the jews and their friends created the circumstances of this battle themselves.

Last edited 2 hours ago by kotromanic

israel is a demented genocidal terrorist regime. it has become a dangerous liability to its western sponsors and accomplices. the cost of supporting it has simply become too high – global economic chaos, economic collapse, global war, wmd war, maybe an extinction event. the political and diplomatic cost. they cannot openly abandon their rabid attack dog, so instead they encourage it to commit suicide to be free of this millstone around their necks, this albatros.


“go on, shlomo, you can do it! go and sort out these iranian ragheads! it’ll be a cakewalk! go for it!” so shlomo jumps off a cliff and talmudistan goes up in a big puff of smoke. “oh dear, what a pity, so sad, we won’t be able to give all those hundreds of billions to israel any more! no more epstein blackmail from aipac! how sad! never mind, we’ll find somewhere to relocate all the heebies, patagonia, madagascar maybe. oh well, never mind.”

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