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MARCH 2025

Israeli Forces Shot And Killed Al Jazeera Journalist In Occupied West Bank (Videos)

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Israeli Forces Shot And Killed Al Jazeera Journalist In Occupied West Bank (Videos)

Shireen Abu Akleh. Via Twitter.

On May 11, Israeli forces have shot and killed Al Jazeera’s journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in the occupied West Bank, according to the Palestinian health ministry.

Abu Akleh was reportedly hit in the head by a live while covering Israeli raids in the city of Jenin. The Palestinian-American journalist was rushed to a hospital in Jenin in critical condition, where she was pronounced dead shortly.

Another Al Jazeera journalist, Ali Samoudi, was also wounded with a bullet in the back while covering the raids in Jenin with Abu Akleh. The journalist is currently in a stable condition.

Both Abu Akleh and Samoudi were wearing distinctive blue press vests and helmets. The journalists were shot while standing with other journalists.

Samoudi and other journalists at the scene told Al Jazeera that no Palestinian fighters were present nearby when the incident took place.

“We were going to film the Israeli army operation and suddenly they shot us without asking us to leave or stop filming,” said Samoudi. “The first bullet hit me and the second bullet hit Shireen … there was no Palestinian military resistance at all at the scene”.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) shared a video of a Palestinian gunman opening fire at Israeli troops in Jenin to shift the blame for the incident. However, B’Tselem, an Israeli organization that document human rights violations in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories, confirmed that the footage were taken far away from the place where Abu Akleh and Samoudi came under fire.

Abu Akleh was one of Al Jazeera’s first field correspondents, joining the network in 1997. She became well-known as a reporter on the network’s Arabic-language channel, especially after covering the Second Intifada.

Al Jazeera described the killing of Abu Akleh as a “horrifying crime that breaches international norms” and was committed “in cold blood”. The network’s managing director Giles Trendle stated that the network was “shocked and saddened” by her death and called for a transparent investigation.

Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine, stated that he considered Israeli forces “fully responsible” for Abu Akleh’s death. From his side, the US Ambassador to Israel, Tom Nides, called for a “thorough investigation” into the killing of veteran Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh.

Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs Yair Lapid said that Israel is ready to launch a joint investigation into the death of Abu Akleh with Palestinian authorities in the West Bank. However, he stressed that Israeli forces will continue to “operate wherever necessary”.

The killing of Abu came following a series of Israeli operations and security incidents that claimed the lives of 28 Palestinians. The Israeli crackdown on Palestinians intensified after a wave of attacks that left 19 people dead in Israel and the West Bank.


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Edgar Zetar

Guess Israel arent so smart using hard force and enforcing policy we dont talk to our neighboors. What if suddenly Western Influence fall in the Mediterranean and then Israel would be surrounded by Arab Powers and Countries just like ancient and medieval era… then Israel would be in real troubles.


Would happen if the monarchs aren’t Jews themselves

Chris Gr

Jews are accused of communism, Jews are accused of fascism, now Jews are accused of monarchy?


If it’s bad or degenerate then yes it’s most likely Jewish.

Chris Gr

Basement dwellerism is also degrnerate.

Cuckmander Hebrew

Kek, a gayreek shitskin talking about degeneracy. Basement wanker, what’s your obsession with the underground? Is that where you shoot incest porn with your fat sow of a mother seeing as she’s the only woman willing to touch your micropenis?

Chris Gr

Stop lying. Australian women want it all time.

Cuckmander Hebrew

Don’t project, pindicked shitskin. No woman will touch your tiny, pathetic impotent cuckstick.

On the other hand, your dung brown hellenic whores are cumdumpsters for everyone from western europe to the middle east to even sub-saharan africa (and have been for thousands of years).

Gayreek shitskin micropenises are small and all gayreek statues from antiquity prove it. That is why Albanians come to your shitskin country every summer – to pound your whore women. No surprise that so many hellenic shitskins have an Albanian grandfather or great-grandfather.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuckmander Hebrew
Chris Gr

The truth is that the Australians are whores. Greeks have big dicks. Albanians are mostly Greeks.

Cuckmander Hebrew

Australia isn’t known for sex tourism – gayreece is and all colours and shades of men travel to shitskin hellas to pound brown hellenic whores who give up their mongrel pussies for the price of a newspaper, kek.

“gAyReeKs haVe biG DiCks” Compared to who, 8 year old boys? Boys who just hit puberty have bigger cocks than fully grown shitskin gayreek “men”.

And no, Albanians have way more light-haired/light-eyed people than shitskin hellenic wogs so no, they are not gayreeks. In fact, the few blondes and blue or green eyes you do have in your country is thanks to Albanian jannissaries raping the local christcuck whores in the ottoman era.

S Balu


Peter Jennings

Notice how the isreali apartheid regime has stepped up its attacks on Syria just as Russia deal with nazis in Ukraine? The isreali regime is part of a bigger regime. It’s the arsehole of 5 eyes so will backed to the hilt. The region has notoriety because ports all along the coast were used by the crusaders to invade the whole region. The crusading nations never did get over letting it all go. The NWO now have a race of isrealis to replace the crusaders. They will do the NWO bidding in the east whilst nato will do it everywhere else. The jewish lobby used a world war to get their promised land, and they will use the next to expand that land into their ‘greater isreal’.

Just a thought.

Chris Gr

Most eastern European and Orthodox nations recognize Israel. lol


Now just change the “state” to Russia and location to Donbas and you see two very different reactions from the West. It really shows who is fuking the EU and US. It is also not the first time ofc, these Zion have been killing civilians and kids ffs for years with the FULL support of the West.

Now, look at these fuking rtded clowns in the West doing in Ukraine. https://i.postimg.cc/rpdV86gC/1652227896091m.jpg Same in Zion-stan.


Side note, PressTV: Iran’s IRGC launches attack against positions of terrorists in Iraq’s Erbil “Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has targeted and destroyed positions of terrorist groups operating near the country’s western borders in Erbil, the capital of Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan region.”

Die Zion pigs.

Chris Gr

These radical Kurds of PKK have fought against Israel in the past. lol

Chris Gr

George Soros is against Israel and supports Palestine. Just saying.

Cuckmander Hebrew

And shitskin je(w)sus is a little White blonde gayreek instead of dumb brown kikeroach/cuckroach wog, isn’t he?

Chris Gr

I am not interested in your paraphilias.

Cuckmander Hebrew

But I’m very interested in the low IQ tripe you comment because I get to call you out as a retarded shitskin, which you are.

Chris Gr

My skin is white though but there is nothing wrong with any type of skin. But there is something wrong with your mind mr incel.

Cuckmander Hebrew

Shitskin mongrel gayreek, your skin is the colour of my shit and you know it. Even my pubic hair is longer than your hellenic micropenis.

I’ve travelled to your shitskin country and fucked your whores. All of them complained that the average gayreek has a short little pecker.

Chris Gr

LAPRer detected.

S Balu

Chris Gr But you travel often to occupied Palestine to attend LGBT FESTIVAL AND SEEN YOU DANCING WITH YOUNG BOYS

Chris Gr

With Palestinian women yes.

Cuckmander Hebrew

Concentrate on your own country, hellenic shitskin. Turdkish worse 🇹🇷, porkis 🇵🇰 and shit tons of other darkies are fondling and plowing your whore women on the beaches of your shitskin nation.

I don’t complain though. It’s just brown subhumans fucking other brown subhumans.

Chris Gr

You are probably Icarus Tanovic. Your Turkish and Pakistani friends are beaten everywhere.

Cuckmander Hebrew

Make up your mind what I am, shitskin. The porki shitskins and turdkish wogs in gayreece roam around challenging you hellenic darkies unopposed.

Funnily enough, the only times they are confronted, it’s an Albanian challenging them, not some gayreek pindick monkey.


They recorded something they shouldn’t have, most likely

Tom Bombastadillo

No, this was just typical “Jewish lightning”.

Muhammad your Prophet

The one the Islamic Yahoo freaks from the West Bank thought was an IDF soldier? The terrorist cockroaches filmed themselves admitting that they killed her. They were wearing a go pro. That’s why Abu Abu didn’t want any shared autopsy. Southfront’s incitement of terrorists won’t distract anybody from the calamity Putin created.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Tom Bombastadillo

This is exactly why “Death to Israel!” is such a popular phrase in most of the world.


lol at the video from the “Israeli foreign ministry”

Is this what passes as “evidence” in the zionist state? – A 15 second video that is clearly edited and doesn’t reveal the location of where it was filmed in relation to where Shireen was actually killed. Classical American and Israeli way of using the words such as “likely to” as justifications for stuff like invasions, sanctions and murder of people.

S Balu

Red guard Most are AI genererated DOCTORED HEAVILY

That's Squatters For You

So after all the whoring Al Jazzera does on behalf of the squatter scum, they still go ahead and blast one of their journalists to death.


Palestine Vs NAZI war criminals of NATO.


This is a war crime and an attack on journalism from the North Atlantic Terrorist Organisation (NATO).


Israel has been tolerated way past any standard of normalcy, it’s time for the state of Israel to disappear.

Iron Zion

We will neutralize more if they collaborate with Hamas. We cannot tolerate terrorists pretending to be journalist. If I was that patriot I would have finished off the second terrorist collaborator too. Israel will deal with all its enemies 🦾🇮🇱


That’s all you’re good for, shooting the unarmed. You government stopped the Israeli March after Hamas threatened to shoot at them, like pussies you did what Hamas told you to do

Iron Zion

You are a dirty liar like your terrorist Hamas comrades. The bitch was not “unarmed”, she was carrying out recon footage for her terrorist handlers and using the footage for propaganda. We dealt with her swiftly. We’ll deal with you swiftly too. Hamas touch one inch of Israel and will will cut them out, I swear 🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱

Cuckmander Hebrew

Look, a sandy-faced shitskin hebrew monkey calling others liars. Hey, brown ape, have you looked into a mirror and seen your dung brown dune coon/sand baboon face, you pindicked cuckold?

Hamas has been carrying out these attacks unchecked and brown rape baby shitskin kikeroaches like yourself are still waving their micropenises online, making impotent threats.

Hamas should actually kidnap kike sows and gangrape them. Post-puberty jussies (read “jewish pussies”) are raped weinstein style and underage kike sluts are raped epstein style.

You’ll be meaning that desert demon yhwh and Navi Moshe Shitskin very soon. He’ll analize you with his “magic staff” like a sand monkey.

Chris Gr

Australian women like Greek and Jewish dick in fact.

Cuckmander Hebrew

Go tell your perverted fantasies to someone who cares, monkey shitskin gayreek.

In reality, your hellenic sluts get their shitskin pussies stretched out by arabian 🇸🇦 dune coons and porki 🇵🇰 pajeets for both Euros and to experience a longer dick (since hellenic shitskins have infantile micropenises).

Chris Gr

Yes, Australian women like Greek dick. So do you. But I am not a fag.

Cuckmander Hebrew

Hellenic shitskin propaganda is hilarious. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, your wimminz likez muh three inch gayreek 🇬🇷 dicklet 🤏🏾”

Shitskin, I was a sailor and visited gayreece and fucked your whores when we docked. They complained all the time that gayreeks have tiny needle dick cucksticks…there was even a joke among gayreek hookers about ethnic gayreek customers – “3 inches, 3 minutes and 300 Euros”, KEK.

Cuckmander Hebrew

Confuckingratulation, shitskin shmuel. Her fellow countrymen are going to run around knifing and axing more of your mutt-faced kikeroaches/cuckroaches in retaliation and I cannot wait.

Boy, I live this intra-sandmutt darkie war. I’m backing the habibitches, though – lesser evil and whatnot. Hope the palestinian wogs kill a newborn kikelet this time; best shitskin hebrew mongrel infants are the best ones.

Shlomo Shlopinsky

The juden ARE rabid dogs and the entire world KNOWS this.

S Balu


worldwide ZOG

there is no being lower than these satanic rats


by now everyone ought to know the IDF aka idiot dumb fools,are psychopaths and cowards


USS Liberty, ISIS, 911 and Epstein to nme a few. The zioNUT PARASITE SLIME should be removed from this world by ANY means necessary.

Peter Jennings

Another murder by the isreali apartheid regime. Add her name to the list of thousands. One day the ICC will operate normally.


Israel is in the Land but out of God’s will. As God’s rebellious firstborn son he is in the place of the dead. He is defiled having touched the dead body of Messiah. As The wife of Jahovah she is a harlot having defiled herself trafficking with the Gentile nations during the last two millinia. Her time to be back in the Land is yet ahead. BUT only after she is brought to the place of repentance. Such has not yet occured. How? She is to be driven back out among the Gentile nations to be punished thus affecting the necessary repentance and salvation.

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