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MARCH 2025

Israeli Intelligence Calls Saudi King To Invite Netanyahu To Riyadh

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Israeli Intelligence Calls Saudi King To Invite Netanyahu To Riyadh

In this Tuesday, March 7, 2017 photo, Israel’s Transportation and Intelligence minister Yisrael Katz speaks during an interview with The Associated Press, in his office in Tel Aviv, Israel. (AP/Dan Balilty)

Israeli Intelligence and Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz has called on Saudi Arabia’s King Salman to establish full diplomatic relations with Israel. He suggested to the Saudi king to invite Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Saudi Arabia and to send Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman to Israel.

I call upon Salman, the King of Saudi, to invite the prime minister of Israel Netanyahu to visit Saudi Arabia,” Katz said on Thursday speaking at the Herzliya conference. “We saw what a wonderful host you can be… when President Trump was there. You can also send your heir, the new one, Prince Mohammed bin Salman. He’s a dynamic person. He is an initiator. And he wants to break through.”

Katz added that Mohammed bin Salman “is going to be a very welcome guest” because he and other members of the Saudi leadership know what Iran is and what has to be done.

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Pieter Lemmens

USA, Israel, Saudi Arabia are the axis of evil. Remove these three players and the whole world will give a deep sigh of relief.

John Mason

UK and France also.


Confirmed US-I-S all supporting ISIS.


Translation – of Netanyahu Cabinet underling – the damn North Americans just won’t wage direct war on Iran already, as we have been demanding for years – so how about you, Arab Peninsula, Saudi’s send your army up against Iran, we”ll back you up all the way – with a lot of editorials in the media…


It ought to tell you what a mistake the resolutions creating the state of Israel were when 70 years latter few in the region even have diplomatic relations with Israel and Israel has been a perennial problem child at the UN with dozens of resolutions against all of it’s continuous wars and crimes against humanity that continue non stop to this day. Creating Israel was a perfect example of how not to bring a new nation into existence and run a planetary supranational political organization.

John Whitehot

I don’t hate jews or anybody else.

My sense of justice and goodness can’t tolerate that one religious group, or country, or political entity takes over and dominates all the rest.

Satan? Evil guys and good guys? It’s the kind of bullshit that has been used to brainwash americans since like ever, and jews are a big part of this kind of indoctrinement.


How can you determine justice and goodness if you don’t want to make a differentiation between evil and good and consider making that type of determination bs? Your reply is conflicted.


RichardD John Whitehot is one already, he comes to play on Saturday after sunset.

John Whitehot

Because evil and good are relative concepts, depending on which society we are speaking about, in what historical period, in what location.

Also, who should decide what’s good and what’s not? because I refuse to give that authority to any human being having the same vices and flaws I have.


That’s a dodge. You talk about what your “sense of justice and goodness can’t tolerate” and then won’t answer my question about how you determine good from evil. But criticize me for taking a stand on good vs evil.

Here’s a suggestion from Jesus Christ, use the golden rule, I’m sure that you’ve heard of it. It’s a primary reason why evil Jews hate Christianity and try to destroy it.

John Whitehot

it’s not a dodge.

Every religion has done “good” and “evil”.

The “perversion and degeneracy” of the jewish talmud are no different than those shown by “christian” inquisitors during the middle-age, or by “muslim” jihadists during current times.

Caractherizing a religion as good or evil equates to try to indoctrinate people into becoming crusaders for their creed and make them subject to every sort of manipulation, which incidentially is a practice masons and “zionist” have always ever performed.

And as for Jesus Christ, I try to stick to one phrase:

“Peace on Earth to good-willing men”.


The dodge is your refusal to define your what your “sense of justice and goodness can’t tolerate” is based on and then your hypocrisy of criticizing me for defining what good and evil consist of.

The Spanish inquisition and Wahhabism are isolated misuses of Christianity and Islam for political purposes. They’re offshoots of the main stream religion that are contrary to what it teaches. The Talmud is mainstream Judaism that’s a perversion of the bible that it’s derived from. That’s why Jews are such a problem and have been subjected to suppression. Because the “religion” that most of them follow is an evil cult like Wahhabism and the Spanish inquisition. And they engage in anti social, immoral and criminal behavior and then attempt to justify it by their evil cult teachings and then complain about being punished for their malfeasance.

John Whitehot

calm the fuck down, i did not mean to quarrel.

I’ll try to clarify.

When I talk about sense of justice and goodness, I think it’s something all humans have regardless of their conditions of race, religion etc.

I don’t feel the need to listen to priests or other spiritual or social leaders to know what I can tolerate or not.

Of course, at some times there could be doubts, so I may seek “enlightement” and guidance in religious (but also other types of) sources.

Before you condemn me as an anarchist, I’ll tell you that on the other side, I’m convinced that a society based on a functioning state is the only way to have a degree of social justice, at least at this point of human evolution.


On this planet the moral structure of Christianity is codified into the laws of almost all governments that are UN members. That tells me that Christ’s teachings have universal application and are based in natural law from the creator. Judaism is a perversion of the bible, it’s a cult not a religion. Bible believing Jews are persecuted by the government of Israel and rabbinical Judaism.

Over 90% of Jews live in Israel, the US, UK and France. The Jew 4 is the source of more of this planet’s problems than any other source. And much of it stems from the Jew infestation. They’re a detrimental parasitical disease that attaches itself to the government, media and financial sectors to the detriment of the victim society.

Not all Jews are bad and some believe in what the bible teaches. But many are degenerate brain washed twisted cultists who do more harm than good. And when they get into positions of control that they have a tendency to gravitate to, they cause a lot of problems. Israel is a perfect example of how messed up Judaism is, and the threat that it posses to humanity.

Real Anti-Racist Action

If there is not Lucifer vs God, then everything is only social-construct, and everything is permissible, and nothing is actually wrong. The only place-origin where we even learn that Murder is even wrong, is from the Book of Enoch. Another wards, God. And then again later He reiterates this in the Ten Hedges of Protection (which is poorly translated as the Ten Commandments).

https://holodomorinfo.com/ http://realjewnews.com/ http://ihr.org/


Real Anti-Racist Action John Whitehot is one already, he comes to play on Saturday after sunset.

John Whitehot

I don’t see how you could sound more jewish than this.

You also must have done something to excite the below “red star” user.

And for what concerns religion, I can only speak for myself. The concept that God and the Devil are two distinct entities fighting each other for me is unacceptable.

If there is a God, and surely is not an “old man sitting on a cloud”, it is by definition the reason for which everything exists. “the devil” exists inside that array that is, God’s creation.

In fact, it’s just a matter of how man perceives things, both empirically and emotionally.


John Whitehot “…I don’t hate jews…”

Because you are one alweady, my life, LoL:)))


New and illegal Saudi crown prince seems to be as stupid as he looks. His US/Zio handlers won’t stop until the whole Arab world from Med to the Indian ocean is engulfed in the bloodiest civil war in last 500 years. First they encouraged him to start a war in Jemen he was bound to lose like all countries that tried it before. Then they instigated split with Qatar and greenlighted Saudi palace coup. And like the guy wasn’t generally hated both inside and outside the country, to add insult to injury, they advise him to break bread with Bibi – unifying both moderate and bat-shit-crazy Muslims in and around Arab peninsula against himself and his largely illegitimate regime. Why not just shoot yourself in the head and be done with it. Well, bring out the popcorn guys and enjoy the spectacle…


Well we’ll see. The most certain aspect is that with him there will be something to see, and we won’t be bored. Indeed peculiar how the architect of the Yemen war is failing upward; these guys have been too close to Washington for too long and it shows.

Real Anti-Racist Action

The bible also calls this battle the Battle of Armageddon which the bible says will kill off 1/3rd of every person on the earth. Probably Jews nuking Goyim’s mostly. Then the radioactive dust will go sit on top of Chinese and kill a lot of them also.

The Bible also says that this fake-Israel is evil. After this Israel, will come another Israel later after this one is overrun. The next Israel will be the good guys populated by actual Shemitic-Hebrews. This Israel is populated by a bunch of homosexual-Ashkenazi-Jews.

https://holodomorinfo.com/ http://realjewnews.com/ http://ihr.org/


Real Anti-Racist Action Brother Nathaniel is very good with his expose.


i would pay to see that lmao


These guys are on the move. They’re up to something, not necessarily for the betterment of mankind. In fact, they’re not shy about it. Wouldn’t hurt the Iranians to check they’re locked and loaded.


Fars News did a piece, on the coup that almost happened just after the blockade was imposed . The use of Blackwater’s air force , and troops is mentioned . Israel sending 30 odd jets to the Saudis , is suspicious to say the least .

Real Anti-Racist Action

Once again anyone notice how it is the Jews again? same people who used there Rothschild banks to start the First World War, and the same people who in 1933 declared a World War against ethnic-Germans which is what caused the 2nd World War! These people were cursed the moment they said before Jesus and Pilot “Let his blood be upon us Jews and our Jewish children’s children” They bargained with the devil to control the world, same offer Lucifer made with Jesus, but where Jesus refused, the Jews accepted.


Lmao. He said everything without saying anything. He likes Muhammed bin Salman for his anti-Iran stance. It is as if he already said… lets go bro and attack now before it’s to late… We are both runinning out of time!!!!! God allow this. I agree with them both on this one.. IRAN has to go and it has already destablized to many countries and they will not stop before they are stopped themselves


i would much rather prefer you go from this earth, forever, and not come back ever. you know why? because i’m iranian and your absolutely idiotic comment angered me. you should feel very ashamed of yourself.


Saudis have lots of planes with few pilots , Israel has the pilots . If the Qatar royal family manages an escape to Iran , the 700 billion dollar golden egg is gone .


golden egg?


Qatar royal family , holds a $ 700 billion trust fund , that is invested probably world wide Sweet reason to pull off a coup .


wowww no wonder, the zionists just want money!!!


Ronald “…the 700 billion dollar golden egg is gone …”

The goose that lays the golden egg also has to be cooked and served up for the poorer Arab nations kept hungry.


If the Saudi prince accepts this offer and goes to Israel or invites Netanyahu to Riyadh there will be a civil war in Saudi Arabia and the Saudi royal family will be completely annihilated! The Saudi Wahhabis hate everyone who is not them but they specially reserve some, very deep-seated religious hatred for the Jews. I don’t think this Israeli minister is aware of this.


christianblood That is exactly what the Khazars want to happen in Saudi Arabia, get its own people to cut their head off.


I think sooner or later this will happen in Saudi Arabia and other gulf-states. Their oil-rich, terrorist supporting theocracies will implode from within.


christianblood And it could not happen to nicer people, sooner rather than later, LoL:))) PS. Had to give both your posts an up vote.


Two distant cousins getting together, one Khazar and the other an Arab from a family who claim Jewish heritage.

“…In an interview to the Washington Post on September 17, 1969, King Faisal is reported to have said “We, the Saudi family are cousins of the Jews….”

1969 is after the 6 Day Arab – Israel War of 1967.

Carlos Danger

Israel is a smart freeloader as they are not involved in every stupid Middle East adventure the US does.

In fact they are a wortheless “ally” that gets a sweet deal of $38bn US tax dollars for the next 10 years for doing nothing. No offensive support for any stupid US Middle East adventure, no logistical support such as ports, air bases for these adventures. We are worried that they may be a target for retaliation such as from SCUDS while US service members will be the IED sponges for them.

What exactly has Israel done for the US other than sink the USS Liberty and kill some US Naval personnel?



if these absolute pieces of shit want a war, WE’LL GIVE THEM ONE!!!! A WAR TO END THEIR REIGN OF TERROR ONCE AND FOR ALL, but first thing’s first – finish what we started here in syria (destroying terrorists), TAKE BACK CONTROL, SHOW THE WORLD….the tide is turning!!


The Saudis should look at who the real threat to them truly is and that is Iran and their Russian puppets. All of the other Sunni nations around Israel have walked away form the Arab vs Jews conflict and so should they. They both support the formation of Kurdistan and have conflicts with the Iranian Theocratic Republic. making common cause with each other is in both of their best interests. This could open the door to the Ryhaid to Haifa pipeline and completely by pass the straight of Hormuz.

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