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Israeli Invasion In Lebanon Begins

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Israeli Invasion In Lebanon Begins

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Another war is beginning in the Middle East. Israel has completed the concentration of forces near the border with Lebanon and is launching its ground invasion.

Israeli troops began entering Lebanon under the cover of warcraft and UAVs. The US State Department confirmed that the Israeli army has invaded southern Lebanon and is conducting limited operations there.



The Lebanese Armed Forces and the UN Interim Forces left their positions in the areas bordering Israel and went inland to the Litani River. The Lebanese Armed Forces have withdrawn from their positions and observation posts on the border and they were reportedly taken by Hezbollah fighters. The fighting is ongoing between the IDF and Hezbollah.

Israeli special forces heading towards Lebanon. This is probably a reconnaissance group that should pave the way for larger invasion force:

Israeli Invasion In Lebanon Begins

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The mutual shelling of southern Lebanon and Northern Israel continues. Israeli tanks and artillery are shelling Lebanese territory. In response, Hezbollah is shelling the territory of Northern Israel. The Israeli military has declared part of the territory along the border with Lebanon a closed military zone.




Hezbollah has stated that it does not ask for help from Iran and will cope with the invasion on its own. Meanwhile, the Commander-in-Chief of the Iraqi Armed Forces instructed commanders to take the necessary measures in anticipation of any emergency situation in the region.


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ganbare israel !!! 🏁

Last edited 2 hours ago by Phariah

if at first you don’t succeed, get some more welfare from us taxpayers and try again!


never has a country achieved so much with so little. haters gonna hate 😡, the jealous gonna cry😭, dogs gonna bark as the caravan passes by.🤣🥳 🇮🇱

Enough Of Kike Drivel

you kikes love talking through your a-holes.


death to israhelli terrorists hope they return home all in bags inshallah


i thought they returned home in oversized adult diapers?


lezbollah is getting spat and pissed on daily lol

R. Ambrose Raven

“hezbollah has stated that it does not ask for help from iran and will cope with the invasion on its own.” which invites the world to make the assessment that iran has abandoned them. yet hezbollah’s actions so far have been far far below the promos, nor did hezbollah under nasrallah use its strength to strategic effect when it had it. it needs help, as does gaza. potential allies of iran, beware.


you, and fellow retards, are free to make any assessment your limited capacities allow. iran has been the target of unrelenting hybrid warfare by the us empire for forty-five years. should hezbollah have brought their air force to bear? perhaps their navy. the derp in you is reaching critical mass.


hezbollah are strong and will resist the brutal invasion of the jewish nazis of führer benjamin


jews are jews.


except their not the true jewish race, rather zionist extremist perverts…


how is lezbollah getting humiliated this badly tho? their missile capabilities have already been heavily degraded, they can’t even respond with a massive barrage, which is what their plan had always been, lezbollah thought they were tough and could slowly escalate under the premise that israel was scared of their rocket arsenal, the jews called that bluff and now have so many drones and aircraft in the sky that lezbollah cannot deploy a launcher without being fried

Last edited 51 minutes ago by NoWay

the cowards of the idf will not withstand a ground operation in a fortified territory… many losses looming will make public opinion within the criminal state of israel unbearable for dumboyahu.


we shall see netanyahu’s cost/benefit analytic performance soon enough. he is already considered an irrational state actor. and a mad dog. shall lebanon inflict enough damage on idf to force withdraw? how soon? and at what cost to lebanon? how will the rest of the muslim countries react? many of which are already considering this a neo judeo crusade…


if this is an actual invasion and not some kind of raid, israel will be hoping to achieve a quick victory. it cannot afford a long war here. neither can the us, whose inventory of all kinds of military equipment, shells, patriots etc. is severely depleted. the war in gaza is still raging and ukraine seems to have reached a crisis situation. hezbollah is unlikely to collapse. it will probably shake off recent attacks and settle down to what it does best – defend every inch of s. lebanon.


israel may well find it has leapt into another lebanon quagmire, with a depleted military and an unwilling us partner/ accomplice in the middle of an election. with iran and syria becoming involved, with at least some measure of support from russia/ china. as a wise chinese man once said, we seem fated to live in interesting times. hamas has not been destroyed after 12 months. somehow i don’t think hezbollah or iran will be either. and the hostages have not been returned.


lebanon has a much bigger paramilitary force than hamas. they are also better equipped. and the tunnel system is even bigger. the only other question is resolve. i think hamas had unmatched resolve due to the conditions they have been forced to live in which are as everyone knows a large-scale extermination-work-concentration camp.


my other concern is how much damage israel will do to lebanon? will it be another scorched earth policy? because this might be the straw that broke the camel’s back in terms of regional stability … and forces egypt and other muslim nations to break peace agreements and finally act. el sisi is hanging on by a thread. and pakistan and iran are poised to make a west asian defense agreement since both are the next likely targets


straits of hormuz? oil? hypersonic missiles? wmd? who else is going to get involved? what is the effect likely to be on a deeply dysfunctional us and eu? who knows? i don’t. 1939 started with a polish-german border dispute. 2 years later all the world and his dog were fighting in every nook and cranny of the planet.

Huckelberry finn

is yair still hiding in miami partying with whores and snorting coke in support of the iof?


i will piss on their graves when they return in pieces.


‘the labanese army retreated’, the lebanon government representatives and the army chief are pussies..they ran from the border area, what shame. go hezbollah kill as many child killers as possible

Last edited 1 hour ago by ZionistInBodyBags

the lebanese army is a complete joke. all it can do is provide a guard of honour for visiting dignitaries. the lebanese air force hasn’t had any planes since 1976.

rabbi hugo grin

khazharian mafia just probing slipping the tip in see if they get any reaction my advice is go in hard and deep for the synagogue of satan baphomet baal

time for the blood lickers to spill that tainted turkic russio steppe juice

Aldo Moroz

since it’s a non united nation’s sanctioned invasion of lebanon, iran can attack israeli invaders inside any territory they capture from sovereign lebanese soil as per the law of self defense, like the coalition forces inside syria do when their illegal occupation bases inside syria come under attack.


hezbollah are not women and children in gaza. israel is finding out

Dick Von D'Astard

strategy of desperation.

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