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Israeli Jets Struck Syria’s Masyaf Area, Near Positions Of Russia-delivered S-300 Launchers

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Israeli Jets Struck Syria's Masyaf Area, Near Positions Of Russia-delivered S-300 Launchers

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Last night, warplanes of the Israeli Air Force delivered strikes on the Syrian area of Masyaf in the province of Homs, according to photos and videos appearing online as well as statements of Syria’s state-run news agency SANA. According to the SANA, Israeli warplanes launched missiles from Lebanese airspace.

Despite response from the Syrian Air Defense, the Israeli missiles hit one of the military positions near the city of Masyaf. According to the Syrina version, some buildings were destroyed and 3 service members were injured.

It’s important to note that, according to satellite images released by Israel’s ISI, S-300 launchers delivered to the Syrian military is located near this area.

Israeli Jets Struck Syria's Masyaf Area, Near Positions Of Russia-delivered S-300 Launchers

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The 400 in S400 stands for the amount of times it has failed against 30 year old F16’s


Israel killed 15 Russians and a year later are still bombing aplomb with no casaulties in the face of “mighty” Russian air defense


Every time you post, We see your name and think what an ignorant fool. Israel’s geopolitical plan was to overthrow Assad, turn Syria into another Libya and weaken Iran’s influence in the region with the help of the West. You failed, Russia kicked your arse and made you look stupid. Go home dopey.

Allan Greedspoon

Just like Hezbollah kicked their arses in 2006. LOL. Weeping, urinating Israeli soldiers, calling for their mamas and kissing Israeli soil. No wonder these shills are so ashamed to be exposed as Israeli trolls . .


S 300 are not efficient if they are switch off on Putin’order. Putin’s best friend is Bibi. What’s the killing of 15 highly qualified Russian in front of the infedectible friendship for Israel and his prime minister.

Joe Kerr

Something is preventing Putin from retaliating, that’s for sure. Seems like the tentacles of the Khazar octopus have reached into the Kremlin.


Of course, that’s the reason. I don’t think the military agrees but for the moment Putin and his oligarchs are still in control.


Though it’s true Russia has strong historical ties to Israel, would you attack them if you were Putin?

Joe Kerr

Just another downing of an F-16 is all that’s required. If Syria can do it with an S-200, so can Putin. At least it will stop them violating Lebanese airspace.


Although Syria did it, I think if Russia did, the reaction would be far greater.

Allan Greedspoon

The Norwegian lunatic asylum escapee has now joined up with the Israeli shill who pretends to be an American patriot. Can someone please just call the men in white coats to take these chumps away for good?


I’m not Israeli, it’s just funny how the Russian “bear” gets its ass kicked by a country the size of New Jersey


Of course they’re always using US tech which trounces Russian junk as we can see


Once again you show your ignorance. Israel is a powerful country.

Joe Kerr

Only as long as its U.S. colony hasn’t been milked dry.


True that. It has a powerful ally.


why you laugh? you americans are israelis sex slaves…remember in their last war they hit one of you ships just for lols and you did nothing other than cry lol!!



What part of the world did your father come from? LOFL


Not an israeli – oh so you just work for them -LOL!

Israel lost in Syria, pathetic losers beaten by normal guys in sandals and not much else. The zionist is supported by the US and they still can’t win, they are so rubbish it beggars belief.


Dont be a shill Israel is not attacking Russian forces they know better. Lets see 4 missiles fired & 3 shot down I would call that US junk lol

Real Anti-Racist Action

Oh I know you do not live in Israel. But I know that you hate indigenous Europeans. I know that you hate the Founding Fathers of America and everything that they stand for. I know you are racist. And I know the global shift turning against your kind. Here’s a toast to the future, it is going to be burning very bright. https://principlestudies.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/The-Christian-Life-and-Character-of-the-Civil-Institutions-of-the-United-States.jpg


Nah I don’t hate Europeans, they just need to learn their place

Real Anti-Racist Action

There place is to stay away from the ME and Africa and to not be involved at any level with Israel ever. Plain and simpler truths have never been spoken.

Taz T

Have you ever wondered the timing of this attack , it happened after Bibi met up with Putin and after recieving a dead Israeli US born soldiers from Putin. It happens with Russian knowledge. Russia is more interested in using Syria as testing ground for its weapons and is never going to attack Israel because of more than 1 million Russian Jews who have emigrated to ISrael stealing Palesting lands. S300 … are either useless or never been used either case what is the point of having them if they can not do the job.

J Ramirez

How many Americans did the Jews kill ?


Nope Israel didnt kill 15 Russians that was the Syrians who hit the spy plane by mistake only due to cowardly zios using it as a decoy.


Israel has murdered a lot more American servicemen, than Russian…………………….why are you so quiet about that fart features ?

Tommy Jensen

We Americans could pin-point strike Russia´s S400 and S-300 in Syria at any time we want. Have you seen any of these S-400 and S-300 in function in Syria? No! Try to ask your dummy heads why. Because the Russians know it. The Russians know we Americans are superior in all areas, in intelligence, in strength, in military, in finance, in culture, in freedom…………………………..LOL.


So after Turkey shot down a Russian fighter, Russia deployed the system in Syria. Now Turkey wants the s400 for its defences despite a potential falling out with NATO. Think. Everyone knows the system is capable.


It hasn’t harmed a fly in over 30 years

It’s a toy, Israel craps on it every day in Syria


What do those attacks achieve considering the overall bigger picture of the war? Nothing. Why would Putin risk all out war by shooting down an Israeli jet over Lebanese airspace? It’s obvious that Putin won’t be baited, rather he carefully makes decisions that lean toward cessation of hostilities, rather than an increase. Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Jordan, have all come to the negotiating table, an though there have been compromises he has managed to lessen their influence in Syria. Russia holds the power in Syria at the moment. It’s just your head is so far up your patriotic arse, you can’t see it.


Israel lost in Syria, as simple as that. Virtually all investment in the attack on Syria has been wasted, and the zionists are furious. They are in white rage and are wasting expensive missiles on rubble. Lol, it is so stupid. And the non-White-Zionist-Stooge is a moron.


And that’s why Turkey wants it?

Joe Kerr

Really, you “could”… or could you? So what’s stopping you… fear? What happened to your “all options” threat to Venezuela? Your bravado is where your “culture” is… up your arse.

Ishyrion Av

My dear Tommy, you, the American, can strike only a big mac. But you, the Americans, are certainly superior in eating, you are the most obese nation in the world. Culture, freedom, you don’t have any. Military, finance, all will fall together with that piece of paper called dollar.


Why then is the USA threatening to cancel an $11B sale of F-35 to Turkey over their buying of a ‘non functional’ missile system?

Turkey are not simply purchasers of the F-35 …. they are manufacturing partners …. kicking them out of the F-35 program not only costs the US in sales but since Turkey makes key parts of the F-35 this move will make the F-35 more expensive for US taxpayers and right at the point where the program is hitting full stride you will have to find new manufacturers for key parts.

Aside from that Turkey is a key NATO member with the second largest military force and a vital strategic position on Russia’s southern flank. Breaking relations with Turkey risks critically weakening NATO ….. why would the USA risk losing Turkey as a NATO member over a useless missile system?

Then you have the IAF afraid to overfly Syrian airspace. Like all other attacks on Syria the IAF attacked from Lebanese airspace this time again hiding behind civil aviation in the airspace of a non combatant country that doesn’t have the means to defend their airspace. The only other route the IAF uses to attack Syria is through Jordan to Iraqi airspace then through the Kurdish controlled airspace in eastern Syria. The IAF is functionally shut out of Syrian airspace and forced to take pot shots from the edges.

Most people don’t understand the military situation in Syria. The US coalition and IAF have hundreds of land based combat aircraft within striking distance of Syria as well as carrier based aviation, missile boats offshore, THADD artillery …. the Russians have 4 air superiority fighters and 2 air defence systems + EW. The odds are ridiculously against the Russians

With these few forces …. which the coalition should be able to wipe out in a matter of minutes …. the Russians have enforced a no fly zone that limits the mighty IAF to making pot shots at Syria and has the USA paying billions, fucking up the F-35 supply chain and risking allies just to keep Russian missiles out of Turkey’s hands.


Actually Israeli warplanes use third party undefended air space – Lebanon – to launch stand-off, air to surface missile and glide bomb attacks against Syria. Furthermore, since the arrival of S-300’s in Syria the IAF now actually hide behind commercial air traffic when launching these attacks – if the Syrian’s are not counter launching SAM’s it’s very likely because they are responsible enough not to risk downing any commercial aircraft that IAF are (human) shielding themselves with.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

Very well put. And there’s nothing they can do in retaliation otherwise ALL their assets in the Middle East would be pulverized starting with Syria. GOOD NEWS: USS Carrier with 90 F-18 Super Hornets ENTERED Mediterranean Sea today :)


Actually there is a LOT the Russians can do if the USA or Israel attack them in Syria. Russia could turn every air base in the middle east to radioactive ash in about 30 minutes. Russia can easily kill US carriers in the Mediterranian from the Black Sea and in the Persian gulf from the Caspian.

Get a map and learn to read it for christs sake ….. do you really believe that Russia has held the entire USA / coalition and Israel at bay for three years with just 4 air superiority fighters and 2 banks of missiles? They have you in check strategically …. it’s a stalemate ….. neither side can take out the other by force without being taken out

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

US would smash them instantly. And US Carrier strike groups would be deployed everywhere to counter Russia. Then if it goes nuclear, THAAD and interceptors will safeguard the US Homeland while Tridents Israeli Jerichos rain down on enemies :)


Thats funny.

“THAAD and interceptors will safeguard the US Homeland”

If you believe that then you really should spend the $60k and go to Trump University and learn how to become a billionaire flipping houses …. or maybe buy a New York bridge and make a fortune by putting up a toll booth.

Try testing out your “THAAD and interceptors will safeguard the US Homeland” theory.

Have a friend shoot at you from 300 yards with a high powered rifle then have another friend shoot the bullet out of the air with a shotgun before it hits you. That’s what THADD claims to be able to do. It should be easy because your friends bullet follows a simple ballistic trajectory at a fraction of the speed of an ICBM warhead without maneuvering, decoy or EW countermeasures and there is only one bullet to track …. not the dozen or so in a MIRV’ed warhead


If you cared for truth and justice, you would not use the term ‘good news’. Your country supports radical Islam to overthrow legitimate Governments. Your country is wicked and full of deceit. You are the bad news.

Joe Kerr

Even Iran has missiles that can sink U.S. carriers, so for Russia it’d be just target practice… before taking out Schitrael.


Yes Tommy maybe you should tell that to the Taliban after 18 years failure to defeat them lol


Are the jews begging to be nuked?


and who is going to do the nuking? Unless you mean to get hit hard.

Promitheas Apollonious

HH 1691, is a lady so you know.


k thanks


Let me rephrase it: are the jews so desperate to get hammered?


yes I think is what you mean to say. Well it be good if the guns get free against them. For the moment the policy looks like giving them a free ride.


All in due time.

Taz T

Russia will never attack Israel afterall there are more than a million Russian Jews in Israel. Syria can not rely on Russia to defend it. Russia is just interested in testing it weapons which are obviously not working and handing Israeli dead occupiers back to Israel with military honour.

John Whitehot

last time i checked, Russia helped Syria destroying israeli supported ragheads and bibi was mad as fuck.

“defending” against provocation is just what the provocator wants, so fuck him.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Maybe that will start happening actually. Maybe the oppressed in Israel will switch it up from just ramming attacks to then getting out and doing hammer attacks. Desperate people can become innvavative. Maybe in the future they will hollow out the inside’s of the hammer handles and pack them with explosives and then light then and toss them. Maybe that is the type of hammering they want? Who knows. We’ll just have to stay tuned.


For you I shall explain in details: the “hit and run attacks” of IDF have been all in all not successful but provoking. This is another provocation, nothing else. Why? Did they achieve their “objective” to get Iran out? Do they have a saying who should the Syrians keep in and out? Are they still invincible when we know what happened to their baby “isis”. Do they want retaliation? It looks like they are asking, begging, demanding it.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

no, but Iran is begging to be anointed with some Israeli thermonuclear Jericho ICBM’s :)


Exactly how would Israel justify that action to the world if they used nukes on Iran killing tens of millions – they would become a reviled nation of criminals.

Allan Greedspoon

They are already a “reviled nation of criminals” . . .

Joe Kerr

If Israel could’ve, it would’ve… but the Samson Option will remain what it is, an orc’s wet dream.

Xoli Xoli

We had a meeting in Moscow permission granted to destroy Syrian army or else S-300 is gone.Israel is capable to destroy even S-400 because Putin is to slow to act.Putin make Russian army laughable because of his weakness against Erdogan and Satanyahu.

John Whitehot

“We had a meeting”

you mean you had a meeting with solomon, bey_putina, putincracker, richard and so many other clowns, and you realized you were alone with the cerilla in your hand?

Xoli Xoli

Sound like you escape with total confusion from your mothers another hall.

John Whitehot

bibi and the nazis must be hurt that their lander is now a wrecked pile of junk on moon’s surface.


Indeed, someone has to be punished.


yes the squatters should rightfully be punished with a non-revocable eviction from the land they have stolen and never be invited back again – ever ever,

John Whitehot


Zionism = EVIL

The laughable Zionist moon shot proved to be a total dud. Believe me the Zionist scum are all hype and have not been tested since Hezbollah humiliated them in 2006. Time to retaliate and see how much they want to escalate. The problem is that Iranian mullahs are idiots who got involved in Syria without realizing that Russian arseholes are totally in Jew pockets. It is finally dawning on Assad even and the next phase will be to target Russians in the region who are even worse than Americunts. Putin is Jew fuck and Nutter Yahoo’s boyfriend and his agenda is a carve up of Syria as per Americunt and Zionist. There were a few real Russian nationalists in the military who are being weeded out. Shoigu is very popular and a threat to the Jew fuck retard Putin and will be booted out soon. Stay tuned!

Taz T

Whenever Bibi / Putin meet up Isreal attacks Syria against all international norms from airspace of another country probably after informing Russia first. It is a redicolous situation. Israel will not stop unless Syria sends several missiles to Tel Aviv. What has Syria got to lose?

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

What has Syria got to lose? Hmmm… USS Carrier Strike Group with 90 F-18s/F-35s just entered the Mediterranean on route to Syria :)

Taz T

That’s what Israel want to get US involved. The coward American will not get involved on the ground hiding behind Kurd. They can only fire from air and sea just like Israeli unless they are facing unarmed children and civilians until they get hit and then The American people will say what are we doing in Syria. Are we Israeli puppet controoled by Zionist fiancial masters.

Zionism = EVIL

US is facing imperial overstretch and is bankrupt, the economy is in very bad shape, a recession is coming and OIL is pushing $80 a barrel and Libya and Iranian cut backs are hurting. US is facing a major offensive in Afghanistan and a slow war of resistance in both Iraq and Syria soon. No Americunt even a total fat lardass buffoon will die for filthy Zionist gutter rats. Average redneck hates the Jews more than most.

Ishyrion Av

You are so green and so fool. Anyone can destroy, very few can build. Think at this.

Zionism = EVIL

No Americunt, even brainwashed dumbass rednecks will die for filthy Jew parasites. It is all hot air and time to put it to test. A few missiles aimed at US taxpayers funded Azrael Tower in downtown Tel Aviv will do the trick or crater the Ben Gurion rat hole.

John Whitehot

“Israel will not stop”

Israel will not stop at being unable to change anything on the ground in Syria.

Zionism = EVIL

It does not take the wisdom of Cyrus to realize that Russia is totally in corrupt Jew pockets and will not lift a finger to stop almost daily Zionist attacks on Syria, now happening quite deep using Lebanese airspace. The other FACT is that Zionist cancer is all hype as their much hyped and humiliating dud moon probe proved despite $3 billion Americunt taxpayers subsidy. The only reason the Zionist cowards can attack Syria is that there is no retaliation. Why do think the Zionist parasites don’t attack Lebanon anymore? or India attacks Pakistani trees anymore? It is simply because they will respond with force immediately. It is time the Syrians start hitting back with commensurate force, starting with taking out the Zionist ELINT station in the occupied Golan which is their eyes and ears on the region. The Zionists are basically cowards and simply can not afford a sustained and costly asymmetrical war. TRUST ME on this one. If Syria killed even a dozen Zionists, they will sulk for a while but will not escalate as their hovels will be destroyed.


Do hope the old castle in Masyaf doesn’t get wiped out. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fb/Masyaf_-_Gesamtansicht.jpg/450px-Masyaf_-_Gesamtansicht.jpg

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

this castle and its defenders long ago had a better chance of repelling Israeli Air strikes than the current Syrian Air Defense :)


“Wraith”: n 1 the ghost of a person seen before or soon after his death. So Jacob it must be hard operating without any true humanity. Best of Luck.

Allan Greedspoon

Wait until the missile war gets going pal. Your “holy land” is going to look like the land of Canaan 2,600 BC once again . .

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

well then Israel will use its Jericho ICBM and its enemies will turn into glazed desert glass :)

The Farney Fontenoy

Putin is in Israel’s pocket, he’ll do only enough to save face for Russia & nothing more-he only went into Syria because Iran finally got it through his thick skull that Damascus was about to collapse, and once it did he would lose Tartus-and that would lose Putin the support of the army. Despite all the hype, Putin’s position in Russian politics is very weak & he’s lost a lot of support from the voters, the average Russian is nowhere near as dumb as the average American so most don’t give a hoot about Israel, that’s the only reason Putin tries to look like a Syrian ally.

John Whitehot

“that’s the only reason Putin tries to look like a Syrian ally”

while the reason you try so hard not to look like a zionist or a serf of them, is simply money.

Real Anti-Racist Action

S-300 was something in the 1980’s/1990’s. But that was over 25 years ago. Weapons have advanced since then and the S-300 could not keep up. If it could keep up, Russia would not be scrambling to replace every single last S-300 system in Russia immediately. Cause they know S-300 cannot defend against 2019 technology. Serbia is looking to purchase S-300 this week, my advice is only to settle for the S-400 or something better (think laser). If it comes to a tossup Serbia between S-300 or tossing rocks at UK bombers, toss rocks. They are cheaper and have the same effect. In the 21st century 20th century hardware falls short against new age air weapons. Gotta fight fire with fire. S-300 is like trying to fight incoming fire by throwing a fish at it.

John Whitehot

astounding military analysis.


Are you referring to the laser, rock or fish part of the post? :)

Rhodium 10

Israel launched 4 cruise missile and one of them hit the target….of course the cost of 4 cruise missile is about 40 times more than the damage caused!


I doubt Israel cares about costs as US taxpayer is paying!!

Rhodium 10

As always journalist talk about “great damage” caused by Israeli airstrike….but when pro Zionist media post satellite photos of the aftermath……the damages are usually minimal and its a sign that air defense system work well in spite of bad qualified SAA….


Contradictory argument R 10. “when pro Zionist media post satellite photos of the aftermath……the damages are usually minimal and its a sign that air defense system work well in spite of bad qualified SAA” If the SAA air defence personnel were poorly trained, then you would expect greater damage. Saa AD seem to have a 70% strike rate. That is top class

Jacob Wohl's Nose

Conclusion: Jacob Wohl’s Rocket Nose is a much more effective missile defense system than the S-300

Cheryl Brandon


This is about deterring SAA from fighting the Wahabhist terrorists; The Zionist terrorists illegally enter Syria’s air space with USA’s blessings. Also, they would like to draw SAA into more Wars! Sad state of affairs. SAA also needs a better air force to protect the ground forces from above?

John Whitehot

“The Zionist terrorists illegally enter Syria’s air space”

they normally don’t, all attacks are done from lebanon, the sea and possibly us occupied territory.


Okay everyone needs to stop spreading lies. First of all, the S-300 is probably the most in effective system against small missiles. It’s not designed to target missiles but rather to target planes. If Syria were to use the S-300, they would need to shoot down Israeli planes, not their missiles because usi

John Whitehot

“Not only has the S-200 been proven to be extremely effective against aircrafts, but also against missiles which the S-300 lacks”

The S-200 is conceptually analogous to the S-300 (P branch, not V) when it comes to defend against missiles (although the latter has a larger engagement envelope) . The successes of the Syrian air defence against Israeli and western incoming missiles are owed in large part to Pantsirs and in a smaller percentage to Buks.

“Anyways, we can only imagine how good the S-300 is until Russia gains the balls to allow Syria to use S-300”

It remains to be seen if the Syrian personnel being trained has attained qualification. As I said earlier, you can’t train skilled specialists in short times.

Israeli planes disregard all the norms of international and moral conduit by flying alongside airliners (see the attack of Christmas), hoping that the syrian S300 mistakenly hit one of them and cause civilian deaths.

That this scum is worse than nazis there is no doubt, but the other countries involved can’t allow to become civilian killers so that bibi may finally involve the west in a war against Syria.


the nazis were under the complete control of the jews look people really need to wake up to these beings that control isreal they have being getting us to kill each other for a long time and guess what they are NOT going to stop unless we stop them but that is going to be extremely difficult mostly because so many people are ignorant about what these fuckers are up to we have to start doing something about this pretty soon or were all fucked


lebanese airspace -how come the lebanese haven’t got efficient airdefense and if that is the way it’s done by the squatters, via lebanon, place the syrian airdefense ina place where they can get at the squatters. it’s about time syria downed a few of those jets from the squatters.



Tony B.

When will Lebanon give Syria the green light to shoot down Israeli jets in their airspace?

Domenic Patrone

The Israilies will take a few of those S-300s to the grave soon, I fear. Anticipate.


This is a clear attack by the enemy, while Assad and even Russia spend most their efforts fighting other than zionists or nato (because they are scared or procrastinating).

Instead they will take out their frustrations on the little people (Women and Children in Idlib), cracking down on opposition, because its easier than facing the enemy.

Russia and China and Iran and Turkey are strong enough to take on nato, but the achilles of the Axis is cannibalization of efforts, in fighting Rebels.

Rebels are actually the Qi force behind the fight against nato. And The Axis is yet to unleash its full potential. Taliban is negotiating with nato, but it hasnt yet occurred to The Axis to do so as well.

John Whitehot

at any rate, strikes “near the x position” mean nothing (unless they are reported the way sf did, in which case the value is propagandistic).

If Syria is able to track the targets of Israeli munitions , or if their guidance systems are jammed, then they show good organization and discipline by not engaging.

Don’t forget that Israel may be performing probing attacks to observe signals from SyAD units, especially from S300s related radars (as in a situation where they try to learn if the systems turned operational).

If this is the case, it means only that neither Israel or the US coalition have much information on Syrian defensive systems and their operation/organization.

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